
continuing Mistakes End


Topic: Continuing Mistakes EndI guess my mistakes never end because I submitted "Mistakes End" before it was finished. I intended to show how everything ended but never got to it. I will do that now.
"Mistakes End" stopped right after I gave the husband of my boss a blow job in my office while his brother in law looked on. The brother in law was Mike and he was a man I despised intently. The experience was very humiliating.
After the two men left, I cleaned my face with some tissues. I really needed to go to the restroom and use some water but was too embarrassed to walk out past the other employees because I knew Beth had told them all what I had been doing. I didn't think I could face them and their knowing looks.
About an hour later, Jim returned to my office with Mike and said "Go on, your going with him", referring to Mike. I answered "I have work to do here". Jim told Mike to give us a moment and closed the door. I was told in no uncertain terms that I was to go with Mike and that I had better make him happy. The alternative was that he would plaster nude pictures of me all over the internet and tell everyone where to find them. We went back and forth for a minute but I knew I had no choice. I agreed to go with Mike and was told I had the rest of the day off to please him.

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   It seemed to me that Mike had some leverage on Jim but that didn't matter much.  
I grabbed my purse and left. The knowing looks from the other employees were all there and I hurried out of the office. Mike was standing by his car and just said "Get in".  We drove in complete silence until we got to a house that I knew to be Sally and Jim's. We parked in the garage and went in the side entrance so we were unseen by the neighbors.  
We went to their rec room and Mike got himself a beer. He sat on a chair and I just stood there. Mike had what I can only describe as hatred in his eyes as he looked at me. I felt scared for my own saftey. He just had that look that instilled fear in me. His first words to me were "You know I'm going to fuck you", "Don't you". I lowered my head as quietly said "yes". Then Mike started into a ten minute tirade about what a "bitch" and "cunt" I was.  He berated me for being uppity and acting like I was too good for the likes of him.

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   Then he said that I was nothing but a "fucking whore" and from now on he was going to treat me that way. I didn't dare say a word for fear of inciting him even more.  
I was so upset from his tirade that I was shaking and had tears welling in my eyes. Mike was enjoying every minute. It was as if he had years of disgust for me that he was finally able to vent. Then Mike got up and started walking circles around me while denegrating me the entire time. He grabbed my butt with his hand and said "It doesn't feel like it is made of gold now". Then he reached over and roughly grabbed one of my breasts and squeezed it hard. He said "These princess tits feel like a slut's tits to me". I wasn't wearing a bra and Mike took notice. He stepped back and said "What a fucking whore", "You don't even have the decency to cover yourself at work". Then he reached with both hands and literally tore my blouse open. Buttons flew everywhere and part of it even tore off in his hand. He used that much force. Then he yanked it the rest of the way off of me, tearing it even more.

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Next, Mike pulled me next to him by the belt of my slacks. He said "Kiss me you whore". I kissed him but it wasn't much of a kiss and that outraged him. He said "Still too good for me slut"? "It looks like you're the one standing there with your tits hanging out". Then he opened my belt and yanked my slacks open ripping off the button and breaking the zipper. The torn slacks were roughly shoved to my knees and I was told to take them the rest of the way off. I did. My high cut panties were then ripped from me. Mike admired his handywork and continued berating me.  
After several more minutes of calling me everything in the book, Mike made me beg him to let me "suck his cock". When I did it he said that his cock was too good for my filthy mouth" Then he told me to lay on the couch facing him and "finger fuck myself". He told me to get it good and wet because he wasn't going to waste time with me when he "fucked" me. I also had to talk dirty and tell him how much I wanted his "cock in my pussy" and how badly I needed fucked. Mike undressed himself while I did that.  
Mike then came over to me and grabbed me by the hair.

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   He said "Come on cunt, we're going to fuck". I had to walk behind him half bent over while he pulled me along by my hair to a bedroom upstairs. Then I was thrown onto the bed. Mike crawled up between my legs and said "you have no idea how much I'm going to enjoy this". Then he lifted my legs and literally ramed his cock into me. It hurt and I'm sure he wanted it too. This wasn't a sexual encounter. It was pure fucking for his benefit. Over and over he pounded hard into me. I was just thankful he wasn't any bigger then he was. Mike was sincerely enjoying every minute. After a while he told me to tell him "what a great fuck" he was and how he was the best. I did it just to get him off sooner. It worked and a few minutes later he came inside of me.  
Mike immediately rolled off of me and it took him a minute to catch his breath.

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   Then he got up and headed to the bathroom. He said he needed to wash my "filthy slime" off of his cock and I heard the shower start. He yelled for me to go downstairs and get him a beer. I went down and got it. He wanted me to hand it to him in the shower. I did that too. Then he said get in here and get on your knees. I really didn't want to get my hair wet but knew better then to say no. I got in and he said "Get on your knees bitch". I knew he would be demanding a blow job but didn't think it would be this soon after he had sex with me.  
I got on my knees and Mike said "Do you want a drink of beer bitch"? He poured it over my head and laughed. Then he pointed to his cock and said "get on it". He was completely soft when I took him into my mouth. Mike laughed for seemingly no reason. Then he put his hands on my head and said "You want a drink of beer cunt", "drink it from my cock".

