
Jean's Surprise


                          Â Jean’s Surprise

   ÂIt was a warm, Spring, midday in a southwestern desert city. ÂI had been relaxing with a tall glass of iced tea when the phone rang. ÂIt was Jean, a married friend of mine. ÂShe wanted to know if I would meet her somewhere for a drink. ÂShe said she wanted to asked me something very personal. Â
   ÂHaving nothing pressing at the time, I agreed to meet with her. ÂI suggested a neighborhood bar about halfway between our respective homes. ÂOn the way to the bar, I couldn't help but wonder what she wanted to ask me. ÂWhy would any married woman want to meet a single man at a bar.
 I knew I had a pretty good reputation with the ladies. ÂI have always felt that by taking special care of their needs, they would take care of mine. ÂEven though I'm not the greatest looking guy, that philosophy seemed to keep a number of young ladies interested in going out with me. ÂI thought Jean may have wanted to ask about one of my lady friends.
 I had only been at the bar about five minutes when Jean arrived. ÂShe seemed somewhat overdressed for an afternoon drink. ÂShe was wearing a thin, light blue dress that was cut low enough in front to show off her ample cleavage.

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  ÂIt’s skirt stopped just above the knees of her shapely legs. ÂHer attire would have been more appropriate for an evening dinner date. ÂAs Jean sat down, I caught just a hint of her perfume. ÂShe looked and smelled delicious.
 We ordered drinks and made small talk until they arrived. ÂJean seemed nervous. ÂHer hands were a bit shaky as she took the first sip of her drink and sat it down. ÂSomething was definitely bothering her. Â
 I leaned forward, reached out, and cupped both of her hands in mine. ÂI could feel her shaking. Â
 “Jean?” I asked. “Whatever it is you want to ask me, it’s OK. ÂTake your time and relax. ÂYou can ask me anything. ÂI may, or may not answer, but go ahead and ask.

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  â€Â          Â She took another sip of her drink and said, “Do you think I look OK?” Â
 I truthfully told her, “You look great!ÂYou have a beautiful body, sweet face, and a great pair legs. ”  Â
 Jean was in her mid-thirties and had two daughters in their early teens. ÂShe had a well, but not overly, developed chest and just enough body fat to give her some real nice curves. ÂHer body was a real temptation for this always horny, 27-year-old, male.  Â
 Another sip and she said, “John (her husband) hasn’t touched me in weeks, and I’ve been thinking something is wrong with me. ”
 I asked her if John may have found a girlfriend. Â
 She said, “No!ÂHe always comes straight home from work. ÂI haven’t found anything to indicate anything like that. ÂHe just doesn't seem interested in me anymore. ”Â
 She downed the rest of her drink all at once and continued. ÂShe looked me straight in the eye, and, with only a slight hesitation, asked, “Would you take me to bed this afternoon?”
 “What?”ÂI nearly choked on my drink. ÂI sat back, startled at the question. ÂThe thought of bedding Jean was not an unpleasant one. ÂThough I had long thought Jean was a lovely woman, I had always considered my married friends off-limits. Â
 “Would you please repeat what you just asked?”ÂI asked.

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  Â ÂÂ
 She looked me in the eyes and repeated, “Would you take me to bed this afternoon?”ÂShe added, “I need to know if there is anything wrong with me. ÂYou have a reputation of having a bunch of girlfriends, treating them well, and being a good lover. ÂI’ve asked around. ÂThere will be no strings. ÂJust one afternoon of sex. ”
 I am always horny, and she had greatly flattered me. ÂSo, I thought to myself, ‘What the hell!ÂIf this lovey gal wants to give me some pussy, why not?’ÂI said to her, “I’d love to. ÂAre you ready to go?”
 She said, “There is just one more thing. ”
 “What’s that?” I asked. Â
 “Afterwards, I want you to honestly evaluate me and my actions, and tell me what you think. ÂWhat am I doing right and wrong. ”
 I told her I’d be happy to evaluate her performance. ÂWith that, I stood, left a tip for the waitress, took Jean’s hand, and walked with her to our cars in the parking lot. Â
 Jean followed me to my place in her own car. ÂOnce there and inside, I made us another drink.

