
Set up for a threesome - part 2


I woke up early the next morning to the feeling of a hand cupping my right breast.   As I was lying on my side facing the edge of the bed I wasn’t sure if it was Tim’s or Helen’s.  I reached behind me and found Tim’s soft cock.   I slid my fingers around it and gently started stroking him.   He responded with a soft moan and shifted slightly allowing the weight of my breast to nestle in the palm of his hand.
It took less than a minute before he was rock hard and pressing against my back, but he was still fast asleep.   I sighed, slipped out of the bed, walked into the kitchen and started the coffee brewing.   Taking advantage of the quiet condo, I went into the bathroom and started to shower.
I was just rubbing the shampoo into my hair when I saw the bathroom door open and Helen come in.
“Morning Bev, mind if I pee?”  Without waiting for a reply she went over to the toilet.
“Only if you wash my back. ”
I heard the flush go and the shower door open.   Helen came in to the cubicle and squirted some bodywash into the palm of her hand.
“Ummm. ”  I groaned as the hands caressed by shoulders.   “That was some night.

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    I haven’t had sex like that for a long while. ”
“Well hun, you haven’t been hanging around me for a while. ”  She kissed my neck and moved her soaping activities to my front, slipping her hands under my breasts and running them upwards over my hardening nipples.
“Can we stay in bed all morning please?” I murmured tipping back my head so that it rested on her shoulder.   “I’ll be very good, I promise. ”  I slid my hands behind me and rubbed the cheeks of her ass.
 “How good?”
“I’ll do anything you say or want. ”
“Deal.   Let me finish off in here and you go fix the breakfast. ”
The bathroom was by now very steamy, so I grabbed a towel and went into the kitchen to dry off.   Tim was already in there pouring coffee and as expected he was naked with a hard on.   As an extra bonus he had already made breakfast.
“Hi Bev, sleep well?”  Tim asked.
“Like a babe.   You?”  I kissed him, reached down and gently stroked his cock.

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    “I couldn’t resist fondling you earlier this morning. ”
“Oh that was you was it?  There will be payback you know. ”
“Sooner the better lover, I’m so horny. ”  I sat on the barstool.
“In that case, here’s your coffee, I’m going to get a shower. ”  As he left, it occurred to me that I could still hear the water running as Helen continued her shower. I hoped she wasn’t going to make him cum; I wanted his hard cock in me first.   I squeezed my thighs together at the thought, sending a pleasure tingle through my body.   I don’t think I had ever been this turned on.
I parted my thighs and moved my right hand between my legs.   I could feel how wet I was and inserted my two middle fingers into my pussy.   I pulled them out and slid them upwards either side of my clit.   Back and forwards I moved, initializing a small orgasm.
“Hey, no starting without us, remember our agreement. ” Helen called out as she entered the kitchen.

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    I guiltily pulled away my hand.
Helen ate some fruit and took the rest into the bedroom.   I followed her with my coffee and stretched out on the bed with my arms above my head, the cool air blowing deliciously over my naked body.
Helen put down her plate of fruit, and turned to face me.  
“As you are like that, stay still. ”  She commanded, reached down behind the head board and pulled out two silk scarves, already secured to the bed posts.   She quickly tied them around my wrists, stretching my arms across the width of the bed.
“Ohhhh, you look so helpless now, Bev. ”  Helen whispered and lightly kissed me on my lips.   As I moved my head forward to kiss her harder, she moved away.   “Not so fast, honey. ”  She moved closer again and licked my lips. Again I tried to kiss her back, but she avoided me and kissed my neck.
I squirmed as she licked and nibbled my ear lobe, getting a small gasp out of me.   Helen knew the exact location of all my erogenous zones.

