


Myname is Julie and I grew up in a family that loved the outdoors, so itmakes sense that I married an outdoor enthusiast. When we were firstmarried, we went camping nearly every month, sometimes multiple times. We enjoyed hiking, fishing, stargazing…anything you could do out ofdoors. Even the sex in the wilderness was great! Through the years,(nearly 26 of them) we’ve been to most of the National Parks acrossAmerica, National Forests in many states, and various other places. In aword, we’re fanatics!

That slowed down a little when we hadchildren, but we still try to go to the mountains or wherever at least acouple times each summer, and sometimes during spring break or othertimes of the year. My husband, Mike, is in real estate, so he canfrequently set his own schedule. I was a stay at home mother, but afterour children got old enough to go to school, I returned to the industry Ihad most experience in: banking.

Speaking of our children, Mikeand I have two sons and a daughter, ages 20, 18, and 15. As I statedbefore, we continue to go camping as often as possible, and the childrenlove going with us. I honestly thought I’d experienced everything thatthe outdoors had to offer, but recently I had an experience which provedme wrong!

It was the summer after my daughter graduated fromhigh school, and we decided to take a big trip to the Grand Canyon tocelebrate. My oldest son was coming back from college at USC and we weregoing to have fun as a family. The plan was for us to take two weekshiking the various trails around and down into the canyon.

Thefirst day of our vacation, we drove from Tucson, where we live, up northto the South Rim of the canyon. We found a good site in the campgroundnear Bright Angel Lodge and set up our base camp. Part of our trip wouldinclude hikes down some of the trails that would take us a couple days,but we planned to take a separate set of equipment for camping downinto the gorge.

On our first actual day of outdoor activities, webegan hiking around the relatively easy Rim Trail.

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   As it was thepopular part of the season, there were hundreds of other people enjoyingthe views as well, but one young man always seemed to be at the sameplace at the same time as us. We soon began conversing about theopportune meetings and learned that his name was Jacob and he was 19years old. He had planned to do some major hiking during the week thathe was there from Las Vegas and was excited to meet my children, whowere the same age as he was.

When we finished our hike, we allwent back to our camping site and discovered that Jacob was almost rightnext to us! It was very funny, and, I would learn later, kismet. Asseemed appropriate, Jacob joined us for dinner and games that evening,and agreed to join us for part of our hike on the following day. Wewould be using the Bright Angel Trail to head down to Phantom Ranch,where we had reservations for one night.

Wouldn’t you know it,but half a mile down the slightly more strenuous trail the followingday, I twisted my ankle. I knew it would probably be fine by the nextmorning, but there was no way I would be able to make the rest of thehike. We had a dilemma. The rest of the family was willing to stay withme and help me back to our campground, but I could tell that they reallywanted to see the bottom of the canyon. And then here came Jacob to therescue.

Since he wouldn’t be going all the way to the bottomanyway, he offered to help me back to the rim and back to ourcampground. I gratefully accepted his generosity and my family bid mefarewell as they continued their descent. I longingly watched as theydisappeared from view, wanting so much to join them. But there wasnothing I could do except heal and hope to be able to enjoy the rest ofthe trip when they all got back.



In the meantime, I had ahandsome young man with his arm around me helping me limp back up thefew hundred feet to the top of the canyon. Although he was very cleverabout it, I felt him cop a feel a couple times at various parts of mybody! I thought about calling him out on it, but decided to just let himhave his fun. What did it hurt?

Now, let me take thisopportunity to describe myself. I am 49 years old and have a nice body. All that hiking and outdoor activity has kept me in great shape. I dohave a slight bulge in my tummy and my thighs are a little larger thanaverage, but most of that is muscle. My measurements are 38C-29-40. Youcould probably consider me a full figured woman, but I hide most of mycurves beneath my athletic exterior! I have strawberry blonde hair whichhas started to go white in areas, but I frequently hide that with hairdye! My green eyes are a nice compliment to my hair and I have a roundface and button nose. My naturally pale skin tans pretty well due to allthe time I spend outdoors, but usually it is limited to those areasexposed, like my arms and legs. And I stand 5’8” with my hiking bootson!

