


- A NEW FRIEND -Porch light was on and for a change I had no problem getting into the house. I could hear a little grunting coming from my room, and thought my babysitter had got luckier than me. Although, technically I had jut passed on two sure things. Tiff lived one street over, was a cute petite thing, well over seventeen but didn’t look fifteen, long blonde hair, bight blue eyes, and freckle-faced. I bet some football player was banging her little cheerleader-like body. * * *She had come by shortly after I moved in, rode up on a bike, dressed in a pair of short Levi cut-offs, a pink tank top, and matching pink sneakers, looking absolutely adorable. She noticed I was pregnant, introduced herself, offering me a little hand printed card for babysitting. I rubbed my belly. “This is my first. ”She gave me a dimpled grin. “And a future customer?”“Um-m,” I didn’t think she was much over eleven, “we’ll see. ”“If you have the time now, we can get the interview over with, I can get you a list of references, and you can check them out before the baby is born. Also I’m great around the house and yard too. ” She handed me another card, stating such. “Really?” Had to give her credit, she was a spunky little thing. Nodding I chuckled.

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   “Alright, come on in Tiffany Ann Smith, lets have a soda and chat. ”“Everyone calls me Tiff, Mrs. Johnson. ”“Miss,” I corrected her, “but Sylvia or Syl will be fine, Tiff. ”She was an incredible delight, and surprisingly over fifteen, the first bit of fun I had since I became pregnant. So fresh and honest, she looked around my gold and green dining room. “Syl, know you just moved in, and I sure hope you didn’t do this,” she scrunched up her face, like she bit into a bad lemon, “because it looks dreadful. ”“It does, doesn’t it,” scrunching up my face like her, I patted Tiff’s arm, “and I didn’t do any of it. You happen to have a suggestion?”“Sure I can paint it. I don’t have any references on painting, but all those people will tell you what a good worker I am. ”“I’ll think about it, but tell me Tiff, what are you working so hard for, a car?”“No, I just have no clue to what I want to do, so I want to try this or that. ” She smiled, showing off a pair of cute dimples, and perfect teeth, bet she had just got rid of her braces. “And it’s a great way to meet people. ” Tiff looked at my belly. “Does the baby kick much?”“Not too much, do you want to feel?” She nodded eagerly, and I picked up my blouse.

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   “It’s not hard enough to feel through my clothes, except every once in a while. ” Tiff rubbed my belly, and I put my hand over hers, guiding it to the side. “Right about there he’s quite active. ”Tiff giggled, and her freckled-face lit up as Joey gave her a decent kick. “Wow, that’s neat Syl. My mom said she got hooked on oil rubdowns while pregnant, dad did them, and she taught us girls how, so she could always con one of us in to doing it. You like them?”“Who doesn’t?”She scribbled on a card, and handed it to me. It said, ‘specialty, oil massages. ’ With a slight grimace Tiff raised an eyebrow, and shrugged. “Wasn’t sure how to spell maussuses. ”“You’re absolutely adorable,” I patted her hands, as they were still rubbing my belly, “I have a sneaking suspicion it will not be too long and I’m on the referral list. ”“I’ll make up more cards, someone as pretty as you should need help with something. ”“Thank you for the compliment, but right now I don’t feel so pretty. ”“Syl, you’re beautiful,” Tiff rubbed my sides, “you have curves,” she looked at my titties, “so many curves. You’re gorgeous,” she shrugged, “I don’t even have one curve, just like a board, straight down.

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  ”“Oh honey,” I gave her a hug, “they’ll come. If you’re not already, pretty soon you’ll have to chase the boys off with a stick. ”“No,” Tiff wrinkled her button nose, “I don’t think so. ”“Oh it’ll happen, trust me. ” I held out my hand. “Well, better take you around the house and get your ideas, so I can make an informed decision. ”She took my hand and I gave her a tour, getting good suggestions on every room. After going over each room, Tiff would take my hand while walking to the next. She even inspected the garage for the tools I might have, because I didn’t have a clue. Following our tour we made some lunch, then just chatted for two hours, and I had the best time in a long time. It was getting late, so she put her bike in the trunk and I drove her home, where I met her parents. He was an engineer, she was raising their three daughters, Tiff being the middle child. She looked like a short, skinnier version of her mom. Accepted a cup of tea, and told her mother what an impressive young lady I found Tiff to be. Her mom smiled, and hugged her daughter.