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  ÂWhen I handed Jean her drink, she took a small sip, and began unbuttoning her dress. ÂAs she walked toward my bedroom, she asked, “Are you ready?” Â
 I reached out, took Jean's hand, and pulled her to me.  ÂShe was trembling. ÂHolding her close, I said, “I am, but I don’t think you are. ”ÂI redirected her toward my couch. Â
 She gave me a puzzled look which slowly turned to a small smile. Â
 Setting her gently on the couch, I sat beside her and put my arm over her shoulders. ÂAs we sipped our drinks, we chatted about her lack of sex at home. Â
 I began softly kissing and nibbling her ear and neck. ÂWhen I gave her a long passionate kiss, she put her drink down, wrapped her arms around me, and eagerly returned the kiss. ÂShe then laid her head back on my arm and closed her eyes. ÂÂ
 I released the first two of buttons of Jean’s dress and pushed it off her shoulders. ÂI moved on to kissing the exposed parts of her breasts. ÂHer breathing became slower and deeper. ÂJean was finally beginning to relax.

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  ÂI finished opening her dress buttons and started fondling her breasts through her bra. ÂShe leaned forward so I could release the bra’s clasp, thus freeing her beautiful tits. ÂThey were remarkably firm for a woman with two children.
 When I moved my mouth to her nipples, they had already become hardened. ÂThey were rounded and about the size of large peas. ÂSucking on them brought soft moans from Jean. Â
 She took my head into her hands, held me tightly against her chest. ÂJust above a whisper she said, “That feels nice. ”
 While sucking and nipping her nipples, I let my hand wander down to her knees. ÂAs I rubbed higher and higher up the inside of her thighs. ÂI was pushing her dress up at the same time.
 Jean spread her legs giving me easier access to her pussy. ÂWithout hurrying, I slowly moved my hand up to her crotch. ÂHer juices had already begun to dampen her silky panties.
 When I gently rubbed up and down her slit through her panties, Jean responded with a ragged voice.

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  Â“Oh please, yes!”ÂShe gasped.  ÂHer panties quickly became soak by her lubricating juices. ÂBy that time, Jean was moaning almost constantly, and her head was gently rocking side to side.  Â
 I sensed she was then ready to go to bed. ÂI asked her if she would like to go back to my bedroom.      Â
 She smiled and nodded. Â
 I stood, took Jean by the hand, and slowly led her to my bedroom. ÂOnce there, I finished undressing her and had her slowly turn for me. ÂThis mid-thirty-year-old had nothing to be ashamed of. ÂHer tits were firm and naturally standing proud. ÂHer torso was nicely smoothed by just enough fat to give her soft curves. ÂA nicely trimmed pussy and a round ass topped a shapely pair of legs. ÂShe was well tanned with limited tan lines. ÂJean apparently used her fenced back yard to tan topless. Â
 As she finished her turn, I pulled her to me and told her, “You look great.

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  ÂAny man would be proud to have you. ”
 I rather quickly removed my own clothes, and we lay down. ÂI cradled her head in my right arm and massaged her tits with my left hand. ÂIn a short time, my hand had returned to her pussy. ÂBy then she was soaking wet, and a finger easily entered her hole. ÂI alternated probing strokes into her hole with light touches of her clitoris. ÂJean soon had her legs widely spread, was moaning constantly, and rolling her body side to side, Â
 I rolled on top of her, and she wrapped her arms tightly around me. ÂShe released me with a disappointed groan, when I told her, “Not yet!”Â
 Slowly, ever so slowly, I kissed my way down her body. ÂI paid particular attention to those wonderful tits. ÂContinuing down her belly, I eventually got to her pussy. ÂMy tongue gave her slit one long, pussy-lip parting, lick from bottom to top. ÂWhen I reached her clit, I very gently licked and sucked it. ÂThat soon had Jean nearly coming off the bed with upward thrusts of her hips. ÂIn the mean time, first one then two fingers were probing deeply into her love hole. ÂShe was surprisingly snug.

