
WTF High's School Defense Force - Lesson V


Daytime. . . GongWhy did you come back? Mr. Smith mentally asked as he looked at the carnage before him. Unlike the other bystanders, his eyes were not filled with shock and/or fear. He was simply observing, with watchful eyes, the one responsible for the one-second slaughter that took place only moments ago. Why did you come back here, Sera?"Hmph," Sera smirked as she stood up from the patio table, which was one of many tables on the large balcony at the mall. She finished her V8 drink before she began to walk away from the scene. Trent, Rock, Monica, Tim, and Thirteen/Leafy/Rush all stared at the blonde demoness with an array of different expressions. The blonde demoness walked over the body of Koougu, the blue demon. A bloody trail of footprints followed her. The corpse of the blue demon. . . was headless.

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   The head was nowhere to be found. . . because it exploded. Title: WTF High's School Defense Force - Lesson VClass: 4DRoom: 104As deadly as a serpent and as cunning as a vixen, she's the Snake King and Mistress of Illusions' child. Don't fall for her traps. . . too late. :pNight. . . Gong!The clock that stood in the middle of the school yard could be heard throughout the building. The gentle ruffles of the dried yellow grass were interrupted by the tolls of the iron ring clock. Gong!The sound rang through the eerily silent halls, shaking the dark atmosphere left by the night.

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   Not even the moon was out to guide one's heart from the shadows with its borrowed light. Gong!From every window the iron clock could be seen clearly even with the blinding cold blanket enveloping it. It was built based on a design created by four University students decades ago in 2003. The school's clock was actually three rings standing straight up. The two smaller ones were right next to each other and they were within and perpendicular to the largest ring. Engraved in the outer shell and hanging from the inner part of the middle-sized ring were the hours while for the smallest it was the minutes. The largest of the rings also had the hours hanging from the inner part, but there were 12 square holes where the hours should be in its outer shell. "Interesting how the largest ring appears to be moving on its own without any need for a motor," Sera remarked as she looked out the window of one of the classrooms. Her pale soft skin and beastly yellow eyes were hard to ignore even in the darkness. She chose to wear a pink tank top over a pair of legless jean shorts, which were cut to resemble a V-shape. Black boots with straps encircled her tender feet. Her two braided sideburns framed her face along with her sharp and wisdom-filled eyes. "Of course, everyone here knows how it really works. Well. .

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  . most of them, anyway. ""You look the same as you did six years ago," Mr. Smith ignored Sera's remark as he sat on one of his students' desks. He had his arms crossed and his watchful eyes stayed upon the blonde mystery before him as if he expected something abnormal to happen. Instead of his usual formal attire, he wore a grey shirt, black jeans, and running shoes. "Why did you come back here? As a student, no less. ""Did you know that human beings evolved from pack hunters?" Sera asked as she pressed the tips of two of her fingers up against the window. While she barely touched the glass, she gently allowed her fingers to trail down it. From her perspective, her fingers were directly over the school's iron ring clock. "Just like wolves, they would work-""Just answer my question!" Mr. Smith growled angrily as he grabbed Sera by the wrist and glared directly into her eyes. He wasn't surprised when he was met by indifferent eyes, as though his recent action had no meaning. "Why did you come back here as a student even though you already graduated six years ago?""Is there a reason I can't?" Sera smirked as her eyes turned predatory. Her pupils became vertical slits and her iris started glowing a healthy yellow.

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   She lifted her left hand and pressed it up against her teacher's forehead. Mr. Smith's grip on the demoness' wrist loosened and his eyes glazed over. "Besides, didn't you fall for the me from six years ago?"*****Daytime. . . "Damn it. . . why won't this guy stay down?" Rock growled as he glared at the orange demon before him. He searched through his pockets and pulled out a red coin the size of a quarter. "Time to bring out the big guns. ""Um. . .

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   what?" Rush blinked, wondering what his friend was up to. At this point, he wondered why no one passed by and witnessed this event. Surely all the damage to public property so far would had aroused some suspicion or curiosity. He also wondered why he wasn't running for a payphone and calling the cops. Those thoughts dashed away from his head when he noticed the coin Rock was holding bursted into flames. "Scar! Horn! Help me out!" Rock shouted as he threw the coin against the ground. All of a sudden, two red-skinned imps appeared where the coin made contact with the asphalt. They were both only one foot tall and had stick-like arms and legs. One of them had a scar on his face while the other had a unicorn-like horn. It was quite obvious which was Scar and which was Horn. "You ready to fight this guy?"Remember the payment. I want some burgers after this, got that?" Horn smirked as he gave his employer a thumbs-up sign. "Make me some pancakes and the next fight's free," Scar added as he crossed his arms while grinning devilishly. "Uh. .