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   “Yes, around here she’s our little go-getter, if she sets her mind on something she’s going to work hard to get it, and always does. ”Finished my tea, and said, “Thank you for the nice visit and tea, enjoyed meeting a neighbor. If you do not mind I have quite a bit of work for Tiff, probably most of the summer. ”She was giggling, jumping around, and her mom smiled. “Well, I guess we’ll be seeing a lot more of you Sylvia, and I look forward to it. Was a pleasure to meet you. ”Tiff walked me out to the car. “What should I wear, I mean work clothes?”“Um-m, I don’t know we’ll be going to the paint store, and other places, plus I wouldn’t mind someone enjoying the spa with me. If it’s not too forward, you could bring several outfits, I’m sure I can find drawer space for–”“Oh Syl,” she hugged me, “that’d be great. Thank you, you’ve made me so happy. ”“No honey,” I kissed the top of her head, “you’ve made me so happy. ”* * *A knock at the door woke me and I looked at the clock, which had a seven and two ones on it. I stumbled to the door, and opened it to, “Hi Syl,” was Tiff, holding a shopping bag, “we didn’t set a time, am I too late?”“No sweetie, not at all. ” I adjusted my robe and hair. “Ah, you like to get up early?”“Yes, should get most of the work done before the heat.

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  ”“Good thinking. ” I yawned. “First thing I think we’re doing is getting your cute little bottom a house key. ”Standing in the doorway she half turned and stuck her butt out. “You think I’ve a cute little bottom?”“Absolutely,” I patted her butt, “now get it inside, and lets find you some drawer space. ” I took her back to my bedroom. “Should be room in the top two drawers, cutie. ”Tiff opened the top drawer. “Wow Syl, you have a lot of fancy panties. Most are so soft and slick. Bet they feel good. ”“Yes,” I chuckled, “guess I do. Those are silk, go ahead sweetie, rub them on your cheek, and they would feel even better on your cute little bottom. ”“Um-m,” she was rubbing a pair of red panties on her cheek, then across her lips, “I’ve never felt anything so nice. ” The little minx pulled the front of her cut-offs down a couple inches, showing her panties.


   “Have some flowered ones, but most are just white, and all are cotton. ”Could not find a comfortable nightgown, so it was silk panties and bra for me. Tiff was arranging things in the drawer, so I took off my robe and got a dress out of the closet. “Oh my god,” Tiff gasped, I turned to find her staring at me, “you wear them all the time? Syl, you’re so sexy. You should be on a calendar. ”“Can tell you’re going to be great for my ego. ” I shook my head. “But, I’m not calendar material, not even for pregnant ladies. ”“Um-m,” Tiff wiggled her eyebrows, “you’d be on mine, every month, each in different undies, showing off all your gorgeous curves. ”“Thank you, for making my day, even if it was a tad early. Actually, I think you’ve made my past year all worth it. ” I hugged her. “You’re such a cutie. ”Tiff rubbed my butt. “So soft, so sexy.

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  ”Got dressed, made us a little breakfast and we decided to start at this end of the house, with the kitchen and dining room. Appliances were white, cabinets a light oak, flooring a darker oak, and tile counters a light tan, so we had to stick with these colors. Tiff had some color charts from when her parents re-did their home last year, and she picked cinnamon, and wanted all the trim in the house to be white, bright white. I wrinkled my nose when she said white, and she wiggled my nose. “It’ll tie everything in, trust me. ”“You got it sweetie, I’m in your hands. ” Tiff shivered, and sighed. Holding up this chip or that one, Tiff would eventually tape one or two on the wall, then work on another wall. She had a great eye, and I loved her choices, so it was off to the local lumberyard. First thing we made her a set of house keys, then took care of the other things we needed. On our way to the check stand we passed the tile section. “Look at these?”I turned to see what Tiff was talking about to find it was tile accents, as in sets that made a picture. “Very nice. ”“Match your tile perfect, look at the two wine country pictures, they have your colors in them. I think they’d look great in the kitchen, would be easy to replace what’s there.

