
Seducing Ben


History, Volume 8, Call Number AMH 921. 2,” Ben read the words from the piece of paper in his hands. Glancing at the library shelf before him, Ben began to peruse the books. Suddenly out of the corner of his eye, he noticed a woman had rounded the corner at the end of the aisle. She wore a white summer dress, dark sandals, and a band-aid wrapped around one of her pinky fingers. There was something familiar about this woman, but Ben could not remember where he had seen her before. Curiosity played upon his mind as he turned back towards the books. “Excuse me, do you work here?”Ben was lost in thought as he spotted the book he had been looking for. “Excuse me,” she said clearing her throat while raising her hand in the air. “Do you work here young man?” Turning towards the woman, Ben looked around. He realized they were the only two in the aisle. “Were you speaking to me, ma’am?” he said pointing to himself. “Ma’am, Do I really look that old?” she said tilting her head. “No,” Ben smiled shyly. As the woman approached Ben, she appeared to be a forty something version of Goldie Hawn or Darryl Hannah. She had a few freckles on her cheeks and soft blue eyes.

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   A hint of gloss shone on her pink supple lips. “Not bad for an older woman,” he thought to himself. “I was wondering if you could help me?” she said her blue eyes sparkling. “I can’t seem to find this book. ” The woman sighed, touching his arm with soft fingertips. “American History, Volume 8, Call Number AMH 921. 2. ” Ben read aloud. “Isn’t that a coincidence? I was actually looking for the same book myself. It is right there,” he said pointing to the bottom shelf. The blond woman followed Ben’s pointing finger. Bending over at the waist, she placed her hands on her knees. Taking two steps sideways she stopped right in front of Ben’s pelvis. As Ben looked down he could see the crease of her firm round buttocks. Withdrawing the book from the shelf, the woman lifted and wiggled her hips rubbing his groin feeling his erection.

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   As she turned around, Ben stood face to face with the stranger. “Sorry I didn’t mean to bump you,” she said her breasts squished to his chest. Ben, aware of the tight strain in his crotch, did his best to hide his embarrassment as he quickly averted his eyes from her plunging cleavage. He couldn’t help feeling aroused. Taking a few steps back he replied, “Are you checking this book out?”“I planned to,” she smiled as she purposely stared straight at Ben’s crotch. “And if you only knew what you will be checking out,” she thought to herself. “I have a report that I need to write for Mr. Merrick’s class. It is due this Monday and I have been so busy I forgot about it. ” “Mr. Merrick, I am taking his class as well,” Ben said. “What is your name?” The woman asked knowing damn well what it was, as she looked straight into Ben’s eyes. “Hi, I’m Ben,” he said extending his hand. “Ben…that is a nice name, my name is Petra. ” As their hands parted Ben noticed the soft touch of her fingers as they slid across his palm sending waves of electricity throughout his body.

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   “You look familiar to me. Have we met before?” “No, I don’t think so. ” Petra smiled, the corners of her mouth curling slightly. “You shouldn’t lie, it isn’t nice,” she silently laughed at herself. She glanced at her watch and then looked back at Ben. “Ben, it was nice to meet you, but I have an errand that I must attend to. Thank you for your help, maybe I will see you around?”“Sure Petra, maybe I will see you in class. ”As the woman turned, her hip brushed Ben. Ben watched her dress sway and her round buttocks swivel as Petra walked away. Dumbfounded, Ben stood with his mouth slightly open. There was something about the way she smelled, the way her aura reached out to him. She was familiar to him but he couldn’t quite remember. Ben needed relief from the ache in his loins as he turned back towards the shelf seeking a new library book. lay on his bed flipping through channels on the television he had brought from home. He stopped when he saw a group of people playing volleyball.

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   One of the girls had long blonde hair pulled back in a ponytail. As he watched the girl spike the ball over the net, his eyes were riveted to her bouncing boobs. His thoughts turned to the woman he had met in the library earlier in the day. Aroused he thought of her scent and the raw sexuality, which seemed to ooze from every pore of her body. Removing his hard cock from his jeans, he stroked himself thinking of her. The sight of her naked butt through her dress, the feel of her soft round cheeks as they rubbed his aching bulge and the feel of her fleshy mounds as they pressed into his chest. “2x + 4y= 20” “X = 2, Y = 4,” Ben wrote as he completed his homework. Closing his Algebra book, he lifted his eyes to the clock radio, 4:30pm. He stood and stretched his lanky frame. Time to go to the cafeteria and get some dinner he thought. As he closed the door to his room and walked down the hall, the memory of Petra pulled at him again. He smiled and thought how nice it would be to see her at dinner; he doubted however that she would be there. Ben paid for his food and found a lounge filled with a few overstuffed couches and chairs. He sat and began to eat. Taking a bite of his hamburger, he chewed a couple of times and then placed it back on his plate.

