
SDF - part 3 - Voices (rape)


The sun was out and the clouds were sparse. . . under normal circumstances, this would be a pretty good day. Kids were running around playing tag on the streets. Old men and women were out sitting on the benches, possibly intending to feed the pigeons that weren't there. Well. . . they looked like it, anyways. Tim's apartment building was located near where a lot of small-business shops were set up. Some of these shops weren't from small companies, though, like the McDonalds around the corner or the Tim Hortons next to it. Most of them, though, like Bob's Pizzeria or the Twin's Tailor House, couldn't be found anywhere else. The youngster pulled out a pair of sunglasses from his inner jacket and put them on. He tucked both hands into his pockets as he walked past a group of skate-boarders, no doubt taking turns praticing jumping the curb. After walking for what seemed like twenty minutes, he stopped in front of a diner: Daring Dungeon Diner.

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   Before entering, he briefly wondered for a moment what the owner was on when he came up with that name. Ting!"Tim," the only person in the building nodded his head towards the new arrival. "The usual, please," Tim said as he sat down at the counter, to the far left against the wall. He hunched over the stool as he looked around at the others. The place was a mess, but. . . not so much as to violate any health or safety codes. All four walls were painted green with a blue ceiling and purple floor tiles. The tables were occupied only by a handful of people: some business man with a laptop, some elderly woman with a dog, couple of kids his age on a date. . . did he know those two somewhere? Never mind. "Alright, one egg with bacon and fries, poached with extra ketchup," the cook exclaimed as he got to work on the food preparations. So you want to learn to killTim snapped his head up.

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   Now where did that come from? Before he knew it, he realized he dozed off for a few minutes. "Just a couple more minutes," the cook shouted from the kitchen. Tim simply nodded his head, then dozed off again. "What's that brat doing up this time of night?" A voice. "Hey! I'm talking to you! Shouldn't you be getting home? Your mom'll worry!"Leave me alone"What's that? Little prick, tried being nice to you. ""Hey, just leave that kid alone, will ya?"Just leave me. "Hell no. Dipshit needs to be taught a lesson. "Leave me. . . alone. "Holy shit! He's got a knife!""Hey! You eating those or not? If you don't want to, I'll just take it back. " A hand reached out to grab the plate. Tim's hand stopped the plate from leaving.

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   "Leave. . . leave it. ""Heh. . . alright, wasn't sure if you were up to it or not," the cook/owner replied as he went to tend to another customer. Tim looked down at the food before him. One egg, poached. Two bacons. Four fries. Extra Ketchup. He lifted the plate and grabbed the photo that was underneathe. One hostage, female, kidnapped.

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   Two armed and known dangerous men. Four henchmen, just small fries. Extra money for completion. New mission aquired. "Thanks Ernie," Tim said as he left the diner, without touching his food. "It's Bert," the cook replied with a toothy grin as he took back the food. "Whatever. "New mission accepted. *****Tim reached the base of his building to find a crowd of people. There were ambulances, cop cars, fire trucks. . . too much commotion for anything simple. There were no evidence of fire nor any sign of a car crash. A robbery? No.

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  . . that doesn't explain the fire trucks. . . does it?"She was so young, too!""Why do you think she jumped?""Broken heart? Things like these happen. ""Nah, probably stress from exams and such. "Your faultBehind the sunglasses, Tim's eyes went wide. He rushed past the crowd to get a better look at the patient. He had to know. . . he just had to. . .

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   but she was already in a body bag. "Anyone know who she was? Didn't look familiar. "Your faultWhy was this affecting him? He's seen plenty of dead bodies. Most of those dead bodies was his doing, too. So. . . "Um. . . what's going on?" That voice. Tim whirled around. "You," was all Tim could get out. Relief? Doesn't make sense. Barely knew this girl for half an hour.

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   If he had any feelings, why didn't he feel anything for the one who really died? No wait. . . did he?"Uh. . . um. . . yeah," the apparently very much alive slave girl replied as she juggled some grocery bags. She wore a pair of black jeans and a white t-shirt along with a pair of sandles. These were no doubt taken from Tim's closet. "Um. . .

