
The school slut and the Shy boy


This story is about friends finding their way back to each other. I was the town’s bad girl with my desirable curves and my Bite-me attitude, Alex was famed for his sweet boyish charm and his impeccable grades. We were the most peculiar friends anyone has ever seen and no one could figure out what kept our friendship together.
Our mothers were best friends so since the beginning of time (well for me at least) he has always been there, at the other end of the play pin, at the top of the slide, shit I can even vaguely remember him there when my mother was changing our diapers. The point I’m trying to get across is he was always there for me and well I was always there for him. We were tighter than real brothers and sisters but then middle school happened. Being constantly together raised many of our peers’ suspicion which leaded to the teasing and mocking that I could of course stand up to but Alex was too sensitive for the relentless strain and we obliquely drifted apart like ships towed against the current.
I have always been a cute girl but when I hit my puberty, my figure matured into a lovely set of breast atop a small waist and strong long legs that made grown men drool. The attention was addicting and so exciting to my naïve self that I started wearing more and more revealing clothes to fascinate the male half of the school. Before I knew it, my clothes were barely there and I had earn the title of a slut so instead of fighting it I embraced it, I mean I liked the attention and if that made me a slut then so be it. All the while during my downward spiral of middle school society, Alex was winning the hearts of everyone. He was modest about his straight A’s and he was so charmingly shy which made him a hit with the girls. The boys treated him with respect because he was always willing to help a fellow classmate out with the harder assignment. He was at the top while I lurked at the bottom.
Fate threw us back into each other’s life years later when the high school we both went to decided that to raise school spirit; they would take two of the best students and set them against each other in a contest of the brains. To the complete shock of everyone, I just happened to be the female counterpart to Alex in grades and test scores.

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   So it was the whore against sweet Alex which I had no problems with, just because my skirt rode higher than hell and my sheer tops showed too much didn’t mean I was dumber than a rock. I was confident in my ability to give my good old buddy Alex a run for his money and maybe this time the underdog will win. I stunned everyone by answering all my questions perfectly without hesitation or maybe it was the lacy red thong that showed through my white skirt so well. It didn’t matter; all that mattered was the knowing look in his eyes as he answered the questions with a little secret smile. It was as through we were seven again and he knew that I hid his favorite toy in the cookie jar, the memory brought tears to my eyes as I found my heart aching for those days again.
Finally it was my turn to answer and as I looked out into the crowd I realized no one really wanted me to win they were all cheering for him and I also realized I had lost that blazing desire to win. As I deliberately answered incorrectly, a triumphed roar tinted with relief thundered through the room as if the students were patting themselves on the back saying yeah I knew it, no way could that stupid cunt ever beat our man Alex. As I made my way to the door, I felt someone slip a little note in my hand but when I turned around all I faced was the cat calling of the other students which to be honest I had had enough of for today. Outside I wearily leaned against the building as I opened the note. It read: Meet me at my house, Alex. Astonished, I dutifully folded the note and started to casually stroll to my destination. This could be fun.
Feeling out of place on this beautifully cut lawn with rose bushes heavy with roses planted along the fence; I hesitated as I raised my hand up to knock. I questioned myself, why am I here, what did I think I was doing? Before I could change my mind the door swing open and strong hands pulled me in. "God, it doesn’t take that long to decide if you want to knock or not.


  " He said with such irate I couldn’t help but smile. The calm collected Alex was unnerved by little old me. At the sight of my smirk, he quickly calmed now and stated the whole purpose of me being there. "Why did you take a dive up there?" nonchalantly I shrugged and said, "Well I didn’t know the answer. " "I know you better than this, so don’t pull that shit on me. You knew exactly what the answer was, so why did you do it?" he watched me intently for my respond. "No one wanted to win, so I let the crowd favorite win. " I whispered into the pregnant silence. My head hung low as I felt the merciless tears burning in my eyes. I was grinding my teeth to keep the tears from pouring forward but all hell broke loose when I felt his sturdy arms firmly hold me. He gently guides me to the couch as I cling to him like a broken doll raining my sorrows on his soft cloud of a shirt. When all that was left was hiccups, gasps for air, and an acute feeling of shame, I reluctantly pulled away from his warm embrace. Averting my eyes, I apologized profoundly.
His hand took a hold of my chin as he forced me to look him in the eye, what I saw in those eyes staggered me because in those beautiful eyes I saw love and understanding with a well hidden trace of lust. Mesmerized by me, he delicately thumbed the lingering tears away.

