
Big Girl


Lois Helmers was lonely. It had been such a long time since she had been with a man, she could hardly remember when. Not exactly young any more at thirty six, her real problem was the one hundred thirty pounds she had gained in the past ten years. She was now tipping the scales at a cool two hundred seventy five pounds. As she packed on the fat, her social life had taken a nose dive, and while she had been a fairly attractive woman her appetite for rich foods had turned her into a fat cow! Her tits were mammoth, but so were her hips and legs and there weren't too many men that would be interested in a girl her size. Her love life consisted of her vibrator and a once a month call to a phone sex line, which was not exactly fulfilling or intimate! Even though she knew it was hopeless, she had decided that tonight she wasn't going to stay at home! She was going to go out and have a nice dinner and have a few drinks at the bar. Her mother had been on her case for months to get out in the world and at least put herself in position to meet someone. She always said, "You'll never find him in your kitchen!!!" So tonight was the night to go out on the town. Looking in the mirror before she left, Lois shook her head one last time, and headed out the door. She had read about a new Italian restaurant that had just opened and decided to give it a try. When she entered the front door she could see that a lot of people were waiting in line to get a table, so she gave her name to the hostess, and went into the bar to kill the half hour wait for her table. Taking the end stool, she ordered a screw driver and watched the college football game on the TV in back of the bar. Sipping her drink and casually watching the screen, she barely noticed when a man tapped her on the arm and asked her if anyone was using the empty seat next to her. Shaking her head no, she said, "Go ahead and sit down, no one's using it. " Looking back at the game, she didn't pay much attention when the man sat down and ordered his drink. It was only when he asked her, "Who's winning," that she paid him any notice.

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   "Uh, UCLA I think," she answered, turning her head to look at him, "I'm really not paying much attention, I'm just waiting for my table in the restaurant side and it's going to be a good half hour yet. " "Say," he offered, "if you're eating alone, why not join me, no use taking up two tables on such a busy night!" Giving him a quick once over, Lois decided, why not, and said, "Sure, that would be nice!" For the next half hour the two of them talked about their jobs and all the other small talk new acquaintances exchange. Dinner seemed to fly by, and Lois was sorry that her evening with Cory, that was his name, was coming to an end. Cory picked up the check and said, "My treat!" Walking out into the cool night air, Lois expected Cory take his leave, but that didn't happen, in stead, he said, "Let's walk for a while and let that dinner settle a little bit, okay?" Offering Lois his arm, she took it and replied, "A walk sounds good!" Strolling arm in arm, looking into the store windows, the two of them were just enjoying each other's company. Lois didn't want to scare Cory off, she really liked him, but she decided it was time to take a chance. She then asked him, "How about coming up to my place for a nightcap?" Lois was holding her breath, waiting for what seemed like hours until he answered, "I could use a glass of wine it you've got some!" Twenty minutes later they were riding up the elevator to Lois' apartment.
While Lois made the drinks, Cory wandered around the living room checking the place out. Lois came in and found him playing with here stereo. "How about some music," he asked? "Good idea," she replied, and stuck in a Sinatra CD and hit the play button. Both of them settled down on the couch with Frank crooning in the back ground. If there ever was a couple who looked like Mutt and Jeff, Cory and Lois fit the bill to a tee, Lois, large and imposing, while Cory was short and skinny. Lois was now feeling the affect of all the liquor she had consumed that evening, as her pussy was dripping wet and her clit had hardened in anticipation of an orgasm. It had been so long for Lois that she was sexually on the edge of a cliff and it would only take one little shove to push her over it! That shove came when Cory casually rested his hand on her thick thigh. Lois turned to face Cory leaned over and kissed him on the mouth. Cory quickly responded and returned the kiss, slipping his tongue into Lois' open mouth.

