
Steve's Alien Abduction


The night is just beginning; all of the sun’s rays have creped under the horizon.   I stand outside, my eyes fixed at the sky.   Stars begin to shine here and there.   I feel a cool breeze run across my face, it was inviting.
There is not a single cloud in sight.   I begin to walk into my backyard further.   My surroundings fade, my house is no longer visible.   I walk on, my direction unknown.   I soon get to the end of my backyard, and the beginning of a vast corn field.
It is summer and the stock has grown above my head.   I was not a farmer, but I lived next to the field.   I’m actually a teacher.   My wife too is a teacher.   I worked at the local high school, teaching World History to 10 th graders, while my wife taught theater at the local community college.
            We didn’t make a lot of money, but we always had enough, we bought this lovely four bedroom house for a steal.   I was growing lonely the passed few days, my wife had gone off to the city to perform a Broadway play and I was left home alone.

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     This happens at least 4 times a year, and it is my chance to get home improvement projects done.
            That day I had just finished painting the garage floor.   Now, my stomach full of microwavable meals and cola, I stare up at the vast sky.   I pick out the constellations after a few minutes and started thinking if they ever talked to each other.   Did Orion ever say hello to the Big Dipper?   I laughed internally at the thought to two groups of stars having a conversation.
            Then out of the corner of my eye I notice a star that is unusually bright.   I stare at it and it begins to twinkle.   I wave my hand at it and it twinkles more.   I continued to chuckle inside, playing with the idea that the star was actually communicating with me.  
            Just then the star moved in the sky, my eyes grew wide and fixed on the moving star.             “What the hell?” I muttered, my eye twitching involuntarily.   The star increased speed slightly and flew like a plane in the night sky.   I began to get worried that it may be something dangerous, but I could not move my eyes from it.   My heart beat increased and I felt my body temperature rise.
            The star then zipped down towards the horizon and disappeared from my sight.

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     I fixed my eyes at the tree line in which it had disappeared, but I could not see through the dark cover of the trees.             “I must be losing it. ” I thought, calming my mind, saying what I saw was nothing more then a trick of the light.   I turned and began the journey back to my house, moving almost at a slight jog.   I told myself that it was late and I should get inside, but I was really scared at the sight, and yet I didn’t want to admit to it.
            I got over a little knoll and could see my house in the distance, the back porch light shined bright.   I slowed my walk and felt safe under the glow of the light.   I quickly notice something odd; the light wasn’t coming from the porch it was actually coming from above.   I raised my eyes to the sky and I stared into a large circle of white light.  
            At the time I could see only light, but I know that it was no craft of modern man, I could see no other flashers, and heard no noise, not even the mutter of an engine.   Just then I heard a humming sound, like the sound of large turbines turning.   I had watched Alien movies before and from the tales a sound was always heard before a beam sucked you into their ship.
            I reeked of fear and shook in terror and disbelief.   I closed my eyes and just hoped they would leave me, but that was not the case.   I began to feel my body pull apart in itself and it struck me like a billion needles.

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     I went to scream in pain, but I sank into an instant unconscious state.
            I couldn’t feel anything, I couldn’t see, or hear, but I could think, in an odd turn of event I thought, but only one thought entered my mind.   The thought of my beloved wife and whether I cried on the outside did not matter, for I was crying on the inside.   Just as soon as the thought entered my mind and my internal tear was shed it was gone.
            I couldn’t piece the visions in front of my mind together, they blurred and mixed, all I rendered were the lights and colors.   I was dreaming, but this was not a normal dream it was as if someone was looking into my mind and fast forwarding through my memories.   I would feel happiness, sorrow, and joy within moment of each other.
            I then went blank once again, no visions, no feeling, nothing for a long time.   Slowly I began to feel my body awake, I felt all my weight in my legs, yet I could not move them.   I felt my arms above my head, and they would not move either.   I then felt my breath; I was relieved I could take in a breath.
            The air was chilling and sterile, like a hospital.   I struggled to move my eyes, they were sore and in pain, it felt as if they were cut open with a letter opener.   I slowly managed to open them, bracing the pain, it was sharp at first, but it dulled and disappeared as I opened my eyes wide.
            My eyes were open, but my vision was blurred.

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     I could see only colors, blurred blues and grays.   I then realized my glasses were gone.   Where had they taken them too, I need them back, my head will start to hurt if they are not returned soon.   I had worn my glasses since my early teen years, and headaches came when I tried to look into bright lights for a long time without them.
            I was then shocked by the cold air that attacked my body quickly.   I didn’t understand how something could be so cold against my skin, but then I realized by moving my body that I was naked.   I looked up at my hands and they were close enough to tell that they and my legs were bound to the wall my something.
            The wall was blue/gray and it was very smooth, metallic.   I began to shudder from the cold around me, my hair stood on its ends and my body covered in goose bumps.   I clenched my right arm and pulled it forward from the wall, I could then see how it was being kept to the wall.  
            My arm snapped back against the cold wall, as chains of light kept my body from moving.   I then gave up escape, it would require much energy to remove these bounds and the cold would kill me before then.   I took shallow, slow breaths and then squinted to focus on the room in which I was hanging in.
            The room was much the same as the wall that I hung from, it had blue/gray metallic walls and not windows or doors.   The floor was all grey and flat.

