
Jack and Jill - Part Seven


Jack gave Jill a sound spank fucking. She was crying and cumming all the same time. Jill’s climax just kept coming in waves. It seemed that it would never stop. Jack’s cum was about a 7 or 8 on the Richter Scale. He loved this slave woman, and now she would be his slave/wife. His marriage proposal to Jill was sealed with a serious spanking. That pretty well set the tone for the up coming nuptials. He was very excited about this decision.
Jill just could not believe her dream of being married to Jack Dillon was going to be realized. After she began to settle down after her cum, she snuggled Jack as best she could, given that her hands were still tied behind her back. She was covering Jack’s face with kisses. Life was good, very good indeed. She could hardly wait to tell her mother, and see the look on Annie’s face.
After the two lovers finished consummating their intentions to marry with this earth shaking spank fucking, they got up to tell Annie of their decision. Before going into the Game Room, Jack got a moist cloth from the bathroom, and freshened the both of them.

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   Jill’s hands were still tied behind her back. Jill slipped her high heels back onto her feet, and the two lovers went to see Annie.
As they entered the Game Room, Jack turned on a soft light. Annie, who was the "prisoner" of the day, was lying on the orgy bed, bound with her hands behind her, as well as her ankles. A rope tied to her ankle restraints had been pulled up tight and secured to her wrists, effectively putting her in a "hog tie". A leather penis gag was strapped deep in her mouth.
Annie awoke from her revere, to see Jack and Jill standing beside the bed. She could see that Jill was bound, and both were naked. Out of habit, and sexual desire, Annie’s eyes move down Jack’s body, to his semi-erect cock. Every time she saw his cock she would salivate. Being "prisoner" left her with mixed emotions. She loved being helpless to a master, especially Jack, but the sexual deprivation was maddening.
Jack reached down and stroked her shapely arched body, and came to rest on her breast. He teased and pinched her nipples. Next he leaned down and sucked her nipples.


   Annie closed her eyes and moaned as her body was consumed with the sexual heat.
Jack stopped sucking, and ordered Jill to suck her mother’s nipples. As Jill was carrying out this pleasant task, Jack was rummaging through Annie’s cunt. Now Annie was no longer moaning. She was humming from deep down in her throat. Her eyes were closed, and she was biting the penis gag in her mouth.
As he and Jill were working on Annie’s body, Jack was releasing her from the "hog tie". Finally the only bond left on her was the wrist cuffs which still held her hands behind her back. Jack then had her to stand up, and walk to the couch. There he sat down, with Jill by his side. Annie was made to get on her knees between Jack’s legs. She was nuzzling his cock with her gagged mouth.
Jack unlocked the buckle on the strap of the gag. The gag was removed from Annie’s mouth, but was immediately replaced by his cock. As she was sucking his cock, Jack and Jill were kissing and necking like a couple of teenagers.

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   Finally, Jack told Annie to rest for a minute, but to leave his cock deep in her mouth. This Annie did.
Jack looked down at her, while he was hugging Jill, and announced that he and Jill were to be married. Annie started to squeal with delight, although her sounds were muffled by Jack’s cock, buried deep in her mouth. Jack explained to her that Jill had submitted to being his slave/wife. Nothing would change in their lives, except that they would be man and wife. Annie was happy. She could not think of anything better than Jack and Jill being married.
Jack then had Annie stand up, and straddle his legs. He then helped her forward until she was kneeling on the couch, straddling Jack’s thighs, with her pussy was poised over his cock. He eased Annie down on his cock until it was buried in her hot and wet cunt. Annie’s eyes rolled up into her head as she felt this monstrous cock invade her pussy. Her breath quickened and she started to ride his cock. Jack stopped her movements, requiring her to sit still on his cock.
He took her face in his hands, and kissed her.

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   "Annie, listen to me. I have just asked Jill to marry me! Do you hear me? I am going to marry Jill. I am telling you that she will be my wife, and, I suppose, more of a slave than ever before. I love her, and she loves me, and that is the way it will be. "
Jack sensed that Annie was drifting away, lost in the feeling of his cock filling her pussy. He reached forward and slapped her breasts sharply. This got her attention, but it appeared that the slaps on her breasts only inflamed her libido even more.
"There is another part of this thing", he continued. "I want you to continue to be my slave. Nothing changes, except I will make you more of a slave. I will be your son-in-law, but I will also be your lover and slave master. If you accept, I will never let you go. You will spend your life with us, as a complete bound naked sex slave, and if I have to, a prisoner. I will keep you by force. "
Annie was nodding her head in agreement, and was mouthing the word "yes", repeatedly.