Eventually, we emerged from the Grand Canyon and Jacob droveme back to the campsite. Once we arrived, he acted the gentleman and gotmy door for me and helped me out of the car.

“We really should get this elevated,” he said.

“It’s no big deal,” I replied. “I just rolled it, nothing major. ”

“But you want to continue your hiking vacation, right?” Jacob asked.

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“Of course,” I said, “But this will probably just ease its way into normalcy in short order. ”

“Do you have any ice?” he asked.

“We have some in the cooler,” I answered, “But it’s no big deal. I can take care of myself. ”

“Look,” he responded, “You need to get this taken care of, and I happen to know first aid, so I’m going to help you. ”

“Okay,” I acquiesced, secretly loving the attention.

“You should lay down so we can prop this up,” he admonished.

“The only place I have to lay down is in my tent,” I observed.

“Well, let’s get you in there then,” Jacob urged.

Hehelped me lay down on my air mattress and then got some pillows withwhich to elevate my hurt leg. Then he went to our cooler and grabbedseveral cubes of ice, wrapped them in a towel, and helped hold it on myankle.

“Is there anything else I can do to make you feel more comfortable?” Jacob asked when he was finished caring for my injury.

“Well, you can massage my feet!” I said, jokingly.

“Okay,”replied, and before I could protest, he began rubbing my slightly soresoles. It felt so good that I decided to let him keep it up!

Hewas so tender when touching my twisted ankle, but he worked deep themuscles all around.

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   As he hit the pressure points on my soles, Icouldn’t help but let out a moan of pleasure! Even more so as he beganmoving his way up to my calves. My husband had never rubbed my feet likethis and I was really enjoying it!

After tenderizing my calves,Jacob continued up my legs, massaging my knees and then the outside ofmy thighs. I was almost lost in a world of my own, as my legs feltbetter than they had for a long time. It wasn’t until he inched his wayup the inside of my thighs and up my denim shorts that I came back toreality. Here was a teenaged boy who had just touched the hem of mypanties!

“What are you doing?” I asked, a little more harshly than I had intended.

Hequickly pulled back and shied away, apologizing profusely. “I am sosorry!” he exclaimed. “I don’t know what I was thinking. It’s just thatwhenever I used to do this for my old girlfriend, we…I’m so sorry. ”

Helooked so cute, blushing furiously and apologizing. I could tell he wasvery flustered, and, in truth, so was I. Here I was, 30 years olderthan this young man, and he had just felt me up! To say I was flatteredwould be an understatement.

“Please don’t be mad,” Jacob continued, “I’ll go ahead and go now. ”

Withthat, he ducked his head out of the tent and left me laying therewondering what to do next. I had never cheated on my husband in over 25years of marriage, yet this boy had me wetter than a dip in the ColoradoRiver! And he hadn’t really even done anything!

After thinkingabout it for a couple minutes, I unbuttoned my shorts and opened my fly,feeling my satin panties.

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   They were practical, completely covering mybottom, but they were high cut and a little bit sexy. Often, I worethong panties, but I didn’t like to go hiking wearing something withless support. However, I still loved the feel of satin on my underpartswhile rubbing against my clothing.

All I had to do was touchmyself on the outside of my panties and I knew I wouldn’t be able tohold out until Mike got back, so I began circling my mound with myfingers. It took all of about 10 seconds and I experienced an orgasm. Not a terribly huge one, but hugely satisfying.

When I came downfrom my high, I started laughing. I, a nearly 50 year old woman, hadjust masturbated because I got groped by a teenager! That was one forthe books. I knew I should go apologize to Jacob, but I figured I wouldtake a nap first. All that excitement of my ankle and then my orgasmleft me beat.

I woke up an hour or so later and realized that Ihadn’t even zipped up my shorts. I still felt really horny, but figured Ishouldn’t waste the entire day in bed. So, I limped my way over toJacob’s campsite and discovered that he wasn’t there. I returned to myown campsite and occupied my time by playing some crosswords until itgot dark. Then I went back over to Jacob’s campsite.

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Although Iwas limping a little still, I was quiet. As I entered the campsite, Iheard sounds coming from his tent and stopped abruptly. The noisessounded like someone having sex. Keeping to the shadows, I crept closerto Jacob’s tent and kept my eyes peeled for any other passers-by.

