
Timeless Love - Chapter II


Awkwardly I pushed upwards and then felt the lump of her hardened breast. My fingers caressed blindly and I found her nipple and I started rubbing it gently. It was already quite hard and her breast had become firm and well rounded from my touches. Her breathing increased as my hand slowly massaged her breast. I pushed a little more and managed to get my whole hand under the cup of her bra. I squeezed her nipple gently between my fingers occasionally. As I did this Sabrina gasped into my mouth, our lips parted as I pulled away to look at her and her head fell forward against my shoulder and she hugged me. I didn’t know what to do or say at that moment. Should I continue, what should I say? Should I just keep going and shut up. I plucked up the courage and decided to continue. "Do you like that Sabrina?” I asked softly. I had one arm around her hugging her against me and the other, my right arm disappeared inside her shirt. She said nothing but nodded her head slightly against my shoulder in reply. Preferring to stay as she was I guessed Sabrina was very shy about what was happening but she was also very curious too and she possibly wanted more of what I was giving her, or else she would have said something by now. I took her silence as a gesture to continue. By now my whole body was beginning to tremble.

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   My heart pounded in my chest and my manhood ached below. How far were we going to take this I wondered? Sabrina and I were in a time and place neither of us had experienced and so there were no rules, no guidelines on what to do. We just relied on our instincts and let nature do the guiding. My hand fumbled inside her bra and I was finding it difficult to play with her breasts. It would be better if she didn't have the bra on then she and I would be more comfortable and I am sure it would be better for Sabrina. I pulled my hand out and started turning Sabrina around without speaking. She realised what I was trying to do and turned her back to me so that I could take off her T shirt. She allowed me to pull the shirt up and off over her head completely and I tossed it onto the chair next to the sofa. With shaking fingers I fumbled with her bra strap, what kind of idiot invented such a trap. My god I felt like a fool trying to get it undone. Sabrina lifted her hand behind her back and took over from me snapping the buckle open in a split second. She lifted her hair out of the way and it fell forward. Sabrina then pulled the straps over her shoulders and took her bra off and dropped it next to where the shirt had fallen. She turned back to face me and managed a tiny smile. I could see goose bumps starting to rise on her skin.

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   Her breasts were now fully exposed to me and they were the most beautiful site I had ever seen. My god she was so beautiful I thought to myself. I gazed at her for a few more seconds taking in this picture of beauty. Her eyes were wide open and watching me with interest. Her chest was rising up and down slowly as her breathing had increased. I could sense that she was very much aroused and longed for the touch of my hand against her skin again. I obliged by putting my hand back onto her breast and continued playing with her nipples with the tips of my fingers, her mouth parted and we kissed allowing our tongues to do the dance of joy. Sabrina slowly closed her eyes and a warm buzzy feeling passed through her body that made her mind swim. She had never felt this way before. She thought about the odd times when she lay in bed at night, alone, touching herself on her breasts but it wasn't nearly the same as this. Her whole body was buzzing from Jason's touch, her heart pounding in her chest. She felt a strange tingling sensation growing between her legs that caused her to squeeze her legs together tight. Her mind reeling as she ached to be touched by Jason. She thought about this new feeling between her legs and wondered if she knew how to deal with it. I gently kissed her on the mouth as my hand continued to work on her breasts.

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   I felt her breathing increase even more as I squeezed her nipples between my fingers, she seemed to enjoy that immensely. I slowly moved my head downwards, kissing her chin, her neck and then started to kiss her chest in between her breasts. The scent of her body was electric, a mixture of perfume and body sweat that sent my senses reeling. At the same time my hand moved away from her breast and down the right side of her body. I opened my mouth and my tongue took over from my hands, softly darting across the tips of her nipples. Sabrina moaned ever so quietly and her body shifted slightly against mine as my hot tongue made contact with her nipple. She was enjoying the fuzzy feeling now welling up inside of her. Her hands pulled my head in against her chest in a bear like hug. I felt her tremble slightly as she squeezed me. We were approaching the point of no return and we were both extremely aroused. Neither of us showed any signs of wanting to stop. I decided this was it and I wanted to go all the way. I had never gone this far with a girl before. I knew it was probably the wrong thing to do as we were both to young to fully understand the implications of making love according to all adults but as far as what Sabrina and I wanted, right now was all that mattered. We kept very quiet just our hands were moving, caressing each other.

