
Being Mastered


Topic: Being Mastered. . . . . A RewriteBeing Mastered
By Suzan
I have a Master and yes, I am owned. I’m not a slave, but a submissive. Happy with my Master, I live under his roof, his tutelage, his caring and protection, and basically, under his thumb. He is not radically mean to me, nor does he beat me severely when I do wrong against his wishes. He is very patient, but he can and will come down on me spitefully if I err badly. I seldom err as just the act of doing wrong is punishment enough to me. I know when I do wrong and I psychologically flog myself sometimes before Master even notices my wrong. And seldom do I feel his wrath. But, it is always there pending and I know it. So thus, I am a good sub.
Also, I am a mute.

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   I cannot talk aloud. I can whisper, and make strange noises due to a recent operation on my throat. Master knows this. I know this. I try my very best to talk with my hands, my eyes, my facial expressions. I say yes with an ss sound. No, with a long ssss sound. My only audible verbage. The part of this that hurts me the most is when I am in the throes of an orgasm. I used to be very verbal and loud when I climaxed. I miss being able to scream out my pleasure and my excitement.
Now to my story.
Many years ago while traveling, I drove through a rainbow that ended right on the highway that I was driving on. It was like driving through a dense shadow. It was very eerie.

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   Several times since, I have had this feeling of being within a similar shadow, at times when it was unlikely there were any shadows. Its something a person is aware of for seconds and soon forgotten after.
At this very moment, I feel that I am in another shadow, or possibly being controlled by some sort of shadow. I can barely see light, but I can’t quite focus clearly on anything. I feel a soft tightness around my head and covering my eyes. I can’t move my arms or my legs. I try, but they are constrained somehow. Not all that uncomfortably, but I am unable to move. I woke up this way not long moments ago and have been wondering if I am like a fly in a spider’s web.
My evening started with me chatting with friends on the web. Three different times, my monitor went dim and the overhead light dimmed, but it went back as it was, so I didn’t think of it again. . . . .

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  . . . . . . . then at least. I enjoyed visiting with many chat friends and soon I was tired and decided to hit the hot tub and then go to bed. The hot tub was soothing to my tired muscles and the hum of the motor and bubbles from the jets soon took my aches and cares away. While half dozing in the hot tub, I felt rather than heard something amiss. I can’t put my finger on what it was, but I just felt something different.
I dressed for bed and crawled snugly under the covers. Master is away for a few days so I have the whole bed to myself. After getting warm, I roll on my back and look up at the ceiling and think of my life.

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   My wins, my losses, my good times and bad, everything in general. But, alone without the warmth of my Master’s body, I shiver slightly. I need my Master. This is the first time I have been alone since he has accepted me. We usually have sex before we go to sleep, sometimes even before we go to bed. Sometimes habits are hard to break. I find myself caressing my breasts and thinking naughty thoughts. Thinking how wonderful it would be if my Master were here letting me tend to his needs, which in essence satisfies my own.
With thoughts of Master’s hands touching me, I caress myself, tweak my nipples as he would. A moan of pleasure escapes my lips as my hands roam down across my flat stomach to my mound. It is warm, and soft and I can feel the dew starting to form just inside my pussy as it does when Master is near. With one finger on my puffy lips, I emit another louder moan as the feeling is nearly too much for me to bear. I press my finger to myself and it rubs on my protruding clit as the tip slips easily inside my tender folds. I move my finger up and down, never straying far from the bud that makes life worthwhile. My finger is very wet now and I gently push it inside myself a little.

