
Mom helps out son part 1


The following is a work of fiction and not intended to be taken as anything other. Susan Warner impatiently tapped her feet. So far the day had not progressed as she would have normally expected. She was sat in the waiting room of a sexual health clinic waiting for her son David to finish his appointment. She was uncomfortable, not only with the surroundings but also the inhabitants. Semi-comatose college students leered at her through drunken eyes, whilst ashen faced young girls tried to avoid her gaze. They were all around David's age, though she ruefully mused that none of their parents had bothered to accompany them for moral support. Probably because they were too scared to let them know that something was wrong. She still remembered the feeling of shock when David had tearfully confessed his predicament to her. He had recently celebrated his 18th birthday party and after a meal with his family had gone out for a few beers with his friends. Except of course, young men being as they are, a "few" beers had quickly escalated into an all-night bender. David, in his drunken stupor, had got separated from his friends and found himself in one of the seedier parts of town. He eventually returned home in the early hours of the morning; Susan was concerned at his late arrival and his quiet demeanor over the next few days but merely attributed it to playful hi-jinks during his birthday. A couple of weeks later however, the truth had come out. David came to his mother saying he was ill. Naturally she was concerned.

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  "It's not something serious is it David? We should tell your father. ""No Mom!!! We can't tell Dad. It's. . . Oh God what a mess. "Susan scrutinized her son's face; she had rarely seen him this crestfallen. His handsome features betrayed a heavy heart. "David, what's wrong? Tell me. "David gulped for air and suddenly blurted it out. "Mom, I paid a hooker for sex. "Susan recoiled in shock. She couldn't believe what her darling son had just told her. "What?!""Well. .

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  . not full sex. Just a blowjob. I know that's no excuse, but. . . I was just drunk and horny and stupid. "Susan tried to quell her rising anger. David was right, they couldn't tell Jack, her husband, he would hit the roof and most probably his son as well. He wasn't a violent man, but he was definitely from the old school of parenting. David proceeded to give his mother details of what exactly was wrong with him. Susan listened attentively; from the sounds of it he had caught an STI, hopefully a mild one. "What are the symptoms?" she asked. "It hurts to pee and my, err, penis is itchy. ""Let me have a look""Mom!""Oh for goodness sake David! You think you've got something there I haven't seen before?" she exclaimed in exasperation.

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   David reluctantly pulled his trousers down and then his pants. Susan regarded his penis, it looked healthy. David had gone a very deep shade of red and she felt a pang of sympathy. Suddenly she grabbed hold of it. It came as a shock to David and surprised Susan as well. 'Why did I do that?' she thought. "Erm, do you feel any pain now?" she enquired. "N-n-no" David stuttered. She gave it a quick squeeze. To her horror and David's intense embarrassment she felt it go hard. She let go but it kept on growing. 'Gosh' she thought, I it must have been slightly longer than Jack's and in terms of girth it was definitely superior. "Well, looks like your old Mom's still got it" she joked in an attempt to diffuse the tension. David was mortified however and quickly put his trousers back on. She immediately made an appointment with the clinic, and, a week later, was now waiting nervously for David to come out.

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  One of the college frat boys gazed lasciviously at Susan. Even at 45, she could walk into a room and draw everyone's attention to her. Her dark hair fell in tresses around her oval face, framing it perfectly. She had azure blue eyes and juicy bee-stung lips, but by far her most impressive assets were her breasts which must have been a double F at least. She may not be as slim as she was once was but she could still draw jealous stares from other women. The door opened and David walked out. Susan stood up, a look of anxiety on her face. David smiled weakly and walked over to her. They strode out of the clinic in silence and got into the car. "Well?" she asked himDavid let out a heavy sigh. "Well, the doc thinks it's nothing too serious. It will clear up after a course of antibiotics. ""Oh David, what a relief. " Susan hugged him and gave him a quick peck. "I hope you've learned a valuable lesson.