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  ”“Tiff, can you do tile?”“You bet,” she gave me that dimple-filled smile, “I’m my dad’s boy. So I help him work on the car, do woodworking in the garage, play catch with him at the picnics,” she giggled, “even go with him to all his father/son things at work. ”“Up to you, if you’re up to the challenge so am I. So, you’re not just cute, but talented. ”Tiff giggled, insisting she wasn’t cute, but she was wrong. We filled up the cart, then the trunk. On our way home I turned in at a shopping mall. “Ah,” Tiff wrinkled her nose, “Syl, what do we need here?”“Work shopping is done,” I wiggled my eyebrows, “time for a bit of fun shopping. Thought maybe I could buy you some fancy panties, if you want?”“Really?”“Sure sweetie. ”She slid over and hugged me, thanking me with a kiss on the cheek. We got inside, and she took one look at the place, shaking her head. “Syl, I don’t know where to start. ”“Honey,” I patted her butt, “that’s why it’s called shopping. ” I took her hand. “Come on, let’s start with a bra.

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  ”“Oh, I never wear one,” Tiff shrugged, “don’t need one. ”“Maybe not,” I leaned over, and whispered in her ear, “but think we can find one to give you a bit more curves, until nature catches up. ”“Really?”“Sure sweetie. ”We found one of the new gel filled push-up bras, and she liked the lacy boy shorts that matched, pink, trimmed with black lace, they were very sexy. Heading towards the changing room we picked up this or that, including a thong, also matching her bra, and some silk panties. I stood outside the door while Tiff changed. “Syl, did I put this on right?”Peeked in, and she was in her bra and panties. “Um-m, you’re a hottie. ” She giggled, and I patted her back. “Bend over at the waist fully, and adjust yourself to get the full effect. ”Tiff bent over, and fiddled with the sides of the bra. “No sweetie, like this. ” I cupped her titties, jiggled them, then lightly squeezed them and pulled them up, before helping her stand. “Does that feel comfortable?”“God, it felt great Syl. ”“Stop being naughty, does it feel like everything is in the right place, comfortable?”“Um-huh,” she was looking in the mirror, “I’ve got titties.

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  ”“Yes you do sweetie, now slip your t-shirt back on and let’s see the curves. ”She did it, then turning this way and that looked in the mirrors. “Isn’t this cheating?”“No,” I chuckled, “it’s to make you feel better. If a boy gets upset your bra is not as full as he thought… Well, he did not deserve to take your bra off. ” She giggled. “I’m serious Tiff, you’re a fun, smart, pretty girl, and do not need to take your bra off to keep a boy. ”“I won’t, promise. ” She gave me a hug. “Love the fit of the boy shorts I don’t need to try anything else on, these are perfect. ”“They definitely are, but sweetie you can’t have just one set of underwear. Now, lets try that matching thong next. ”Went back outside because I was starting to get aroused, blaming my pregnancy more than this little cutie I was fondling. She showed me the thong, and had the t-shirt back off. It was a keeper, and so were most of the things. I took the tags off her bra and thong so Tiff could wear them out of the store.