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   We continued kissing and caressing. I teased her breasts with my mouth and tongue. The taste of her skin was unbelievable. Moving my head away I eventually pulled back and looked into her pretty face. Her eyes were semi open now, her lips slightly parted and she forced a silly smile for me. I could see she was like in a daze and totally confused as to what was happening inside of her. Sabrina didn’t have a clue what to say or do so best thing was for her to say nothing and enjoy the feeling that flowed through her young body. “Sabrina if you want to stop, just say so and I will end it at any time, okay?” I said softly. Sabrina nodded and pulled me towards her in a body hug. I held her close for a few seconds rubbing her back with my right hand and then after plucking up enough courage I moved my hand down to her waist. My hand slid around the front of her shorts. I blindly felt for her zipper as I kissed and sucked Sabrina's nipple. My fingers located it and pulled downwards. We could hear the teeth of the metal zipper make its buzzing noise as it slid all the way down as far as it would go. Next, I felt for the retaining button at the top of her shorts and undid that.

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   They fell open and I pulled one side down completely until it passed over her butt. She lifted herself slightly to allow the shorts to slide off of her completely. In two quick pulls I had them off and she kicked them onto the floor. Apart from her soft pink panties, Sabrina was now totally naked lying next to me on the sofa. The feeling between Sabrina's legs was now immense. She felt strange and didn't fully understand what her body was doing. Her mind was trying to stop Jason from venturing there and her body was screaming for him to continue. She had to keep her legs tightly together as she feared if she relaxed them she would have an accident and maybe wet herself. I could see she was feeling the cold by the Goosebumps on her naked skin and I leant over and plucked the blanket that was lying on the floor. I pulled it over us. Sabrina reached up and pulled it close to her as if to snuggle into it. She smiled her approval and warmed up again. I let her get used to the feeling of my right hand moving up and down, rubbing her soft skin from her waist to her knee. Sometimes I moved it to the inner side of her legs to see what the reaction would be. There was no response and Sabrina kept her legs firmly together.

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  It was then that I realised that I still had all my clothes on and that this was a good time to get shot of them before they became a problem later. “Just a sec babe” I said as she watched me sit up. I pulled off my shirt and then unbuttoned my fly and pulled my jeans down over my butt and let them drop to the floor, leaving me only in my boxers. I quickly re-joined Sabrina back under the blanket and continued feeling her all over. I caressed her entire body with my right hand as I left small kisses on her lips and forehead. Her response was the occasional hug as she pulled towards me. Our bodies were in full contact and she could feel my erection pressing against her hips. I felt the elastic of her panties each time I passed my hand over her thighs. After a few minutes of caressing her with my hand I moved my head under the blanket to her chest again and started kissing her breasts. As my tongue made contact with her nipple she let out a soft sound that imitated a cross between a wheeze and a whistle. I could feel her chest moving up and down more frequently now as her breathing increased. Sabrina was getting really turned on and so was I. This was it, no turning back, we were about to do what every other human being on the planet does naturally, we were about to make love together for the first time in our young lives and nobody was there to stop us. As my mouth and tongue worked on her nipples, I moved my fingers under the elastic of Sabrina's panties and began to pull them downwards. She hesitated for a second and reacted instinctively by grabbing my hand and pulling it away from her panties.