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     It was an empty room; all that seemed to be there were the chains and white light that grew dimly from the edge of the walls.
            I then closed my eyes, wishing to open them and be back in my backyard, but it would not be so.   I slowly opened them and instead of seeing my backyard I saw a set of silver eyes stare into mine.   I jolted against the wall, breathing fast and panicking.   The eyes were part of a blue skinned face.
            The face looked almost human, two eyes, a nose, a pair of blue lips and silver eyebrows.   Above the eyes were two silver diamonds in the blue faces forehead.   I then saw a hand rise from my blind spot; it came into view, closing in on my face.   The hand had slender blue fingers, almost human, but a bit longer, with short talons.
            I closed my eyes tight, as I felt the hand press against my forehead just above my eyelids.   Then glowing warmth came from the hand, it seemed to center around my eyes only, but it was warmth none the less, I savored it.   The hand parted my head and the warmth dulled, I slowly opened my eyes.  
            It took almost no time, but I realized my eyes could see normal.   I saw the entire room clearly.   This blue humanoid had healed my vision, I was grateful for a moment, and then I looked carefully upon the rest of the creatures’ body.

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            The alien struck me, it looked really human, other then its pale blue skin, and silver hair, it could pass as human.   The alien had short hair; it was styled to frill out the bottom.   The alien wore its hair like a female, then I looked more at the alien and it was to my eyes a female.
            The alien wore a purple suit that covered all but its hands and head.   I look at the design, from the chest protruded breast curves.   From the suit I could tell that if she were human she would be in the mid to high C range.   Her body was slender, but not skinny sticklike.   She was well filled, and seemed to be perfect in body type.
            I lost myself in my visual examination, she did not look like my wife directly, but her body type and alien beauty was reminding me of the first time I meet my wife.   I had just finished my college degree and was looking for teaching jobs.   I came to a stop light and it turned green, I pulled out and my left side was struck hard.
            I survived without much more then a scratch.   I escaped from the wreck to see the driver of the other car.   The driver had long waving blonde hair and captivating blue eyes.   I was the same lost then as I was now, she was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen and I thought an angel had feel from the skies and crashed into me.

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            “Where am I?” I asked.   I then saw her lips move, but I couldn’t understand the noise that came from her mouth.   It was an odd series of clicks and grunts.   I couldn’t understand how a creature this beautiful spoke with such a barbaric sounding language.
            She could tell that I understood nothing of what she was trying to tell me.   She then began to approach me once again.   His time she raised both hands and slowly placed them on my ears.   I felt once again, the same warmth that my eyes had received, on my ears.   It subsided and she pulled her hands from my ears.             “Is that better?” A soft voice spoke, I watched as her lips moved with the words.             “You speak English?!” I exclaimed, my eyes perked up.
            “No, I just mutated your hearing and vocal cords, so you understand all languages as if they were in English, and you speak the language that you are suppose to hear. ” She spoke again.   I didn’t understand how that was possible and I thought that now I would be too valuable to let go.   If the world found out that I could speak every language there would be many questions.

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            “Where am I?” I asked, looking around the room and then back at her.             “You are on a space ship that is currently orbiting Saturn” She answered, pointing to an opposite wall.   The wall moved and soon a window appeared, showing the planet Saturn outside the window.
            “Whoa,” I said, “What do you want with me?”   She smirked and then placed her hand on the wall.   I light humming was then heard and the bindings that kept me to the wall disappeared and I fell to the cold ground with a light thud.
            “I want to study you, see my race is very intelligent, it took us very little time to develop space travel, but we have encountered viral enemies.   Our bodies are not equipped with strong defenses as yours are.   We have no white blood cells to fend off these attacks, so our people fall quickly to these diseases. ” She explained, “I want to find out how your body produces such strong cells and how we can copy them. ”            “You aren’t going to cut me open are you?” I asked, scarred.   The alien chuckled and smiled.
            "Of course not, cutting you open wouldn't give me any information I don't already know. " She said, "Oh, by the way, my name is; Aier"
            "The name's Mark," I answered and realized that it was really cold and I was still naked.
            "Do you have my cloths?   I would love to help you, but first it's really cold. " I said, shivering.

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     She made a face as if she didn't really know, and was thinking up an excuse.             "Well, our scans located several germs on your cloths and just to be safe we destroyed them. " She answered.   I looked at her and my shoulders sank.
            "Alright, do you have anything at all I could wear to keep out the cold?" I asked.
            "Yes, wait right here, I'll return shortly. " She spoke, and walked towards a wall, it moved and became a door, she exited and after she was through it sealed up.   I waited around for a few minutes.   Thoughts ran through my head. What time is it, what day, is my wife home, or is she still away?
            Then the door at the wall formed again, and Aier walked through it, this time in her blue hands she carried a white ball.   She bowed to me as the door behind her disappeared, holding out the white ball of cloth.   I took the cloth and bowed back, the cloth then unrolled out into a long white robe.
            "Our priest allowed me to borrow some robes for you, seeing as it was his idea to pick your planet. " Aier spoke; I then tossed it up over my head and pulled it down over myself.   It was like a monk's robe, but soft and warm, and white.

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            "Priest?   You have a religion?" I asked, and then hit myself internally; of course an advanced civilization would have at least some form of faith.
            "Yes, I believe in one supreme power that has control over the universe.   I believe on your planet the closest religion would be called: Christianity. ” She answered.   I was never a really devout religious person, but my interest in history and the religions that were created and fought for was a key interest.   I would spend hours upon hours going over textbooks and listening to lectures on ancient crusades and “holy wars”, the idea of giving your life for faith was something that just astonished me.
            “Do all your people follow the same religion?” I asked, the robe starting to warm my body.             “No, our empire spans over many planets and star systems and to evoke control over that many people to follow one religion would cause a great downfall.   Although a large portion of us follow our “Catholic” faith as you would understand, many follow their own paths and we respect their view, even if we don’t always agree. ” Aier said, almost poetically.
            “Tolerance is the one thing I believe our world needs, but by the way things are going it’ll take centuries maybe even more before that happens. ” I spoke, Aier nodded.
            “Well, I feel that our race could teach yours to be more tolerant, but first we must solve our problem.   We must find a way to gain strong defenses again these viral enemies. ” Aier spoke.