  Paid for everything, and the salesgirl gave me a coupon. “For your next visit ladies. ”On our way out Tiff sighed. “This feels sexy, but too bad we didn’t get the coupon first. ”“Oh sweetie,” I took her arm, “we’ll be back, and you look incredibly sexy. How about if I buy my sexy girl some lunch?”“Syl, I’m going to wind up owing you–”“Oh s-sh,” I gave her a little hip bump, “these are a gift. Now lunch?”“Sure,” she leaned closer, “but I need to find a bathroom I got a little over-excited. ”“Um-m,” I giggled, “a new pair of sexy panties does the same thing to me. ” Took her to the bathroom, then we enjoyed a nice lunch. Out in the car Tiff snuggled up next to me. “Thanks for everything, Syl. ” She gave me a kiss on the cheek. “I think your husband was as dumb as a rock. ”“No,” I chuckled, “he’s real smart. ”“No he’s not,” Tiff insisted, “or he would’ve never thrown away someone as beautiful as you, and your baby too.

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  ”“Love the compliment, but you wouldn’t be saying that if you saw those models on his arm. ” I snorted. “No, I was the one definitely dumb as a rock. ” I kissed the top of her head. “Just didn’t listen to my own advice, and took my panties off when I shouldn’t have. ”Like all ladies she had to try on everything once we got home, and I enjoyed the fashion show. By the time it was over it was too late to start work, so we enjoyed the spa. When it was time for her to go home she was wearing what she showed up in. “Honey, don’t you want to take some of those clothes home, you can you know?”“I know, but I’m supposed to be working, not shopping. Don’t really want to explain why I got such sexy things. ”Girl was smart, and I didn’t try to defend my motives, just said, “When you’re ready it will be fine by me. ”Next morning I woke up to the smell of bacon, and soon that sexy girl was bringing in a tray. “Hi sleepyhead, not sure if I have enough milk in your tea, or what seasonings you like on your egg, but I can get you whatever you need. ”I scooted up, enough to sit. “I’m sure everything is fine, thanks Tiff, you’re an angel, and are spoiling me.

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  ”“Nothing you don’t deserve. ” Napkin in hand she rolled the sheet down off my chest. “Whoa, sexy, sexy, and I can see you don’t need a padded bra. ” Was wearing a see-through black lace bra, because it was very comfortable, and Tiff put the corner of the napkin in my cleavage so both titties were exposed. “I didn’t put any sugar on your grapefruit. ”“That’s how I like it, and some of my breasts are baby related. ” Did not want to make a big deal of it, and cover myself up, and Tiff wasn’t staring, so I just left it the way it was. I patted the bed beside me. “Will never eat all this, sit and help me out. Honey, you do know that’s a sports bra, and you usually wear a shirt over it?”“Really? Huh, it’s going to be too hot for another shirt. ” Tiff shrugged. “Can I just wear it like this?”“Sure sweetie. ”Tiff happily sat, and I held out a spoonful of grapefruit, getting her giggling as she took the bite. I hand-fed her, with her nipping my fingers a couple of times. When through she took the tray, and I got up.

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   “So, what’s your plan for the day?”“Whoa, your panties are see-through too, that’s really sexy. ” Tiff sighed. “Don’t think something like that would look good on me. ”Having so much fun I forgot what I was wearing, and blushed a bit at the situation. Only thing I could come up with was, “Honey, you wear something like this you’d put me to shame. ”“Unh-unh, no way. ” She ran her hand down the side of my bra. “Looks comfortable, I didn’t see anything like it yesterday. ”“It’s very comfortable,” I put my robe on, “and you can only get this kind of thing at specialty stores, which we could visit. ”“Maybe,” Tiff shrugged, “I’m going to start on the tile today. Want to install it and double-check our colors, in case things aren’t going to work out. ”She didn’t seem to be upset or curious about seeing me nearly naked, so I let it go. Which was a good thing, seeing as I didn’t have a clue on how to handle the issue. Being an only child it never came up at home, and being as I went to the local University I never had dorm mates, just lived at home. I got out to the kitchen and she had the old tile off the wall, with the new ones laid out on the counter.

