
Car Wash part 2


Carwash…part two.
I slept well that night, having nice dreams of what’d happened to me the afternoon before.
My next door neighbor’s kid had come over and helped me wash my car and we’d gotten naked and she’d sucked me off after I’d gone down on her.
She’d been a little bit too scared about actually having sex with me, but I knew that if she were to come over again, I’d finish up fucking her.
If not, then I still had some very pleasant memories to remind me.
I woke the next morning and went straight to my bedroom window hoping I’d be able to see my little playmate, but alas, she wasn’t in her yard.
I waited all Day for her to come back over but she didn’t.
The next day was a repeat of the day before.
No show.
After about 4 days, I’d given up on her ever coming back over so we could continue our little sexual game.
I rang one of the ladies I knew, who also had a 13 year old daughter and invited them both over for the weekend.
My taste in underage girls had been awakened.
When she duly arrived that night, I couldn’t take my eyes away from her daughter, though I tried hard not to let it show to either her daughter or to her.
Every chance I got, I’d perv on her daughter and laugh and joke more with her than I’d ever done before when she’d been there with her mother before.
She knew I was having sex with her mother and had not appeared too upset with the knowledge.
Her mother and I had sex that night, but it wasn’t her mother I was fucking.

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No, in my mind’s eye, it was the 13 year old I was fucking.
The next morning, we were sitting at the breakfast table eating breakfast, when I heard the young girl’s voice speaking in the yard.
I looked out and saw that Susan (the girl from next door) and Becky (the 12 year old) were sitting beside my swimming pool laughing and joking together.
I wondered what they were talking about.
A cold shiver went down my back as I wondered if Susan would tell Becky what had happened between us a few days ago.
I finished breakfast in rather a hurry and walked outside.
“Hi Susan. ” I said with a nervous grin on my face.
“Oh, Hi Brian. ” She answered sweetly.
“I see you’ve already met Becky. ” I indicated the girl sitting beside her.
“We met last time she was here. ” Susan replied.
“That’s good.

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  ” I replied in a less than happy tone of voice.
I knew that Susan would know that I’d slept with Becky’s mother last night and wondered if she was the jealous type, and if so, would she try to cause trouble between Becky’s mum and I.
I went over and sat down at a table I used for when I had people stay over and who wanted to sit outside.
I couldn’t hear what Susan and Becky were talking about as they were whispering and laughing together and that worried me no end.
Becky’s mum came out and sat with me and all the time we chatted together, I was trying to keep my eye on the two young girls.
“I’ve got to do some shopping, would it be alright if Becky stays here with you and that girl?” Pam (Becky’s mum) said.
“Sure it will be. ” I answered, glad she was going.
She kissed me and said goodbye to her daughter and got into her car and drove away leaving me with the two young girls.
Susan came straight over towards me and asked, “Would it be alright if Becky and I had a swim in your pool, Brian?”
“Of course it’d be alright, Susan. ” I answered, still a bit unsure about Susan.
Susan was already wearing the same swimmers she’d worn over here the first day and while she waited for Becky to go and get dressed, she came back to me and said, “I’ve missed you big time, Brian. ”
Greatly relieved, I replied, “I’ve missed you too my darling. ”
She quickly leaned forward and slipped her tongue inside my mouth and as we kissed, I felt my cock starting to grow alarmingly inside my shorts.
Susan took her face away from mine and looked down at my crotch.

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She grabbed my cock through my shorts and giggled.
Just then, Becky came out of the house and Susan quickly released my cock and hurried over towards her.
Laughing together, they headed off towards the pool.
I felt better about things now.
Susan didn’t appear to be jealous about me sleeping with Pam and it seemed like she’d said nothing about what’d happened between us to Becky.
“Why don’t you join us?” I heard Susan call out.
“Oh…okay. ” I answered and walked towards the pool.
I dived into the pool and swam under water towards the two young girls.
As I approached them, I couldn’t help but stare at their bodies under the water.
Susan’s cunt was clearly outlined against her swimmers and as I turned my head under water towards Becky’s smaller body, I was pleasantly surprised to notice that I could also clearly make out the shape and size of Becky’s cunt as well.
I came up out of the water close to them and they laughed and splashed water into my face as soon as I got my head out of the water.
I started splashing them both with water and we had a great time, throwing water at each other and laughing and playing around.
“Brian, give me a piggy back ride please?” Susan said, trying to climb onto my neck.
I bent down and allowed her to climb up onto my shoulders.

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I could feel her cunt pressing against my neck and wished we were alone right then.
“My turn next. ” Little Becky yelled out.
“Okay sweetheart. ” I told her.
I had to be careful in case Susan’s parents looked out their window and saw their daughter mucking around in the pool with a fully grown man.
I threw Susan off my shoulders and she landed in the water, laughing.
I then bent down and allowed Becky to climb up on my shoulders.
Knowing that her cunt was now resting on the back of my neck, made my cock swell inside my shorts.
Susan came up behind me and reached around and grabbed my cock through my shorts.
I didn’t want Becky to see what Susan was up too, so I dropped her into the water and quickly said to Susan, “Be careful, sweetheart. Becky may see what you’re doing and tell her mum. ”
“Oh, she won’t tell. ” Susan said with confidence.
I wondered how she knew that.