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   His cock was having its effect on her.
"Now before you say yes", Jack warned, while pinching and twisting her nipples, "I want you to listen to me".
"Yes, Sir", Annie answered, "I understand, and I am listening. "
Convinced he had her attention, Jack continued, "If you want to be released now, I will do so, and you will be free to go tomorrow morning. If you tell me that you want to stay as my sex slave, to be used as I want, and by anyone I give you to, then say yes. Once you say yes, then it is a life sentence. You are mine for the rest of your life!"
Annie looked over at Jill, who was sitting, snuggled next to Jack. Jill was excitedly smiling at her mother. Annie shifted position on Jack’s lap, feeling his rigid cock deep in her pussy.
"Oh, God, Jack, your cock is driving me insane. Please let me fuck you. "
Again, Jack sharply slapped her breasts, only harder than before. Her breasts bounced, and then shuddered back into position. Her nipples became harder, as if inviting the next blow. The imprint of Jack's hands were clearly visible on her breasts.

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"Annie, if you don’t pay attention, I will deny you a climax, and I will whip your tits and cunt. Do you understand?" Jack questioned.
"Yes, Yes", Annie replied, "I understand. I am thrilled that you and Jill are to be married. I am happy for you two. You will be a wonderful son-in-law, and I know the two of you will be happy. Jill and I have talked about this, and I know she will be a good wife, and an excellent sex slave. "
Annie again shifted on Jack’s lap. This time she started to move her pussy, gently humping Jack’s cock. Jack slapped her thighs, pinched her nipples, and told her to sit still until she had fully answered his questions. Reluctantly, she stopped moving, being content for the moment to let Jack’s hard cock soak in her hot pussy juices.
"Jack, I love you, and I love being your slave, also. It has been the most exciting time in my life. As I told you before, however, I don’t want to come between you and Jill. "
Jill let out a little cry, "Mother, don’t say that.

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   I am sorry for how I treated you that awful day in the Game Room. I was wrong. I love you, and I want you here. I want you here as Jack’s slave. Please stay with us. I know you will be happy, and Jack will be happy. Please say you will be Jack’s slave!"
Annie let out a sigh, as she shifted again on Jack’s cock. It took all her will power to control herself. "Alright, Jack I submit to you. I will be your mother-in-law, and I will be your mistress and lover. Most of all I will be your slave, and prisoner! I surrender to you. "
Jack, again took her face in his hands, and kissed her. Jill rose to kiss her also. Jack, smiling looked at Annie, and said, "Sweet lady, your are going to make the best looking, and the hottest, and best fucking mother-in-law a guy ever had. Now to show me you are sincere.

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   I want you to hump my cock and bring yourself off in two minutes, or you will remain "prisoner" for two more days. Jill, suck you mother’s nipples to help her. " Annie needed no help, but her sensitive nipples welcomed Jill’s attentions.
Annie moved to the task, humping Jack’s cock as best she could. Jill’s tongue was lashing her hard nipples. Jill was even gently biting and chewing on Annie’s nipples. In about 45 seconds her cunt began to quake and spasm. She was cumming. She rode his cock until her climax was expended itself, at which time she collapsed onto Jack’s chest. Jack was hugging her, rubbing her thighs and ass, while Jill had leaned over and was kissing her face. Jill and Annie, as well as Jack, were very happy people.
Jill was a happy slave. The man she had fallen in love with wanted to marry her. He was going to be her sexual slave master, also. The fantasies she had harbored all these years were coming true.

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   She had dreamed of a dominant man loving her, and making her his slave. It was almost more than she could grasp. It was a wild emotional ride.
During the past years, when Jill secretly wanted a dominant lover, and husband, but she had never figured her mother in the equation. She loved Annie, but always considered her just "another mother" and good friend. Jack had changed all that. When he made Annie his slave, along with Jill, she found it to be exciting. Her mother was beautiful, and it was obvious that Annie enjoyed being a sex slave. Jill was a little troubled, at first, when Jack had forced her and Annie to engage in oral sex with each other. Any form of incest was taboo in our culture, even though she realized it probably was practiced more that we know.
After Jack had them to perform as he required, she found it to be exciting. She had never been involved with another female. She was not particularly opposed to the idea, just never had the opportunity. Now here was Jack forcing them to make love to each other. She found it to be exciting.


