
The Satyr and the Nympho


“So I’m abnormal. I’m a freak,” Danny Deveno said as he lay on the couch in the consulting room.   
 “No, no. You’re not a freak,” Dr. Betty Baslur replied, “and you’re not abnormal. ”
 “Well, what would you call me? I mean, what I have, what my problem is, isn’t it freaky, isn’t it abnormal?”
 “What you have, Mr. Deveno, what your problem is, is abnormal, yes. But you yourself are not abnormal. ”
 “Well, what is it, anyway? I mean, what’s wrong with me, what’s the term for it?”
 Dr. Baslur shifted in her chair and crossed her legs. She sat alongside of the head of the couch, not facing Danny but close enough to him to maintain contact. She was in her late twenties with short blonde hair and blue eyes, full-bodied with a plump butt and full rounded breasts.
 “First of all, let me tell you that the term abnormal is a relative term,” Dr. Baslur said. “What it means is something not average, typical or usual, something deviating from a standard. Now, in your case, there are two problems, and they are abnormal, but that’s not to say that they’re freaky.

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 “Well, that’s all well and good, Doctor, but what exactly is it? What’s wrong with me?”
 “As I said, there are two abnormal problems. One is erectile dysfunction, and the other is satyriasis. ”
 “Say what? Satyr who? What is that?”
 “Satyriasis is a pathological term,” Dr. Baslur said. “It simply means abnormal, uncontrollable sexual desire in men. It’s also called sexual desire,” Danny said. “Well, yeah, I have to admit, I do have that. Is there any cure for it?”
 “No, there’s no cure, but there is treatment. ”
 “Well, what about the other problem—what did you call it? Erect malfunction?”
 “Erectile dysfunction. That’s a medical term. What it is is that you experience an almost constant erection. ”
 “Well, yeah, I do. So is there a cure for that?”
 “Again, there is no cure for satyriasis or for erectile dysfunction, but there is treatment. ”
 “Well, Doctor, the thing is, it’s not just my problem. It’s my wife’s too.

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   Thing is, I do have uncontrollable sexual desire, and an almost constant erection, but you see what a problem that is for my wife. I mean I’ve just about, to put it crudely, worn her out. I have to admit, I do have a pretty strong sex drive, and I am erect almost constantly. ”
 “How often do you have relations with your wife?”
 “Oh, once a day, I guess. The thing is, she has just about cut me off. I don’t blame her, though, because I guess it has been pretty rough on her. But it’s rough for me too. I mean I have this uncontrollable sexual desire, and this almost constant hard-on. ”
 “Yes, I can see. Well, Mr. Deveno, as I said, your condition cannot be cured, but there is treatment. But I want to know if you and your wife have considered the possibility of you perhaps obtaining a surrogate, someone who will provide you with sex.
 “You mean, another woman?”
 “Yes, someone with whom you and your wife would be satisfied. ”
 “No, I’m afraid not. I mean, my wife Pearl, she’d be okay with it, but the problem is, I can’t seem to find anyone who would do it.

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   I mean, I could go out, I guess, and try to pick up someone, but there’s too much risk involved in that, and also, it’s hard for me to do that. I mean, I’m not handsome or athletic, or whatever. I mean, look at me. I’m short, chubby, and bald on top. So, I don’t know. ”
 “Here’s what I want you to do, Mr. Deveno. I want you and your wife to practice oral sex. ”
 “You do?”
 “Yes. It would be a way for you to relieve yourself. To relieve your uncontrollable sexual desire, and your almost constant erection. ”
 “Well, okay. Pearl, she don’t really—I mean, she’s not really into that—oral sex, that is, but I’ll see what we can do. ”
 “Good. Now do that—tonight and tomorrow, and come back here on Wednesday, and we’ll see how it works out.

