
The History Teacher


My god she was beautiful. And so far out of reach. All I could do was stare and wish. My name is Charles, I'm 25 years old and I'm a teacher. I'm the teacher of a 10th grade class, and right now all of my students were taking tests. I had nothing to do at all, so I spent my time staring at my favorite student, her name is Ally. I've known her since she was little, we actually used to be friends. I live right next door to her, 10 years ago I was her babysitter. Today I'm her teacher, she's 16, and I'm 25. Funny how that worked out. "Sir, I'm finished," a student stood up and proclaimed. "Ok Henry, just put it here on my desk, you may go now. Don't forget to do page 69 in the workbook and have a great day," "Thanks sir!" After that the students slowly all finished up and filed out of my classroom. Ally came up last, 5'9" with 40C breats stuffed into a bra at least 2 sizes too small, and a miniskirt that would make most men drool, I could only barely control myself; my pants on the otherhand had become the most painful things in the world. "I think I got it Charles, I mean Mr. Logan.

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  . . please be gentle, I tried my best," "I'm sure you did Ally, now go on home and have a good day. " God, I might just commit suicide, she was so innocent and so sexy and so far out of reach. That night I went home, riding my Ducatti. Most people wondered why I taught public school 10th grade history when my parents were so completely successful. My answer to that was easy, I didn't need money. My parents had died in a plane crash, and with their deaths I was willed their entire fortune of 1. 2 billion dollars, plus the 1 million insurance payment. I was doing what I loved, and I didn't have to worry about anything. Most people probably think of me as spoiled, I think of me as lucky, and I'm doing what I want to now. I do charity work, donate money, and spend my time with a society that needs all the help it can get. When I get home, I find a message on my machine. I press the play button and go grabbed a soda from my fridge. "Hey Mr.

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   Logan, how are you doing? This is Ally's mother and I have a really big favor to ask of you. My sister just had an extremely bad car accident and is in the E. R. right now, we can't get a babysitter and were wondering if you would be willing to do it for us? Please call back as soon as you get this. " Wow, I rushed over to the phone and picked it up, I called Ally's house immediately. "Hi Alice, I just got your message, do you want me to come there or do you want Ally over here?" "Oh thank god, if it's not too imposing, she says she feels uncomfortable in our house because our security system is out, so would it be okay if she stayed over at your place? I'm sure it won't be for more than a week and you can hire a babysitter at any time and we'll pay you back," "That's fine, I'll come over right away. " I hung up the phone and ran back out onto my bike. I didn't live at my parents old place because of a sewage line break, the whole house had pretty much rotted down to its foundations, and the land had become worthless, I was now at least 10 minutes away by bike. I made it 5. I got to their house and Alice and Mike (Ally's 'rents) were already loading the car. "Thank you so much Charles, I can't thank you enough," Alice said "We'll be back as soon as possible, and just make a list of the things that we owe you and we'll pay you back. " "It's no problem," I replied "Good luck, and send your sister my best wishes. " The parents got into the car and drove off, leaving me to go inside and get my student and take her back to my house. Good lord I was screwed. "Ally? You ready to go?" She ran down the stairs, "Hold on just a second, I have to get some more clothes.

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  " she yelled down the stairs. "Let me help," I yelled back up, and proceded up the stairs. There she was in all her adolescent glory, rushing around the room grabbing clothes left and right. A small backpack was on the floor almost filled, and the last two items to go into it were two thongs, both looking very much like Victoria Secret. She caught me looking at her clothes, "It's all I have left, everything else is dirty. " I blushed and looked away, "lets go then? I brought an extra helmet, I hope you don't mind sitting in front of me on the bike, it's a little safer. " It was her turn to blush, "sure I guess. " I went downstairs with the teenage angel following me. I handed her my extra helmet, put mine on, and headed out the door. "Do you have a key?" I asked, "Yeah, don't worry. " "Ok, hand me your backpack and I'll carry it while we ride home. " Ally got in front, which put her firm juicy ass right infront of my manhood. This was going to be a fun ride. I sat down behind her, put my arms aroind her and onto the handlebars. I revved the engine, and let Ally feel the rush of speed on a Ducatti racing bike, and within the 5 minutes that should've been 10, we arrived at my house.

