
Teens' Night of Horror


Teen’s Night of HorrorIt was a beautiful fall evening. The weather was just perfect. It was a little nippy, but it really wasn’t cold yet. The aroma of burning leaves hung in the evening air. A few clouds drifted past the full moon. Some of the younger trick or treaties were convinced they had seen a witch or two, or maybe a large bat, fly past the moon as well. Of course, the older kids sort of encouraged the younger kids to see those things in the clouds. It was the perfect night for Halloween trick or treating. It would have been perfect for Susan as well. Perfect, if she had not been drafted by her mother. Her mother had insisted she keep an eye on her younger siblings. Her mother had told the teen to escort her younger brother and sister around the neighborhood while they gathered their sugar loaded loot. The beautiful eighteen-year-old girl had protested having to be stuck her siblings. Her mother simply used the ultimate weapon. “Susan, you will go with your brother and sister this evening, or you won’t be going to the costume dance at school tonight. They will be done and back home more than early enough for you to get to the dance on time.

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  ”Susan reluctantly agreed with her mother. “Ok, Mom! I’ll take them trick or treating, but I’ll have to wear my costume too. I won’t have time to change when we get back and still get to the school on time. ”“That will be fine. You better hurry then. It’s getting dark and they’re waiting for you in the living room. They’re dressed and chomping at the bit to get going. ” “OK Mom. ” Susan yelled as she ran up the stairs to her bedroom. She looked forward to wearing her costume. It made her look sexy and a little older than her eighteen years. She was dressed as a witch when she came back down the stairs, a very sexy witch. Her tattered, loose fitting, black dress didn’t quite reach her knees. It fluttered in the breeze as she walked in her black low-heeled shoes. As the dress waved in the air, it revealed most of her shapely pair of nicely tanned legs.

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   The top of the dress was low cut and revealed a great deal of her ample cleavage. In spite of her mother’s protests and warnings, Susan enjoyed showing off the cleavage created by her full c-cup breasts. They had developed over the past couple of years, and Susan was very proud of them. From under her pointed black hat her long, silky, raven hair fell straight down her back, which was also exposed by the plunging back of her dress. It was well after dusk when Susan came down the stairs in her costume. Even her brother was impressed. “Wow, Sis! You look nice. ”“Thanks kid. Are you two ready to go?” Susan hustled the kids out into the night. She thought, ‘If my little brother likes me, then the boys at the dance ought to go nuts. ’ Their mother wasn’t worried about them being out after dark. Nothing bad ever happened around their part of town. Their neighborhood was mostly upper middle class and no one ever did anything really out of line. It wasn’t long until the kids had nearly filled their sacks with enough surgery treats to keep their dentist happy for months. The three siblings had headed home.

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   On the way home they passed by an ancient three-story house that had been abandoned for as long even the parents in the area could remember. Occasionally, someone would see a light flickering in one of the windows. The light probably came from some source in the neighborhood. Still, some swore the old mansion was haunted. No one ever dared approach it. They just scurried past as fast as they could. However, this night was different. The old house was not dark at all. In fact, it was well lit inside and out. It was even invitingly decorated for Halloween. “Come on Sis, just one more house. ” Her brother begged. ”I don’t know about this one. It’s haunted you know. ” Susan tried to frighten them out of going up to this strange house.

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   “Please!” Both kids chorused. “Well, OK. But this is the last one. Then we have to get home. ” Susan insisted. “Thanks Sis. ” The kids yelled as they tore up the walk that led to the wide front porch of the old house. The door opened before they even got a chance to knock. A tall man dressed as a warlock stood before the startled kids. In spite of being startled, they bravely yelled. “TRICK OR TREAT!” Susan walked up on the porch just as the warlock handed a very large candy bar to each of the kids. He openly ogled the teen’s shapely body. He stared at Susan’s tits long enough to make the teen uncomfortable. Then he stared deeply into her eyes. She was transfixed by his stare.

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   His eyes were so dark, they were black. Susan was unable to break the stare. Licking his lips as though tasting something delicious, he finally broke his stare. “My, my! What a beautiful young witch you are. Would you like a candy bar too?” “Uh, no, no thank you, Sir. I, I, I’m watching my weight. ” Susan stammered as she snapped back to reality and replied. The warlock reached out and gently took both of Susan’s hands in his. As he gently squeezed her hands, he stared into her eyes again. Susan was again frozen by the stare of this strange older man. He appeared to be at least thirty-five years old, maybe even forty. That was ancient to Susan. He must be at least as old as her mom and dad. His stare was stirring something strange deep within the teen. “Well then, perhaps you would like to come to a little party we’re having tonight? You can stop by any time before midnight.