“Oh, that feel’s so good,” came a woman’s voice from inside the tent. “Yes, keep doing that, lover. ”

Icould hear some grunting and groaning coming from inside and could onlyimagine what was going on in there. I knew I should just walk away, butmy curiosity got the better of me and soon I was right beside Jacob’stent. There was a dim light on inside there, so I could see some shadowsplaying off the walls, but nothing definitive. I knew they were havingsex, though, by the slapping noises and her moans and stifled screams.

Therewas a small crack from one of the zippers not being pulled all the wayshut, and I peeked inside to see a young brunette girl getting drilledby Jacob. I didn’t have a good view, but I was privy to her orgasm asshe struggled being impaled by him. Unfortunately, I didn’t get to seehis penis, but I could tell she enjoyed it.

“Thank you so much,” she said enthusiastically after coming down from her cum. “I really needed that.

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“Well, thank you, too,” Jacob replied, a perfect gentleman.

“Ireally should get back to my family,” she said. “My parents areprobably wondering where I’m at, since I was just going to thebathroom!”

“I’m sure we’ll see each other again sometime,” he replied.

Ihad to hurry away from the campsite in order to avoid being seen asthey emerged from his tent. When I got back to my campsite, severalthoughts were racing through my brain. I couldn’t believe I had justwitnessed someone having sex. Never in my life had I seen anything likethat, except in porn which is all fake anyway. I also couldn’t believethat it took him only an afternoon to find someone else willing to sleepwith him! He had been just trying to seduce me only hours before. What agigolo!

Was that jealousy? Was I angry because he wasn’t tryingharder to seduce me? Surely I was still desirable, he had stuck hishands up my shorts! But it had been only a quick moment, and then he hadfound someone his own age.

I was feeling pretty confused. Here Iwas, a married woman with three grownup children, wet because a kid myown kids’ age had felt me up, then envious because some girl had gottenwhat I didn’t want! And to top that off, I could tell that my dam hadburst again! My panties were drenched.

I went to our SUV and wasmoving some things around so I could get into the cooler to findsomething to eat. It was pretty packed with a lot of junk and I soonfound myself struggling to hold everything away from the cooler, and Iwas getting a little frustrated. Then I felt another set of handspushing some of our luggage aside, and looked up to see Jacob standingthere helping me.

“I didn’t expect to see you again,” I said a little coldly.

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“Well,I didn’t think you wanted to see me again,” he said, again a littleflushed, “But I saw you struggling here and figured I could lend a hand. Besides, I promised I would take care of you, so here I am. Sorry againabout earlier today. ”

“No problem,” I muttered, not sure why I was taking out my anger on this kid. “Do you want something to eat?”

“I’vealready had my fill tonight,” he responded, somewhat cheekily Ithought, “But I’ll help you get your dinner ready if you want. ”

I’llbet you have gotten your fill, you little tramp, I thought. Aloud, Isaid, “I’d be grateful for the company. I’ve been a little bored todaysince you left. ”

“Great,” he said.

Just at that moment,several things began tumbling out of the car, and both of us jumpedforward to stop them from hitting the ground. In the process, somehow wegot a little tangled up, and our bodies connected full on. It was onlyfor a moment, but my breasts mashed into his chest and I could feel hishard member pressing against the front of his jeans.

“I’m so sorry,” he apologized, catching a few small things and backing away while stuffing them back into the back of our SUV.

“No problem, it’s okay,” I mumbled back, still thinking about his groin.

Hehelped me prepare my dinner, a small canned stew, and then we talkedwhile I ate.

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   After eating, I pulled out a deck of cards and we playedwell into the night. There weren’t too many bugs, but when they beganswarming around our lantern, we decided to go into the tent and continueour game.

When it got too late, Jacob mentioned that he wastired and began preparing to leave to go back to his campsite. Notreally wanting to be alone, I offered for him to stay with me in mytent, after all, it was big enough to sleep six comfortably, and I wouldfeel much safer. He agreed and I laid down on my air mattress.

Myhusband and I want our children to get the “full” camping experience,therefore we don’t let them have air mattresses. Jacob didn’t complain,he just laid down on top of one of my children’s sleeping bags.

