


"I'm at the pay phone across the street . . . Please, I need help, I need to make a confession and it can't wait until service!" Sabine pleaded, her voice shaky with desperation. "Do you have any idea what time it is, Sabine? You should be in bed. Can this not wait at least until tomorrow?" he suggested gently. Her confessions of late were most innocent in the grand scheme of things and he thought this time wouldn't be any different. She was thirteen, and Father Tyler figured that perhaps a bit of the rebellious nature that comes so natural at that age had finally reached her. More than likely, she had stayed out late on a school night and felt so guilty; she just needed to confess before going home to receive her punishment. Always so full of questions, Sabine was a delight to all her teachers. She seemed to get along well with all her classmates as Father Tyler saw her constantly surrounded by friends, giggling and whispering while they walked down the halls. Her parents were full to the brim with pride for their little angel, the only problems at home being a common amount of minor subliming rivalry with her younger brother. Sabine was, by all accounts, a good girl and he could not imagine what grievous sin she could have committed that would warrant an emergency soul cleansing. "No! It can't wait! PLEASE Father, I need to confess right now! I need your help . . .

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  " she sobbed. Father Tyler's brows furrowed at her sobbing pleas. She had never sounded so desperate, and he decided to at least take the time to calm her before he sent her home. What harm could it do? The child obviously needed guidance, or advice, or at the very least someone to tell her that she was overreacting and everything would be fine. "Of course I will help you, Sabine. Come to the door and I will let you in. Then we'll take care of whatever it is that has you so upset, Okay?" "Oh thank you Father! Thank you. I'm going to the door right now . . . goodbye," Sabine said in a rush and then hung up the phone. Father Tyler went to the front doors of his beloved church. Before he reached the handle, a loud pounding came from the other side. Quickly, he opened the doors, stepping to the side to watch Sabine as she darted inside. The fact that she was still clad in her school uniform, all but confirmed Father Tyler's previous suspicions as to the nature of her confession.

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   But with closer observation, his concern escaladed into worry. She was very pale and her usual, glistening auburn hair now hung in dull disarray around her shoulders and face. Her crystal blue eyes were rimmed in red, puffy from hours of crying, and they were wide with what appeared to be sheer terror. Father Tyler reached out and placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. "My dear child, what is the matter??" he asked soothingly, but with obvious confusion and concern. Sabine rushed into his arms, pressing her face against his chest and just cried incoherently. Surprised by this, Father Tyler hesitated at first and then gave her an awkward, but comforting hug. "Shhhh . . . it's okay. Please, tell me what is going on here, Sabine. " He gently pulled her from his chest and gazed into her exhausted looking eyes. "I . .

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   . I have sinned Father. Really, really bad this time . . . please, can we get started . . . " she answered urgently. "Yes, of course. Lead the way . . . " Father Tyler offered. With her gaze trained to the floor, Sabine walked over to the small, Gothic styled confessional against the far wall and stepped inside, closing the door behind her.

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   She sat quietly on the one-seated bench, waiting patiently for Father Tyler to take his place behind the screen before saying her beginning prayers. Once seated, Father Tyler slid open the panel and asked Sabine to proceed. After making the Sign of the Cross, Sabine folded her hands together in prayer. "O Lord, please come and help me so that I may know my sins, be heartily sorry for them, and confess them sincerely. Amen," she said, her tiny voice wavering with emotion. "Amen," Father Tyler said, Sabine's cue to continue. "Bless me Father, for I have sinned. It has been two days since my last confession. Since then I have had impure thoughts which have lead to impure deeds . . . " she trailed off, sighing heavily. Father Tyler was in a state of shock. To hear such things from the mouth of one so young was most unorthodox. He was no stranger to confessions of a sexual nature, but they had always been from people two and three times her age.