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   I feel the soft and sensitive inner lips open like a flower to my penetrating digit. My hips rise uncontrollably against my hand. My hand pushes harder against my opening, my Master’s opening. He does it so much better than I can.
Another finger joins the first and the noises they make incite sensual aphrodisiacal thoughts to my ears and my senses. I bring my wetness to my aching clit with my fingertips and circle it and prod at it and push it from side to side. Again my fingers dip into my pussy and push deep. I feel the moistness flow freely now and again press at my clit. My other hand squeezes one breast and pinches the diamond hard nipple. The sensuous noises get louder as my fingers move faster, each wet finger sliding alongside my clit eliciting sparks inside my aching, wanting body. My body is tense and the only thing supporting it is my heels and the back of my head as I urge myself into my orgasm. From somewhere a loud wailing shriek is heard and then another that turns into a long mewling eerie moan that lasts for long seconds. My pussy convulses and spasms on my fingers and my fluids flow freely over my hand and onto the sheet. My body crashes back down into my discharged wetness of the bed. I listen intently to hear where the yells have come from and then smile to myself.

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   I almost laugh out loud when it dawns on me that it was I that was making such a commotion. Calmed and sated now, I rise and get a couple towels and lay over my wet spots and crawl back in bed and lay again, looking at the ceiling, thinking, and finally nodding off.
Am I dreaming? Why can’t I move? I wonder to myself. I feel a presence approaching and I hold my breath and hold very still. My body trembles and someone is whispering at my ear……"Don’t try to move, don’t say anything". Then nothing but dead silence. My Master is home unexpectedly. I worry and fret that I have not done all my duties thinking that he would be gone longer. I wrack my brain to try to remember all that I was bid to do and if I had done them or not. My breath quickens and my body fidgets unknowingly. My mind wanders. I dare not disobey him.
I feel heat against my face. . .

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  . . not burning, but a different warmth. I hold very still as Master has ordered, but my eyes see his naked outline, close. He whispers, "Open your mouth my slut".
I do as I am bid and immediately feel his cock slide across my lips. . My tongue snakes out to taste him. I am rewarded with his lovely taste. I know it well, I desire it more than life. My world has come to life as a new flower reaches toward the sun in the spring. My Master is home. My Master loves me. The world is right.
Slowly Master's cock slides back and forth over my open lips.

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   Then my tongue feels the ridge of the sensitive head right over my mouth. I hear a whisper, "Suck me my slut". Now my spring flower really blooms. My lips suck at the wonderfully big head laying on my lips. My toungue licks between my lips. I feel Master leaning over me, guiding his cock straighter into my mouth. Master presses just the big head in my mouth and I suckle. And I suckle dilligently. And I suckle lovingly. I suckle as if it is the last morsel of its kind in the world. My tongue dances around the ridge, into the hole, round and round as my cheeks hollow with suction.
I hear Master sigh and moan in delight at my prowess. Master is now moving slightly up and down fucking my sucking mouth with short strokes. My pussy is wet. My nipples are hard and ache to be abused somehow.

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   It is always this way when I please Master. It is like this sometimes when I even have thoughts of Master. It is a fact of life, that it is like this more than less throughout each day since Master has taken me for his own.
I feel the warmth and touch of his hand at my breast. Gentle caressing, finger tracing the taut areola, tenderly tweaking the nipple. Now my sighs and moans are heard over my slurping mouth as I continue to please Master. Master has a Midas touch with my body. He knows each note of my body. Each string and how taut each has to be to play beautiful music. Each note of my scale and he plays such wonderful and powerful music with my body.
His hand leaves my breast to slowly trail his gentle fingertips down over my flat tummy. Tracing around my navel. My eyes smile as I know well what is next. I lie still as ordered as Masters fingertip slips into my small navel and touches the one nerve that goes from there to my very being. He very gently scratches the tiny knot inside that sends tremors through my whole body.