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   not to. . . but. . . could you. . . ""What're you doing here?" Tim asked as he grabbed the the bags from the girl's arms. His voice was cold and even for he wanted to get an answer right away. "Um. . . well.

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  . . you told me to do whatever I want, so. . . I wanted to cook something for you. . . to make myself useful and maybe convince you to let me stay, but you didn't have anything in your house, so. . . I used the $10. . . " the girl kept babbling on, afraid of what may happen if she stopped.

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   "I. . . um. . . what's going on here?""I believe one of my neighbours committed suicide. From what I gather so far, she supposedly either died from a heartbreak or stress from exams," Tim replied as he jerked a thumb towards the crowd. Afterwards, he made his way towards the building. "Really? That's horrible! Uh. . . wait for me?" The girl asked as she followed the young assassin into the elevator. "So. .


  . can I stay, yet?""Only if you tell me your name and your story," Tim replied as he clasped his hands behind his back. The grocery bags bounced off the back of his legs. The doors of the elevator shut once both the assassin and the slave girl were inside. "Your real name, please. ""My. . . my name is Eria Fitzgerald, I'm 19 years old and I've been a slave girl for 6 years," Eria introduced herself. "Tiehhsin Ying, but you can call me Tim," Tim replied. "I'm 17 years old and I've been an assassin's assistant for 10 years. Officially for 7 years. ""Wha. . .

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   you're younger than me?!"The elevator doors opened up. It took a bit of coaxing, some more tears from Eria, and a kitchen fire before the story could unfold. *****Eria was around the age of 13 when it all began. It was the last day of school, just a day after report cards. Of course, report card day didn't exactly go very well. Well. . . she managed to get an A in history, but didn't do so well in all the other subjects. Mostly D's. . . one F. . .

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   a couple of C's. She was told to come straight home after school, even though she wanted to hang out at her friend's place. Well. . . she went to her friend's place anyway and went home two hours later. The young girl arrived home, but. . . something was wrong. The door was unlocked. . . which usually never was even if someone was home. .

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  . and it was extremely dark inside. She was half-tempted to turn around and run to a neighbour's house to call the police, but she also wanted to know what happened. Going against her better judgement, she cracked open the door and stepped inside. That was all it took. Black out. When Eria finally came too, she found herself in a world of darkness. For a minute there, she was afraid that she had gone blind, then she realized that she was blindfolded by duct-tape. She was lying down on a wooden table and, with great shock, was completely naked. Her arms were strapped down together above her head with even more duct-tape. Her ankles were spread out, much to her horror, allowing cold cool air to carress her nether regions. "What you mean we're only getting a thousand? This is quality material here!" A voice belonging to a man most likely in his mid to late thirties. The voice was quite angry and created an echo in the area. An echo. .

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  . where was this place?"Listen, boss? I think she's awake," another voice. . . possibly younger. "And how the fuck would you know? You can't even see her fucking eyes!" The first voice shouted angrily as he stomped around, pounding the concrete floor with heavy boots. "Can't you see I'm. . . no sir, I wasn't talking to you. Now about the price. . . what you mean it's final? I'm getting you some pure-bred american pussy here!""Uh, sir? I think she's half-"Bang!"Don't you fuck around with me! She's a blond ten year old from america and that's all I need to know!"Bang!"You understand?""Ye-yes s-sir," the younger voice stammered, not daring to correct his boss' mistakes anymore. Eria was about to open her mouth to say something, but quickly snapped it shut after hearing the two gunshots.