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   Thinking more on the subject, he realized that thirteen was the age of new hormones as well as defiant attitudes. Sabine's parents had probably been too embarrassed to explain the "birds and the bees" to her and now she was confused about the workings of her body. Father Tyler's mind spun at how he was going to explain things to her now. "How many times have you had these thoughts? And performed these acts?" he asked, trying not to sound as flustered as he was, positive she was talking about the act of masturbation. "I've been having the thoughts ever since I went to her house, and I just spent most of the night performing sexual acts with her . . . " Sabine admitted quietly and with great shame. "Her??? Who is her?" he urged with a shrill, unbelieving tone before he even had a chance to think of what he was asking. Chastising himself quietly, he rephrased his question in a more gentle voice. "I mean, please explain yourself further. Tell me what happened. " He heard her take a deep breath before beginning her tale and for a split second, Father Tyler had a foreboding sense of regret from asking her for the details. "I'm talking about India, Father, my new math tutor," she began, somehow finding the courage to strengthen her voice so she could speak solidly and make sense. "I was having trouble with my homework and Sister Agatha said I should go to her and that she could help.

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   I went to her house after class today to study. She's older than me, I think she's sixteen and so mom and dad said it was okay if I go. We were in the middle of my homework and I was so happy because I finally understood it when she said we should take a break. Then she asked me if I ever played Truth or Dare . . . " Sabine's voice broke a little at the end of her sentence. Alarms starting going off in Father Tyler's head at Sabine's words. "This is unnecessary. Stop it now, give the girl her penance and be done with it before it goes too far . . . ," the sensible side of him warned mentally. But before he could take his own advice, a woman's voice came from somewhere else inside him and, stunned speechless, Father Tyler's words caught in his throat as he listened. "Oh no dear Father," she echoed with a hint of amusement.

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   "You must hear her confession to the fullest in order to give proper penance. It is your duty, and take my word for it, what she has told you thus far isn't even the beginning . . . " she finished knowingly. "I must still be groggy from the sudden awakening, that's all," he told himself, but still encouraged Sabine to elaborate further. "Well . . . um . . . I said no, I've never played Truth or Dare and she asked if I wanted to learn. Right then, I should have stopped myself but I agreed anyway. She explained the rules a little and then asked me, 'Truth or Dare?' I picked truth.

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   It was weird. She smiled and she looked so different then. I had a funny feeling about the way she was looking at me; it was almost like she was leering at me. It made my stomach turn and I knew it wasn't right, but I went along anyway like I couldn't help myself or something. " Sabine's voice was getting panicky again for she knew she was going to have to tell the Father exactly what she had done. Although she was truly sorry for her misdeeds, a small part of her was still excited by the experience and her heart pounded against her chest just from talking about it. "She asked me if I had ever kissed anyone. And not like my mom or dad, she meant like on the movies. I was so embarrassed, but she said that if I didn't answer I would have to take dare, so I told her no. Then it was my turn. She took truth and I asked her the same question. She said she did all the time! I didn't believe her and she said that sometimes she even kisses girls!"For the first time in his 20 years of priesthood, Father Tyler found the small, confined space of the confessional to be most uncomfortable. He started squirming in his seat, fidgeting nervously as the sane part in him spoke up again. "That's enough!! Stop this now! No good can come from hearing this. Don't do this to yourself!" he scolded himself.

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   Again, the malicious sounding feminine voice appeared from out of nowhere, this time sounding as if it was coming from somewhere inside the confessional itself rather than just his own mind. "Afraid you'll get a little hot under the collar, Father Tyler?" she sneered, hearing his thoughts. "Who are you?" he demanded out loud before he knew what he was doing. Sabine looked up at the shadowy figure of the Father through the tiny holes in the lattice weaved screen. "What?" she asked confused. "No, nothing. Never mind, just keep going," he answered quickly as he flushed hotly and beads of sweat began to form along his brow. Father Tyler was panicking now, looking around the tiny room while her laughter at his mistake filled his ears. "Okay . . . . " Sabine said with a shrug and went on with her story. "She kept asking all these really personal questions every time I picked truth so one time I picked dare and she said I had to let her kiss me. I didn't really want to but I couldn't stop her either.