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   My mind reels with passion and unadulterated lust as he orchestrates my sexual being.
His wonderful cock is slowly fucking my mouth. Playing one perfect melody through my tight sucking lips, and one even better tune with his caressing fingers.
His hand leaves my navel and travels lower, agonizingly slowly to my pulsing mound. As Master presses his fingers down over the top of my slit, his cock enters my throat. My lips are stretched as tight as violin strings from his perfect girth. Master knows my limits perfectly. He knows me, what I want, what I feel at any moment, what I can and cannot handle and he uses me accordingly. His fingertip slides down in the wet groove of my pussy as he presses deeper into my throat. I feel his fingers open my nether lips. Around his finger I feel the coolness my hot wetness makes as it is exposed to the air. I cannot help but to push my hips up against his hand. No, ohhhh no, I moved. I have disobeyed and his hand withdrawa and his cock is pulled rudely from my mouth. I am very suddenly completely empty of physical feeling.


   But my mind, my inner feelings are afire with fear and repulsion of myself. Not fear of pain, but fear of not feeling Master happy. Tears spill from my eyes but I dare not wipe them away. I dare not move as Master has bid me.
He turns and walks away towards his study leaving me cringing in absence of his touch, his wonderful, magical touch. My body is wracked with sorrowful sobs. I know I deserve this. I know I have done wrong. I flog my own mind and cuss at myself quietly. I have caused my own pain. I am not his slut at this moment. I am not his loving whore as I want to be. I am absolutely nothing. . .

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  . . . to me or to him I fear. I lay crying for what seems days, but in reality, has only been short minutes.
Master walks to me, looks down at me sternly. My eyes apologize for all they are worth through the tears. He reaches for a tissue on the nightstand and tenderly wipes my tears away and the ones that have slid down to the sides of my face. He smiles slightly and I see warning in his look even though he is smiling.
Master stands. I see his cock has softened and I cannot help another rash of tears knowing I have disappointed him. Again he wipes my eyes as I lay dead still. My eyes pleading for forgiveness.
He nearly roars, fire coming from his eyes, "You are my whore Suzan. My slut.

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   You will do as I bid. Perfectly and every time. Do you understand Suzan"?
I start to open my mouth to answer and he slightly turns his head and gives me a strong look. My eyes tell him "Yes Master" as best as they can.
"Good, enough said then Suzan", he whispers strongly. Then he smiles. I smile. The world is right again.
He looks through my eyes, into my very soul and whispers, "Now again, my whore. . . . . . do not move".

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I lay as still as I can. Almost afraid to breathe as to break the spell.
Master rolls me on my back. He looks up and down my bared body. I watch his eyes. They smile when they pass my breasts and brighten even lighter when he looks at my bare pussy lips. He puts a hand on each of my knees and gently spreads me. He puts each hand behind my knees and raises my wide spread legs. His smile tourn to excitement. . . . . then lust, as his soft hands slide from behind my knees, down my thighs until his hands are on each side of my pouty slit. His thumbs tenderly caress the lips and he gently opens me to his bidding.

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I want so bad to buck up and feel his fingers penetrate me. . . . . . drive into me. . . . . sate me. . . .

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  but. . . . I know better than to move. I shiver with excitement as his thumbs rub my wet inner lips. . . . . then touch my clitoris. It is all I can do to not shudder with excitement, but I do not want to disappoint Master again. I cringe inside, afraid my excitement will give me away. That I will jump or even move slightly. I accept the wonderful punishment he is meting out because of my disobedience before.

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   I bite my lip to stem some feeling below. He is so wonderfully methodic in his ministrations.
Without moving more than closing my eyes in pleasure and heaving a sigh. . . . . I climax. A big climax. . . . . . .

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  . . . I scream quietly inside myself from the incredible pleasure he is evoking in me.
"Suzan. . . . . . . . . . feel my cock", he whispered.

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My right hand reached out and grasped his now hard cock. "Do you like that Suzan" he said smiling. I answered only with my eyes. No movement, no noise. . . . . . . . . . . except for my hand stroking Master's beautiful cock.