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   As he lifted his head Petra stood before him. “Mind if I join you?” She smiled as she sat across from him. On a small table beside her chair she set a plate of fruit salad down. “No not at all,” Ben blushed. “We met in the library earlier, Petra, right?” “Yes, Ben, did you have a good afternoon?” she smiled seductively. “Yes,” Ben stammered as he thought about the jerk off session she had played a part in earlier that day. By the look in her eyes, he felt guilty as if somehow she knew he had thought about her while masturbating. “Just get it out of your head,” he thought to himself, “she is your mother’s age. ” “So, Ben, is this your first year in college?” Petra asked with a soft look in her eyes already knowing the answer. “Yes, I just graduated from high school in June. My mom wanted me to take a break after I graduated, maybe work a part time job. However she met a guy nine months ago and he moved in shortly after they met. He is a nice enough guy, but a bit egotistical. I decided it was time to leave the nest. ”“So, your mom is divorced?” “No, actually my father died two years ago.

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   My mother went through a phase of depression for a while and was afraid to date. She told me that she felt too old and she possibly couldn’t imagine anyone wanting a middle-aged woman. I was a bit shocked when she started dating again and her new boyfriend moved in. I never thought my mom would live with someone she wasn’t married to. I guess after a while she got lonely. “Yes, I know how it is Ben; it is tough when you lose someone you love, and you do get lonely. I just turned forty-three and thought that I would be with the same man for the rest of my life. I think that sometimes it is harder for women to be without a mate. When we begin to grow old we get lonely but still have needs Petra said flashing Ben a smile. “So, if you don’t mind telling me, may I ask what happened to your husband?” “Oh, he is still around but he found someone new. I guess he wasn’t happy after twenty years of marriage. At first I was hurt then I grew angry. I discovered that he was cheating on me with an accountant who worked in his office. Imagine my surprise when I opened the door to his office and saw his naked butt pumping wildly between a pair of spread legs suspended in the air. I am getting over it but it still hurts at times.

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   “That must have really hurt you when you caught your husband with another woman? It was tough for me losing my father too. ” Petra laughed to herself and thought, “Must have hurt when I caught my husband with another woman. Yes, she was another woman alright but she wasn’t just any woman, that fucking cunt. ”“Well, I guess I can look on the positive side of things, Ben. I received a nice settlement and the house. It has a pool and a Jacuzzi. My ex-husband is a stockbroker so we were able to live well. I really do not have to worry about money, but I hate sitting around. I thought I would take a few classes until I can figure out what to do with the rest of my life. ”Ben studied her face as she continued speaking. “At least your mother found someone. Maybe I’ll get lucky and do the same,” she smiled as she brushed a sandal-less foot against the back of Ben’s calf. Ben looked down at her foot. “I’m sorry” Petra smiled. “I didn’t mean to kick you.

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  ”“That’s alright; I didn’t realize that my foot was practically on top of yours. ” Petra smiled softly at him again thinking to herself. “We’ll soon see who ends up on top of whom. ”They sat for a few more minutes eating their dinner. He was doing his best to wolf down a double cheeseburger and fries as fast as he could. “Whoa there, Tiger,” Petra said doing her best to slow him down. “You are eating that cheeseburger like you are starving to death. ”Ben sat his burger down and looked at Petra with a dab of mayonnaise on his lip. “Sorry, I don’t mean to be such a pig. I forgot to eat lunch. ”“Ben, you have to eat, you must keep that long lanky frame of yours energized,” Petra said teasing him. “A growing young man like you can’t study on an empty stomach. ” “And you will need a whole lot of energy when I am done with you,” she thought to herself. Petra glanced at her fruit salad and fingered a red strawberry from the plate. Looking Ben in the eyes, she slid her tongue between her lips touching the end. gay escort erito.girls ellen saint escort slovak beauties escort elite rome escorts escorts girls escort russia veronica carso independent escort girls 