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   “See Syl, it’s going to look great. ”I peeked over her shoulder. “You’re really something cutie, thanks. ” I kissed her cheek. Made sure I kept my see-through panties in the drawer, and woke up each morning with my breakfast ready and me feeding Tiff. She had started on a Wednesday and the second Friday came, and at lunch I put four hundred dollars on the table. She wrinkled her cute nose. “What’s this for?”“Your paycheck, if it’s not enough I have a bit more, or can go to the bank this–”“No Syl, I don’t need paid. ” Tiff pushed the money back towards me. “I love being here, and you spend way too much on me. ” She looked like she was going to cry, a look I had never seen on her face before. “Never did this for the money. ”“Oh honey,” I hugged her, “know that, and I love you being here, but you need to get something for all this. And those things are gifts from a friend to help a special friend feel as sexy as she looks to me. ”Tiff held back the tears.

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   “You think I look sexy?”“Absolutely,” I gave her a kiss on the lips, “and I’ve seen all your outfits, including your naughty ones. Someday there’s going to be a boy you take a fancy to, and he’s going to be one lucky fellow. Might even find him if you didn’t hang around me all day. ”“Please,” she made a sour face, “no way would I give up all this for a boy. Syl, you’re so much fun, and we never have problems. My folks like you, and are happy I’m here, what do I need boy troubles for?”“I’d argue with you,” I shrugged, “but I don’t have an argument, you’re right. ” She giggled, and gave me a hug. “But, you still are getting paid. ”“Fine,” Tiff grinned taking two hundred dollars, “half, and I’m taking you to lunch, maybe buying you something special. ”Pushed another hundred her way. “Deal. ”Tiff was also sneaky, we went to lunch, not far from the sexy lingerie store I had told her about, and she wanted to stop in. Once inside she held up a pair of pink Brazilian-cut panties. “What do you think?”“You’ll look great in them. ”“Not for me Syl, for you.


  ” Tiff winked at me. “Was thinking this could be the something special, it’s not wrong is it?”“With our relationship, it’s not wrong at all. ” I rubbed my belly. “But in this condition I’m not sure how I’ll look in them, and I don’t know how they’ll fit after the baby. ”“Lets go see, I can always get you more after Joey. ” She picked up two or three other panties, all with matching bras. “This will give us an idea if we’re on the right track. ”I tried on half a dozen sets, and Tiff had to take a good look, but liked the first better, then bought herself a set to match. I insisted on buying hers, which she let me do, and she was just thrilled we matched, also bought her a see-through black lace panty and matching bra. Next morning at breakfast Tiff saw I was wearing her outfit, and giggling she dropped her cut-offs and pulled off her top. “Look, me too. ”Probably wrong, but she was so happy I didn’t say anything, and we ate breakfast in our matching bra and panties. When Tiff took the tray, and I stood she said, “You look much better in them than I do. ”“Don’t be silly. ” My arm around her waist I took her over, so we could stand in front of the mirror side by side.

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   “I know you’re not blind, you look fantastic, I’m lumpy. ”“Now who’s being silly? Syl, you’re pregnant. ” Tiff rubbed my belly. “Are you sorry, because I want a baby, but no husband bothering me?”“Sweetie,” I hugged her, “that will probably change for you. As for me,” I put my hands on hers, and rubbed my belly, “I was alright with it about two weeks ago, and I meet this fantastic young lady who makes me so happy I’m thrilled with my life. ”“Really?” Tiff giggled. “Well, I’m going to be here for you when you get out of the hospital, and I’m going to take care of you, okay?”“Sure,” I gave her a kiss, “but only if I can be there for you with your baby?”“Deal. ” We got dressed and went to work. She was a fantastic worker, tile turned out great, her colors perfect, and she was a complete joy to watch. Everyday I made sure we spent an hour or two in the spa, and laying in the sun. She gave me great oil massages, which my swelling belly sorely needed and my aching feet too, then I returned the favor. Same thing went for brushing my hair, which I loved. As for the house it was turning out beautiful, my bedroom had three shades of pink, the middle one matched our matching underwear, and the pure white trim did tie everything in. I did take her to the sexy lingerie store again, along with our other one, but also bought her regular clothes. I’m not sure if she ever took much of it home, I know she never took either pair of her see-through panties and bras home.

