
A Lesson in Sex (Full story Parts 1-3)


Chapter 1 - Meeting Jane
Like any young guy I'd thought about sex a lot growing up. I'd masturbated and fantasized about my neighbours daughters, my teachers, and just about every woman or girl I knew, but I'd never felt like pursuing sex. By the time I got engaged I still hadn't had sex, and as it happened neither had my fiancee. In the months leading up to the wedding I took care of myself on a regular basis, and due to the fact that my fiancee was back overseas where she was from, still didn't have sex. As the day of the wedding drew closer I began to get nervous about having sex for the first time. Little was I to know how unnecessary that was.

I was booked to fly to Toronto a week before the wedding, and was a little disappointed and angry when my fiancee told me that she was going on a road trip with two of her friends and wasn't going to be back when I arrived. It was going to be a few days after I arrived before she got back, and so I was going to be staying with my future mother in law Jane. Jane was single having divorced her husband a few years ago and not having dated since, so it would be just her and myself that whole time. It never occurred to me I'd get on so well with her as I'd never met her before, and had only talked briefly on the phone a few times since having proposed to my fiancee.

The last few days before heading off overseas seemed to be the longest of my life, but finally I was on my way. Thirteen hours flight later I arrived in Toronto rather exhausted, but I'd still decided to freshen up and have a shave etc before meeting my soon to be mother in law. Naturally I'd seen a photo of her previously so I knew who I was meeting, and while she looked pretty cute in the photo I was still stunned when I saw her in person. My fiancee was only 21 at the time, and her mum was only 20 when she was born, so she was only 41. A damn fine 41, and only about 15 years older than me herself. She'd obviously taken care of herself and had a really lithe body, with long shapely legs, and what I thought looked about C size breasts.

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   Even though I was tired from my 13 hours on the plane without sleeping and a couple of fitful nights sleep prior to that, I was still impressed. She was one hot lady and I couldn't help but feel a bit turned on. I put the thought out of my mind and walked the last few paces to meet her.

Quickly the thoughts returned as she gave me a big hug and her breasts pressed up against me, spreading out against my chest. I glanced down and with the top she was wearing, a tight black woollen thing with a pretty wide v front, giving me a really nice view of the supple skin of her breasts. I could feel my cock twitch and rapidly grow, and figured she must have felt it, but she didn't seem to notice, or so I thought. After a minute or two of small talk about the flight we headed off toward her car with her naturally leading the way. As I followed her, my cock still partially erect and pressing up under my belt I watched as she walked, her firm looking ass swaying slightly as her hips moved.

Here I was, staring at my soon to be mother in law, and thinking how hot she was, and how much I wanted to slip my cock between her cheeks. I decided to walk beside her so that I couldn't see her sexy butt, and we shortly arrived at the car. She unlocked the boot of the car, and had to rearrange some of the stuff in order for me to fit my suitcase in there, and as she did so she bent forward, lifting the hem of her little red skirt up her long legs. In the bright midday light in the open car-park I could clearly see the bottom of her thin black thong barely covering her womanhood. My cock hadn't yet subsided from the earlier show, and I now felt moisture begin to spread in my boxer briefs as the first drops of pre-cum made their appearance.

After she had cleared enough space, I placed my suitcase in the car and we left for her home, discussing this and that on the way there. I'd never been to Canada before so was looking at everything with her telling me about some of the more interesting sights as we drove the 45 mins to her home.

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We arrived and went inside with me following again carrying my bags and admiring the view as she went up the sort flight of stairs to the front door. She showed me around the house, showing me all the rooms, including her bedroom and rather large en-suite. Then shared bathroom was even bigger and very well decorated with a nice 2 person bath which I couldn't help but imagine being in it with her. After the tour was done we took my bags to my room, then had a quick lunch, again chatting about small things, getting to know each other. My mind wasn't really in it though as I was so tired from lack of sleep, so she suggested that I take a nap for a few hours, which I decided was I great idea, and left for my room.