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   It was like I didn't have any control over myself. I said okay and when she got close up to me, I could smell her hair and it smelled so nice. It smelled like roses and cinnamon and I got dizzy all of a sudden. She put her lips on mine and we kissed for almost a minute before I knew what I was doing and then I pulled away and just stared at her. She was smiling again. She asked me if I liked it and I said yes. I felt like I had a fever. My insides were really hot, but my skin was chilly and inside my head felt all fuzzy. I completely forgot about the game when she kissed me again, but this time she put her tongue in my mouth and it made me tingle all over and . . . . um . . .


   um . . . " she stammered. "Um what?" Father Tyler encouraged, fearing the answer and, to his utter surprise, anticipating it all at the same time. "I got sticky and hot between the legs," Sabine finished, blushing profusely even as the moist sensation in her panties returned right then and there. Father Tyler closed his eyes and flashes of the two girls lost in each other, sharing a soft, sensual kiss danced behind his lids. "It has an almost perversely innocent sound coming from the mouth of a child, don't you agree Father?" the haunting voice asked. This time, Father Tyler answered silently, having learned from before that he was the only one who heard this woman. "Who are you?? What are you? Where are you?" he demanded again, opening his eyes to banish his wicked imagination. "So many questions. Why don't you listen to what the girl has to say? I can tell from that rising bulge in your pants that you are enjoying this . . . "With that, Father Tyler's gaze shot to his lap.

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   He stared horrified at his member as it danced and poked up under the pristine black, button up robe of his uniform. The woman was right. His cock was getting harder and harder by the second and the urge to touch it crawled slowly through his brain. "No! No! NO! What am I doing???" he screamed at himself. "This is a child of God in the holy sanctity of the confessional and I'm getting an erection?? What is wrong with me??" he questioned, bewildered by his traitorous body. The woman laughed again, her sensual, velvety tones seeming to come at him from every direction at once. "20 years of celibacy will do that to a man, Father. No matter what else you claim to be, you are a man and a most handsome one at that," she teased. Oblivious to Father Tyler's ghostly battle, Sabine kept telling him about her experience. "She stopped kissing me for a little and I still had my eyes closed because I was really dizzy. I couldn't think straight and the room was actually spinning. I felt her start to unbutton my shirt, but I didn't stop her. I couldn't. I could hardly move and it felt so good, I couldn't stop myself from wanting her to do it either. She opened my shirt and touched my breasts and she asked me if I liked it when she touched them.

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   I don't know how I could talk, it didn't even sound like me but I said yes, I know I did. She kept doing it and it felt like there was a fire, you know, down there," she said, her breathy voice sounding far away and almost dreamy as she remembered how India had made her feel. Absently, she started rubbing her thighs together and her hardening nipples strained against her starched uniform shirt. She had forgotten her bra at India's house and the unconfined sensation of her budding breasts was very arousing. She swallowed hard, trying to control her raging hormones. Despite her every effort to keep it from happening, saying things out loud was turning her on as well. Although she felt dirty and impure, she desperately wanted to stop the aching between her legs. It was causing a burn to grow low in her belly and she had an uncontrollable need to soothe it. Knowing the Father could not really see her; she leaned against the wall of the confessional and closed her eyes, using her imagination to bring her fully back to India's house. "She put her hand up my skirt and touched my privates. It felt good, and it made the burn feel better and worse all at the same time. She rubbed me and then used her tongue on my breasts. It was incredible . . .

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   I know that's bad, to like it, but I did anyway. My eyes were still closed and she kissed my neck and kept going down my body until she got to where her fingers were. Then she took off my panties and something told me to stop, something far away in my head, but I couldn't. I swear I would have done anything she told me to. I didn't know were I was anymore, and I didn't care, I only knew that if she stopped I felt like I would have died. " she admitted as silent tears of frustration and confusion slipped down her cheeks. Hating herself for her wickedness, she still could not resist sliding a hand up her knee length, plaid uniform skirt. Slipping a few fingers into the side of her panties, she played with the folds of her dampened pussy as she trembled, arching against the wall and thrusting her hips forward. As Sabine described her elicit deeds with India, pornographic images of India, savoring the taste of her young student’s pebbled pink nipples and then lowering her face into her lap, flashed in Father Tyler's vision. Eyes shut, open, looking anywhere or nowhere --it didn't matter. He could not escape them and he was convinced now, that they were being put in his mind deliberately by her . Holding his hands against either wall of the confessional to brace himself against the overwhelming sensation of dizziness he had, he did everything in his power to resist the temptation of his straining fleshy organ. The sweat was now pouring down Father Tyler's face as he gazed at the large tent pole in his crotch. His heart was thumping against his rib cage and he was practically gasping for air. The woman was more than a voice now.