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  . " Rush blinked yet again as he stared at the strange imp-like creatures that Rock had apparently. . . summoned. "A summoner. . . I'm not impressed," Yuhgu, the orange demon commented. "Two weaklings. That's all you can summon? At least bring out something with claws or fangs. ""Shut the hell up," Rock growled as he and his two imps rushed forth to attack Yuhgu. At first it looked like they were just going to gang-up on the large demon. However, Scar started spitting out multiple fireballs while Horn's. .

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  . horn sent out lightning bolts. Rock dashed to attack while his opponent was distracted. "Weaklings," Yuhgu growled as one of his two tails took a swipe at a conveniently nearby fire hydrant. As if the resulting stream of water was an extension of his own body, he redirected the water from the hydrant and smashed it against Rock's face. Rock and his two imps were knocked back by the surprisingly powerful blast and unlike last time, the young summoner wasn't getting back up. The orange demon crossed his arms and turned his attention towards. . . Wham!All of a sudden, a heel dropped from the sky and slammed right in between Yuhgu's two horns! The heel belonged to Rush, who decided to take the opportunity to attack. However, Yuhgu was quick to recover from the surprise attack and tackled his target into the ground. The orange demon's forehead was bleeding heavily and he looked very pissed off. "Bad move, Runt!" Yuhgu growled savagely as he brought a fist above his head. As if it could read his mind, the water behind him rose up into the air, ready to slam itself down upon Rush's face. The orange demon glared at his target, forgetting that he was supposed to bring the boy back alive.

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   That was before he caught sight of the youngster's eye. That was when he knew what he was dealing with. With wide eyes, the demon jumped off his victim and dashed away. "Shit. . . a berserker?"*****"He was easy to beat," Monica noted as she stared at the butchered corpse of her fallen enemy. She turned her attention to the blood that stained her sword, wondering if the blood was red because the demon was red. That didn't make any sense to her, so she dropped that thought and turned towards her accomplice. "Well. . . we were in a narrow hallway fighting a giant target who was already disoriented from losing one arm and one horn," Tim replied as he hid away his two guns. "It was also two against one. ""But he is a demon," Monica replied as she wiped away the blood on her sword with her sleeve before sheathing it.

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   She turned towards the bound Ginger, and asked, "What are we going to do with her?""Don't know, don't care," Tim said as he looked out the window towards the new mall. "Are there more or is that all?""I think I sensed one more," Monica replied as she headed out the door. Before she left with Tim, she noticed Io sitting down with her back against the wall and staring at Mianngu's corpse. "Please look after Ginger for us, Io. We will come back as soon as possible. "*****"That damn bitch never said anything about a berserker," Yuhgu clenched his teeth and growled under his breathe. He reassessed his situation and decided to retreat for now even though he was technically winning. When he noticed Rush was getting back up, he immediately panicked and doused himself with water. Once the water cleared, he was gone. "We're upping the price. We want lobster for dinner," Horn grumbled as he picked himself up. "Be sure to have them ready by midnight," Scar added. The two imps walked away, then vanished with a sudden flash of exploding fire. "Damn it, did we lose?" Rock growled as he got to his feet. "At least we're still alive," Rush replied.

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   Suddenly, he felt a painless jolt pass through his brain and his attention turned towards the new mall. He stared in that direction for a few seconds, then found himself running towards it. "Rock. . . I think we should go this way. ""Eh?" Rock grumbled questioningly before following his friend. *****Night. . . "Such naughty thoughts, Mr. Smith," Sera cooed as she pressed her head up against the "older" man's chest. A cheshire grin stretched across her face, "Don't you want me like this? This could be a teacher-student scenario, like the kind you see in porn. I've been a naughty girl, teacher. Why don't do something about it?""Stop it! Get out of my head!" Mr.


   Smith shouted as he pushed the "younger" girl away from him. He was gasping for air as if he were forced underwater for the past few minutes. His hands were shaking and sweat was pouring down from his face. However, he calmed down when he saw the look on Sera's face. "I'm sorry. . . it's just that, I thought you wanted this, that's all," Sera explained with a frightened look on her face. She looked down at the floor, embarrassed and ashamed. She looked as though she was ready to cry. "I just thought. . . ""I'm. .

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  . I'm sorry. . . for bursting out like that," Mr. Smith managed to apologize. He clasped his hands on Sera's shoulders as a smile grew on his face. "I just thought you were up to your old tricks again, that's all. ""Then. . . you still find me attractive?" Sera asked as she looked up into her teacher's eyes. Her pupils returned to their normal circular shape, which made her look. . .

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   cute. "I. . . I mean. . . " Mr. Smith stammered. He silently thought to himself, why am I falling for this all over again? Then again, maybe. . . . *****Daytime. .