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Tim came into the room and judging by his expression, Helen had already told him what she had planned.   He walked over to Helen’s plate of fruit, his cock bobbing, selected a strawberry and bit into it.
Sitting on the bed he drew circles with the strawberry over my breasts and around my nipples.   Helen slowly licked the juices off one breast and Tim off the other, neither one actually touching my nipples.   The anticipation was driving me crazy; I wanted just one of them to take a nipple in the mouth and lifted my chest to encourage them.
Instead they kissed each other deeply, their tongues entwining, gently biting on each other’s lips.    As they rolled over Tim kissed her neck and worked down to her nipples, sucking hard on each one, making them into dark points of flesh as he squeezed them together.  
“I love Helen’s titties, don’t you Bev?”  Tim said looking me in the eye as he continued to caress them.   Helen’s eyes were tightly closed as she reveled in the pleasure.
I groaned and looked away.   I could feel a dull ache of desire developing deep inside of me.
He worked down her stomach until he reached her mons.   Using his thumbs he spread her pussy lips apart exposing the pink bead of her clit.   His mouth greedily sucked on it, and Helen breathed in deeply with a low moan.   He tongue moved lower and into her vagina.

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“I love the taste of your juices, God you’re wet.   You like her taste Bev?”
With that he leaned over and kissed me on the mouth.   I did indeed love her taste and as I tried to lick Tim’s face, he pulled away and continued to deeply lick Helen.   He pushed two fingers inside of her and quickly moved them in and out.
After five minutes of this intense stimulation Helen cried out “Ohhhhh, yes, yes, ohhh, ohhh, I can’t help it, I’m cummmming!”
Her back arched and she pushed her head back into the pillow.   Tim kept stimulating her over the next 15 minutes bringing her quite a lot of pleasure.   I could do nothing but watch, the scarves restraining me.
Tim finally adjusted himself between her legs and lifted her hips up before thrusting his hard cock inside her.   I rubbed my legs together trying to ease the ache of lust.   Tim pounded hard against her; I knew that she would soon orgasm again when she started to breathe in small gasps.
Helen screamed out “Come on, yes, fuck me Tim, hammer my cunt, that’s it, ohhh I’m cumming again, geeeezzzz. ”  I watched as her pleasure peaked and finally waned even as Tim kept thrusting.
Finally she pleaded with him.   “Pull out Tim, I’m too sensitive, God can’t stand it, ah ah, give me time to recover, please!”  I knew from past experience with Helen and vibrators, she can only tolerate so much before needing a break.
“Don’t cum, give it to me.

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    Put that big cock in me. ”  I pleaded.
Helen gasped her thanks as Tim withdrew and she collapsed sideways on the bed facing me with a big, satisfied smirk on her face.
Tim straddled my chest and put his stiff, wet cock between my breasts and squeezed them together and began to slowly thrust.   “I love fucking a big pair of titties. ” 
Helen moved closer to me and put one leg between mine, her knee all the way up between my legs, gentling rubbing herself against my hip.   I tried to grind against her knee, but every time I did she would move away from me.   I was getting so horny I thought I was going to die.
Tim was so erect his cock kept springing out from between my breasts, so Helen grasped it and started masturbating him.   I could see his pre-cum leaking out and feel my juices trickling between my legs with anticipation.
“Hey you guys, come on, don’t you dare.   Fuck my tight cunt Tim, come on.   Don’t waste it, I need to cum. ”
Tim’s only response was to shift further up my body, the tip of his cock touching my chin.   Helen increased the speed and length of her stroking.


“Payback for yesterday’s teasing Bev, you don’t know how pent up I was on the beach.  I had to lay face down most of the afternoon.   I am going to enjoy giving you a facial. ”
With that he grabbed my head and groaned.   Load after load of hot, sticky, white cum shot out over my face, my eyes, my mouth and neck.  
“Oh that was sooo good, sooo good. ” He whispered and rolled onto the bed between Helen and me.
I was starting to get a little testy, but decided to hold any comments and just lie there.
After about ten minutes Helen took Tim in her mouth and started to slowly suck him.   I also felt the nails on her left hand graze the inside of my thigh, drawing little circles and getting infinitesimally higher with each revolution.
Helen knew that drove me absolutely crazy and I just hoped she wasn’t still on the tease kick.   That would be more than I could possibly stand.
Tim leaned over and licked off some of his cum off my face and kissed me on the mouth.   No tease this time and I could taste the saltiness on his tongue.   His left hand slid up over my stomach and started to circle my left breast, the nipple springing up hard in anticipation.

