
Olivia’s White Panties


Sixteen year old Olivia visits a family friend while her parents are on vacation.  
After my wife passed away several years ago I remained close to Dave and Judy.   We had been friends in college and they were both in out wedding.    They had two children.   There was Davy who’s  unplanned conception initiated their wedding.   Then years later along came Olivia, who I suspect may have been an oops baby. One evening Judy called as she did every several weeks.   During the conversation she mentioned that she and Dave were going on a 14 day cruise.   For reasons unknown I casually said, “Hey if you want to send the kids down while you are gone, they are more than welcome at the farm. ”“Gee I had never thought about that, but I will run it past Dave,” she replied and went on to say, “It would probably be just Olivia, as Davy is in his third year of medical school.   I am sure he  wasn’t looking forward to baby sitting and keeping tabs on his sister. ”Wow, how time flies.   I hadn’t realized how old the kids were.   “Well think it over and let me know,” I said. Several more weeks passed and I had all but forgotten about my offer. I assumed that an sophisticated city girl wouldn’t have the slightest interest in visiting a farm in the backwoods.

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   Then when I was least expecting it,  I received a call from Judy. “Hey, Max if you are willing to take the punishment and if you are up to it we’ll have you keep check on Olivia while we are gone,” she chuckled. I was kind of caught off guard, but said, “I think I can handle it. ”“Olivia wants to know if you still have horses?  I think that will determine if she comes. ”I was really not into horses, but it was just too difficult to get rid of the horses after my wife died. We were never able to have any kids and the horses were her kids. “Yeah Judy, I still have them.   Is Olivia big enough to ride?” I curiously asked. “Oh, Max you haven’t seen her lately.   She has grown like the proverbial weed and is all grown up.   She turned 16 just a few weeks ago.   She is a horse nut and I have been taking her to a local stable about once a week for lessons. ”The day approached when I had to pick her up at the airport.   I was somewhat apprehensive about  a person that young flying by herself, but I guess I was from the old school.   Regardless, Judy assured me that Olivia was a big girl and that it was a direct flight.

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    She reminded me to go to the ticket counter and get a pass so that I could meet her at the gate.    Fortunately she had emailed me photos as I had not seen this kid in four or five years. Having arrived early I paced back and forth at the gate awaiting the arrival. When they announce Flight 1536 is now arriving at Gate 34 my heart raced.   Why I was so nervous I will never know. Soon the passengers were coming through the skyway and I watched closely as each exited. What if I don’t recognize her I thought?Then I heard, “Uncle Max, Uncle Max, how are you?”It was her and there was no denying it.   She was a miniature version of her Mother.   Here was a petite little girl, or should I say young lady.   I am guessing not more than 5' 5"  tall, with auburn hair and dressed to the hilt.   The satin black slacks and silver long sleeved blouse made her look more like a business woman than a teen.   I should have expected as much as her mother always dressed like she was in a fashion magazine. After we exchanged pleasantries, we headed to baggage claim.   On our way I offered her my phone and suggested she call Mom to let her know she was here and OK. “Oh, it’s alright I have my own phone,” she replied.

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   “I’ll just send her a text message. ”On the one hour ride home I thought I would be at a loss for conversation that would be of interest to an 16 year old.   That was not the case.   She was a real chatter box between short pauses while she text her girlfriend.    I did notice that she seemed rather immature.   Her voice was kind of babyish.   I suspect that was impart to the fact that her mother always treated her like a baby. I asked her about a boyfriend and she bluntly said, “Yeah, I had one but I dumped him.   All he wanted to do was make out, feel me up and try to get in my pants. ”Wow. You could have knocked me over.   I would have never have thought I would have heard a remark like that out of kid her age. Caught at a loss for words, I somehow said, “Oh really.   He felt you up?”Sensing that I somehow maybe was too old and may not quite understand, she responded, “Yeah, Eric put his hand down my pants and rubbed my pussy.    Oh,  that is what they call a girl’s privates.

