
Poolside Fun


Completely fictional story about me, my cousin and my aunt.
I’m 16 and well built and don’t have too much trouble attracting women, but I’ve always had eyes for my older cousin. Her name is Talia and she’s 18 years old with the most amazing body I have ever come across. Our families live close by and we have family barbecues and parties at least once a month for whatever reason so ever since I can remember I have been watching her grow up.
We went to the same school, along with everyone else (she has a younger brother and I have an older brother and sister) so we would always do stuff together, back when we were younger. I watched her grow up as I started noticing girls and I always imagined having sex with her. She also had a really hot mum, so my aunt (called Rachael), but I would think it would be weird so I never really thought about it much. She was obviously a lot older but since she used to be an athlete she kept her shape well and she frequently does exercise.
Then I grew up and the last few summers we’ve been eyeing each other a bit but nothing more. They have a pool so almost every weekend I’d go over there and just lie in the sun and Talia would often join me. One time everyone else was doing other things so it was just the two of us. We mucked around at first, just wrestling in the water and since she’s quite strong we get very into it, even getting into a few weird positions but nothing more.
After that I said I was going inside and she decided to work on her tan as she often does. Completely nude I might add, but the neighbours can’t see the way everything is positioned. This time though she fell asleep so I decided to see how much fun I could have. I pulled a few long leaves out of the garden and started tickling her on her feet, shoulders and neck.

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   She reacted a bit but not much. With my left I worked my way up her legs, inside and out and with my right I slowly moved around her chest and her perfect breasts.
She started giggling a bit, but it was clear she was asleep so I kept going. I went a bit further and put down the leaves and started using my fingers ever so gently. She liked it so I kept going and started stroking her pussy with one hand and gently massaging her breasts with the other.
I even whispered “does that feel nice?” but she nodded so I continued. Now I began to pick up the pace a bit. I slowly penetrated her with one finger and carefully went in and out while my tongue went to work on her breasts, which by now were as hard as rocks.
I think she must have been getting sun stroke or something because she seemed to wake up but didn’t say anything. She just lay there and giggled and gasped occasionally. I moved around so my face was right on her pussy then I started flicking my tongue around, even exploring a bit inside.
“Ohhh Tim… that feels so nice…”
Yep, she was awake. I didn’t care now though since she didn’t object, all she did was to keep saying really sexual things which got me very turned on. After about 5 minutes and she had started to buck a bit so I figured the time was right. I knew she wasn’t a virgin and I also knew from my snooping over the years, that she had a dildo so this was going to be easy.

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   I got my 7” hard on out and laid it on her pussy lips.
“Alright Talia, im gonna fuck you really hard now. Are you ready?”
Her dirty talk continued with “oh yes, im so ready for you. Give me everything”
With that I started penetrating going in half an inch or so with each thrust. She met every single one without objection. In under a minute I had my whole tool inside her and she loved it.
“oh, its so much bigger than I thought it would be…now give me everything cause I want everything you’ve got”
“aren’t you just the little slut”
“im the biggest slut you’ll ever meet. So you better do a good job or I wont be happy”
By now I was going pretty hard but I got even faster and harder putting my all into each thrust. We kept on talking like before for another few minutes…
“Oh yes…im gonna cum now…im gonna CUUUUUUUUUMMMMMM!”
And with that she had massive orgasm, her whole body shaking from the repercussions.
I pulled out then moved around to her front and got her to stand up in the pool. I lay down with my legs in the water and told her to suck me like the slut she is and she obliged. By the time I came I was deep in her throat and she almost choked on the amount of cum I sent rocketing down her throat, but she got it all down. She sucked everything out before getting out and lying on top of me.
It was so sexual her lying on top of me with her huge breast pressed against me. Then I heard a noise coming from the door inside.


“that was impressive” said my aunt “you both did very well”
Talia just looked at her mum as if to say – look what I just got to have. I was shocked at first but then she dropped her beach towel to remove the sexy body underneath. She then walked over and helped her daughter get up off me.
“Now. Talia come over here and lie down” and she lay down her towel. She strutted over like it was routine and I began to wonder just what they did in private. “Now Tim you can come and watch and learn” and she dived straight into her daughters pussy and ate it out harder and faster than id ever imagined. Talia was moaning and groaning in pleasure within seconds. Rachael was now kneeling down, her ass up in the air and her beautiful pussy presenting itself.
I took the opportunity and got my hard on straight in behind her. She paused for a second to encourage my actions before getting straight back to the orgasmic pussy fest. I, like her, made no hesitations. I fucked my aunt from behind for all it was worth, gripping her hips like there was not tomorrow, not that id have minded. Since today was full of surprises, I came up with one of my own. Her ass had been staring at me the whole time and I needed to fill it up just like it wanted.


My hard on already lubricated, I went in with the same vigour as before and Rachael even gasped, not that anyone heard. Talia was still moaning like a whore as her mum continued the feast. Within minutes Talia came and this left Rachael free to groan out loud.
“Go on mum…you can take it…you fucking whore – take all of it”
With that Rachael even started to reverse thrust back at me. Her sweet ass was almost tearing in two but she still managed to get on her way to an orgasm. Talia even started to fondle her mum’s wholesome tits while shoving her own into her mum’s eager mouth. This was too much arousing for one teenage boy for that afternoon and in minutes I blew my load straight up her ass. And with my cock done for the meantime, I fingered her to orgasm, which came shortly after.
After that we all went for a swim to clean up, washing each other a little more that necessary. It was starting to get close to dark and I needed to head home. I told them both we could do that again sometime and they both waved goodbye as I walked off down the street.
Hope you liked it and thanks for reading – any comments, criticisms and suggestions are welcome at timmyb_91@hotmail. com – thanks.
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