
Jilly And Me


My island. God I loved it so. It wasn't big but there were tall pines on it and a few blue spruces along one shore to block out prying eyes from the mouth of the bay should anyone try to get in. The water around my island was deep, like a moat. It was like Mother Nature had scooped out all the rocks and stuff around the island and shoved them over to the mouth of the bay. For a 12 year old naive, innocent boy, it was paradise pure and simple. The only thing missing were some other guys to play with , to fish with, to hang out with away from my folks. My folks were great , but you know what I mean. The lake didn't have any kids my age. Lots of younger ones, and a few teenagers who wouldn't give me the time of day, but no one my age at all. Then there was Jilly. I was on my island trying to decide which lure the bass would go for that day, when all of a sudden I heard a voice say " hi". What really freaked me out was that the voice came from on the water. I quickly turned and saw a girl wearing a sweatshirt over her swimsuit ,sitting in a canoe and staring intently at me. I scowled at her, not happy that my paradise had been invaded, and by a girl for Gods sake!!"What do you want?" I growled at her. "Nothing" she replied "was just saying hi"She paddled away and I watched amazed as she landed her canoe on shore in the Bay! The mystery girl disappeared into the bush and I tried to figure out what she was doing here.

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   If she had found the way in ,she would've headed for the mouth, not the shore . Maybe she had to pee or something. I watched her canoe for over an hour and she didn't come back to it. This was not good. I was back on my island bright and early the next morning and before long she got in her canoe and paddled over. "Hi" she said again, and then landed on my island and walked up to me. " I'm Jilly" she said quietly. "Jonathan" I said . I blurted out "what are you doing here ?" She went on to explain that her father was a pretty successful writer who wanted a place where he could work undisturbed. They had bought the whole east shore of the bay, the only shore that wasn't Crown land, and were going to build a cottage there. While I was digesting this information I studied her. Jilly was about my age, she had blonde hair that stuck out of her baseball cap in a ponytail. She was wearing the same baggy sweatshirt she had had on yesterday and from what I could see a yellow bikinni underneath. Her green eyes were kind of pretty and had a nice twinkle in them. She had a radiant smile, her teeth white and perfectly even.

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  She looked nice enough. I couldn't tell what her body was like because of the sweatshirt but her legs were tanned and slim. I wasn't concerned about her body anyway. Reluctantly , I began to talk with her, and found myself kind of liking her. She loved fishing , was 12 like me, and thought I was cool because I was the only one who had figured out how to get into Bobcat Bay. We spent the whole day together and had a great time. We fished and swam and talked about everything under the sun . It turned out she was even a Leafs fan (my favorite NHL hockey team). When I finally went home that night we were friends. The rest of the summer we were together every day. I met her folks and they liked me. They left us alone and went about their business supervising the building of their cottage. I think they were relieved their little girl had someone to play with so she wouldn't be in the way. We built a sort of lean-to on my island . It was fun and gave us sort of a home base if you know what I mean.

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   I told my folks about it and got permission to sleep over on my island. They knew I would be safe since no one else could get to it!Jilly asked if she could sleep on the island but was denied permission . Her mother didn't think it was a good idea. We were both extremely disappointed , but what could we do? That afternoon I set up my stuff. Jilly and I redid the firepit and placed my frying pan and pots where they would be handy. Then we fished. We ate what we caught for dinner that night (at least her mother let her stay for that). Cooked over the fire, with our own inexperienced hands, nothing had ever tasted so delicious. Jilly paddled home just before it got dark. As she was about to get in her canoe she turned and kissed me very quickly on the lips. "You be careful tonight" she said blushing " No stumbling around in the dark". Stunned by the kiss I said nothing. I was glowing as she paddled away. I was also confused and muddled and bewildered by that kiss. Later that night as I lay in my sleeping bag under the lean to, I heard my name called out in a harsh whisper "Jonathan!" I sat up and there was Jilly coming out of the lake in her yellow bikinni.

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   She had left her canoe back at her place and swam over to join me. As she walked up the bank in the light of the flickering fire I could only stare open mouthed. Her titties which I had never really noticed before were clearly visible through the wet yellow material. Her bikinni panties clung to her little cunt clearly outlining her lips and slit. I was mesmerized. And for the first time I knew why I had suddenly gotten a boner. Jilly's body had made my cock hard. "Hi" I said excitedly "What are you doing here? Are you nuts? Your mom will kill us both! "Jilly giggled "she'll never know" she said. We sat by the fire and she began to shiver. I put on more wood then said, " you better get out of that wet suit " I got her my only extra article of clothing. . . a large sweatshirt of my dad's. "Here put this on before you catch pneumonia" I looked away as she pulled it on then slipped off her bikinni. The sweatshirt hung to her knees almost so she could strip underneath it without me seeing anything.

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   I had a boner that was going to explode. KNOWING she was nude under that sweatshirt had me rock hard. I was embarassed. " MY turn for a midnight swim" I called as I sprinted to the lake. I peeled off my sweatshirt (another of my dad's) and kicked off my sneakers before diving in. I had my speedo on under my cutoff shorts but forgot to take off the cutoffs. I just wanted the cool lake water to bring down my boner before she noticed. When I deemed it safe to get out I rejoined her at the fire. The stars were out, a loon called from somewhere down the lake. If I had been older it would have been romantic as hell. " There was no way I was going to let you be the first to sleep here" she said. "I only have the one sleeping bag" I told her, not getting it at all. " We can share then" she stated matter of factly. Jilly got up and went under the lean-to and crawled into my sleeping bag. I hesitated then pulled off my wet shorts and speedo under the protection of my sweatshirt just as she had done.

