
My Daugther The Slut : A Prelude


Needless to say, Jim was flabbergasted. As he stood to leave he said, “Thank you for your understanding Mr. Timmons. I promise you nothing like this will ever happen again with my daughter. ”“I’m sure it won’t. Until now, Rebecca has always been a model student. Oh, one more thing, I have had this listed in her permanent record as inappropriate behavior and left it at that. ” “Thanks again Mr. Timmons. Have a nice day. ” “You too. ” When Jim left the principal’s office he saw his daughter sitting on a bench waiting for him with her head hung low. “C’mon Rebecca, lets go” was all he said as he left the main office. Rebecca followed him without saying a word, her head hung low the whole time. They drove the entire way home in complete silence. As they pulled into their driveway Rebecca finally spoke, “Dad, aren’t you going to say anything? I know you are upset.

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  ” “What would you like me to say Rebecca?” “I dunno. Just say something. ” “I think it would be better if I waited until I have had a chance to calm down and think about this first. Until then, I want you to go to your room and stay there until dinner. ” “Okay,” Rebecca said dejectedly. “Oh, and no phone, TV, or computer. ” “Okay,” she replied again and went upstairs to her room. Jim sat down on the sofa in the living room and tried to make sense of everything. So what do I do now? Becky got caught giving some boy a blowjob in the boy’s room at school. How many times has she done this before? Is she still a virgin? How many guys has she been with? Is she into girls to? So many questions were running through his mind. Was she doing this to get back at him for divorcing her mother? If he was still married to Lisa would this have even happened? He had to divorce her. She had gotten into drugs and was cheating on him left and right. Urgh! This was so frustrating and confusing. Well, I guess there’s nothing to really do but talk to her and get it over with. Maybe they could figure all this out.

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   Maybe she had some kind of reason for what she did, although I have no idea what that would be. About an hour after they had gotten home, Jim went up to his daughter’s bedroom. He knocked lightly on the door. “Come in,” Becky said. Jim opened the door and slowly walked into his daughter’s room. Jim looked at his daughter for a few minutes before he said anything. She was wearing T-shirt and a pair of sweat pants and he thought she was beautiful. She was a petite 5’1” with wavy light brown shoulder length hair. She had smallish breasts. A big A or maybe a small B. her only flaw was that she was pretty overweight. She probably weighed around 180 pounds or so, but her face was so pretty that he didn’t think her weight mattered much. “Ok, before we get into this, I want to hear it from you. What happened?” “Umm, I don’t really know where to start daddy. ” “How about from the beginning?” Jim suggested.

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   Well, you know senior prom is coming up and everything. ” Jim nodded. “Well, I really wanted to go, and I didn’t want to go alone like I did to the other proms and dances. Anyways, time was running out so I decided to ask one of the boys myself instead of waiting for one of them to ask me. Well, I’m no beauty queen so I knew none of the popular boys would go out with me. Anyways, I decided to ask Brian Simms. He’s not real popular, but he’s not really considered a dork either. Well, when I asked him he said he’d go with me, but only if I gave him a blowjob first. Well, I really wanted to go so I agreed. He had me meet him in the boy’s bathroom during last period study hall. You pretty much know what happened from there,” Becky finished. “Yeah I guess I do. ” Jim responded. “Ok, now I have a few questions for you. I want you to answer me honestly regardless of weather you think you’ll get in trouble or not.

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   Because if I ever find out you lied to me, I promise you things will be a whole lot worse than if you tell the truth now. Ok?”“Ok Dad. ”“First off, is this the first time you have ever given a boy a blowjob?”“Yes. ”“Are you still a virgin?”“Yes. ”“How far have you gone with a boy so far?“I just did the blowjob daddy. I have never even kissed a boy before today. ”“So the first thing you have ever done with a boy was sucking his dick in a bathroom. ”“Daddy! You don’t have to put it like that! But yes, that’s the only thing I have ever done with a boy so far. I haven’t kissed touched, been touched or anything else. I’m so fat none of the boys have ever wanted me to do anything with them,” Becky said as she started to cry. “Honey, you’re not that fat. The boys are just young and stupid. All they want right now are cheerleaders and bikini babes. ”“No shit dad I haven’t noticed. ” Becky retorted.

