
Until next time


I am pushed against the locker. Its cold surface is jarring at first. He covers me. His body traps mine between his and the wall of lockers. My body jerks uncontrollably from the shock. His warmth assaults me from the front and coldness from the metal assaults me from behind. His musky scent envelops me. His face is moist from his workout. a drop of sweat rolls down the side of his face, gathering at his chin before diving down onto the top of my chest, traveling down the gentle slope of my skin. He is solid. There is strength in his form. He leans closer to me. His mouth is inches away and getting closer. His lips just miss mine and slide against my chin. We rest against one another, cheek to cheek. I open my mouth.

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   The right side of my lips moves against his face. An off center kiss is applied to his stubble-covered cheek. Salty wetness enters my mouth. My tongue instantly flicks out tasting, licking away the substance. He shudders as the tiny, moist heat swipes against him. He presses harder against me. His firm dick presses against my stomach, moving slightly up and down, rubbing against me in response to my tongue. My breath catches and a tiny gasp escapes. I raise my arms, hovering over his sweat-soaked shirt, barely touching him. I feel his heat rise to met my palms even though I have yet to touch him. He raises his arms as well. His warm, gentle, wide palms find mine and he wraps his hands around them. Then he pushes them back against the locker wall. He moves. His head dips low to find the exposed skin of my neck.

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   Wet heat covers the edge of my collarbone. His tongue traces the protruding hardness, licking his way across its path. I lift my head toward the ceiling, giving him room as he licks across my body. Little flecks of color begin dancing in front of my eyes from staring too long at the ceiling light. His hands release mine, still pushing my arms against the locker. His hard hands slide down the undersides of my forearms to my elbows. My achy breasts stand proud and eager. He covers each breast with a hand and gently begins to stroke and squeeze me. Warm desire begins to spread from my nipples. I close my eyes with a gentle moan as he strokes his fingers across my tight tips. They are so sensitive it's as if there were no fabric between his fingers and me. (Yes, they really can get that sensitive. ) His hands rub up and down over my breasts, my tips, and I feel the hard, rough edge of his wedding ring graze against me. My body jerks in surprise against the shocking contact. My band-less hands form fists.

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   I open my eyes and catch sight of gray at the very edge of his temples. Barely noticeable, but there. He dips his head lower; his face buries itself in my cleavage. I take a deep breath and my eyes close again. My arms slide down, resting on his shoulders. Warm, wide, soft hands slide under my shirt, lifting it as his palms move up my torso. His fingers roughly grab the cups of my bra and pull the fabric down, exposing the engorged tips. He holds my shirt around my neck and stares down at me. I watch his eyes hungrily devour me and my pussy begins to cry her frustrated delight. One hand encircles a breast and squeezes again. His hand moves along my curves to my very tip, which he traps between his fingers and slowly twists from side to side. His other hand grips the remaining breast and my shirt slides down. His wrist halts any further descent. His head dips lower and he takes my hot brownish-red nipple into his mouth. Strong suction makes me moan and arch my back.

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   'My pussy. God, my pussy. ' His face presses against my chest as he sucks my entire breast in his mouth, playing with it with his tongue. I spread my legs wide, seeking the cool air to ease the heat gathering in my puss. It doesn't help. I begin to whimper as the sensations flowing through my nipples become too much. He releases one bud then sucks on the other. My hands move from his shoulders and grip his head, holding on as he licks and loves my breasts. Then, suddenly he leaves me. Through half-closed eyes, I watch him pull away. I stand there panting as I look over his wet, workout shirt and leggings. He reaches into the band of his pants and steps out of them, kicking them off to the side. When he stands, I see his hard, thrusting cock sticking up from under his shirt. Wet and rigid. He stands there for my evaluation.

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   I reach out and grip the tip of his cock and twist my hand around him. I bring him closer, lightly tugging on his cock till he moves. I look up and stare into his eyes as I stroke his dick with my hands. He sees my lust, my desire for him as I play with his flesh. Still stroking and teasing his thick and juicy dick, I find his balls with one hand and cradle them as I pump him over and over. He moves closer, moaning. His lips find my mouth and his tongue slips inside me. I suck on him. I suck on his lips and on his tongue, drinking from him as I pump him. 'God my nipples hurt. And my pussy is burning in heat. ' Still I stroke him. Still I kiss him as he reaches up and finds the edges of my panties. They slide down, falling to the floor. His hands wrap around my ass and squeeze.

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   His fingers dig into my body. His index finger finds my tightly puckered asshole while the pinky and ring fingers of his other hand slip past my slick pussy hole and tease the outer opening. Again, I jerk in surprise. My pussy pumps against his fingers as I pull harder on his cock. He responds in kind, kissing me harder, deeper, sucking me, eating me alive. He moves me. He moves me as he walks backwards. Then suddenly, he sits down. I stare down at him as he sits on the narrow locker room bench. "Take off your top and bra," he ordered. I obey, throwing the clothing on the floor. The surrounding cold air dances against my buds, still wet from his feasting, and I shiver at contact. . He pulls me closer. His nose nuzzles my mound under my skirt, and then he lifts it and my wet puss, with its extended clit, comes into view.

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   His tongue flicks out and finds the hard button. I cry out, my hand glides through his hair. He doesn't know. He doesn't have a clue how fucking close I am. If he knew, he would never. . . He would never. . . . "Ahhhh. " I cry out uncontrollably as desire and lust assault me hard and fast. He lifts one of my legs and my inner thigh slides against his cheek as he pulls my pussy closer and his tongue takes my body. He loves me with his tongue and lips, making me beg and scream.

