
Smokin Oken part 1


Oliver let out a deep groan as he shot a hot load all over his stomach. he took a few deep breaths a looked back at the picture he'd just been jerking off too. it was a picture of his two best friends, lilly and lilly, in tiny black bikinis by the pool. the tiny black bikinis just covered they're growing boobs and virgin pussy. "fuck" he said breathlessly "one day I'm gonna make you two mine" he stared at the photo for a few more moments and then got up to take a shower and get dressed for school.

"Miley! lilly!" Oliver called running down the Hallway of Seaview Highschool.
"Hey Oliver" the girls said in unison turning around.
oh god theyre sexy, oliver though.
"uhhh, oh hey uh my mom is going out of town for some work thing so ill be home on my own for 3 days. i was thinking maybe you two might like to come over and just hang for a few days"
"sure!" they said once again in unison.
"great, come on over tonight around 6"
they said goodbye and went their seperate ways to different classes. all day the only thing oliver could think about was what he was going to do for 3 days with two of the hottest girls in school. his cock was growing very hard inside his jeans and he was temted to go off to the bathroom and work out another hot load of cum, but decided to save taht for miley and lilly instead.
the day was excruciatingly long. every second that ticked by miley and lilly where in olivers thoughts. he was sitting in math, hislast class of the day, and instead of algebra oliver was thinking of roughly bening lilly over and pounding her doggy style over the edge of a couch.

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   hos balls slapping herclit, her boobs rubbing against the couch, her deep moans muffed by the cushions. the bell rang snapping oliver out of his day dream. he sprinted for the door, pushing past the swarm of people in thehalls out to the parking lot. he got into his car and raced home as fast as he could. he went straight into the bathroom and eant over the sink looking at himself in the mirrot. "get a grip man" he instructed his reflection. he removed his clothing revealing his developing teenage body. his broad shoulders, the deep v leading into his pants. he stepped into the shower to cool off and calm himself down before wrapping a towel around his waist and walking around the house setting up everything he would need for that night. he started in the kitchen, getting all the snack food that would be left uneaten ready. then he got the food that would be eaten, whipped cream, chocolate sauce, ice cream, all good foods for licking.
he gathered some pillows and blankets and put them on the couch and then walked to his room to pick out some dvds. he picked out a few comedies and then his favourite porn.

after everything had been set up, oliver quickly got dressed and waited for miley and lilly to arrive. when the doorbell rang he had to restrain himself from running to the door.

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   he took a deepbreath and opened the door before he could change his mind about his plans.
"Oliver!" miley screamed as she launched herself into his arms.
"Hey miles" he said wrapping his arms around her and squeezing her tightly. time slowed down all he could think about were mileys impressive boobs pressed against his chest moving back and forthwith each breath that she took. lilly was the next in line to press her boobs against oliver as they hugged. they werent as big as mileys but oliver still couldnt wait to suck and lick them.
"come on in guys"
they walked to the lounge room and put down their stuff.
"im so excited for the next few days!" squeeled miley, "its going to be awesome!"
lilly and oliver both agreed.
"should we put a movie on first or go swimming?" asked oliver.
lilly and miley looked at each other for a second. "SWIMMING!" the screamed in unison.
"alright well let me just go pick up the junk off my floor in my bedroom and you two can get changed in there"
oliver ran up the stairs to his room, chnged into his board shorts and went to his bookshelf. he reached behind his old science text book and turned on the video camera he had hidden. oliver ran back dow stairs.
"all yours" he said.

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   the girls ran up the stairs to his room as oliver walked outside hardly able to contain his thoughts of what the video camera would capture.

a few minutes later the girls came running outside with their towels in their hands. "yes!" he thought. miley and lilly were wearing the same tiny black bikinis from the photo he jacked off to every morning.
miley and lilly wore the same bikini, but it fit their bodies differently. mileys hugged her hips and sat nicel on her ass but it strained across her boobs trying to keep them from breaking free, and gave oliver a good view of some side boob. lillys however fit perfectly across her slightly smaller chest but showed off her tight ass. all that sport definaboobly gave her good legs and a great ass. oliver licked his lips as he imagined sucking on mileys boobs while he fucked and spanked lillys ass. he was brought out of his day dream by miley pushing him into the pool with the girls following. oliver stayed under the water as the girls came up. mileys bikini top had given way to the size of her boobs and had slid over enough on one side for oliver to see her nipple. he just wanted to swim over, grab her and suck and bite that nipple right then and there. but he stopped himself before he could. he knew hed have to wait until later that night to make his first move.

