
The Curse of Forgetting- The Dark Prince


I was lost, and I was terrified. The forest around me seemed to reach for me, clawing branches desperate to grab hold of me.   It was cool, and though my bodice was slightly heavy, I still felt the chill.   My skirts tangled around my legs as I wearily pressed onwards.   How long I'd been lost, I wasn't sure.   It seemed now like forever.   My fear was mounting with every step I took, the forboding forest seemed desperate to claim me as its own, and its intent was clearly menace.
I walked onwards, trying not to panic and run.   Hours passed, but as darkness began to close in, I discovered a road.   Well, little more than a wagon track, really, but it indicated human life, and I felt myself come close to tears with the joy of my discovery.   But as I staggered onwards down the rutted pathway, I began to despair again.   It seemed to go onwards, and onwards, and onwards without end.   And it did nothing to ease the sense of malevolent evil lurking in the woods.   Strange sounds assailed me on each side, and shadows seemed alive. . .

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   alive and bristling with hatred.
But I persevered, and kept going forward.   I knew instinctively that I was going the right way, though as night deepened, so did my fear mount, to unbearable levels.   Every sound, every movement began to make my heart race.   Though I was cold now, I sweated profusely from the fear.   I knew that the more I traveled deeper into this forest, the nearer I came to danger.   And yet my feet carried me unerringly deeper towards the darkest of nightmares.
Just when my fear reached a fever pitch, I heard the sound of horse's hooves.   A sound of humanity, a sound of hope.   But then I looked up and saw you come around the bend towards me.   The hulk of a silhoutte against the night.   A dark, lurking shade outlined against a dark and dangerous sky, you moved towards me.   The momentary joy I'd felt was replaced by trepidation and insecurity.   There was only menace and power in your stance, in the way that you were part of the darkness, not separate from it.   For a moment, the thought flickered through my mind that you were perhaps even the master of it.

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Your voice came from shadow, smooth, gossamer strands of sound that caressed my ears with a chill that had nothing to do with the cold of the night. . . "What are you doing in my forest?"
"I am lost, my Lord, I meant no trespass, I assure you," I replied.
"And yet, trespass you have. And for that, you will pay. "
"Please, forgive me, Lord, for I know not even why or how I have come to be here!" I shivered as a frisson of fear ran through me.
"It matters naught, wench, for I am the Master of this place, and you are subject now to my rules.   You will come with me, and I shall decide how you will repay me for your trespass. "  You reached down then, and I was swept astride your horse, he as black as the heart of hell itself.   Your face still unseen, we leapt forward, the great beast striding towards my destiny with fatalistic rhythm.   The only sound besides the thunder of his hooves was the thunder of my heartbeat as it roared in my ears.
Fatigue settled into me, and I felt myself repeatedly jerking awake, heart racing. The ride seemed to go on and on. .

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  . yet it was over all too soon.   Out of the darkness loomed a giant edifice.   Dark gates towered against the inky night sky, somehow managing to be darker than the darkest night I'd ever seen.   They loomed over us, like crows awaiting carrion.   My heart skipped at the comparison.   The gates opened, more terrifying for their very silence.   Nothing so huge should move without sound, and yet they did, parting with a violent grace.   As we entered, they closed, their method of closing unknown, or unseen. . . just as insidious either way.
I was unceremoniously deposited upon my feet, and your hand on my elbow steered me without delay towards the black entrance to what was unmistakably a castle.   The hallway which greeted me was dark, yet the darkness couldn't hide its opulence.   Gold and silver filagree glinted in the light thrown from guttering torches.

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   Macabre tapestries seemed to move upon the wall, their colors rich even in the barely discernable torchlight.   We walked the hall in silence. . . the rustle of the rushes that covered the floor the only sound.   It was the sound of my doom, and I knew it.   I trembled with the knowledge.   I trembled from your touch, which was burning its way through me.   I trembled in fear. . . I trembled with suppressed desires.   Desires I didn't understand.
The walk down the hallway again seemed eternal, yet it seemed simultaneously to be nothing more than a momentary reprieve.   We arrived all too soon at a chamber.

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    It was undeniably a bedchamber.   Vast, it echoed with an eerie silence as we entered it.   You gestured ahead, and I entered first.   Then I felt you come up behind me.
I felt your breath, hot on my neck.   I shivered with fear, and with delight, as your lips moved down to my shoulder.   But I did not fight you, I couldn't.   I simply stood as your hands moved against my hips, trailing up along my ribs, and even as you reached the laces of my bodice, I did not protest. For a moment, you worked against them, until frustration at being held from your prize overcame you.
"Remove these, for they confound me," you said, and without hesitation or thought, I obeyed.   Freed from their confines, my breasts delighted in your exploration of them.   My heart roared, as if jealous of my newly freed breasts, it wanted to be released from its prison, as well.   But such was not to be, and I felt your hands caress my breasts, feeling their weight, feeling the satin of my skin.   Your touch on my nipples lit a fire between my legs, which roared above the sound of my fervent heartbeat, a feat not so simple by this point.
"Your skirts must go," your voice was cool in my ear, and it jarred me instantly to motion.