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   I’m sure my other guests would love to meet and get to know you. ”Susan regained her senses again and noticed her brother and sister had left the old house’s porch. They were walking toward the sidewalk. Unsure of herself, Susan answered with a quiver in her voice. “Sir, I have a prior commitment, but I might be able to stop by later tonight, if that’s alright. ”“Please do. I would really like to show you to my guests. ” He smiled and squeezed Susan’s hands once more. He then bent at the waste and kissed her left hand before releasing the teen. He then stepped back and closed his door. Susan and her brother and sister hurriedly walked home without speaking. Immediately after getting her siblings in the house, Susan yelled to her mom. “We’re home. I’m going to the dance now. ”“OK! Have fun and don’t stay out too late.

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  ” Her mother called out from the kitchen. As the teen walked the short three blocks to school, something kept popping into her mind. Those eyes! Those black eyes! She couldn’t get the warlock’s eyes out of her mind. It was as if they were still staring at her. With every step she took the strange feeling within she had felt earlier grew stronger. Her hand was tingling where the stranger had kissed it. Susan was at the school’s doorway when she changed her mind. She decided to go to the warlock’s party instead of the dance. She turned and practically ran to the ancient house. As she stepped on the porch, the door slowly opened. She briefly hesitated at the doorway. She could see several people inside. There he was, the warlock that had invited her to the party. He turned to face her. He beckoned her to come in.

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  Susan had an urge to run away as fast as she could, but she ignored it. In her mind, the warlock spoke to her. ‘Come in my beautiful young witch. Come and join with us! We’ve been expecting you. My guests want to meet you, and I am so looking forward to having you. ’As if drawn by some unseen force, Susan stepped over the threshold. An unseen hand closed the door behind her. She entered the main room where a roaring fire was burning in the fireplace. The small group of guest already there greeted her like an old friend. The warlock greeted and introduced her. “Welcome to our group, my young witch. Tonight, you will be one of us. We don’t use formal names. We may use first names if need be. Tonight, we are as we appear.

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   You are, of course, the witch. As you can see, I am a warlock. Sort of a match, don’t you agree. That lovely creature on the couch is a vampiress. Next to her is her mate and master, the vampire. We call him Count. The figure lurking in the corner is a…. Well, we’re not really sure what he is. He says he’s a werewolf, but he has promised not to kill and eat anyone tonight. As you see you are the only witch here. We really needed you to round out our little group. ” About then the butler, who looked strangely like the character Igor from an old black and white movie, brought her a drink in a silver goblet. The drink was a dark red wine. Without thinking Susan took a big gulp. It tasted delicious to her and was surprising easy to swallow.

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   Though she was unaccustomed to the taste and affects of alcohol, Susan figured she needed a little help relaxing. After all, this was her first adult party. When her drink was gone, her host offered to show her around the old house. He told her the property and house had been in his family for nearly two hundred years. Though the furnishings were in pristine condition, the crystal and silver shone brightly, everything looked as though it had been there since the house was first built. Lighting was throughout the house was provided by lit candles in wall sconces. It all looked as it had when it was new. Except for the style, nothing appeared to have aged at all. When Susan and the warlock returned to the main room and the rest of the guests, the butler brought her another drink. This time it tasted just a little bitter. She drank it down anyway as she chatted with her new friends. She soon began to feel a little weak. She could still stand, walk, and talk, but she seemed to have lost her sense of self. She felt as though she was just an observer of her own actions. Looking to her host, she groggily spoke.


   “Sir, I feel funny. I never drink wine, and it’s seems to be going to my head. I think I should probably go home now. ”“Nonsense! The party is just getting started. What you are feeling is the effect of the potion you just drank. You will remain fully awake and aware of everything that’s happening around and to you. You will be able to speak as well. However, you will have no way of resisting my commands. Come with me, my witch. I have another room to show you. ” The warlock led the defenseless teen down into the old home’s basement. The other guests follow close behind. He directed her into that he called, “…our special induction room. ” The induction room appeared to be a small theater with walls of stone. Lit torches on the walls illuminated the room.

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   There were several chairs facing a small stage. A few guests were already seated in the room when Susan entered. On the stage was a long stone table set so the long side faced the audience. Her host referred to the table as their altar. The stone table bore many dark stains. Susan could only fearfully guess what had made the stains. In her mind, she feared she was about to add to the stains. Susan had absolutely no willful control over her body. She complied without a word of protest when the warlock told her to remove her shoes and stand before the gathered attendees. She was then escorted by the two vampires up onto the stage and led to stand next to the table. The warlock followed Susan and her escorts onto the stage and spoke to the frightened teen. “You will now become part of our group. But to do that, you must be nude. ” She gasped and a single tear rolled down her cheek as the warlock, with a single swift jerk, violently ripped her dress away from her body. Susan stood before the group of strangers clad only in her lacy black bra and matching panties.

