
Becoming Rich - Part 1


We were returning to port after a week of sea.   The hurricane had changed course and actually came ashore in Mexico in an area of sparse population.   We received over 100 calls for help on this cruise, however, and some people lost their lives due to their being in the Gulf of Mexico and not watching the weather closely enough and getting caught in a force 3 hurricane.   As we approached the dock I noticed a sharp-looping Chief Petty Officer waiting for us.   As soon as we tied up he came on board and headed for the bridge.   He entered, came to attention and saluted.   I returned his salute and he said his names was Chief Petty Officer Jones.   He informed me that the base commander had sent him to bring me to his office as soon as I docked.   I turned the ship over to my executive officer and followed him to his car.   After getting in the car I asked him if he knew what this was about.   “Not a clue, sir. ”  We arrived at the CO’s office in about 5 minutes and I entered.   Captain Johnson and I have been good friends for almost 5 years.   We play golf together and go fishing together.   He normally tells me to come into his office by bellowing, “Kelly!  Get your ass in here!”  Today, I was told by his receptionist to wait.   I saw an orderly enter with a coffee service and the receptionist told me I could go in.

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    This felt strange.   I marched straight to the prescribed two paces from his desk, stopped and saluted.   “Lt. Commander Kelly reporting to the base commander as ordered, Sir!”  He returned my salute.   “Relax, John.   Have a seat. ”  He motioned for me to sit in an overstuffed easy chair next to the coffee service.   He poured us each a cup of service and took the other chair.
“John, I was visited two days ago by an attorney from Houston.   He wants to see you as soon as possible and left this letter for you. ”
I opened the letter and it said:
            I regret to inform you of the death of you great uncle, Daniel King.   As his only living relative, you will inherit his entire estate and portfolio.   Please contact this firm at your earliest convenience.   There are many legal requirements that will require your presence.
            Very sincerely yours,
            Robert Watson, esq.

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“I’m sorry for your loss, John,” my friend and commanding officer said.  
“Thank you, sir.   I didn’t know him.   I met him a few years at a family reunion for my mother’s family just before my parents were killed in the car wreck,” I replied.
“John, I know of that law firm and it’s a very prestigious firm.   They handle only the richest of clients.   They specialize in corporate law and have some of the country’s best financial advisors.   You take some time and go down to Houston and see to your uncle’s will and come on back.   However, if you are going to inherit as much as I feel, you can come back and resign your commission.   I would appreciate you doing that here if that is your decision. ”
I cleaned up and made the call to Houston.   He asked me to come down in two days and plan to spend most of the week with them.   He gave me an address where my uncle kept an apartment in the city and told me the security code for the elevator and apartment door.   He told me to check in with security at the main entrance before going to the elevator.   I drove down to Houston that afternoon and found the address.


    It looked like a commercial building, but I parked out front and went to the front door.   It was after 6 pm and the door was locked.   A speaker came to life and the voice said, “Good evening, Mr. Kelly.   We weren’t expecting you until tomorrow evening.   Please come in. ”  The door clicked and I pulled it open and entered the building where I was greeted by a security guard that looked like a US Marine except he was wearing a suit.   He identified himself as Harry and worked for a firm owned by my uncle.   “I was sorry to hear about your uncle, sir.   He was well liked by all of us.   Please carry this pager with you whenever you are in the building.   It contains a small radio that also displays your location.   You will be given a permanent device when you meet with your attorneys tomorrow.   That device is good wherever GPS can be detected. ” 
The “apartment” was the entire top floor of the building and something one would see in a movie.