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   She was too afraid to say anything at this point and simply prayed for her own safety. She was shivering in fear and sweat was pouring out of her skin. What did these people want with her? How long was she going to be here?"You, you, and you! Go switch with the guards outside!"Guards? From the sound of it, there were three of them. How many of them are there? How many saw her naked! If Eria could, she'd widen her eyes in horror at the possibilities that could occur. The most disconcerting of them, next to being killed, was being raped by all the men here. "Are we even going to get to sample that pussy? I'm no real paedophille, mind you, but you've got to admit that for an thirteen-year old, she's pretty hot," a third voice asked. "Thirteen? You sure? I knew she was an early-bloomer, but damn! I thought she'd at least be fifteen. " A fourth voice. "Hmph, it'll lower her price, but it doesn't sound like we're going to get much for her anyways," the first voice grunted. Eria had the horrible feeling that they were looking at her. She squirmed in her binds, trying to will the thoughts out of her mind. They couldn't really be looking at her naked young body with hungry lustful eyes. They couldn't really be planning to rip her of her virginity and defile her. . .

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   could they?"Hold still, this'll all be over real quick if you don't fight back," the first voice growled into Eria's left ear. Like hell she wasn't going to fight back! All four kidnappers had to hold her down to keep her from thrashing about. However, a sharp slap to the face was enough to stop the trashing. "I told you to hold still! Was going to go easy on you, but it looks like we'll have to do this the hard way, won't we?"With that said, a hand grabbed hold of Eria's left budding breast. The bound girl felt another hand going up her right leg towards. . . Eria screeched and cried out. Another slap to the other cheek wasn't enough to keep her quiet, but she lowered her voice a bit so that she was able to beg for mercy. "Please, don't! Not there!" Eria begged as she tried to wriggle away from the hands. "Someone shut her up already," the first voice growled. Two hands were on the captured girl now, carressing and rubbing in a circular motion. A finger and a thumb took hold of the left nipple and twisted it. Eria screamed out at this, encouraging one of the guards to shut her up. "No teeth, got that?" The third voice commanded as another pair of hands grabbed hold of Eria's head.

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   Something soft and fleshy was poking at her lips. It didn't take long for Eria to figure out what was expected of her. Afraid of what would happen if she disobeyed, she swallowed her pride and opened her mouth. As soon as her mouth was opened, the tool was immediately thrusted into her. "Oh yeah. . . knew you were a natural at this. "The hand on Eria's left nipple stopped twisting it. A second later, something moist and softer touched the young nipple, eliciting a moan from the bound girl. Another tongue was felt on the right nipple, causing the moans to grow louder with each passing second. Then a third tongue began attacking even lower. . . "Ah.

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  . . " Eria grunted into the cock in her mouth. She, of course, had no experience giving head to anyone, but the man on top of her probably didn't mind. She opted to breathe through the nose and tried to do her best, namely move her head back and forth. It was hard to concentrate on anything though, what with the new and strange sensations happening to her body. Especially. . . oh! The tongue attacking her pussy had just found the clit!Flash!"Oh man. . . these will definately sell on the black market!" A fifth voice! Although Eria could not see, she recognized the sound of a camera going off. Someone was taking pictures of her and they were going to sell those pictures! Not only was she getting raped, but now everyone was going to know about it! Horrified at this thought, she tried to protest only to be reminding of the cock that was still in her mouth. "Heh, fucking cunt.

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   Did your mommy and daddy ever tell you what they did for a living?" The first voice, coming from between her legs, smirked. "Did they ever tell you that they're fucking crooks? Well. . . last time they stole from the wrong people, know that? They tried to steal from me, but I showed them. I've got fucking evidence of all their past crimes, which I've already turned over to the police, but I'm not going to just let them go to jail. Oh no. . . I've got something even worse in store from them. Not only is the cat out of the bag, but I made sure they went to hell for it. ""Mrmphf!!!" Eria grunted as she realized what the man in charge was telling her. She only found out recently about her parents' activities, but. . .

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   what was she supposed to do? Turn her own parents in? She questioned her parents' 'career' choice, but she loved them with all her heart. Now they're dead. . . . "Heh. . . made it look like they skipped town, so your disappearance won't be unusual. Even if, by some miracle, you make it out of all this alive, the cops will be on your ass in an instant. The child of two criminals. . . they might believe your story, but they also might think you're just being creative in trying to cover for your mommy and daddy. You'll be thrown in jail until you give up your parents' location.