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I decided that I’d better play it safe and just splashed water at the two girls, hoping that Susan could keep her hands to herself in front of Becky.
Becky was enjoying herself and I knew Susan was enjoying Becky’s company.
“Are you strong enough to be able to pick both of us girl’s up at the one time?” Susan asked with a sly grin on her face.
I knew she was up to something, but was unsure just what.
“Yes, I’m more than strong enough. ” I replied laughing.
“Come on Becky, let’s see if he is. ” She grinned at her friend.
I bent my knees so that they could sit on each arm, but instead of sitting on my forearm sideways like I thought they’d do, both girls placed their legs right over my arm, so that their cunts were pressed against my forearm.
I didn’t try to argue with them; instead, I just lifted them right out of the water with ease, as they were so light.
When I placed them back down in the water, Becky said, “ again. ”
So once more I bent down in the water so they could again sit on my arms.
This time, Susan sat directly on top of my hand.
“It’s harder to pick us up this way. ” She said giggling.

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I had her cute arse covered by my four fingers and found that my thumb was now pressing up against Susan’s cunt.
I had to laugh at Susan’s cunning.
Becky decided she wanted to sit just like Susan was and placed herself on my other hand exactly like Susan was.
She didn’t complain when she felt my thumb pressing into her cunt through her swimmers, so I said nothing and picked them both up out of the water, again with ease.
I could feel both thumbs sinking inwards against their cunts.
If they hadn’t been wearing swimmers, my thumbs would have entered them.
When I again placed them back in the water, Susan said, “Again. ”
Becky agreed with her friend, “Yes, again please. ”
So Becky again sat on my hand the same way as she’d just done, with my thumb again pressing inwards against her cunt.
As I was getting Becky settled on my hand, I felt Susan sit down on my other hand and knew straight away, something was different this time.
I looked down at my hand and saw that just before she’d sat herself down on my hand, she’d slipped her swimmers to one side of her crotch, so that now my thumb was resting against her naked cunt.
I lifted Becky up into the air first, in an attempt to stop her from seeing what Susan had done.
I felt my thumb sinking inwards once more against Becky’s small cunt.
She had to have felt my thumb pressing against her cunt, but she gave no sign.
As I lifted Susan into the air, I felt my thumb being swallowed by soft folds of flesh and knew my thumb was actually entering her cunt.

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Suddenly Susan’s weight sifted a bit and I felt my thumb plunge all the way up inside her.
Susan gave a grunt of pain as my thumb tore through her hymen and sunk deep inside of her cunt.
“Ouch. ” She cried out.
“What’s the matter, Susan?” Becky asked, plainly worried about her friend.
“Nothing, Becky. ” Susan managed to get out.
I quickly lowered her into the water and slipped my thumb out of her.
“Are you alright?” I asked worried.
“Yes Brian. It’ll be alright in a minute. ” She said pulling her swimmers back over her cunt.
“Becky, would you be a sweetheart and go and get my cigarettes?”
“Sure Brian. ” She replied getting out of the water and going to the table to get them for me.
“Are you sure, you’re alright?” I asked Susan, giving her a quick hug.

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“Yes, it stings a little, but it’s not too bad. ” She replied. “Did I just break my hymen?” she added.
“Yes sweetheart. I’d say so. ” I told her, Sorry that I’d not been the one to break it for her.
“Gee…it wasn’t as bad as I thought it’d be. ” She giggled, rubbing her fingers over the swell of her cunt through her swimmers.
Just then, Susan’s mum called her over for lunch.
Susan gave me a quick kiss while Becky wasn’t looking.
I watched her cute arse as she walked back over to her side of the fence.
Boy, was I in the mood for a fuck right then.
“Do you want to pick me up in your hand again?” Becky asked standing beside me.
“Sure, why not. ” I answered, my thoughts now turning towards this young girl.

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Once again, she sat on my hand with her cunt pressed against my thumb.
As I lifted her in the air, I gave my thumb a bit of a wiggle against her cunt, causing her to giggle behind her hand.
I was intrigued that she was allowing me to rub my thumb against her cunt like this.
Again, I wondered just what she and Susan had spoken about.
When I’d placed her back in the water, I decided to try something with her.
I got in behind her and cuddled her to my body.
My stiff cock was now rubbing hard up against her arse.
She had to have known what it was that was pressing up against her, yet she made no move to pull away from me.
This raised some interesting thoughts in my head.
I decided to push things a little further to see what her reaction would be.
“Can you do hand stands in the water?” I asked.
“That’s easy. ” Becky said with a grin.
She then dived under the water and the next thing I saw were her legs sticking up out of the water beside me, her crotch was also visible.
I quickly leaned over and blew my lips against her swimmers right where her cunt would be.