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   he came up for air and swam over to the girls embracing them in a hug. he felt mileys bare nipple press against his naked chest and lost control. his cock began to grow hard in his board shorts. he moved slightly away from the girls to make sure they wouldnt feel anything.
"hey lets play marco polo" oliver suggested, "ill go first"
he shut his eyes and gave the girls a few seconds to swim away.
"marco" he began
"polo!" the girls replied.
oliver dived under the water and opened his eyes. he swam straight for lilly and came up for air not to far from her "marco"
"polo!" the girls screamed again.
once again oliver had dived under and looked to find where the girls were. lilly hadnt gotten far away. he swam over to her and pinned her against the pool wall. his hand were on her arms and his hips kept her pinned to the wall. he opened his eyes with his face just a few inches rom hers.
"got you" he said quietly. he saw lilly blush.

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   he knew she could feel his hard cock against her. he winked and swam away.
the game continued as normal until miley was it again. miley was getting very close to catching oliver. but from where he was and how she was swimming, her hand would make full contact with his cock at any second. one more call and that was it. miley headed straight for oliver and her hand touch his cock. she came up from the water very quickly and looked at oliver blushing. he pressed his hips forward so his cock was pressing further into his hand. miley squeezed her hand against his cock. the pair stood there for a moment looking at each other.
"miley?" he asked
"your hand is still on me" oliver told her with a wicked grin
miley turned bright red and quickly moved her hand away.
that was all he needed. he now knew the two girls wanted more of what they felt in the pool.

the three dried off and went inside to watch movies.

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   oliver insisted that the girls didnt need to go changed and they could just sit and watch in their swim wear. the girls agreed and sat down to start watching movies. oliver put on one of the comdies he gotten from his colletion and sat down in between miley and lilly.
halfway though the movie lilly had put her head on olivers lap and miley had pulled his arm around her shoulders and was snuggling into his chest. his hand was just inches from mileys boob and he decided to start making his move. he stretched out a bi further and let his finger tips gently brush over her nipple through her bikini. mily shivered and he saw her look at him out of the corner of his eye. miley looked back at the screen and continued to watch the movie. oliver took his other hand and rested it on lillys hip. nothing. she didnt react at all. he gently rub her skin right along the top of her bikini bottoms with his thumb. . . .

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  still nothing. he moved his hand further over mileys boob and let the full palm of his hand lay flat on her boob. miley moved closer to oliver. he knew he was in. he cock started to grow in his pants and he felt it press into lillys cheek.
"lets watch soething else. im bored of thismovie" miley said.
"perfect timing" oliver thought. he got up to change the dvd.
"you girls mind if i choose?"
"nope" they both replied
"okay. but you gotta sit and watch the whole thing no matter how much you dislike it. agreed?"
"agreed" miley and lilly said.
oliver opened up a dvd case and slipped in his favourite lesbian porn movie"
he settled back between miley and lilly and pressed play on the remote.
moans filled the room as the two girls on screen kissed and fingered each others pussy.

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  . . . . what is this?" miley asked quietly in disbelief.
"First Time Lesbians. Best movie ever!" he exclaimed
"porn?" lilly asked
"you two agreed to watch whatever i put on. now quiet down, watch and enjoy"
the girls stayed silent and oliver put his hands back on mileys boob and lillys hip. oliver grew harder and harder and could feel his cock pressing very hard into lillys cheek.
"lilly?" miley said
"yeah miles?"
"are you getting. . . . . a little turned on by this?"
"are you?
"me to"
oliver couldnt believe it.


   both girls were actually enjoying the porn. he took a chance.
"have you two ever tried anyhing like that?" he asked.
"what?!?!?!" the both screamed.
"well, i mean you said it was turning you on. "
"oliver, ive never even kissed a boy" said lilly
"yeah and things with me and jake ryan didnt exactly get far"
"lilly sit up. " oliver instructed. she sat up and looked and him.
"now wha-" she started but was cut off by oliver leaning into her and kissing her.
"now youve kissed a boy"
lilly blushed and looked away. miley sat and stared in disbelief.
"what miles?" oliver asked "do you feel left out?"
before she got to reply oliver leant in and kissed her too. both girls were now blushing and silent.
"Miley come with me for a minute" oliver said getting up off the couch.
"lilly why dont you stay here and watch some more of the movie"
miley followed oliver upstairs to his bedroom while lilly stayed and watch more of the movie.