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 “Okay, Doctor. ”
 Wednesday came, and Danny Deveno was back on the couch in the consulting room. Dr. Betty Baslur sat by his head.
 “Well, Mr. Deveno, how did it go with you and your wife?”
 “Oh, I did what you suggested, Doctor, and it did relieve me for awhile, but I’m afraid it’s not working. ”
 “Did you practice oral sex with your exactly did that entail?”
 “Well, she practiced it on me, and I practiced it on her. ”
 “So you performed cunnilingus on her, and she performed orally on sucked did that relieve you?”
 “Well, yes, but only for awhile. ” He moved his hand down on his crotch.
 “You are erect now,” Dr. Baslar said.
 “Yeah, I sure am. ” He ran his hand over his crotch.
 “You do have an almost constant erection, don’t you. ”
 “Yeah, it’s hard  all the time.

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  ”  He rubbed his crotch.
 “You do have satyriasis. ”
 He stroked his crotch. “It stays so hard all the time, Doctor. ”
 “Yes, I can see. Well, Mr. Deveno, I must tell you, that I see only one way to relieve you. As I said, there is no cure for your condition, but there is treatment. I suggest we begin that treatment now. ”
 She reached out and clutched his crotch and rubbed it, unzipped his pants, and pulled out his cock.
 “Unhh—ahh Doctor, what are you doing?”
 “Giving you treatment,” she replied. “You see, Mr. Deveno, you aren’t the only one with a sexual dysfunction. I too have one. Mine is called nymphomania—uncontrollable sexual desire in women.

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  ” She stroked his prick. “My but you are stiff—hard as a rock—thick and fat. ” She jerked on his cock.
 “Unhh—god yeah,” he gasped.
 “Let’s relieve you right now,” she said.
 She got down on her knees alongside the couch and lowered her head down onto his dick
 She sucked on his fat cock, bobbing her head up and down, swirling her tongue around the head. He gasped and clutched her head and began pumping his prick in her wet hot sucking mouth.
 “Ah yeah—suck it!” he cried out. “Suck my dick!”
 She sucked him fast as he fucked her mouth. “Unhh! Yeah—now! Here it comes!” He hunched up and let her have it. He pissed a stream of sperm in her mouth. She sucked and gulped and swallowed the thick creamy cum. “Unhh—goddamn, yeah,” he panted as she sucked his cum.
 “Wow—umm, damn, Doctor, that was good,” he wheezed.
 She got up and sat on the couch.

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   “I think that will relieve you for a bit,” she said.
 “Yeah, but just for a bit,” he breathed out heavily.
 “Yes, I can see. You’re already getting hard again. My goodness, you’re stiff already. ”
 It was true. His dick stiffened until it stood up hard and throbbing.
 “You really do have satyriasis,” she said. “Well, we must continue to treat you. ”
She lay down on the couch and pulled him over on top of her. He raked her panties down and off and burrowed down between her legs.
 She wrapped her arms and legs around him and thrust her cunt up, and he dug his dick in her pussy.
 “Unhh—ah yeah—give it to me,” she grunted. “Ah yeah—fuck me with that fat hard cock. ”
 He thrust up, jamming his stiff prick in her cunt.

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 “Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!” she cried out, thrusting her pussy up to meet his dick.
 He pumped the meat to her, screwing his cock hard and deep in her cunt.
 “Ah yeah—fuck yes—now, now!” she gasped. She hunched and bucked and thrashed as he pounded his fat prick in her pussy. “God yes—I’m cuming now!” she cried.
 “Ah yeah—me too,” he panted. “Here it comes, ah yeah. ” He heaved his dick deep in her cunt and spewed a gob of cum.
 “Unhh—ahh, keep cuming,” she gasped. “Give me all you’ve got—fill me up with fuck. ”
 He empted his balls in her pussy….
 “Well, Mr. Deveno, that will be your treatment for today. Now I suggest that you continue oral sex with your wife, and I want you to come here for treatment, let’s say three times a week. Come back on Friday.

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 “Okay, Doctor, I’ll be here—and I’ll be ready,” he replied.
 “Yes, I know you will. We’ll take care of your satyriasis. As I said, there is no cure for it, but there is treatment. And we’ll treat you very well. ”

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