A sudden burst of air came up out of the water as Becky opened her mouth in shock and surprise.
Then she was standing upright before me, wiping water from her eyes and coughing water from her mouth.
“You’re rude. ” She said, splashing me with water.
I just laughed in response.
She didn’t appear to be angry with me, just shocked, so I took that as a good sign.
“I bet you can’t do a hand stand under water for a full minute without coming up. ” I said with a smirk.
Becky looked at me in silence for a few seconds before once again diving under the water and doing a hand stand in front of me.
This time I didn’t blow my lips against her cunt, but what I did do was to pull one side of her swimmers over to the other side of her cunt, completely exposing her young innocent flesh to my view.
She nearly went to stand up, but managed to stay under water for at least a full minute with her young cunt still exposed.
Finally she stood back up and wiped water from her face, and then she reached down and pulled her swimmers back into place.
“See…I did stay under for a minute, Brian. ” She said, knowing full well that I’d used the hand stand trick purely as an excuse to pull her swimmers to one side so that I could look at her cunt.
“I’ll give you five dollars if you can do a hand stand for one and a half minutes.


  ” I told her, wondering if she’d rise to the bait.
Again, she looked at me in silence and I knew she was thinking that I’d pull her swimmers to one side again once she was under water.
“Okay…I’ll do it. ” She said.
She dived under water once more and again, I pulled her swimmers over to expose her tender young cunt, but this time, after I’d pulled them to one side, I leaned forward and run the tip of my tongue right down the smooth, almost hairless cunt.
Her cunt tasted like nectar from the gods.
Once more I licked my tongue down the smooth groove between her outer lips before Becky started to tip over.
I watched with interest as she wiped water from her eyes.
Becky had a grin on her face.
“You owe me five dollars. ” She said with a smile.
“I’ll give it to you when we get out of the water. ” I answered smiling myself.
She must have enjoyed the licking I’d given her.
Things were indeed looking up for me.

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“Can you please lift me up on your hand again?” she asked.
“Sure. ” I replied.
I’d noticed that she had not pulled her swimmers back into place; they were still pulled to one side with her cunt totally exposed.
She sat on the palm of my hand and like Susan; her naked cunt was now rubbing against my thick thumb.
As I lifted her into the air, I rubbed my thumb against the wet folds of her outer lips, causing Becky to giggle.
When I placed her back in the water, I grabbed her around the small waist and pulled her backwards towards me.
The was a small enough gap between her arse and my tented cock for me to slip my hand down and release my throbbing cock from it’s prison.
I then pulled Becky back towards me, until our bodies touched.
My naked cock was now pressing against the top of her thighs.
Becky didn’t need for me to ask her to spread her legs apart; she did however do just that.
Now I had the shaft of my cock resting along the groove of her young cunt.
I reached around and began to gently squeeze her tiny nipples through her swimmers.
At the same time, I rubbed the full length of my cock in and out between her thighs, feeling her cunt rubbing itself along the top of my shaft.
After all that had happened to me, that was all it took for me to shoot my load into the water in front of Becky.

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It floated to the top of the water and Becky looked at it and giggled.
She felt my cock start to become limp in between her thighs.
She stepped away and turned around and stared at my cock.
“How come it’s so small now?” She asked with a giggle.
“That’s what happens after a guy cums. ” I told her.
“Oh. ” Was her reply.
“Was that stuff cum?” she asked indicating the still floating mess in the water near her.
“Yes it is. ” I answered truthfully.
“I’ve heard about cum from some of the older girls at school, but this is the first time I’ve seen it. ” She giggled.
Just then we heard her mother’s car returning, she quickly pulled her swimmers back into place and I just as quickly scooped up the mess in the water and poured it down the drain beside the pool.
“Did everyone have a good time?” Pam asked as she came around the side of the house carrying a couple of bags in her hands.

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“Sure did, mum. ” Becky grinned at me.
“Where’s Susan?” Pam asked after she’d put everything away.
“She had to go back home for lunch. ” I told her.
“Mum, Brian, can Susan come over and stay the night please?” Becky asked.
“If it’s alright with your mum and Susan’s mum, then it’s fine by me. ” I told her.
“Mum?” Becky asked.
“Sure, why not. She’ll be company for you. ” Pam answered.
Becky quickly took off for next door to see if Susan could stay the night.
If there’d just been me and Becky here in the house, I knew Susan’s mother would have said no, but because Becky’s mum was also staying here, I figured she’d agree.
Becky was back in a few minutes followed by Susan, who was carrying a small bag with a change of clothing for the morning.

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We decided to get a couple of videos for the kids to watch tonight.
The only trouble was that the only video player in the house was the one in my bedroom.
Having the two girls in the bed with me would be hell on my sex drive, plus I wouldn’t even be able to fuck Pam with them there.
I spoke to Pam about that and she laughed and said, “It won’t hurt you to go without for one night. ”
After we’d eaten and the kids had their showers, I went into the bedroom and set up the video.
Pam was making us both a cup of coffee when the two girls entered the bedroom.
Becky was wearing the same nightie she’d worn the night before and I saw that Susan had choosen to wear a soft pink pair of shortie PJ’s.
I was glad Pam hadn’t seen her in it, or she may have insisted that the girls sit of top of the bed, instead of under the blankets with me.
“I want this side. ” Susan said indicating the side nearest the window, which just happened to be my side of the bed.
I moved over and let her dive under the blankets beside me.
Becky didn’t complain, she got into bed on the other side of me, leaving just enough room for Pam on the other side of her.
“It’s good of you to leave me some of the bed. ” Pam joked when she walked in and saw that the girls had made themselves quite comfortable in the bed.
I left the lights on until both Pam and I had finished our drinks.

