


Ever since he was small Jason was able to influence other people's behavior by merely thinking about it and placing the image in the victim's mind!!! He had decided early on that he would never use his power to cheat people out of their money or property, but using their bodies was a whole other kettle of fish!!! He stopped at the receptionist's desk to see if he had any messages, and just like he had done for the past three years, he induced the cute little blonde sitting behind the desk to raise the hem of her skirt and show him her pussy clad vagina!!! "Say, Cheryl," he said while she held up her skirt, "did your husband fuck you last night or did you just suck him off!?!" We did both," she giggled, "and he came in my mouth and I swallowed it all down!!!" That's very good, dear," Jason whispered, ""now be a good girl an go into the rest room and masturbate until you cum, do you understand me!?!" "What's not to understand," she replied while getting up out of her chair, "I have to leave and go masturbate, see you later Jason!!!" Jason just shook his head and chuckled as he headed down the long corridor to his office, after three years the kid still frigs herself to orgasm every morning and doesn't have a clue on why she does it!!! His mood was much better now that he had played his little game with Cheryl, but that had only whetted his appetite for more adventurous fun!!!Helen Winslow, the accountant from down the hall ducked her head into his office and asked if he wanted a cup of coffee!?! He looked at the pretty forty year old brunette and with quick thought plant in Helen's mind, had her come in and sit down in front of his desk!!! "You look tense," Jason said easily, "why don't we get Phil in here so you can suck on his big pecker, that will make you feel a lot better don't you think!?!" With the image of Phil's big cock burned in her mind, Helen moaned softly and begged Jason to call Phil into his office right away!!! "Of course I will, Helen," he replied, "anything to help out a friend, but I forgot, why do you want me to ask Phil in here!?!" "So I can suck him off," Helen replied in exasperation, "now hurry up and get him in here!!!" "I'm sorry," Jason replied in a repentant voice, "I'll call him right now!!! Jason picked up the phone and in less than a minute Phil appeared at Jason's door and asked, "What's up, bud!?!" Jason quickly did another mind plant and as if by magic Phil closed the door behind him and turned to Helen and exposed himself!!! Now while Phil was hung just about average, six inches or so, Jason put it into Helen's mind that Phil was hung like a porno stud, so when she saw his pecker she went absolutely nuts and sucked him to completion in less than two minutes!!! After it was over, Jason gave them both two mind plants and sent them on their way back to their offices with neither one being the wiser!!!Panties!!! What a wonderful invention!!! Jason had on many occasions used thought plants to get unsuspecting females to expose themselves to him, and the sight of plump vaginal lips bulging through a pair of tight panties was wet dream come true!!! This morning he was particularly lucky in that the big boss's new young wife was wandering through the halls while waiting to see her husband who was at the moment tied up in a meeting!!! Jason was working on a stack of correspondence when he was interrupted by a soft sweet voice, "Could you please help me, I'm Melinda Binyon, and I was just looking for the lady's room!!!" "Holy smokes," Jason said to himself, " a real fucking knock out!!!" "Sure, no problem," he said cheerfully, "but don't you think that you'd like to close the door and sit for a bit first!?!" She didn't know why, but like a magnet attracts metal she was being drawn to the chair in front of Jason's desk!!! "May I ask you a question," he asked softly?!? "Of course," she replied with a large smile on her face, "ask away!?!" "Would it be too much trouble to ask if you'd please show me your panties, I'd really appreciate it," he intoned evenly!?! "Oh, why not," she replied while pulling up her dress and spreading her legs wide apart to afford him the best view possible, "how's that!!!" Jason had seem literally thousands of crotches in his day, but the plump fullness of Melinda Binyon's pussy being contained by the frilly white lace under wear gave him and instant boner!!! "That's very nice, Mrs. Binyon, but I think you'd feel a lot better if you took off your panties and masturbated for me, don't you!?!"Jason watched with utter fascination as the cute little red head slipped off her panties and began calmly fingering her smooth shaven labia!!! "Do you mind if I jack my cock off," he asked, "I'm afraid you've given me quite a boner!?!" "Oh, please do," she gushed, "I just love watching a man jerk his meat, and from the looks of things you have a nice big cock!!!" "Do you masturbate much at home," he asked!?! "Well, you know that Frank is a little older and can't quite keep up with me," she said a little sadly, "but luckily our maid is young like me and we take turns sucking each other off when Frank's not around!!!" "That sounds wonderful," Jason replied while fisting his seven inch piece of blue steel, "can I let you in on a little secret!?!" "Oh goody, a secret," she said excitedly while using two fingers inside of her hot little quim, "tell me, I promise I won't tell!!!" "I'm sure you won't," Jason replied, "after all you're a good girl, right!?!" "Of course I am," she said a matter of factly, "so hurry up and tell me your secret!!!" "Well," he said softly, "last week I was in your husband's office and I simply made a suggestion that he and Miss Evans, his executive secretary, fuck each other on his big desk right in front of me, and do you know what!?!" "Her fingers were now literally flying over her gaping pussy as she gasped, "N-no, tell me, what happened, did Frank fuck her!?!" "I'm afraid he did, dear, several times, and when he was finished fucking her, he sucked her hairy pussy until she came like a rocket, in fact she came just like you're going to cum right now!!!" Melinda Binyon was now in another world, a world filled with hot pussies and big cocks, a world that was now had her erupting like a volcano as a brutally satisfying orgasm crushed her vagina like tin can by a car tire!!!" Jason's