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   The poor teenage girl stepped off the bike a little dizzy, but very exhilirated. When we entered the house it was around 5:30pm, and Ally still had homework to do, so I helped her. We sat in my living room and worked on her homework. "Charles, I don't get it, why do we have to work on Africa, we don't live there and I don't think we're ever going to go there. . . " I couldn't respond, Ally had been bending over and I was lost in thought staring down her shirt. "Charles?. . . Mr. Logan, are you ok? What are you looking at?" She looked down and I realized I was staring and immediately looked back up. "Nothing, nothing at all. " But she had caught me, and she knew I knew because I had turned as red as a beet. She blushed too and went back to her work.

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   The homework passed quickly and dinner came around. "What do you want Ally?" "Oh nothing big, do you have pizza?" "No but I can order it!" "Pepperoni please!" I don't even like pepperoni and I ordered it faster than I got to her house. Once the pizza arrived we sat down to eat. Ally had taken up half of the couch and I only had one couch. She pat the seat next to her gorgeous legs and I sat down. "What movie do you want to watch? I have a fair selection on pay per view. " "Do you have any romance movies?" "You go ahead and browse, I'm going to go change now that everything has calmed down and I'll watch whatever you want. " I headed upstairs and splashed my face with cold water, she wanted to watch a romance with me! Good god this was like a dream coming true, but a dream that could cost I me my life. If I did anything to this poor little girl I would get put in Jail for the rest of my life had to be the voice of reason and make sure that I didn't do anything to those C sized breasts, that perfect waist and amazing hips. No! I had to stay strong, it was nearly impossible. How did she not know how amazing she was? Did she think down on herself? God help me. I got changed into loose shorts and a black under shirt; then headed downstairs. About halfway down the stairs I heard something odd, it sounded like a girl moaning. . .

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   what was going on? I snuck down the stairs and peaked around the corner, and there was Ally with her hand rubbing her crotch through her panties, her skirt was all the way up. Holy shit, this girl was horny and masturbating in MY house. . . fuck! She was lying on the couch in the same position that I had left her, but now her skirt had ridden all the way up her legs. Her Panties were black with pink lace, and she was rubbing slowly but firmly in circles, what I could only imagine was a hot tight little pussy. She was really working, good lord, my penis was getting harder and harder, creating a huge bulge in my shorts. I watched in absolute lust as she lifted up her shirt and I realized she was wearing one of her Victoria Secret selections, her bra was also black with pink lace. I couldn't watch any more without jumping on her right now, so I snuck back upstairs and descended one more time loudly. I heard Ally gasp as I got to the bottom of the stairs and when I got down she was just pulling her skirt back down "Charles I think I want to watch something like Mean Girls or something, you don't really seem to have anything else appealing. " "That sounds great, whatever you want to watch is fine. " So I sat back down next to her and I switched to Mean Girls. For the next hour or so I sat there, and slowly let myself inch closer to her. I don't think I really watched the movie for the majority of it; I was slowly working on getting closer and touching that heavenly skin. Halfway through the film I started to yawn, and put my arms around her.

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   To my great surprise the little angel leaned on me, but then sat back up. "You have a lot of muscle! I've never seen anyone in this good shape except in advertisements," "Yeah I work out a lot, is that a problem?" "No, but I was wondering, could I see?" "Ummm. . . " I was shocked into silence, she wanted me to take my shirt off. . . "Sure, I guess. . . " So I took off my shirt, revealing my muscular torso. I made it almost religous, going to the gym every day of the week if possible and working out for 45 minutes. "Can I touch?" "Sure. . .