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  ""Yup. The hard way as well. " She smiled at him and playfully ruffled his hair. "You're not the first guy honey, and you sure as hell won't be the last. We should just put this behind us and move on. "She had already forgiven him, after all he was a young man now and his thoughts would inevitably turn to sex. He had not had a proper girlfriend so far but she put this down to the fact that he went to an all-boys school, and was still a little awkward around members of the opposite sex. Susan had been reluctant to push her son into that kind of environment, but Jack had been fairly adamant arguing that it would keep his mind on his studies if he wasn't distracted by girls. To be fair to Jack, David had graduated near the top of the class but Susan worried if this had been at the cost of some of his social skills. This episode with the prostitute had reaffirmed her fears unfortunately for her, she was mistaken. Susan was glad that David had suffered no permanent damage for his indiscretion and hoped this was the last they would hear about the matter. The next few weeks were fairly uneventful; David kept Susan up to date about his recovery and after a second appointment with the clinic got the all-clear. She made him show his penis again, although she wasn't exactly sure why. 'To make sure he's ok' she told herself. The first indication that Susan had that things were not alright was a couple of weeks after David had visited the doctor.

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   She returned home from work early and found herself alone in the house. She had some work to type up and so went to get her laptop to finish it. Suddenly she realized she had left it at work and cursed out loud; she could really have done with getting this done. She quickly glanced at her watch. It would still be a good hour before David was home; she could use the computer in his room and be done before he got back. David like most teens was very wary of his privacy, and Susan knew it would have been a bit of a struggle to persuade him to let her use his PC normally. She fixed herself a drink, grabbed her notes and headed to his room. In fact Susan managed to clear her work within quarter of an hour. She knew she shouldn't but curiosity got the better of her and she had a quick browse trough David's history page. She fully expected to see some porn site listings but seemed a little taken aback by how much there was. "Where does he find the time to do work?" She asked herself. Still, she thought, he's at "that" age, I suppose its better he relieves himself than sees whores. Suddenly one site jumped out at her. 'What's this? 'Escorts-net?' She clicked on the link. There were no gratuitous pictures or anything to suggest it was a pornographic site.

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   Susan decided it warranted further investigation. What she discovered shocked her. Escorts-net was a review site for prostitutes. Men across the country would detail their experience with a particular girl and then rate her on her performance, looks, value for money, etc. "Oh David, no. " She murmured. Suddenly she heard the door slam. Panicking, Susan glanced at her watch; she had been there for over an hour almost. She shut everything down as quickly as possible and rushed out of the room. She was fortunate, David was home but downstairs making himself a snack. Susan tried to compose herself and went to join him. "Hey Mom, you're back early. ""Uh yeah, there wasn't much work on today. " Susan had to resist the urge to confront him over what she had just seen. "You okay Mom? You look a little flustered.

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  "Susan gritted her teeth. I'm fine honey, just a little warm in here. "She made small talk about school before excusing herself. Susan went and sat in her bedroom pondering how to broach the subject with David, She knew she couldn't mention this to Jack; the burden would have to be borne by her alone. On the one hand, it was just a website, like the hundreds of others David had visited whilst. . . masturbating. She blushed. Her son's sexual activities hadn't been high up on her list of priorities for today. There was no proof that he was actually acting upon the fantasies he had. Plus he would be furious with her for invading his privacy. On the other hand, what if he was actually visiting hookers? He could be addicted to it. Where would he get the money from? He had a part-time job and his Dad would often give him money for doing well at school, but certainly not enough to fund a habit like this. Susan dearly wished she could dismiss her concerns but they kept nagging away at her.

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   David was her only child, born after she and Jack had to endure several miscarriages and other ordeals as she attempted to get pregnant. There was no way that she was going to let her only son go down this road. She waited till 10. Jack had come home, eaten his dinner and was sound asleep in the marital bed. Susan sighed as she glanced over at his snoring form. He had had this routine for longer than she cared to remember. She donned her dressing-gown and quietly exited the room. She gave two raps on David's door. "Just a minute" came the cry. Susan rolled her eyes; it was fairly obvious that this wasn't a good time. "Come in"Susan opened the door to find David in bed, reading apparently. "Something wrong Mom?"He looked pensive, well aware that a late night visit form one of his parents wasn't usually a good sign. He had the shock of his life when he heard someone knocking on the door, he had been in the middle of jacking off to some porn, and had quickly turned his monitor off and scrambled into bed. He brought his knees up to cover the outline of his erection under the duvet. "Actually honey, there is.

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  " Susan pulled the chair out from under his table and sat by his bed. David's face showed a mix of curiosity and worry. "David. Um, I don't quite know how to start. I suppose the truth is the best place. When I came home early to day, I had some work to catch up on, I'd left my laptop at home so I thought that I would come in here and use your PC before you got home. ""Mom!" David was indignant, not only at her disregard for his rules but also because he knew what she was leading up to, or, at least he thought he did. "David, I'm sorry. I was just. . . curious, I know I shouldn't have but it just happened. "David would have stormed off in indignation were it not for the fact he still had a hard-on. "David, I don't mind you looking at porn. " Her son looked up at her in surprise.