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   He could feel her presence there with him in the stuffy, confined space of the confessional and yet he still could not see her. He prayed silently hoping to block Sabine's words from his ears and cease the erotic visions. "Oh please, God in heaven, help me! Grant me, your humble servant, strength to fight this . . . whatever it may be," he begged silently. "Now, now, Father. There's no need for such vulgar language here. If you don't want to listen to her words, then you can listen to mine. Although I must admit, hearing her tell it is much more interesting," said the woman. "I am known by many names, but you may call me India as well. I've grown rather fond of the name. Wouldn't you love the sound of your name coming so passionately from the mouth of one so young? And she's such a tender little thing too. Sweet as any apple you've ever tasted, Father Tyler. Just imagine those succulent baby legs, wrapped around your face while she screams your name!" she whispered seductively.

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  Father Tyler was almost in tears. He understood now, who this woman was, but he was still in shock and had no clue what to do. This was Sabine's "math tutor". It was unbelievable, yet evident that India was sent directly from the very depths of hell. He almost laughed out loud at the idea, but managed to keep silent while still refusing to register Sabine's words. "Oh merciful God, am I loosing my mind? A demon? Is it possible? Please help me in my greatest hour of need . . . . . ," he began to sob silently, not wanting to alert Sabine to what was happening. His balls were hard aching rocks against his body and there was an uncomfortable tightness in his lower abdomen. His stomach was sick with terror knowing his immortal soul was in danger of eternal damnation. "Loosing your mind? Well perhaps, I have had that affect on men. But I assure you this is no hallucination.

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   I am real and I will have my fun regardless of your futile prayers," India's sinister voice answered. Suddenly, Father Tyler felt her ghostly touch open his robe and then tug down on his zipper. Instinctively, he reached down to stop her, but in that very same instant, he heard a snap of India's fingers and Father Tyler's massive, pulsating cock was fully exposed just in time to meet his hands. Immediately he let go of it as the protruding organ had singed his fingers with the fires of hell itself. He folded his trembling hands in prayer, the urge to just give in held back by a thin, paper wall of sanity. "Our Father, who art in Heaven, hallowed by Thy name. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil! Amen!" He felt the tainted presence in the small room grow thicker around him and he shook violently with fear as it howled in anger at his words. "Enough of this game, Father Tyler," India snapped viciously. His hands began to move of their own accord towards his dick and there was nothing he could do to stop them. "NOO! NO! PLEASE! STOP!" he pleaded pathetically. But India only laughed, forcing his large manly fingers around his painfully erect cock. He watched, sobbing pathetically as his hands began to slide up and down his ridged shaft. Soon the natural reactions of his stimulated manhood made his whole body tingle with perverse pleasure.

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  "Yes, that's right. You like that don't you Father Tyler? How long has it been? I know you weren't always a priest. You have tasted the pleasures of the flesh; you know how good it feels to reach the peak of sexual gratification. Why fight me? I know you want it," India crooned as she forced the Father to stroke himself faster and faster. He fought the workings of his body, trying desperately not to erupt and leave a shameful stain on his uniform, making a mockery of his faith. Then Father Tyler noticed that Sabine was not speaking anymore. Instead, she was panting heavily, slipping her dainty fingers in and out of her creamy cunt, caught under India's spell too. As she finger fucked herself furiously in the little room just next door to him, the erotic sound of Sabine's soft moans and panting sighs encouraged the deep guttural grunts from Father Tyler's throat while India sent him flashing pictures of Sabine's slick, virgin pussy to fuel his forbidden desires. Soon, Father Tyler saw the glistening bead of precum collect on the tip of his cock and the tiny room seemed to be filled with the scent of their lust while the two masturbated to the sound of each other’s voices. What Father Tyler didn't realize was that India had released her hold over his body and he was now wildly beating off in the small confessional of his own free will. He was a complete slave to his raging libido and India's every command. "You know what you have to do, Father Tyler," said India. "Bless the cum in your balls and go fuck the sin out of that little pussy with the might of your holy rod!!!" she commanded with an evil, maniacal laugh, amused by her blasphemous humor. Father Tyler, weak and helpless to the burning need for release, opened the door to his side of the confessional and stepped out into the quiet church. Sabine looked up with dazed, half lidded eyes at the figure looming in the doorway.