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  " And this is the point at which I broke down, as she ran her hands all over me, just lightly rubbing in one of the most sensual ways possible. "You know Ally, I saw you masturbating before I came down. " "Oh my god, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean for you to see that, it's just. . . " I swooped down and kissed her on the lips. For a few seconds she was shocked, but soon began responding. I picked her up and laid her down on my lap and continued to play tongue hockey with her, she had the softest most sensual lips that I had ever encountered.
 She started to roam with her hands again, rubbing all over and I decided it would only be fair to do the same. As I slowly lifted her shirt I asked her "Are you sure that this is what you want?" "Yes, god yes, I've wanted it since I met you in 9th grade!" So I ripped her shirt right off of her and grabbed her sides, kissing her neck and slowly down her chest. I reached in back and unclipped her bra. Her gorgeous breasts didn't even flop, they were perfect. With bo sag whatsoever, the sight of these perfect tits made my dick even harder, and with this angel on my lap, my cock was nestled perfectly under her pussy. She looked at me, "Do you like them? They're so fucking big, it makes the rest of me look fat" "Damn girl! They're perfect, just like the rest of you!" So slowly I kissed the top of her breasts, making my way down to her nipples and sucked on those for a while, she grabbed my head and pushed my head even harder onto her perfect tits.
 I was in total heaven.

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   Next I started kissing her again and slowly lifted her up so I could pull her skirt down. I had her skirt down at the same time that she started to rub my dick through the fabric. "Oh my god, it's so huge, can I see it?" I shook my head yes and she got off me and slowly pulled down my shorts. My dick sprung free and she grabbed it, "Holy fuck, how big is it?" "I don't actually know, want to measure it?" "God yes" At which she reached into her bag and pulled out her school ruler. "I never thought that my dream would come true, measuring my favorite teachers dick, oh my god! It's 11 inches long and at least 3 inches thick! I don't know if I can handle my first dick so big. . . but let me try at least," So she started to jack me off, slowly at first, her hand was just rubbing my entire dick; when she got up to the head she rubbed it in circles, licking as she went to make it slicker; then she licked it all the way up and down, finally she slowly started to suck on it.
"Does this feel good?" "Oh god yes, keep doing that" she slowly took more and more into her mouth, she felt like a pro at it, slowly swirling her tongue around the head of my dick. "Oh god damn, that feels so good," I said as I grabbed the back of her head and slowly pushed her onto my dick, then I felt it hit the back of her throat, 3 inches down, and she gagged. "Sorry, I'll be easier on you Ally," "No, keep going, I know I can get it down. " So I kept going, and get it down she did, slowly but surely she started to deep throat me, breathing through her nose; I was in heaven .
 "Damn Ally, keep going it feels so good," I moaned, as I started thrusting into her mouth. With 9 inches of cock down her throat it felt like heaven as she moved up and down my dick, and I thrusted and started to thrust down her throat, it felt so good, just sliding in and out. "I'm coming! Oh fuck I'm coming!" And without even having time to pull out of her throat I came down her throat, coating it with tons of my cum.

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   "Oooooooh, dammmmn Ally, you are amazing, but now it's my turn. " Slowly pulling out of her throat, I saw her swallow as I picked her up, all that come had gone straight into her stomach. "Not too bad Mr. Logan, not too bad tasting at all. " "Damn girl!"
We sat down then and she sighed and rested on my side, idly playing with my limp wet cock, almost immediately making it stiffen again. "Charles? I know you wont, but please don't tell anyone about this. I figured that once we started this it might be a one time thing. I just wanted you to know that I really like you, and I want you to be my first, in everything. " "Wow, Ally I didn't know you had thought this through at all. . . " "Yeah, I kinda wanted you to see me, I don't know why but I hoped it would turn you on a bit, I just. . . I've never been with a guy before; the farthest that I've gotten is kissing with one guy, and he kept pushing his tongue down my throat.