   Opening her mouth, her pearly whites bit down on the berry and a tiny teardrop of juice ran halfway down her chin. “Oops, these are so juicy,” Petra, said in a husky voice as she raised a hand to her chin. “I guess the both of us are having trouble controlling our mouths today. As Petra sucked the rest of the strawberry into her mouth, Ben felt a familiar tingling in his groin. “Ben, I haven’t been to school for quite a few years. Since it seems that we both have the same report to write, why don’t we work on it together?”“Sure,” Ben shrugged. It would be nice to work on it with someone. ” “Listen, I need to run,” Petra said as she glanced at her watch. Do you have something to write with?”As Ben pulled a pen from his shirt pocket, it flew out of his fingers landing on the floor in front of Petra. He got to his knees to retrieve the pen, he had a clear view between Petra’s tanned thighs; she wasn’t wearing any underwear. Standing to his feet, Ben felt his cheeks go flush. “Are you ok, Ben? Your cheeks look a little red. ”“I’m fine,” Ben felt a small fire spread across his face as his cheeks burned red. “I think I stood up a little too quick. ” Petra found the piece of paper in her purse.


   She tore a corner off and wrote a series of numbers on it. Handing it to Ben she said, “Here is my phone number. Give me a call and let me know when we can get together and work on the report. If I’m not home, leave a message on my machine. ” “I’ll call you so we can arrange a time. ” Ben smiled. “Have a good evening,” Petra smiled as she stood. “I look forward to us working on the report together,” she winked. As Petra walked away, Ben glanced at the piece of paper he smiled to himself. Her soft blond bush flashed in his mind. It had been two days since Ben had met Petra. She was twice his age but he couldn’t get her out of his mind. Maybe it was her raw sensuality or maybe it was just her familiarity. “917-555-4373,” Ben tapped on the keypad of his cell phone. He could hear her phone ring on the other end.


   “I’m not here right now; you know what to do at the sound of the beep. Jeff, if this is you, I put the rest of your clothes out in the garbage. Maybe you can send your new bitch over to retrieve them. Oh wait, the garbage man has come and gone” her voice said with a slight giggle. “I guess your little angel will have to buy you some new clothes. ” Beeeep. Ben moved his cell phone away from his ear a few inches. The message caught him off guard. He hadn’t seen a mean streak in Petra today when they met. Hesitating he wasn’t sure if he should leave a message. “Petra, Hi this is Ben. I am free all weekend. Whenever you want to work on the report is good for me. ” Ben closed his cell phone and heard a knock on the door. Two old friends were standing there with shit eating grins on their faces.

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   After a quick slur of words, Ben decided to join them for a few more beers down at the campus pub. sun’s rays were bright as Ben woke the next morning. Squinting, he cursed himself for forgetting to close the blinds the night before when he got home from the pub. Closing his eyes he brought his hand to his mouth and yawned. As he stretched his naked body, his penis stood erect as a steal pole. Rolling out of bed, he slowly walked to the other side of his room. Standing in front of the toilet, Ben rubbed his eyes as the sound of his steaming piss echoed off of the bathroom walls. Ben took a shower, dressed, found his cell phone and called Petra. “Hello?”“Hello Petra? This is Ben. ”“Oh, Hi Ben,” her voice grew soft. “Did you get the message I left last night?” “Yes, sorry I was out drinking with some friends. ” “That sounds like fun, Ben. So, would you like to get together and start on the report?” “Yes, I was hoping we could get together today. ” “I am free all day. What time is good for you,” Petra smiled.

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   Ben looked at the clock/radio on his desk. “How does 10:30 sound?”“Great, I’ll see you at 10:30. Did you get my address from the message I left on your answering machine last night?”“876 Woodland Drive,” Ben replied hoping he had written her address down correctly. “That’s it. ”“Ok, Petra. I am going to run and get some breakfast first. ”“Better eat your Wheaties Ben. You never know when you might need some extra strength. ” Petra laughed. Ben smiled into the phone. “I’ll see you at 10:30. ”Closing his phone, Ben rubbed the back of his neck. There was something in Petra’s voice that caught him off guard. She sounded different, softer. “876 Woodland Drive,” Ben read as he glanced at the note in his lap.

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   He found Petra’s street and turned into the lane. Spotting the numbers on her mailbox, he pulled into the driveway. As he surveyed her two-story house, he thought to himself, “She wasn’t lying, it is nice. ” The yard shone bright green and was framed in front by hedges. A variety of flowers bloomed in a freshly dug bed beside the steps leading to the front door. Stepping upon the mat, which read, “Welcome Home,” he rang the bell. Ben stood for a few minutes, no answer. He wondered if she had forgotten their meeting. “I just called her an hour ago,” he thought to himself. She must be busy and forgot about the time. He rang the bell again and waited. As he stood at the door, Ben saw a brown wooden fence along the side of the house. The fence appeared to be about four feet high. In the middle of the fence he saw two black hinges and a gate. He didn’t want to intrude, but she was expecting him.