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  . My eyes screamed. . . . . . "Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh yes Master Sir: His eyes radiated happiness and love at my silent outburst.
He reached down and took my hand off his cock and lay it on my left breast, looked into my eyes and nodded slightly. I have learned Master through love and caring and some trial and error. He has been very patient and appreciative of me and my ways. I knew what he wanted. I started caressing my breast. . .

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  . . circling the tightening areola. . . . . . aching to squeeze my taut nipple. . . . . but I know better. As I continued, Master knee walked close to my face and lay his cock across my lip.


   As a normal reaction, my lips opened and my tongue licked at him. Master looked at me and just slightly turned his head as if to say "No". I just lay there with my lips parted and my tongue half sticking out as he sawed his heavenly cock back and forth over my mouth. His finger had never left my wanton cunt and I was nearing another climax. He pulled back from me and straddled my arm and rubbed his now wet cock across my straining nipple. Each time his big crown would catch on it, I nearly died from pleasure. I squeezed my breast and held my hard nipple up for him to do his will. Master knows how I am pleased in so many small ways. He pulled back and squeezed a drop of pre cum right onto my aching nipple and imperceptively nodded again to me. My fingers closed over my slick he said. . . . . .

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  . . "Cum for me, my slut". . . . . . . . . OMG. . . .

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  . . . yessssssssaaaa . . . . . my body trembles in another shuddering orgasm. My body just took over. . . . . .

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  . . he knew it would happen and smiled silently. . . . . . my body literally danced on the floor with incredible spasms of pleasure and heat throughout my body. Each time I pinched and twisted my nipple, another eruption would take place. . . . . .

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  . . . . . . . . . my mouth wide in silence. . . . . .

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  . my eyes tightly shut. . . . . the cords in my neck taut. . . . . my body arching. . . .

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  . my butt bouncing like a rubber ball.
Not feeling anything but pleasure. . . . . I noticed not when he crawled around and in between my legs until I felt the blunt head of his heavenly cock press into my wetness. It penetrated slightly as my body continued to jerk and shudder. My eyes flew open to his brilliant smile. My eyes pleaded. . . . "Yes", plainly enough for him to see.

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   He lunged forward stabbing half his precious cock into my wet and wanton hole and then he was still. I worked my inner muscles on his cock. . . . . sucking. . . . . milking. . . .

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  . . . trying to pull him into me more. I looked into his eyes. . . . . . . he looked back into mine. . . .

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  . . . I saw a minute change in his face. . . . . . felt it in his demeanor. . . . . .

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  it went from play to serious in a minute part of one second. I watched his eyes close slightly as he grabbed my hips and pulled me down on his shaft. Not so gently, but perfectly angled and hard. My neck arched in slight discomfort as his cock was thrust against my cervix. He held me there. . . . . . . gorged with his fullness. . . .


  . . almost aching for more, but. . . . . . no room left. His hands tightened on my hips and he gently pressed harder. . . . . .

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  I couldn't help it. . . . . . . . another climax ripped through my whole being as he pressed tightly to bottom of my cunt. . . . . . spasm after spasm after spasm racked my body as he held me fully on his shaft.

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  . . . . . . I was like a rag doll. . . . . . at this instant I would die if Master wished me to. . .

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  . I would steal. . . . pillage. . . . . . rape. . . .

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  . . . . . . . . . . . anything. He knew where I was. . .

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  . . . he knew what he was doing to me.
I mouthed the words, "Feed me Master. . . . . . baby needs feed Sir". He complied and pressed even harder against my giving uterus. I felt more than I have ever felt. . .

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  . deeper inside me. His hands tightened almost painfully on my hips as his own hips jerked forward one more time. His cock penetrated into a tightness never before felt by him. . . . . . . . . . . .

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  . . . . . . . . . . or me. . . . .

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  . head back, eyes closed he held me so tight as he roared from way deep in his body. . . . . . . his cock swollen with blood. . . . . . with lust.

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  . . . . . with need. . . . . . . . . .

