
More Than A Babysitter


Topic: Chapter 1Elle. . Elle. . . . Elle. . .
Even the name was cute and just the thought of her got THAT feeling going again.
My name is Joe, and I am your common neighbour, best mate, or maybe even a family member. I am married to THE most gorgeous and sexy woman I have ever met, Natalie. Natalie is a 26 year old nurse, and I am a 27 year old accountant and we've just had a beautiful baby girl. We don't have the most amazing sex life, but I'm not allowed to talk about that with my mates because they all just get jealous when I start to mention Natalie anything less than fully clothed. She's certainly fit, not an ounce of fat on her entire body. .

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  . Beautiful C-cup breasts that aren't too big but fit perfectly on her toned body. She's tanned, but not anything more than up to her shoulders and thighs. . . The rest of her is a creamy smooth white, topped off by two beautiful, small  pink nipples sitting right in the middle of those beautiful breasts. I can see them right now slightly jolting up and down as I plunge deep inside her. . And the look of her face as she bites her lower lip, supressing the little screams she gives out as I give her everything I've got. All leading up to the face she makes as her body tenses up, and she tightens around my cock leading up to her orgasm. I can feel her hot cum rushing through her body towards my cock as it gushes out around my cock, doing nothing but lubricating my cock to slide in and out of her even faster and deeper uninhibited. . .
 Nothing comes close to that feeling of her cum covering my cock as she climaxes, screaming in a moan that drives me over the edge and lets me fill her up with my cum. .

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  . WOW. . . . Back to the present. . . . I'm sitting here, so hard just thinking about that feeling which is really not helping my current situation.
I'm sitting on the couch across from who Natalie and I have agreed will be our new babysitter. . . . Elle.

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   My cock is standing to attention watching my wife walk towards me in the dress I just bought her. . . The one that she can't wear a bra with because the back plunges too low. . . Good planning on my part, I must say. It's slightly cold in the room and I can see her little nipples poking their way through, which drives me wild. What I described just before was what happened when she put that dress on only 45 minutes, ago. . . I couldn't possibly help myself. . . I threw her down on the bed, pulled the shoulders of her dress off and sucked on those beautiful nipples before sinking deep inside her.

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  . . . So wet. . . . Bah! I've done it again. . . . Back to the present. . . .

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So Elle. . . . Elle is a 16 year old, who could seriously only be described as stunning. I've always liked younger women but I really don't think that is swaying my judgement too badly! And I've never been so turned on by such a young girl! Normally I consider young to be earlier twenties, but Elle. . . Elle is something else. . .   She has a perfect figure, skinny, but not gaunt, a cheeky and sexy cute smile, the big green eyes that scream innocence but all the while drive you crazy, the hair even in those pig tails, legs that go aaalllll the way up to a pretty little flower skirt that she's wearing, and a tiny little white top. I swear I can make out her nipples but am feeling guilty even thinking about it. Stunning. I've known her for about a year now and we've always got on quite well.

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   She's a neighbourhood kid who always seems very keen to meet me at my front gate and tell me about her day and the problems that go with being in Year 10. I've noticed her looking more and more amazing in the past few months, as she has filled out her bra (if she was wearing one!) and really started to notice her own sexuality. Wearing more revealing outfits, which I'm sure drive all her school friends wild. But here she is sitting across from me and as I'm thinking all this I notice my eyes have focussed on her crotch where I swear I can make out the very centre little triangle of her white cotton panties. I swear I can see them, just a tiny little bit! The thought of the treasures hidden  All of a sudden I feel my wife sit down next  to me, jolting back to reality. I shoot my eyes back to Elle's and notice that she's staring straight at me. Did she see me!? Was she watching me stare at her crotch!? She flashes me that smile and flutters her eyelids just a little before answering my wife, resciting back to her the rules of what has to happen tonight while we are out. We continue the conversation, and I really try not to notice that Elle's nipples have grown harder and I can definintely now make both of them clearly out. Trying to ignore this, I hide my now very hard cock in my pants by re-arranging its position and stand up. I thank Elle again and quickly make my way out of the living room so that I can finish getting ready.
Eventually Natalie and I are both ready and we head off to the party. . . Quite a non-eventful one, but Nat has had a few too many drinks and is all over me. At about midnight we decide that it's time to turn in and make our way around the group to give the goodbyes.