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I didn’t want to spill hot coffee over either of the two girls.
When we’d finished, I turned on the first movie and turned the bedroom lights off.
As soon as the light went off, I felt Susan’s small hand reach over and slip inside my underpants.
She gripped my limp cock in her hand and started to slowly and carefully pull me off.
I too, let my hand wander over towards her body and slipped my hand inside her PJ’s.
Her cunt was quite moist and warm to the touch.
I ran my finger lightly up and down the moist groove between her lips.
I half raised one leg in the bed, so that Pam could not see any movement coming from the direction of my crotch.
Slowly and carefully, I began to sink my finger in between Susan’s wet outer lips and felt her cunt welcoming my invading finger.
Because she’d broken her hymen on my thumb, there was nothing stopping my finger from plunging all the way up inside of her.
I slowly finger fucked her as we both pretended to watch the movie on the TV.
Because Pam was only a foot away from me in the bed, I had to be extra careful.
Suddenly, Becky half rolled towards me and slipped her head under my arm and placed her head on my shoulder.
“Mmm…looks like you’ve got yourself another girlfriend, Brian. ” Pam joked.

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“Yeah, looks like it. ” I replied with a laugh, at the same time, wondering what Becky was up too.
“Awww…be real mum. ” Becky said, trying to sound cross with her mother.
Her mother just laughed and then things settled down and we started to watch the movie again.
In the darkness, I felt Becky’s small hand start to travel under the blanket and knew she was heading towards my cock which Susan still had in her fist.
Before I had a chance to stop her, Becky’s hand touched Susan’s hand around my cock.
She looked over at Susan in the darkness as if to say, “What are you doing touching his cock?”
Susan too had stopped playing with my stiff cock as soon as she felt Becky’s hand touch her own hand.
Soon, however both girls touched my cock and balls inside my underpants.
I still had my finger inside Susan’s cunt and as I had my arm around Becky’s back, I lowered that hand down the back of Becky’s small body and raised the hemline of her nightie up enough so that I could slip my hand down the back of her panties.
I tickled her tiny anus with my fingertip, causing her to tighten her grip around the shaft of my cock.
Then I slipped my fingers down her backside further until I found what I was seeking, her small, wet cunt.
As I slipped the tip of my finger inside her smallish hole, Becky couldn’t stop a soft groan from escaping from her lips.
“What’s the matter, Becky?” Pam asked, thinking her daughter may be a little unwell.
“Nothing mum, I just had a small cramp in my toes.

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  ” Becky quickly replied, half turning her head towards her mother.
“Oh…okay. ” Pam replied, her attention once more on the movie.
Becky turned her face back towards me and smiled at me.
I had to keep my face straight and pretend all I was interested in was the movie, not the two young girls either side of me.
I sank my finger in as far as it’d go inside Becky’s small cunt, the only thing stopping it from going any further was her hymen.
I slowly finger fucked both girls, enjoying the feel of both warm, wet cunts on my fingers.
Then I withdrew my fingers from each of them and started to massage their tiny clitorises.
 I felt Susan’s small body begin to twitch slightly as she enjoyed the sensations my finger was causing her.
She remained as quite as a mouse the whole time.
Becky however was a different story.
Once more she let a soft groan escape her lips.
“More cramps, sweetheart?” her mother asked.
“Yes mum. ” Becky replied.

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I’d stopped teasing her clitoris as soon as she’d groaned.
“I’ll have to get something for that tomorrow sweetheart. ” her mother said.
I slipped my hand out from beneath her panties, just in case her mother did something unexpectedly and caught me with my hand down inside her daughter’s panties.
I continued massaging Susan’s clitoris and suddenly I felt her small body stiffen beside me in the bed and knew she’d just orgasmed.
I slipped my finger back inside of her and sure enough, found her cunt to be wetter than I’d ever felt it.
We lay there with both girls’ hands around my stiff cock and it wasn’t too long before I heard faint snoring coming from Becky.
She’d fallen asleep.
It was only about five more minutes when I heard Pam start to gently snore as well.
I slipped my arm out from under Becky’s head and took her hand away from my stiff cock.
I then rolled over towards Susan and motioned for her to turn her body away from mine.
She released her grip on my cock and rolled over onto her side facing away from me.
I turned the TV off as I didn’t want Pam to wake up and see that I was snuggled right up against Susan’s small body.
I then snuggled in behind her and slipped her PJ’s down from her backside and grabbed the shaft of my cock and placed it at the entrance to her still very moist cunt.
“This may be a bit uncomfortable at first darl.

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  ” I whispered to her in her ear.
“Okay. ” Susan replied as she waited for me to start something she knew was totally wrong.
I slowly pushed the head of my cock against the entrance to her young cunt, at first it wouldn’t go inside her, so I reached down and wet my fingers with her juices and coated the head of my cock with it, I then replaced my cock at the entrance of her cunt and pushed inwards again.
This time I felt myself pop inside her tight hole.
She gave a small grunt as she felt my thick cock enter her.
I slowly worked the head of my cock in and out of her, slowly working myself in deeper and deeper.
After a few minutes, I had at least haft of my thick throbbing cock buried inside her.
I reached around and started massaging her clitoris with my fingers once more.
Susan started to push herself backwards against my incoming thrusts, causing my cock to penetrate her even deeper.
The walls of her cunt squeezed the shaft of my cock tightly as I slowly fucked her.
I was very proud of the fact that Susan had managed to keep any noise down to the barest minimum.
I was quite sure if it’d been Becky I was now fucking, she’d have made a lot more noise.
Even as Susan’s cunt became a lot moister, I couldn’t increase the speed of my thrusting inside her, or I’d cause too much movement on the bed and if Pam awoke, she’d know full well what I was up too.
But just as I was about to cum, I whispered in Susan’s ear, “I’m cumming sweetheart.