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  . Damn it. . . what's with this guy? Koougu thought to himself as he skidded backwards along the surface of the balcony. He dug his claws deep into the floor in order to stop himself. He's almost as fast as me!"Hmm. . . Capoeira, huh?" Sera smirked as she watched the battle before her unfold. "It's somehow. . . fitting. ""Heh," Trent grinned as he faced his opponent with his strange daggers in his hands.

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   "This is fun! Let's go again!"Seriously, what's wrong with him? He's grinning like a fool even though I almost killed him a few times, Koougu scowled. Suddenly, his eyes went wide when he realized that something about his opponent felt familiar. Wait a minute. . . it can't be. . . "One more dance till Death's finale," Trent declared before rushing towards the blue demon. "Let's just finish this already. ""F-Fenrir?" Koougu gasped in shock. *****"They're just the same as I remember them," Mr. Smith remarked as he slid his hands over Sera's tank top. The straps were slid off and the tank top was pushed down so that the predatory girl's luscious breasts were put on full display. They were like twin moons, hanging there where they could easily be seen, yet seemingly out of reach.

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   However, unlike the moon, the teacher could easily touch them. . . grope them. . . and cherish them. "Your hands are as strong as I remember them," Sera moaned with pleasure as she propped herself up on one of the desks. She wiggled her dangling feet around for a few seconds, then placed them up against the small of her teacher's back. The huntress ensnared her new prey with her legs and led him into her tempting trap. She reached up with her left hand and wrapped it around the back of the dazed man's neck. Her other hand reached down to unzip her jean shorts. The zipper reached all the way to her anus and she wasn't wearing any panties, so her pussy was already exposed. "I'm already wet with anticipation, so just stick it in when you're ready. ""In that case, I will," Mr.

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   Smith replied as he stopped feeling up the blonde girl's breasts. He unzipped his pants and pulled out his cock, which was standing and throbbing at 6 inches in length and 1 1/2 inches in width. He pressed the head of his tool up against the demoness' entrance, pushing it in ease. For a moment, he wondered if perhaps Sera wasn't as tight as she used to be. His question was answered when the vaginal walls gripped his manhood like a vice. His eyes widened at the strength of this girl and a gasp escaped his throat. "You're. . . you're even tighter than before. ""I knew you of all people could handle it," Sera snickered while she hung down from her teacher's neck with her arms. With her legs still around the 'older' man's waist, she began rotating her hips. She felt the man's arms wrap around her back so that she wouldn't fall should she lose her strength. Although she did not feel it was necessary, she was grateful for the sentiment. "Fuck me, teacher.

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   Fuck me like you used to. "Mr. Smith complied with the blonde girl by thrusting moving in conjunction with Sera's rotations. He 'bounced' Sera up and down so that his cock would thrust deep within her every time she came back down. The position was somewhat awkward and demanded enough strength from the man to support the weight of his partner, but it was worth it. Sera moaned and groaned with a lustful voice with each and every bounce on the cock. She pressed her face up against Mr. Smith's chest and tightened the grip of her arms and legs on the 'older' man. "Let's try another position," Mr. Smith suggested as he gently laid the back of his student on the desk. Since it was one of the student's desks, there wasn't much room for Sera to put her head against. Instead, the blonde girl dangled her head off the edge of the desk and allowed her long hair to reach the floor. She felt a pair of strong hands on her ankles and figured her partner was going to fuck her like that. She reached out and grabbed hold of the legs of the desk so that she would not fall over, then braced herself for the second round of this. .

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  . reunion. "Go at it with full force. Don't worry, I can take it," Sera smirked with a gleam in her eyes. She moved her head back down and waited. She tensed up her vaginal muscles as soon as she felt her partner's manhood moving again. The demoness' eyes were bright yellow and her pupils were turning back into vertical slits. Since her head was upside down and facing away from the teacher, Mr. Smith did not notice the change. The 'older' man pounded away at the tight pussy with every ounce of strength he could muscle. He pulled on the ankles of his lover with every intention of getting as much of his manhood inside as he possibly could. Instead of Sera losing her grip and slipping off, the desk started scraping against the floor and moving with the two of them. "Oh my. . .

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   oh. . . " Sera moaned as she felt yet another orgasm approach. Her toes curled in the air and strained against the hands that held her ankles in place. Mr. Smith had to use all the strength he could muster in order to keep his 'student' in place. With the force at which they were going at, it was surprising that the desk did not crumble against the weight of their sexual atmosphere. The teacher squeezed his eyes shut and felt his hot ooze squirt deep into the love canal of the blonde before him. "That was. . . that was good. . .

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  " Mr. Smith gasped after he felt the last of his jizz leave his manhood. He breathed heavily, then opened his eyes. "Was that go. . . WHAT THE HELL?!"Instead of Sera lying down on the desk, the science lab's skeleton model was staring back at him. The teacher stared at it with a gapped mouth, trying to figure out what was going on. His cock hung in the air where the vagina was supposed to be. His semen was splattered all over the top of the desk. "Bwahahahahahaha!!!" Sera's laughter could be heard at the entrance to the classroom. She stood there, fully clothed, doubling over and laughing manically at her teacher's bewildered face. She stopped her laughing just long enough to wipe a tear from her eye and said, "Oh come on, you know there are worse things I could had tricked you into fucking. ""Damn you. .