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   She did wear one of her gel bras home often, but always came back the next morning with it. One day she ran across my list, and scrunched up her face. “Syl, what’s this?”I explained, and she got a big laugh out of it, then helped me add some to it. End of August we had a little house party so her family could see the work Tiff did, and she had a great time showing off. Getting plenty of compliments for her handiwork, and new curves, under a beautiful pink sundress I bought her for the occasion. Sandra, a year older than Tiff, was half a foot taller and had plenty of curves. Liz, almost two years younger than Tiff, was an inch taller and had also blossomed early. Both had dark hair and green eyes, neither were nowhere near as cute, nor as outgoing as their sister. Her mother stopped by often, so she had seen most of the place, but it was the first for her dad, and he was very impressed of his daughter’s skills. I could not say enough nice things about my helper, and gushed to the point of embarrassing my little Tiff. Despite being pregnant it was a wonderful summer, and I was the happiest I had ever been, then Tiff was back in school, and I missed her terribly. But, my girl came over once in a while during the week, and always over on the weekends. If early enough we usually went shopping, because being pregnant it was so much easier with her than by myself. I would always take her to lunch, and buy her clothes. For my birthday the little cutie turned the back bedroom into a massage room.

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   “Check it out,” Tiff pulled me towards the table, “see the cut outs? They’re for your sexy belly and boobies, you can lay on your stomach in comfort. ”“Oh sweetie,” I gave her a hug, “you spent way too much. ”“Not really,” she giggled, “I did the work, you paid for most of the equipment, hope you don’t mind, Syl?”“Not at all, baby, I love it, and you. It’s so fantastic,” I hugged, and gave her a kiss, “our own massage room. What are those?”“Aromatherapy and a hot stone massage kit,” she rubbed my back, “already called your doctor, and she says it’s fine, but you can’t lay on the rocks. I already studied the manual and video, do you want to try it?”“Um-m, yes,” I gave her a kiss, “it’s the nicest present ever, baby. I like the smell. ”“Supposed to be very soothing on the nerves. I have special oils for after the baby. ” She took off my blouse and skirt, then patted my butt. “Get on the table, I’m so excited. ”“You? I’ve got goosebumps. ” I lay down. “Ah-h, very comfy. ”Tiff undid my bra, and I stiffen a little, but she rubbed my back.

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   “I’m going to use oil, you need to be naked, Syl. ” I raised up, and Tiff cupped my titties, then slowly pulled off my bra. She lay a small towel on my butt, then pulled off my panties. She didn’t do anything really arousing, but that didn’t stop me from becoming that way. “Okay, we start off with oil, it’s warm. ” She rubbed my shoulders. “We’re going to get rid of that tightness. If it’s too warm let me know, sexy lady. ” I groaned, thinking I was more of a beached whale than sexy lady, but my girl was doing such a good job I couldn’t form words. “Goes for the rocks too, I’ll check and they won’t be hot to me, but if it’s uncomfortable let me know. ” Best I could do was give her a groan and slight wave. The oil rub down was great, then Tiff placed toasty warm rocks down the middle of my back. She did my thighs, calves, and feet. “Syl, want your bottom done?”“Um-m, heaven,” I murmur. Tiff takes off my towel and I realize I’m naked, but it’s too late I can’t move.