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   Before I had time to even think about what he said, I felt a stream of urine hit the roof of my mouth. I managed to pull away quickly coughing and gagging while finished urinating all over me. That was the first and only time in my life that ever happen so I was completely taken by surprise. Mike was laughing the entire time. He stepped out of the shower and said that I didn't look like a princess now. He said "You look like a toilet to me" and laughed again.  
I stayed in the shower and scrubbed myself over and over again. When I got out Mike was downstairs and I went down. He said "Now I want that blow job and you can go home. He seemed a lot more calmed down from the way he was earlier. I was leery that he might pee on me again but since he was semi erect I thought it was safe. I again had to listen to him calling me a whore and slut while I fellated him.  It took awhile but he finally came in my mouth. When he was done he pushed me on the floor and told me to get dressed.  I had trouble finding my clothes because Mike had thrown them everywhere.

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   My panties were torn to bad to pu on. My blouse had no buttond and a couple of long tears and the only way I could hold my slacks up was with my belt. I looked like I had just been gang raped.
Mike drove me back to within a block of the office and let me off. He said he didn't want to be seen with a slut like me. I walked to my car while holding my blouse together and hoping no one saw me. Then I went home.
Over the next three weeks I was giving regular blow jobs to both Jim and Mike but that was it. There was no other sex and my clothes generally stayed on. I should have known that something more was in the planning.  
Jim told me one Friday that he wanted me to meet him at the office before noon on that Saturday. I was by now very tired of everything and had serious thoughts of telling him no. Instead, I decided that I would be his toy one more time. When I got there on Saturday, Jim was standing by his car and told me to follow him. I did and he led me straight to a motel.

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   It surprised me that he would spring for a room.  
Jim already had a key card and we went into room 131. Mike was waiting in the room. Both men seemed to be in a great mood. There were a lot of snacks around as well as beer and soda. I kind of figured they were for Jim since that fat slob couldn't go two minutes without eating something. The men passed me back and forth kissing and feeling me. I was completely undressed in the process. Something just seemed wrong but I couldn't put it together. Neither Jim nor Mike was making any move to take their clothes off or demanding anything more of me. Then there was a knock on the door.
I was completely naked but that didn't stop Jim from opening the door. As soon as it opened the men yelled "Happy Birthday" and in walked Jim's 16 year old son, Mike's 15 year old son and three other boys I didn't know. I was trying to cover myself with my hands when Jim said to the boys "And here is your present" and pushed me into the boys. Ten hands were immediately all over me while the boys chided each other about who got to go first.

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I was finally pushed over the limit and screamed "NO". I broke away from the boys and grabbed what clothes I could quickly and ran naked out of the room. I didn't care who saw me outside. I just wanted out of there. I ran to my car, started it and drove naked for several miles before pulling over to dress. In my haste the only thing I had was my purse, blouse, and one shoe. I put the blouse on and went home. I couldn't go in the house half naked with my husband home so I went for a drive. I knew he had a dentist appointment at 2:00 so I waited. When I did get home my elderly neighbor got a good look at my naked butt as I made a dash for my house from the car.  
I made up my mind that it was all over. I didn't care if I lost my job or what happened. I wasn't getting used anymore. When I went to work on Monday I told Jim I was done with him and his perverted friends. There would be no more sex from me.

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   Jim did his best to try to coerce me into more but I held firm. Had I of known it was that easy to stop things I would have done it at the beginning.  
Two months went by and everything returned to normal in my life. Then one Monday morning I went to work and Cindy told me that Sally wanted to see me in her office the minute I got there. From the look on her face I knew something was wrong.  
I went to Sally's office and the first person I saw was Jim. His face was white. Brenda was there as well as Sally's brother Mark. Sally was behind her desk and looking very angry. Sally threw several nude pictures of me in my face. She said she found them in her home. She asked me if I thought she was paying me to screw her husband. She went on to tell me that I had humiliated her and embarassed her entire family. Everytime I started to speak she told me to shut up. Sally was hysterical.


   Then Sally said take your clothes off. I said I couldn't do that and Sally stood up. She walked around her desk and stood in front of me. Then to my complete surprise, she slapped me hard across the face. It was so hard that it nearly knocked me over. She screamed "YOU WILL DO WHAT I TELL YOU". Now Sally is about 5'9" and at least 160 lbs. I'm 5'4" and 108 so there was no way I could possibly defend myself with her.  
Sally went on about me having no problem taking my clothes off for her husband. Again she said "Now I want you bare assed naked right now". I started taking my clothes off while trying to figure out what she was trying to do. I took everything off and stood there. Sally turned to Jim and started on him saying "Is this what you wanted", "That skinny thing"? Then she turned back to me and said forcefully "NOW GET OUT". I bent over to pick up my clothes and Sally kicked my hand. She said "Leave them and get out of my sight now".

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   She told me that I had bought those clothes from the money she paid me while I was fucking her husband so they belonged to her. Again, I was told to get out and she never wanted to see my face again. I had to walk naked by all of the employees and out to my car. Then drive home naked. I went naked into my house where my husband was sitting with several nude pictures of me engaged in various forms of sex. He looked at me and just said "WHY"? 
Sally divorced Jim and the last I heard he was driving a cab somewhere. Sally sold the company to a competitor a year later in a multi million dollar deal. She moved to the east coast with Brenda. Jim's friend Greg was unaffected and is now a state senator. Mike went to jail for multiple DUI's. My husband and I tried to work it out but divorced after a year.  
As for me, I went back to school and finished my degree. I'm now remarried and work as a school teacher. My husband now knows nothing about what happened. This has all been buried inside of me and seething until now.

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   I'm glad I told my story and I feel that I can now finally put it behind me forever.
Again any comments or questions are welcome at.
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