
The long Awaited the sequel to The crash the found love and the tears


Topic: pg 1 of the sequel Link to first one read it or you won't get it for a moment when I was waking up I thought for a second the last day had just been a nightmare with a great ending, Jess woke me up in the morning with a quick peck and I quickly came back to the reality that I and jess were the only two survivors of our entire senior class. I had to be the optimist though I mean I had gotten laid right? It was hard to believe that my first time was right after a horrific plane crash with a girl who I had had a crush on since freshman year, even more amazing I was alive and I could do it again. "So are you alright. " I touched Jess’s shoulder as she was sitting facing the sunrise, "I’m alright really," I couldn't believe her I knew she had been crying I could still see the streaks across her face. I touched her face lightly and cupped her cheek. She slowly turned her head and rested her head on my shoulder. I kissed her head to comfort her and even after everything we had been through she still smelled like honey and cinnamon. Her bronze skin almost shone in the morning light, she tilted her head up toward my face and gave me one of the most passionate kisses I had ever experienced. My mouth met hers slowly both slightly open our tongues met only for a second, she pulled off so lightly and softly bit my lip I reciprocated the action which only furthered her new passion, I pulled away completely and kissed her neck, her moans just from that gave me a not so subtle I picked her up and carried her up to the fire which we had started with the booze and lighters we had found in our classmates suitcases. I grabbed one of the blankets and dropped it on the sand I picked jess back up and placed on it. “Don’t do a thing,” that’s all I said as I slowly pulled her bikini bottoms off revealing, or the second time to me, her perfectly smooth vagina. I then ever so slowly found her clit and gently pulled on it as I moved my head down to it and took it in my mouth licking and sucking to the sounds of her ever increasing moans I move on from her clit and start moving my mouth up her body her pubic area, to her hips, kissing all the way to her belly button and then slowly mouthing all the way up to her small b cups. While that is going on I slowly insert two fingers into her vagina I moved my fingers up to the top ribbed wall of her vagina I start moving my fingers in a curling motion hitting her g spot right on, Jess instantly gives off a long sensuous moan. Her vagina then clamps down on my fingers as she has a rocking orgasm. She grabs my head and almost violently swaps saliva with me. as her orgasm subsides she collapses and  just pants.

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   I kiss her lightly, “Well Steven at least I still have you right. ” “Jess, I won’t let anything bad happen to us I promise,” “I trust you Steven. ” Right then I knew we were going to make it no matter what happened on this island that had ruined and remade our lives.
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