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   Helping Nat in to the car I climb in to the passenger seat  and start the car. Immediately, Nat is at my pants, grabbing around for my fly. In the back of my mind I still have both my gorgeous wife, naked on our bed, and Elle the babysitter and those nipples and panties. . . . . So I help her with my fly and pull my 7" cock out. In a flash, she has the whole thing in her mouth. . . Sliding up and down before I can even start the car. I'm in heaven! I pull out of their driveway and am driving the 20 minutes home with my sexy wife going to town on my cock. She's got her tongue perfectly positioned, playing with every inch, and especailly lathering up the head and giving it exactly what it needs. .

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  . . I look down to see her looking up with her beautiful blue eyes, bobbing her head up and down. I can't resist. . . I reach over to her dress and pull it out from under her, reaching behind her tight small ass and slipping her panties aside. She helps me out by sitting back up straight and taking them entirely off. . . . . And immediately drops back to her position all over my cock, with a new passion. I reach behind and under her ass again and easily slip my fingers inside her incredibly wet pussy. .

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  . . GOd I love fingering and eating pussy. . . Sometimes I feel I like it even more than slipping my cock inside, but I'm still deciding on that. . . . Slowly and then faster slipping my fingers in and out of Nat, she's starting to really grind against my hand. . I decide to pull out of her and reach a little bit further around to her clit and go to town. She's now moaning with my cock still buried inside her mouth, which starts to really build me up. . .


  . She's pushing against my hand, all the while keeping enough co-ordination to bob in perfect time up and down on my cock. . . The feeling is amazng. . . . Finally as I feel the cum rising in my balls. . . . I slip my fingers deep back insider her and tickle her in the way that I know she loves. . .


  . She tenses up, and at the exact same time as me releases cum alll over my hand. . . . I'm blowing everything I've got into her mouth and she's moanng as she swallows every drop, spilling a bit but then licking it up still moaning and exclaiming how much she loves the taste. I'm still going hard in and out of her pussy as she cums again, and this time even more. . . I bring my hand to my mouth so I can smell her pussy. . . . Licking my fingers before she sits back up sraight and straightens herself up. We're home, and oh my god I'm still so horny.

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  . . I don't think my cock has even softened a little and my wife has noticed as we are walking to the front door. . . She pushes me up against the wall outside our house and sinks her tongue into my mouth. The taste of my cum and her pussy are exhilerating and I can't wait for more. . . . She winks at me and pulls herself away, fumbling for the keys. Opening the door. . . .

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She turns to me suddenly and winks again. . . . Whispering that she can't wait to see me up in bed, but I should first sort out Elle and Jaime our daughter. . . I agree and kiss her as she disappears up stairs to the bedroom. . . . .  
As i walk into the lounge room. . .

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  . My hard cock gets even harder again. . . Lying on my couch, asleep, is Elle. . . With her legs parted even more than before and now I can definitely make out her little white panties. This has me going absolutely crazy, if it were up to me I would. . . . God. . .

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  . I shouldn't even think like that, she's 16! I walk closer to her and notice a little wet patch on her panties, which again drives me absolutely wild. . . . I grab my daughter, who is asleep in a cradle next to Elle and put her into another cradle that we keep in her bedroom. . . She' sound asleep and luckily for me, sleeps all through the night. . . I walk back out in to the family room and can see Elle coming around, obviously from the noise I made collecting Jaime. She looks at the clock on the wall and apologises for being asleep, still lying on the couch with her legs spread quite wide apart. I can't do anything but look at her panties again, needing to refresh the image in my head of what they looked like. She sees me this time and then clears her throat.

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  . I shoot my eyes back up to hers and she has a huge smile on her face. I'm obviously looking guilty as hell, and try to stammer my way through an apology, telling her that I just noticed that I could see between those creamy, thighs. . . Oh!. . . I mean, see her panties and thought I better let her know so she can fix it. . . . . She looks at me for a second and then looks around, where is Nat, she asks. I explain that she's had a few too many drinks and has gone to bed, thinking about what my wife must be doing in bed right now keeping herself warm for my return.