   She smirked, "come on David, I think Vie been around long enough to know that there are at least four certainties in life-death, taxes, porn and guys masturbating to porn. ""Mom!""Please David, were all adults here. "David looked bemused. If his mom wasn't there to lambast him for the porn then why was she there?"I thought we agreed that hat happened on your birthday was a lesson learnt?"A look of surprise and fear entered David's eyes confirming Susan's suspicions. He opened his mouth but the words didn't come out. How did she know about that? David had seen another working girl after he had healed up. This time however he had taken all the necessary precautions and also went through an internet site that recommended which girls to see. The experience had been an overall disappointment. Because of his inexperience he had come very quickly and he trudged home disconsolate at having squandered all his birthday money. It had been an illicit thrill to visit the hooker but he felt incredibly depressed and awkward afterwards. He had tried to talk to girls but he was shy and gauche, and they lost interest in him despite his good looks. David suppressed the urge to cry as he held his head in his hands. "I'm so sorry Mom. I can't explain it, I'm just so. .

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  . well, horny I guess. "He tried to laugh it off but Susan could see he was hurting. Truth be told, she felt sorry for him rather than disappointed. She put a reassuring hand on his bare shoulder. She cast an admiring look over his muscular chest. "Its ok sweetheart, we all have these urges, but this isn't the way to deal with them. This is a habit that could have serious implications for your heath and your wallet. "He felt so ashamed at having let her down. "I know Mom, I tried so hard, heck I probably jack off a dozen times a day to try and control myself but even so. . . "Susan was a little taken aback at this piece of information but continued to sympathies with him. "Its ok honey, you just have to be strong. ""Mom, it's not that easy.

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   I, I need female contact, I wish I could just go out and get a girlfriend like other guys but it's so hard for me. ""You have to try sweetie, you know you can't take this route. ""But Mom, the first time I was stupid, not using a condom, not going through the right channels. ""The right channels? David, you know this isn't right. ""What, not even to get a hand job?" David was reaching and he knew it. "Was that all you went for the second time?" Susan had a doubtful look on her face. "Yes" he lied. "I'm sure if you carried on you would 'graduate' to other activities though. " David looked surprised; his Mom looked like she was buying this. "No way Mom, after what happened the first time? It's a bit of a thrill I guess. "Susan looked skeptical. "That doesn't make it right David. ""I know, I know, it's just that, I need this, just to be more confident and know more. "Susan got up. She felt for him, but there was no way she could allow this.

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   Could she?"I, I'll have to think about it David. Good night" And with that she was gone. David breathed a sigh of relief. His erection had remained throughout the entire chat with his Mom. In a way he wasn't surprised. Her huge breasts had been jutting out of the skimpy dressing-gown the whole time. He had always been fascinated by his mother's breasts, although he had never really looked at her as a sexual creature, even though she was very pretty. Susan retired to her bedroom. She knew she couldn't possibly countenance this. David reminded her of a younger Jack, back in the days when they couldn't keep their hands off each other. She well believed that he was masturbating up to 12 times a day. She also caught sight of the bulge in the duvet and was more or less sure she'd interrupted him jacking off. She rolled over to face her husband. They hadn't been intimate for a long time and even when they were Jack seemed less than enthusiastic. What she wouldn't give for a good hard cock now she ruminated.

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   She smirked as she realized that there was one in the next room, only problem it belonged to her son. She felt a shiver as she thought about it and quickly reproached herself. 'What a thought Susan Warner! I'm not Kay Parker. ' She remembered watching Taboo the film with Jack and having mind-blowing sex with him afterwards. He had called her "Mommy". She grinned recalling it. She recalled what David's penis had looked like erect, 'Shame it's going to waste' she mused. Susan Warner drifted of to sleep, her head full of naughty thoughts. It was the first thing she thought of when she awoke the following morning. She tried to put it out of her head but it persisted throughout work and even when she got home. She put it down to residual horniness, she had always been highly sexed and Jack had usually managed to satisfy her until after they had David. Back then she was so caught up in being a mother she didn't really miss the sex that much. Until now she realized. She had always laughed at her married friends regale her with how bored she was. One of them described herself as a sex camel traveling through the desert of celibacy searching for that oasis of fucking.