  . get over here!" Mr. Smith shouted angrily as he ran towards Sera while fumbling with his jeans at the same time. He managed to tuck his manhood back into his underwear, but fell over a chair. "Oh my is someone pissed. Are you going to spank me, teacher?" Sera laughed as she turned around and pulled down her jean shorts. With the shorts still down, she turned around and continued her taunts, "Maybe you want to spank me here instead? I've been a very naughty girl, you know. "With that the blonde girl ran off down the school halls Mr. Smith immediately chased after the taunting vixen with sheer rage in his eyes. "A spanking should be the least of your worries when I'm through with you!"*****Daytime. . . "No. . .

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   it's not Fenrir. He's not powerful enough," Koougu muttered to himself as he exchanged blows with his opponent. He was having a hard time keeping up with this maniac with knives. There was no other way to describe the dog-man's reckless style of fast and flexible knife-play than maniacal. He knew it would take too long to defeat his enemy, so he focused his attention on the blonde girl whom he was supposed to capture in the first place. "Hmph. . . if I hold her hostage. . . alright, I'll try it. ""Whoa. . .

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   what's going on?" Rush asked as soon as he arrived at the scene. He made his way through the crowd of people, curious as to what all the commotion was about. Rock followed closely behind, asking his friend why they were here. They both noticed Tim and Monica in the crowd as well. "Hey, any idea what's going on?""No, need to get closer to know," Tim replied. "Hey. . . is that Trent?" Monica asked as she attempted to look over the heads of the other spectators. "Hmm? Is that a demon he's fighting against?" Rush asked as he crouched low and looked past the legs of the other spectators. "Eh?" Rock was distracted for a moment by the fact that Monica was standing on Rush's back. "Hey guys!" Trent waved to his friends as soon as he noticed them in the crowd. "You idiot! Don't keep your eyes off the enemy!" Rock scowled. "Alright! Now's my chance," Koougu chuckled as he vanished into thin air. "Huh?" Trent turned his attention back on the blue demon, but he was nowhere to be found.

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   He looked around until his eyes fell upon a blue streak falling towards Sera. He tilted his head and watched the demon descend upon the unsuspecting blonde who was still sitting there drinking V8 juice. "Heh. . . now you're mine!" Koougu cackled as he showed off his razor-sharp claws. ". . . . . " Sera didn't even look at the demon. She just raised her hand into the air, then squeezed it into a fist. Then his head exploded. *****"You're a hundred years too early if you think you can fuck me now," Sera gasped as she slumped against the wall of the school hallways.

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   The demoness chuckled as she watched Mr. Smith pass right by her, shouting curses and insults along the way. "My parents are the Snake King and the Mistress of Illusions, for god's sake. You're much harder to trick than before, but you're still no match for me. Now Berserker. . . there's a different story. "The blonde vixen unzipped her jean shorts and pulled it down again. She took it off completely so that she would have better access to her own pussy. Her right fingers trailed down the front of her soft and supple body towards the prize her teacher failed to get. Her index finger brushed lightly against the hood that hid the small nub that was her clitoris. Her middle finger went ahead and slid along the moist opening of her vaginal lips. She continued stroking her womanhood until her fingers were completely coated with her own juices. "Mmm.

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  . . " Sera moaned with pleasure as she masturbated in the halls of her school. She spread her legs as much as she could until she was practically doing the splits. With a look of satiation on her face, she brought her cum-coated fingers up to her lips and licked them clean. Her breathing was heavy and large amounts of sweat were rolling down her face. "This weekend. . . I can't wait. . . ""I found you!" Mr. Smith shouted as he suddenly appeared right in front of the startled Sera. "You really are harder to fool," Sera chuckled nervously as she stared into the glaring eyes of her teacher.

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   She brought her hand up and said, "Ah well. . . I'll just put you to sleep for now. "****"Wha. . . wha. . . what. . . " Rush and Rock stared at the headless body of the blue demon with astonished looks on their faces. "Amazing.

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  . . " Monica managed to gasp out. Her eyes turned towards the one responsible for the carnage. A mixture of admiration, fear, confusion, and other emotions rushed through her mind all at once. She was unable to say anything at all. She could only remember what the demoness told her that fateful night. . . You have a lot of untapped potential in both fighting and sex, Moto-chan. Sera's demonic eyes met Motoko's spirited eyes. If you're interested in getting stronger, pay me a visit some time this week. "Uh. . .

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   Monica? Could you get off my back now?" Rush asked as a drop of sweat rolled down his temple. .

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