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  Nervous as hell , scared silly really , I went over and squeezed in beside her in the one sleeping bag. She on her back, me on my side facing her. My left arm supported my head, my right arm was outside the bag. My sweatshirt had ridden up as I slithered in and there was nothing I could really do about it. Jilly had both arms inside the bag, I felt the backs of her fingers near my hip. " This is nice " she sighed, "yeah" I croaked. I was soooooo aware that my bare penis was like 3 inches from her hand, I decided I better put my right arm in the bag in case I needed to stop her should she move her hand closer. I told you I was innocent and naive. I squirmed my hand in and she trapped it with her left hand and held it on her stomach. Her naked stomach ! Apparently mine wasn't the only sweatshirt to ride up when entering the sleeping bag. Oh my God, I was paralized ! ! I felt Jilly's fingers start to casually rub against my hip, and my boner start to come back as a result. I was also painfully aware that my hand was inches from those pretty little titties AND inches from her cute little cunny. I could barely breathe. Jilly kept talking away but I heard not a word. I was fully hard now, my 12 year old cock pointing straight out.

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   I wanted to die. Very casually, like she had done this a million times, like it was the most natural thing in the world, Jilly eased her hand down and closed her fingertips on my penis. She didn't grab it, she didn't pull it . She didn't even let on she was touching it. She just kept chattering away as her fingertips lightly and gently explored my penis. I was waiting for her to laugh, to ridicule me, to get angry at me, to DO SOMETHING! But she just went over it like a blind person reading braille, still chattering away like. . . well, like a young girl on a sleepover!I did nothing for a few minutes except get used to her feeling me. It was the most exciting moment of my young life. After a few minutes I decided two could play at this game. Where I got the courage I'll never know, but I slid my hand up under her sweatshirt til I felt her little tittie. First one then the other. Her nipples had to be the softest things on God's green earth. Her breasts were not big and with her lying on her back they were non existant ,but her nipples were outstanding.

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  Jilly's hand was moving south now, lightly skittering down to my balls. I was amazed at how soft her touch was, and more amazed she had the courage to do this. If she could head south so could I. My hand reluctantly left her nipples and slid over her tummy again then down to her pubic bone. I felt her small pubic patch, more like peach fuzz than hair and was jealous because she had more than me. Jilly opened her legs a bit as she cupped my balls . So I copied her and cupped her cunny. I was in totally unfamiliar territory now. I had never touched a girl there, had hardly even seen pictures. I tried to explore her as she had explored me. I felt her lips and discovered her slit. It was warm and moist and seemed to go on forever. "Jilly" I gasped " you better stop", my balls were tingling like they never had before and I was scared. I could hardly breathe and my brain was starting to spin. Her hand pulled back and I lay there unsure of what to do.

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   I liked her touching me but was terrified of the fabulous feelings she was causing. I was still cupping her little cunt and I wiggled a finger and felt it slip inside her tight hole. She was wet,and warm and slick and slippery. I was fascinated and tried to probe deeper but she touched my hand in warning and I stopped. Jilly reached up and unzipped the sleeping bag as far as she could. That gave us a lot more room as well as shedding a little light from the sputtering fire on us. I stared at my hand between her legs, finger still inside her. Jilly stared at my boner and balls with an intent look on her sweet face. She scrooched down, my finger slipping from between her cunt lips . She stopped when her face was opposite my boner. Grasping my penis in her hand she leaned forward and closed her mouth around my knob and began to suck. That was it for me. My buzzing balls let go and my whole body shook uncontrollably!!! I groaned as electricity jolted through my cock . For the first time, semen came GUSHING up my shaft and burst forth from my knob. Jilly kept a lip lock on my knob as it throbbed and spewed the contents of my balls into her slurping mouth.

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  My body had stiffened as hard as my cock as more and more shot out of me. I couldn't see, I gasped for breath. I was sure my toenails were curling!!!!Finally I stopped, and I felt Jilly's lips slip over my knob releasing it to the cool night air. She gulped and swallowed and wiped her mouth then scrooched back up and lay her head on my shoulder. My heart was pounding, I still couldn't breathe. "Did you like that ?" she whispered. I could only nod. " I've never felt anything like it!" I blurted out. " How did you know. . . " She cut me off, " My old babysitter told me all about what we girls have to do" she said proudly. "I watched her make her boyfriend sperm a few times" she giggled, "he didn't know of course!"I put my arm around her. " I love you Jonathan, I really wanted to make you sperm that's why I swam out here"" Jilly, I love you too" I said. After a few minutes I went back to fingering her.


   Jilly showed me what felt good. I don't know if she came or not but she quivered pretty hard. I got another boner and this time Jilly used her hand to make me "sperm" so she could watch it squirt. She used her lips and tongue to clean up my stomach and chest, then licked and sucked my knob clean. Her cleaning me got me hard again. Oh to have the stamina of a 12 year old now!!Jilly sucked me again and swallowed everything when I "spermed" for the third time that night. We didn't sleep at all. Just got naked and played with each other. I had never heard of going down on a girl, and I guess the babysitter never told her about it, so I didn't do it for her. I did play with and suck her titties a LOT!! I loved them. They were like firm little lemons. As the sun was coming up Jilly put on her bikinni and swam home. I watched from the shore of "our" island til she was safely on her own shore. Then I packed up my stuff and headed for home. All comments appreciated.

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