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  “Watch your language. Besides, one day they will realize just how pretty you are. ” “Whatever dad. None of the boys think I’m pretty and I don’t think that will ever change. ”“Honey, you are very pretty. Sometimes it just takes time for others to see it. ”“Yeah ok dad, if you say so. Are we done now daddy?”“For now, I think we are. ”“What’s my punishment going to be?” “Well for now, you are definitely grounded for the rest of the school year. Also, you aren’t to go online for or use the phone until your suspension is over. If one of your friends calls you, you can talk to them, but you aren’t allowed to call out. Understand?”“Yes daddy. Can I have any of my friends over at all?” “Well, I guess that would depend on who the friend was. ”“How about Amber, Tania, Christie or Juls?” “Ok they will be allowed over, but you are being punished. This isn’t going to be any big party or anything.

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   Understand?”“Yes sir. ”Jim turned to walk out and stopped when Becky started to ask him something else. “Daddy?”“Yes honey?”“Am I still going to be able to go to the prom next month?”“I’m not sure right now. When’s the deadline?” “I have until the first of next month. ”“Ok. I’ll let you know before then. ”“Ok daddy. Can I call my friends one last time before the no phone rules go into effect?”“Ok, but after tonight no phone for a month. ”“Ok daddy. Thank you. ” “You’re welcome, dinner will be ready soon. ”“Ok daddy. ”Jim left the room and closed the door behind him. Almost as soon as he was gone, Becky was on the phone calling her best friend Amber. “Hello.

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  ”“Amber it’s Becky. ”“Hey, what’s up?”“I got suspended today for two weeks. ”“No way! For what?”“Um…”“Becky what happened?” “Well, ok. But you can’t tell anyone. Promise?”“Ok, I promise. ”“I got caught giving Brian Simms a blowjob in the boy’s bathroom. ”“No way! Holy shit! You’re not serious! What happened?”“I was there going down on him and just as he shoots his cum on my face in walks Mr. Shanks. ”“Oh man that had to suck. ”“Very funny Amber. ”“Huh? Oh, I didn’t mean it that way. Sorry. ”“Its ok. Anyways, my dad said I’m not going to be able to use the phone or the internet while I’m suspended. But I can take incoming calls and I can have friends over.

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   I just can’t leave the house. So I thought maybe you could come over tomorrow and I can tell you all about it and we can hang. ”“Ok, sounds good to me. I’ll come right over after school. ”“Cool. I was thinking about seeing if my dad will let me do a sleepover this weekend. I doubt he will, but I’m going to ask him after dinner. ”“Cool. Who you going to invite?”“Just the group, nothing special or anything just hanging out. Maybe daddy will do a barbeque or something and we can have a pool party. I’ll let you know tomorrow. ”“Ok, cool. I’ll see you tomorrow. ”“Ok, bye. ”“Bye.

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  ”Becky quickly called Christie and Tania and told them what happened and her plans to try and have a sleepover this weekend, but she didn’t invite either of them over the next day. She just wanted to spend so time with her best friend. Before she knew it her dad was calling her for dinner. As they ate dinner, Becky and her father started talking. “You know, we really should talk some more about what happened today at school Beck. ”“Yeah I know. ”“You know what you did was wrong right?”“Yeah I guess. ”“You guess? You think its ok to give blowjobs in bathrooms?”“No, that’s not what I mean dad. ”“Well, what do you mean?”“Well, I don’t really think what I did was wrong so much as where I did it was. Do you know what I mean?”“I think I understand what you are trying to say. And as much as I don’t want to, I have to agree with you. Sex in and of itself isn’t wrong, but sex acts in the school bathrooms definitely are. ” “That’s pretty much the way I see it dad. ”“Ok, we have an understand there. Now that just leaves us sex itself and protecting yourself.

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  ”“Dad I’ve been on the pill ever since I started having my period so I’m not gonna get pregnant, and they taught us all about safe sex and stuff in health class at school. ”“So you think you know all you need to know?”“No, I’m not saying that. I’m just saying that I know about birth control and stuff. But I don’t have any real experience or anything, just what I have been taught at school or learned online. ”“Online? What have you learned online?”“Oh come on daddy. Everyone who has gone online has looked at a porn site or two. I just looked at the ones you have saved in your favorites. ” Jim didn’t say anything for a few minutes, he just sat and tried to take in what his daughter had just told him. Not only did she know quite a lot about sex, but also she had been looking at the porn sites in his favorites. “So what did you think about what you have seen online?”“Well, some of its pretty cool, and some of it is pretty wild. There were some things that grossed me out though. ”“Like what?”“Well, like scat for one. That’s so nasty. The ones that showed people getting pins and needles stuck in them was pretty gross to. ”“Ok, what did you think was cool?”Well, I can’t believe I’m talking to you about this.