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   She placed my hand back on her leg where it was before and returned her hand onto my shoulder. I was shocked and didn't know what to do. Defeat. That's it I thought, it was over and this was as far as we go. Damn. My heart was pounding and I was stuck at third base. What was my next move? I started stroking her again and continued kissing her breasts, which she seemed to like, a lot. I decided to give it a second shot. This time I pushed my hand in between her legs just above the knees and tried to pry them gently open. I felt her leg muscles resist a little but then she eventually subsided and let my hand slip up towards her crotch. The closer I got to her honey pot the hotter it felt. I eventually reached her mound and touched her from the outside of her cotton panties with the side of my forefinger. Sabrina stopped breathing for a fraction of a second frozen in time as I touched her. Never before had any human being touched her there. Only she knew the pleasure of a touch in that most secret of places.

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   She was frightened and her conscious mind tried to resist being touched by Jason but her sub conscious ached for him to go there. She battled with her senses but was eventually over powered by passion. I didn’t move and let my hand stay there for a few seconds just bending my finger very slowly in a tiny rubbing motion. After a short while a wet patch began to develop on Sabrina's panties which I could feel with my finger. It felt sticky between my fingers and I took this as an indication that she was ready for sex. Her legs squeezed tighter against my hand to try and stop me from gaining further ground, so I gave it a rest and just continued kissing her nipples. My hand relaxed against her mound and so did she. I wasn’t quite sure what to do so I hatched another idea, which may or may not work. I pulled my hand out from between her legs and grabbed her left hand, pulling it away from its perch on my shoulder and moved it down a spot between my legs. I parted my legs a little in exactly the same way she had done and placed her hand between my legs about six inched below my aching scrotum. My dick by this time was extremely hard and like Sabrina's womanhood it begged to be touched by her. We stayed like that for a little while longer and I noticed her breathing had become more relaxed again so I decided to break the ice and speak to her. “Hey Sabrina. . .

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  . . You can touch me there too if you want. I don’t mind, in fact I would really like it if you did. ” I said in a whisper. Sabrina just tucked her head deeper into my chest and we lay together in silence not moving for what seemed like an eternity. I was about to give up completely when suddenly I felt a small twitch as her fingers moved and pushed upwards between my legs. I instinctively parted them and she moved her hand up slowly inch by agonizing inch until she was at the base of my groin. I reached down and took her hand and placed it gently on the lump in my boxers that was my shaft. Sabrina squeezed the lump gently with her hand as if to get a feel of what it was. I cringed at her touch, and even though it was through the material of my boxers it still sent shockwaves through my body. I couldn’t take much more of this and nervously grabbed my boxers from behind and pulled them down over my butt whilst Sabrina still had a hold of my shaft in the front. She let go for an instant and assisted me in pulling my boxers down. With shaking hands I pulled them off completely and they fell onto the floor. I was now completely naked lying against her body.

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   My shaft pressed against the soft skin of her hips. Her eyes were wide open, her mouth slightly parted. She was breathing as heavily as was I. She could feel the heat of my shaft against her skin and was confused as to what she should do next. I took her hand again and guided it back to my exposed shaft. Her fingers curled around it and she held it like before, unmoving. “Ohhh my god. That feels so nice. Your hand is so soft” I said. Sabrina smiled and kept quite, she just held onto my shaft like her life depended on it. I pulled her chin up and gazed into her deep blue eyes. "I love you Sabrina, very much" I said in a shaky voice, my mind reeling as bolts of electricity charged through me. I pulled her close, kissing her on the forehead. I moved my hand down and grabbed hers and started moving it in an up-and-down motion and then I let her hand go. At first she didn’t respond but a few seconds later she began to pump me slowly up and down.