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   oliver locked the door behind them and turned to face miley.
"you know miley you've grown into a very beautiful woman over the last few years. "
"naw thanks oliver" miley replied.
oliver slowly walked to miley until she was against the wall. he put his arms either side of her against the wall.
"i can't help but look at your body miley. its amazing. but im tired of seeing it behind all those skimpy clothes you wear. i see you as hannah and i see you as miley. when youre hannah you dress up in those tight little costumes that make all the dads hard for you. and as miley you wear tiny little shorts and low cut tops that make all the guys at school drool over you. but now i want to see you as something else. do you know what i want to see you as?"
miley stayed silent and shook her head.
"i want to see your beautiful naked body" he said brushing her cheek with his finger. "i want to see every inch of you.


   and then i want to explore every perfect part of you" oliver pressed his lips to mileys. gently at first. but he grew rougher with each second. she tried to fight back as he got rougher, but being much bigger then her all he had to do was take her wrists in one of his hands and pin them above her on the wall. his tongue continued to play with hers as his free hand reached around her back and slowly undid her bikini top. he let it fall to the floor and then rest his hand on her side. he let his lips wander over her neck and shoulders. sucking on her collar boe and then back up to her lips. he slide his hand up and down her sides and traced patterns on her toned stomach. then he slide it up and cupped one of her c cup boobs in his hand. he gently began to massage her boob and miley let out a soft breathy moan.
"seems like someone it enjoying themselves" he laughed before moving back to her mouth.
he continued to kiss her and then pinched her nipple and rolled it between his fingers making miley moan even more. he pressed her hips hard against the wall with his own and let his hard cock press into the mound of her pussy.
after a few more minutes of grinding his hips into her and kissing he pulled her away from the wall and held her close to his chest in his arms.

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   he walked her to the bed, not once breaking the kiss, and layed her down crawling over the top of her. he rested his weight on one elbow and ran his other hand through her hair as he continued to kiss her. he could tell miley thought he was being romantic and sweet. everything was going according to plan. he kept kissing her and pulled her arms above her. very quickly, before miley could protest, oliver got some hand cuffs and cuffed one wrist to one bedpost and then her other wrist to the other bedpost.
"oliver!" miley said, "what are you doing?!?!?!"
"shhhh. oliver kissed her once more. "its ok miles, just relax. "
but she didnt relax. she began to kick and scream.
"alright miley if thats how youre going to be"
oliver pulled out a ball gag and gagged miley before getting 2 more pairs of handcuffs and cuffing her ankles to the bed.
"i didnt want to have to do that. but if you arent going to behave and do what i want you to do then ill have to make you do it" he walked to his desk and got out a knife. mileys eyes grew wide.

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"dont woryy, i wont hurt out" he said. he slipped the knife under the leg of her bikini bottoms and cut them off her leaving her lying neaked on the bed.
"mmm, i thought you shaved" he stood licking his lips staring at her bare pussy.
oliver knelt between her legs and kissed up one thigh while rubbing a hand over the other. hecould hear miley try to protest but ignore her muffled pleads. he reach to her pussy and spread her pussy lips apart.
"soaking wet. i knew you enjoyed that" oliver laughed, "now you wait right here and ill be back in a little while. "

oliver left miley how she was and went back down stairs to see what lilly was up to. she was right where he left her. she was lyign on the couch still watching the porn that was playing.
"hey lilly" he greeted plonking onto the couch next to her
"wheres miley?"
"she decided to hve a nap. hows the movie going? are you liking it?"
"yeah. its good. ive never really watched anything like it before"
"do you watch porn at all?"
"i have once or twice.