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    Definitely masculine with lots of wood and leather.   The chairs were large and looked comfortable.   The wet bar in the corner would match any hotel’s bar and was solid marble.   The view out the windows was not blocked by anything.   I felt hungry and looked for the kitchen.   When I found it, I also found a note that said the cook was on duty in her apartment and if I needed her to press the red button on the wall next to the refrigerator.   Since I am limited to only bacon and eggs, I pushed the button.   In about 5 minutes a door opened into the kitchen and a rather small, very pretty Latin lady entered.   She was about 5 feet tall and weighed about 110 pounds.   She had a nice figure and her appearance was immaculate.  
“Señor Kelly, I am Ruby,” she said.   “I am sorry about your uncle.   I felt deeply about him and he always treated me well.   I am your cook and am on call 24 hours a day.   If I am not here, my replacement will be.

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    What would you like for your evening meal?”
“How about a steak.   Medium rare, and any kind of potato except mashed.   Any vegetable except hominy or peas.   Can you do that?”
“Si, señor.   It will be ready in about 15 minutes. ”
The meal was worthy of any restaurant I had been in.   She fixed baked potato with a cheese sauce and bacon bits, glazed carrots, and cream of broccoli soup.   She even had fresh baked rolls.   It was delicious.   After dinner, I sat in the office and looked through the desk.   Very orderly and told nothing about him except that he was organized.   I continued looking around and found a safe.   It was unlocked and empty.   In the closet were about 40 suits, dress shirts, ties, and as many pairs of shoes.   The suits were all tailored and fit remarkably well.

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    The shoes all appeared to be new and were my size.   I went into the bathroom and decided to take a shower.   When I stepped out, my clothes were gone and there was a robe and slippers waiting.   I put on the robe and when I went into the bedroom, Ruby was turning down the bed.   “I thought you were the cook,” I said.   “I am the cook, but I also take care of other needs for you.   I don’t clean.   Not even the pots and pans I dirty.   That is Maria’s job.   My job is to take care of you.   If you wish I will even go with you to Venezuela. ” 
“I’m not going to Venezuela. ”
“Oh, si, señor.   And to Argentina.   I went to these places with your uncle.

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    He likes my cooking and other talents so I even went with him on his ship once but he normally takes the lady and her daughters that live in the house in Venezuela. ”
“My uncle is married?  I thought he had no other relatives. ”
“No señor he is not married.   The lady and her daughters work for you, now.   She takes care of the cooking and her daughters take care of the cleaning. ”
“What did you mean when you mentioned a ship?”
“Your uncle has a ship in Venezuela.   It is a big ship with bedrooms for 10 crewmembers and sleeps 16 guests.   The master bedroom is very big and has a very big bed and two bathrooms.   There is a beautiful dining room on the main deck, and a very big TV on the deck above.   I have only been in the bridge on the top floor once, but it is very impressive with radar screens, radios, and lots of things I don’t understand.   There is a bench to sit on where you look down on the instruments and it makes into a bed.   There is a bar behind this and some tables and chairs where people can lay in the sun.   It is magnificent. ” 
She asked if I would like a nightcap before bed, and I told her I did not drink.   “I think I am just going to bed.

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    It has been a long day. ”  She reached over and started untying my robe.   “What are you doing?”  “It is okay señor.   This is what I do for your uncle. ”  I told her I could undress myself and she laughed and said her uncle was better at undressing her than himself.   With that comment, she walked over to a chair and removed her dress.   She was wearing thong panties and no bra.   When she bent over removing her panties she showed me a gorgeous ass.   Her legs were perfect.   When she turned around I saw she shaves her pubic area and her breasts were very small but absolute perfection.   Her pussy lips protruded and I became instantly aroused.   She walked over to me and pushed my robe back off my shoulders and I let it drop to the floor.   When she felt my erection she stepped back a step and looked down at me.   “Oh my!  You are so much larger than your uncle. ”  She reached over and took me in her hand and slowly guided me to the bed pushing me down on my back.