   Her fingers were wrapped tightly around my shaft. I was in ecstasy. I had never had a girl do this to me before, yeah I’ve done it myself a few times in the shower what guy hasn’t, but wow it felt a hundred times better when Sabrina did it. This was masturbation with a difference. Soon enough I felt a tingling deep within my groin that told me something was about to happen and I did everything possible to stop myself from coming. I took my mind off Sabrina's hand on my organ and I moved my right hand down to her panties again and pulled them downwards. This time the panties slid over her butt easily without her stopping me, but then stopped as they were hinged in between her legs which were still clasped tightly together. Sabrina finally gave in and her mind joined her body and she relaxed the muscles in her legs and her panties were freed, allowing them to slide all the way down to her feet. I leant down and pulled them off her completely, dropping them onto the floor next to my clothes. We were now side by side, totally naked under the blanket. I rolled her gently onto her back and leant over her kissing and rubbing her gently as she continued to hand pump my organ slowly with her left hand almost stopping at times. I brought my hand back up in between Sabrina's legs stopping just short of her hot spot. This time she didn’t resist and her legs even parted slightly allowing my hand access to the most private area of her body. Sabrina's body shuddered as I gently covered her mound with my right hand and my fingers stretched out and touched her hot wet pussy lips for the first time. My fingers moved apart slightly and my middle finger dipped into her slippery groove.

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   Sabrina had never been touched there before by another person and this new experience made her body jerk and she let out a soft moan as my hand gently fondled her. She pulled harder at my shaft as my fingers moved up and down over her sticky wet mound. Her mind was reeling and the instincts of love-making began to take over. Her head arched back slightly and her legs parted even further to allow me access to her inner body. I moved my finger upwards inside of her slit until I found the little lump of her erect clitoris. I don't know why but I started rubbing it instinctively and she breathed harder with her mouth wide open. Touching her there really fired her up and Sabrina started to visibly shake. I kissed her passionately and shot my tongue into her mouth. This was getting too much for Sabrina to handle, she stopped masturbating me and let go of my shaft wrapping her arms tightly around me. My fingers continued to massage her clitoris and then I slid them up and down her slit. I could feel her hot love juice between my fingers. This had an unbelievable effect on me and all I wanted to do was make love to her right now. I wanted my cock inside her. I could feel a slight rhythm starting in Sabrina’s hips as she pushed slowly against my hand each time I rubbed her clitoris. I stopped for a second and held my hand still for a moment and let her continue the work, she pushed some more and my fingers slid up and down inside her slit.

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   This was driving her crazy, she was as ready as she ever would be. Sabrina suddenly spoke in a raspy shaken voice. "Put it inside me please Jason" She panted in my ear as she pushed my hand hard against her mound trying to get my finger inside of her. Not needing a second invitation I moved my middle finger down until I found her the entrance to her moist folds. I pushed softly with care so that I could penetrate her hole. I moved it slowly in and out an inch at a time. Sabrina wiggled her body and grunted a bit but allowed me to continue. She instinctively pulled her legs apart as wide as she could to accommodate my probing finger. I now had my finger completely buried in her womb and I felt the muscles of her vagina squeeze against my finger each time I pulled it out of her as she played with me, enjoying this new sensation inside of her. At the tip of my finger, deep inside her vagina, I felt her hymen guarding the gateway to motherhood. Each time my finger pushed deeper inside of her it stopped at this thin membrane. I had no idea at that time what it was and just continued to finger her. I penetrated her with one and then two fingers. As her vagina expanded to accommodate me, she responded by kissing me feverishly and burying her tongue deep into my mouth. I pulled my fingers out of her and went back to rubbing her clitoris.

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   After continuing this pattern for about five minutes Sabrina was on the edge of her first orgasm. She bucked gently against my hand as my fingers moved in and out of her pussy. Her breathing was erratic and fast. I didn’t want her to cum right now as this was to be very special moment for both of us so I pulled my hand away and hugged her tight. “I love you Sabrina and I want this to be special for both of us okay?” I said as I moved my body in position over hers and pushed myself in between her legs. Sabrina nodded in agreement and shifted her body so that she was comfortably under mine. I wanted her now so bad that it hurt. I didn’t care anymore and I could see that she was also way beyond caring. This was the moment of truth for both of us. I was visibly shaking and I felt I was going to cum any second. I had to prove I could do this without spoiling it for us. I took her left hand and placed in on my shaft like before and Sabrina knew exactly what to do with it this time. Pulling it downwards she guided the head of my cock into the wet opening of her hole and pushed it in about an inch. She then released it and wrapped her arms tightly around my body pulling me towards her as if to assist me in pushing into her better. I pushed my body downwards slowly and gently, my cock going deeper inch by inch.