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   Both of us awestruck leaned in for the kiss that was as inevitable as the raise and setting of the sun. The feathery pressure of his soft lips ignites something I never knew was there, my passion for this boy. Suddenly my body was flooded with the need for him as my lips pressed down harder and my tongue snaked its way into his soft warm mouth. Where did all those desires come from, I don’t know maybe it was from the little girl who vowed she would someday marry him. To my surprise, he pushed back with a passion that matched mine. Forcing me on my back, he pinned my arms down roughly and savagely squeeze my breast as my hips started grinding up against the raging hard on he had barely restrained by his jeans. I threw my head back with a breathy moan as I arched my back, offering myself to his loving yet brutal touch. Hasty he ripped my thin blouse off me, revealing my lacy fire red bra that matched my thong. A moment or two passed with him astonished with the sight of my full firm breasts wrapped in scarlet silk that looked like a puff of wind would exposed me completely. My impatient grinding on his cock reminded him, I needed him Now. He shook off the spell by leaning down, shredding my bra with teeth, and teasing the skin under it with his tongue. Bliss raced freely through my veins as he latched onto my left nipple. With one hand clutched in his hair urging him on, my other hand sought out the button of his jeans which popped out easily, happy to be free of the throbbing bad boy struggling to be released. With it out, I wrapped my little fingers around his big thick cock and begun to stroke him slowly. For a moment, he laid on top of me just panting as his hips starts to thrust inward with my strokes.

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   While he looked like he was going to pass out from my hand job, I grabbed his now lifeless hand and rubbed it on my soaked thong so he could tell I was ready for more. When he realized what I wanted, he whispered hoarsely, "Oh baby are you sure you want this?" the naked fervor in his eyes told me as clear as day he would never force or trick me into doing anything I didn’t want to and only god knows how badly I needed this. Looking straight into his eyes, I growled out yes as I with his cock in hand, leaded it to the opening of my hot wet aching cunt that has been waiting for damn too long. I teasingly rubbed the tip of his dick up and down my pink puffy lips, tempting him to get over what ever was holding him back and just fuck me. His cock soon got slippery in my hands as it gets wet from all the juices leaking out of my yearning pussy. So enraged by his hesitation, I placed him right in front of my cunt and just thrust up using my hips and legs to pull him deeply into me. The world stopped for a second as I laid there with my legs wrapped around his back, arching my back to take in more of him, eyes locked, nothing else mattered. Nothing mattered but the sensation of him being inside of me. Feeling my hot wet pussy around his cock was too much for him because whatever was on his mind before was gone and all I saw in his eyes was a hunger that mirrored my own. He shoved me down and with a hand on my right breast; he threw caution to the wind as he pounded the living shit out of my exhilarated cunt. My hips flew upwards to meet every one of his thrusts as I screamed his name between my moaning and panting. My nails dug into his shoulder as I felt my climax building inside of me, doubling my effects to reach the ecstasy I knew awaited me. My wild attempts drove Alex crazy with uncontrollable lust as he was reaching his own climax soon. Our crazed movement caused us to fall off the couch but it didn’t bother us at all, if the world ended at that moment it wouldn’t have mattered because we were already in heaven. But the fall did change something; somehow I was now on my knees with my ass in the air as he never ceased intensely ramming that sweet little pussy of mine.

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   My pussy tense with the need to cum squeezed tightly down on him as he fucked me harder and harder pushing me closer and closer to my organism. My world were all but shattering stars as I screamed my climax, he leaned down and caught my mouth with his as he stole my screams of pure pleasure. I was still reacting to my cum when Alex shot his hot thick cum up my tight little cunt which to be honest almost gave me another organism. We both tumbled down on the carpet, slick with sweat and smelling wonderfully of sex. Laying there in each other arms, we slowly returned to reality as we realized what we had just done, we have just made love, fucked, rolled in the hay, done the nasty, countless other terms for what we have just done. I looked up at Alex and he was gazing at me tenderly which made me want to slap that dopey smile off his face. "You idiot did you forget who you are? You’re Alex the most popular boy in school and I’m the school’s slut! This would never work!" I exclaimed. His eyes which were doting and affectionate a moment ago were now distant and gloomy, it broke my heart to see the abrupt change but I rather do this now before I started thinking about what could be instead of what was. I was ready to get up and get dressed when he started speaking to me in a low soft voice that reached deep into my soul to touch my heart,
"I’m not ten anymore, Heather, it’s been 6 years. I wasn’t as strong as you were back then, god you’re still as strong willed as you were then even more if that’s possible. But my point is I’m sorry for not being there are you ever forgive me?" As he spoke, he gently strokes my cheek. With impatient sigh, I said, "yes, yes I forgive you but that doesn’t change anything, you’re still who you are and I’m still who I am and no matter how amazing, may I repeat amazing, the sex is, I’m not changing who I am to fit in with your group. " I laid there exhausted, so wearily of everything that it flooded my eyes with tears. Shit no more tears Heather, toughen up. I felt like all was lost when he started laughing like a manic.

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   He pulled me closer and covered me in kisses and cry out, "Oh you idiot, I’ll give it all up for you, I can take the stupid jealous teasing as long as I have you it doesn’t matter!" Speechless for the first time in my life, I just laid there staring at him blankly. He gave me a big smack of a kiss on my lips and jolted me out of the trance then I did something I never thought I would ever do, I cried tears of joy. I finally got my best friend back.

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