“If you promise to behave, you can share the air mattress,” I consented. Jacob laughed, but joined me on the opposite side.

“Thank you,” he replied.

“Just make yourself comfortable,” I told him.

“But you told me to behave!” he quipped with a laugh.

“What do you mean?” I asked, not understanding what he was saying.

“I usually only sleep in my boxers,” he explained. “But I’ll behave tonight!”

“Well,”I said slowly, “I suppose you can make yourself comfortable.

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   I promisenot to peek!” With that, I turned over so I was facing away from him andturned off the lantern.

I could hear him making rustling noisesbehind me, and then I felt him climb back onto the mattress. Although Ihad promised not to look, it took all the willpower I had not to glancebehind me. I kept thinking about seeing him naked pounding that girl inhis tent.

Pretty soon, I could hear his breathing become moreeven and I figured he was asleep. Slowly turning my body, I laid on myback, pretending to be asleep just in case he woke up, and glanced athis body. Sure enough, he was naked except for his boxer shorts. Sincehe was lying on his back, I got a pretty good look at his package, butcould only imagine what it would look like without the underwear.

Whatwas I doing? I was a 49 year old married woman in bed with a young manthe same age as my children thinking about what he would look likenaked! And, once again, I was as wet as if someone had dumped a glass ofwater in my lap.

I was so horny that I decided to masturbateagain and began unbuttoning my shorts. At the angle I was in, I couldn’tget a good position with my hand, and became increasingly frustratedwith my shorts. Finally, after sneaking another glance at my sleepingfriend, I slowly inched my shorts down to my ankles and stuffed my handdown my panties. It felt so good, just touching myself, and the dangerof being caught increased my sensitivity.

Then, the worst thingimaginable happened. Jacob rolled over in his sleep and landed right onme.


   My hand was trapped inside my panties, and I couldn’t even finishmyself off for fear of waking him up. My mind tried working out asolution of how to get out of this situation without indicating what Ihad been up to, and I just couldn’t come up with anything. Finally, Ijust figured I had to try to get out of his grasp.

First, I triedto inch away from him, but I couldn’t quite untangle myself. Slowly, Itried to roll away from him, but he sort of came with me, and I foundmyself being spooned by this teenage boy. His body pressed against myback and I felt his shorts pushing into my ass and decided it wasn’tworth fighting. Instead, and I’ll never really know why I did this,except that I figured I could explain it as being more comfortablewithout my jean shorts in bed also, I kicked my shorts away from my feetand fell asleep.

That night, I had some pretty intense eroticdreams. All night long, I was fucking men of all shapes and sizes, andevery one of them had no face. When at last, I came to, I could feel apair of hands cupping my breasts, and I felt a body pressed hard againstme. Someone had morning wood, and it was firmly tucked in between myass cheeks!

“Mmmmm,” I moaned, enjoying the sensation. I wasstill a little groggy and more than a little horny, and I had kind offorgotten about where I was and who I was with.

The man behind mestirred a little and started massaging my sensitive breasts. Enjoyingthe sensation, but wanting more, I placed my hand on his and slowlyworked it down my body to my pussy. He knew what I needed better than Iknew myself, as he slid his hands down the front of my panties and beganplaying with my vaginal lips.

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   All the while I enjoyed the sensation,feeling wave upon wave of my orgasm flooding forward until it brokethrough.

I turned right at the peak, ready to kiss my husband as Iloved to do during orgasm and froze as I stared deep into Jacob’s eyesas he handily brought me to cum.

“Oh, oh, oh,” I moaned, unableto stop the flood. It kept surging forward and I think it was one of themost intense orgasms I had ever had until that point. When at last Icame down from my high, I tried to scoot away again, but he held metight.

“Good morning,” he said seductively. “That was the most beautiful thing I’ve seen in a long time!”

“What did you do?” I asked, a little panicky.

“Justwhat you wanted me to do,” he answered defensively, still holding meclose so I could feel his hardness between my butt cheeks.

“I shouldn’t have let you do that,” I muttered. “I thought you were my husband. ”

“I think you rather enjoyed that,” he challenged. “And I think I’m going to do it again!”