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   Her c-cup breasts were spilling over the top of the bra as she had intended. The problem was she had intended to impress some of the boys at the school dance, not some older stranger. “Please Sir, why are you doing this? I have done nothing wrong. And why are you all costumed as if you came from an old movie?” As the group admired the nearly nude teen, her host spoke to his guests. “I was right! This little witch will make a delightful addition to our family. My witch, as I told you earlier, we are as we appear. ” The others quickly agreed. Susan’s fear grew as she heard the warlock’s command in her mind. ‘Remove your panties and bra so we can see all of you’ Even though she had never been with a boy, Susan knew what they were going to do to her. With tears flowing, the frightened teen did as she had been silently instructed. She didn’t understand the strange power the warlock had over her, but she knew she had to obey. As she dropped her bra to the floor her firm young breasts stood out proudly from her chest. Their size accentuated her slender build. Her nipples started to harden. When she pushed her panties down her legs and stepped out of them, she stood completely nude in front of this group of strangers.

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   Her black pubic bush matched the raven hair on her head. Susan begged her host to not do to her what she feared he intended doing. “Please Sir, don’t do this. I’m a good girl. I’ve never even seen a boy’s body. I don’t do this kind of thing. Please, let me go. I won’t say anything to anyone. I promise. ”‘Of course your will, but it won’t matter. Get on our altar. Put your arms over your head. Spread your legs. We want to inspect our newest member. ’Susan obeyed without delay.

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   As the warlock had instructed, she vulgarly spread herself on the table her host had called an altar. He then called the group to surround and inspect their new member. Their hands freely roamed her smooth body. She felt them fondling her breasts and pinching her nipples. Her pussy was gently fingered until her own body betrayed her. Her nipples hardened and stood proudly out from her young and firm tits. Her virgin pussy was soaking wet with her own juices. With the permission of the host, the vampires licked, sucked, and nipped at her tits and the erect nipples topping them off. The two vampires continued to ravish the teen’s tits and nipples until the mounds were aching with desire. In the mean time, the werewolf had placed his fury head between her splayed legs and was frantically lapping at her spread pussy. Her lubricating juices were flowing as freely as her tears. She could feel the creature between her legs driving his tongue as deeply into her tight pussy as he could. He was trying to lap up as much of her juices as possible. Susan was soon writhing with desire on the altar from the sexual attention she was receiving. Susan gasped in pain when she felt a sting on each breast.

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   The vampires had bitten her and left two small punctures on the inside curve of each of her tits. “Enough!” The warlock ordered, and Susan’s body was immediately left unattended. He then stepped up beside Susan and slowly removed his clothing. His chest and arms were very pale but well muscled. The teen gasped again when her tormentor lowered her pants. His cock appeared to be no more than an inch or two of shriveled meat. Then, as she stared at it, the warlock’s cock began to grow. It grew and grew until he sported a huge cock. Though she had never seen a real cock, this one rivaled any she had ever looked at on internet porn sites. It had grown to nearly nine inches long and as thick as a softball bat. Its head was an angry purple and continuously dripping precum. Susan couldn’t take her eyes off the warlock’s massive weapon, a weapon she knew he intended to use on her. “Oh please, Sir. Don’t hurt me. I really am a good girl.

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   I’ve never done anything like this. I’m a virgin. I’ll never be able to take that thing. You’ll rip me apart. Please…. ” “Silence!” The warlock demanded. Susan obeyed instantly. Her tears continued flowing down her cheeks. “My young witch, you are about to become mine. The act we are about to perform on our altar will seal you to me as my mate for all eternity. I not only intend to shove this cock into that sweet pussy of yours, but I intend to impregnate you. I can tell by the look of your body and the smell of your cunt that you ready to be fucked, and your womb is ripe for breeding. You will be soon produce a son for me. ”The warlock then stepped between Susan’s widely spread legs. He grabbed her legs behind her knees and roughly pulled her down the altar until her ass was just barely on the stone.

