
A Taxi Serice


This story has some way to go yet and as such remains as part one. Part two will follow if the feedback receives merits. . . . As always I look forward to constructive comments. . . . . good or bad but above all I hope you are able to enjoy this tale. "What do you think then?"Lin said as she got up from the sofa, brushed her hands down over her lithe body before looking down at her hubby who until then had been intent on sorting out his pc. "Hmmm! Think?? Think of what???" he asked, before it dawned on him what his wife meant. His eyes roamed up and down her body as Lin turned towards him and this time as she smoothed her hands over her top, down her sides to her waist she was more than aware her nipples were already standing out like stalks, a sign of both how aroused the message she had just finished reading had left her and of the thoughts she'd been having about later. She was wearing a sleeveless, beige, poloneck top, it was a top she loved the feel of and one which she knew hugged her body like a second skin. She also wore a short beige sexy mini skirt, under which was a pair of black stockings held up by matching suspenders and all finished off with a skimpy pair of black mesh type thongs.

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  . . thong that she could feel already growing wet. Ohhh God she was so Fucking horny!!! She thought to herself as she stood there. A Friday night, at home with her hubby, a husband who worked away all week. . . a husband therefore who she should look forward to seeing,yet here she was having such horny bloody thoughts. . . "You look good. . . . .

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  really sexy tonight Lin, " he finally answered. She smiled at him. . . . "Good. And do you want to know something?" "What?" he queried. "That's just how I'm feeling too. . . . . . . .

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  sexy!!!" she did a twirl for him then added. . . . . "Hmmm! And horny as hell!!!" He smiled up at her. . . . the sound of those words alone enough to cause a stirring in his trousers. . . . Lin returned his smile, tho for completely different reasons as she went on. .

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  . . . "And would you like to know something else??" she asked. Lin lifted a leg and placed her stockinged foot on his thigh. His eyes were automatically drawn to her foot as she wriggled her toes against his leg. "Go on!" he replied, still smiling though now curious to hear what she was about to say, a part of him certain she was going to suggest they retire to the bedroom. Lin withdrew her foot and stepped back slightly leaving him to watch as she slid her hands to the hem of her short sexy skirt. She saw his eyes light up as she lifted the hem to reveal first her silk lacy stocking tops, then the sexiest of black see through mesh thongs. He groaned as she slid a hand over her panties, watching as she teasedher fingertips back and forth over her pussy lips through the skimpy mesh material. God she was so bloody horny when she did that for him, he thought. "I need to do something about it!" she told him as she pulled the side of her panties away from her body where her hand disappeared inside between fabric and flesh. She heard him groan at the sight of her fingers, visible now through the sexy mesh, manipulating the lips of her pussy. "Well darling? Do you agree?" she asked him. "Do you agree I should do something about my feeling soooo Fucking horny????" He grinned at her, the stirring inside his trousers even more evident now.

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   "Ohhh yes!" he groaned. Visions of that pussy of hers smothering his face. She smiled at him then turned. He watched, a little confused as she left the room only to return a minute later wearing her coat. "What. . . . ??What are you doing? What have you got your coat for?" As he asked her the question he also saw she was holding the cordless phone in her right hand. "I told you darling. I REALLY need to do something about this horny pussy of mine. . . . I thought you agreed?" "Yes I did.

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  . . . . . but. . . . . . " he stammered. She cut him short. "Well darling! Lindy knows just the person who can take care of it for me. " Her hubby didn't need telling who it was she had in mind.

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   "Ohh come on Lin!" he pleaded. "Not this time of night. For Gods sake. . . !!Simone is there and I hardly think there's much he can do for you that I can't!" Simone was Lin's daughter who, as far as Lin was concerned, just happened to be married to Andy. Lin smiled over at her hubby. "Hmmm! Well that's where you're wrong darling. In case you'd forgotten, it's Andy's birthday today and I happen to know right now he's out with a few of his friends celebrating. It's something he always does on his birthday, having a few drinks with his mates. " Lin tossed her coat onto the armchair. Her hubby watched as his wife looked down at the handset in her right hand and started to punch in some numbers. She placed the phone to her ear then, as if to emphasise she meant business, she again raised her leg, this time placing her now heeled foot onto the edge of the sofa where she slid a hand back to the hem of her skirt, lifted it up for a second time in as many minutes and started to play with herself once more. As he was about to say something,the phone at the other end of the line was answered. in truth, experience had taught him that there was little point trying to change his wife's mind once she had made it up.

