
Our Daughter's Wicked Ways


Jan tried to push her cunt up to meet the strikes of the heavy stems but she was bound tightly and could only raise her hips up a few inches from the thickly padded table. Joanna could see the clear sticky nectar leaking between her daughter's soft folds. She used her other hand to trace the juices up between the tender lips feeling the heat seeping out, then slipping a finger within to rake over the slick inner walls. Alex was slowing his strokes in a steadily decreasing rhythm but each bite to her stinging bud still held power and urgency. "Cum baby, cum for Momma, get that pussy good and slick for us. " He whispered. Jan's head was twisting back and forth as she felt her climax building, biting her lip as the sensations began deep inside her tummy spreading down her smooth slick mound. She felt her mother had three fingers inside her now, raking her fingernails over the roof of her dripping hole. "Oh Mom, I'm close, I'm so fuckin close. " "Jam me, ram me, fuck me Momma, make me squirt. " Jan moaned. Her mother added a fourth finger gripping and twisting the inside of Jan's young cunt. Alex pulling at the swollen clit, pinching the blood red knob and jacking on it as she felt her cum overtake her. Jan groaned and her body tensed as the clear thin juices erupted out of her spraying over her mother's hand. "Yes baby, spray it all out, push that cunny juice out. " Urged Joanna.

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   Alex and Joanna pressed their mouths over Jan's slit, lapping and swabbing their tongues over the folds drinking in the steady flow. The girl's sweet sticky juices were actually spurting out in thin mists soaking the table and her parent's faces as they drank her gift to them. Alex and Joanna both fought to drive their hungry tongues inside the girl, licking the creamy fluids and kissing it from each others lips and faces. "Oh yeah, do it, suck my cunny juice up you filthy fuckers. " Pleaded Jan. Both parents were massaging the girl's belly and mound trying to coax every sweet drop from her. Alex was urging his daughter on as she continued to tremble and spew out over the pair. "Give it all to us baby girl, everything, all your juices. " He demanded. Jan knew what they wanted, she knew what she wanted as well and as her orgasm slowed she felt the tingle begin in her bladder. She relaxed and let the release wash over her as she felt the first trickle of pee squirt out. Her parent's held the girls lips wide and used their tongues to stab at the tiny piss hole as the spray shot out burning hot from within her. The eruption came and an arc of the golden liquid spiraled into the air bathing her parents faces. Joanna moaned as she lapped at the pungent flow, feeling the pee fill her mouth and flow over her lips and chin. Her hair was being soaked with her daughter's tangy piss, flowing down her face as she lapped at it.

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   Alex cupped his mouth over the heavy stream filling it as he swallowed and licked the overflow from his wife's lips. Jan couldn't stop peeing, she didn't want to stop. All she could do was enjoy the warm rush as it coated her mound and legs splashing back from her parent's as they fought one another for her golden spurts. The table was awash in the warm fluid, running over the edge and pooling on the floor as Alex and Joanna kissed up and down the girls slick legs. licking the last drops they could swab from the girls sweet tender flesh. Alex stood and kissed his daughter working his tongue deep into her mouth. Jan wanted to grab his face and grind her mouth harder over his but the cords binding her to the legs of the table held her fast. She felt them dig into her wrists as she strained to reach for him, tasting her own piss on his tongue and lips she wanted more of it. "Oh fuck daddy, give me more, let me taste it. " Jan moaned. Alex ran his tongue over the inside of his mouth filling it with his saliva and the acrid taste of his daughter's urine. Joanna came up to put her face above Jan and held the girls mouth open clamping her cheeks in her hands. Slowly she let a long trail of the girl's pee run over her lips spilling into her mouth. Jan felt the still warm liquid sliding over her tongue and down the back of her throat as she swallowed and raised her head trying to lock her lips to her mother's. Alex was hovering above her letting the saliva drip in heavy strings into Jan's mouth.

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   Jan flicked her tongue over the hot foamy spit taking it all and washing her mouth with it as she swallowed thickly savoring the taste. Jan's mind was exploding with lust and her entire body quivered at the degradation she reveled in. Alex looked deep into her eyes praising the girl with his soft urgent tone. "Good girl, such a sweet little whore you are. " "Oh God daddy, I'm your whore, yours and mommy's whore, I want to be nasty for you both. " Jan whimpered. Joanna grabbed a fist full of the girls hair twisting it as she looked over at her husband grinning wickedly. "Time to bring in the Prince of hearts wouldn't you say daddy?" Alex just smiled and left the room briefly to act on his wife's suggestion. "Mom, I want him so bad right now, I wanna fuck him and feel his scalding cum fill me up. " Jan said. Joanna held her daughter's hair pulling it roughly and she knelt to kiss her lips whispering softly to her. "You will my little bitch, your gonna get a cunt full of it. " Jan turned her head as she saw her father leading Prince into the room. He was a massive Boxer that stood tall and regal and she could see that his cock was already jutting out of the furry sheath. Jan loved the feel of the dog's coarse hair rubbing her smooth mound as it would mount and hammer into her.