            “Well, I’m willing to help you out in exchange for a safe journey home. ” I spoke, not knowing how I could help, but longing to get home as soon as possible.   Aier nodded, and then walked towards the wall, it moved and became a door once again.
            “Follow me,” She said, walking out of the room into a gray corridor.   I scratched my head for a moment and then followed suite, exiting the room.   I followed her along this long corridor; I saw no doors or windows, just the same gray walls all around.   Then we came to a dead end, Aier walked close to the wall and it opened up.
            She walked through the opening and I followed behind.   The wall resealed around me, I scanned the room.   It had a black floor, with silver walls and ceiling.   There was an examining table in the center of the room.   Around it were a few tables with “lab equipment” on it.
            “I thought you said you weren’t going to cut me open. ” I spoke; looking at a tool that resembled a scalpel.
            “I’m not, come over here and I’ll show you what I have learned about humans anatomy.

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  ” She said, I walked next to her, she then placed her hand on the wall and it moved.   It formed into a video screen, showing a human male and female figure next to each other.   It then ran through a bunch of symbols and alien text that I didn’t understand.
            “As you may know the human body produces new blood cells all the time, mostly red, but a few whites.   The white blood cells seem to be the great fighters of your systems, allowing you to stave off infections and viruses.   All attempts to create a synthetic form of your white blood cells have failed. ” She spoke, turned her face from the screen to me.             “Well, then how can I help if it won’t work synthetic?” I asked, my eyes glued to the screen like a sports game.             “The only last resort we have it to create a hybrid. ” She spoke, I took in the words and my eyebrow rose.
            I slowly turned towards her and said, “What do you mean, “Create a hybrid”?   Are you thinking mixing your races DNA and mine together to make a lab hybrid?”
            “Yes, in a sense. ” She spoke, walking around to the other side of the table.             “Feew, I thought for a second you wanted to give birth to a human slash, what ever your race is called; child. ” I commented.
            “Spartans… we are called Spartans… and actually that’s exactly what I was hopping you would agree with.

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  ” Aier said, walking right up to my face, “I want us to create a child, so that my people can have a beacon for hope. ”            I didn’t know what to say to her; I was so shocked by the request that I couldn’t form words.
            “If I say no?” I said, looking right into her eyes.             “Then I’ll shove you out a airlock and get another human. ” She said, almost smiling.   I couldn’t believe my ears, it was essentially sex or death.   I then started to calm my mind, thinking that maybe their form of sex is completely different from ours.   She turned around, grabbing onto my hand and pulling me closer to the examination table.
            She spun me in her hands and pushed me up onto the table, I was surprised at her strength.   Then she backed away a few steps and slowly reached behind her back and began to unzip her body suit.   I tried to think of something to say to stop her, but I was afraid.   I was afraid that if I didn’t go through with this then not only would I die, but the love of my live would be eternally mourning.
            I watched helplessly as she stopped unzipping at the base of her rear.   She smirked at me and placed her hands onto her waist.   She then pressed two buttons on each side of her suit.

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   A load hiss could be heard from her suit and a puff of smoke came from behind the buttons.
            She looked me right in the eyes and winked, then the suit began to fold up upon itself.   Her arms and legs were first; it just seemed to shrink away into the main body of the suit.   Now it appeared as if she was wearing a purple one-piece bathing suit.
            I gulped as she threw her hair back and raised her hands above her head.   A clicking noise was made and a seam appeared in the front of the suit, it ran all the way up from the neck to her crotch.   It began to split apart and within moments it fell down her body and onto the floor.   She stepped out of the small piles of purple and kicked then aside.
            I bulged my eyes as I saw her naked in front of me, for she was a pure form of beauty.   I stared at her firm breast, they showed no sign of old age, and in the center her firm nipples peaked out.   They were a shade of pink against her blue skin.   I followed my eyes down lower and on her belly was a large silver tattoo like symbol.             I stared at the spinning design for a moment tracing it down to her crotch.   I then looked at a nice patch of silver hair just above her closed legs. I was captivated and my eyes slowly moved back up to hers.

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              “You look so human!” I spoke; she smiled, as if waiting for me to say that.
            “Yes, now I will explain something to you, please listen clearly. ” She smiled, walking closer to me.   I nodded my head and smirked.             “A few million years ago we Spartans came to planet Earth.   It was full off massive lizards and green landscapes.   We had done it several times before, so we destroyed the surface of the planet and brought it into an ice age.   At the same time we planted the seed of a new age.               Man was born from those seeds, and the resulting radiation from your sun has made your skin a more brown and light color and also has formed incredible defenses against germs. This was a accident, however and now seeing as you have become a completely different species we feel that co-existence would be easier after our “child” is born. ” She spoke, placing her hands on my face.   I believed her words and now understood why she looked so human.             “I understand, and I will create this child with you. ” I spoke, my heart ached in pain with those words, but my brain and my body told me otherwise.   I began to sweat and I could feel my body burn with arousal.

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     I felt my cock lurched forward a bit and then grow against the robe.             Aier glanced down, as the robe grew outward, she then drew me into a kiss.   I felt her soft lips against mine.   Her hands left my face and began to pull off the white robe.   I felt the soft material fall to the table and she ran her hand down, pulling it open, laying the robe out on the table, and exposing my naked body to her.             I lifted my rear off the robe and she pulled it out, throwing it to the ground.   I placed my hands on the table, and watched as she looked at my erect cock.   It was 7 inches long and nice and thick.   Her mouth seemed to water and her eyes glistened at the sight.
            She slowly grasped my rock hard staff with her soft hand.   I shuddered a bit and let out a breath.   She began to pass it back and forth in her hand.   She could see its effect on me and she worked faster, I started to moan.   I felt the cum rush up my staff and in one large burst it sprayed out my cock and into the air.             Aier gasped and groaned as the cum landed on the floor and a little on her hand.