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    She leaned over and took me into her mouth and slowly worked up and down taking more of me each time until I felt her chin on my balls.   With that she proceeded to give me the best blowjob I had ever experienced.   In the position I was in there was no way to reach her.   I wanted to get my hands on her tits and that ass.   I looked down and the mirrors on the closet doors gave a perfect view of her sucking on my cock.   Her breasts were swaying with each motion and her ass was moving back and forth.   It was a beautiful sight.   I felt my orgasm building and warned her, but she just continued with the same motion until I erupted into her mouth.   When she finally drained me, she raised up and started crawling toward me straddling me.   Her breasts, though small, were sliding over my abdomen up my chest until she was positioned on all fours with her small face over mine.   I reached for her breast and with the other hand pulled her down to kiss her.   Her tongue was very active and she did know how to kiss.   I pulled her up some so I could kiss and nibble on her breasts while I took her ass cheeks in my hands.   I brought my hand between her legs from behind and started teasing her pussy lips with my fingers.   This brought a gasp from her and she raised up to give me better access to her.

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    I continued to nibble and suck on her breasts and found her clit with my fingers.   Rubbing and flipping her clit with one hand, I inserted a finger in her vagina with my other hand.   She started moving with me becoming very aroused.   Suddenly she rose up very quickly causing me to lose contact and she moved back and dropped down on my cock.   It slid into her with no effort and she pushed down while raising her body up to get my dick all the way into her.   She sat up and pushed down further onto me.   She sat still for a moment telling me that she had never had so large a penis as mine inside her.   It stretched her two ways at once and felt wonderful.   Then she started squeezing and releasing her vaginal muscles milking my dick like she was gripping me with her hand.   She did not appear to be moving at all, but she was fucking me all the same.   I could not take any more and grabbed her.   I flipped her onto her back and started stroking into her with long and slow strokes.   She was so tight and so small I felt like a dirty old man fucking a little girl, but it was wonderful.   I increased the tempo until I could not go any faster.   Her breasts were moving a small amount, but they were too small to bounce and sway.


    She screamed and grabbed me around the shoulders while throwing her legs around my waist and started pumping back at me matching me thrust to thrust.   I exploded into her with the most intense orgasm I could remember, yet I kept thrusting and pounding her pussy as hard as I could.   Finally I was completely drained of energy and I collapsed upon her.   I lay there for a couple of minutes trying to get my breath back.   I rolled off her to one side and she was looking at me with total satisfaction on her face.   She closed her eyes and appeared to be asleep.   I moved down the bed and started kissing her just above her slit.   She jumped with every touch but did not open her eyes.   I worked down until I had her clit under my tongue.   I applied pressure with my tongue to her clit and moved it around.   She twitched and jumped and moaned but still did not open her eyes.   I stretched the skin tightly over her clit and started flipping my tongue back and forth and swirling it around her clit and I could feel her orgasm building as she started moving her hips back and forth, up and down.   Her orgasm came so suddenly she jumped and sat straight up in the bed yelling, “Oh God!” 
As she cooled down, she lay back and her breathing returned to normal.   “Señor,” she said, “That was the best sexual experience I have ever had.   Your uncle was kind to me, but he never brought me to orgasm except on a couple of occasions.

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    Thank you so much. ”  She went to the master bedroom and I heard the shower.   I walked in and joined her.   We washed each other, soaped up and slid against each other rubbing and arousing.   I turned her around and reached around her washing her breasts while she pressed back against me moving her hips against me until I was, once again, hard.   I bent her over and took her from behind.   It was slow and sensual.   She hung on to the faucets and I slowly and deliberately stroked until I had a deep, calming orgasm.   This brought her to orgasm again, also, but it was also a light calming orgasm.   We again cleaned each other and stepped out of the shower.   We dried each other and while she was drying her hair I got in bed.   She joined me shortly and snuggled up to me.   I slept the sleep of the innocent.   No dreams and awakened fully relaxed.   Ruby was not in the bed but I could hear water running in the bath.