As I shot my hot cum inside her, I felt Susan’s cunt muscles begin milking my cock as if she wanted every last drop of cum inside her.
I was surprised at someone this young having the muscle control to milk a guy’s cock like she was doing.
Not too many fully grown women know how to do it.
True, she’d not had a 2nd orgasm, but as she felt my cock soften inside her, she turned around and kissed me deeply.
“You’d better go and wash yourself sweetheart, we can’t have you smelling of cum in the morning. ” I whispered to her.
Susan got out of the bed and I watched as she cupped her cunt to stop cum from dripping out of her as she walked quickly, but quietly into the bedroom.
I knew that I too would have to have a wash before morning.
I turn over towards Becky and found that she was now facing away from me in the bed.
I decided to have a little fun with her before going to wash myself off.
I moved closer towards her sleeping form and slipped down her panties, leaving her arse naked.
I then placed my cock, which had started to become interested again, in between her naked thighs.
Because my cock was still coated with cum, it slipped easily between her thighs and as my cock responded to the fiction caused by the movement of my cock in between her thighs, it soon became erect once more.
I placed the head of my cock hard up against the entrance to her small cunt and began to masturbate myself against her cunt.
Again, because of the highly illegal actions I was now involved in, it seemed to increase my sexual pleasure and it wasn’t too long before I felt myself starting to cum against her hot cunt.


I shot cum against her partly opened cunt and couldn’t stop myself from pushing the head of my cock harder against the entrance.
Suddenly, I felt the head of my cum soaked cock pop just inside her.
The 2nd and 3rd ropes of cum shot inside her.
The ring of young flesh around the head of my cock felt like a vice was tightly squeezing my cock.
I felt Becky wake up in front of me and she groaned slightly louder than she had before.
“You’re too big. ” She said with just the slightest trace of pain in the tone of her voice.
“I’m sorry sweetheart. ” I whispered into her ear and slipped my wet cock out of her.
“Did you put some of that cum up inside of me, I’m so wet down there. ” She whispered back.
“Yes I did darl. You’ll have to go wash yourself out in case your mother spots it. ” I told her.
She got up from the bed and walked between Pam and I and got off the bed at the end of the bed and walked into the bathroom where Susan was finishing her own wash up.

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I decided to join them and just hoped that Pam would remain asleep long enough for us to finish washing ourselves.
I walked into the bathroom to discover both Susan and Becky whispering and giggling to each other.
“Better keep the noise down a bit in case Pam wakes up. ” I told them.
“Who wants to clean me up?” I asked jokingly.
“I will. ” Offered Susan.
Instead of using the washcloth like I thought she’d use, she reached down with her hand and took my limp cock in her hand and then she lowered her mouth downwards and took my wet cock inside her mouth and began sucking it clean.
Becky looked shocked at what Susan was doing to me.
Susan took her mouth away from my cock and said to Becky, “Why don’t you try it?”
Becky moved over in from of me and took my now stiff cock inside her mouth; she couldn’t fit much more than just the head of my cock inside her mouth, but believe me it still felt wonderful having these two young girls taking turns to suck me off.
I couldn’t believe how many times I’d been erect so far this night.
I hadn’t had this many erections since I was a young man.
As Becky tried her best to suck me off, Susan started to play with my balls.
She then reached under them and started to tease my arsehole with her finger.
I have no idea why she did what she did next, but I certainly didn’t complain.

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She slowly began to push her finger up inside my anus.
That was all I needed to trigger yet another climax.
I shot hot cum deep inside Becky’s throat and Becky quickly pulled away from my cock and the rest of the cum finished up on the floor.
Susan took my cock in her small fist and finished off the last few drops of cum that dribbled out.
“Yucky. ” Becky said wiping her chin where a little bit of cum had finished up.
 “It’s nice, I like it. ” Susan said to Becky with a grin.
“We’d better finish cleaning ourselves up and get back into bed before your mother wakes up, Becky. ”
We were lucky to finish cleaning ourselves and getting back into bed without waking Pam.
Both girls cuddled into me as they went to sleep.
That was how Pam found us when she woke up in the morning.
“Come on sleepy heads. ” She called out waking us all up.
As I untangled myself from the girl’s arms, Pam said, “Just as well I don’t get Jealous.