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    Do you understand?”“Oh, yes, I am familiar with the term.   Did you tell your Mother about it?” I replied. “Are you crazy, or something.   No I didn’t tell Mom. ” She somewhat indignantly responded and went on to say. “ He only did it to me twice and it was kind of fun.  That broke the ice and led to some other intimate details of her life.   She described to me how Lisa, her best friend talked about sex all the time.   I wanted to asked if she was still a virgin, but thought best not to go there. I was absolutely amazed that kids her age were so into sex.   Then again I have to recall being that age once and having a orgasm for the first time.   After that I was a sex addict. Just as soon as we got home, she asked, “Can I get out of these stuffy clothes and change into something else?  I want to go to see the horses. ”“Sure can Olivia. .

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   This is going to be your room for the next few weeks.   You can unpack your clothes and put them in the dresser. ” I indicated. No sooner, had I put her suitcase on the bed and opened it, she had slipped out of her slacks and was unbuttoning her bouse.  “Here,  I’ll leave and close the door so you have some privacy,” I somewhat embarrassedly said. “Uncle Max, it’s no big deal I am not naked or nothing.   For God’s sake I am sure you have seen more than this.     Mom says you are just like family. ” she responded as she took off her blouse, revealing her lacy black bra, which it didn’t appear necessary as she certainly didn’t seem overly boobed. What caught my attention were Olivia’s black bikini panties.   Wow!  They sure got my cock’s attention.   Soon she pulled on a pair of denim shorts and a tee shirt. My lustful thoughts then passed as she ran out the door an down to the. barn. Since she was intent on seeing the horses I decided to unpack her clothes and hang them in the closet or put them in the dresser.

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    I carefully hung all of her outer wear in the closet.    Then I turned to her intimate items, such as nightgown, bras, panties and two piece swim suit.    I just happened to notice a the tag on one of her bras and it said 32B.   Um. . . . . . . . . . . .

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  . maybe she did have some titties after all.    Also packed in her carry on bag was a packaged of tampons, a shaver and some other girlie items. I was somewhat surprised by the rather risque appearance of her panties.   I would have not given it a second thought had they been the traditional white cotton brief cut, but her entire rainbow collection was most erotic.   The only white ones were so silky and sheer that they appeared virtually transparent. The waistband was lacy and added to the allure.   As perverted as it may have been I could not help but rub them to my lips.   They were clean, but the feel and sweet smell was intoxicating.   I could sense a moisture seeping from my now erect penis. Regaining my composure, I put the rest of her titillating panties in the drawer and retreated to the rocking chair on the front porch. With a beer in hand  I watched Olivia running from one end of the fence around the paddock to the other.   Seeing what looked more like a kid than teenager vivaciously bouncing brought all sorts of deviated thoughts to my mind.  Nevertheless, I was always able to retain my respectability as difficult as it was.   In the ensuing days it was not at all uncommon to see her in nothing but panties.

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    When sitting in her nightgown, I often got a glimpse of her panties as she would sit cross-legged on the floor in front. of me.   On several occasions I would turn in for the evening and masturbate laying in bed as thoughts of Olivia danced through my head. We had planned on taking an extended horseback ride into a little town about 12 or 14 miles away.   The weather seemed not to cooperate so we were forced to postpone the adventure several times.                                             Finally one day the forecast was for clear skies and warm temperatures.  I knocked on Olivia’s door.   “Rise and shine.   Get dressed and let’s have a light breakfast .   Then we’ll saddle up the horses and head for Grangersville. ”“You bet, Uncle Max,” she replied. Proceeding to the barn, I commented. “You may want to run back to the house a put on a pair of long pants.   I am not sure that short skirt will be that comfortable for a long ride. ”“Naw, its going to be too hot for any kind of long pants.

