
My last days in the office


I had been working in this office for about a year and  3 or 4 months ago a new girl started. it didnt take long for the word to get about she was hot but had a boyfriend she was sleeping with.
She and I occasionally chatted over lunch as at times our lunch breaks coincided. It didnt take much to find out her boyfriend and her were regular fuckers - he in fact lived next door to her and would sneak in at night through the window have a quicky and sneak out. She was obviously cock crazy.  One day she actually asked if I was interested in taking her out and she said the boyfriend is away and she is lonely. I knew what lonely meant. I said I dont make a habit of taking girls out I work with and we left it at that. I have had problems in other places with office romances. She said well I am interested any time you want to break the rules and I left it at that.
About a month later I was transferred and the word got around I was moving on in a weeks time. Jan came to me and said I heard you have been transferred and I said yes, then she said well tonight is the night and I knew exactly what she was alluding to. I said ok.
I picked her up at the end of the street as she didnt want the boyfriend to know she was going shagging. Within moments of being in the car her hand was on my lap feeling for the trouser snake in there. We drove to a nearby spot she told me about and by then she had my cock out and was pumping it madly and I was hot myself and came very quickly and had to catch everything in one of her tissues she had ready.

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   She said let me have a look - I hand job him but he wont let me look at his cock or see his cum, as we only ever do it in the dark. She was fascinated with seeing my cum and played with it when I finished cleaning up we drove on because that place was filling up with other cars and it was still early and not very dark - she said come on somebody might recognise me here. etc.
We got to another place I had used before which was fairly secluded. It was a moon light night and this spot overlooked a bay. She said lets go for a swim in the nude so we did. There were two other doing the same thing and they relaxed more when they saw us naked too. While we were there we kissed and fingered each other off in the water and I came again and this time so did she and boy did she make it known she was enjoying it. It left no doubt in the minds of the other two who were some distance away what we were doing. It was a five minute walk back to the car and we had left our clothes on a picnic table next to the car. On the way the heavens opened and we had been so engrossed in our sex that we hadnt realised the sky had become overcast. By the time we got back our clothes were saoking wet. It was a warm night and our clothes soaking we so we just got into the back seat naked and began the passion build up and being naked already we were both able to get to all the parts we wanted to play with. As we kissed I felt her breasts and kissed and suckled on them. She had never had that done before and loved every moment as I sucked, licked, bit and did just about everything that can be done to a nipple, in fact both nipples.

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   Then she wanted to look and play with my cock and examine it closely and I thoroughly enjoyed the way she felt it, stroked it, and played with my balls. She was fascinated with it, as I am circumcised and her bf isnt. I sort of made overtures about her trying to suck me and she said no - I have never done that and I am not keen to do it as I dont want cum in my mouth. I have heard it tastes terrible.
By now she was happy with her examination having asked every question and felt every bit of my cock and balls and gently palyed with it. Then we got back to kissing and I was gradually making my way down her body and when I got to her pubic region she said what are you doing and I said I want to kiss the insides of your thighs and she opened her legs wide to give me access and the scent of her was absolutely devine. After swimming etc she was all salty and sparkling clean and the scent of her musky cunt juice was really turning me on. I kissed her a couple of times on each thigh and gently lifted her legs up so she was perfectly positioned and then without warning latched my mouth onto her now wet and wondeful cunt. She gave a jerk and tried to pull away but I had her firmly in my grasp with an arm around each leg holding her open I applied my lips to her cunt lips firmly and kissed sucked and licked her labia and wide open vagina as she wriggled and tried to get me off her. I persisted and then found her clit and squeezed it betwen my lips and rubbed it with my tongue. She gave up the fight and relaxed and changed her actions from trying to escape to forcing herself more firmly onto my mouth and in less than a minute clamped my head betwen her thighs and bucked and screamed and I thoroughly enjoyed the wonderful warm pink flesh she had opened wider for me to devour. She told me afterwards it was the most amazing and intense orgasm she has ever had .  Her cunt filled with that wonderful syrup that only girls can make and I sucked every drop from inside her that I could get. Her spasm lasted about what seemed like a minute but it was less than that and she collapsed completely spent and ghasping for breath and her whole body was rising and falling as she tried desperately to get a much air into her lungs as she could. I could feel her heart racing and see the veins in her neck pulasating as her heart pumped blood like mad.