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   Her vagina was still very narrow and tight as she had never had a cock in there before and as I moved it slowly in and out, it expanded to the thickness of my young shaft. We were in heaven. We were were making love, just like our parents. My God it felt so good and I could see she was enjoying it as much as I was. Sabrina moaned softly as I rocked with her. My shaft entering and escaping her hole with gathering momentum. We made love for what seemed like ages but was probably only a few seconds. I could feel my cock hitting the bottom of her vagina and I was confused as it wasn't in very deep. Either I had a very long cock or Sabrina had a small vagina I thought to myself. With my increased excitement, I pushed harder and harder and suddenly I felt my shaft break through and slip deeper inside by at least a couple more inches. At the same time Sabrina let out a cry of pain and dug her nails into my back. Her legs squeezed tightly against my body and she hissed. I had broken through her hymen, Sabrina's virginity was no more. I felt terrible for her and was afraid that I had hurt her. I stopped humping her and lay motionless for a second, breathing hard, my shaft buried to its max.

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  "Are you okay Sabrina? what's wrong?" I gasped as I looked at her. "Its okay, it's okay, don't worry" She replied hugging me tight. I continued humping her again and watched as she settled down again and enjoyed our love making. She was squirming under me and lifted her legs upwards and wrapped them around my back. This allowed me to go even deeper inside of her and it obviously made things better for Sabrina. Her grip on me became almost unbearable as she dug her nails into my skin. We were reaching an area totally unknown to us and we couldn’t stop it now even if we tried. We were locked together, my cock pounding deep into her. I then I felt a tingling sensation starting at my balls. The same thing was happening to Sabrina. She was making louder noises and breathing really fast as her fuzziness turned to fire inside. As the first orgasmic wave hit Sabrina she tossed her head back and almost cried out and then looked directly into my eyes as I continued to pound into her. Her eyes were deep and wild, her lips slightly twisted and I could see she couldn’t understand what was happening to the inside of her body, but it was something utterly wonderful. The second wave hit her and she moaned as her entire body started to shake. I felt the muscles of her vagina squeeze tightly around my shaft momentarily as she tried to stop me escaping and then her hole expanded and became very slippery as she released her love juice around my pounding shaft.

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   I felt the change inside of her and knew somehow that she had cum. It was my turn and I felt my balls were about to explode and I was about to release my seed but something inside my head said no…. I couldn’t do this to Sabrina, not now. I understood the consequence of what could happen if I released my load inside of her and I wasn't going to destroy her life just to suit my lust. As I exploded I lifted up and pulled right out of her. Grabbing my cock with my right hand, I thrust it down between her legs just in time and let the load blast between the cushions of the sofa. I moaned loudly and bucked slowly as my semen spurted down between her slippery legs. Sabrina felt my hot seed oozing down her butt crack and squeezed me tight in acknowledgement of what I had done. A bond of mutual respect and trust had instantly been placed between us that would stay with us forever. We collapsed and lay there breathing hard, catching our breaths. I was still lying on top of Sabrina but she didn’t mind. Her arms wrapped around my body, her legs slowly dropped down alongside my own. I raised myself up on my elbow and gazed down at her. She looked back at me and smiled and then squeezed me tight and kissed me softly on the lips. She lifted her head slightly and looked down towards where all the action had just taken place and in a laughing voice she said.