   Its so embarrassing. ” Becky said as she blushed a deep red. “Its ok honey. I’m not going to tell anyone and you won’t get in trouble. ”“Ok, well, I thought the regular sex was cool, so was the oral and the anal sex stuff. I thought the gay and lesbian stuff was pretty cool too. ”“Have you ever done anything sexual with another girl?” Jim asked curiously. He didn’t like to admit it to himself, but talking about sex and what turned his daughter on was starting to have an effect on him. He could feel his erection growing in his pants. “No I haven’t. Not yet anyways. ”“What do you mean not yet?”“Well, I don’t know if I’ll ever try it, but I might want to sometime in the future,” Becky said “Ok, I can deal with that. What did you think was wild, and did anything really turn you on more than the other anything else?”“Well, except for what I told you I thought was gross everything turned me on. I think what turned me on the most were the group sex and the gangbangs. The stuff I thought was wild was the BDSM sites and the stuff with animals.

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   I dunno dad, its all pretty wild if you think about it. ”“I guess you’re right, but some of that stuff is fake or even illegal in a lot places. ”“I know dad. Don’t worry, I’m not going to go out and have sex with a dog anytime soon. ”They both laughed a little after she said that. As they began to clean up, Becky spoke, “Oh dad, by the way Amber is going to come by after she gets out of school tomorrow. ”“Ok, but remember you aren’t allowed to leave the house and no going online either. ”“I know daddy. Thanks. Is it ok if I go up to my room and watch some TV before I go to bed?”“Yeah that’s ok. Tomorrow, I want you to clean the house including your room, and I also want you to clean the pool and do the laundry, and I’m going to call your school tomorrow and see if they can have amber bring home your homework and books. ”“Ok daddy. ” On his way to bed, Jim stopped at his daughter’s room to wish her good night when he noticed the door was slightly open and he heard soft moans coming from her room. He decided to peek inside and see what was going on even though he had a good idea what it was. When he looked inside, what he saw was his daughter lying on her bed.

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   She was naked lying on her back with her knees up and her legs spread apart with on of her hands working between her legs. As soon as she was done helping her dad clean up from dinner, Becky ran upstairs to her room. She jumped on her bed and flipped on her TV with the remote. As she scanned the channels for something good to watch, she started thinking about the conversation she had just had with her father. All that talk about sex was sure making my pussy wet. I was getting so fucking horny I thought I was going to explode. She chuckled to herself. I think it had an effect on daddy to. I’m not sure, but I could almost swear he had a hard on when he got up to clear the table. Damn it looked like he had a big cock on him. I wonder if his cock would taste as good as Brian’s had? What am I thinking? Sucking my own father’s dick? That’s disgusting, even if he is handsome as hell. Becky pictured her father in her mind. He was about 5’9” and had an average build. She guessed he probably weighed around 160 pounds. He had short light brown hair and from what she could tell by the bulge in his pants a pretty big cock to boot.

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   She was getting so horny just thinking about it. Then her mind went to what happened at school today. As soon as Brian made sure the boy’s room was empty, she followed him inside. “Get down on your knees,” he instructed her. “I don’t know Brian we might get caught, besides the floor is kinda nasty. ”“Look if you want me to take you to prom you’ll get down on your knees and suck my dick. ”Rebecca thought about it for a second. She really wanted to go to prom with someone, and Brian is pretty good looking. Rebecca slowly sank down to her knees. The hem of her uniform skirt slid up over the top of her knees and rested on her lower thighs. She felt her bare knees touching the damp floor. She tried not to think about why the floor was damp. It was a pretty hard thing to do since the boy’s bathroom had a strong smell of urine to it. But she knew if she wanted a date for the prom she had to do this. Brian had opened his pants for her and slid his underwear part way down She could pull his dick out easily.

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   Rebecca awkwardly reached in to Brian’s pants and pulled out his rapidly hardening dick. It was only about four inches long, but it was all the way hard yet. Becky guess it would grown about another inch or two once it got all the way hard. She very tentatively brought her mouth to Brain’s swelling penis. Becky stuck her tongue out and lightly flicked it across the head of Brain’s dick. “Ohh,” Brian moaned out softly when Becky’s tongue made its first contact with his cock. “Oh yes lick it. Lick my cock. Mmmm yes. Now take it in your mouth. ”Becky did as she was told and brought Brain’s cock deeper into her mouth. Her lips closed around the head and slid slowly down the shaft while her tongue swirled around the underside of hi cock. This isn’t as bad as I thought it would be. In fact, I kind of like it. It’s neat the way his dick feels inside my mouth.