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   "Hello Birthday Boy!" Lin husked down the phone in her sexiest voice. Her hubby was quick to note how her fingers seemed to pick up pace beneath her skirt. "Hi!" Andy replied, at which point Lin pressed the button on the handset that would allow her hubby to hear what was being said. "Hmmm and what are you doing calling me?" he asked. Though the phone was now on hands free, Lin instinctively kept the receiver held to her ear. "It's your birthday isn't it??? And I had to wish my sexy son in law a happy birthday didn't I?" she purred. "Besides. . . . didn't we agree, I would come and pick you up tonight to save you using a taxi or having to walk all that way home?". Her hubby continued to watch, somewhat transfixed as his wife's fingers still toyed inside her thongs. "Ahhh yes! We did, didn't we?" Andy replied. Lin smiled. "Yes we did," she replied, then with plenty of innuendo added, "So are you ready for me Andy?" "Ohhh I'm always ready for you Lindy!" "Good!" she smiled into the phone.

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   "Cos I am all ready to CUM. . . and get you. " she said, making sure her hubby heard her emphasise the word CUM. . . . Her hubby heard the sound of laughter coming from the end of the line. "Ok!" he answered. "I'm ready when you are. " "Hmmm! I had better hurry then lover hadn't I?" Lin replied, looking down at hubby now to see how he would react to the word "lover". Again there was the sound of laughter from the other end of the line. . .

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   "And have you had a good time drinking with your friends Andy?" Lin asked, her fingers now dipping just inside her wet pussy lips. "Of course!" he answered. "Good! Though I hope you are not too drunk Birthday Boy?" she teased. Wanting to let him know she had other things in mind for him. "Too drunk for what??? he laughed, picking up on her innuendo. "Hmmmm! I wonder! she teased. "No! Never too drunk for that," he replied. Lin looked at her hubby and smiled, aware Andy's innuendo would not be lost on him in the least. It pleased her she was teasing him this way and in truth, despite his attempts at objecting, she knew this was turning him on almost as much as it was her. "Good! Because right now pussy is in need of some attention," she purred down the phone. "So I hope Simone isn't expecting you back too early?" She continued to look down at her hubby as she voiced her words. She could see the look of defeat on his face. It was that same look he had shown a week earlier when she had told him she was off to see Andy on the Friday afternoon. A look that confirmed she was now the one in this marriage who was in control. "No she isn't!" Andy replied.


   Lin purposely dipped her fingers a little deeper into her now very wet pussy, excited she was showing off like this in front of her hubby. "Hmmmm! Good. . . . . cos my fingers are telling me your prezzy is feeling rather wet right now. . . and I think you like that idea don't you big boy?" On the sofa her hubby groaned quietly. He was also sure he heard Andy groan at the other end of the phone line but for differing reasons. "Ohh Christ Yes!!" he answered. then suddenly remembering who he was speaking to asked,"And just where is hubby at the moment?" "He's sat on the sofa," Lin told him. "Hmmmm so you are playing with pussy for me while he's watching?" "Ohhh yes!!!And just like the other day Andy, I am nice and wet for you. " Both Lin and her hubby heard Andy groan.

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   "How wet Lin?" Andy asked, eager to know how aroused she was getting for him while at the same time getting more and more aroused himself. Lin adjusted her position and closed her eyes for a moment as she continued to play with herself. "Hmmmm! If I told you I've got three fingers up there right now Andy, would that give you some idea how wet I am? Cos I know I need at least that many if I am going to be ready for that big fat cock of yours!" "Ohhh God yes!!!!" "Is it getting nice and erect for me right now Andy? Is it getting nice and stiff inside those briefs of yours? " "God you're such a tease Lindy!" he moaned. . "Hmmm! Not tonight Andy. Cos your Lindy's in need of some serious satisfaction. If I leave now I should be there in. . . let's see. . . ten minutes!" she answered, checking on her watch. "What about hubby?" Andy asked. How are you going to explain where you are going to him?" "That's ok Andy.