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  “I think you might have just made a big mess of the sofa, Jase what will your parent say?”. "Yup I think I did. Don’t worry I will make a plan before they come home”. I said rolling off of her soft and now totally relaxed body. We lay on our backs side by side catching our breaths for a few more minutes. I held her hand in mine. Each of us reliving the moments of the last few minutes, analyzing how wonderful it was. Everything had just happened in under half an hour. It had seemed like an eternity. Twenty minutes ago we were both young innocent virgins and now, we were each other’s first love. I could have stayed there, lying next to her forever but time was moving fast and we needed to tidy up before my parents got home. I got up and sat on the edge of the sofa examining my privates. They still glistened from our juices. I took the edge of the blanket and wiped myself with that before pulling my boxers up back into position. Sabrina leant down and retrieved her light blue panties at the same time as covering herself with the rest of the blanket.

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   Her hair was a holy mess just like it would be after climbing out of bed first thing in the morning. My god even with her hair everywhere she was still incredibly beautiful and radiant. “Can I use your bathroom please Jason” she asked. “Sure, its this way” I replied with a smile as I took her hand and walked her to our downstairs bathroom and watched as she disappeared inside dragging the blanket behind her. I heard the taps running in the bath and guessed that she must be okay. In the mean time I started tidying up and tried cleaning the mess that was now very apparent on my parents couch cover. It was mixture of my juices and a small telltale bloodstains from Sabrina when she lost her virginity. It looked like I would have to hide this away until I could get it cleaned properly. I went to the linen cupboard and pulled out a spare cover and tossed it over the sofa, hoping my parents wouldn't notice the change. I got dressed and waited until Sabrina was ready to emerge from the bathroom. After about 20 minutes I walked to the bathroom door and knocked. “Hey babe, are you okay in there?” I asked, thinking that there may be a problem. “Yeah I’m coming now, just a minute” she replied. I could tell by the tone of her voice she was okay and probably fully dressed. Then I realised that her shorts and T shirt were still on the chair next to the sofa.

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   I picked them up and put the T shirt up to my face. It smelt of her, I could smell the faint odor of her perfume, her body odor and the combination was wild. “Would you like your clothes Sabrina my love?” I chuckled through the door. “Yes please” was her reply. “Can I Sabrinag them in?” I asked. There was a silence before the reply came. “Yeah, Okay”. She said in a soft giggly voice. I opened the door and there she stood with my towel wrapped around her. She was brushing her hair in the mirror. She turned and looked at me and smiled. “Your towels are huge Jason, I could almost sleep under one this big” she said jokingly. “I know, I cant stand tiny towels myself they make you freeze when trying to get dry” I commented. She laughed as she brushed her hair. My God she was radiant and glowing.

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   Her first sexual encounter was already beginning to change her, she had grown up instantly. I handed her the clothes. “That sure is a pretty outfit Sabrina, you look very cute in it” I said with a smile. “Do you like it? I will wear it again when I come and visit you next time” She said with a smile. I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. She wanted to come again and visit. This means that we could explore this thing we have even further as long as Sabrina was willing. “Can I come over tomorrow?” she asked. Sabrina was already thinking about the two of them together again and couldn't wait. “Of course yes, do you want me to meet you somewhere?” I questioned. “Its okay I can ride my bike here, it wont take me long. ” She replied. “Okay it’s a date then, tomorrow. ” I said with a smile. “Okay” she replied as she and I walked out the back door.


  We mounted our bikes and rode towards the village. Both of us laughed and joked around swerving in at each other in playful combat along the road. We were both so happy, no one could change the feelings we now had for one another. This was to be the beginning of a beautiful friendship together. I rode with her as far as the next street down from her house and Sabrina rode the rest of the way on her own. I watched as she turned the corner and then she was gone. My mind raced over the afternoons activities and thought about tomorrow. I couldn’t wait for tomorrow. I turned and headed home as fast as I could. I was in love. END OF CHAPTER TWO.
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