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  ” she responded.   “I’ll be OK, don’t worry. ”I must admit she sure looked invitingly cute in a short blue skirt that had white lace around the hem.   Her tan little tummy was exposed by the white midriff cotton top she was wearing.   The pink baseball cap accentuated her outfit. Being a gentleman I helped her get into the saddle and noticed she was wearing the white sheer panties I had so admired when she first arrived.   It was only a short glimpse, but enough to arouse my interest. About an hour and a half into the ride Olivia said, “Can we stop somewhere I have to pee?“Well we are several miles from the closest civilization. Can you hold out until we get to the restaurant?” I inquired. “No way!  I drank too much milk at breakfast.   I can just go over by a tree or something. ” For a guy taking a leak in the wood it is not big issue, but for a girl it is not all that simple.   Nevertheless, she jumped down and walked about 30 feet off the trail, where she took off her panties, spread her legs watered the foliage. She had her back to me and I pretended to not look, but the temptation was far too great.   With her skirt hiked up I could vividly see the cute cheeks of her little butt.

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    The sound of her pee hitting the leaves on the forest floor was thought provoking. When she turned around I quickly looked forward, but out of the side of my eye I could see her put first one leg and then the other into her little white panties. About an hour later we arrived at the roadside dinner and had lunch.   I could tell that Olivia was somewhat uncomfortable by the way she was sitting.    “What’s wrong Olivia,” I questioned. “Oh I kind of burn between my legs,” she responded. “That’s why I wanted you to wear jeans or long pants.   Ridding skin to the saddle for this long of a distance is not good. ,” I said in a fatherly way. I knew that ride home was not going to make things any easier.   Nevertheless, there were no options and we mounted back up for the journey back to the farm.   The further we went the more uncomfortable I could see she was getting.  “Let’s stop for just a few minutes an take a break,” I suggested. I took off my shirt.   “Stand up in the stirrups.


    I am going to put my shirt between you and the saddle and maybe that might make things a little more comfortable. ”Not only did I get another beautiful view of her sheer white panties, but could see that her inner thighs and legs were raw from the chaffing.   I truly had sympathy for her and felt somewhat guilty that I had not made her change into pants before we started out.   After all I was the adult and should taken the roll of a parent. By the time we arrived back home Olivia was in tears.   “Hey, kid, you go up to the house and lay down. I will put the horses away. ” When I finally made it up to the house I could hear Olivia whimpering in her bedroom.   The door was partially closed, so I knocked and said, “Is it all right if I come in. ”In a tearful voice she replied, “Yes, please do. ”I entered and found her laying on the bed with her legs spread.   Her short skirt was naturally lifted and I could see her white sheer panties boldly displayed between her fiery red legs.   Her panties were so thin that I could see what appeared to a little mound of pubic hair.   She was obviously in pain, so I got her a couple of Tylenol. “Hey sweetie, I am going to start the bath water for you.

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    I want you to take a nice long bath and that will perhaps make you feel much better.   Once you get out I want you to rub some body lotion on your legs.   Then get ready for bed.   You have had a long day.   I’ll fix you something to eat if you are hungry. ” I offered. “Thanks Uncle Max. You are so cool. ”While Olivia bathed, I turned on the evening news and drank a cold beer.   Actually, I ended up having three beers. Or was it four?   Damn, after a long day nothing tastes better than a really cold beer. I happened to catch a glimpse of Olivia walking from the bathroom to her bedroom wrapped only in a towel.   I then heard her say, “Uncle Max, where is this body cream you want me to use. ”“OK, I’ll get it for you. ”I retrieved it and knocked on her door.

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    “Are you decent?  Can I come in?” I ask. “Yeah, I have my nightgown on. You can come in. ”I entered and handed her the bottle, with which she so softly said, “will you put it on me?”I was stunned and simply said, “Sweetheart, I don’t think it is appropriate for me to do that.   You are becoming a lady and I am sure your Mother would not approve. ”    “Please mommy would do it for me,” she tearfully whined. Although physically mature her pleas were more of a child. “Please do it. Please,” she pleaded.   “It will just feel better if someone else puts it on me.   Please. ”I am not sure if it was the beer, but I will use it as an excuse and conceded to assist her.     I pumped several squirts of lotion on my hand and gently rubbed her lower thighs as well as her inner legs.  “Higher, is where I really need it. ” she said.