   It was obvious that Annie loved it too. In fact there was not much that Jill and Annie did not find exciting about their relationship with Jack. Now, Jack was marrying Jill as a wife and slave, and keeping Annie as his other slave. This was going to be one tremendously exciting marriage.
Saturday night was party night, at least that is what Jack said. Annie and Jill were dressed for party time. After applying their make-up, and attending to their hair styles, they were dressed. They wore black leather garter belts, with black hose. This costume was topped off with black leather, knee high boots. Black leather ankle and wrist cuffs were installed, and locked into place. Next, black leather collars, with leashes were wrapped around their necks, and locked. Jack locked their wrists behind their backs, and made them parade around the den, so he could appreciate how good they looked. They were magnificent. It was impossible to chose which one was the best looking. Jack’s cock was rampant.


   After capes were draped around their shoulders, they were lead to Jack’s Jaguar. They were going to a party at Sir Stephen’s.
Sir Stephen’s place had been an old ranch. The trip there took the better part of forty-five minutes. His house was well back off the highway. In the rear of his house was the barn. This was no ordinary barn, however. While the barn was old, and required some paint, the inside had been totally remodeled. It was now one of the best S & M playrooms in the country. The range of sexual torment equipment was astounding. There was a wet bar, and a buffet with an assortment of culinary delights. A main game room, or orgy room was located in the center of the barn, with private rooms off to the sides. There were even barred cells where a slave could be placed for a while. While Stephen was wealthy in his own right, he did require a substantial fee for all who entered the room and enjoyed its fleshly delights.
On this evening, there were several couples, all in various states of undress.

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   All the slaves were women. Most were restrained in some fashion, as was Jill and Annie. As Jack entered the room, with his two naked and bound slaves in tow, there was much hushed conversation. The crowd knew that they were looking at a beautiful mother and daughter combination. It was exciting to even think about. The men in the room were envious. This was a fantasy situation.
Soon, the only single male guest arrived at Sir Stephen’s party. This was unusual, and Stephen only invited couples, married or not. Unescorted women were welcome, however. Such a woman guest must also understand that she would be common property, and subject to the whims of the various guests. This would not be true of Annie, however. She was Jack’s property, and he could do as he wished. The second reason, was the unescorted male member who had just arrived. He was Jeff Brady, the owner of the Jaguar dealership, and a very good friend of Jack Dillon.


Jack and Jeff greeted each other with a handshake and hug. He then, much to her surprise, handed Annie’s leash to Jeff. Turning to Annie, Jack said, "Sweetheart, I want you to meet Jeff. He is a very good friend of mine. Jill has made his acquaintance, and now I want you to do so. You are his for the evening. He will be in total control of you, and you are to obey him. "
Annie, swallowed, and smiled at Jack, "Yes sir. I will obey. " Jill was smiling at her mother, and nodding her head in agreement.
Jeff’s cock literally lurched to erection as he looked at Annie, and saw her humble response. Even though she was somewhat older than he was, she was beautiful, and very desirable. ‘Jack Dillon was the luckiest bastard in the world’, he thought.
The party was a civil affair. There were the usual demonstrations in which masters would put their slaves through their paces.

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   Some of the slaves could endure an enormous amount of pain, which their masters seemed only too happy to accommodate.
One big robust blonde slave, named Carey, was possessed of an enormous pair of breasts. Her master had caused her nipples to be pierced, with rings installed in the holes. For the sake of the party, he had hung small golden bells from the rings. When ever she walked one could hear the delicate tinkling of the bells. It was also obvious that her master loved whipping her breasts. Evidence of whip marks could be seen on her pale skin.
During the demonstration part of the party, Carey’s master tied her in a standing position, with her back to a shipping post. Her hands were tied behind the post, with additional ropes tied tightly around her shoulders and the post, just above her breasts. More rope was tied around her rib cage and the whipping post, just below her breasts. Another rope was tied around her waist and the post. An additional rope was tied to the front of her waist rope, and then ran between her thighs, through her pussy lips, and to the whipping post. Needless to way, the lady could not move, and her tits were stuck well out, inviting the kiss of the whip.
Her master, nick-named the "Dark One", using a rather heavy multi-thronged whip, started to flog Carey's tits. He showed no mercy, and gave no quarter.