   I just hoped that you would be able to make me scream in pleasure like I heard my sister with her 21 year old boyfriend. " "Well, for someone looking for pleasure, you sure know how to make a guy feel good, don't worry at all about me telling anyone, and I'm sure darling that we could make this go on for as long as you want it to. You ready for this?"
 "Yeah!" I then promply got down on my knees and pulled her towards me on the couch. I slowly started rubbing her breasts with one hand, massaging her ample tits slowly and making her squirm. I lifted her off the couch a bit and slowly slid her panties down off her ass. Rubbing her ass I slowly made my way up to her juicy pussy, "my my, you really want this don't you?" "oh god yes, please stop teasing me," fine I thought, so I started to rub the outside folds of her pussy slowly, making her moan a bit. I moved my hand up to her clit; I rubbed her there for a while before I started to move my fingers into her. My right hand was working her breasts, slowly rubbing the nipple up and down and squeezing, while my left hand thrust into her with one finger and rubbed her clit with my thumb. I started kissing her again, and then biting her ear, slowly licking and kissing my way down to her breasts, I put another finger into her gorgeous pussy. After slowly savoring her perfect nipples I slid down and started to lick her inner thighs, kissing up towards her sweet honey pot.
 I finally made it, when she grabbed my head and forced it towards her pussy. I immediately started licking at her clit, while using my extra fingers on my left hand to thrust up into her vagina. I could feel her hymen, and I could only wait to break it. I kept at what I was doing, swirling her little clit around in my mouth only made Ally grip my hair harder and squirm in my hands, she started moaning really loud, finally she pushed my head in so hard I couldn't breath, yet I kept licking and probing as hard as I could; I heard her scream "I'm comiiiiiiiiiiiiiing!!!" and her pussy flooded with her intoxicating juices. She let go of my head and my face was drenched with her juice, she grabbed me one more time and kissed me again.

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   I could taste myself on her and I knew she could taste herself. I reached over and grabbed a napkin from the table, "So, do you want to move this into the bedroom? There's more space there. " "I would love that Charles. . . Ooooh!" She squealed in pleasure as I lifted her gorgeous naked form into my arms, kissed her on the lips and carried her up the stairs, her breasts slowly bouncing as I walked with her, down the hallway while massaging her ass.
 I got to my door I couldn't reach the doorknob so I threw her over my shoulder and she laughed as I spanked her while opening my door. I got in the door and laid her down on the bed. With her lying there in the crumpled sheets she looked so amazing, so I crawled next to her and she rolled on top of me. "God Ally, I wish I wasn't your teacher, you're so amazingly sexy. " And with those last words I kissed her and slowly started to lift her up so she was sitting right on top of my re-engorged cock. It felt amazing nestled between her pussy lips, but now was the time to go one more step. I looked her in the face and told her, "Ally, I am completely infertile due to a surgery I had a while ago, so I don't need a condom. Are you ready?" She nodded her consent. I lifted her up and positioned my manhood right under her throbbing pussy, slowly lowering her down onto.

Welcome to on Athens Greece Escorts This website is not an escort agency. It is a directory for escorts in Greece. This directory for escorts in Greece, is an advertising platform. If you are an independent escort in Greece or an escort agency in Greece, 

 Oh my god she was so amazingly tight. I don't think anything thicker than an inch had ever been in here before. "Uuuuuuuhhh" was all I could say, and there it was, only a fingers length in and I was at her hymen. That was when she thrust herself down and took another 5 inches in, leaving her at about 7 inches of the whole eleven. "Omigod omigod omigod it hurst so much. . . " She grabbed me in a hug "Do you want me to stop Ally?" "No, I'll get used to it, keep going, please?" I slowly slid in, inch by inch for about 5 minutes until I was all the way in and you could almost see a slight bulge in her tight stomach. Slowly but surely I started to pump in and out, while she sat on top of me, helping me by bouncing a bit. Faster until she leaned on me, thrusting in and out of her she started to moan, louder and louder, "Oh god, oh god I'm coming!" She came on top of me, but I was still at least 10 minutes away, I wanted to savor it and give her the most pleasureable experience of her life.
 Faster now I kept going in and out. "Oh god, faster please!" So I pumped harder, taking her breasts with my hand and rubbing the nipples while she moaned in pleasure. "Fuck! I'm coming again! Oooooooooooooh" And one more time she came all over me, it took all my strength not to come when she tightened on me like that. I kept thrusting in her, "Oh! Oh shit that feels good, keep doing that!" I felt it, I had hit her g-spot, and so I made sure to hit it over and over again. She started to tighten on more time, this time harder than ever before "Oh god, Charles I'm cooommiiiiiiiiing!" "I'm coming to Ally, oh shit I'm commiiiiiiiiiiiing!!" I exploded in her, spewing my infertile gallons of seed all over her insides, mixing with her overflowing pussy juices.