I slept well, falling asleep straight away, and woke up about 4 hours later rather horny. I'd been dreaming about Jane and knew I wanted to have sex with her really really bad. In my dream her pussy had been impaled on my 7 1/2 inch dick and I'd blown my load in her twice without going soft or having a break at all. She'd then turned around, cum dripping out of her pussy to suck off what cum was still in and on my cock. In my dream she loved the taste of my cum and began to catch the stick white fluid dripping from her pussy and suck it from her fingers, devouring every last drop.

Once again, I decided that I should put it out of my mind, but knowing I wouldn't be able to until I relieved myself, I made my way to the bathroom to bring myself off and flush the evidence down the toilet. The door to the bathroom was closed but unlocked and thinking nothing of it I walked in only to discover the woman I was dreaming about fucking had just finished having a bath and was standing facing away from the door drying herself. Surprised, she turned as I came in and quickly moved the towel to cover herself as she did so. I apologised for intruding and made the excuse that I was just going to use the toilet, but she said that "no it's all right, no harm done". Feeling a little better she continued "In fact now you've seen me like this there's no reason for you not to use the toilet as you'd planned.

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  " I didn't know what to say but stammered "okay" and wondering why I hadn't just said "no it's okay I'll come back when you're done" made my way to the loo. Standing I tried to force my cock down towards the bowl and finally managed to pee, even with my cock still hard. As I finished I looked up to flush and noticed I could see her in the mirror out of the corner of my eye. My heart almost stopped as I realised that the towel was fairly small and she had it a bit too high, with her pussy just visible peaking out underneath.

Hoping she wasn't going to adjust the towel, I quickly finished what I was doing and casually turned around. "YES!" I thought to myself, there it was the pussy I had just dreamed about cumming in was showing under the bottom of the towel. Clearly she didn't realise and I didn't want her to either, as I tried to discretely perve at her. What I could see of her pussy was shaved smooth, with not a strand of hair showing, her pink lips protruding deliciously. Oh how I wanted to suck them and feel them wrapped around my hard cock.

She moved aside to let me pass, but happened to leave only enough room that as I walked past my arm brushed against her breasts. I continued on as if nothing had happened but in reality I was replaying the whole thing over in my mind. Seeing her pussy, feeling her soft breast against my arm. . . and I still hadn't managed to cum.

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   I was so horny now. I waited for about half an hour with us playing a card game, before I couldn't stand it anymore and pretended I needed to go to the loo again. I made my excuses and went to the bathroom. I came fast, almost as soon as I'd let my cock out of my pants. I was so horny for her and blew a huge load into my hands. I quickly cleaned up and went back out.

We spent the rest of the afternoon chatting and playing card games, before having dinner. We played a couple more games of cards, then Jane suggested a movie. She chose 'Broken flowers' and we settled down on the sofa to watch. It wasn't very interesting and I was acutely aware she was sitting rather close to me. All of a sudden one of the characters in the movie, a reasonably attractive girl appeared on screen fully nude. I was surprised and looked at Jane, who just smiled back and said "I thought you'd like that bit". It was at that point that I started to wonder about Jane.

After the movie finished we talked for a bit and I was just thinking about going to bed when Jane straight out said to me "So, Suzie tells me you're a virgin?" In shock I replied "Uh, Yeaa. .

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  . ". "Well" she continued "In that case you're going to need to learn how to fuck her before you get married so she doesn't think to look elsewhere. " In shock I replied "Um, okay. . . How would I do that?" She didn't say anything in response but just stood up, took my hand, and pulled me to the centre of the room. She stood in front of me and placed my hands on her breasts. It felt so good, and part of me wondered if I was actually asleep. Was the movie so boring I'd fallen asleep and was now dreaming about fucking Jane again? It was definitely plausible, but no, there she was standing in front of me holding my hands against her amazing breasts.