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   He figured that she would not be too shocked if she found him in her backyard. Walking down the stairs, he stopped when he heard a splash of water. Looking up he saw Petra standing on the cement surrounding the pool. She was nude, her wet blond hair hanging limply down her back. Ben ducked out of site, afraid that he had intruded on a private moment. Petra bent down to pick up a towel from the lounge chair beside the pool. As she began to dry her feet and calves, Ben could not take his eyes off of her. Her body was tan; round hips framed her heart shaped buttocks. Ben began to feel a warm tingle in his belly. Petra stood and finished drying herself. Lying back in the chair, she grasped a tube of lip-gloss from the table and removed the wand. Slowly she applied it to her pouting lips. Placing the tube back on the table, she reached out to grab a bottle of lotion. The lotion fell and rolled underneath the table. Standing up from her chair, she got down on all fours with her back towards Ben.

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   Between her round cheeks he could see the outline of her labia. Petra clutched the bottle in her hand and sat down on the lounge chair. She opened the pink top of the bottle and squirted the oily liquid into one of her palms. Petra slowly, began to rub the oil under her chin, down her neck and over her voluptuous breasts. She stretched and pulled her ankles up close to her bottom, spreading her legs. She grasped the bottle again and squeezed some of the liquid directly onto her sternum just below her breasts. She rubbed the rest of the oil on her arms, across her belly, and over her thighs. Looking herself over, she was satisfied. Retrieving a pair of dark sunglasses from the small table, she put them on. Lying back on the chair, she placed her hand between her thighs. Slowly she began to stroke her golden bush. As her rhythm increased, she bucked her hips from the chair. She rubbed her clit, and then inserted a finger into her murky slit. The movement of her hips increased in tempo as she brought herself to orgasm. Slowly sliding her fingers from between her tanned thighs, she brought them to her lips and tasted herself.

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   With a satisfied sigh, she dropped her hands over the armrests of the chair. As the sun kissed her face and sunlight glimmered on her sunglasses, Ben felt wetness spring forth from the head of his penis. Looking down to his groin, he could see a visible bulge in his jeans. With his right hand, he did his best to hide his erection. Ben leaned on the driver’s side of his car He thought to himself, “Should I call her?” He wanted to get the report done, but he did not want to interrupt her. Maybe she had changed her mind and had called and left a message on his machine after he left his dorm. He hadn’t thought to give her his cell phone number. “Well all she can do is tell me she is busy,” he thought to himself. ” Ben dialed her number and heard a phone ring in the distance. “Hello. ” “Hi Petra, it’s me, Ben. ”“Oh hi Ben,” she was smiling on the other end. “Are we still on for the report?” “Yes, what time is it?”“10:30. ” “I’m sorry, Ben, I wanted to take a quick swim and I forgot about the time. Where are you calling me from?”“On my cell phone, I’m parked outside of your house.

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  ” “Ok, I’ll be right with you. Meet me at the front door. ” Petra smiled to herself as she hung up the phone. She knew damn well he was in front of her house. She had caught him right before he ducked down behind her fence when she had stepped from the pool. Ben walked towards the house the front door opened. Petra stood smiling at him, her hair, still wet, was pulled up on top of her head. She wore a dark two-piece bikini covered partially with a thin red kimono. The kimono was untied and stopped at her knees. As the sunlight streamed down upon Petra in the doorway, Ben couldn’t help but notice her slender neck and voluptuous breasts. His penis raged inside his jeans. “Come in, and make yourself at home. Do you like wine?” Petra asked glancing over her shoulder as she walked away. “I’m not sure I’ve never drank wine before,” Ben replied. Petra walked across the wide expanse of the entryway, turned left, and disappeared around a wall.