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   Father Tyler watched her for a moment, licking his lips hungrily as he leered at her. He knew she was ready for him by the sticky sounds her fingers made as they continued to go in and out of her hole. "Your wicked little cunt needs to be cleansed, Sabine. You will do penance for your sins on the end of my cock," he said with a voice he would hardly have recognized if he were in his right mind. But he wasn't in his right mind anymore. He had unknowingly become a sexual predator and he was powerless to stop it. India had broken his will and he had given himself over to temptation. "Yes Father Tyler," Sabine whispered. "Kneel before God and beg him for forgiveness," Father Tyler instructed. With zombie-like motions, Sabine dropped to her knees and turned to face the wall. She put her elbows up on the bench and clasped her hands together in prayer, closing her eyes tightly. Keeping the door open for more room to maneuver, Father Tyler saddled up behind Sabine and lifted the back of her skirt. He slipped her moist panties down around her bent knees and gazed at the glossy pink flesh perched below her small, apple shaped ass cheeks. He moved his uniform to the side and took the shaft of his cock in his hands again. Using her own arousal to wet his plump mushroom head, he slid it up and down her slit.

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   With Father Tyler's tip gliding along her velvety lips, Sabine began her Act of Contrition in a quivering, breathy voice. "Oh my God, I am heartily sorry for having offended Thee, and I detest all my sins, known and unkno . . . known . . . " she stammered as he entered her slowly, stopping against proof of her virginity. He pulled himself out of her tight baby cunt, groaning when her walls pulsed around his thick cock as he slid himself back in. He gloried in the sight of his dick disappearing inside her and then coming back out all glossy with her juices as he felt the lip of his head stroke against the ridges of her g-spot. Sabine continued to struggle through her prayers. "Not only because I dread the loss of heaven and dread the pains of hell, and not only because Thou art my Creator, my Redeemer and my Sanctifier, but most of all because my sins have offended Thee, my God . . . " she went on.

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   Father Tyler couldn't hold back any longer and plunged himself deep into her pussy, ripping through the thin flesh of her hymen in one violent thrust as she cried out in pain. Letting her adjust to his massive size he leaned forward, reached up under her arms and cupped the mounds of her developing breasts in his large greedy hands. He squeezed them and groped them, as she stretched around his cock, panting and gasping until the pain subsided and turned into a luscious throbbing inside her. "Continue with that prayer, little sinner," he commanded low into her ear and then began to piston himself in and out of her. With Father Tyler's hot breath on her neck she continued, moaning and crying out to all merciful God as he teased her nipples and fucked her from behind. "My sins have offended Thee . . . ooohh my God! . . . Who art all good in Thyself and deserving of all my love . . . oh yes Father! .


   . . " she panted. "Finish it, my child," he grunted as he pumped harder and faster in and out of her, now holding her breasts tightly in his hands and using them like handle bars to bounce her up and down his shaft. "I firmly resolve, with the help of Thy grace . . . . oh God! . . . to confess my sins, to do penance and to amend my life . . . Amen!" she cried out and quivered around his pulsing cock, milking him as the electric tingle of her orgasm flowed over her body and hardened her nipples into tiny little rocks against his sweaty palms.

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   As her cum soaked his balls with a sticky gush, he could not deny his own release any longer and pulled himself out of her milky cave. He stroked his cock feverishly until he shot the hot jetting streams of his seed all over her beautiful, baby ass and sloppy pussy. Exhausted, he fell against the wall of the confessional and with panting breath, gave her the absolution she had cum for. "God, the Father of mercies, through the death and resurrection of his Son has reconciled the world to himself and sent the Holy Spirit among us for the forgiveness of sins; through the ministry of the Church, may God give you pardon and peace, and I absolve you from your sins in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit," he said and made the sign of the cross over her heaving, sweat covered body. Suddenly the demonic presence of India was gone, and Father Tyler starred mortified as Sabine came out of her coma like state. Her face contorted in pain and tears began to stream down Father Tyler's face as he looked at the shinny puddles of his cum all over her back side. Her thighs were smeared in the blood of her lost innocents and he could hear her crying into her hands. "Wha . . . what happened? Oh my God, where am I? What's going on?" she babbled in whimpering confusion. Father Tyler paled and quickly replaced his vile organ back into his pants, adjusting his clothing to some sense of normalcy. He was horribly nervous now and in a most cowardly fashion, concentrated solely on covering his tracks. Too ashamed by his complete fall from grace, he quickly and silently removed Sabine's panties from around her legs. Using them he gently wiped the semen from her back side and the blood from her thighs.

