
Maggie, episode 18


The year was 1985 and Dot was now forty-something. She was no longer the slim, 22 year old blond of 1962 that married an American GI stationed in her native Germany. She was a few pounds heavier but on her it was voluptuous. A sexy bitch was how she was described to me one night as I watched two friends fucking her from both ends. Now, we were both settled and living close to some of the friends we met when we were last stationed in Germany during the 1970's. We also sought out the local swing scene and met more new friends in our new California home.

Dot and Maggie were the last of the office crowd in the dimly lit lounge of a favorite dance and dinner establishment. The two ladies continued drinking after dinner. Maggie was recently divorced; again. She was crying on Dot's shoulder. It was not unusual for my wife to be out with one or more of her girlfriends. After 20 plus years of marriage I had grown accustomed to her solo adventures with other women. Many times she wouldn't show up till the next morning. I knew that I would get the full details later. So, this tale is, in part, as described to me by my wife while she stroked and sucked my cock. Muttering the words, then sucking; pull it out and tell me more.

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We first met Maggie when I was stationed in Germany on my second European tour of duty there between 1972 and 1978. Maggie's husband was a young airman also stationed there. They were 20 something newlyweds. They were a very young couple that we were acquainted with but they were too much in love to really get involved with the military swing scene. We saw them socially with mutual friends. Dot and I had fucked some of those mutual friends. So it happened that when we left Germany, Dot and I settled in an area near many of our old friends, including Maggie and her sisters. Most of this group was employed at a military installation in the area so we interacted with them quite frequently.

After Maggie divorced her first husband, she began a series of affairs, re-marrying, divorcing, more affairs. She never lacked for cock. Maggie and Dot were also co-workers so they saw each other and talked every day. Since we both worked at the same government facility, we often went out to happy-hour together with more than a few of our male and female coworkers. It was a good party crowd. At the time, Dot and I were also swinging with another group we met in the area. The group included some of our coworkers.

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   Dot had a few girlfriends. Most she shared, some she didn't, but only because a couple of them were lesbian and only wanted her. Oh, how they wanted her. She was often invited to late night all-girl parties. Then she would tell me all about it. Sometimes she had pictures.

My wife grew to be a big sister to Maggie. They confided every juicy detail of each other's sex life too. Maggie knew about our swinging ways. My wife always filled me in on the latest Maggie gossip. So, according to Dot, Maggie was getting laid regularly and by more than one guy. She was beautiful, single, thirty-something and she had a lot of friends and lovers but not entirely comfortable the swinging thing. Physically, she was a short, salt and pepper brunette, smallish breasts, olive-skin revealing her ethnic heritage, a tiny waist and an ass that her sisters labeled, Moby Butt.

After happy hour at Rudy's Hideaway that particular evening, Maggie and my wife had dinner in a comfortable leather booth. This establishment is still a popular lobster house with music and dancing on weekends.

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   It's still a good place to mingle and party. Dot and Maggie were slightly drunk by then and continued their conversation sitting close so their sex talk wouldn't be overheard.

"Damn you Dot! I get so fucking horny when we talk about fucking. And right now, I need dick! I really need dick!"

"You brought it up, sweetheart. . . don't blame me! But listening to you talk about your boyfriends makes me horny too. " Emphasizing each word, Dot whispered, "You know I love a big. . . , hard. . . , purple . .

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  . , cock. And, I know you like to hear about my experiencers with Ted. "

"Oh, I love hearing it and I love being horny. And. . . I'll have to get my toys out tonight. But you can go home and wake Ted with a blow-job. I haven't been laid in a couple of weeks. " Taking another sip of her Long Island Tea, she continued. "Tell me more about you and Virginia. When was the last time you did it with her? I knew you were friends with her and I always wondered. Have you done Hank too. ?"

Virginia was another of my wife's co-workers, her best-friend.

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   With her too it started out platonic but eventually Dot had her way. Hank, her second husband, was a nice enough guy but he tended to get cranky when his wife was out with my wife. But he had no complaints coming because he had fucked my wife before he married Virginia; his second marriage too. We met Hank at a swing party and we paired off with him and his teacher girlfriend Lois. Later, Virginia introduced him to Dot one evening at happy hour. Dot and I recognized him but didn't let on. Dot didn't want to upset Virginia by telling her she had fucked her new boyfriend. Hank confessed to Virginia on their wedding night. Virginia didn't tell Dot she knew until she and my wife became lovers. . . and that's how I got to fuck Virginia.