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   She let go of my staff and licked the cum from her hand.   Then her eyes bulged and she squealed.             “Anything wrong?” I asked, she didn’t answer, but then leaded forward and grabbed my cock again.   This time she started to lick the remaining cum from it, running her alien tongue up and down its grooves.   I shuddered and gasped; my palms grasped the table tighter.
            She then takes my cock into her mouth and starts to pump it in and out.   Her tongue works all around my staff as she starts to work my groves faster and taking me deeper.   My eyes roll back in my head once again and I moaned and gasped.
            I could feel the climax coming and there was nothing I could do to hold it back.   I released the wad of white hot cum into her hot wet alien mouth.   She greedily swallowed the entire load; I could feel that she licked my entire cock well after, making sure it was all hers.             She slowly rose from my staff, smiling up at me.             “You taste so good, when this is over will I be able to taste you again?” She asked, I nodded to her quickly.   Then she pushed me back onto the table, I moved to get in the center.   The table looked like steel, but it was nice and warm, not cold and flat.

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     She jumped onto the table and started to crawl onto me, my cock still rock hard.   I then felt a wet liquid against my legs.             I looked down and saw a green liquid was oozing from her crotch.   She then lifted up, and grasped my hard cock; she slowly guided herself onto my staff.   I clenched my teeth, as I pushed into her.   She was so tight I could have mistaken her pussy for a 14-year-old human.             I felt her warm wet walls and her juices just cover my cock.   Then I felt what was like a “virgin wall”.   She didn’t stop though, with one more push I pushed through and I could even feel her walls tear and stretch inside her.   She let out a scream and then a series of moans.
            She started to pump up and down along my rock hard staff.   I looked down and saw the green fluid cover my staff and balls, dripped down my crack and pooling on the table.   She widened her legs and took me deeper into her pussy, pounding me harder and harder.             I felt my climax rising, it was coming up strong, and she must have sensed it somehow. She started to thrust faster and faster, clenching her walls around my pulsating staff.

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     I groaned and gasped for air, I then felt it shoot up my staff and without warning it released.   I couldn’t do anything but hold on and the passion was so strong it was even painful.
            She just screamed out in ecstasy and clenched my cock tight, making sure no juices left her insides.   I then felt her shudder and clamp my staff tighter, I knew she was climaxing.   She seemed to soak in the feeling for a long time, and then slowly she rose up, my cock slid out and flopped to the side, limp, covered in lime green cum.
I sat up and looked into her face as she sat on the edge of the table, dripping onto the floor.   She looked into my eyes and smiled.   I leaned closer and pressed my lips against hers, softly.   She sank into them quickly, wrapping her arm around my head and kissing me deeply.
I slowly ran my hand between her already parted legs and came to her alien pussy.   I rubbed the whole area with my hand first.   Then I guided my fingers to her clit and rubbed the nub back and forth between my two fingers.   She jumped and moaned in ecstasy.
I then laid her back onto the table and positioned my head so where I was looking right into her wet core.   She propped herself up and spread her legs wide, allowing me to see her whole.

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     I moved closer and slid two fingers right into her wet cum filled core.
Her insides felt a bit different then a human.   I rubbed the area where the “special spot” should be, but nothing happened.   Then I thrusted my fingers in deeper and my realization brought shock to myself.   Her entire inner walls were ridged just like a human g-spot.
I ran my finger against the wall and she bucked and gasped.   I smiled and began to rub her walls harder.
“Oh… YES! Oh… YES!” she screamed, while I started to thrust her insides faster with my two fingers, rubbing her walls deep when I passed by.   I concentrated on pumping my fingers into her harder and harder.   I could feel her tense up and then it happened she clamped down onto my fingers like a vice.  
Her back arches and she just convulsed in the air for a few moment.   She slowed and took in a series of deep breaths.   I managed to pull my fingers out of her clamped core, and out came a trail of cum.   I licked off my fingers and the taste intrigued me.
I leaned down and brought my tongue to her folds.

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     I began to lick up and taste her fluids.   It was so sweet and almost like honey.   I was drawn into her lips by the sweet taste.   I spread her lips apart and thrust my tongue as deep as I could.
I wasn’t ready for what happened next and neither was Aier.   She tensed and let out a scream of passion as she came again, this time it gushed out her spread legs.   My tongue was flooded with her juices and I took in what I could, but much of it just dripped down her pussy and crack and onto the table.
I rose from her folds and looked into her face, she was blushing, and her cheeks were dark purple.   I took in a sigh and smiled.   She sat up and moved closer to me, placing her hand on my face she kissed me, lightly, and then started to lick the cum from my face.             She finished and then looked into my eyes.   I took in a few breaths and looked into hers as well.   It was a while before anyone of us moved.   Then she smirked, and I chuckled.             “That was wonderful.


  ” She spoke.             “Thank you, I enjoyed myself too,” I replied.             “Ok, well you passed the test. ” She said, sitting up on the table side, and then sliding off onto the ground.   I watched her walk to her purple suit, juices still covered her body.   She started to place the suit back on and up over her body.             “What test?   I thought you wanted to make a child?” I asked, she then zipped up the suit and it hissed and sealed up, and then the arms re-grew from the body of the suit.             “Yes, and now I will be put in a chamber so this child will be safe until it is ready to be born.   I have a request of you, before you are allowed to be freed. ” She said, turning stern.
“Wait a minute, this was the request I fulfilled, and we had an agreement. ” I said, she then walked up and grasped my limp cock in her hand.   She started to squeeze it hard, I winced in pain.             “You are not free until you are off this ship!”   She barked, almost crushing my staff in her hand.   I cried out in pain.