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    I sneaked into the bathroom and saw her bending over the tub wearing that same wrap-around light gray dress.   I crept up behind her and reached around her grasping her breasts while pulling her back into my erection.  
I knew I had made a mistake as soon as I felt the full breasts in my hands. She yelped and I staggered back as she turned.   It was not Ruby!  She looked at me and started laughing.   “You thought I was Ruby, didn’t you?” she asked.   “Señor Kelly, I am Maria. ”  She deliberately looked down at my crotch.   “Ruby said you were larger than your uncle. ”  Suddenly I realized I was naked and grabbed a towel to cover myself.   “Where is Ruby?” I asked.   “This is her day off.   I take care of you when Ruby is not here.   She should have told you. ”  I told her she did mention it, but I wasn’t prepared for what that meant.


    She told me that this would be a busy day for me and she had laid out my dark blue suit, a while shirt and a red tie.   She placed my underwear, socks, and black shoes next to the valet in the corner.  
“Maria, where did all these clothes come from?  Was my uncle and I about the same size?”
“No señor, you are taller and thinner than your uncle.   He had these clothes made for you about a month ago.   When he died, his clothes were sent to a charity and your clothes were hung here waiting for your arrival. ”
“How did he know my size?’
“I do not know.   He had a way of finding out anything he wanted. ”
She dropped her dress and said, “Now let’s get into the tub. ”  She was naked, also shaved, but had full breasts, about a 32B, small waist, and also looked about 18 years, as did Ruby.   She took my towel, hung it on a ring and stepped into the tub holding my hand.   I followed her and we sat facing each other as she turned a knob that started a spa massaging us with the water.   She was beautiful sitting there with the bubbles breaking around her breasts.   Her nipples were large and protruding.   She reached under the water and pulled up one of my feet and began giving me a pedicure.   When she finished the one foot she pulled up the other and continued the pedicure, except this time she was moving her foot back and forth against the inside of my thighs finally moving against my manhood.

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    She finished the pedicure and said she needed to do my fingernails as she moved closer bringing her legs apart and sliding closer to me with her legs around my waist.   She worked on my nails holding them against her breasts.   I slid down the tub a bit and could feel my cock against her as she was starting my other hand.   Since I had a free hand, I started rubbing her breast and massaging it.   She didn’t miss a beat giving me the manicure, but when she finished, she tossed the equipment into the corner and slid toward me impaling herself upon my dick.   She grabbed me by the arms and slid on the bottom of the tub forward and backward fucking me in a way I had never imagined.   The pressure of the water between us and the pressure from the spa was wonderful.   The sight of her breasts riding on the water as she moved back and forth was spectacular.   She pulled herself hard upon me and started humping with a passion as she came.   Her breasts were in my face so I helped myself as I also came.   We sat there for a minute and she rose stepping out of the tub.   “Come on out or you will be late for your appointment with the lawyer,” she said.   I got out of the tub and she helped dry me.   As I dressed, she dried herself giving me some wonderful views and she slipped into some panties and wrapped the dress around herself.   She slipped on her shoes and stepped over to me untying the knot in my tie.

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    “Here, let me do that,” she said while tying a perfect four-in-hand knot.
Just then the doorbell rang.   “They’re ready,” she said.   I went to the door and two men in suits were there.   “Mr. Kelly, I’m William and this is Robert,” the first man said.   They looked like recruiting posters for the US Special Forces, except they were in suits.   I could see a bulge under the left arm of one of them.   “Okay, William.   But just who are you?”  “We are always near, sir.   We have the room across from your entrance and monitor the stairs, elevators, and hallway outside your suite.   We will escort you wherever you go. ”  “Who do  you work for?”, I asked.   “You, sir.   You own one of the best security services in the world and are under contract to them to furnish bodyguard services for special people.