  . . which is a place the police will never reach. "Eria started sobbing, trying to block out what this. . . evil. . . EVIL voice was telling her. Her muscles slackened, for she found herself defeated. She no longer had to will to go on. . . not after all that was said.

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   She tried with all her might to disbelieve what her captor was telling her. She tried to believe that her parents were still alive somewhere and was going to burst through the door any minute now. She tried to believe that police was with her parents, on their side. On HER side. "Now, let's give this pussy a ride," the one in charge smirked as he shooed the others away from Eria's body. Eria felt the hands and tongue on her breasts move away along with the cock in her mouth. She immediately tensed up in anticipation for what was going to happen next. She was right to tense up in anticipation. Her rapist's cock was already rubbing itself up and down her entrance. "Please. . . don't. . .

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  " Eria sobbed lifelessly. "Don't worry, this won't hurt. . . much," the monster grinned as he forced his organ all the way into the young girl's thirteen year old Eria screamed loudly in pain as she felt her hymen tear apart. She thrashed about again, trying to get rid of the pain, trying to get rid of the vile serpent inside of her. She couldn't see a soul. She couldn't see a sight. She couldn't see any light that could save her at the moment. "Oh. . . so tight. . .

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  " the beastly voice growled as the leader rocked his hips back and forth. He pulled out his cock all the way until only the head was still inside, only to ram it all the way back in. He continued this motion over and over again, grunting with pleasure all the way through. "Please. . . stop. . . hurts. . . " Eria sobbed. "So tight. .

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  . such a fucking tight cunt," the man in charge grunted as his cock spasmed. He quickly pulled out his cock and shot his load all over Eria's stomache and thighs. Eria felt the emptiness in her love canal, wondering what exactly had happened. The one in charge turned towards the others, "a pregnant slave girl can't exactly fetch a lot, unless of course, if the brat were a girl. Heh. . . don't exactly want to risk it, though. So all you other guys, put on some rubber before taking a turn with her. Besides, not exactly trusting that you're all clean, know what I'm saying? Once you're done, tell those other guards they can have their turn. "Eria whimpered in pain as she felt another cock press against her opening. Each of the other thugs were just as rough, if not rougher than the man in charge. In the background, she could vaguely hear some more discussion over the phone concerning her price. She didn't hear very much, however, for she had other matters to deal with.

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  After taking two more fuckings, Eria took the next one with the addition of another cock in her mouth. One of them got impatient and decided to get a blow job while the next guy fucked the slave girl. Eria ended up taking a total of nine cocks in her pussy and three cocks in her mouth. Her body was completely soaked in sweat and cum in the aftermath, yet the thugs weren't finished just yet. The ones who went earlier had enough time to recupperate and came back for seconds. The ones whom did not get a blow job fucked Eria in the mouth. The ones whom did not get to fuck Eria in the pussy, still fucked her in the mouth. Once the gang rape was done and over with, Eria was left alone the empty building for the night. She sobbed and cried in pain as she tried to block out the events that had just happened. Her normal life was now over and if she didn't live as a slave girl, she would have to live as a criminal. . . or at least the only link to a pair of criminals. Either way, the authorities will want some answers and she had none to give. .

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  . at least none she wanted to give. She continued sobbing until she finally fell asleep from the exhaustion. She was sold the next day for a couple thousand dollars. She found herself in the possession of many masters and mistresses for the next few years. She was either sold off to make room for even newer slaves or given away to repay debts. It was when she found herself in the possession of an elderly businessman when she first met. . . him. "Hello there, you must've went through alot," a middle-aged man smiled down on the nineteen year old Eria. Eria immediately cringed in fear at the sight of the man. Six years of slavery had whethered away her willpower and made her meek and timid. She was too afraid to pull away from the man's reach. She was too afraid to approach.