   With warm oiled rocks in her hands my talented girl is rubbing me down with the stones. If I had to rate it over a regular massage it was a ten, with a regular being a one, maybe a two. This was nirvana, and my girl worked on me for half an hour before removing the stones, then gave me another rubdown. “There’s a way to use cold stones,” Tiff giggled, “but I’m still studying it. There was a lot of things I had to learn to get this far. ”“Oh honey, I love you, and I want to learn this, so I can do it to you. Sweetie, it feels so incredible the heat going into your body. ”“It’s a deal, sexy,” Tiff patted my butt, “now lets roll over, and I’ll put the pieces back in the table, then finish the massage. ”There was a second of hesitation over the nudity, but if this was half as good as I was going to feel I had to do it. With Tiff’s help I got on my side, then she put the belly and booby pieces in, and I lay on my back. I was getting oiled down, and Tiff gave me a little kiss. “Syl, would you get upset if I told you, that you’re glowing and you look beautiful?”“Yes Tiff, I’d have to throw you out of our house. ” I tried to pat her back, but my arm only made it as high as her bottom. “I’ll never get tired of hearing that, my talented little massage specialist, I love you spoiling me. ”“Syl,” she was placing rocks between my toes, fingers, on my thighs, and on my palms, “you said ‘our’ house, did you really mean it?”“Um-huh, sweetie.

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  ” I could not move. “Come over here and I’ll kiss you. ” Giggling she ran over and gave me a long kiss. “Honey, this is as much your house as mine, and you truly make it a home. ”“God Syl,” Tiff sniffled, “you say the nicest things to me. I did this because you’ve always treated me so well, and I love you. Some times I think of all the things you did, and do for me, and it makes me cry. ”“Why baby, why would you ever cry?”“Don’t laugh,” Tiff sighed, “but think I’ll disappoint you, and I don’t ever–”“Honey, come back up here. ” Tiff came back up by my head. “Kiss me Tiff, and tell me if this is from a person who will fail her best friend. ” She held my head, and kissed me, as a tear fell on my cheek. “Sweetie, I’d risk my life for you, and would never be disappointed in you. You’re so cute and talented, I’m just always amazed. ”Tiff kissed me. “Have to quiet down, time for your facial.

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   I‘m going to put the stones on then let you need to lay still. These last stones are chakra energy stones, gemstones that help you balance your energy. Now bear with me, I have to keep looking over the manual, because these have specific places and specific stones. ”“Baby, I’m not going to move, even if it takes days. ” I let out a contented sigh. “You’re precious, and are doing great. ”“S-sh,” She kissed me, “just relax my lady love. We need to get other stones to stimulate and cleanse these, plus different stones work better for some people. I set up a cabinet, and it will hold them all. This is the fourth chakra, the heart,” Tiff bent down and kissed my breastbone, before placing a stone there, “this rose quartz will heal your old pains, and let you love again. ”“This is sexy, and I can love,” I giggled, “love you, baby girl. ”“No, giggling,” Tiff scolded, “and this will let you love me completely, and bring you inner balance. We’re going to fill this room with things to bring us oneness, closeness, and pure happiness, even more than it is now. ”Think I was drooling all over myself, and once Tiff started massaging me with those hot stones I was done for, and if the place caught on fire I couldn’t move. She did the sides of my titties and my moans must have given her the all clear because Tiff was doing all over my titties, and I was really moaning.

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  She worked her way around and down my belly, it felt so wonderful, and I didn’t know what I was going to do if my Tiff dipped into my pussy. She didn’t, but didn’t need to, as I came when those rocks got to my thighs. Wasn’t the hardest I had, but it was not about to go unnoticed. “God Syl,” Tiff giggled, and rubbed down my thighs, “I did a good job on you. ”“Yes you did,” I panted, “better than a lot of men, no doubt. ” Pushing my legs open a bit more Tiff was headed back up my thighs. “Honey, that was absolutely wonderful, but no intentional naughties. ”“Okay, but you have to relax, Syl. ” I did, and the little minx pushed my legs farther apart, getting a good view of my pussy. “You look beautiful, Syl. ”“Ah, think I’m a tad furry to most. ”“No, I like it. ” Tiff grins, and runs her hand through my bush. “Most of the girls I’ve seen shave, some completely bare, but I like it, with all your curves there’s no denying you’re a lady, my very own sexy lady. ”Much of what happened between Tiff and me could be explained, if I were given the time, this I was only going to get time.