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              “Very well, what do you request?” I answered, just wanting the sudden pain to stop.   I could tell that this Spartan, if not all Spartans, had a short temper.   She released her killer grip and I grabbed myself, the pain swelled and it got even worse out of her hand then in her hand.
“You must mate once more, with another, incase something happens to me, another beacon of hope can still be lit. ” Aier spoke, walking a few steps from me.   I stared at her for a moment, and even though it would require me to sow my seed once more, I had to, or my life would cease.             “Who will I mate with?” I answered, standing naked in the room, my cock hung limp between my legs.   Aier just walked to the wall which we had entered and a door grew. She walked out and for a while there was silence.   I stood there, naked and just watching the open door.               Just then a figure appeared at the door, then two.   It was Aier and another.   They moved closer and came into view.   The other was much shorter then Aier.   Aier was around 5’ 7”, yet this other one was only around 4’ 11”.

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              “Human, this is my daughter, Heri.   She will be your mate. ”   Aier spoke; I then looked closer at the little female alien.   She looked like a child.   Her skin was blue as her mothers, but lighter and she had an innocent childish look to her face.               She wore a light blue suit, a smaller version of her mothers.   I eyed her up and down for a moment, and then looked back at Aier.   The thought of fucking this “child” made my stomach turn.             “I cannot do this.   I cannot fuck this child!” I yelled, clenching my fist.   Just then I heard a hum.   Aier pulled from behind herself a gun-like device, and pointed it right at me.             “Human, you will do this or I will kill her.   Then I will kill you. ” Aier spoke, pointing the gun at her daughter.

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     My heart sank, I couldn’t let her kill this child, and I had little choice.   I lowered my head and looked at the floor.             “How old is she?” I asked my head still lower.             “According to your earth years she would be 13.   I would be 28.   We Spartans have children at early ages if we go by your human system. ” Aier said, and then she patted Heri on the back and left the room.   The wall sealed up behind her.   I stood there, naked and silent.             Heri did not respond and just stood there as well, staring at me.   I felt ashamed, and I had not even laid a finger on this girl.   Just then she smiled, and winked at me.   I didn’t expect what happened next.   She walked up to me and placed her soft hand onto my limp cock.             I stood there, trying not to get aroused by this.

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     She started to lightly rub my staff and it lurched.   I couldn’t stop it, my cock started to harden and soon it stuck out nice and thick.   She then placed her other hand on my balls, and fondled them in her hand.   I threw my head back and then was consumed by this.   I decided that if I had to do it, then I might as well act like I enjoyed it.             That was my plan anyways, but it soon changed.   I was actually starting to enjoy it.   I was getting extremely horny as this young little angel stroked my cock.   I then started to wonder how tight her little pussy would be.   I cursed myself, yet had no control.             She started to pump faster, barely holding her whole hand onto my cock.   I couldn’t believe what my body was doing.   I could feel my climax brewing and she was only using her hands.   She somehow sensed my climax brewing and lightly kisses my tip.   I look down at her as she starts to lightly lick and fist my staff.

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I groan out load and moaned, “Ugh, yes… more…” She started to lick my staff more up and down, fisting me faster and faster.   I clenched my eyes and braced as I climaxed, shooting cum all over her face.   She licked my tip clean and then walked back a few steps.               I looked at her innocent cum covered face and it turned me on.   She wiped the cum off her face with her fingers and licked them clean.   She made a little groan and then smiled at me.             “Mom said it was tasty. ” She spoke; those were her first words to me.   I looked back into her innocent eyes and I started to tear.             “What is wrong, human?” Heri spoke, standing up, looking into my eyes.   I kneeled down, to be at her eye level.   I noticed her light purple hair was a little longer then her mother’s short silver hair.   It was in a single pony tail.             “Heri, on my planet what you just did, and what I’m being forced to do is not only illegal, it is immoral and guys that do this in my world get killed for even talking about it.   I teach children in school, I love them, this is going against everything I stand for and it’s tearing me apart inside.

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  ” I spoke, trying to explain myself to her.   She then paused for a moment, and reached out, to whip my tears away.             “Human, I’m sorry if you feel this way, but you must understand something about my people first.   We Spartans have very short life spans.   We only survive till around 40 of your earth years.   We also reach sexual maturity around the time your earth children are the age of 6.   We must reproduce at this stage rapidly.   The older a female gets the less chance of more then one child.   Also the birth rate of females is dramatically less after the age of 14.   The only thing we use males for is a warrior, which is all they are good for. ” She spoke, “So, you see, you are doing nothing wrong.   I have had 6 children so far. I will continue to birth children till I am around 25.   Then I will live a life of leisure.   This is my duty to my people.

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     I take no shame in it, now you shouldn’t either. ”
I was stunned; I couldn’t believe what she had just told me.   I couldn’t see this child bearing children of her own.   She then reached onto her waist and pressed the same two buttons on the side of the blue suit.   It went through the same process as her mothers had.   Within no time she was naked in front of me.   She had little mounds for breast and her rosebud nipples stuck out firm in the air.
I then looked down and she was hairless between her legs.   It was nothing but light blue skin.   I could see her legs glisten a light trail of green, and I knew she was wet.   I caved in and my rock hard cock was in control.   She then laid down right there on the floor and spread her legs wide, exposing her bald wet pussy.             I crawled a bit closer to her, and she placed her right hand unto her pussy.   She began to stimulate herself, rubbing her little clit and I could tell that she wasn’t just here to mate and leave, she wanted to be fucked, and fucked hard.   I stared into her alien yellow eyes and she winked at me.

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              “What are you waiting for human?” She urged, I could see she was getting aroused, almost too aroused.   I moved to her, and I started to position myself above her.   She reached forward and grasped my hard member.   She pulled me towards her, guiding my tip against her wet entrance.  
I began to slide into her, she was so tight, and I could barely get in an inch.   She urged me on, and I pressed my pelvis down, forcing my staff into her tight fuck hole.   I found myself half way in her, and I started to pull out and thrust in, slowly at first.             I groaned as my staff ran tight against her inner walls.   I could feel my balls starting to tighten.   I began to increase my pace, penetrating into her deeper with each pass.   She gasped and screamed out in passion, flailing her arms against the alien floor, arcing her back to grind against my thrusts.             I felt my cum shot up my cock rushing me, unprepared.   I quickly forced my entire staff in deep, feeling her inner walls almost tear to meet my size.   I flooded her inner core with my hot, wet juice.   I then see her start to convulse and arch her back even higher.