Stunned, I stood there for what seemed like and enternity, before she kissed me and began undoing her top, letting it slip to the floor exposing her breasts to me eyes. She didn't have her bra or anything on underneath her top so I knew she'd been planning for this to happen. Finally she spoke. "Show me" she said. "Show me how you will fuck my daughter".

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   I couldn't believe my luck, I'd been fantasizing about Jane since the moment I saw her, and now I was going to get my chance.

I leaned down taking her nipple between my lips, and as I did so I heard a small sigh escape her lips. I began to suck the nipple gently and Jane brought her hands up, one behind my head clamping me to her, while the other began to massage her free breast. I could feel my cock straining against my belt, wanting to be free. It's head began to force it's way up past my belt but I was enjoying sucking her breast too much to release myself. Jane pulled my head away and told me to drop my pants "I want to see this cock of yours before you fuck me with it" she said. Not needing to be told twice I quickly undid my belt and zip letting my jeans fall to the floor. She knelt down and quickly yanked my boxer briefs down exposing my raging cock before her. She stared wide eyed at it for a few moments, then without warning shoved it right into her mouth taking my whole length and licking my balls with her tongue. I'm surprised I didn't come right then, it felt so good. I'd never had anyone suck my cock before, let alone swallow the hole thing and lick my balls at the same time. She began to massage my butt while she greedily sucked my cock to the largest it had ever been. I must have been easily and inch or two longer than normal. As suddenly as she started she stopped, standing up she slipped off her pants then laid down on the rug spread her legs and lifted her pussy towards me. "Fuck me with your tongue!" she commanded.

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   "I want to make sure you know how to lick pussy".

I lay down on the rug between her legs, my swollen cock pressing into the floor, and dived straight into her pussy. "No" she chided, "you must work your way there. Start on my thigh and slowly kiss your way down, alternating between my legs. Tease me" she instructed. I wanted nothing more than to lick and fuck that pussy, but did as she commanded, taking my time before she had obviously had enough teasing and aggressively pulled my head onto her cunt. She was absolutely sodden already and I tasted the sweetness of a juicy pussy for the first time. I licked around her hole and then flicked my tongue across her clit. She reacted more strongly than I expected, ramming her sopping pussy into my face. I took it as a sign to continue and took her bud into my mouth, rolling it between my lips and licking the tip.

She was clearly enjoying it and her body began to quiver. Silent she came on my tongue, sweet fluid flowing from her, I licked it up for all I was worth. I'd never tasted a woman's cum before but I knew straight away I was hooked. I cleaned her all up and then continued to lick her clit. It wasn't long before she was lifting herself to me again, and soon I felt her hand on my head again.

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   She pushed my head down, and I began to tongue her cunt hole, but the pressure on my head continued and she lifted herself further up until my tongue was teasing at the entrance to her anus. I was somewhat surprised by this and grossed out at first, but she held my head firm and as it didn't taste or smell bad I kept licking. With all her juices having dribbled across her crack she tasted good and I began happily licking it clean, following the juice inside her hole. As I pressed my tongue into her arse hole, she yelped and exclaimed "fuck yes, fuck my hole with your tongue. Just like that, keep going, oooohhhhh fuck that feels good!" I realised her hand had begun stroking her clit at the same time, and decided to take over. I inserted my thumb into her cunt and pushing her hand away massaged her clit deftly with my fingers. She quickly came again, juice flowing out of her pussy, coating my hand, and down into my mouth.

I cleaned the last of her cum off, and she pulled me up to her, sticking her tongue roughly into mymouth determined to get a taste of herself. As she did so, my cock was nudging at the entrance to her pussy, and she placed her feet around my waist and pulled me toward her, forcing my cock into her pussy. She was tight, but very wet so I slid in easily. I began thrusting my cock in and out of her while she still sucked her cum from my mouth. She then pulled away from me, turned around and sitting me backwards she took my rigid cock in her mouth and proceeded to suck the mixture of my pre-cum and her juice from my cock. I was so close to coming by now and she sensed it. She decided that my first time should be in her pussy so quickly spun around on all fours presenting herself to me. I needed no advice this time and slammed my cock into her, cumming almost straight away.