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   Soon she was wailing and screaming. Her breasts were bouncing to the tune of the whip. Her legs were free, so she danced the dance of the tortured, but could not move from the whipping pose and could not avoid the whip. The sound of the lashes were complimented by the tinkling of the bells hung from her nipples.
Annie was sitting with Jeff, watching the whipping. She loved being a slave, and enjoyed being bound and tortured, but this whipping scared her. She was not sure she could endure such a beating. Jeff was excited by the whole evening and the tit whipping he was watching was causing his cock to get even harder. He had already undressed, and was wearing a silk robe. The robe had slipped open and his cock was raised like a flag pole. He reached over, and tugged on Annie’s collar and kissed her.
"Sweet slave mother, if you will notice, my cock is in need of some attention. You have the prettiest mouth. I want to see it full of my cock", he ordered.
Annie, smiled, and returned his kiss.

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   "Anything you wish, Sir", was her reply. She slipped to her knees, in front of Jeff Brady. She kissed the head of his cock, and licked it with her delicate pink tongue. When his cock started to throb, then and only then did she take his cock into her mouth. In the months that she had been a slave to Jack Dillon, both she and Jill had become accomplished cocksuckers. This is especially hard when you hands are tied behind your back. It would take a strong man to endure very long under her ministrations. As Jeff watch Carey, with the ample tits, take a severe beating on her most prominent features, he was enjoying Annie’s mouth and tongue on his cock. The evening, and Annie’s talent was too much for him. Within a minute or two, Annie had brought him off, with his cock exploding in her mouth. Jeff’s cock was not as large as Jack’s, and did not produce the same amount of cum, so she was able to swallow it all. Jeff Davis was a handsome man, but he was no Jack Dillon. She could expect to have to submit to Jeff again in the future, which she would do. The warmth she felt for Jack just was not there with Jeff, however. As slave, however, she realized that she really had no choice.

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   She would submit to anyone Jack chose. Maybe that was the problem. Jack was strict with her. He required complete submission, especially sexually. He was quick with the whip, and punishment. She really needed a strict master, and Jeff seemed to more of an observer that a participant. Perhaps if he had tormented her, or even whipped her, she would have had more respect for him.
By the time she finished sucking Jeff’s cock, the whipping of Careys’s tits had finished. A tearful, yet smiling Carey was released. She grabbed her master and was hugging him, covering his face with kisses. She then dropped to the floor and opened her mouth, gulping down her master’s cock. Annie could see that she liked what happened to her. She understood those feelings. She was only glad that Jack was not that brutal when he whipped her. She had to admit that if Jack wanted to do so, she would submit.

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   Annie looked around the room, and soon found Jack and Jill sitting on another sofa, talking with Sir Stephen. Both were smiling and talking rather animatedly. Soon, it appeared that Jack gave Jill an order, where upon she knelt in front of Sir Stephen, and took his cock into her mouth and started to suck. The room was filled with copulating couples, and the sexual tension was high. Annie was glad to be Jack’s slave, and now soon to be his mother-in-law.
After the party, Jack collected his two slaves, and escorted them to his car. On the way home, he explained to Annie, that he and Jill had decided to get married on the first of June. They would use Sir Stephen’s barn for the celebration. The marriage ceremony would be performed by a Superior Court judge that he knew. This judge was also a fan of the S & M arts. His former wife, now deceased, had been his slave. Sir Stephen would be his best man, while they both expected Annie to the Matron of Honor. Annie got a tear in her eye at that announcement.
Jack continued, telling her that this was to be a slave wedding. At the ceremony, Jill would be presented to him as a slave, and Bride.

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   Jeff Brady would give Jill away, and there would be other master/slave couples attending the service. It would be an exciting time, and a gala affair.
Jill and Annie could hardly wait to get home. Perhaps Jack would see his way clear to whip and fuck each of them.

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