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   He loves sucking me. He loves his power over me. He loves the battle to bring me to my knees, to drive me insane with pleasure and lust. 'Eat me, suck me, fuck my pussy, suck me hard. ' I'm sopping wet. Juice flows from me. His wet mouth slides up my body, leaving a wet trail, paved by my own pussy juice. His tongue finds my belly button and licks it. I laugh in delight. It tickles. He moves down the bench and spreads his legs until he is straddling the bench, a leg on each side. He guides me by my hips. I face him and lift my leg until my legs are also on opposite sides of the bench. His cock is hard and just as slick. I watch it as it points toward me, reaches out to me, begs me for my touch.

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   'Damn, it's so juicy, I just want to take a . . . 'He guides me down, onto the bench. My open, wet puss slides against the wooden seat. I rock against it, sliding juice against the surface. The coolness feels so good. He slowly pushes me back. I follow his lead until my back is on the bench, my breasts thrust upward into the air. I feel so vulnerable with my thighs spread and my back arched. The bench is so narrow I fear I'll fall. He leans over me, protecting me as I wrap my arms around him and open my mouth in surrender. My thighs rise and wrap around his body. His tongue slides back in my mouth as his dick slides deep into my pussy. Pushing and pushing, he moves deep inside my body.

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   My pussy expands around his cock, adjusting to his size, adjusting to his penetration of my sex. He rocks inside me, fucking me as he kisses me. Deeper and deeper, he fucks me. Slow and steady. I need to breath so I turn my head, breaking the kiss. He dips down and finds a nipple and promptly begins crewing on me, causing my little bitch to scream. He pushes harder. He fucks me harder. I begin to slide up along the bench as he gains momentum, pushing, thrusting, fucking. He releases my breasts from his mouth and holds each in his hands. He begins to play with them as his hips push against me. He sits up and watches as his cock slides in and out of me, gleaming with moisture, gleaming with cunt juice as he fucks my dark hole over and over. His eyes follow the movement of his hands, feeling my softness. As soft as the inside of my puss as it milks his dick, wanting more, begging for more. "Please.


  " I cry. "I want more. "He looks into my eyes. He watches as I silently beg him; beg him with my eyes; with my body. Begging, begging. . . 'Fuck me. Please fuck me. ' He reaches down for me and lifts me up into his arms. I wrap my arms around his neck as we lean at an incline. He moves inside me diagonally, fucking me. I'm on top but he's the one in complete control. He holds me close as his lips find mine and he continues to thrust hard, hard inside my achy little puss. Tight.

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   Solid. Deep. Up and up and up he fucks, finding that love spot deep inside my pussy. Our bodies are close. There is barely a breath of space between my body and his, except for when he pulls out of me, only to ram it inside me again and again. Over and over my pussy loves his cock. More and more his cock owns my pussy. I lean back and tilt my head, giving in to the sensation pouring through my body. I cry out my pleasure, cry out my need. 'Hear me cry; hear me cheer; hear me beg as you fuck me. ' I hear it. I hear it and feel it as the pussy juice and sweat pool at the cradle of his hips, at the meeting point of our sex. That sweet slapping sound of wet flesh against wet flesh. (Don't you love the sound of fucking? It's almost as sweet as the sounds of orgasm. ) His hands slide in my hair and he closes a fist against the strands, causing me slight pain as he moves faster against me.

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   His breathing is hot on my flesh as he buries his face in my neck - licking me while he's fucking me. The sweat pours over our bodies in this cold place as his body slides along mine. My nails dig into his shoulder blades and an unexpected wave hits me deep as he drives into me endlessly, grunting in his effort to fuck me harder. Harder. His teeth bite into my flesh, marking me with his lust as he plunges deeper, faster, smacking my pussy with his cock as he fucks me. He fucks me harder and deeper, over and over in perfect timing, in perfect rhythm, as I get closer and closer to the edge and just when I think I can't take anymore, just when I think I am going to lose my mind from the need, the ache, the desire to nut all over his cock, he pushes me back down and latches onto a nipple and firmly bites me as he thrusts hard in me, jack hamming my body into the bench as I reach my limit, cumming and cumming all over his sweet hard flesh. I scream and scream and scream. . . . He lays me back down as I jerk with the power of my cum. He looks down and watches as his cock plunges into me over and over, pumping me hard, hard, hard until his body tenses. He cries out my name and pulls his dick from my body, spilling his seed all over me, all over the hairs and lips of my pussy, already wet with excess juice. I look down and watch as he coats me. I watch as the milky whiteness sinks onto my cunt.

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   I watch as he plunges deep inside me again, fucking his seed, fucking his cum, deep into my hot, achy pussy. He sits back, trying to regain control of his breathing while watching the cum slide down the curve of my pussy. I watch it too, loving the sight. That's the sight I want - my pussy, drenched with his cum. I like watching that cum slide down the curves of my pulsing flesh. He pulls away from me and stands. He reaches for me and helps me sit up. Taking advantage of our positions, I take his semi-hard cock into my mouth and gently suck away the mingled moisture of his cum, my cum, and our sweat. I breathe in our scent surrounding his cock and I lick him clean until every drop of our fluids is mine. He lovingly strokes my head as he stands over me, watching me feast. "I have to get ready to go. I have to pick up the kids and then my wife from her class. We have Bible study tonight. "I carefully pull him from my mouth and nuzzle his hip with my face. Taking one final bite of his thigh, I stand up too.

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   The smile we share is bitter sweet. He moves toward the back of the locker room, heading for the showers. Grabbing my clothes, I leave the men's locker room and run into the women's, where I quickly shower and change. I too have plans for the night. I make it to the elevator just as he is exiting the gym. I see him but I don't bother to wait. He gets to the doors just as they are about to close. He stands back and lets me go. The smile on his face was easy to read. It said: Until next time. .
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