


Jenny Craft was on cloud number nine! She couldn't believe her good luck! Having met Charlie only a month ago, and now he was taking her to a party that would include his best and closest friends. They were having what once was described as a whirl wind romance, introduced by a friend of a friend, until they had become almost inseparable. From the very first night together the sex and been beyond phenomenal, as Charlie was hung like a horse and knew exactly how to use it! This was the first time that Jenny had ever had a man with over sized equipment, and she now was a true believer in the saying that size DOES matter! The first time she saw Charlie's cock she nearly fainted at the thought of trying to get that monster into her tight little pussy, but Charlie was so sweet and considerate the way he made the tenderest love that first time, making sure that she was totally lubricated and turned on, he ever so slowly inched his organ into her pussy. After the initial shock of have her pussy stretched farther than ever before, she just relaxed and tried to enjoy it, but after only a few minutes, the feeling of being really filled up overwhelmed her! Just thinking of that huge organ inside of her brought her to a shattering orgasm and Charlie hadn't even started pumping her yet and she was cumming like a little cock hound! After that she was hooked! Even when it was soft, it was as big as most of the erections she had seen in the past. One time Charlie was in the shower and Jenny came in to get her makeup, and since he washing his hair, he had his eyes closed and didn't realize she was there. Watching the water and soap running down his chest and belly and then cascading over his low hanging cock was an incredible sight, so she plopped down on the toilet and frigged herself to orgasm right then and there, and only when she let out a loud moan did Charlie even notice her sitting there!No matter where they were, Jenny would try to get Charlie into a private spot where she could get him to show her his cock. When they were riding in the car she made him pull it out of his pants so that she could hold it while they were driving!, so when they were in private he kiddingly referred to her as his "little cock hound". Although she could be a real nuisance, Charlie took her over dose of attention with a good sense of humor, because after all, she was a beautiful woman he was lucky to have for his own!
A few times since they first met, Charlie mentioned a private club he was a member of, and while he didn't go into many details, Jenny got the impression that it was a rather exclusive club that was hard to get into. For this reason she was really excited when Charlie announced that his club was putting on a party the following Saturday night, and that he was inviting her to come along as his date. Dress was to be casual, and she should be ready for just about anything! She tried to get him to tell her more, but he just would smile and say, "You'll find out soon enough!" When finally the big day arrived and her wait was about over, while driving to the party, Jenny asked where the party was being held? "At a private home," answered Charlie. Jenny thought that was a little strange, as most clubs met a restaurants or had their own building. She didn't say anything, however, and they rode in silence for the rest of the drive until they finally pulled up to a house that wasn't really a house at all, it was more like a mansion! There must have been fifteen cars parked in the huge oval driveway!
They parked Charlie's Lincoln and headed for the front door, and as they were walking, Charlie told her that this was a very special kind of party, and that she might be shocked, but that he thought that she would like it! Without knocking Charlie opened the front door and ushered Jenny into the large foyer. Laughter and music could be heard coming from the next room, and with his arm around her waist, Charlie led her into the living room. What she saw made her head spin! Around the room were a variety of couples in various stages of undress! Most were just laughing and talking, but some of them were in the early stages of love making! Jenny couldn't make a sound although her mouth seemed to be trying to ask, "What kind of party is this?!?" Charlie, seeing her reaction soothed, "Jen, this is a meeting of the "Walking Stick Club", the only requirement for membership is that you have at least an eight inch cock when erect, we meet once a month here at Gene's place because it's so secluded, and also because it has enough room for the thirty people who usually show up. " Finally able to speak, Jenny asked, "Do you have to, you know. .

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  . . ," "You mean do it in front of everyone," finished Charlie? She nodded herhead yes. "Of course not," he answered, "you don't have to do anything you don't want to do, nobody will pressure you to do anything, it's entirely up to you!" "Let's get a drink," he offered, leading over to the open bar. While sipping her rum and coke, Jenny took a more leisurely look around the room. "Well Charlie was right about one thing," she thought, "every man there had a huge cock and some of them were even bigger than Charlie's!!!" All of the women seemed to be knockouts, and Jenny all of a sudden felt a little intimidated! As she wandered into the back of the house, a blond woman with a large naked chest came up and introduced herself as Donna. "First time, huh, said the busty blond? "Yeah," answered Jenny. "Well, it's the best time you'll ever have," gushed Donna, my husband Bill and I have been coming to these things for four years now, and I.

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Barcelona is one of the most visited cities in Europe, attracting millions of tourists annually. This lively city serves as the capital of Catalonia, a region in northeastern Spain with a distinct culture and language. Barcelona is a city with something for everyone, including stunning architecture, delectable gastronomy, gorgeous beaches, and a rich history.If you are interested in using the services of an escort girl in Barcelona, there are a few things you should bear in mind before doing so. Selecting a trustworthy organisation that has a demonstrated history of delivering high-quality services should be your first and primary priority when looking for a service provider. You should also be prepared to spend a premium price for these services given that they are not inexpensive in any way. The payoffs, on the other hand, have the potential to be really life-changing for those who are prepared to put effort into the experience.