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   Holding one of her legs under each arm, the warlock placed his cock’s large head at the small opening to her vulnerable pussy. With little effort, the warlock pushed his cock’s head into the teen’s tight hole. Her pussy lips painfully spread to accept the invader. “Oh please Sir, it hurts! Take it out! Don’t do this to me. Please take it out. ” Susan pleaded with the warlock. With a quick but short shove, the invading cock’s head rested against the proof of Susan’s chastity. She cried out from the pain of having her pussy’s lips so suddenly pried open. Her hymen had but a few seconds left to guard her inner treasures. She cried but knew there was no stopping the warlock. He was going to steal her cherry no matter how much she begged. Tightening his grip on her legs, the warlock violently thrust forward. He buried the full length of his cock deep into Susan’s cunt. Susan’s scream echoed off the stone walls of the induction room. The pain burned into her mind and soul.

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   She had felt the searing pain the instant the warlock’s cock had wept her virginity away. A spit second later, she felt him ram into her cervix before painfully entering her vulnerable womb. Her sex had been brutally forced open by the warlock’s massive cock. Dropping her legs, the warlock painfully squeezed both of Susan’s tits. He then pulled his cock from her body. His cock was dripping with her cherry’s blood. Blood was also oozing from her devirginated cunt. The vampiress immediately fell to her knees and begged to be allowed to clean the warlock’s bloody cock. She was granted permission. Her mate was also granted permission to clean Susan’s bloody cunt. Both vampires did an enthusiastically good job of cleaning the blood from the organs offered to them. When the vampires were finished, the warlock returned to his position between Susan’s still spread legs. Holding her legs under his arms again, with little warning, he shoved his cock back into Susan’s painful pussy. As he slowly and deeply stroked in and out of her tight hole, the warlock spoke to Susan. “You are now my mate now and for eternity.

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   The bites on your tits have bound you to our group forever. ” He increased the speed and depth of his strokes until he was ramming into her cervix with each thrust. Then, just as the antique clock began striking midnight, with a loud roar, the warlock drove his massive cock’s head past her cervix and into Susan’s womb. He instantly began pumping a huge load of cum into the ripe teen’s baby chamber. As his climax subsided, the warlock almost gently patted and stroked Susan’s bare belly that lay before him. As the last of his cum dribble into her womb, he softly spoke to his new mate. “This will soon be swelling as my son grows inside you. ” Pinching her hard nipples, the warlock mocked the poor girl. “These you will only use to feed my son. No other male may touch them. You will bring him to me when I call. You will hear my call with your mind. Also, until I call, you will find other young girls for us mate with. We prefer they be virgins like you. ”“Do you understand?”Softly, Susan replied.

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   “Yes Master. ”Then, as the antique clock in the corner struck the last chime of twelve midnight, the warlock leaned forward and gently kissed his mate’s lips. Susan’s world went black. The next morning, Susan awoke in the own bed. As the fog of sleep lifted, she thought to herself. ‘Wow! What a nightmare. ’She dismissed her memories of the previous night as just another bad dream. She began to roll out of bed when reality began to sink in. “Damn, I’m sore all over. That must have been one hell of a dance. ” Then she flipped the blankets off her body. The first thing she saw were the two pairs of scabbed over marks on her tits. Her legs and abdomen were badly bruised. But most disturbing to Susan, her pussy was extremely tender and still oozing blood and cum. Susan’s scream brought her mother running into her bedroom.


   Her mother screamed too when she saw her chaste daughter’s body. “What the hell happened to you? Look at yourself. Who the hell did this to you, baby?”“I don’t know Mom. They were wearing costumes. I was drugged and raped. ”“Well get up! We’re going to the hospital. I’m calling the Police. ”Susan gingerly got out of bed and dressed. Her mother then rushed her to the nearest hospital. The lead detective from the Police Sex Crimes Unit met them at the hospital’s emergency room. Like other rape victims, Susan was treated to a very humiliating exam. She was poked and prodded in places far too tender for such treatment. The hospital staff documented with a written record her bruises inside and out. Pictures were taken of her visible injuries. Samples were taken for DNA analysis.

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   The ER staff were stumped however by the pair of small puncture wounds to each of her breasts. Shortly after the exam, the detective was given the hospital’s preliminary report that confirmed she had been raped. The detective then interviewed Susan. The only part of her story he was skeptical about was the location. No activity had been noted at that old house in many years. Only after independently interviewing Susan’s brother and sister did he ask for and get a search warrant for the old house Susan claimed to have been the scene of her rape. The police search of the abandoned house confirmed the detective’s initial opinion. Every surface in the place was heavily covered in dust and cobwebs. The fireplace appeared to have not been used in years. Even though he found the stone table Susan described, it too was far too dusty to have had any bodies, naked or otherwise, on it in the recent past. He concluded Susan’s rape must have occurred at some other location. The detective also concluded that Susan had been given a date-rape drug, taken to some unknown location, and cruelly raped by person or persons unknown. Susan had no choice but to try to put her attack behind her. She returned to school where all her friends were very supportive. Her grades continued to be good.