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  ” She grinned when she said it, so I knew that she wasn’t upset at all.  
I got out of bed and Pam giggled when she saw that I had an erection.
My cock was tenting my underpants.
Most guys have an erection first thing in the mornings.
“Did they turn you on while you were asleep?” Pam asked jokingly.
“Must have. ” I grinned back at her.
“If only you knew the truth. ” I thought to myself still grinning.
I went into the bathroom and got into the shower stall and turned the water on.
Pam followed a couple of minutes later and joined me under the water.
It wasn’t long before Pam was playing with my cock.
She stroked it for a couple of minutes and then sank to her knees in front of me and started sucking me off.
Behind her, I saw the door partly open and saw Susan and Becky peeking through the small gap.
Becky’s eyes widened as she saw her mother doing to me what she’d done to me during the night.

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They were both grinning.
Then Pam stopped sucking me off and started to turn around in the shower stall.
“Fuck my arse big boy. ” Pam said with a grin.
She failed to see the small gap in the door and to make sure she didn’t see it, I half turned her away from the doorway and making sure the two kids had a good view; I took the shaft of my cock and placed it at the entrance to her anus.
Slowly I began to ease myself into Pam’s arsehole.
I looked towards the two girls and grinned.
Having these two young girls whom I’d sexually molestered during the night watching me fuck Pam in the arse was such a turn on.
It wasn’t too long before I was ramming myself deep within her arse.
Pam was having trouble keeping quite in the shower with my thick cock pounding away at her arse.
She loved having anal sex and I too enjoyed doing it.
Arseholes were much tighter than most women’s cunts and that made for better enjoyment for the guy, Mind you, I knew from what I’d gone through last night with the two girls that their tiny cunts were even tighter that Pam’s arsehole was.
Finally I rammed myself as deep inside her as I could do and shot my load into her arse.
“Mmm…for some reason, your cock seemed even bigger than normal. ” She said with a grin as she started washing her backside.

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I wasn’t surprised, having two young girls watching me while I was fucking her arsehole was such a turn on.
The girls I saw from the corner of my eye had gone from the doorway.
We finished washing ourselves and wrapped towels around each other and walked back to the bedroom, to find both girls watching cartoons on the TV.
“Okay girls, go and have a shower please. ” Pam told them.
They got out of bed and while Pam wasn’t watching, Susan grabbed my cock through the towel.
She giggled before running off to the bathroom.
Pam and I got dressed and went out to make breakfast for the kids and ourselves.
After breakfast, it was decided that we’d go to the beach for a swim.
Susan had to go over and ask her mum if it was okay for her to come with us.
She came back minutes later grinning, so I knew she’d be joining us.
As we drove to the beach, Susan and Becky were in the back seat whispering and giggling and I knew that they were chatting about last night’s events.
Everyone already had their swimmers on under their clothing and as I watched Susan undressing, I couldn’t help but remember that I’d been planted all in the way up inside of her last night.
I turned my glaze towards Becky and remembered how tight her smaller cunt had been around the head of my cock.
I also knew that very soon, I’d be busting her in fully.

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We all ran into the cold to find it freezing, but the longer we stayed in, the warmer it seemed to be.
Of course the girls got me to give them rides on my back and it was Susan who was on my back and I felt Becky shove her hand down my togs while her mother wasn’t watching.
She just as quickly withdrew her hand and smiled at me.
These girls had sure gotten over any shyness they may have had.
But I’d have to teach them to be a little bit more careful about what they did while other people were around.
There weren’t many people on the beach and after we had something to eat from the picnic basket Pam had brought with us, the kids wanted to go for a walk along the beach.
I was willing to go with them, but Pam wanted to lay in the sun for awhile to work on her tan.
So the girls and I took off down the beach and as young girls tend to do, they found everything fascinating.
I looked backwards and could hardly see Pam and the few other swimmers we’d left behind.
I was getting a bit sick of walking along the beach and sat down in the hot sand.
Susan and Becky went for another swim while I watched.
After about 15 minutes, they came back to where I was lying and sat down beside me.
“Girls, you’re both got to start being a little bit more careful about grabbing my cock while there are other people around, okay?” I told them.
“Okay Brian. ” Both girls replied.

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“If I get caught playing around with either one of you, I’ll go to Jail for a very long time. ” I added.
“Sorry. ” Becky said.
“That’s okay, but just wait till we’re alone before we start mucking around and everyone will be happy. ” I told them with a smile.
“Like we are now?” Susan asked with a grin.
“Yes. ” I replied with a grin knowing what was about to happen.
Susan pulled the front of my togs down and freed my cock and started to stroke me into life.
I rubbed her backside through her swimmers as she did so.
Becky was sitting there watching us with a big grin on her face.
When Susan lowered her mouth down over the head of my cock, I slipped my fingers under her swimmers and started playing with her cunt, which I was pleased to note was already very moist.
It didn’t take too long before my cock was rock hard and then Susan stood up and slipped her swimmers down her legs and kicked them to one side.
She then stepped over my body and lowered her backside down until her cunt touched the head of my cock.

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Becky watched closely as Susan slowly lowered herself downwards on my cock.
I too watched as my cock slowly disappeared inside her tight hole.
Finally, I was inside her as far as it’d go and Susan started raising and lowering herself on my cock.
It seemed like only a few seconds before she orgasmed onto the head of my cock, leaving me still needing to climax.
She sat there for about half a minute before raising herself off me.
“You want to try that, Becky?” I asked hopefully.
True, I’d had the head of my cock inside her last night, but her hymen was still very much intact.
“Okay. ” She answered doubtfully.
“Will it hurt much?” she asked slipping her swimmers off.
“It hurt me a little bit yesterday, but today there’s no pain at all. ” Susan answered for me.
“Oh, okay. ” Becky replied, still doubtful.
Becky did as Susan had done and position herself over my body.