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   Ben followed her and stopped. On one wall, he saw a few framed photos. One of the photos showed Petra smiling with her arm around two small children. The other photos showed a girl holding a baton dressed in a pink tutu and a young blond boy wearing a soccer uniform. Startled by the sound of Petra’s voice Ben turned in her direction. She handed him one of the clear wine glasses she was holding in her hand. “It is Chardonnay,” she said. “Thanks Do you mind if I ask you about the photos?” Petra smiled and explained who the casts of characters were. The first picture he had noticed was of her and her two children on a vacation to the beach. Her daughter wore the tutu and her son was the soccer nut. Ben and Petra were sitting at the table. She was drawing up a plan of attack for the report while Ben looked through the resources they were going to use. Ben dropped a book abruptly when a scream broke the silence. He felt Petra’s death grip on his inner thigh. Startled he looked at Petra. gay escort erito.girls ellen saint escort slovak beauties escort elite rome escorts escorts girls escort russia veronica carso independent escort girls 

   “What’s wrong?” “I think I just saw a spider run across one of the books,” Petra said her eyes as round as saucers. With heightened awareness stemming from Petra’s grip on his erect member, Ben did his best to locate the spider. Before him all he saw were open books and words printed on white pages. “Are you sure?” he asked as Petra maintained her grip. “I think so,” she smiled with a smoldering look in her eyes. Ben and Petra sat for a few seconds in silence. Ben felt his body give a warm shudder as she held her grip. Flattening her hand, Petra ran it smoothly over the length of his erection while staring into his eyes. Without a word she stood, her red kimono clinging to the small of her back. As she turned to walk away, she reached behind her and pulled it down. Ben sat with his mouth slightly open as the image of her bikini bottom wedged into a thong between her well toned cheeks played upon his mind. Petra walked into her bedroom, removed her kimono and discarded her bikini onto the bedroom floor. “I know exactly what turns any young college boy on,” she thought to herself. Opening a dresser drawer she selected the clothes that she would need in order to set the mood. As Ben waited for Petra’s return, he could not concentrate on the work before him.


   He thought about the smoldering look in her eyes. He chuckled to himself and dismissed the thought. “No, she can’t be hitting on me. What would an older woman want with a young college boy?”Suddenly he heard a distant crash as if something had fallen. Looking out through the doorway of the kitchen he saw no sign of Petra. He decided to investigate the noise. Maybe she had dropped something and needed his help? Ben began to walk through the house seeking the source of the noise. Walking down a white-carpeted hallway, he saw an open door at the end of the hallway. As he stopped in the entryway, he froze his mouth ajar. Beside a king size bed he saw the books Petra had borrowed from the library scattered like playing cards across the floor. Petra with his back to him, was bent over wearing a pair of skin tight Levi’s and a white blouse. Between her slightly spread legs she looked back at him. “Oops, it looks like I dropped some books. ”“Here, let me help you pick them up,” Ben said as he began to walk towards her staring straight at her heart shaped rump, his heart thumping so hard he thought it would leap out of his chest. Petra stood and started to walk towards Ben stopping a few feet from him.


   “I have been watching you for a very long time, Petra smiled softly. “Do you remember the card that you received for graduation that was signed from a secret admirer?”“Yes, but how did you know about my graduation?”“Don’t worry about that right now love. Did you enjoy the show that I put on for you out by the pool earlier Ben?”“Yes, how did you know I was watching?”“Well, as I stood on the edge of the pool, I caught you ducking behind the fence. Did you like what you saw, Ben?”“Yes, I think that you are beautiful. ”“Take off your shoes and socks. ” Ben dropped to one knee obeyed Petra’s direction. As he stood his erection strained against his jeans. “Umm, God was kind to you,” Petra said as she reached out and gently squeezed his crotch. “Unbutton your shirt and take it off,” Petra said in a husky voice as she released him from her grasp. Ben fumbled with the buttons of his shirt then removed it. His eyes remained locked on Petra as her red tipped fingernails gently stroked her slender neck. “Take off your jeans, Ben. ” Ben unbuttoned his jeans, slid them down to his ankles and stepped out of them. His jockey briefs strained as his erection stood stiff. “Now your underwear,” she said in a soothing voice.

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  As Ben removed his underwear, his long thick cock bobbed straight out in front of him. “Umm, I can only imagine how delicious you taste,” Petra sighed as she placed two fingers into her mouth sucking deeply. “Would you like to touch me, Ben?” “Yes,” Ben replied with labored breath. “Would you like to fuck me, Ben?”“Yes,” he replied his voice a little deeper. “In due time, but first I would like you to sit in that chair,” Petra smiled as she pointed to a soft chair in a corner of her bedroom. As Ben sat in the chair, the feel of the soft material sent warm tingles throughout his body. He couldn’t help but touch himself. “Uh, uh,” Petra smiled at him. “If you want me, you must listen to me. ”Ben placed his hands upon the armrests of the chair and gazed at Petra as she stood before him. For her age, she really was beautiful. If he didn’t know better he could have easily mistaken her for a woman in her late twenties. Through her blouse he could see she wasn’t wearing a bra. Her breasts sagged slightly, tipped by erect brown nipples the size of quarters. The Levi’s that she wore hugged her hips tightly.