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  . . . God the thought of that woman with her fingers buried in her own pussy start to really make me want to get Elle out of the house. . . As incredibly sexy as I find her, I don't think there is any chance that she'd be interested in anything more than a bit of teasing.
I realise I have drifted off again and look back at Elle, who is looking down at her own panties. . . . I follow her eyes down over her breasts which again have nipples poking all the way through, continuing down to notice that she isn't at all looking at her panties. . . .

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   Because she has taken them off and they are sitting below her feet. Now instead of sitting there with her legs spread showing me her panties, she is sitting there showing me her beautiful, totally bald, pink slit. I've entirely lost it. . . . I'm looking at a girl ten years my junior and she's taken off her panties, and is on full display to me. . . . I can't say a word. . . I'm lost, and my eyes can't move an inch away. .

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  . . "Do you like?" she asks, smiling back at me. . . Are you SERIOUS!? Are you SERIOUS!? I am going crazy and I feel that my cock is about to explode in my pants. . . . Joe. . . I like you. . .

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   She says. . . Looking like a bumbling school girl once again, but all the while not moving an inch to hide the fact that she is totally bare under her skirt.
I like you too Elle, but what are you doing! I stutter. . . . Joe, we've known eachother over a year now I think. . . And. . . .


   Well. . . I want my first time to be with you. . . I know you have Nat, and she's a total babe, but I would love to know what it feels like to have a cock inside my little cunny, and I want that cock to be yours. I'm dumbfounded. . . . Absolutely speechless. . . .


   Here is a girl, who hours ago I was dreaming about, presenting herself to be fucked by yours truly. . . . That word cunny has me cumming in my pants. . . . She's so young, so innocent, and she wants my big dirty cock in side her cunny. . .
Now I know it's illegal, and I know its wrong. But when that's in front of you, there's only one thing on your mind. Ok. .

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  . . . Ok Elle. . . . I'll do that for you. . . . I'm swept away in the moment, I'm lost for words but all I want to do is sink my cock into the tight, tiny little pink hole that is right in front of my eyes. . . .

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   I've forgotten abot my wife, in the bedroom, drunk, fucking herself in the other room. . . . . . All I want is to fuck this sweet piece of school girl for everything I'm worth. . . I jump onto the couch. . . . And Elle squeals as quietly as she can as she realises that her plan has come true. .

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  . . I push my face down onto her mouth and my tongue as deep as it will go. . . . She gives everything I give back, pushing her tongue back at mine, working inside my mouth. . . . I break our kiss, and grab the bottom of her tiny white top. . . . Pulling it up over her arms.

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  . . I want to see those tiny breasts. . . . She has beautiful littlle pink nipples like my wife's and they are absolutely rock hard. . . I slide my hand up over her stomach and on to her left breast, sliding myself down and wrapping my lips around her right. . . . Sucking as hard as I can, she moans loudly and I really don't care. .

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  . . If Nat walks in now, she's already seen me so fuck it. . . . The moaning is driving me wild. . . . I keep my tongue wrapped around her nipple and drop my hand to her little cunny. Pushing my middle finger into her little hole. . . .

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   She's already wet, ah the beauty of being so young. . . . And my finger surprisingly sldies in quite a bit before I can feel her cherry. . . I slide out and back in again and she's bucking against my finger already. . . . . Oh my god! She yells, as I move my hand out of her and onto her little rock hard clit. . .

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  . Quick little circles have her as my puppet, she's moaning so loudly now that I'm sure it could be heard by the neighbours and her parents let alone Nat just upstairs. . . Fuck me! Fuck me! FUCK ME JOE! FUCK ME!. . . . She's yelling now. . . . And I'm getting so turned on that I realise that having my cock in my pants is more unproductive than anything. . .

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  . I stop fingering her and move my hand to my pants and pull them down and off in one movement. . . . Who knows how I did it, but this was a mission. . . . I've now just got my rock hard cock, pressing against her outside thigh as I lie next to her, moving my fingers back inside that honey pot of underage, preteen school girl. Cumming, CUMMING, CUMMING. . . . I'M CUMMING she's yelling.