Dot had to hush Maggie, "You don't want the people in the next both hearing about it to. " Dot continued, "The first time with Virginia was when we went to Tahoe together to gamble and we got a room. I've always hat the hots for her and since we spend a lot time together I figured I would get my chance sooner or later.

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   She got drunk as usual and I practically raped her while she was out.

"What did you do to her?" Maggie moved in closer to Dot so she wouldn't miss a word.

Dot continued, "After I undressed her and put her to bed I was to horny with her laying next to me so I had to masturbate and I started to touch her too. I woke her with an orgasm. Then we had a few more after she woke up. I shaved her pussy in the morning. "

"And yeah, after that we let the husbands participate. The last time, but not the first time, was on their living room couch watching Ted and Virginia get rug burns. Virginia wanted to fuck Ted every which way possible without pulling his dick out. It was a great show for me and Hank while we fucked on the sofa. " Dot then put her hand on Maggie's thigh, squeezed and leaned closer to whisper in her ear, "I sucked Ted's juice out of her. "

Maggie, stunned by the last comment moved closer yet, almost nose-to-nose. She looked at Dot with burning lust in her eyes and shivered. She felt for Dot's leg too. "I h-have toys and booze at h-home," she said panting, "Let's you and I do it tonight, Dot, please!"

"Oh, sweetheart, I thought you'd never ask," Dot said laughing, "Are you sure you're ready?"

"Yeah, I"m sure.

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   I don't want to have sex by myself tonight, Dot. I need warm flesh, a friend, you're right here now, and you know I love you. " Maggie moved her hand further up between Dot's legs, "Let's go, I'm ready as I'll ever be. I just wish Ted was here tonight, I've always thought about how hot a threesome with you would be. "

"We can do that soon, sweetie, but tonight I want you all to myself. " Dot continued, "He's always had an eye for your gorgeous ass though. Do you remember the last time we were here together? He wanted to take you home with us that night, but it wasn't the right moment for you; you were having boyfriend trouble, as I remember. I didn't want to hit on you in the middle of that situation. "

"I remember that night, Dot. I probably would've done it just to get even with that asshole I was seeing. Fuck, I think about it all the time now! Can we do that soon, Dot? I wish we had done it that night. " Maggie clasped my wife's hand and pulled it further up between her knees, "I'm so fucking horny. . . let's you and I go to my place now!" They grabbed the open bottle of wine and went out to the parking lot.

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In the car, Maggie got into the driver's seat, Dot next to her in the passenger seat. Maggie drove a ten year old, four-door Fiat. The two front seats were upright bucket seats with the emergency brake handle between them on the floorboard and the stick-shift just in front of it. You could sit between the seats with the space between your legs. It was late but the night was still warm, both women wearing loose skirts. Dot moved as close as possible and reached under the steering wheel and between Maggie's legs. Eagerly spreading her legs, Maggie cried out, "Oh g-gawd, Dot! Make me cum right here, right now!" Dot's fingers were already under Molly's panty crotch slipping up her friend's labia. Dot said she was sopping wet from all the sex talk that evening. It didn't take much to insert a couple of fingers into her.

"Oh, gaawwwwwd, Dot!" Then the younger woman shifted to her right, her ass between the seats, and swung her right leg over Dot's lap to give my wife complete access. Dot leaned in to kiss Maggie on the mouth. "Uuummmmmm, oh fuck, Dot!" Dot reached into the space beneath Molly and under her short skirt. She clasped the inside of her friend's knee, moved her hand up as Maggie held her panty crotch aside. With her right hand, Dot first slipped two middle fingers into Maggie's slippery gash of a cunt, then, panting, proceeded to slowly finger-fuck her friend in earnest. Maggie's hands were all over Dot's tits, pawing and frantically searching for an opening in her clothing.

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   But two seconds later she was cumming hard in the palm of Dot's hand, "Oh-oh-oh! F-fuck! I'm c-c-cumming!" She jerked and humped Dot's hand and sucked on the my wife's tongue.

Still breathing hard, Dot spoke, lips against Maggie's mouth, "J-just a quickie till we g-get home, sweetie. " Dot was ready for a cum too so while her fingers were still wet with Maggie's juices she rubbed them on her own sex. Maggie kissed back while she reached between Dot's legs and felt my wife's busy hand.