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   He found himself staring between her legs, wishing at that very moment he could plunge his tongue deep into her blonde bush. Petra slowly unbuttoned her shirt staring directly into his eyes. As the shirt fell open, Petra took both of her breasts into her hands. She placed one of her brown nipples between her lips and sucked. A moan escaped her lips. “Would you like to suck my nipples, Ben,” she said with a smoldering look in her eyes. “Yes!”Petra’s breasts, ripe as two large cantaloupes, jiggled as she ran her hands over her sternum and down across her belly. Ben noticed a few faded marks, which bore witness to the birth of her children, but they only added to her character. Slowly she began to unbutton her Levi’s. When she finished she folded the flaps open exposing white panties. Reaching up to the collar of her shirt, she pulled her shirt off over her shoulders and let it fall to the ground. Without a sound, she walked to Ben, and on the chair, knelt in front of him placing her knees on the sides of his hips. Leaning forward she smothered Ben’s face between her boobs the smell of her skin was intoxicating. Ben’s tongue licked the space between Petra’s breasts. Sitting back she looked into Ben’s eyes.

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   “Please suck my tits, Ben. ”Ben gently grasped one of her heaving breasts and opened his mouth to receive it. Sucking deeply, Petra’s flesh tasted warm and salty in his mouth. Petra stood once again. She slid her hand underneath the top of her panties and touched herself. “Would you like to touch my pussy Ben?”“Yes. ”Sliding her middle finger inside of her wetness, she moaned. “God, Ben, I am so wet for you right now. Would you like to taste me?”“Yes. ”As Petra removed her fingers from her panties, her fingers glistened. Ben involuntarily licked his lips in anticipation. Extending her fingers, Ben parted his lips and sucked her fingers into his waiting hot mouth. Petra’s sweet and sour juices sent waves of pleasure coursing throughout his body. Petra removed her fingers from Ben’s mouth and stood. She slid her jeans off her hips, down to her ankles.

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   Bending over, she removed her socks revealing red toenails. Removing her jeans, she lay on the floor in front of Ben. Lifting her hips and round buttocks from the floor she slid her panties down to her knees and stopped. Ben could see that her golden bush had been removed. In its place two swollen glistening pink lips were slightly open. Petra placed a hand between her thighs, spreading her plump lips for Ben. “Look, how wet I am for you, Ben. Would you like to slide your cock into my pink hole?”“Yes, cried Ben as he grasped his erect penis again. “Uh, Uh what did I say before Ben? Be a good boy for me and do as I say. ”“Petra, you’re killing me! I want to fuck you. ” “Do you, Ben? Do you want to bury your thick cock inside of me?”“Yes. ” “Spit into the palm of your hand, Ben. ” Ben lifted a hand to his mouth, and spit. “I want you to stroke yourself for me. ” Petra moaned.

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   Taking himself firmly in hand, Ben began to work his member. A low groan escaped his lips. Closing his eyes, each stroke sent tingling bolts of pleasure throughout his groin. “Massage your balls for me while you stroke yourself, Ben. ”Petra stuffed two fingers inside of herself as Ben continued to stroke and massage his balls. Petra smiled at him and moaned thinking. “This is working out better than I planned. ” Ben opened his eyes, continuing to milk himself watching Petra as she continued to work her fingers in and out of her wet slit. She bucked her hips as a few drops spilled forth disappearing between her round cheeks. Petra slowly slid her fingers from her wet box and stood. She bent and whispered in Ben’s ear. “I want you to stop now. I know how bad you ache and I know how bad you want to cum. However I want to feel you inside of me, so please save it for me. ” Petra gently kissed Ben on the ear and stood.

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   Dejected, Ben ceased milking his throbbing erection. “Don’t move, I’ll be right back,” she whispered. “While I am gone please do not touch yourself. If you cum I will know it and I will send you away. You will have to find someone else to help you with your report and maybe that is all she will be interested in. ”Ben sat in the chair while Petra disappeared through a doorway across the room. A window was open, the curtains fluttered lightly as a silent breeze blew across his bare skin. His balls ached and he wanted nothing more than sweet release. When Petra reappeared, she was carrying a bowl. There was a hint of steam flowing over the top. In one hand she held an object covered by a small towel. A second towel was draped over one of her forearms. Petra sat at the foot of the bed and placed the items beside her. “Walk to me my lover, she smiled. ” As Ben stepped between Petra’s legs, she lifted one of the hand towels.