hand was like a blur on the thick shaft of his pecker, and watching the cute little red head blow her nut in total abandon drove him right over the edge with her as his spunk shot in long streams all over the carpet in front of him!!! He quickly tucked his penis back into his pants and had Mrs. Binyon pull on her panties!!! When she looked presentable he said, "It's been nice meeting you ma'am, and the rest room is down the hall to your right, you cant' miss it!!!" She thanked him for his time and left his office with a slightly quizzical look on her face but none the wiser!!!On his way to lunch at a cafe a block or so from his office, realizing that he was a little short on cash, Jason stopped in at his back to cash a check for fifty dollars! As usual he tried to find a teller who wasn't busy so he could spend a few minutes chatting with her!!! "How may I help you," the teller asked in slightly bored voice!?! After a quick mind plant Jason replied, "Well, Amanda, I would like to cash this check for fifty bucks, and also would like to ask you if you like sucking cock!?!" "How would you like that, sir, would two twenties and a ten be all right, and of course, I love sucking cock, she said with a lot more enthusiasm!!!" "Uh, two twenties and a ten would be just fine," he replied, "and tell me, does your husband have a large erection!?!" "Oh, yes," she gushed, ""he has a huge cock!!!" "Do you suck him off," he asked!?!" "Of course I do," she replied, "I suck him at least once a day!!! "Does he ejaculate in your mouth," he pressed on!?! "Mmmmmm, yes," she sighed, "I just love it when he fills my mouth with his cum, it makes me so wet and ready to fuck!!!" "I'm sure that is does," Jason said softly as he mind planted another suggestion in her head, "just imagine that your hubby had just filled your mouth with sperm and your clit is absolutely on fire, can you picture that, Amanda!?!" A small moan gurgled up in her throat while she subconsciously let her hand run down the front of he skirt until it rested directly on her mons!!! "That's very good," Jason went on, "so now that you have just received your mouth full of cum, you pussy is just about ready to have a climax on its own, and all you can think about is getting your gun off!!!" "The soft moan had now turned much louder as the tightness in her vagina began twisting towards orgasm!!! Jason smiled to himself as the young teller, unbeknownst to herself was now having an unbelievably hard climax right behind the teller line in the middle of the day, and with her cunt spasming out of control, she had to hold on to the edge of the counter to keep from falling over!!! As her orgasm began to subside, the teller supervisor came over and asked, "Are you sure you're all right Amanda, you look a little pale!?!" As Jason turned to walk away he shot a truth mind plant at Amanda, and much to her chagrin and her supervisor's embarrassment, the young teller confessed that she had just experienced a mind blowing orgasm in front of a bank customer, and to make matter worse, she lifted her skirt and showed the supervisor her drenched panties!!!As bad as the day started, it had turned out to be quite interesting, so when he passed by Mr. Binyon's office and saw him talking to his new young wife, well, Jason just couldn't pass up a chance to have a little fun with the May-December couple!!! Mr. Binyon's private secretary was just returning from lunch herself, when Jason gave her a mind plant!!! As a look of consternation came over her face, Jason whispered softly, "I think you'd better go right in and tell Mr. and Mrs. Binyon about your problem, I'm sure they would be very helpful, don't you!?!" "Yes, I think that's a splendid idea," Miss Evan replied happily, "I'll go right in and see what they say!!!" Jason smile smugly as the excited woman entered her boss's office, and without so much as saying a word, took off her skirt and panties and proceeded to tell the two startled people that her clitoris was in dire need of some oral attention and wondered if either of them would care to suck her off!?! Jason almost didn't get the mind plants to the Binyon's in time, but he knew he had scored again when he saw Mrs. Binyon drop to her knees and began servicing Miss Evans hot vagina!!! Another shot at the boss had him pulling out his cock and jerking it smoothly while his young wife orally satisfied his secretary!!! Jason then strolled inside and as if nothing was wrong his boss said, "My wife's just taking care of Miss Evan's pussy, it seems her clitoris was all puffed up and needed some sucking, luckily she was here to take care of her, don't you agree!!!" "Uh, sure Mr. Binyon," Jason said while suppressing his laughter, "but don't you think it would be even more helpful if you stuck your hardon into her mouth, it looks like she's hungry as well!!!" Mr. Binyon quickly surveyed the situation and replied enthusiastically, "You know, my boy, I think you're right, she does look like she needs a dick to suck, what do you say Miss Evans, would you care to suck some cock!?!" Jason could see that Miss Evans was clearly nearing her orgasm, and the offer of having a big dick to suck on was one that she could not pass up, so quickly Mr. Binyon positioned himself so that she could easily take him into her mouth!!! "I'm going to give you a raise for this, Jason," Mr. Binyon panted, "she sucks almost as good as my wife!!!" Mrs. Binyon looked up lovingly at her husband and said, "Thank god we were here, the poor girl was in such need, just look at her clitoris, it looks like it's ready to explode!!!" Just at that moment Miss Evan pussy convulsed three or four times in rapid succession as a brutal orgasm flooded Mrs. Binyon's mouth with a deluge of Bartholin's fluid, while her husband kept up his end of the bargain by pumping load after load of hot cum down the eager throat of his hot little secretary!!! Jason just shook his head and quietly left the room as the three lovers switched places and started over again!!!Back in his office, Jason sat down and began going over some paper work, when Jenny, the eighteen year old mail room girl stopped into his office to drop off his mail!!! Looking up from his work he asked softly, "Jenny, what color panties are you wearing. . .

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