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   Her hard nipples now blood red and each breast and her stomach rising and falling in rythm with her harsh deep breathing. I knew she had enjoyed me giving her her first oral orgasm.
When she recovered completely she could only talk about one thing - how wonderful what I had done to her had been and she described in detail how every nerve in her body suddenly went beserk and brough on her orgasm like she had never ever experienced before. I could have asked for anything and she would have done it for me.
After she had settled down I made more moves this time like I wantd to fuck her. My cock was now hard and standing up and she was feeling it and saying how good it felt. I said it can feel better and she said how and I said let me show you. I then got her legs open and this time put one over each shoulder as her bum sat on the edge of the seat and I positioned my cock and then aimed it for her cunt which again was wide open, wet and pink, and I gently guided it toward the tunnel of love she had so beautifully prepared for me. I let my cock head slip into her. She was not too tight or loose either and I could feel the warmth of her labia lips and the wetness of her vagina take me in and hold the head of my cock just inside her firmly. I asked if she was ready and she just nodded, she was already in cunt heaven and I slid my cock slowly but forcefully down into her until I had my entire cock inside her down to my balls, which were so soft they were rubbing against the slit of her bum between her legs.  I could feel them sliding up and down as I began to slowly pump my cock deeply into her.
She said holy christ that is the most amazing sensation I have ever had. I have been fucked dozens of times before but nothing has ever felt like this. This is heavenly - how big are you.

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   I said you are getting all seven inches of me. She said Barry has six inches but it never felt like this before. I cant believe being fucked can feel so different. Oh god she said just put it right in and just let me feel it up inside me. I did as she asked and she said I can feel every inch of it and it is in so far it must be touching my belly button, I can feel it touching something. I said thats your cervix thats about as far as it will go in before it might start to hurt you. She said my first time hurt but this is heavenly ok start fucking me again and I slowly lifted myself up and then slowly let my cock force its way down deep into her again a few more times before I began to really fuck her. I got a nice rythm going and she soon started to meet me and as I went down she lifted her ass and between the two of us we began to fuck magnificently, not hard and fast but firmly and at a moderate speed that we were both comfortable with.
The two of us were fucking like professionals and she was getting herself nicely warmed up to make the most of it. We fucked beautifull for about 7 or 8 minutes and she kept telling me how wonderful it was and how she never realised how being fucked properly felt. She said beore it was always in a hurry and he often came before her, pulled out and left her to finish herself off with her fingers.
I had to say honestly I couldnt remember having as good a fuck as she was before, she really was something else, and a natural. She said I have been masturbating for 6 years and at least 6 or 7 times a week and I have had some good orgasms but today was beyond belief. I said then lets see if we can make this another milestone. I started to move harder and faster and then she said oh god i like this, and then said harder, harder I want it harder and I started to really thrash her with my cock deep and hard.

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   Her body was shaking all over from the force I was doing her with and her breasts were bouncing each time I hit her hard down deep and the slap of our flesh meeting must have been heard for miles as was her grunts as I hit her deep. Then she said I am cumming holy fucking shit this is unbelievable and that had me going as well and I could feel my cock harden even harder and my balls began to get that feeling like they were about to explode and the two of us thrashed into each other as she pushed her ass up as I pushed down and then her back arched up and remained there with her pelvis firmly planted against mine. She let out this deep sound AAAAARRRRRRGGGGGHHHHHH from the bottom of her throat and screamed and screamed and thrashed her head about in what seemed like complete agony.
I couldnt control myself either and I flooded her internally with spurt after spurt of my wonderful load of hot warm sticky baby juice. My cum was red hot and my cock felt like a fire hose as the huge volume of cum flooded into her continuously. By the time I had complely spent myself into her she had settled down. I couldnt remember her saying anything I was too intent on enjoying one of the best fucks I have ever had.  
Then the two of us collapsed and I fell on top of her. She was having the same reaction as she had earlier and I was almost identical having the same reaction she was having for the second time. We were both soaking wet with sweat. We had certainly dried off from the earlier soaking we got but this was pure sweat.  I rested my head on her breasts and she lifted an arm to put around me and I could smell that wonderful sweaty scent from under her arm and knew she had put everything into making our fucking the most pleasurable event of her life. Her hair was soaking wet also, she had put so much effort into her pleasure.
We sat and rested and talked. I asked if she had taken precautions and said yes she was on oral contraception and I said thank heavens, it never entered my head we just got into it so fast.

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   How many girls have you fucked she asked and I said she was number 6. She asked how did I compare and I said you are now the top of the class. She said you possibly tell them all that and I said no, I have never had a fuck to equal what we had just enjoyed. That I said was my best effort ever. I then said its possibly not a question a gentleman asks, but as you can see I am no gentleman but how many guys have you had. She said two boys only. My first was a complete waste of space and effort, he came in me and was off and I never saw him again. It hurt and we had taken no precautions and I didnt even know his name other than his first name and I could well have ended up pregnant.  I spent an hour on the toilet tring to get it all out of me and had no idea about safe sex and the rythm method. All I knew was a boy came in you and you got pregnant. Fortunately my period arrived on time a week later which was the worst week of my life - until then. I have never been happier to have a period ever.
She then asked me do you want to see me again - after you go. I said if you want to. She said every day and night if it can be like this.