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  . . the skirt slipped from my hips to pool at my feet with the bodice which had preceeded it.   With nothing more than a motion from you, my knickers joined it, and I stood naked in your presence.
"Should you not kneel in the presence of your prince?" you asked me, and I turned to you, and knelt.
"Yes, my Lord. "
"Undress me," you commanded, and I could do nothing else but obey without hesitation.  I knelt before you, my body no longer my own, my hands subject to your every whim. Within moments, you stood proud and powerful and naked before me. . . yet, even still, your face remained shrouded in shadow.  
You motioned, and I knew what to do, not even a moment was needed for thought.   I reached out to you, and ran my hand down your dick, fearful, yet I could not stop myself, and I couldn't help the incongruous joy that flickered to life in me as you allowed me to take you into my mouth.   I sucked you then, my hands and my mouth offering you a homage that only you and I understood.

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    I loved you with my lips, I worshipped you with my tongue.   I knew I'd never seen you before, and yet just as truly, I knew you, and I loved you.   And I could do nothing else but obey you.
As I felt your climax nearing from my tender, loving attention on your dick, I felt the thrill beginning, the urgent desire to taste you, to accept the very physical and definite physical proof of your desire for me.   As you erupted into my mouth, I drank of your pleasure, and mine blossomed within me, burning desire flared between my legs.
But I asked for nothing as you slipped from my mouth and stood before me.   I simply knelt before you, waiting.   I knew it was as you wished it, and I desperately wanted to please you. . . though I was terrified of you at the same time.   After what seemed eternity, I felt your touch upon my chin, you raised my face towards yours. . . and still I could not see you.

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"Lie upon the bed," was your simple instruction, and I hastened to obey.   What else could I do?  I could not resist you, and I knew in my heart that even if I could, i would not.
As I lay upon the bed, I felt your weight upon me, your hands moved over my legs, up my calves, and down my thighs.   I panted from desire and fear. . . I knew your intent, and I wanted it, I wanted you.   When I felt the heat of your breath upon my pussy, I jerked with reaction, so highly charged was my desire.   When the fire of your mouth closed over me, I moaned with unbridled lust, and when I felt your finger slip inside of me, I was undone.    I was torn between the desire your mouth created, and an urgent, overwhelming need to feel your dick buried inside me.
I heard my voice begging you, pleading with you to take me, to make me yours.   I knew that I already was, and yet I could not help begging you to prove it yet again. When at last you plunged inside me, you rode me fiercely, and I met you thrust for thrust, my desire at a fever pitch.   It overwhelmed me, and I came, and as I felt you fill me, I came again, filled as much by the erotic pleasure of knowing you had just claimed me again, as by the physical delight of feeling you throb inside me.   And deep in my heart, the ecstasy of knowing I had pleased you made my heart as truly yours as was my body already.

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As the morning was drawing nigh, and we were laying together, exhausted, and nearing sleep, you asked me a question.   Your voice was filled with the most profound longing and a tragic hope, "Do you know who I am?"
My response came from my heart, and I knew it was the right and true one. . . "You are my Master. "  And as I slipped into sleep, I felt your tears against my skin.   And yet, still, intwined as we were, I had not seen your face.
Morning came, and the bedchamber that it illumined was no longer the one of the night before.   It was, instead, fresh and bright, filled with color and life. As I looked at you, and saw your beloved face, I could but marvel, and ask, "What happened?"
You told me the story then, of the witch's curse.   When we had refused to allow her revenge upon her neighbor for a slight we knew had not been committed by the neighbor, she had set upon us a curse.   Our estate had become a place of darkness and madness.   You had been given an overwhelming lust for me, and I had been set to wander, each morning finding me lost in our wood, and my memory of you gone.   I would forever fear you until I remembered you.   But even as the curse had begun, you told me, I had made you a promise, and through the long months that followed, I had kept my promise.

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"Though I forget you, I will always obey you.   I will always be yours to command," I had said, and never once had I disobeyed you, even though I had sometimes been desperate in my fear of you.
"And last night, even though you could not possibly do so, you remembered me, and called me Master again. I love you, and nothing has changed for me from the curse. . . I want you still, with a desire that burns within me like fire. "
You gestured then, a gesture I knew well, and even as I slid down your body to take you in my mouth, I had one last thing to say. . . "Yes Master. "

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