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    I kissed Tim harder and greedier as he rolled the nipple between his fingers.
Helen’s fingers reached the entrance of my vagina and circled its moist entrance.   I was getting even wetter knowing that this time I was going to get relief.   I gasped as she inserted two fingers inside of me, hunting out my G spot.   She knew what I liked and how to give it to me and I broke off Tim’s kiss to cry out in pleasure.
“Yes Helen, oh yes, you know, huh huh huh, oh that’s it, oh I feel like I’m going to pee, yes, that’s it, oooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. ” As I came down from a tremendous peak, Tim shifted his mouth’s attention to my nipples and Helen to my clit.
The two tongues working in unison drove me back into a state of orgasm, and every time I thought it was ending, they changed rhythm, causing wave after wave of pleasure to crash over me.
I weakly strained against my bindings when Tim broke away, but then he replaced Helen between my legs.   He had evidently fully recovered and I felt the bulbous head of his big cock probe my vagina.   Two thrusts and he was fully in, crushing up against my pelvis, but instead of thrusting continuously, he fucked me with six long strokes and then six short ones, then six long strokes.   The cold ache of longing had been replaced by an increasingly tighter ball of intense pleasure.
Tim started to speed up, his testicles swinging against my ass.
The feeling of Helen sensually kissing me on my ear, my lips and my breasts started a surge of electricity in my upper body and when she slipped a hand down my tummy, the two pleasure areas joined together.   I came so hard it felt like everything was in slow motion and my eyesight blurred.

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I don’t know what I said or what I cried out, I was vaguely aware of Tim’s seed shooting deep inside of me, the heat of it building on my internal fire.   Gradually the feeling faded and I slumped down hard against the mattress almost unconscious
“You okay Bev?” I heard Helen whisper.   She had got a cold wet facecloth and wiped away Tim’s cum off my face.   I opened my eyes and nodded.
“Good.   That was incredible; I have always wanted to do that tease scene.   The added bonus was that it was with you.   Love you Bev. ”
“Love you too Helen. ”  I whispered and kissed her before closing my eyes again.
“Hey hunk.   Lie down here, I want you hard again. ”  Helen called out to Tim and pulled him back down on to the bed.
Since that weekend, Helen and I now see each other on a regular basis.   As for Tim, we never did hear from him again, but with a friend like Helen….

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Μη διστάσετε να επισκεφτείτε τους Συνοδούς στην πορνες Ξάνθη και να αισθανθείτε πως είναι πραγματικά η ηδονή, ενώ σας προσφέρουν αποκλειστικής ποιότητας υπηρεσίας συνοδών.

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Η Ελλάδα, είναι μια από τις πιο ζωντανές χώρες σε ολόκληρη την Ευρώπη. Διαθέτει μια πλούσια ιστορία 4,000 χρόνων, είναι η χώρα της δημοκρατίας, του πολιτισμού, του φιλότιμου, με φιλόξενους ανθρώπους, και εντυπωσιακές φυσικές τοποθεσίες. Στην πραγματικότητα, εάν θέλετε μπορείτε να εξερευνήσετε μερικά από τα πιο φανταστικά νησιά στον κόσμο μόνο για να συνειδητοποιήσετε ότι θα ζήσετε μια ανεπανάληπτη εμπειρία ζωής.
Τα 6,000 ηλιόλουστα νησιά της, το Ελληνικό φαγητό, το Ελληνικό καμάκι κάνουν την ατμόσφαιρα ακόμα πιο μαγική. Έτσι, δεν αποτελεί έκπληξη το γεγονός ότι έχουν δημοσιευτεί χιλιάδες άρθρα που αναφέρουν ότι το ταξίδι στην συνοδοι Ξάνθη θα είναι ένα από τα πιο εντυπωσιακά μέρη στην Ελλάδα, ακόμα και στην Ευρώπη. Για αυτό είναι και τόσο διάσημη πόλη ανάμεσα στους ανθρώπους που προτιμούν να ταξιδεύουν στον κόσμο.
Ωστόσο, θα εκπλαγείτε όταν ανακαλύψετε ότι η Ελλάδα μπορεί να προσφέρει πολλά περισσότερα σε εκείνους που τολμούν να την εξερευνήσουν. Προετοιμαστείτε για κάτι εντελώς ερεθιστικό. Καλώς ορίσατε στον συναρπαστικό κόσμο Συνοδών στην! Ο καλύτερος προορισμός για όλους τους βρώμικους επιβήτορες που γουστάρουν να εμπλουτίσουν τη ζωή τους με συγκλονιστικές εμπειρίες γεμάτες ακολασία και αχαλίνωτο πάθος. Θα μείνετε 100% ικανοποιημένοι με αυτές τις κορυφαίας κλάσης συνοδούς που θα δείτε στην πουτανες Ξάνθη.
Μόνο στην Ξάνθη συνοδοι μπορείτε να περιηγηθείτε σε θεαματικά πάρκα, εντυπωσιακά μνημεία, γραφικά κτήρια, και άλλα σημεία ενδιαφέροντος. Να αισθανθείτε τη μοναδική κουλτούρα, τα γευστικά φαγητά και γλυκά. Μην ξεχνάτε ότι η Συνοδοί Ξάνθη είναι γνωστό ότι προσφέρει στους ενήλικες όλα τα είδη διασκέδασης.
Τι θα λέγατε αν επισκεπτόσασταν όλα αυτά τα πασίγνωστα μέρη μαζί με μια σέξι καλλονή; Θα σας κρατάει συντροφιά ενώ επισκέπτεστε τα διαφορετικά μνημεία, θα δειπνήσει μαζί σας, και θα σας ακολουθήσει στις αποκλειστικές εκδηλώσεις, σόου, πάρτυ, και σε πολλά άλλα. Θα τραβάτε την προσοχή όλων επειδή αυτές οι γκόμενες από την σίγουρα ξέρουν τι λαχταράνε οι άντρες. Μόνο στην συνοδοι Ξάνθη θα μπορείτε να κάνετε όλες τις φαντασιώσεις και τα όνειρά σας πραγματικότητα.