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  So I somewhat reluctantly rubbed a little higher.   As to accommodate me she pulled up her nightshirt.   I was aghast and blurted out, “My God, Olivia, you don’t have any panties on. ”“I know,” she replied.   “I didn’t want to get any lotion on them. Don’t worry.   I know you have seen a girls thing before. ”Yes, I had seen many pussies before, but I don’t think she had any comprehension of what the sight of one does to a man.   Any self control I may have had was rapidly diminishing.     Staring at her sweet pussy was exhilarating. It was accentuated by her bronze tan lines. Her breasts may not have been all that developed, but what she may have lacked on top was more than made up for between her legs.   Her pubes were more than peach fuzz, but not overly bushy. Her pussy fur was a beautiful reddish brown.    I could tell that she shaved her bikini line.

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     It looked so inviting I was losing all inhibition.    My erection was pushing so hard against my pants I thought it was going to rip out the stitching. I kept telling myself, don’t do this, but the temptation overwhelming.   When I said to Olivia, “this is really not appropriate,” she replied , “It’s OK. ”  I applied some more lotion and continued to gently massage her tender skin.   With each motion I rubbed closer to her pussy.   She appeared to be totally relaxed and not the least concerned with the proximity of my hands to her most intimate anatomy.   To the contrary the closer I proceed to the folds of her pussy the more receptive she seemed to become.   She enjoy having her pubic hair rubbedAfter finding no resistance, I ever so softly slid my index finger into her moist vagina.   In response to every motion of  my finger she moved her pelvis in rhythm. “Oh my God, Uncle Max.   That feels so, so, so, good. ”“That’s good sweetheart.   I know you had a rough day and I want you to feel good, but I honestly should not be doing this to you. ”“Please don’t stop.

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   Pretty please.   I have never felt this way before.   This is cool.   I really like it. ”By now the effects of the beer were perhaps clouding my reasoning.   I continued massaging and thrusting my finger farther into her now very wet pussy.   Occasionally I would slide my finger between  her vagina and clitoris.   That seemed to only further arouse her.   I was becoming very aroused myself.   I wanted in the worst way to go down and taste the sweet juice that was flowing from her little pussy, but knew better that to even try. I could tell by her moaning and breathing that she was close to an orgasm. With each movement I made she responded.    Feeling as if I could proceed further, I placed my other hand under her nightgown and caressed her firm little tits.   As small as they were I could feel her nipples become stiff.   It was blatantly obvious that she was enjoying my every action.

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    With each motion she became more and more stimulated and excited.   Her respiration was very rapid and her body movements more intense. “Oh, oh, oh.   Wow, oh my God.   Gee, oh my God. Oh, oh, oh,” she ecstatically exclaimed. “Wow,  I have never had a feeling like that before. ”I had without question given her a phenomenal orgasm.   As she lay there absorbing the after glow, I continued my originally intended task of putting body lotion on her terribly chaffed inner legs.   Within minutes she fell sound asleep. I went into the bathroom to tidy up a bit.   I picked up her wet towel and dirty clothes.   Amongst them were her little white panties.   Just the feel of them made my somewhat stiff cock even more erect. Just for safety I rapidly closed and locked the bathroom door.

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   I quickly dropped my jeans and tighty whitety briefs to the floor.   Observing myself in the vanity mirror, I wrapped her silky white panties around my throbbing cock and began stroking.   I was so aroused that it only took moments for my cream to flow and soak those little panties. The following morning sitting at the table I offered an apology to Olivia.   “Sweetheart, I am really sorry about what I did to you last night.   I shouldn’t have done that.   If anyone were to find out about it, I would be in big trouble. ”In a dialog far more mature than previously exhibited, she said. “Yeah, I understand, but you didn’t do anything that I didn’t let you do.   Maybe I could have said stop, but I didn’t want you to and don’t worry I am not going to tell anyone.   Not even my very best friend Lisa. I’m cool with it”To my amazement , that evening she begged me to rub her legs again and make her feel as good as I had the night before.   After a few bottles of beer and helping her remove her sexy panties I proceed to massage her to orgasm. The ritual continued every day for the next week.   It was truly disappointing to she her return home.

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   Her sexual pleasures had likewise given me much delight.    I helped her pack her suitcase, but secretly kept a memento of her visit.   Intentionally, I kept Olivia’s little white panties for my future orgasmic enjoyment.

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