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    You are the best contract.   Best living conditioning, and best food, also. ” 
Bodyguards.   What next?  We went to the elevator and Robert entered a code opening the door.   Down to the limo and over to the lawyer’s office, I suppose, but instead we went to another building and up to a suite that you would see only in a movie.   “Where is the lawyer’s office?”  I asked.   Robert smiled.   “Sir, your lawyers come to YOU.   They do not summon you. ”  He looked at William and said, “I’m going to love working for this guy.   He doesn’t know how to be rich, yet. ”
A middle-aged blond woman entered through a door I didn’t even see with a coffee service with bagels, cream cheese, and butter.   “Mr. Kelly, I am Angie.   If you need anything just press the white button on your phone and I will help you.

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  ”  With that she left.   When she shut the door, I had difficulty seeing it due to the perfect workmanship of the wood grain in the paneling.   “Well guys, want some coffee and bagels?”  William said, “Sir, we are the hired help.   The coffee and bagels are for you and the lawyers coming. ”
“Bullshit!  If you are going to put yourself between me and any perceived threat, you you can damn well share my coffee and bagels. ”  With that I pushed the white button and told Angie to bring two more cups and another pot of coffee.   “Okay.   Now fill me in.   You are either military or ex-military.   Unless I miss my guess, special ops, or something similar.   I have worked with your type before and if you know what to look for, it’s apparent. ”  William explained he had been a Marine in recon and Robert had been a SEAL.   “What made you leave to come here?” I asked.   “Sir, the kind of action we have seen lately gave us all the excitement we needed for a bit, and the kind of money your uncle pays – paid – us was just too good to refuse. ”  Angie came in with the cups and pot of coffee.

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    I offered her a cup and she smiled saying she had some coffee at her desk, and the gentlemen were here.   William and Robert started to leave, but I told them to take their coffee and they could sit at the table in the corner.   They took their coffee to the table, but when the lawyers entered, they never took their eyes off them.
The lawyers began.   “Mr. Kelly, before we begin, I need the pager you have.   This is the one you are to carry with you at all times.   Eventually this will be explained to you by others.   You are the sole beneficiary for your uncle’s businesses and estates.   Our firm handles all the legal matters in the United States, and also act as financial advisers for all funds that move within the US and it’s territories.   When you go to Venezuela, you will be met by Señor Ortega who is your main corporate lawyer for the Latin American and South American countries.   Most of your finances are handled through Venezuela for tax purposes. ”
“Just how much am I worth?” I asked.   “We don’t know.   You have assets in Switzerland, throughout South America, and even in Russia.

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    Mr. Ortega will have all the figures.   Here in the USA your wealth about 3 billion. ”   “THREE BILLION DOLLARS?”  “Yes sir.   There are some papers for you to sign, and I assure you everything is in order.   We have been your uncle’s lawyers for almost 40 years and he trusted us completely.   I hope you will, also. ”  Three billion dollars,” I thought.   “Fuck the Coast Guard.   I am going to retire. ”
We spent the next 6 hours signing papers and having Angie notarize them.   When we got to the assets here in the US he told me I had a large estate just north of Galveston with a deep water dock.   I owned three buildings in Houston and another in Galveston.   There were living quarters in all these buildings.   “Tell me about the ship,” I remarked.

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    “The ship is 55 feet long, steel manufactured – not fiberglass, three decks with a bridge deck.   There is a crane on the foredeck equipped to pick up your Land Rover and place it on the deck where it is chained down and a waterproof garage bolted around it. ”  They said Uncle Dan only used it once and said he would just rent a car wherever he went.   The ship could be handled by two people but best if there are three.   It has only one diesel engine and the steering was magnetically connected so the prop could be rotated 360 degrees.   With the bow thruster, the ship could move sideways.   The engine and steering was manufactured in Galveston.   The ship was about 5 years old and had the latest electronics, two radar units (one for distance and one for close) satellite communications and weather reports.   It is literally state of the art.  
I am to meet with Mr. Ortega in 10 days and did I want him to come here, or go to Venezuela?  I told them I would go there, but first I had to resign my commission and get released from the Coast Guard.   I would call them to set up the meeting with Mr. Ortega.   They left and William and Robert came over.   “How did I do?”  “Pretty good, boss.