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  . . . . . . finally after long pleasurable seconds, Master's cock swelled to even larger dimensions and erupted into my very soul. . . . . . I could feel hot fiery cum shoot up inside me strongly. . .


  . . . it surged to untouched places. . . . . . again and again and again it pumped inside me, filling my uterus, filling my need, filling my life.
Master held on for a long time, held deep inside me for a long time, draining himself completely before sitting back on his haunches. He sagged from exertion, from expending his powerful seed into his personal whore. Sated, breathing regularly now, he looks up ay my supine nakedness. . .

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  . . . . past my drooling pussy. . . . . . to my smiling face. . . . .

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  . . . . he tiredly smiles. . . . . . . . "Soozan. . .

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  . . . . . you are good for me", he barely audibly whispers. My smile widens as his caring words. . . . . . . he sees my happiness and holds his hands out to mine. I raise my tired arms to grasp his hands.

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   I feel the love flowing from them into mine. He pulls me up and clasps me tightly to him. My hands are caught between us at his crotch. I feel the slickness of our mating on his now soft cock. I lovingly stroke him. We are nose to nose taking in each others eyes, sparks still burn inside. . . . . embers of feelings. . . . .

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  adoration. . . . . of love.
Master lies back, legs spread, his soft wet cock lying on his upper thigh. . . . . . . knowing me. .

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  . . . knowing I am not complete yet. . . . . . he offers what I crave. . . . . .

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  . his used cock. . . . . . . wet with our love juices. I lie perpindicular to him, head on his thigh, looking up at his smiling face. I take his cock in my tiny hands and pull it towards my face. I rub the wet, still leaking, head across my lips. . . .

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  . . . I cum. . . . . I can't help it at all . . . . . . .

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  . . . . . . . . I cum hard and spasm as his cock is swept into my mouth. . . . . . sucking as if a hungry baby.

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  . . . . wanting all. . . . . wanting more. . . . . .


  wanting Master. As I suckle tenderly, Master's smile fades into slackness. His breath calms to normal. His eyes close in sated slumber. . . . . . . . as mine do. . . .

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  my mouth penetrated with Master's power over me. . . . with his magnificant cock. . . . . . . I love you Master Sir. . . .

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  . . I really, truly do Sir. . . . . . . . . . . . .

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  . . . . . . . . I hope this pleases you Sir. . . . you are my life Sir. . .

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  . . my night and day Sir. . . . . . . my dream Sir. . . . . .

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  . am yours more every second Sir.
ss. . . . . . ss. . . . . . ss.

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  . . . . . Suzan
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Try an escort from to have a fun and exciting time. Our women are beautiful, skilled, and know how to make sure you have a memorable time. Because we care about your safety and privacy, you can be sure that your time with us will be enjoyable and memorable. Book your escort from today and find out what all the fuss is about. is a fun escort website that gives clients a wide range of services. It has a large number of beautiful escort girls who offer everything from close company to more exciting activities. The site is simple to use and provides a safe and secure way to book. only shows girls who are experienced, professional, and private. They know how important privacy is and will always protect the privacy of their clients. The girls are also very enthusiastic and love giving people a unique and memorable experience. No matter if you want a sweet dinner date or a wild night out, these girls will make it a night to remember.
The girls on give many different kinds of services. These girls can give you anything you want, from a private massage to a wild night out on the town. They also offer a wide range of other services, such as role-playing, BDSM, and fantasy play. No matter what your wildest dreams are, these girls can make them happen.
When you choose, you can be sure that your experience will be safe, private, and fun. All of the girls are carefully checked out to make sure they can be trusted. Their services are always of the best quality, and they will always go the extra mile to make sure you are happy with your experience.
You can be sure that will give you a once-in-a-lifetime experience. The girls on the site are passionate, experienced, and private, so you can be sure to have a safe, fun time. Whether you're going out for a romantic dinner or a wild night on the town, these girls are sure to make your time together memorable.