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   As I kept pumping my cock slowly began to soften and I could feel my cum starting to leak out. She pulled forward, turned around and kneeling with one hand between her legs to catch my cum still dripping from her pussy began to suck my cock clean. She finished off eating my cum dripping from her pussy while sucking my now soft cock.

We lay on the rug for a while before heading to bed. I never did sleep in the spare room again, but spent the rest of the nights in her bed, while she taught me everything she knew about sex.

Chapter 2 - Ongoing Education

We lay on the rug for a while in the warm glow of the fire, still both giddy from our first wonderful fuck. My mother in law was one damn fine woman, and I was lucky to have proposed to her daughter. How many mothers train their new son in laws to be able to fuck before letting them marry their daughters? It was quite late by now and I was still tired from my flight so we made our way to her bedroom, still teasing each other on the way down the hall. As we entered her bedroom she knelt down in front of me and took my soft cock in her mouth, sucking and licking it for a minute before standing back up and leading me to her bed.

I quickly fell asleep and slept soundly dreaming about my first fuck, my first fuck with Jane, my soon to be mother in law. I awoke a few hours later and rolled over to the clock to see that it was only 3am. The time difference and nap earlier having put my body off balance. Jane was snuggled up beside me lying on her side, her right breast resting on chest. I idly reached over with my left hand and fondled her supple skin for a minute or so, reminiscing over the days events. My hand gradually made it's way down to feel between her thighs.

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   Her pussy was still moist and I slipped my finer briefly in her, feeling her wetness. Bringing my hand up above the covers the scent of my cum was still strong on her. Curious I licked my fingers and tasted the mixture of her juice and my own cum for the first time. It was a strange taste but one I found interesting. I was starting to wonder just how long she'd been planning to screw me. When I'd first met her at the airport I'd thought nothing of her provocative dress, but with the way things now were, I wondered if even that was deliberate. My mind drifted to the incident earlier in the bathroom, when with her towel around her I'd noticed I could see her shaved pussy poking out underneath the bottom of the towel. Again at the time I'd not thought anything of it, other than what a lucky bastard I was to have seen such an awesome sight, but now I assumed she'd deliberately positioned the towel just so. Not that I minded of course, but I was surprised to realise she'd been out for cock from before we even met.

I decided that it was now my turn to have what I wanted so I rolled her gently on to her back. She murmured slightly in her sleep but otherwise kept sleeping soundly. I pulled the covers back and stared at her naked form. There was enough light in the room for me to clearly see the curve of her breasts, with her small delicate nipples, and the small vee of neatly trimmed pubic hair above her crotch. Wondering what to do first I had the urge to stroke my cock with her boobs, so I straddled her chest, and pressing her tits together slid my cock between them. I was a little dry so I reached back and scooped some of her still wet juice from her pussy for lubrication.


   I figured she was dreaming about sex too, as otherwise her pussy wouldn't have been as wet as it was. Well, she was about to have an even more graphic dream as I got to work. I finished lubing up my cock, licking my fingers to taste our mixed juices again, and went back to stroking my cock smoothly between her juicy melons. She was lying perfectly still, her breathing shallow so I pinched one of her nipples between my fingers causing her to try to shift slightly. My legs were pinning her sides, and with my cock firmly jammed between her breasts she didn't manage to move at all and settled back. I kept playing with her nipples, and then decided I wanted some pussy.