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   She knew that her father had already begun to get the dog aroused and ready to fuck as it's prick bobbed and swung about. She ached to feel the thick meaty tube of his prick pistoning deep inside her. Alex lead the dog over to the bottom of the table where Joanna had moved the carpet covered cube that they would use to support Prince as he penetrated Jan. He helped get the animal centered to where his front paws rested on the girls belly pressing down as he lunged to enter between her slick folds. Prince could smell the heavy scent of the girls piss and cum and it was sending him into a frenzy as he tried to lap at the wetness on the table and on Jan. Joanna knelt before Prince gripping his swinging erection in her hand, lapping at the poker red tip and plunging her lips hotly over the shaft. She sucked deep at the animals root, her hands kneading it's heavy balls as she sought to make it swell to bursting. Her tongue curled over the thick pointed tip of it and licked up and down the entire length. It had grown to it's full eight inches and the girth was amazingly large. The diameter of the animals penis was that akin to a Polish sausage, full and thick with veins a dark blue showing thru the translucent flesh. Joanna didn't want to stop cock sucking the animal, she could taste the thin juices flowing like water from it's slit and buried her lips around it. She could feel the beasts knot gorge with it's climax and get tight as her lips brushed over it. Alex was fisting his erection as he watched his wife knowing how much she'd love to drink the massive explosion of the dog's load. "Stop it God Damn it, he's gonna shoot it before he can get in our baby girl. " He demanded.

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   Joanna reluctantly pulled her sucking mouth away and slid the dog up till it's cock head was just brushing the girl's cunt lips. Jan was begging her parents, pleading with them to feel the beast's prick buried to the hilt within her. Oh fuck daddy, please ram that prick in me, shove the bastard's cock right up me. " Jan Squealed. Joanna wrested the dog's thick cock upward and slid it into the young girls soaking hole. Feeding it inch by inch inside till the massive knot was pressed against the slick lips of her pussy. Put the sling on him Alex, get him tied in good. " Hissed Joanna. Alex reached over to grab the leather and cord harness that they used to wrap over the dog's hindquarters. It was used to hold the dog in place allowing only a limited amount of movement and would keep Prince locked in tight as he thrust into whoever had a turn on the table. Securing the ends of the harness to the rings fitted on the sides of the table they could let go of the animal and allow the dog to be secure and rut at his own pace. The harness would allow for enough backward motion to plunge over and over but never flexing enough to let his prick pull free once he was buried. Instantly the dog began hammering his massive erection into the girl, each plunge raising Jan's tummy as he clawed at her hips grinding himself into her. Drool spilt thickly from the beast's jaws as he lapped at her belly and under her soft breasts. Joanna and Alex had each moved over their daughter securing her nipples with the snaps of small mouse traps.

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   Pinched between the cold rigid metal her nipples were throbbing and the thick tips began to turn the color of dark sapphire. Jan was struggling but not to escape, struggling to push herself toward Prince. She wanted to be split wide by his enormous cock, to feel it throb and pulse with his load then spill out washing her inside. "FUCK IT YOU BASTARD, fuck my cunt hole raw, shoot it all up me. " Jan screamed. Joanna had moved toward the bottom of the table kissing the dog's slippery prick as it lashed in and out of her daughter. licking the watery juices splaying out, her fingers rubbing the knot making it slick to shove inside. Jan's father was moaning and beating his meat to a lathery foam as his pre-cum flowed heavy down his shaft. "Suck me honey, suck dad's cock so I can cum right down your slut throat. " Alex gasped. Gripping her hair he plunged his slender throbbing shaft between her lips. He ground the bloated cock head into her cheeks punching them outward as he fed her on his prick. Jan felt as if her hair were being torn out by the roots as he thrust in and out of her mouth. She wanted to choke on his dick, to feel it gag her as it bobbed into the back of her throat. Greedy to swallow what she knew would be a creamy hot gout of semen spewing out of him.

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  Tears ran down Jan's face as she felt her father grip the mouse traps and pull back and forth on them sending shocks of pain and pleasure deep into her tender breasts. The nipples were aching and burning with the sensation and she was crying but not with sorrow but with the sheer ecstasy at the orgasm building in her loins. Joanna continued to lick the overflow of juices spilling from her daughter's leaking slit. Using her fingers she pressed the slippery knot thru the lips of her cunt and felt it lock tight inside Jan. "He's in it now baby, right up that slut hole, your cunny's gonna boil the juice right out of him. " She moaned. Prince was driving into the girl, his massive penis digging deeper with each thrust. He began to whimper and tremble as his knot filled with more and more thin fluid waiting to erupt. Every stroke into the girl would release another heavy dribble of juice making the brute's penis slick and foamy. His thick sticky tongue lapped at Jan's belly and the underside of her breasts, drool began to pool on her flesh as he continued to rut into the girl. "Eat my cum bitch, drain my balls honey, I'm gonna shoot off. " Commanded Alex. Jan's father held the mouse traps and pulled up hard as his climax hit, scraping the metal tips over the nipples as they pulled free. A spray of thick sperm flew out of her father's cock tip and covered the back of Jan's throat. She gulped and felt the hot seed course down her gullet as more thick juice poured out.