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   It wasn’t long before her bruises had healed and the pain in her pussy subsided. The wounds to her breasts had become nothing but tiny scars that were barely visible. All was getting back to normal in Susan’s world. Then, about a month after her attack, shortly after Thanksgiving, it all came crashing back in on the frightened girl. The teen was forced to relive her night of horror. Susan missed her period. has a endless list of cuties and escort agencies in Mykonos!

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Ωστόσο, θα εντυπωσιαστείτε όταν ανακαλύψετε ότι η Ελλάδα μπορεί να προσφέρει πολλά περισσότερα σε εκείνους που τολμούν να την εξερευνήσουν. Ετοιμαστείτε για κάτι εντελώς ερεθιστικό. Καλώς ορίσατε στον εκπληκτικό κόσμο Συνοδών στην Συνοδοί Αλεξανδρούπολη! Ο κορυφαίος προορισμός για όλους τους πρόστυχους γαμιάδες που σχεδιάζουν να γεμίσουν τη ζωή τους με εκπληκτικές εμπειρίες γεμάτες ακολασία και αχαλίνωτο πάθος. Θα μείνετε ολοκληρωτικά ικανοποιημένοι με αυτές τις κορυφαίας ποιότητας συνοδούς που θα δείτε στην Αλεξανδρούπολη Συνοδοί.
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Η κάθε γκόμενα μας είναι κορυφαία ερμηνεύτρια όσον αφορά το σεξ και διαθέτει εξαιρετικές δεξιότητες που θα σας αφήσουν άφωνους. πλοηγηθείτε ελεύθερα στη συλλογή φωτογραφιών μας για να χαζέψετε αυτά τα εντυπωσιακά κορμιά με καμπύλες και τα σαγηνευτικά πρόσωπα που δεν ντρέπονται να σας παρουσιάσουν τα μοντέλα μας.
Πέρα από τις απίστευτης ποιότητας υπηρεσίες συνοδού κατά τη διάρκειας της ημέρας, οι σέξι συνοδοί μας μπορούν σίγουρα να σας προσφέρουν εκπληκτικές υπηρεσίες συνοδού τη νύχτα, όταν είστε οι δυο σας.
Οι σαγηνευτικές κυρίες από την προέρχονται από διαφορετικές τοποθεσίες. Έτσι, θα είστε σε θέση να επιλέξετε μωρά όπως παθιασμένες Λατίνες, σέξι Ασιάτισσες, βιτσιόζες Αμερικάνες, ερωτικές Ευρωπαίες, καυλιάρες Αφρικάνες, και πολλές περισσότερες που ανυπομονούν να σας δείξουν τις δεξιότητές τους. Απλά πείτε μας τι ακριβώς προτιμάτε, όπως την ηλικία, τον σωματότυπο, την εθνικότητα, και εμείς θα αναλάβουμε όλα τα υπόλοιπα.
Γραφτείτε και συμπεριλάβετε τις πληροφορίες σας στη φόρμα εγγραφής και θα σας δοθεί απευθείας πρόσβαση στον κατάλογο συνοδών μας που είναι γεμάτος με μωρά συνοδούς. Μπορείτε να προσαρμόσετε την αναζήτηση σας επιλέγοντας διαφορετικές κατηγορίες. Νιώστε ελεύθερα και διαλέξτε ανάμεσα στην Κανονική, στη VIP, στη Διαμαντένια κατηγορία και άλλες κατηγορίες υπηρεσιών συνοδών όπως τσιμπούκια, ερωτικό μασάζ, παιχνίδια ρόλων, ερωτικά παιχνίδια, πισωκολλητό, μαλακία, ποδομαλακία, ΣΔΜΧ, κατούρημα, όργια, με βάση το μέγιστο προϋπολογισμό σας.

Αξιοπιστία Συνοδοί Αλεξανδρούπολη πορνες

Όλες οι ιδιωτικές εγγραφές τις διαχειριζόμαστε με τη μέγιστη προσοχή και ασφάλεια για να διασφαλίσουμε ότι θα διατηρηθούν απόλυτα ασφαλείς ότι και να γίνει. Οπότε, μην χάνετε άλλο χρόνο και βιώστε αξέχαστες εμπειρίες Συνοδών στην Συνοδοί Αλεξανδρούπολη ανακαλύπτοντας τις πρόστυχες καλλονές, επειδή ξεκάθαρα θα τις λατρέψετε!

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