    The lawyers wanted to take control of the meeting, but you kept control and told them YOU would set the meeting with Ortega.   You’re going to do okay. ”  I asked them if their passports were in order and they were.   “Okay.   I’ve got to go to the base and get some paperwork done and find me a couple of guys for my crew.   I’m sure there is already a crew for the ship, but I want my own guys. ”  When we left the building, they turned away from the direction I expected to go.   Robert explained they were heading for the airport to take me back to the base.   We pulled up to a hanger and Robert pushed a garage door opener and the hanger doors opened revealing two airplanes and a helicopter.    “Let’s take the helicopter, boss.   It’s makes a better impression. ”  We got into the helicopter and took off.   Both Robert and William were multi-engine, jet, commercial rated.   Both could fly the helicopter and also had water landing aircraft endorsement.   As we approached the base, Robert called for clearance to land at the base.

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    When he was told landing here was denied, he gave some kind of code to the control tower and they immediately gave clearance to land.   William laughed and called him a name dropper.   We landed at the heliport and a limo was waiting to take us to base operations.   We were met by a full captain I did not know.   
“Sir, I am Lt. Commander John Kelly stationed here and I am here to resign my commission. ”  The captain returned my salute and said he knew who and why I was here, then stepped around me.   “Good to see you again, Snake,” he said as he shook Robert’s hand.   “Thank you sir.   A little different from the last time we were together. ”  “No shit, Snake.   That was some shit storm we were in.   Lucky we got out in one piece. ”   “I take it you got my wire we were coming and the circumstances behind all the secrecy. ”  “Yes we did.

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    John’s separation papers are completed and awaiting his signature.   Come with me, gentlemen. ”  We went into an office where two men in suits were waiting.   “Commander, this is special agent Smith and special agent Jones.   Not their real names, of course.   They need to fill you in of a couple of things that you need to know and agree to. ”  Agent Smith began.   “William and Robert are part of our team, and your uncle had many of our people on his payroll.   He allowed them to work in various parts of his vast organization and they pass us information we want.   Your ship is actually part of the Naval Reserve fleet, but no one outside this room knows it.   It contains equipment that our men know how to use and the equipment is kept in some of the crew’s quarters.   There will always be two of our men with you wherever you go.   They are always armed and are experts in hand-to-hand combat.   If you agree to continue with your uncle’s work your country would be grateful. ” 
“Sir, I would do anything for my country, and this is no exception.


    Robert and William can fill me in as needed.   However, I also came here to find two crewmen for the ship.   I had in mind CPO Calvin Lewis, who is due to retire soon, as chief of the boat, and also to find a good diesel mechanic who also knows electronics. ”
The captain, whose name I never heard replied, “If Chief Lewis agrees, he is yours.   Officially he will be retired, but unofficially, he will be called up into the regular Navy as long as he is with you.   You will pay him his wages, and his Navy wages will go into his retirement account.   The same as for Jonesy. ”  Jonesy?  Who the hell is Jonesy?
Chief Lewis reported to the office and smiled when he saw me, but looked smug when he saw everyone else.   “Chief, I have become immensely wealthy.   I have resigned my commission and have a ship.   I would like you to run it for me as my executive officer.   You will be paid the same rate as a full Commander in the Navy.   You will have free room and board and full retirement after 20 years.   I also need someone who is a magician with diesel engines and knowledgeable with electronics.   He gets the same deal except he will be paid the rate of Lt.