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Η κάθε καλλονή μας είναι κορυφαία ερμηνεύτρια όσον αφορά το σεξ και διαθέτει εξαιρετικές δεξιότητες που θα σας αφήσουν άφωνους. πλοηγηθείτε ελεύθερα στη συλλογή φωτογραφιών μας για να χαζέψετε αυτά τα γυμνασμένα κορμιά με πιασίματα και τα σαγηνευτικά πρόσωπα που δεν ντρέπονται να σας αποκαλύψουν τα μοντέλα μας.
Πέρα από τις απίστευτης ποιότητας υπηρεσίες συνοδού κατά τη διάρκειας της ημέρας, οι σαγηνευτικές συνοδοί μας μπορούν σίγουρα να σας παρέχουν ονειρεμένες υπηρεσίες συνοδού τη νύχτα, όταν είστε οι δυο σας.
Οι σέξι καλλονές από την εσκορτ Ξάνθη προέρχονται από διαφορετικές τοποθεσίες. Έτσι, θα είστε σε θέση να διαλέξετε μωρά όπως παθιασμένες Λατίνες, σέξι Ασιάτισσες, βιτσιόζες Αμερικάνες, ερωτικές Ευρωπαίες, καυλιάρες Αφρικάνες, και πολλές περισσότερες που ανυπομονούν να σας δείξουν τα ταλέντα τους. Απλά πείτε μας τι ακριβώς προτιμάτε, όπως την ηλικία, τον σωματότυπο, την εθνικότητα, και εμείς θα αναλάβουμε όλα τα υπόλοιπα.
Συνδεθείτε και συμπεριλάβετε τις λεπτομέρειες σας στη φόρμα εγγραφής και θα σας δοθεί απευθείας πρόσβαση στον κατάλογο συνοδών μας που είναι γεμάτος με κυρίες συνοδούς. Μπορείτε να προσαρμόσετε την αναζήτηση σας επιλέγοντας ποικίλες κατηγορίες. Νιώστε ελεύθερα και επιλέξτε ανάμεσα στην Κανονική, στη VIP, στη Διαμαντένια κατηγορία και άλλες κατηγορίες υπηρεσιών συνοδών όπως ρούφηγμα πούτσας, ερωτικό μασάζ, παιχνίδια ρόλων, ερωτικά παιχνίδια, πρωκτικό, μαλακία, ποδομαλακία, ΣΔΜΧ, κατούρημα, ομαδικό σεξ, ανάλογα το πορτοφόλι σας.

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