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   I nodded. Good she said I can get rid of that prick next door, I only want him for sex and then its not always good. He satisfies me about half the time if I am lucky.
I said I dont know about you but I think I could go again if you were in the mood. She said look I am buggered but I am more than happy for you to have as much as you want and she prepared herself to take me into her again. This time she was full of my previous load of cum and her juices and her cunt was sloppy but I could still enjoy myself and I fucked her for about 5 minutes and then used my prostate to make another hot load of baby juice redy for her and unloaded another sac full of my semen into her hot wet dripping cunt.  After I came I kissed her and she said what is that taste in your mouth, I know it from somewhere. I laughed and said I bet you suck your fingers sometimes when you masturbate. She said no I dont - I said well how many other cunts have you sucked and she said dont be disgusting - I said what you are tasting is your cunt juice, remember I sucked you off and got a mouthful of your wonderful cunt juice and thats what you can taste. She said you caught me out that time. She said have you ever tasted your own and I said I have a couple of times years ago when I started masturbating and jacked off into a spoon and drank it.  How was it she asked and I said at the time I thought it certainly wasnt rasberry cordial but it was ok. I said would you like to try some and she said - no. I said go on I have given you a mouth wash it doesnt hurt and I wont mind if you spit it out when i cum. We talked about it for a while and as we did I fingered her nipples and she was warming up to the idea and finally said I cant - its all covered in the stuff out of my cunt.

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   I said I can wash it, and immediately got out and walked over to a tap nearby and washed my entire pubic area and let her see what I was doing. When I got back I said see I am as clean as a whistle now. It took her a few minutes to gain the courage and then a few goes at putting it into her mouth. I was laying back on the car seat and she was kneeling on the floor between my legs holding my cock and occasionally stropping it and she asked a couple of times - couldnt I just wank you off- I said I would prefer you to suck me off really. Finally she put her mouth over me for about the tenth time and then held it there. She moved her tongue around and sucked hard. I said dont suck as hard it will hurt your cheeks, just rest your lips on it and run your tongue over and around it.
After a few minutes she seemed far happier and said you tell me how to do it, I dont know. I said you are doing fine just keep that up and I will be happy. She went back down on me and she started to give me quite a good head job, once or twice I suggested something she could try but once she actually bit me and I said I wasnt keen on that and she said sorry I will make up for that and did. At one stage she asked what deep throating was and I explaind it and said lets try that after you have more practice some other night, that takes practice. She started to take me deeply and then realised exactly what was involved and stopped.
I lasted a few more minutes and I got ready to cum, she had done a good job. I said I am nearly there, if you like you can take it out and wank me off, I wont mind I have enjoyed it so far, or you can take it in our mouth and then spit it out, I dont mind that either. Its up to you.

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She said just let me know when you are cumming and I will decide what I will do and how I feel. She went back down and within a minute I said now - I'm cumming and she sucked hard and took it all in her mouth and before I realised it had swallowed my cum. Then she looked up at me with a smile from ear to ear and said that wasnt bad at all. I was in two minds when you said it but though what the hell and did it, I am so proud of myself. I have swallowed my first load of cum, fantastic. I said how does it taste and she said a bit stronger than the taste in our mouth earlier and a bit like salt or vinegar I am not sure. I said come up here and kiss me, I will find out for myself and we kissed and tasted my cum on her tongue and said I think we will have to do it again I cant make up my mind either. She said if I have to I will - and I said no I will look forward to our next night together we can do it all again and by then you will be wanting it more and more.
We kissed for ages and neither of us wanted any more fucking or sucking we were both more than happy. I took her home and she clung to me and didnt want me to go. I said I will see you tomorrow. She said at work and play I hope. I said a little bit of work and a lot of play if I have anything to say about it. She kissed me and said I cant wait. Then as I was about to go she came to the side of the car and put her finger out to seal my lips.

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   She had wiped it through her cunt and said this is to remember me by and to tempt you into more tomorrow. It was a mixture of both my cum and her juice and sweat. It tasted wonderful. I said take your pants off and come here - she said I dont have any on and ran off.
The next day it didnt take long for the news to travel and everybody knew she and I had been out together but I am sure had no idea of what happened.
I did learn a few weeks later one of the other girls did because she was moved to where I had been moved to, and the first time we talked she said when you are tired of her I am available. I said I will keep you in mind but dont hold your breath.   She did for six months and I broke my rule of no office associations. Jan and I parted friends - but without benefits any more. Jan found she liked sex with another woman better.   My first night out with Sally was even better than my first night with Jan. Sally was experienced and we wasted no time in making sure how much we both knew and how many different ways we could have sex together.  Now a year later we are still fucking like rattle snakes at least two nights a week and every weekend. She is even better than Jan. We have no plans to become partners as we enjoy the way we are and have been for so long.


   Living apart has added significance when we are together. Some of our weekends are completed naked days of depravity and never ending sex. We do enjoy a nice meal together and then its back to bed to eat each other for sweets.

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