I shuffled back down the bed, licking my way as I went and quickly found my tongue grazing her clit. She moaned as I swept my tongue back and forth across her, and I began to lick at her little nub with a bit more determination. She was starting to squirm now so I lowered my tongue further down, spreading her legs further as I did so, and eyeing up her puckered arse hole, I dove my tongue into her. She instantly awoke with a cry 'Oooooh' and looked down to see me with my tongue as far in her ass as it would go. "You really know how to wake a woman" she said, "I was just dreaming about you licking my cunt, and I wake up to know it was real. You'll make a good husband for my daughter, but I feel like I'd rather keep you for myself. " I congratulated myself and continued twisting my tongue in her ass while she lay back down and taking her clit into had proceeded to stroke herself. Before long she was slippingas many fingers as she could into her slick pussy, while grinding her clit with the palm of her hand. She came, lifting herself off the bed, with her juice dribbling down her crack to my mouth which I tried swallowing without removing my tongue from her hole.

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My cock had been rubbing against the bed, and was as hard as ever when she pulled me toward her. "Stick that cock of yours in my pussy, get it nice and wet, then give it to me to taste" she commanded. I willingly did so, presenting my wet penis to her waiting mouth. She lustily sucked her juice off my cock commenting "I taste good don't I? You like licking my pussy don't you John?" to which I agreed. Her juice was so sweet, I loved tasting it, and each time I'd been licking her pussy when she'd come I had eagerly sucked on her hole, trying to get every last drop.

"You love tasting my arsehole too, don't you honey?" she continued. "Well, you'll love this too. "
She rolled over on to her hands and knees, and presenting herself to me she spread her cheeks wide. I knelt toward her and licked her ring, before she commanded, "No. Stick your cock in my arse honey. You need to learn how to fuck a girl in the arse. " I didn't think there'd be much to it, and pressed the head of my cock against her. She was rather dry, so I lubed her up with some of my pre-cum, then slipped first one finger then two in her making sure she was wet. I pressed my cock head against her again and she slammed backwards driving my cock into the hilt. It hurt like a bitch pulling my foreskin back, but as she stroked back and forth, her muscles clenching my cock, the pain subsided.

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   As I began stroking my cock in and out of her back door she reached over and pawed at the remote control beside the bed, causing the TV to turn on showing a woman fucking another woman in the ass with a dildo. The woman on the TV started massaging her lovers clit even as she pumped the dildo in and out of the first womans cute ass. Taking the hint I reached around and started stroking her clit, causing her to go wild screaming for me to fuck her harder.

Watching the action on the TV and simultaneously fucking Jane's tight hole I didn't last long. I came quickly spraying my seed in her ass and feeling my cock shrinking, satisfied, I pulled out and lay back. "What do you think you're doing?" Jane chided "A man isn't done until the woman says so!" she snapped, and quickly straddled my face ordering me to lick her out again. I didn't really have much choice, her pussy was jammed onto my mouth, and as I began to lick her, still listening to the sounds of the women on the TV my juice started dribbling from her ass. I still couldn't move, she'd clamped her legs around me and so my cum started flowing over my face as I continued to lick her pussy and. She came quickly, whether from still watching the action on the TV, the feel of my tongue in her slit, or most likely a combination of the two, I wasn't sure, but I licked and swallowed her juice, tasting it mixed with my own. Satisfied, she came and lay beside me, and together we watched the rest of the porno.

I'd fucked her twice already and I'd only met her a few hours ago. The next few days until my fiancee arrived were sure going to be fun.

Chapter 3 - The Fiancee

A few days had passed since I'd first arrived at my soon to be mother in law Jane's house. My fiancee had been away on a road trip with her friends since before I'd arrived. It wasn't long before Jane had fucked me, declaring she had to "teach me how to fuck" before I could marry her daughter.

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   We'd spent the time we had together since either eating, sleeping, or fucking. We'd fucked on the floor in the lounge, in her bedroom, and then gone on to do it in just about every room in the house. I'd laid her back on the dining table, and fucked her in the ass until her pussy came, juices flowing onto the hard wooden surface. We'd fucked in the bed my fiancee had grown up in. We'd fucked in her large two person bath, the water sloshing onto the floor. I'd even used the kitchen tap, one of those ones on the long flexible tube, as a dildo to bring her off with, juices coating the tap. If a forensic team had examined her home they'd have found mixtures of our fluids on almost every surface, in almost every room save one, the laundry.