Breathlessly she said, "Let m-me suck your nipples," as she unbuttoned my wife's blouse. Maggie reached in and firmly grasped Dot's breast. "Switch seats, Dot. " This particular establishment is located near a busy freeway off-ramp with a large parking lot that has a lot of secluded areas. It was not unusual to see couples leave the establishment for a little backseat romp. The girls scrambled out and back into the car on the opposite sides. As Maggie settled on the passenger side Dot climbed into the driver side and adjusted the seat all the way back. Dot turned her back against the door and placed her right leg on Maggie's lap, the left foot propped up on the dashboard. Maggie immediately reached for my wife's breasts with her left hand up and between her legs with her right hand.

"Oh, Dot! You feel so good!" She found Dot's cunt very wet too. Her fingers slipped between Dot's labia with her thumb on her clitoris.

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   "Oh, that's so nice! Does it feel good, Dot? Oh Dot! I want your p-pussy so bad!"

"Don't stop, sweetie. " Dot put her hand behind Maggie's head and pulled her toward her for a tongue twisting kiss. Maggie lowered her head to take a nipple in her mouth. Her fingers now working feverishly between Dot's legs. Dot said she had an orgasm almost immediately. "I'm c-cummmming! Maggie! I'm cuming, baby!"

They waited a few minutes to catch their breath They shared a cigarette and took a swig from the wine bottle. "Let's get home and do it proper," Dot told her. "I want to see your toys. " On the short drive to Maggie's house, Dot stretched her legs out under the dashboard. She lifted her skirt up around her hips and masturbated as she recalled some of our sexual adventures in Germany with our friends and neighbors. Maggie was positively frantic with lust watching Dot, trying to keep her eyes on the road, and listening to the erotic tale. Maggie did the best she could to keep her attention on the road and just managed to park the car before they rushed into the house through the garage. They scrambled to remove each other's clothes, probing each other's bodies as garments scattered on the kitchen floor. Both were naked within minutes. They embraced each other and Maggie leaned back against the refrigerator.


   As Dot kissed her way down, Maggie extended her leg and propped it up on the island counter. Dot knelt in front of her and wrapped her arms around Maggie's legs and ass. Her head back, face in her friend's crotch; her tongue toyed and licked at the woman's folds. Maggie massaged her own breasts and moaned and chanted, "Uh-huh, yeah, uuuuuh. . . uuuuh, huh, hu-hu-hu, yeah, uh hmm, huh, yeah. . . yeah, oh fuck, yeah!" Maggie had her second orgasm clutching my wife's head, mashing Dot's mouth into her cunt. Afterwards, Dot led her friend into the bedroom and the bed. Maggie spread her legs and Dot dove in again. Maggie urged my wife on, "Lick my pussy, lick my pussy, Dot. Oh gawd! Lick my cunt, bitch!"

Dot could only reply with, "Uh hum. .

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  . mmmmm. Um-um-um, mmmm, uuum. " She pulled her mouth away to look up at Maggie's contorted face, "You like my fingers in your pussy, honey?" Dot kept her fingers working; she pressed her mouth on Maggie's labia. A moan escaped Maggie like she had been waiting forever for that moment. Dot said she loved the feeling of Maggie's hands in her hair tugging on her head. Maggie's pubic hair was warm and moist to the touch as was her labia. Dot pulled and sucked at Maggie's clitoris with her mouth. She toyed with it with her tongue. She fingered and tongue fucked her until Maggie thrashed and moaned her way through another twitching orgasm. Dot said she was both surprised and intrigued how much of her hand she could get into Maggie and how much fluid leaked out of her vagina. She lapped at the juice and said she fell in love with the taste of Maggie's copious cum. She thrust her tongue into her friend's cunt and probed her depths. She added fingers until she had four between Maggie's juicy cunt lips. Dot watched as the woman’s asshole throbbed as she pushed her hand into her cunt.

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"Aaawh f-fuck, Dot, we-we should’ve d-done this a long time ago! I want you and Ted t-together soon. That will b-be so fucking hot! I need that too, Dot. Ok, Dot?"

"Yeah, baby! It will be hot and heavy I promise. Ted’s always wanted to get you in bed with us. " As they talked, Dot said Maggie's hands roamed her breasts, squeezing and rubbing the nipples. Molly slowly kissed her way down my wife's neck, pausing on each nipple, her eyes holding Dot's face. Her hand continued down my wife's belly. Her fingers dancing over Dot's mound, down one thigh to the knee and then back up, only to give the same attention to the other one.