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   While he helped Sabine to sit upright on the bench, he slyly placed the soiled evidence of her panties into the pocket sewn inside his priestly robe. Then he held her to his chest, calming the terror filled Sabine as he gently and chastely stroked her hair. "Shhhhh, my child. You are having a bad dream and you need to go back to sleep now," he whispered softly. Weak and left vulnerable to suggestion by India's powers, Sabine fell into a deep, dreamless sleep. Sighing in relief, Father Tyler lifted her gently and took her into the bathroom for a more thorough cleaning from the waist down. She mumbled incoherently in her sleep while he removed her clothes, bawling like a child himself, silently begging God for forgiveness over and over as he washed her lower body. He dried her and redressed her, saying repeated sorrowful prayers of repentance to his God until there were no more tears left for him so shed. Although his eyes were dry, his heart was heavy with regret. His stomach twisted with guilt and fear as he drove her home. He couldn't look her kind, grateful parents in the eyes as he explained the situation and apologized for not calling them sooner to keep them from worrying. Father Tyler looked past their faces as he lied, telling them that she had volunteered to help him close up the church that night. He wasn't feeling well lately and had gladly accepted her kind offer. The poor sweet child had worked her self to exhaustion. He decided to just let her sleep while he finished up his chores and now he was returning her to them.

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   Again he apologized for the lateness, but Sabine's parents were so grateful to have their child back safe and sound that they only thanked him and bade him goodnight. But Father Tyler did not have a goodnight. He had not slept a wink by the time the sun rose and he looked terrible as he felt. His hair was in disarray and there were large black circles under his puffy, bloodshot eyes when he went to the bathroom to try and make himself presentable. As he avoided looking at himself in the mirror again, Father Tyler cleaned up as best he could. Mind shot, spirit broken and still heavy with guilt he went to unlock the church for the day. *****************By mid afternoon, Father Tyler was ready to drop, but he put on his best face as he noticed his superior entering through the open doors. As Archbishop Rushman came closer his mock happy smile turned sour upon seeing the stern angry expression on his face. "Good afternoon Archbishop is there something wrong?" he asked. "Yes there is Father Tyler. Something is horribly wrong. Where do you keep your VCR?" demanded the Archbishop. "Right this way, sir . . .

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  " Father Tyler answered in a flustered, nervous voice as he lead him to the small viewing room used to watch the various religious videos he was required to see on occasion. "Sit down. " Archbishop Rushman ordered. Father Tyler took a seat and the Archbishop plunged an unmarked cassette into the VCR. After some initial snow and fuzz, Father Tyler's eyes grew wide and his jaw dropped in stunned humiliation. "I guess you didn't know there were hidden cameras in the confessionals, Father. We had to install them in after all the molestation charges began to pile up on our priests. We were determined to find out the truth and decided this was the best way to find out. Apparently, we were right. Although there is no audio in order to protect the confidence of each confession, I think the heinous act pictured here speaks for itself. Explain yourself immediately, Father Tyler!" the Archbishop bellowed. Father Tyler watched himself defile Sabine. Anyone could see from the lustful look on his sweaty face that he enjoyed it and with no evidence of the demon temptress he would have surely been committed if he told the truth. The ability to shed tears returned to Father Tyler tenfold. His life was shattered to pieces and all he could give in answer for his sacrilegious actions was loud, wailing sobs as he buried his face into his hands.

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If you are a tourist and want to come to Netherland you can make your adventure awesome. The best way of having a good time is hanging around with a spicy Dutch model. She will help you get superb impressions and go through the pure pleasure in such big towns like Rotterdam Utrecht The Hague Amsterdam and many others. Lonely gentlemen don’t like to travel alone even if it is official journey. Netherland escort models can accompany you anywhere you are going. For example you can come with a tall goddess on a business meeting to affect your partners. Escort chicks are good for sightseeing too. Make your trip even more exciting and full of emotions thanks to our online escort agency. Make no doubt about the fact that this website is the top in this country and it does not matter which town in Netherland you are going to travel to. Hot brunettes blondes redheads and brown-haired chicks with graceful faces and luxurious body forms for all tastes are waiting for your attention. All escort chicks are fetching voluptuous and absolutely sexy. The list of first-class escort models from Dutch cities is here. Pick one and have real time. You will not regret surely. You will never meet such beautiful babe on the streets or in a restaurant so better enjoy your time with an escort model.