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   Commander.   Know anybody that can do that and willing to come to work for me?”  “Yes sir.   Jonesy. ”  When I looked surprised, he told me that he and Jonesy (CPO Nathan Jones) had already been briefed by the Captain and they accept the generous officer.   “When can you be ready to go to Venezuela?” I asked.   He said they would be ready to go tomorrow morning since they were already packed.  
Thus ends part one of “Becoming Rich”  Part two starts in Venezuela. .
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Once you manage to aknoledge all these key information in what dating a lady from Mallorca Anal Escort means, you will notice that the results will be great. That's because the dolls are mind-blowing and highly classy. You can either see a model from Agency Escorts to come with you to an important business meeting, or you can simply ask her out with you during your holiday. They will always know how to act in order to make you happy, and the better you treat them, the bigger the reward will be.
Spanish girls from Mallorca Escort Girl are rated as some of the finest in the whole land. You can see them as you wish, they are all prepared for only one thing, to grant the hottest sexy times to generous guys. If you consider you can resist them, why not meet them all. After all, they are insanely hot and more than experienced. Enough to please any type of man.
This site is specially designed in providing the finest list of Couples Escort, a large one where you can visit and browse as you wish. Either you like them tall, thin, curvy, with massive breasts, or of other nationalities, you are free to mix the filters as you wish. In the end, after everything will be in place, the outcome will provide you plenty of Mallorca Escort Service to choose from. Date them, satisfy them and enjoy the hottest intimacy. It's that easy, and no matter your purpose in Spain, the hotties from Mallorca Escorts will always stay in your mind.

OK Shanghai Escort is one of the most well-known escort services in China because it provides the highest possible level of quality, service, and assortment in its offerings. OK Shanghai Escort has a large pool of females to choose from, and they come from all over the globe, so they are bound to have the right one for you. OK Shanghai Escort can provide you with a young, diminutive Asian beauty or an older, curvaceous European bombshell, depending on what you're looking for in a companion.
OK Shanghai Escort only employs females who have extensive experience, a high level of expertise, and a professional demeanor. They are skilled in the art of making the time you spend with them unforgettable. Because there is such a wide variety of services to choose from, you should have no trouble finding something that meets all of your requirements. From intimate supper outings to sensuous massages, there is something for everyone here.
The name company OK. Shanghai Escort is widely lauded for the quality of its customer support. They are always available to assist you in locating the lady who is best suited to meet your requirements and ensure that your time with us is as pleasurable as it can possibly be. You won't have any trouble finding the lady of your desires thanks to how simple the website is to use and traverse.
The females that work at OK Shanghai Escort are absolutely stunning and very seductive. They know how to put their best foot forward in terms of appearance and will do everything in their power to give you an experience you will never forget. These ladies know how to make any night memorable, whether you're planning a crazy night out or a quiet evening in with your significant other.
OK Shanghai Escort is the best option for the evening if you want to have a good time and be kept on the edge of your seat. You can rest assured that this will be an experience you will never forget, as we offer the best possible assortment of females and the greatest possible standard of service. Then why not give OK Shanghai Escort a call and let them help you plan the most memorable experience of your life? is a highly regarded escort website that offers first-rate luxury companionship services to customers in Shanghai. Companionship and entertainment can be had from a diverse range of stunning and cultured women thanks to the establishment's offerings in this regard. The website offers a comprehensive catalog of escort services, ranging from dinner meetings to private gatherings, and it is very simple to traverse.
The escort females that work for are carefully selected for their attractiveness, charisma, and refined nature. Every single one of them is a skilled expert with a genuine interest in creating life-changing moments for their customers. On, you can locate the ideal companion for any occasion, whether you are searching for a companion for a romantic supper, a night on the town, or a more personal experience.
The fact that the website provides users with a number of different payment methods also makes it simple to make a reservation for an escort service. Your private and safety will be preserved, as well as your financial transactions' discretion and security. You can rest assured that your time spent using will be nothing short of remarkable because the website features both helpful customer service and assistance.
In general, is the best location to locate an escort for any event that you might be attending. The website provides access to a diverse pool of stunning, cultured, and seasoned women who are available for anything from dinner meetings to private gatherings. The website ensures the privacy and safety of all transactions, and it also has friendly and helpful customer service and support staff. is the best option for you to go with if you want to have an experience that you won't forget.