"Oh, gawd! Oh, gawd, this feels so good, Dot!" Dot had been a long time waiting for this. She spread her legs, inviting her friend to reach between them and feel the wetness of her swollen labia. Maggie covered Dot's belly with kisses, slipping the tongue inside her belly button, continuing down the thighs, following the same path her fingers had taken just seconds ago. She couldn't seem to get enough and Dot wanted to give it all to her. My wife turned face down on the bed at Maggie's instruction then she kissed and licked at my wife's ass, spreading her cheeks to lap up and down to Dot's cunt. Dot's free hand slid down Maggie's belly and over her mound, covered in carefully trimmed short hairs, leaving most of it bare, but for a small triangle of soft black hair. Effortlessly they slipped into a sixty-nine, each other's mouths locked onto each other's cunts.

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   Dot said she sucked eagerly on the woman's pussy and slipped a wet finger past her spincter sending Maggie into shrieking convulsions of lust. Dot said it was an memorable orgasm for both of them. Still panting, Maggie urged, "Dot! Dot! I n-need something in me now please! I need to fuck! I wish Ted was here Dot; I-I need to be fucked. Get my toys out of the drawer. And pick one you like, a big, but hurry!"Dot said Maggie had a drawer full of toys, vibrators, dildos; it was all there. This girl spent a lot of time pleasuring herself alone. My wife found a familiar and favorite tool. A double-dildo, twelve inches long, just like hers.

“You like this one, Maggie?”

“Oh yeah, it's a favorite”, she replied.

“Do you use it often?” Dot was curious. “Do you use both ends?” Dot said that Maggie had previously told her of her experience with anal sex. Maggie used it to fill both holes.

Yes, but first let’s use it between us, Dot. I've always wanted to use it with a woman again. ”

Dot caught the comment and asked, “Again?”

“I have to confess, Dot.

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   I've used it with another woman, but I didn't want to tell you about it cause I'd have to say who. I was worried about what you'd think of me. But now that I'm doing this with you, I want you to know about it. ”

“Tell me, sweetie. You know it won't change how I feel about you. There isn't much I haven't done or anything that would shock me. So, tell me. ” Maggie paused a minute thinking about what to tell Dot. She took a cigarette from the nightstand and lit up. She blew a column of smoke before she continued.

“You know I grew up with four sisters. We’ve always known about each other’s toys. Sometimes they come over for a little private time and use mine. Janine was here one day when I came home unexpectedly. It wasn't the first time I saw one of my sisters masturbate.

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   We slept together many times growing up and that included a lot mutual masturbation. That afternoon, Jeanine was pretty horny and she suggested maybe we. . . maybe we could test it. Oh, fuck me, Dot, please fuck me!”

Dot wanted to hear more. Maggie's sisters, to put it mildly, were a wild bunch. Hot party girls all cut from the same mold. Maggie was the eldest. They were all unlucky in marriage, but never lacking for male attention, just like Maggie. Dot, of course, was very familiar with the double dildo. She had one at home that she had used many times with other women.

Almost breathless, Dot told her, “I'll f-fuck you good, sweetheart. I'll fuck y-you real good!” Dot placed one end of the dildo at Maggie's vaginal opening. She held the head and rubbed it up and down Maggie's wet slit.

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   It was immediately covered with slick juices. Dot slipped the head in easily.

“Oh, oh, gawd, Dot! Give me m-more! I need more!”

“Let me g-get it in me too; h-hold on to your end. ” Dot moved in close to Maggie and scissored her legs between Maggie's with the dildo between them. Dot said she placed the other end at her own labia and slowly coaxed it in. She pushed herself closer and closer so that the dildo between them was enveloped completely. Then she humped Maggie's cunt with both ends of the dildo buried. Maggie was frantic with lust. Their cunts were melded, their heads at opposite ends of the bed. Both had each other's legs held closely to their chests, hugging and pulling while humping.

“Dot! Fuck! Oh, oh, uh, oh fuck me Dot!” At that point Dot said it turned into a hot muff grind. Cunt to cunt, wet and slick, pounding pussy, each filled with six inches of hard rubber cock.