Top-class escort services in Netherlands

Our escort agency works non-stop and can help you pick the best escort girls for a few hours a night or several days. Check the information about call girls on site and contact us if you have some questions. Customer service is always happy to help you find a model from the long list and explain you all the details. You will be glad to know that our escort service really cares about confidentiality. You can discuss all the extra services that you want to get beforehand. Perhaps you would like to get wonderful massage or any other special caresses. Incalls and outcalls are provided both. It means you can invite a chick to your place or our agency will provide you with a hotel room. All customers want to keep their dates with models in secret and our agency guarantees it. You will not see a better escort agency in Dutch cities. Our agency works for a long time provides its clients full support and helps to plan your time with fascinating babe. dutch escort girls is waiting for your call. Make your travel dream come true in Dutch cities. There are a lot of interesting places to visit but do not do it alone. Better use our perfect escort agency because you are worth it.

Look at Belgium from a different perspective with help of Escorts in Luik

Belgium is a hometown for exclusive chocolate with more than 700 tonnes of chocolate being sold on annual basis in its International airport. Moreover, Belgium has a captivating history with a rich architecture and also sundry culture, which entice tourists from various parts the globe. When it comes to parties, a Belgium is most likely the centre of the party with Tomorrowland being the host of the best electronic parties in the world. However, you will be shocked to unveil that Belgium has way more to offer to those, who dare to go out and search. Get ready to indulge yourself with something clearly arousing. Welcome to the thrilling world of ! Could you ever think of visiting all the biggest parties together with stunning chick? They can also make you a good company while you visit various monuments, as well as grand dinners, exclusive fashion shows, famous exhibitions and others. Prepare to become the very centre of everybody’s attention, because those cuties from Escorte filles Mons surely know what all the men desire. Escorte filles Courtrai is your steadfast partner in the world of lust. Only here you can finally make all your secret fantasies come true.

What to Expect from Escortes à Sint-Martens-Latem ?

Each and every chick of ours are high-class performers when it comes to sex and have impressive skills that will leave your speechless. Feel free to navigate through photo galleries in order to check out those impressive body curves and attractive faces, which our hotties don’t mind showing off at all.

Apart from top-quiality escort services during the day time, our fascinating escort cuties can certainly provide stunning escort at night, when nobody sees you. My word, you could never imagine such an amazing lechery.
Fascinating ladies from Escort Girls Namur originate from diversified countries. Hence, you are welcome to pick from America, Europe, Asia, Middle East Countries, Africa, Latin Countries and many others. Just specify your interest and we will take care of the rest. Include your personal information in the registration form and you will be granted with direct access to our catalogues of escort beauties. You can customize your search with help of various categories. Feel free to choose standard, VIP, diamond and other categories of escort services depending on your budget.

Things You Can Enjoy at Escort Escort Namur

Escort babes have a great experience in providing top satisfaction to guys regardless of their age, race or anything else. They surely possess the right skills to make you remember that night forever. So, you can select from cock-sucking, escort massage, cosplays, sex games with various toys, butt-fucking, handjobs, group sex, pissing, roleplay, BDSM and many others. Those filthy chicks are here to please you as long as you can take it. Hence, don’t hesitate join Escort Girls Ostend and discover this country from an absolutely different perspective.

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Salt Lake City escort services - USA escorts, how to find them

Either you are planing a trip to the USA or you already live there, seeking the right escort services in your zone, or area, should be a pleasant activity, spiced with a lot of excitement. Specially crafted for those who are seeking to spend time in a glamorous environment, the escort service is now a universal niche for thousands and millions of persons. In the States alone, there are more than 1 million models ready to date and meet with you, and you only need a single click on the next post to better understand how it works and where can you meet Salt Lake City escort services .