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   After that she just sat on me, while my cock shrunk down to its normal 6" length. After that she fell asleep on me, and I under her. 13 hours of sleep later, I woke up in the same position, with my cock still in her, but this time I was hard, again. I slowly started to thrust, in and out while she slept. She woke up slightly from the shaking. "Wow, someone's in for some morning fun, hmm?" To be continued. . .
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Hesitating what to begin with? Which hottie to choose first? No worries, Thessaloniki Escorts provides you with handy tools to browse through a vast catalogue of dirty-minded babes, read through their profiles, check out those tempting body shapes, and discover sex specialties. Charming blondes, naughty brunettes, lecherous redheads - we’ve got all of them, so don’t hesitate to select the one that meets your preferences and attracts you the most. Dreaming of a threesome or a group action? No problem, our skilful gals will take a good care of you and impress you with incredible orgasms and stunning action. Oral sex, anal sex, handjobs, dirty massage, cosplay - all this and many more is waiting for you Escorts Thessaloniki, so go ahead and check out it.

Thessaloniki Escorts - Astounding and Arousing World for You. Reasons why Escort Thessaloniki should be Your Choice.

Plunge into kinky depths of never-ending pleasure and wild sex games with the most seductive sluts with help of premium-class Thessaloniki Escort.
Information about Thessaloniki You should Know before Visit.Thessaloniki is an stunning place located in Greece. Thessaloniki has a commonly known unofficial name "The Place of Joy" and in reality, this city is fairly windy during the whole year. Thessaloniki is well-known in the world of tourism around the globe, thanks to its interesting nightlife, beaches and crystal-clear waters. This location has got an emerging community too. Hereby, you can be certain that Thessaloniki will definitely turn all your kinky ideas into reality, because this place is the very centre of all the major parties throughout Greece, and can be by right recognized as local Greek version of Ibiza. But one look closer will be sufficient to understand that Thessaloniki has more to offer to all the fun seekers.
Never forget that Thessaloniki is the city that can turn all your dirty ideas into reality. Hence, in case if you are looking for some nasty action, this place has got everything you require. Likewise, once you step inside this fascinating Greek the place, don’t miss an opportunity to check out Thessaloniki Escort. My word, you have never seen anything like what you are about to unveil at Thessaloniki Escort, since it has been created especially for all the lustful and insatiable men, who always crave for sex. We have a big choice of different gals, who are very agile when it comes to kinky action. Thessaloniki Escorts babes can make out all night long and deliver the highest pleasure on the planet.

Things to Discover at Escort Thessaloniki

Hesitating what to begin with? Which hottie to choose first? No worries, Thessaloniki Escorts provides you with handy tools to browse through a vast catalogue of dirty-minded babes, read through their profiles, check out those tempting body shapes, and discover sex specialties. Charming blondes, naughty brunettes, lecherous redheads - we’ve got all of them, so don’t hesitate to select the one that meets your preferences and attracts you the most. Dreaming of a threesome or a group action? No problem, our skilful gals will take a good care of you and impress you with incredible orgasms and stunning action. Oral sex, anal sex, handjobs, dirty massage, cosplay - all this and many more is waiting for you Escorts Thessaloniki, so go ahead and check out it.