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   Breathing haltingly, Lois pulled away and asked, "Would you like to suck these," as she opened up the top of her dress exposing her breast filled bra?" Cory, with shaking hands, felt the huge tits through the heavy bra material. "I love big tits," he whispered hoarsely into her ear! Upon hearing that, Lois stood up and shook out of her dress and stood before him in bra, panties, and pantyhose. Cory had never seen such a large women in her under things, and he was transfixed! Lois reached behind her back and undid the clasps on her bra and it fell away exposing her chest causing Cory to suck in a breath and stare at the massive udders only inches from his face! "Come to momma," ordered Lois as she took his head and pulled it to her nipple, "that's right, suck on momma's nipples, be a good boy and make momma feel good!" Cory tried, but could only get a very small portion of the huge nipple into his mouth. He was almost being smothered by a mountain of tit flesh, but he didn't care, all he could think about was having his mouth on that beautiful chest! By now Lois' clit was becoming very impatient, and she felt the incredible need to show Cory her pussy. Pulling away for just a minute, Lois tugged off her pantyhose and panties, and now stood naked in front of a man for the first time in years! Even though she had rolls of fat, she could sense that Cory wasn't at all repulsed by her appearance, and that he was really turned on by her large size!
Sitting back down on the couch she said, "I stripped for you, now you strip for me, okay?" Now it was Cory's to slowly remove his clothing in front of a total stranger. When he was down to his boxers, Lois could see the out line of his pecker trapped inside. "Let me," she said, and reached out and pulled down his shorts. To her utter amazement, Cory had the largest cock she had ever in her life! At least eight inches long and very thick, it stuck out at a forty five degree upward angle, a drop of precum hung from the little slit on the end of his cock, and Lois involuntarily leaned out and lick it off. Having tasted the big penis, Lois now wanted to eat it, and she opened her mouth and let the smooth head slide into her hungry mouth! "God this tastes good," she thought, as she moved her head up and down, licking and sucking the entire shaft. Cory just stood calmly in front of her, allowing her to get her fill of his pecker. Lois had never let anyone cum in her mouth, but she was now in a sexual frenzy, and all she could think about was milking the big dick into her hungry throat! Almost without warning her mouth was flooded with a torrent of hot cum, that Lois greedily drank down! Cory gave out a low moan as his pecker jerked into the fat girl's mouth!
"Thank you, thank you," was all Lois said as she licked and sucked his cock clean of it's cum! "Now it's my turn," said Cory, as he dropped to his knees between Lois' massive thighs. Gently pushing her legs apart, Cory saw the huge hair pie that was wet along the length of it's slit, and right in the middle of this pubic jungle a little pink head stood out, seemingly crying for attention! Lois' clit was now throbbing with lust, and Cory excited it even more when he ran his tongue over it's slick little head! Lois moaned loud and long as he worked his tongue up and down her hot lips. "Do my clit," she pleaded, "please do my clit!!!" Cory chuckled, but bored in on his target with renewed fervor! The big woman was now completely in his control, and he meant to have his way with her! As long as that tongue stay on her clit, Lois wouldn't have cared if the Russians invaded Times Square, this was her first oral sex orgasm in over eight years and it was like a tsunami hitting the beach! A tidal wave swept through her loins causing her clamp her legs around Cory's head, and while holding his breath, Cory finished her off with a series of licks directly to the end of her clit! Her orgasm fading, she released her grip on him as she lay exhausted, totally spent!
Several minutes past by, and Lois was roused back to reality when she felt something hard against the opening of her vagina. Cory was getting ready to fuck her! She shifted her position to give Cory a better angle for entry, then he slowly slid his big member into her love box! When he finally had it all the way in, Lois had another orgasm as her cunt had never been stretched like this before, and it felt wonderful to filled to over flowing! Cory looked down to see the huge chest under him, and his boner seemed to get even harder, and while moving in and out of her pussy, he leaned down and took a big nipple into his mouth. Lois could not believe the rush that was going through her body! Her pussy was defenseless against the massive attack Cory had unleashed on it! It was a total invasion, but in this case a welcome one! Both of them were now beyond the point of no return, and through gritted teeth Lois begged for him to fuck her faster!!! Upon hearing that, Cory slammed her pussy even harder, and within seconds the big dick again was spurting it's cum into the fat girl as Cory let out a loud groan as his cum filled her wet pussy while Lois' cunt gripped the big pecker as she erupted in another shattering climax! Cory stammered, "You're the best fuck I have ever had, and I'm not kidding!!!" "You too," Lois countered, as she stroked his head, holding it to her breast!
As they lay quietly together, savoring the moment, Lois thought that now she had something to tell her mom, well not EVERTHING!!!
THE END For more great stories check out the forums http://www.

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