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I held the shaft of my cock upwards and watched as Becky slowly began to lower herself downwards towards my waiting cock.
I watched as Becky’s small cunt lips touched the head of my cock and it was a beautiful sight watching her outer lips peel back from my invading cockhead.
Because the head of my cock was still wet from Susan’s juices, it popped inside Becky’s small cunt without too much trouble.
Feeling Becky’s tight cunt around the head of my cockhead, I wanted to ram myself as deep inside her as it’d go, but didn’t.
I placed both of my hands on her slim waist and waited for her to start lowering herself downwards onto my cock.
She pushed herself downwards slowly and as soon as the head of my cock touched her hymen, she stopped.
“You don’t have to go as deep as Susan did, Becky. ” I told her.
“But I want too, it’s just that I’m a bit scared. ” She replied.
I noticed that Susan had her face close to our joined bodies, watching my thick cock inside Becky’s cunt.
“Go on, do it. I double dare you too. ” Susan challenged.
Becky took up the challenge.


She suddenly dropped the weight of her small body downwards onto my cock and yelled out sharply as pain tore through her as her hymen tore and she sank downwards onto my cock.
She had tears in her eyes as she sat there fully impaled on my cock.
I was surprised that so much of my cock had entered her.
Her insides must have been slightly longer than Susan’s was.
She sat there for a few minutes, not daring to move an inch, until at last; her pain began to ease a bit.
When she was again ready, she slowly raised herself up along the length of my cock and stopped with just the head of my cock still inside her.
Then, she slowly lowered herself back down onto it.
As she began to realize that the slight pain she still had, wasn’t getting any worse, the pace of her movements slowly increased.
I watched as she started to raise and lower herself a tiny bit faster and a bit harder downwards onto the full length of my cock.
Within a few minutes, she too orgasmed onto the head of my cock and once again, I was left high and dry without climaxing.
Maybe I was taking so long to cum because I’d already climaxed three times last night and this morning.
“That was neat. ” Becky grinned as she took herself off my cock.
I saw that my thickness had left her cunt shaped like an O.
I turned her around until she was facing my feet and then I brought her towards me and lowered her backside downwards towards my face and shoved my thick tongue deep inside her hole.


Susan’s warm, wet mouth covered the head of my stiff cock as I sucked Becky’s cunt.
It only took me a few more minutes before I was finally able to climax inside her mouth.
Becky had watched Susan suck me off and when Susan took her mouth away from my cock, some of my cum dribbled from her lips.
I looked at my watch after Becky got off my face and saw that we’d been away for nearly an hour.
“We’d better start heading back girls. ” I told them, slipping my togs back up to cover myself.
“Okay. ” Both girls replied.
I stood up and watched them re-cover their nude bodies and when they were dressed, we started off back the way we’d come.
“When you had sex inside Pam’s bum, did that hurt her?” Susan suddenly asked.
“You saw the expressions on her face, did that look like she was in pain. ” I answered with a grin.
“No, she looked like she loved it. ” Susan replied.
“Some women do and some women don’t.

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   It’s all a matter of choice. ” I told her.
“I never knew that mum liked a cock inside her bum. ” Becky said with a grin.
“Well, now you know. ” I said with a laugh.
“Does it hurt having a cock inside your bum?” Becky asked.
“It’s a bit like the first time you have sex, it can hurt at first until you get used to it. ” I answered.
“You can say that again. ” Becky laughed, giving her cunt a quick rub.
“But it’s easier if you use a lubricant first, that way the cock slips inside your arse easier and it’s not so painful. ” I told them, wondering if maybe these girls wanted to try to have anal sex with me. I hoped so.
To be continued…

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Χαρίστε στον εαυτό σας λίγη μοναδική ψυχαγωγία επιλέγοντας αληθινές επαγγελματίες συνοδούς στην Αθήνα πουτανες.
Μη διστάσετε να επισκεφτείτε τους Συνοδούς στην πορνες Αθήνα και να ανακαλύψετε πως είναι πραγματικά η ηδονή, ενώ σας προσφέρουν υψηλής ποιότητας υπηρεσίας συνοδών.