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  . . . Smiling, I sink my tongue into her mouth as she cums all over my hand. . . Just like Nat, she lets out quite a lot of cum for such a small person. . . . . . Oh Baby Girl, that was so fucking hot. . .


  . I whisper in her ear as I pull my mouth off hers. . . . All she can do is moan back to me. . . But I know that's ok, because she's seeing stars and that's about all she can put together. . . .
She's had hers, it's my turn now I think to myself. . .


  . . Picking her up off the couch and moving her onto the soft carpet below. . . I pull off her skirt so I can see her white body and her long legs draped out to the side. . . That beautiful sweet cunny is still below me, but this time there is my cock pointing straight at it. . . Sitting with the head just touching the outside of her lips. . . .

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   My head is covered in pre-cum of my own and her cum as I rub it up and down her slit. . . The feeling is exhilerating. . . . And I can't wait to be deep inside. . . . . She looks at me with her trusting, innocent eyes. . .

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   "I know this is going to hurt" she says "But do it anyway, I know it'll be worth it". . . . With that I sink centimetre by centimetre inside her. . . She's wincing with pain but only a little, she's biting her lower lip like Nat does and it's driving me crazy. . . . I finally meet some resistance and look back down at her. . . .

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   She's nodding her head furiously up and down in a mixture of pleasure and pain. . . I nod back to her reassuringly and with that I make one swift movement and push the entire 7" inside her. As I'm holding her slightly off the gorund, with my hands almost reaching entirely around her, I look up and forwards only to notice my sexy wife with a confused look on her face coming down the stairs. . . . She's completely naked, but I can't tell due to the sweat and the fact that my heart is beating at a million beats a minute whether or not she's mad. . . . I stop and look down and notice that Elle has lifted her head so she is looking back, by arching her back up towards me. Fuck that's hot. .

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  . Her little breasts stretched out and her nipples pointing sky high.   Back up again I notice that Nat has started to shuffle, still drunkenly towards us and it's certainly not a frown on her face. . . . While still looking confued, she has a smile on her face. . . . . "Fuck you two look hot Baby" she says to me, and I'd assume to Elle as well. . Elle is lookng at me incredibly worried but I try to reassure her with a soft kiss back on her lips, I feel that now I can pretty much do whatever the hell I want. .

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Nat takes another few steps closer and now I can see the cum that is glistening down her leg. . . . . "I am so fuckng horny, I've been upstairs working myself waiting for you to come up, wondering where the hell you went. . . . So I come down to look for you and see you two here fucking eachother, and what can I say. . . . It's made me even more horny.

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  . . . "
Obviously this has taken me by surprise. . . . . . .
More soon :-)
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Whether you are craving a date from Limassol Escorts or which are the most popular destinations in this country, or a date in any of the other major cities that have this service working, you will probably want to know the hottest advices on how to get the best intimate moments and the best offers.
Cyescorts is here to provide top-quality dating services to any type of man. Whether you come here for business purposes, or simply for a city break, you will certainly need the best relaxation and leisure. For thios reason, benefiting from this service for a spicy hookup is most recommended, especially if you are a single guy craving for have some fun in the region.
In order to date the best chicks and make sure you will get the best moments, our escort app will give you a lot of of filtering features and personalization options so that you can browse for your favorite babe with ease. That way, you will have bigger odds of enjoying the right type of girl that can fulfill your dreams, without having to search for her and lose priceless time doing that. Make no mistake, any of the listed dolls at Escorts In Cyprus will be on duty to fulfill your whishes no matter what. In fact, these beauties are eager and always hot, always ready to provide the exact quantity of desire and privacy so that you can feel mind blown.

Some of the best Limassol Escort women you can think of!

We work hard to bring in the hottest Escort Girls Limassol chicks on our app. We pick manually each and everyone so that we can make sure they meet the most rigurous standards. In conclusion, we can guarantee that these hotties will make you feel amazing the minute they will pass your Motel room door. Not to mention that Escort Limassol allows a massive search for all clients in a large number of towns from all over country. No matter where you will be located, be it in the capital city or in other counties, you will always have the opportunity to date the sexiest babes with just a number of quick clicks. The millions of visits our platform makes a year is best proof that these dolls are the naughtiest deal.
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