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   The way the soft head rubs against the roof of my mouth. Becky started slowly bobbing her head up and down on Brian’s now fully hard dick. She took her mouth off his dick for a minute to catch her breath while she stroked it up and down with her hand. Brain’s hands had made their way to her head and were playing with her hair. She looked up at him and he was in another world. His head was thrown back and his eyes were closed. Becky smiled, and went back to the task at hand. As she put her mouth back on Brain’s dick, she flicked her tongue over his piss slit and tried to push her tongue inside a little. “Oh good yes. Becky you are such a good cock sucker you fucking slut. ”At first Becky was mad that Brian called her such nasty names, but as she though about it it turned her on. Here she was down on her knees on the floors of a filthy boy’s bathroom sucking a boy’s cock just so he would take he to the prom. Oh my God I am a slut. Becky thought to herself. She kept bobbing up and down on Brian’s cock swirling her tongue all over his dick while it was in her mouth.

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   Before long, she felt his body tense up an she looked up at his face as he pulled his cock out of her mouth and prepared to shoot his cum all over her face what surprised her was it wasn’t Brian’s face she saw it was her father’s when his cum shot all over her face she immediately came. “Ohhhh!” Becky moaned loudly as she came harder than she ever had before. That was when Mr. Shanks walked in and caught them. Becky thought about what had just happened. Had she really fantasized about sucking her own father’s cock? It was so nasty, but it had made her come so hard. It was all a little confusing as she drifted off to sleep and dreams of cocks in her mouth and cum spraying all over her face. Jim watched as his daughter played with her pussy. She looked so sexy. Before long, her body tensed and she raised her ass off the bed as she came. Her body was shaking as her orgasm rocked through her body. Then all at once, she collapsed. Jim, quickly and quietly, made his way to his room where he quickly stripped out of his clothes and began stroking his aching cock. God what’s wrong with me getting so turned on by my own daughter. He thought about how sexy she looked working her hand between her legs.

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   Guiltily, he wished he could have seen her pussy. As he stroked his cock, he pictured himself fucking it deep into his little girl’s wet pussy. It only took a few minutes for his cock to explode and spray his chest with load after load of his sticky wet cum. Jim lay there resting and thinking about what just happened. He felt like a monster having sexual thoughts about his own daughter, but it had been months since he had sex with anyone. Jim decided that’s why he had thought like that. Lack of sex, that had to be it. He’d have to start looking for a girlfriend. He rolled out of bed and took a quick shower before going to sleep for the night. Dreams of sex with various women always seemed to turn into his daughter no matter who they started out to be haunted him throughout the night. .
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Escort Larissa – Astounding and Arousing World for You. Reasons why Escort Larissa should be Your Choice.

Plunge into kinky depths of never-ending joy and wild sex games with the most charming ladies with help of high-end Escort in Larissa.
Background about Larissa You should Know before Visit.Larissa is an gorgeous place located in Greece. Larissa has a commonly accepted unofficial name "The Place of Joy" and in reality, this place is fairly windy during the whole year. Larissa is well-known in the world of tourism around the globe, thanks to its energetic nightlife, beaches and crystal-clear waters. This place has got an emerging community as well. Likewise, you can be certain that Larissa will definitely turn all your nasty dreams into reality, because this place is the very centre of all the key parties throughout Greece, and can be by right recognized as local Greek version of Ibiza. But one look closer will be sufficient to realize that Larissa has more to offer to all the fun seekers.
Never forget that Larissa is the town that can turn all your nasty fantasies into reality. Hence, in case if you are searching for some lecherous action, this place has got everything you require. Likewise, once you step inside this astounding Greek the place, don’t miss a chance to visit Escort in Larissa. My word, you have never seen anything like what you are about to unveil at Escorts Larissa, since it has been created exclusively for all the lustful and insatiable men, who always crave for sex. We have a big choice of various ladies, who are very agile when it comes to kinky action. Escort in Larissa chicks can make out all night long and deliver the highest pleasure on the planet.

Things to Try at Escort Larissa

Contemplating what to start with? Which slut to pick first? No worries, Larissa Escort provides you with necessary tools to browse through a vast catalogue of hot hotties, read through their profiles, check out those elastic body curves, and discover sex specialties. Beautiful blondes, naughty brunettes, kinky redheads – we’ve got all of them, so don’t hesitate to pick the one that meets your preferences and attracts you the most. Dreaming of a threesome or a group sex? No problem, our experienced hotties will take a good care of you and impress you with breathtaking orgasms and marvellous action. Oral sex, anal sex, handjobs, dirty massage, cosplay – all this and many more is waiting for you Escort in Larissa, so go ahead and enjoy it.