Free hook ups or paid ones

No matter the cause, either you are on a work visit or in vacation, searching for somebody to accompany you and provide amazing intimate moments should be your number one priority, if you feel alone or bored. USA escorts Salt Lake City are very spread and very well-known. They offer vast options and come with a large number of escorts. From teens ready to stay with you, to wives seeking a man to make them feel spoiled and have fun with. If you plan to use the call girls Salt Lake City, make sure you pick your girl according to your needs. There are free offers and paid ones. You must determine which model of Salt Lake City escort services you will choose. Depending on that, the payment will be marginal or higher.

What type of services do these escorts in Salt Lake City offer?

From romantic dinner dates to erotic activities, these escorts can provide you almost any type of satisfaction you wish. Either you are somebody who loves talking with babes and spending time with them, or you are the type of guy who adores to get right to the good stuff, escorts Salt Lake City can provide you anything you wish as long as you are generous with them. Spice up your business travel or even your holiday along these elegant girls. They come from all over the globe, and they can surely keep you going all night with their passion and desire. Seek for the best escort and you will be offered with the most sexy and addictive moments in your life. Not to mention that all girls at escort Salt Lake City are skilled ones. That means they know how to dazzle you and how to please you, no matter your craves or kinks.

Reasons to choose the escort services Salt Lake City

1. These girls are skilled ones. They know how this thing is working, and they sure know how to keep you entertained.
2. Protection and hygiene are the most valuable things at escort Salt Lake City. These models will always look to you will feel relaxed in their company. They will do anything it takes to make you feel good and feel fulfilled.
3. Intimacy is also a top rule at escorts Salt Lake City. Your private details, your fetishes, your kinks and practically everything connected to you and your experience with the models, all these will always be safe and out of the reach of other entities. You can rest assure that accessing Salt Lake City call girls will be the best option, and no matter what, your private details will be stored in place.


When it comes to escorts in Salt Lake City, our service is the hottest option. You have all the reasons to come here and see our chicks. They are charming, well mannered, of various ages and forms, highly into having a great time and most of all, very skilled. See them out and date the one you love the most, to make your trip or your office trip a truly unforgettable experience. .

Prepare yourself to unveil Ts Escorts Thessaloniki in order to experience incredible satisfaction while traveling around this fascinating city. Obtain the direct access to the hottest shemales from

Trans Escorts Thessaloniki is already opened for naughty guys, who are ready for some satisfaction while travelling.

Regardless whether you are coming because of business purpose, a family meeting or simply for a vacation, it's undoubtedly crucial to understand all general details before taking a decision to visit Escort Transexuelle. It is due to the fact that every man should know how to get maximum satisfaction from Tranny Escort. Those shemale babes are really horny and know the best techniques to satisfy anyone who meets them. Luckily, they are experienced when it comes to sex and all kinds of nasty action they organize. There is no doubt at all that you will certainly enjoy your time with Trans Escort Deutschland and add plenty of memories about this town.
This city has a lot of and historical destinations, which makes it most suitable for millions of visitors from all around the globe. Nevertheless, apart from sightseeing and diversified destinations, you can also unveil the hidden side of this city. I guess you would never imagine, visiting chic dinners, attending great parties, checking out spectacular museums, exhibitions or performances, while being accompanied by attractive shemale chicks. It would undoubtedly make plenty of studs around you feel exceptionally jealous of you. With assistance of Shemale Escorts Thessaloniki, even impossible desires can become true.
Do not hesitate to visit our shemale babes, because they are ready to show their voluptuous body curves right away. It is clear that you will surely feel great excitement, because it is simply unbearable to keep relaxed around this lechery. In addition our charming shemale ladies are very knowledgeable and will amaze you with their top-quality escort services as well. Discover more details at Ts Datingcyprus website and get complete access to stunning pleasures of Ts Escort Sites.
We have done our best to develop a complete selection of charming shemale ladies from different places of the world, so that you can quickly find a rouge from Asia, Europe, Middle East, America, Africa, Latin America and many more. Create your personal profile and receive a direct access to diverse photo galleries prepared for you. Pick the best shemale escort hottie and feel the most unforgettable and dirty joy in your entire life. Our skillful hotties know how to satisfy any stud for sure.
Prepare to experience amazing oral sex, kinky cosplay sessions, relaxing sex massage, incredible games with sex toys, magnificent butt-hammering, incredible handjobs, and even orgy and other types of sex. Only with Malta Trans Escort hotties you can feel yourself like a man! So, don’t vacillate to visit Shemales Escort, because it is exactly what you fantasize about!