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Η Ελλάδα, είναι μια από τις πιο ενεργές χώρες σε ολόκληρη την Ευρώπη. Διαθέτει μια ενδιαφέρουσα ιστορία 4,000 χρόνων, είναι η χώρα της δημοκρατίας, του πολιτισμού, του φιλότιμου, με φιλόξενους ανθρώπους, και εντυπωσιακές φυσικές τοποθεσίες. Στην πραγματικότητα, εάν θέλετε μπορείτε να εξερευνήσετε μερικά από τα πιο ελκυστικά νησιά στον κόσμο μόνο για να συνειδητοποιήσετε ότι θα ζήσετε μια ανεπανάληπτη εμπειρία ζωής.
Τα 6,000 ηλιόλουστα νησιά της, το Ελληνικό φαγητό, το Ελληνικό καμάκι κάνουν την ατμόσφαιρα ακόμα πιο μαγική. Έτσι, δεν αποτελεί έκπληξη το γεγονός ότι έχουν δημοσιευτεί χιλιάδες άρθρα που αναφέρουν ότι το ταξίδι στην Αθήνα Συνοδοί θα είναι ένα από τα πιο γοητευτικά μέρη στην Ελλάδα, ακόμα και στην Ευρώπη. Για αυτό είναι και τόσο διάσημη πόλη ανάμεσα στους ανθρώπους που επιλέγουν να ταξιδεύουν στον κόσμο.
Παρόλα αυτά, θα εντυπωσιαστείτε όταν ανακαλύψετε ότι η Ελλάδα μπορεί να παρουσιάσει πολλά περισσότερα σε εκείνους που τολμούν να την εξερευνήσουν. Ετοιμαστείτε για κάτι ολοκληρωτικά ερεθιστικό. Καλώς ορίσατε στον συναρπαστικό κόσμο Συνοδών στην Συνοδοί Αθήνα! Ο κορυφαίος προορισμός για όλους τους πρόστυχους γαμιάδες που θέλουν να εμπλουτίσουν τη ζωή τους με εκπληκτικές εμπειρίες γεμάτες ακολασία και αχαλίνωτο πάθος. Θα μείνετε εντελώς ικανοποιημένοι με αυτές τις κορυφαίες συνοδούς που θα βρείτε στην πορνες Αθήνα.
Μόνο στην μπορείτε να περιηγηθείτε σε φανταστικά πάρκα, εντυπωσιακά μνημεία, απίστευτα κτήρια, και άλλα σημεία ενδιαφέροντος. Να αισθανθείτε τη μοναδική κουλτούρα, τα πεντανόστιμα φαγητά και γλυκά. Μην ξεχνάτε ότι η Αθήνα Συνοδοί είναι γνωστό ότι προσφέρει στους ενήλικες όλα τα είδη διασκέδασης.
Τι θα λέγατε αν επισκεπτόσασταν όλα αυτά τα κορυφαία μέρη μαζί με μια πανέμορφη γλύκα; Θα σας κρατάει συντροφιά ενώ επισκέπτεστε τα διάφορα μνημεία, θα δειπνήσει μαζί σας, και θα σας ακολουθήσει στις αποκλειστικές εκδηλώσεις, σόου, πάρτυ, και σε πολλά άλλα. Θα τραβάτε την προσοχή όλων επειδή αυτές οι γκόμενες από την χωρίς αμφιβολία ξέρουν τι θέλουν οι άντρες. Μόνο στην Αθήνα πουτανες θα μπορείτε να κάνετε όλες τις φαντασιώσεις και τα όνειρά σας πραγματικότητα.

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Η κάθε καλλονή μας είναι κορυφαία ερμηνεύτρια όσον αφορά το σεξ και διαθέτει εξαιρετικές δεξιότητες που θα σας αφήσουν άφωνους. Περιηγηθείτε ελεύθερα στη συλλογή φωτογραφιών μας για να δείτε αυτά τα χυμώδη κορμιά με πιασίματα και τα γοητευτικά πρόσωπα που δεν ντρέπονται να σας παρουσιάσουν τα μοντέλα μας.
Πέρα από τις κορυφαίες υπηρεσίες συνοδού κατά τη διάρκειας της ημέρας, οι ελκυστικές συνοδοί μας μπορούν ξεκάθαρα να σας προσφέρουν αξέχαστες υπηρεσίες συνοδού τη νύχτα, όταν είστε οι δυο σας.
Οι εντυπωσιακές καυτές γκόμενες από την Αθήνα κανε σεχ προέρχονται από διάφορες τοποθεσίες. Επομένως, θα είστε σε θέση να βρείτε μωρά όπως παθιασμένες Λατίνες, σέξι Ασιάτισσες, βιτσιόζες Αμερικάνες, ερωτικές Ευρωπαίες, καυλιάρες Αφρικάνες, και πολλές περισσότερες που ανυπομονούν να σας δείξουν τις δεξιότητές τους. Απλά πείτε μας τι ακριβώς προτιμάτε, όπως την ηλικία, τον σωματότυπο, την εθνικότητα, και εμείς θα αναλάβουμε όλα τα υπόλοιπα.
Εγγραφείτε και συμπεριλάβετε τις πληροφορίες σας στη φόρμα εγγραφής και θα σας δοθεί απευθείας πρόσβαση στον κατάλογο συνοδών μας που είναι γεμάτος με κυρίες συνοδούς. Μπορείτε να προσαρμόσετε την αναζήτηση σας επιλέγοντας διαφορετικές κατηγορίες. Νιώστε ελεύθερα και ανακαλύψτε ανάμεσα στην Κανονική, στη VIP, στη Διαμαντένια κατηγορία και άλλες κατηγορίες υπηρεσιών συνοδών όπως πίπες, ερωτικό μασάζ, παιχνίδια ρόλων, ερωτικά παιχνίδια, γαμήσι στον κώλο, μαλακία, ποδομαλακία, ΣΔΜΧ, κατούρημα, όργια, ανάλογα το μέγιστο προϋπολογισμό σας.

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