
Rescuing Rachel


I had waited a long time for vacation, so long, that when it came, I didn't have a plan. I thought I would just go wherever I felt. I had always wanted to see the big city, so, off I went. My first day there I had a major surprise. I literally tripped over an old buddy. We had served in the military together. He had his wife with him. We did a fast catch up, then he invited me out to his place and gave me directions. Mike's place was way out in the country. It was a large, old, house that had probably been a farmhouse at one time. He assigned me to a room off of the kitchen. We had dinner together. A very important thing happened during the dinner. When she walked into the room, everything stopped as an icy stillness filled the room.
She was a preteen goddess. I've seen her like before, in the Pre-Raphaelite paintings that hang in major museums.


   Her long brown hair hung to mid back. The chiseled features of her angel like face were contrasted perfectly by her full ruby red lips and alabaster skin. A thin figure revealed someone who ran alot, or who had perfect genes. Tiny bumps protruded from her chest against her shirt. A perfectly round butt made me wonder what it looked like bare. The goddess filled a plate with food and left the room. When she was gone, mike broke the stillness by anticipating my question. "That's rachel" he began, "product of my first marriage. Her mom is in jail for embezzlement. The law says I have to take her. Beats paying child support. I don't like her, and I can't wait until the day she leaves". That being said, I let the subject go. After dinner, I surmised that the staircase that led off from near my room probably led to hers. I went up the stairs.

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   I noticed the door was open ajar. I knocked, then entered. She was sitting at a desk doing homework. "Hi, I'm Chris, a friend of your dad's""Can I help you with something?" she shot back. "We didn't meet, and I thought I'd say hello". "You've said it, anything else?""No" I replied, sensing the hostility. "I'll leave you alone now". I left the room. As I started down the stairs, the door slammed behind me. The next day, I headed into the city. I did some touristy things, then headed back to mike's place. I arrived in time for dinner. Mike and lisa were heading out. They convinced me to join them. They were heading out to a place renowned for giant burgers.

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  The burgers were very tasty. As we finished up, I asked if mike was going to take anyhting back for rachel. "She knows where to find food" he spit out. I went up and ordered a combo-to go. Mike asked me what I was doing. I told him I was going to eat the combo later. He gave me a strange look. I made a show of eating some of the fries on the way back. When we got back, I made a show of heading to my room, while mike set up some movies. Making sure no one was looking, I headed up to Rachel's room. The door was ajar. I knocked and entered again. She was lying on the bed reading a book. I set the combo down on her desk. "Your dad wanted you to have this" I said.

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  "That's a lie, but thank you, um. . Chris. . right?"She walked over to the bag. She sniffed the food, then lifted out the burger. She unwrapped it and took out a bite as if she was starving. I felt bad and good at the same time. I left the room. The next day, as I drove around the city, I couldn't get Rachel out of my mind. I did some window shopping. I had noticed that when I was in her room, she had very little. The closet was open, and only a few items were there. In a window, I saw it. It was a blue ensemble.

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   I thought how perfect it would look on Rachel. I went in the store and described her to a saleslady. When I got back to mike's, I made sure where everyone was before I went to get the dress out of the car. I took the dress up to her room. Her eyes bugged out when she saw it. She looked at the dress, then placed it against her body and looked in a mirror. " Wait here" she said excitedly as she ran in her tiny bathroom. She came out a minute later in the dress. She looked ravishing. "There's shoes" I added placing them on the floor. They fit like a glove. The saleslady had earned her commission. I left the room, then spent some time with lisa and mike before heading back to my room. I was only there a few minutes when she stormed in. "Why are you being nice to me?" Rachel demanded.

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  "Because I think you deserve to be treated better. Because it breaks my heart to see you isolated in that room, away from your mother, and friends. I just thought you deserved to be treated as a human being". You could see the wind go out of her. She crumpled to the bed. Her lower lip began to tremble as she dissolved into a full cry. I sat beside her and took her in my arms as she wept tears of shame, rage, and frustration. She cried herself to sleep in my arms. In the morning, we both stirred awake as we heard footsteps in the kitchen. Quietly, she slid out of bed and tiptoed to the door. She took a look, crept back, gave me a peck on the cheek and crept out. I heard her go upstairs, change clothes, then run out to catch the bus. I saw mike in the kitchen a little later. "Got anything planned?" he asked. "I'll just do some driving around" I replied.

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   As I drove around that day, I did some deep thinking. Clearly, something had to be done, and I wasn't sure what. I even stayed away extra long, not arriving until late in the evening. I saw mike at the door. "Long day?" he asked. "Yeah", I said, "I'm turning in". I went to my room, but headed upstairs a minute later. Her room door was ajar again. I knocked, then entered. She had her back to me, but she was naked and standing in a tub. "I'm sorry" I stammered as I started to leave. "It's ok" she said, "you're in time, would you wash my back?" She handed me a bar of soap. She still had her back to me, and I was trying not to invade her privacy. I rubbed the bar on her back and stopped right above her butt. I handed her back the bar.