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   He could see she was holding a can of shaving cream. Shaking it she smiled at Ben. Ben stood enamored, words escaping him. He had been laid once before in the back of his father’s van, but something told him he was about to get an education his mother never envisioned. Petra flattened her hand and dispensed a small white ball of shaving cream. Ben flinched as Petra gently, touched his dark pubic hair. Looking down he saw that his groin and aching balls were slathered with the cream. He shivered slightly from the chill. “Relax, my love,” Petra smiled. “I can feel your warmth; it will take away the chill. ” Reaching into the steaming bowl, Petra withdrew a disposable razor. She removed the protective cover and with slow careful strokes shaved Ben. Setting the razor back into the water, Petra grasped one of the hand towels. Dangling it from her hand, she dipped it into the bowl then wrung the excess water from it. As she wrapped Ben’s cream covered groin a low moan escaped his lips.

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   She washed him clean, stroked his penis a few times, and kissed his mushroom shaped head softly. Standing she kissed Ben passionately on the lips. “Lay back on the pillows while I put these things away. ” She smiled, running the tip of her tongue across his tingling lips. With a parting glance she added, “And don’t touch yourself. ”Ben lay back on pillows, which were propped against the headboard. Closing his eyes, he felt vulnerable and helpless wanting more control over the situation. Feeling the bed move beneath him, Ben opened his eyes. Petra was squatting over him, spreading her thick thighs. “This is all for you my love,” she smiled as she pulled herself open with her fingers. Reaching out, she grasped his erect shaft slowly milking him, as she stroked and pulled on her clit. “Does this feel good?” she smiled. “Yes,” Ben replied a low moan escaping his lips. Petra lowered herself and sat on Ben’s bald groin. She could feel his thick cock throb against the outside of her labia as the blood coursed through his muscle. gay escort erito.girls ellen saint escort slovak beauties escort elite rome escorts escorts girls escort russia veronica carso independent escort girls 

   She wiggled her hips bathing Ben’s erection with her wetness. “I love how the smooth skin of your cock feels as it rubs against my clit. ” Petra bent forward and lay upon Ben, her golden hair spilling across his chest. Parting her lips, she nuzzled his ear, languidly licking his earlobe sucking it into her mouth. Ben moaned as he moved his head savoring her touch. Tacking one of Ben’s erect nipples into her mouth, she sucked deeply. As Petra licked and kissed Ben’s chest and stomach, her back arched into a bow her tongue tracing the trail of fine hair, which disappeared into his belly button. Sitting up, Petra gathered her hair in her hands. Softly she slung it behind her head causing it to cascade down her back. Giggling, she smiled at Ben as she teased him grinding her wetness on his bald crotch. “God, I want to fuck you so bad. ” “Patience, my love,” Petra winked. Petra parted her lips and slowly lowered her mouth to Ben’s erect shaft. The clear fluid leaking from the head of Ben’s cock formed a string, an unbreakable bond between them ending at the tip of Petra’s tongue. “You taste sweet,” Petra smiled licking her lips.


   Taking Ben in her mouth, she flicked and twirled her tongue around the head of his hard cock, teasing the eye before sucking him deep into her throat. Lightly Petra squeezed and rubbed his smooth hairless sack. Removing her hand from his aching balls, she dipped her middle finger into the warm pool of saliva at the base of Ben’s penis. Ben moaned as Petra inserted a wet finger between his cheeks massaging his prostrate. His hips thrust upward matching her rhythm as her head slowly bobbed and her finger slid in and out of his warmth. “Oh God, I’m going to cum,” Ben cried as his hips bucked in unison with Petra’s rhythm. Slowly withdrawing her finger and releasing him from the warmth of her mouth, she grasped the head of his penis. She pinched it between her index finger and thumb. “Relax my baby,” the urge will subside in a second or two she smiled. Petra straddled Ben again and ground her pelvis into his groin. Bending towards his chest again, she wrapped both of her hands around his neck. Parting his lips with her tongue, she tasted a hint of wine on his breath. Tangled arms and legs danced as the sheets rippled in waves around the lovers. As the lovers rolled over, Petra spread her legs. Ben sat up, grasped Petra’s feet, and pushed her ankles back until they rested on her shoulders.