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  "Shoot it daddy, spew that shit right down the little whore's throat. " Joanna hissed. Sloppy rope upon rope of thick cream filled the girl's mouth as she drank and sputtered on the flow. Jan gagged and retched choking on the semen as she gulped it down. Her tongue awash in the thick milky seed she felt her own cum take her. Jan's mind was going blank, sparkles of light danced behind her eyes as she felt her hips shudder. A gush of thin cream sprayed out of her washing over Prince soaking his prick as she began to spew. Her cunt cream was spraying alongside the dogs pulsing meat coating it in slick ribbons of warmth. Joanna's face was pressed between the dog and her daughter's cunt mound lapping at them both as she whimpered and moaned. "Cum bitch, cum all over that dog meat, give it to him God Damn you. " Screamed Joanna. Joanna had been frigging her cunt furiously as she lapped the animals hot balls and shaft, sucking at the sloppy hole he was rutting in. Her pussy was drooling and the lips splayed open dripping her cunt cream over her hand. Prince dug his thick claws into the girl's hips as he clung to her. The animals nails biting deep and drawing welts over her flesh.

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   Letting out a keening yelp he began spurting the thin seed inside her in steady bursts. Time and gain heavy sprays of juice rocketed from his tip sloshing hotly into her. Each heavy shot urging more of Jan's own cum to wash over his prick and knot. She could feel the huge ball pulse within her as it continued to jet out the boiling load. Alex had drained himself completely using his daughter's mouth to dredge the last of his spurts. Wiping her lips with the gooey cock head he smeared his wilting penis over her face and eyes. Jan kissed at the shaft as her father leaked the last of his warm cream out over her. Her face was sticky and slick with the man's load and she wanted to run her fingers thru it, massage every drop into her skin. Joanna was prying at her daughter's sopping mound, working her fingers over Prince's hot draining cock knot. "Yes you sweet fucker, fill it up good for Momma. " She whimpered. Prince had begun to slow his thrusts as the last sprays rippled up his meaty shaft emptying itself into the girl. Joanna worked her slit in a frenzy, her fingers digging deep with her free hand as she massaged the slick cunt walls. "Alex oh fuck Alex, take the harness off him, hurry, I'm ready, I'm gonna cum. " She mewled.

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   Stepping back Alex loosened the harness from around Prince allowing the dog to be pulled free. Gripping the animal's hips and using his hand he began working the beast's knot loose from Jan's pussy. Clasping his fingers around the slick ball he slowly worked it loose feeling the heavy load it had spent begin seeping out. "GET IT BABY, EAT IT ALL UP. " He yelled at his wife. Kneeling beneath the table Joanna was waiting for her turn to cum, the filthy reward she lusted after. She trembled, her knees and feet in the urine dripping over the table, soaking in her own daugther's piss juices. As Alex wrenched the knot free he quickly pulled Prince's rubbery cock out of Jan with a thick slurping sound. Air spurt out and a torrent of fuck seed began spilling from the girl's gaping hole. Joanna clasped her lips over her daughter's cunt letting the frothy mix fill her mouth. She lapped deep scooping the thin gamy liquid into her mouth, gulping the slippery mix down. Her fingers flayed inside herself as she began to cum, pressing and rolling her thumb hard over the swollen clit. "Suck it out Mom, Suck that shit right out of me, eat every damn drop. " Squealed Jan. Hearing her daughter urge her own was all it took to put her over the top.


   Joanna began cumming, whimpering as she drank the slimy mix gushing from her daughter's dilated fuck hole. She rubbed her face between Jan's thighs, wallowing in the sloppy wetness as she felt the juices of her own climax spill out over her fingers. Alex grabbed her head shoving her face deeper into Jan's cunt mound forcing her to clean the girl of sperm. She felt her tongue slide into her daughter's slick ass ring seeking every glorious drop, licking and sucking at the puckered orifice. Joanna was soaked in the clear sticky juices, her breasts awash in them as were her thighs and legs. Alex saw his wife begin to swoon knowing she was on the verge of passing out from the overload of her orgasm. Gripping her shoulders he pulled her up to lay her face on the table between Jan's outstretched thighs. Stroking Joanna softly he knelt down and kissed her lips tasting all that she had accepted. He soothed her back and hips with his fingertips warming her with his touch. As he pulled her close to his chest he heard his daughter's voice ask weakly. "Who's turn is it next for the table?" More Taboo Incest Hardcore AtTRUE INCEST&INCEST CARTOONS&INCEST THEATER.
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