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   “Sweetie, I understand a young ladies’ curiosity, but we can’t do anything that could get us in trouble. ” Thought that ship had sailed, but didn’t tell my little girl, nor ask her to stop. “I know Syl, just hope one day I can fill out like you. ” Tiff just kept running her hand in my bush, and I was hoping all the oil covered up my wetness. “I love seeing you, because one day I might be like you, that’s not wrong, is it?”“Not to you or me, but Tiff there are laws, and you have to be eighteen. ”“Okay,” she went back to massaging me, “I understand, but can still give you massages. How did that feel on your feet and hands? I still have to work on a few things. ”“Heavenly baby, and that goes for everything you did. ” Giggling she wiggled her eyebrows, and I sighed. “Yes, I mean everything. ”She finished my massage, helped me off the table, then took me in and gave me a bubble bath. Have no idea what all the equipment cost, but I would think it was a bargain at ten times as much. Tiff was drying me off. “Every other day I’ll give you your pre-natal massage, unless you want one every day, one of these you only get weekly, doctor’s orders, and that’s only if there’s no ill-effects in the morning. So, you throw up let me know.

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  ”“Um-m,” I gave her a hug, “maybe you should think about the medical field?”“I don’t know Syl, don’t know if I could do this to someone I didn’t know and love. ” She put her arm around my waist. “Come on, let’s go pee, and I can check for blood. ”She escorted me to the toilet, waited for me to pee, then wiped me and checked the toilet paper. “No blood, great, I knew it would be fine. So, you want me to put on the clothes you were wearing, or get fresh panties?”“Fresh panties, please. ”Tiff dressed me, then I laid on the couch while she made lunch. Sitting beside me we shared lunch, then I patted her butt. “Go put that instructional video in, so I can do your cute little bottom this evening. ”Giggling she took care of things, and it wasn’t too long that I figured out most of this was to be done over a sheet. I looked over at Tiff, who shrugged. “If it’s good that way, naturally I figured it had to be great naked. ”“Young lady,” I wagged my finger, “you’re going to wear panties and a bra under the sheet for your massage. ”“Ah Syl, I’ll be in my panties and bra, no sheet, please, please. ”“Fine,” I stroked her hair, “no sheet.


  ”“If I’m wearing pasties,” she batted her eyes at me, “really don’t need a bra do I? Cause I sure would like my little boobies done. ”I gave her a kiss, then swatted her butt. “Panties, you’re definitely wearing panties. ”“Of course Syl. ” She snuggled up in my arms. “I love you sexy lady, when can I get my special massage?” Tiff nibbled on my neck. “Do I get an un-intentional one?”“Can I finish watching the video?” She giggled, and I wiggled her cut little nose, then kissed her. “After that I’ll give you your massage, and calling it un-intentional is a tad redundant, but I certainly hope to. ”Managed to see maybe half the video, and missed at least a third of it, before I had to take my squealing little girl into the massage room. I was going over things while she went in to get undressed. Tiff came back in wearing her silk half robe, and I thought she was going to behave, but should’ve known better. Took off her robe, and she was wearing a g-string. My little girl was so excited she had an un-intentional one when I ran those warm stones over her titties. With her legs spread wide she had a second, far better one while I was running the stones down the sides of her g-string. “God Syl,” Tiff panted, “that was a lot better than I heard other girls talk about.

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  ”“Honey,” dropping the stones I clutched her head in a panic, “you can never breath a word of this to anyone. ”“Know Syl, and I won’t. But, it was good, right?”“Very good, baby, the best. ” I was sweating, and hands trembling. “Nothing further, I mean it Tiff, hell we shouldn’t do this again. ”“Which means we will, right?”“No Tiff, we can’t. ” I patted her hand. “We could be in big trouble, and they could make it so we never saw each other again. You don’t want that do you?”“No Syl, I’d die. ” She pulled me down. “I’ll be good promise, and no one will ever find out about us, promise. Can we keep doing the massages?”“Yes, if you’re good. ”* * *-to be continued-Be sure to check out the forums for more great stories http://www. sexstoriespost. com/forums/index.

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