“Ohno you’re not,” I said, and struggled as his fingers began circling myclit again. At that point, I realized that he had not penetrated me atall, and I was a little embarrassed as he slipped the tip of his fingerinside of me and I moaned appreciatively, my body betraying my realfeelings.

“You can’t tell me you don’t want this,” he whisperedinto my ear, then nibbled gently. At that point, he had me a hundredpercent.


   My ears are so sensitive and his breath and teeth on them threwme over the edge.

I rolled over and squirmed my body againsthis, frantically touching his penis through his boxer shorts and makingout like I was a teenager again myself. I didn’t think about the factthat I could be his mother, or that my husband was a mile below us inthe canyon. All I could think about was unleashing his member andfinally seeing it completely uncovered.

With little effort, Ishucked his boxers down to his knees and he squirmed out of them while Ihelped him get my own off. I wanted to feel the skin of his bodyagainst mine, so I sat up and peeled off my shirt and bra. There I was,for the first time naked with a man other than my husband. Sure, I hadlet a few boys fondle me in high school and college, but no man otherthan Mike had ever seen me in all my glory.

Jacob’s pole waslonger and thicker than Mike’s, and for a second I was a little scaredthat I might not know what to do with so much meat! But though I didn’thave much experience in giving blow jobs, I am nothing if not an eagerlearner, and I wanted to feel his penis in my mouth.

Laying downon my stomach, I grabbed his cock and began slowly stroking it, watchingin fascination as it got even larger and harder. I kissed it on the tipand swirled my tongue around the little hole. Cupping his balls in myhand, I eased the tip of his penis into my mouth and began sucking,first lightly, and then a little harder. I tried to get as much as Icould into my mouth, but gagged with the size of it.

Jacobchuckled a little and pulled me away from my worship. He then rolled meonto my back and knelt down between my spread legs.

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   Reciprocating thefavor, he began touching me like no man before him. My husband reallydoesn’t like to eat pussy, and I’ve always regretted that, but Jacobseemed to love it. He spread apart my labia and began licking up anddown my slit, gently flicking my clit. In just a short amount of time,he brought me to the brink again and I was begging for him to penetrateme.

Kissing his way up my stomach to my breasts, he kissed mynipples while I squirmed around beneath his body. I finally lined up mycrotch with his and he looked me deep in the eyes and asked one lastquestion.

“Are you sure this is what you want?”

“Yes,” I cried, “Please, just put it in me!”

Witha slow thrust, he inched his way into my well lubricated pussy. Icouldn’t believe it. I was committing adultery on my husband with a boy30 years my junior, and I wanted him to just pummel me like he did thatgirl the night before.

“Please, give it to me hard!” I nearly screamed.

Hethrust deep inside me and began shoving the entire weight of it intome. Up and down he pushed and my orgasm built up so high I thought I wasgoing to black out. A low wail emerged from my lips and pretty soon Iwas screaming with pleasure. I had never screamed during sex before andwas pleased to discover that I could reach new heights never beforeimagined!

Deep into me his cock penetrated places never beforetouched by anything, human or plastic. I could feel him getting close tohis own orgasm and yelled at him to give it to me.

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   Our neighbors musthave thought I was getting beaten senseless, I was squealing like a pig,but I didn’t care at the moment.

Finally, I felt the frenziedsquirting of Jacob’s cock deep inside my pussy and knew that he hadfinished as well. It was the best fuck I had had in my nearly 50 years,and, far from feeling guilty, I wanted more. We fucked three more timesbefore we had to stop because my family would be coming out of the GrandCanyon.

Sadly, I didn’t have any other opportunities during myvacation to have sex with my Adonis boyfriend. A few days later, we saidgoodbye to Jacob, though my children promised to keep in touch and weall expressed interest in him coming to visit us sometime. I, for one,hope he is able to visit soon.


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Do not be shy to visit our shemale hotties, because they are ready to demonstrate their juicy body curves at once. It is clear that you will clearly feel great arousal, because it is merely unbearable to stay relaxed around this passion. In addition our gorgeous shemale hotties are really agile and will amaze you with their high-class escort services as well. Find more details at Shemale Escort Athems website and get complete access to amazing joys of Trans Escort In Cyprus.
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