My fiancee was due to arrive home in just a few hours, having woken us up after a fresh fuck when she called to say she was almost back. As soon as I'd got off the phone to her, Jane making it difficult by sucking on my cock from the moment she passed the phone to me, I said "Come on, we've got time for at least one more last fuck before she gets here!"

Jane was a tiger in bed. I guess the few years she'd been without a man since she'd broken up with her husband had taken there toll and she was trying to make up for it. She didn't waste any time and pushing me back stuck my cock in her pussy and stroked herself up and down on it a few times before positioning her cunt over my face and taking my erect member in hand she spread my legs and licked slowly from the tip of my cock down to my balls, then continued on down to my hole, where she stayed. Licking my arsehole she continued stroking my cock, alternating between long strokes and rotating her grip around the head of my cock. It felt awesome and I slipped my tongue into her ass to join in. Licking my way back and forth between her clit and asshole and pausing at each to give her a minutes attention we both got extremely turned on.

Jane suddenly hopped up and leading me with her hands clamped on my manhood took me into her laundry.

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   "We haven't done it in here yet" she declared, "and I want to have fucked you in every room in the house". She was very forward and outspoken, not something I minded at all, especially when she was talking about fucking me. She sunk down between my legs and began sucking on my nuts, alternately taking one or the other in her mouth, before briefly lifting her head and swallowing my hole cock. After a few seconds she was back down sucking my nuts and kept my shaft occupied with her hand, stroking and rotating her hand as she'd done so many times before. I wanted to come in her mouth then and there as I'd yet to do so. Despite the fact I'd come more times than I could remember lately, it'd never been in her mouth. Most times I'd shot my load as deep into her pussy as she could get my cock in, and I'd come on her chest, stomach, back, and in her ass quite a few times too, but never in her mouth. I hoped to now make that change, but I'd come so many times that I was no where near ready to shoot.

Standing up Jane moved backwards towards the washing machine, it was doing a hot wash, and the metal was warm to the touch so she lifted herself up on top and spread her legs open, splaying her labia open for me to get a good view. As much as I liked the sight, I was now obsessed with the taste and texture of her pussy and wasn't going to waste time when I could be sticking my tongue in her. I knelt down in front of her, slipping my tongue in her hole, and in doing so my cock was touching the front of the warm machine. I began licking her cunt spreading saliva all around her moist hole, clit and even down to her ass. I loved tongue fucking her ass almost as much as her pussy and would stick my tongue in her as far as I could get it. Being able to touch my nose with my tongue, that was quite a way.

I'd been going down on her for about 10 minutes when the washing machine beeped once then was quiet.

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   It began pumping the water out, and a minute later beeped again. Before either of us realised it was on the spin cycle and the vibration of the machine increased considerably. Jane started squirming as the machine made her whole body vibrate, and with the vibration of the machine stimulating my cock pressed firmly against it we both came quickly and finally, her cum covering the top and mine all over me and the front of the machine. Laughing she hopped off and as the little cum greedy slut she was she licked it off my cock and proceeded to lick some of both her and my come off the washing machine.

We tidied up and waited for my fiancee Linda to arrive. I was aware I might not get the chance to fuck this tasty lass again and wasn't sure how I felt when my Linda finally turned up. The next 4 days went by really fast as there was still a lot to organise before the wedding. The evenings were interesting, with the three of us on the sofa me in between the two sexy women. Under the blankets the three of us shared I slipped my finger into Jane's pussy a few times, finding her wet each time, and on the occasions Linda went out of the room we would start making out. I always was the one to pull away just before Linda came back in. The night before the wedding Linda went out to buy takeaways for us and the moment she left I stripped Jane and we quickly fucked each other for a bit on the sofa before finishing in the shower. Jane wanted to keep going but I insisted Linda would be back soon and we managed to just sit down at the table pretending we'd been playing cards when Linda arrived back.