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   it was good. but i jsut wish i could be like those girls in them"
"well maybe you could be"
lilly sat silently thinking before turning to oliver.
"thank you for kissing me earlier. it was nice. "
"no probs lilly. i liked it a lot. "
lilly blushed and before she knew it oliver and pinned her down to the couch and was kissing her again.
by this point oliver was gettign so turned on by the fact that everything was working out perfectly that he was begining to get impatient. he kissed lilly roughly and grabbed his last pair of handcuffs that he had stashed in the couch. he cuffed lillys hands together and sat back up from her.
"oliver what are you doing"
"im going to make you enjoy yourself lilly. im going to make me enjoy myself to. but that means you do as i say. agreed?"
"oliver cut it out and untie me"
"nope. this is my house.

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   you have to do as i say. "
"lilly, im going to make you into my own personal slut whether you like it or not. and if you try and protest, then ill do to you waht i did to miley"
"what did you do to her?!?!?"
lilly jumped off the couch and ran to olivers room only to find miley cuffed and gagged. oliver walked in behind her and locked the door.
"do you want to be tied and gagged like that to lilly or will you do as i say?"
lilly thought about it for a moment.
". . . ill do as you say. "
"good girl. now if i uncuff you have to promise you wont fight me or try to run off okay?
"ok. "
oliver uncuffed lilly and she remained standing where she was.
"good girl. take off your bikini" oliver instructed. she did as she was told.

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   her b cup boobs sat perkily on her chest. oliver let his eyes wander down to his pussy.
"hmm looks like someone needs a shave" he said. "miley do you agree to be a good girl like lilly or do i need to leave you there a bit longer?"
miley muffled a response and nodded. "you do?" she nodded once more.
"good. " oliver moved to uncuff and ungag miley.
"now girls. into the bathroom please"
the girl walked into the bathroom, oliver following behind staring at their asses. he could not wait to spank those.
"lilly get in the bath. i want your pussy under the faucet and prop yourself up on your elbows so you dont drown"
lilly did as she was instructed.
"now miley go and turn the tap on. make it nice and warm. "
miley turned the tap on and let the warm water gush over lillys pussy hitting her right on her clit.

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"now get in the bath with lilly but face the other way. put your pussy right up to lillys face"
once again she did as she was told.
"lilly take a good look at mileys pussy. see how she shaves all the hair off. thats what i want you to look like. so miley grab the soap and shave all that hair off lilly. "
as miley began to work oliver grabbed out his camera and started snapping away.
"lilly. you liked that porno didnt you?"
lilly stayed silent but nodded.
"remember how one girl licked the others pussy. i want you to do that to miley"
lilly stuck out her touge and hesitated for a moment
"its okay lilly. miley wont mind. go ahead"
lilly lick the full length of mileys pussy making her jump.
"taste nice?"
but oliver didnt need a reply. lilly began to feverishly lick at mileys pussy while miley shaved lillys pussy/
after a few minutes miley began to shake and buck her hips and cummed all over lillys face.

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   lilly loved it and licked up every drop of cum she could.
"very good girl lilly. i can see ur going to turn out to be a good little slut. miley, keep shaving that pussy. "
miley finished up shaving lillys pussy and then oliver got the girls to go back to his room.

"miley lie down on the bed. "" miley lied down and oliver crawled over the top of her. he let his hard cock pressed against the hairless mound of her pussy while he kissed her and ran his hand up the side of her body. he took her wrists in his hands and used the handcuffs to chain her back to the bed.
"oliver! i did what you told me to do! why are you tieing me back up?!" she protesed
"miley just relax. im doing this for a reason so shut up and just enjoy it you little slut"
miley was silent as oliver proceeded to handcuff her ankles to the miley. miley was now starfish out on the bed and as oliver stood back to admire her he almost came on the spot. her large perky tits where heaving up and down as she breathed heavily, her nipples were rock hard and pointed straight up. his eyes travelled down her smooth toned stomach to her legs. his eyes wandered down her long tanned legs and over her thighs.