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              I knew she was climaxing, as I felt her little rush of cum hit my thick staff.   She began to settle and lower herself back onto the ground.   I breathed deep for a moment and then looked into her eyes.   She was lightly panting and her cheeks were flushed against her blue skin.
I slowly pulled from her tight core; I could feel her walls close as I slide out.   I rested my soft member just above her crotch for a moment.   She looked up at me and smiled.   I sat up on my knees; she slowly closed her legs and stood up.   I leaned over and reached my hands around her waist, pulling her right up to my face.
She stood up rubbing her hands through my hair.   I placed my hands onto her small little ass and dug my face into her crotch, licking her to my hearts content.   She jumped at first and giggled.   I moved closer into her, my nose rubbing against her nub.  
While my tongue moved along her wet entrance and my nose stroked her nub I moved my hands, caressing her ass.   I didn’t notice at first, but my right hand was almost touching her ass hole.

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     I had never had anal sex before; my wife had objected it the first time the subject was spoken.             I moved my hand slowly closer and soon found two fingers against her hole.   I lightly rubbed my fingers against her hole a bit, but tried to pay close attention to her wet core and clit.   I then found our position was starting to cause a strain on my neck.  
I moved from her, and picked her up under the armpits.   I placed her on the table edge and she spread her legs.   She smiled down at me as I moved in and continued to lick her sweet pussy long and hard.             “Human…” She moaned as I licked her nub.
I moved my mouth back just enough to speak, “Yes?”   She then turned herself, pushing me from her core.   She was soon bent over, with her hands placed on the table, her feet planted firm on the ground.             “I want you to lick my… umm… how would you say it… uh, ass, yet I believe that’s what it is called.   Will you lick my ass?!” She asked, looking back at me.   My eyes grew wide, not only was I having sex with an alien that could be still in middle school on earth, but she wants me to work her ass too.   I was swimming in the raw lust and desire.
I leaned down onto my knees and placed my hands onto her ass cheeks.


     She spread her ass wide and I could see her asshole well.   There was no sign of waste material, which was the only thing that worried me.   I leaned forward and began to lick the rim of her asshole.
She screamed in ecstasy as my tongue touched her rim.   I then began to slide my tongue a bit into her asshole.   She shuddered from her head to her toes, climaxing hard.   Her green cum shot out of her pussy and onto the floor, never running down her legs.             I raised an eyebrow as I saw what was happening to her.   I then pushed my tongue into her asshole further.
“YES, YES!!!!” She screamed, shuddering again, and spraying more cum onto the ground.   I soon realized that it took no more then a lick and she would cum.   I moved my face from her asshole.   She looked back, her hands still grasping the table.
“No!   Don’t stop!” She whined.
“I’m not, you love getting your ass lick, and well I’m going to fuck your ass!” I spoke, standing up and grabbing onto my member.

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     She began to cry and I hadn’t even placed my cock against her yet.
“What is wrong?” I asked, seeing her cry.
“Nothing is wrong, just in my planet the anal region is off limits, it is said to hold so much pleasure that one could not be so selfish.   I have wanted this so bad ever since I was first taken.   The first mate I was set up with wasn’t very smart; he placed his tip against my ass and then realized his mistake.   Ever since I felt that first pressure I have wanted it. ” She spoke, still bent over and grasping the table side hard.
“It is an honor to be your first, and probably last. ” I spoke, and then placed my tip against her asshole.   I slowly began to press myself against her, I slid in barely.   She cooed and shivered.   I pressed on, forcing myself into her deeper.   I could feel her insides opening to fit me, but it was still a tight fit.
She gasped and I could tell she was climaxing from just the pressure of my staff inside her.   I continued to guide myself through her insides.

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     I then reached a wall, a wall that would not open.   I then began thrust in and out slowly.
She climaxed again and screamed in passion.   I pressed on harder, passing deep into her hole with more force and speed.   She bucked back like a dog in heat.   Although I couldn’t see her face I could tell she was in a blissful state of passion, almost comatose.
Then it happened I felt my climax, it surged up my pumping staff, and gushed into her tight ass with no sense of stopping.   I grunted out loud and threw my head back; also forcing my staff in as far as I could, trying to sow my seed as deep into her ass as I could.
I panted and started to feel weak at the knees.   I was not as young and energetic as I used to be.   My cock began to soften and I pulled out of her tight hole.   I collapsed onto my knees, as they tucked under my ass.   My cock was covered in my white cum.
She let go from the table and slowly rose upright.   She turned to me and looked down at my limp cock, as it also shrank back to normal size.

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              “Aww! I broke it!” She whined, leaning down to look at it more.             “No, you didn’t break it, just I’m not as young as I used to be and between you and your mother I’m all sexed out. ” I told her, breathing deeply.   She stood up and looked down at me.             “Well, if you are drained then I have no use for you anymore.   You will be returned as soon as I inform the captain. ” She spoke, and then started to walk to the wall, which the door grew from.   I smiled, I was actually going home.   I felt a little bad for just fucking the girl and leaving, but I wanted to go home more then anything.             Just before Heri approached the wall the lighted turned off and for a while all was dark.   I rose in the dark and tried to look around.   An alarm started to sound, a deep fog horn type alarm.   The lights turned back on, but now they were purple.
“We’re under attack!” Heri yelled and ran back to me; she grabbed my arm and pulled me to the opposite wall.   The ship started to shake violently.