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   "Rinse me?" she asked pointing to a jug on the floor. I picked up the jug and started at her shoulders, watering her back. She turned to let me rinse her entire body. As the soap washed away, strawberry like pink puffy nipples came into view atop tiny cones of white flesh. A few hairs were growing in around her slit. My trousers stood at half mast. "I better go" I stammered as I left. I went back to my room and had the urge to pull my pud. I knew if she heard me do that I would be so embarrassed. I undressed, climbed into bed, and tried to make sense of a thousand thoughts. My thoughts were interrupted as she slipped into the room. She was wearing a long white nightgown. She leaned in and kissed me. She still smelled of the freshness of the soap. "Move over" she whispered.

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   I moved over and she spooned against me. I was rock hard, but I don't think she minded as she ground her butt against my dick. I caressed her, letting my hand gently slide up her side. "That's nice" she cooed. I wanted to bone her right there, but I was afraid mike might hear the noise. I ran my hand under her nightie, up her side to one of her small breasts. She lifted slightly to give me better access. I fondled it a moment, then moved my hand slowly down her stomach to her slit. She parted her legs, I played with her clit. I felt her breathing increase and she panted into a pillow as I brought her to an orgasm that caused her to stiffen, then relax. I slid my dick out of my jockies and placed it between her butt cheeks. I gently rubbed back and forth, lubricated by the sweat betwen our bodies. I was very aroused and it didn't take but a minute before I messed her behind with my spew. We fell into a quiet sleep. The next day, as I drove around again, a plan came together.

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   I made sure to arrive just as rachel got home. She gave me a curious look as I approached mike, who was working in his yard. I motioned her to go in. I walked up to mike. "Hey mike, do you remember Laura?""Why are you bringing that up? I thought that was over with. I slept with your girlfriend. I apologized. I thought this was old news". "I need to ask you a big favor, and I wanted to remind you that you owe me one""Uh oh, what the hell is it, and how much is it going to cost me?""I want to take rachel home with me". "ARE YOU SOME KIND OF PERV?" he roared. "No, you yourself said you didn't like her". "You're damn right on that". "I live in the best school district in the state. There's room for her to do things, advance, grow. She wouldn't be so isolated".


   "Why do you want her?""I just feel bad for her, her mom in prison, you don't like her. What about high school?"He gave me a look, "all right". "I'll need her papers, and a release of guardianship from you". "I'll go tell the old lady. But we're square now. And I wouldn't stick around if I was you""I'll go pack now. And mike? Thanks"He scowled and headed off to the house. I went upstairs and told rachel that we were leaving. I rushed downstairs, threw my things together, then checked on Rachel again. She was putting things in garbage bags. I went into the front portion of the house. I could hear screaming coming from mike's room. I put my things in the car and made a load of Rachel's things. I saw mike in the kitchen. He handed me a bundle of papers.


   "Go, just go, and don't ever come back again". I thanked him, but he turned and was dismissive of me. I finished getting Rachel's things. As we drove away, mike waved from a window. I waved back. Rachel shot him the bird. Then she cuddled next to me. We needed to make a hotel stop on the way home. She went right into the bathroom and took a shower. I was watching TV when she came out a while later. She was wearing only a towel. She walked up to the bed and dropped the towel. Naked, she climbed under the covers and crawled up on me. "I'm going to make you a wonderful wife. I'll do anything you want to" We kissed.

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  "I can't now. This is the wrong place. I don't want our first time to be in some hotel. Can you wait until we get home. It'll be right then". "OK, but I'm not moving". We kissed some more, but fell asleep. The next day we reached my place in mid afternoon. I made her wait in the car. I tidied up the place, then went back to her. I lifted her up in my arms and carried her in the house. I laid her on my bed. "Now?" she asked. Yes was my reply as I undressed her.
She looked into my eyes with a combination of trust and love as I took off her shirt and bra.

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   She laid back and lifted her hips as slid her jeans and panties off at the same time.
She gently complied as I spread her legs and moved my head to that special place between her legs. She noisily inhaled as I licked, first her outer lips, then her inner lips. She moaned as my tongue penetrated her virginal pussy. Her breathing became more rapid as I worked her young pussy with my tongue. She arched her back. She ran a hand through my hair, then grasped my hair as she pushed my head down and pushed her hips up. She let out a squeal, shuddered, then relaxed. I laid on the bed and had her mount me. I placed my dick at the entrance to her pussy. Placing my hands on her hips, I lowered her. I felt the resistance of her hymen, then pushed through. She gasped, but continued, taking all of me in her . She rocked slowly back and forth on me, clearly feeling some discomfort. I rolled her over and slowly pumped her tight little hole.

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   She responded to my thrusts with her body, running her hands across my body, sometimes pulling into me, sometimes thrusting her hips while she moaned and panted the whole time.  I felt the cum rising, then came in her for the first time. A moment later, my semi softened dick popped out of her as a combination of blood, semen and her fluids ran out of her coating my balls and her ass. I rolled off of her. "So, that's what it feels like?" she asked. "It'll get better, I promise" I told her. "I know" she said, "you rescued me, and I will do whatever you want from this day forward". "We have to get you in school""Can't I have a honeymoon?""I do have a week of vacation left"She thought for a moment. "Take me somewhere where I can see the beach, and we won't leave the bed. ""Promise?" I asked. "For you, anything".
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