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   he stood and stared at her hairless virgin pussy spread wide in front of him. her little clit was twitching with excitement and cum was driping out of her pussy onto her ass.
"lilly lie face down on top of miley"
lilly crawled over miley and laid down.
"now kiss"
the girls slowly began to press their lips together.
"thats not a proper kiss. lilly play with mileys tongue"
lilly played with mileys tongue with her own. the girls were softly moaning into each others mouths and let their bodies grind into one another. lilly was so distracted she didnt even notice when oliver used handcuffs to chain her to the bed on top of miley. oliver stood and watched as the girls pressed their tits together and ground their pussys into one another while their tongues explored each others mouth. oliver stared at their spread pussys, cum dripping from lillys onto mileys making her even wetter. lillys perfect round ass stuck up in the air. oliver wandered back over the the bed and kneeled behind the girls. he reached out and started to rub lillys ass. he grabbed a bottle of baby oil and squirted it all over lillys back. he reached forward and massaged the oil down her back and over her ass, spreading her ass cheeks and playing with her hole.


   he continued down her legs getting her covered in oil and massaged the oil into mileys legs as well. he moved back up and reach in between the two girls torso covering their tits and stomach with the oil and reached underneath them to mileys ass doing the same as he did to lilly. the two girls continued to kiss and grind into each other. the oil made their bodies slip against one another. oliver took the bottle of oil and held it above lillys ass. he squirt the bottle and let the oil run down lillys ass, over her pussy and clit onto mileys clit, then over her pussy and ass as the excess oil formed a small puddle on the bed. oliver took his hand and in one long motion rub the oil into both girls asses and pussys. the girls were moaning extremely loud bye now which was making olivers already hard cock twitch with anticipation. he lent over and let his face sit nice and close to the girls pussys. he licked from mileys ass all the way up over both pussys to lillys ass.
"lilly since you didnt get to cum before i think its your turn. " he dove straight into lillys pussy ad feverishly began licking at her clit. he was in no way gentle as he flicked, suck and bit on lillys clit. he took his hand and push just one finger into lillys tight pussy. it was a struggle to get just the one finger in but as he licked her clit her was determined to get more in.

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   he forced a second in hearing lilly squeal in pain and pleasure. lillys pussy clamped down hard on olivers fingers but he didnt want to stop yet. he forced third finger into lillys pussy as she let out a scream. "miley keep kissing her. keep her quiet"
oliver returned to licking at lillys pussy and began to move his fingers in and out of lillys stretched pussy. he began slow and shallow but eventually was pounding his fist roughly in and out of lillys little pussy breaking her cherry and pushing his his fingers as far as he could. within a few minutes of being brutally fingered bye oliver and having her clit sucked so hard lilly let out a deep groan into mileys mouth as cum streamed from her pussy over olivers mouth and fingers.

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2. Safety and cleanliness are the most valuable things at escort Michigan. These girls will always look to you will feel safe in their company. They will do anything it takes to make you feel great and feel satisfied.
3. Closeness is also a top point at escorts Michigan . Your personal info, your fetishes, your kinks and basically everything associated to you and your experience with the escorts, all these will always be safe and out of the reach of third parties. You can relax that enjoying escort Michigan will be the best decision, and no matter what, your own info will be secured in place.


When it comes to models in Michigan, our service is the best alternative. You have all the motives to come here and meet our babes. They are elegant, well educated, of various ages and races, highly into having a awesome time and most of all, very skilled. Check them out and date the one you like the most, to make your vacation or your work trip a truly memorable journey.
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Greeceescort is here to give ultra-quality dating services to any type of user. Whether you travel for office purposes, or simply for a vacation, you will more than surely need the most valuable relax time and pleasure. For thios reason, using this service for a spicy hookup is most recommended, especially if you are a single dude on the lookout to have some fun in the area.
In order to meet with the hottest hotties and be sure you will receive the best service, our escort site will allow you plenty of filtering features and personalization features so that you can navigate for your favorite babe with ease. That way, you will have higher chances of finding the right type of woman that can fulfill your fantasies, without having to search for her and lose very important time doing that. Keep in mind, any of the listed dolls at Escorts Greece will be on duty to fulfill your kinks no matter what. In fact, these ladies are happy and always hot, always set to offer the right quantity of lust and intimacy so that you can feel mind blown.

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