   Petra reached down between her spread legs and grasped Ben’s cock firmly in her hand. She rubbed the mushroom shaped head against her pink opening, her juices christening him. “Do you like how my pussy feels against the head of your cock Ben?”“Yes,” Ben moaned. Reaching up, Petra wrapped both arms around Ben’s neck and drew him to her body. Her legs fell from her shoulder’s ankles clasped at the small of his back. “Can you feel the heat of my body Ben? Can you feel how much I want you? I want you to fuck me hard and deep. I want you to fill me up and stoke the embers of my inner fire with your thick cock. I want to feel your seed as it spills inside of me quenching me Ben. ” Ben continued to take Petra, his hips bucking as he came, spilling his milky seed inside of her. Petra clenched her thighs tightly around his body. As Ben’s spasms subsided, Petra continued to milk his thickness with her quivering vagina. “Hold me Ben. I want to feel you grow soft inside me. Just lay here and hold me lover,” she cooed in his ear as she smiled to herself. The deed was done.

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   placed the last of his clothes into the dresser drawer, closed it and stepped back. It felt good to know that he would be sharing Petra’s bed with her each night. Surveying the room, he thought of the many times in the last month they had made love on her bed. Smiling he thought about the first afternoon he had found himself flat on his back while she milked the seed from his body. He knew that she was too old for him, but also found comfort in her arms. It didn’t dawn on him that maybe what he was seeking from her was a continuation of his mother’s love. Glancing at his watch, he noticed the time. He had a class in an hour. He decided that he would attend his class and then study in the library for an hour. He needed to collect some resources for semester finals. Later that evening Ben and Petra sat eating dinner. Ben worried if he was prepared for semester finals while Petra thought about the news her doctor had given her earlier in the day. She smiled to herself, patting herself on the back because her plan had seemed to go so well. Placing a warm hand on Ben’s cheek, she looked into his eyes and said, “Since today is Friday and you do not have school tomorrow I think that we should visit your mother tomorrow. ”“Ok, why should we visit my mother,” Ben asked curiously.

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   “Do you remember when we first met and you asked me how I knew about your graduation?”“Yes,” Ben chuckled, “I forgot about that. ” “I haven’t. I will tell you tomorrow. Call your mother and tell her that you are coming home for the weekend so she can meet your new girlfriend. Please do not tell her anymore about me. Also ask her if she will make sure that her new boyfriend is home as well because you and your girlfriend would like to share some news with them. ”“Ok. ” As Ben spoke with his mother she was more than happy to hear that he was coming home had found a wonderful girl at college. She told him that she would make sure that her boyfriend would be there to greet them as well. As Ben drove, Petra sat in the passenger seat beside him smiling. Occasionally she touched her stomach thinking of her long forgotten childhood and of the new child that was growing inside of her. When she was fifteen, Petra had confided in her sister, that she was pregnant. Since Petra had always been the most favored daughter, - or so her sister Betty had thought - Betty spitefully told her mother and father before Petra could break the news to them. Petra was immediately ostracized and disowned. Her family extremely wealthy and powerful viewed her action as a slap in the face.

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   She was sent away to a private boarding school, away from her family, wrenched from the privileged childhood she was accustomed to. Petra had been provided with the means to take care of her new child but received no emotional support of her family. The scars ran deep and she never returned to her family once she graduated from school. She had waited for this day for a very long time. Ben was silent as they drove. “Do you love me?” Petra smiled taking Ben’s hand. “Yes. ” “Do you have a problem with our age difference?”“No, I am just wondering how my mother is going to feel. ”“So am I,” Petra said quietly turning from Ben to hide her smile. “Ben I want you to know that I would never do anything to hurt you. Do you believe me?”“Sure,” Ben smiled. “I know that I am twice your age, and I know that you still have a few years of college left. I would however, like to think that maybe we have a future together. ”“So would I,” Ben squeezed her hand affectionately. As they pulled into the driveway Petra said, “Ben I would like you to go inside and say hello to your mother.

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   I will be right in. ”Ben walked into the house and hugged his mother. He shook hands with her boyfriend. Petra stood at the door and watched the scene unfold. Opening the door she stepped inside. “Mother, I would like you to meet my girlfriend Petra. ” Ben smiled as Petra walked through the door. Ben’s mother stood frozen and then stammered, “Margie what are you doing here?”“Margie’s ex-husband stood silent as if he had just seen a ghost. “Hi Betty,” Margie said shooting Ben’s mother a wicked smile. “What, you’re not happy to see your sister after all of these years? Jeff, I’m glad you’re here as well. I just thought I’d drop by with Ben and say hello. ” *****@ 2003 Scorpiosting.
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