The wedding went well, and the day went quickly. Before long it was time for Linda and I to leave. I kissed Jane goodbye whispering 'thanks for the last few days' and we went up to our room for our first shag.

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   I'd learnt a lot with Jane and put it to good use. I had a lot of cum ready. With the number of times Jane and I had done it then with 4 days since Linda had arrived and having only cum once I was full up. Linda and I fucked about 4 times that night, with me cumming in her pussy, mouth and ass twice. She took it all like she knew exactly what she was doing which had me wondering if she'd truly not had sex before after all. As I came for the last time, my cock buried deep in my sexy wife's butt, she turned to me and I froze in shock as she said "Mom taught you well. "

Holy shit, I am one lucky guy. I married into the best family ever. I haven't seen Jane in the 15 months since, but she's coming over to visit us in a months time. I can't wait to see her again and I'm sure hoping we won't need to use the spare room!.
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Background about Heraklion You should Check prior to Visit.Heraklion is an lovely location situated in Greece. Heraklion has a commonly accepted unofficial name "The Place of Joy" and in reality, this location is fairly windy during the whole year. Heraklion is well-known in the world of tourism around the globe, thanks to its lively nightlife, beaches and crystal-clear waters. This town has got an emerging community as well. Likewise, you can be certain that Heraklion will definitely turn all your kinky ideas into reality, because this place is the very centre of all the big parties throughout Greece, and can be by right recognized as local Greek version of Ibiza. But one look closer will be enough to realize that Heraklion has more to offer to all the fun seekers.
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Escort Heraklion – Astounding and Arousing World for You. Details why Escort Heraklion should be Your Preference.

Plunge into nasty depths of never-ending pleasure and wild sex games with the nastiest sluts with help of top-class Escort Heraklion.
Background about Heraklion You should Check prior to Visit.Heraklion is an lovely location situated in Greece. Heraklion has a commonly accepted unofficial name "The Place of Joy" and in reality, this location is fairly windy during the whole year. Heraklion is well-known in the world of tourism around the globe, thanks to its lively nightlife, beaches and crystal-clear waters. This town has got an emerging community as well. Likewise, you can be certain that Heraklion will definitely turn all your kinky ideas into reality, because this place is the very centre of all the big parties throughout Greece, and can be by right recognized as local Greek version of Ibiza. But one look closer will be enough to realize that Heraklion has more to offer to all the fun seekers.
Never forget that Heraklion is the city that can turn all your nasty ideas into reality. Hence, in case if you are searching for some lecherous action, this place has got everything you need. Likewise, once you step inside this fascinating Greek the place, don’t miss a chance to check out Escort in Heraklion. My word, you have never seen anything like what you are about to unveil at Heraklion Escort, since it has been created explicitly for all the lecherous and insatiable dudes, who always crave for sex. We have a big choice of various chicks, who are very agile when it comes to dirty action. Heraklion Escort models can make out all night long and deliver the highest pleasure on the planet.

Things to Try at Escort Heraklion

Uncertain what to start with? Which beauty to choose first? No worries, Escorts Heraklion enables you with necessary tools to browse through a big catalogue of lustful chicks, read through their profiles, check out those round body curves, and discover sex specialties. Hot blondes, naughty brunettes, lustful redheads – we’ve got all of them, so don’t hesitate to choose the one that meets your preferences and attracts you the most. Dreaming of a threesome or a group session? No problem, our skilful beauties will take a good care of you and impress you with unforgettable orgasms and marvellous action. Oral sex, anal sex, handjobs, dirty massage, cosplay – all this and many more is waiting for you Escorts Heraklion, so go ahead and visit it.