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 “Oh please, yes!ÂHarder!ÂOh, oh, I’m cuming!”ÂJean gasped.
 I sucked hard on her clit and jammed a third finger into her. ÂShe bucked up and seemed to freeze with her ass a foot off the bed for what seemed like a long time. ÂIt was probably really only a matter of seconds, but her orgasm seemed to go on and on. Â
 When Jean relaxed enough to lower her hips back to the bed, I crawled up her then sweat covered body and passionately kissed her until she started moaning again. ÂMassaging her tits and stroking her pussy with my fingers helped her climb towards her second orgasm. Â
 When she seemed about to burst, I positioned my dick at Jean's pussy opening. ÂWith one slow, smooth, stroke, I fully entered her. ÂI could feel her pussy's muscles hugging me. ÂJean’s vaginal muscles weren’t as strong as some of the twenty-year-olds I had been with, but they still firmly grasped my cock. ÂAfter two kids, Jean still had a damn good pussy. Â
 Then the stroking began. ÂSlowly at first, building with speed and force, we were soon hammering each other. ÂJean returned every plunge of mine with an upward thrust of her own. ÂShe grunted each time I drove into her.

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 Within a few minutes we were both cuming. ÂShe wrapped her legs around my hips, pulled me tightly into her depths, and hugged me as tightly as she could.      Â
 As I pumped my load of cum deep into Jean’s depths, I could feel her pussy milking my cock.       ÂÂ
 “Oh God, yes!”ÂJean whimpered. Â
 After laying quietly for a few minutes, we kissed softly. ÂWhen my cock softened, I pulled out of Jean and rolled off of her. ÂShe turned toward me and laid her head on my shoulder.    Â
 Jean seemed to be deep in thought. ÂA worried look was on her face. ÂThat is, until I looked into her eyes, kissed her gently, and said, ”You’re a great fuck, Baby!”Â
 Her broad smile returned. ÂWe continued to cuddle and talk for another fifteen minutes. ÂShe then kissed me, and just above a whisper, with a hug, said, “Thank you!”
 Without another word, she got up, grabbed her clothes, and headed for my shower. Â
 When she got out, I got in. ÂI had thought about getting in the shower with her. ÂHowever, I figured she needed some quiet time to think.

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 After showering, I got dressed and found her sitting at my kitchen table. ÂI located a legal note pad on my desk, took it to my kitchen, and sat across from her. ÂI said, “Now, for the hard part, your evaluation. ”
 I could see her tense up, but I went ahead with my report. ÂI took the pad and made two columns. ÂI labeled one column ‘good points’ and the other ‘needs work’. ÂPatting her hand, I asked her which she wanted to do first. Â
 She swallowed and said, “The good points, please. ” ÂÂ
 We discussed each point as it came up, and I made suggestions, where appropriate. ÂHere’s what her lists looked like:
     Good Points
  1. Your still beautiful Â
  2. Breasts are nicely sized and still perky
  3. Body soft, smooth, and cuddly
  4. Pubic area well trimmed
  5. Pussy still snug, clean, well lubricated, and tasty (she giggled)  Â


   Shapely legs
  7. Good kisser
  8. Nipples respond nicely
  9. Excellent response to oral attentions
  10. Insertion easy and welcome
  11. You cum easily and multiple times
  12. Leg wrapping and returning thrusts was great
  13. Over all a really good lover who knows how to fuck

          Â Needs Work
  1. I had to make all the moves, you need to be more assertive if you want more screwing
  2. You never offered to use you hands on my cock
  3. If you don’t know how, learn to give oral sex
  4. Dress more provocatively at home (I had seen her in her usual worn pants and old blouses)
 I told Jean, if she wanted to get John interested in her again, she needed to take charge of their love life. ÂConcentrate on her good points, and try to work on her weaker qualities. ÂI continued, “Bring back the pretty, sexy girl he married. ”ÂSince she always seemed busy with the kids, I told her to have them spend the night at their grand parents’ home a couple times a month.

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  ÂOn those nights, she needed to “date” her husband, even if they didn’t leave their house.
 She still looked great, and I knew John would be interested in her if she showed some interest in him. ÂA man wants his wife to be a lady in public, but a whore at home, especially a wife that looks as good as Jean does. Â
 Jean took the pad, removed the sheet with her lists, carefully folded it, and put it in her purse. ÂShe got up to leave, and I accompanied her to my door. ÂAt the door, she firmly hugged me, kissed my cheek, and again said, “Thank you. ”
 As she went down my walk, I asked her to let me know how things worked out. ÂIf John didn’t want her, she was always welcome at my place. Â
 The next time I saw Jean, she was with John at a community gathering. ÂThey were walking arm and arm. ÂWhen Jean saw me, she winked and broke into the biggest smile I’d ever seen on her face. ÂShe leaned on John’s shoulder as they walked away. ÂI guess her test and evaluation had worked out for the best.                                                                  Â

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