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   Now she was starting to know how it felt. The more she thought about it, the more curious she was to see David's cock again. She chided herself for these thoughts but there was no doubting that she was more turned on than she had been in a long while. And then it came to her. A plan. David heard the knock on his door again. 'Godammit', he thought, 'can't a guy whack off in peace?' He yanked his pants up and dove under the duvet. "Come in. "It was his mother again, wearing that skimpy dressing-gown. He willed his erection down but no such luck. He presumed that she had come to continue their talk form the other night. She smiled at him; quite seductively in fact, David looked cautiously. "Hi sweetie, what are you up to?""Er, not much Mom. ""I had a think about what we talked about the other night. And well, I can't allow you to go to some strange woman and fork over your hard-earned money; it's just not worth the risk.

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   I want you to have fun but not at the cost of your health. "David looked deflated but this is what he had been expecting. "But I appreciate that it will be difficult for you. Maybe we can work out a compromise. "David had a bewildered look on his face. "Compromise?" he repeated. "Yes. ""I was thinking that perhaps I could help to relieve you once In a while to help you cope with the temptation. ""Er Mom, I'm not sure I understand. " David did understand but he couldn't quite believe what his mother was suggesting. "Well Honey, I am prepared, put bluntly, to give you a hand job. Purely for your sake you understand. ""Um, yes, but. . .

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  ""That was what you wanted wasn't it?""I guess" David was shell-shocked; he wasn't sure what to say. "Look, I can tell you're undecided. How about we try it once and if you're too weirded out by it then well stop?" Susan was grinning innocently at him and it freaked David out even more. "Well, I, I mean, we could try that""Only if you're comfortable. " "Right. "David moved uncomfortably in bed, what the heck he thought suddenly, anything beats whacking off on my own. "Ok, we could try it I guess. " Susan beamed at him, he smiled shyly back at her. Then he realized. "You want to start now?"She grinned and nodded at the bulge under his covers, "Well, it looks like you're ready to go. "David had never heard his Mom use that tone before and it made him horny. At first he did find it strange that his Mom wanted to whack him off but he was warming to it very quickly. "Heh, I suppose so. "He slowly lifted the covers up. Susan was not disappointed.

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   Fully erect, he was at least as big as Jack and much thicker around the shaft. A dribble of pre-cum oozed from the tip. "Well, "Susan said, "it looks like you started without me. "David smirked a little; from the sounds of it his mom was enjoying it. He shifted across the bed towards where she sat in her chair. Susan realized she was crossing a line, but seeing David's hot erect cock had made her really horny, she knew she was teasing him slightly and chastised herself, this was supposed to be a motherly act after all and she should try to remain as clinical and detached as possible, she couldn't let David know how much she was enjoying it. She reached out with her hand and grasped it just above his base. David immediately let out a gasp and for a moment Susan was afraid he was going to come straight away. He managed to control himself and slowly, very slowly, Susan began pumping her son's cock. Although it was over relatively quickly, David came copiously after half a dozen pumps; it seemed like an eternity for both mother and son. Susan was enthralled with how much come David had produced, his chest and nether regions were coated in the stuff. David couldn't remember the last time he came so hard. They were both speechless for a few moments, before eventually Susan ventured, "Well, I'd better go and get cleaned up. And leave you to do the same. ''.

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How to Choose the Best Escort Lady for Blowjob Austria? The ideal escort lady for blowjob Austria is essential for a great encounter. The first thing to examine is the escort service provider's reputation. You may read the service provider's internet reviews to get an idea of what to anticipate. You should also take into account the escort girl's experience and talents. Seek for an escort lady that understands the service and is prepared to go above and beyond to meet your requirements.
The most exotic, stylish, and smart companions you will ever encounter are ebony escorts in Austria. They are just impossible to refuse because of their endearing personalities, gorgeous bodies, and alluring appearances. These females are ideal dates for special occasions like meals, parties, and one-on-one get-togethers. For individuals looking for the companionship of ebony escorts, Austria provides a variety of services, including outcall services, dinner dates, travel companions, and in-call services. Whatever your inclination, it's simple to get an ebony escort that can meet all of your requirements.
It's like having a real-life pornstar fulfill your wildest fantasies when you hire a pornstar escort. In a private and intimate setting, you'll get to experience all the thrills and passion that you've seen in your favorite adult movies. A pornstar escort will provide an unforgettable experience, regardless of your interest in BDSM, anal play, or simply your desire to discover new sexual frontiers.