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   He already knows who I am talking to. And it's not like I am after his approval! Besides, I'm a big girl now Andy! I can choose who I want to have Fuck me!" Playing with herself as she was and talking like this on the phone, Lin could sense she was on the verge of a mini climax. She pushed two fingers even deeper now, closing her eyes, willing herself to cum for her lover this way, wanting her hubby to witness the event for himself. He in turn was looking at her pussy and could see her fingers delving deeper. He could see the damp stain on her mesh panties and there was no point denting it, she was really turning him on. "Ohhh Andy!" she moaned. "I've just cum for you!" she whimpered down the phone as her climax hit. "Oh God Andy! I'm sooo wet. " she went on. "I bet you'd like to be between my legs right now??? Wouldn't you?? You like that Andy don't you? Sucking out Lindy's horny little cunt!!!" "Ohh Shit! Yes!. . . . " Just then, at the other end of the line both Lin and hubby could hear Andy talking to someone. "Hmmm who are you talking to Andy?" Lin quizzed.

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   "A friend!" he replied. "He just asked who it was ringing me?" "Ohhh! And did you tell him it's your horny Mum in law?" Andy laughed. "I did say it was you. . . yes!" "Ahhh so you didn't tell him I'm horny?" "No!" "But I am Andy. . . . My fingers are sopping wet. . . . . .

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  Pussy is hot for cock Andy!!! Your cock!" "Ohhh Fuck Lin!!! Don't tease!" he almost pleaded. Lin smiled, knowing full well his friend would have heard his reaction. "Who's teasing Andy? I will be there in ten minutes, then you can see if I am teasing or not. " Lin gave it a few moments for her comment to sink in before adding. . . "Or is it you'd prefer to go back to drinking with your friends?" At the other end of the line Andy was weighing up the pros and cons. . . . His steadily rising cock quickly decided it for him. While he always enjoyed his birthday drink with his mates, in the mood Lin was in he knew which he was going to enjoy more. "Come on then Lindy. . .

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  . pick me up!" he told her, a very definite eagerness in his voice now. Lin grinned to herself, pleased he'd been so keen to agree. "See you soon then Birthday Boy!" She blew a kiss down the phone before replacing the receiver. She turned to face hubby. "You can't do this Lin. . . please. . . . . . .

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  " he pleaded. She'd withdrawn her fingers now. "Don't be silly darling. You know you want this almost as much as I do. " Lin held two fingers up to his lips and drew them lightly over them leaving his lips glistening with her cum juice. "Pussy needs a cock!!!! A man sized cock!!" She reached down to feel his crotch and smiled to herself. "And as hard as you are right now darling I'm afraid yours simply isn't up to the job. . . I need a real cock tonight darling! I need one that's going to fill my pussy full of meat. . . . . .

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  . Andy's!" Lin reached down for her coat and started to put it on for as much as this conversation was exciting her, she was keen to get going. "Now you be a good little boy when I'm gone. . . I want you to play with your little prick and imagine what it is Andy and I will be getting up to!" she cooed, her tone lightening to the mood she was feeling. "And when I get back we can exchanged thoughts darling. You can tell me what it was like, thinking about your son in law"FUCKING" your wife??? And I can tell you just how good it was, having his fat cock in this hot little cunt?" Lin didn't wait for his answer, instead she stepped closer and pressed her lips over his, still able to taste her own juices on his lips. "Remember, be a good boy!" she teased. "Now I really have to get going. I don't want to be late do I?. . . . Not when I've got a date with a big fat cock!" she laughed.

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   She turned and left the room and minutes later was starting her car. As good as her word, ten minutes later she was pulling up outside the pub. It had gone eleven and pe.

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