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“UNDER ATTACK…?! BY WHOM…!?” I panicked, looking into her eyes.
“Digorians!   They are the only special that the Spartans have ever lost to, yet we are going to be able to destroy them soon enough!” She spoke and then placed her hand on the wall.   It grew open into a door.
“Where does this lead?!” I asked.
“Our escape pod. ” She replied and then grabbed me by the shoulder and hurled me through the door.   I spun around and landed in an odd looking seat.   The pod was a small space with another seat to my left.   I felt my naked body being locked to the seat by an invisible force.
The ship continued to shake more violently, Heri jumped through the door and into her seat.   The door shrinks behind her.   The inside of the pod lights up blue.   I close my eyes to shield from the light for a moment and then when I open them my body is covered in a white space suit.   I glance over and Heir is in a similar white space suit.
A sudden jolt of speed launches us from the main ship, and into the darkness of space.

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     A large transparent window is in front of us and we watch at the lonely ship is under attack my four different ones of greater size.
Heir places her hand in several places on the wall and noises are made.
“What are you doing?” I ask, my eyes still fixed on the battle, I then see several other lights shoot off from the Spartan ship.   They were other pods, and they quickly disappeared.
“I’m seating our course for your planet.   Sit back!” She spoke, and within seconds the lights blurred around us and the battle area disappeared.   Planets zoomed by us light fireflies.   I then felt tired and I passed out.
A while later…
“Human!” A voice spoke, and then a stinging slap crossed my face.   I snapped from my sleep like state and looked up at Heri.   I then quickly got my bearing and we were in my back yard, just as I had left it.   It was night; I quickly jumped up, and looked at her.
“The escape pod broke up on entry; we survived because of the suits. ” She explained.   I scratched my head and then realized we were back on earth and she was a blue alien.

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     I took her hand and started to lead her to my house.
“We have to get inside; I can’t let anyone know you are an alien. ” I spoke.   I walked her up the porch and into the back door.   My house was as I had left it.   I ran to a clock and checked the date.   It was the night before my wife was supposes to return home.  
She would be here in the morning; I had been gone for 2 whole days.   I quickly took Heir into the bathroom and we took off the suits and I hide them under a stack of comic books in a chest in the basement.   I returned to find her in the shower; it appears that water wasn’t harmful to them.  
I ran around and searched for something she could wear.   After a while of searching I came across a school uniform from when my wife was in high school.   It looked just Heir’s size.
I came back to the bathroom to find the water off and Heir standing in the middle of the room dripping wet and naked.   She twirled a bit of her purple hair in her hand and smiled at me.

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     I took a towel from under the sink and began to dry her off.   She laughed and giggled as I did so.
“Heir, my wife is supposed to be here tomorrow.   I don’t want you telling her we mated.   I will tell her after I explain why you are here and why you are blue.   Ok, please I don’t want anything bad to happen to you.   Just thinking about what your mother would do scares me. ” I spoke to her as I finished drying her off.
“Ok, human. ” She replied “Human, I’m wondering, what is your real name?”   I dropped the towel against the wall and walked out of the bathroom.   I came back with the uniform and a pair of clean blue panties and clean blue bra.
“Well, my name is Steve, Steve Henry” I spoke, she smirked.
“Ok, Steve Henry, what are those?” she asked pointing to them.   I set the uniform down and as well as the bra.
“Well, these are some of my wife’s old cloths; they are a one or two sizes too small for you, so you should be able to wear them.

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     We don’t have suits like you do. ” I spoke, holding out the panties to her.   She took them and without instruction slides them on the right way.
“We only wear suits when we are in space, we actually have garbs similar to these, but more of them are robe like. ” She spoke, and took the bra and put it on, without much trouble.   She then looked at me and had a look on her face, like “how do I look?”
“Looks good, now seeing as you are getting the hang of this, I’m going to go get something to eat in the kitchen. ” I spoke, and then left the bathroom.   I walked to the kitchen thinking, “Damn! My wife didn’t look that hot at that age! Well, my wife wasn’t a blue alien at that age either. ”
After a couple minutes of searching the kitchen and finding a microwave meal in the fridge, she came out from the bathroom.   She wore the black school uniform well, and even tied her purple hair back with a ribbon she must have found in the bathroom.   The microwave beeped and I took out the meal.   I grabbed two forks and brought them into the living room were she sat.
“What is that?” She asked, looking at it with a confused look.
“Oh, its junk food, not really good for you, but it tastes alright. ” I spoke, forking myself some noodles and eating it quickly.

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     She took the other fork and slowly spiked herself a piece of grilled chicken.   She put it in her mouth and slowly chewed it.   I watched her for a moment to see a reaction.
“Human… I mean Steve… you have some good food on your planet. ” She spoke, forking some more and eating it.
“Well, if you think that is good you are in for a surprise.   I’ll be sure to make you my famous stew some time. ” I spoke, smiling.   She nodded her head, and continued to eat.   A couple hours passed and the food was gone.   We had left the living room and I had leaded her into the guest room.
I got her into the bed and after a light kiss on her forehead she fell asleep.   I left the room and turned out the light.   I walked back to the living room and sat down on the couch.   I wondered what I would say to my wife in the morning, but at the moment I just wanted to sleep.

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     I lay back on the couch and rested my head against a little pillow.   I soon drifted off to sleep and dreamt of stars and planets.
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Μη διστάσετε να επισκεφτείτε τους Συνοδούς στην Συνοδοί Σαντορίνη και να ανακαλύψετε πως είναι πραγματικά η ηδονή, ενώ σας προσφέρουν υψηλής ποιότητας υπηρεσίας συνοδών.