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   She was too afraid to speak. Too afraid to do anything. Afraid to the point where she stopped caring. "Okay, so the dealie here is that you don't touch her and I work for you, right?" The middle-aged man smirked as he turned towards Eria's current master. "Yes, yes. . . of course, anything for the help of the legendary gunslinger," the elderly man replied with a devilish grin. "Along with your usual payment, of course. I don't really understand, though. Why do you want to help a slave girl?""Help? You must be mistaken," the middle-aged man replied. "I'm just doing some old friends a favour, ya know what I'm saying?"*****"Wait. . . what?" Tim blinked at this new information.

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   "Shihfu said that?""I. . . I don't really understand it myself. . . " Eria replied, looking down at the floor between her feet. For some reason, she had stopped crying at this point and simply sat on the couch with an empty look in her eyes. Tim turned his attention back on the girl in front of him, unsure as to what to do. He wasn't sure whether or not he was qualified to. . . take care of someone with so much emotional baggage. Hell, he wasn't sure if he could even take care of himself. He clasped his hands together and rested his chin on his index fingers.

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   He looked hard at Eria for a few more seconds in order to decide what to do. Finally, he got up and walked towards the front door. "We'll need an extra key," Tim said in his usuall monotonous tone of voice. . has a endless list of chicks and escort services in Mykonos!

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In order to see the best hotties and be sure you will get the best service, our escort site will provide you a lot of of filtering options and customization tools so that you can explore for your favorite escort with ease. That way, you will have higher chances of finding the right type of girl that can fulfill your fantasies, without having to seek for her and lose priceless time doing that. Keep in mind, any of the listed women at Escort Θεσσαλονίκη will be on duty to fulfill your whishes no matter what. In fact, these ladies are excited and always hot, always prepared to offer the exact amount of lust and privacy so that you can feel amazing.

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We work continuously to hire the best Escort Athens ladies on our platform. We pick manually each and everyone so that we can be positive they meet the most rigurous standards. In conclusion, we can guarantee that these babes will make you feel amazing the second they will enter your Hotel room door. Not to mention that Escorts In Greece offers a vast search for all users in a big number of cities from all over country. Regardless where you will be located, be it in the biggest city city or in other counties, you will always be able to meet the best ladies with just a number of easy clicks. The millions of visits our site makes a week is perfect evidence that these chicks are the naughtiest deal.

Escort Athens comes with an wide supply of adult escort women, explore the whole list of benefits in case you are traveling to this country. See the hottest methods to hookup hot ladies at Greeceescort., In Your Advantage, For Unforgettable Intimate Moments

How To Quickly Meet Ladies From Escorts Athens Greece?

Whether you are looking for a hookup from Escorts Thess or Escort Θεσσαλονικη, which are the most popular zones in this country, or a hookup in any of the other important cities that have this platform available, you will surerly needt to know the best tips on how to enjoy the best time and the best offers.
Escort Girls Greece is here to offer high-quality dating services to any type of user. Whether you visit for business purposes, or simply for a short trip, you will certainly need the hottest relaxation and pleasure. That's why, using this service for a hot hookup is most recommended, especially if you are a single guy on the lookout to have some fun in the region.
In order to see the best hotties and be sure you will get the best service, our escort site will provide you a lot of of filtering options and customization tools so that you can explore for your favorite escort with ease. That way, you will have higher chances of finding the right type of girl that can fulfill your fantasies, without having to seek for her and lose priceless time doing that. Keep in mind, any of the listed women at Escort Θεσσαλονίκη will be on duty to fulfill your whishes no matter what. In fact, these ladies are excited and always hot, always prepared to offer the exact amount of lust and privacy so that you can feel amazing.

Some of the best Heraklion Escort broads you can imagine!

We work continuously to hire the best Escort Athens ladies on our platform. We pick manually each and everyone so that we can be positive they meet the most rigurous standards. In conclusion, we can guarantee that these babes will make you feel amazing the second they will enter your Hotel room door. Not to mention that Escorts In Greece offers a vast search for all users in a big number of cities from all over country. Regardless where you will be located, be it in the biggest city city or in other counties, you will always be able to meet the best ladies with just a number of easy clicks. The millions of visits our site makes a week is perfect evidence that these chicks are the naughtiest deal.