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Η Ελλάδα, είναι μια από τις πιο ενεργές χώρες σε ολόκληρη την Ευρώπη. Διαθέτει μια ενδιαφέρουσα ιστορία 4,000 χρόνων, είναι η χώρα της δημοκρατίας, του πολιτισμού, του φιλότιμου, με φιλόξενους ανθρώπους, και εντυπωσιακές φυσικές τοποθεσίες. Στην πραγματικότητα, εάν θέλετε μπορείτε να εξερευνήσετε μερικά από τα πιο φανταστικά νησιά στον κόσμο μόνο για να συνειδητοποιήσετε ότι θα ζήσετε μια αξιομνημόνευτη εμπειρία ζωής.
Τα 6,000 ηλιόλουστα νησιά της, το Ελληνικό φαγητό, το Ελληνικό καμάκι κάνουν την ατμόσφαιρα ακόμα πιο μαγική. Έτσι, δεν αποτελεί έκπληξη το γεγονός ότι έχουν δημοσιευτεί χιλιάδες άρθρα που αναφέρουν ότι το ταξίδι στην πουτανες Σαντορίνη θα είναι ένα από τα πιο εκπληκτικά μέρη στην Ελλάδα, ακόμα και στην Ευρώπη. Για αυτό είναι και τόσο διάσημη πόλη ανάμεσα στους ανθρώπους που επιλέγουν να ταξιδεύουν στον κόσμο.
Ωστόσο, θα εντυπωσιαστείτε όταν ανακαλύψετε ότι η Ελλάδα μπορεί να παρέχει πολλά περισσότερα σε εκείνους που τολμούν να την εξερευνήσουν. Ετοιμαστείτε για κάτι απόλυτα ερεθιστικό. Καλώς ορίσατε στον εντυπωσιακό κόσμο Συνοδών στην Σαντορίνη Συνοδοί! Ο κορυφαίος προορισμός για όλους τους βρώμικους επιβήτορες που σχεδιάζουν να εμπλουτίσουν τη ζωή τους με αξέχαστες εμπειρίες γεμάτες ακολασία και αχαλίνωτο πάθος. Θα μείνετε ολοκληρωτικά ικανοποιημένοι με αυτές τις κορυφαίες συνοδούς που θα δείτε στην Σαντορίνη εσκορτ.
Μόνο στην μπορείτε να επισκεφτείτε πανέμορφα πάρκα, επιβλητικά μνημεία, γραφικά κτήρια, και άλλα σημεία ενδιαφέροντος. Να αισθανθείτε τη μοναδική κουλτούρα, τα πεντανόστιμα φαγητά και γλυκά. Μην ξεχνάτε ότι η Σαντορίνη εσκορτ είναι γνωστό ότι προσφέρει στους ενήλικες όλα τα είδη διασκέδασης.
Τι θα λέγατε αν επισκεπτόσασταν όλα αυτά τα κορυφαία μέρη μαζί με μια ερεθιστική γλύκα; Θα σας κρατάει συντροφιά ενώ επισκέπτεστε τα διαφορετικά μνημεία, θα δειπνήσει μαζί σας, και θα σας ακολουθήσει στις αποκλειστικές εκδηλώσεις, σόου, πάρτυ, και σε πολλά άλλα. Θα τραβάτε την προσοχή όλων επειδή αυτές οι γκόμενες από την συνοδοι Σαντορίνη χωρίς αμφιβολία ξέρουν τι θέλουν οι άντρες. Μόνο στην Σαντορίνη Συνοδοί θα μπορείτε να κάνετε όλες τις φαντασιώσεις και τα όνειρά σας πραγματικότητα.

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Η κάθε γλύκα μας είναι κορυφαία ερμηνεύτρια όσον αφορά το σεξ και διαθέτει εξαιρετικές δεξιότητες που θα σας αφήσουν άφωνους. Κάντε περιήγηση ελεύθερα στη συλλογή φωτογραφιών μας για να χαζέψετε αυτά τα χυμώδη κορμιά με πιασίματα και τα καυλιάρικα πρόσωπα που δεν ντρέπονται να σας αποκαλύψουν τα μοντέλα μας.
Πέρα από τις κορυφαίες υπηρεσίες συνοδού κατά τη διάρκειας της ημέρας, οι σαγηνευτικές συνοδοί μας μπορούν χωρίς αμφιβολία να σας προσφέρουν εκπληκτικές υπηρεσίες συνοδού τη νύχτα, όταν είστε οι δυο σας.
Οι εντυπωσιακές καλλονές από την προέρχονται από διάφορες τοποθεσίες. Επομένως, θα είστε σε θέση να επιλέξετε μωρά όπως παθιασμένες Λατίνες, σέξι Ασιάτισσες, βιτσιόζες Αμερικάνες, ερωτικές Ευρωπαίες, καυλιάρες Αφρικάνες, και πολλές περισσότερες που ανυπομονούν να σας δείξουν τις δεξιότητές τους. Απλά πείτε μας τι ακριβώς προτιμάτε, όπως την ηλικία, τον σωματότυπο, την εθνικότητα, και εμείς θα αναλάβουμε όλα τα υπόλοιπα.
Εγγραφείτε και συμπεριλάβετε τις λεπτομέρειες σας στη φόρμα εγγραφής και θα σας δοθεί απευθείας πρόσβαση στον κατάλογο συνοδών μας που είναι γεμάτος με μωρά συνοδούς. Μπορείτε να προσαρμόσετε την αναζήτηση σας επιλέγοντας ποικίλες κατηγορίες. Νιώστε ελεύθερα και επιλέξτε ανάμεσα στην Κανονική, στη VIP, στη Διαμαντένια κατηγορία και άλλες κατηγορίες υπηρεσιών συνοδών όπως τσιμπούκια, ερωτικό μασάζ, παιχνίδια ρόλων, ερωτικά παιχνίδια, πρωκτικό, μαλακία, ποδομαλακία, ΣΔΜΧ, κατούρημα, ομαδικό σεξ, ανάλογα το μέγιστο προϋπολογισμό σας.

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