“Is it good, sweetheart? Huh? Is it good, baby?” Dot teased Maggie who was now humping back and panting.

“Did you have fun doing this with your sister?”

“Oh-oh, f-fuck, yes, Dot! But we d-didn't do anything else, j-just fucked, we didn't eat each other like us. It's much b-better with you.

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   Fuck me! Fuck me, Dot!”

Teasing her further, Dot told Maggie, “Think about having Ted's cock in your mouth right now, baby. Huh? Think how that would be to suck Ted's juicy cock while I fuck you. Sound good?”

“Dot! Yes! Yes! I want to suck his cock right now! I can't wait! I-I'm cumming Dot! Don't stop, d-don't stop f-fucking, don't stop talking either! I'm c-cummmminggg, oh fuck yesss!” Dot said her orgasm was ready to explode too thinking about Maggie sucking cock. It wouldn't be long till that came true. Dot said she must've had a dozen orgasms that night with Maggie. In the morning they did another muff grind before they got out of bed.

I didn't see Dot till the next day. She called me at my office and offered to buy my lunch. She told me where she spent the night and a brief description of what happened. Later that evening she recounted the entire night's events in great detail. She told me that Maggie wanted to do a threesome with us and that it would probably be soon.

So the following week, we were again back at Rudy's for happy hour but Dot specifically told me to limit my booze cause I was the designated driver; for a quick trip up the hill to Lake Tahoe.

The evening progressed with a lot of conversation, booze, cigarettes. Yes, we all smoked then. Dot took me aside to tell me that Maggie was game for an overnight stay over the hill at the Lake.

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   We would take the hour and a half drive up Highway 50 and get the first room we could find, probably Harvey's or Harrah's. I was, of course, delighted with the plan. I had long before learned to stay low key and let Dot do her thing till she was ready for me to join in. I had a few pleasant words with Maggie during the evening, but nothing about the plan. However, the twinkle in her eye revealed her anticipation. We had a nice dinner at a large table with several of the office crowd, where Maggie, Dot and I exchanged knowing glances at each other till the other folks bid their farewells and my partners finished their drinks. Before we paid our check, Dot ordered another bottle of wine to go.

The road to Lake Tahoe is a climb up over the Sierra Nevada with a lot of curves so as can be expected there was a lot of jostling about in the back seat anyway. At the time I was driving a brand new Chrysler New Yorker, four-door sedan. It was comfy and very roomy in the back seat. I was up the highway about thirty minutes and had been listening to the conversation in the backseat.

I heard Dot coaxing Maggie, “Do you want to get fucked, little girl? Are you horny?” I could hear Maggie's tremulous breathing. I figured my wife's fingers were busy as she teased Maggie. Dot said she was half-way on top of Maggie sucking on one tit and two fingers in her cunt. What we learned about Maggie was that she didn't have a real tight pussy.

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   No offense intended there, she just had a big pussy. And Dot's hands being so slender, she could practically get her whole hand in there. Dot has never been into fisting but she has always loved to fiddle a friend, especially in lady's restrooms or a quickie in the car.

So as I'm trying to keep my eyes on the road and not in the rear view, quite unexpectedly, a pair of panties glanced off my ear and landed on the steering wheel. Then I heard Dot say, “Hey, honey! She wants to suck you off”.

All I could say was, “We’ll be there soon, my darling. Soon. ” I had been playing with my cock through my pants but I had to pull my zipper down and release my hard-on, I drove with one hand on the wheel, the other stroking myself. I felt an arm over my right shoulder and a hand on my chest from behind.

Maggie's lips we at my ear, whispering huskily, “Honey, I want to suck you off,” she said mocking my wife's words. She was sweaty, drunk and horny. The aroma of sex was heavy. Dot said Maggie was kneeling on the backseat facing forward and leaning on the back of the driver's seat to reach over my shoulder. Dot was still fingering Maggie with her right hand and the other delving between her ass cheeks. “Y-your wife is g-going to make m-me cum”, she panted in my ear.

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   "I really w-want to s-suck your cock. I want your cock!” I took the hand that was rubbing my chest by the wrist and pulled it down. She reached way down and wrapped her little hand around my dick, squeezed and rubbed her fingers around on the head feeling the pre-cum. “Oh, that's nice! Dot, he has a b-big hard-on,” she said as she stuck her tongue in my ear.

“Ted,” my wife said, "Let's take a break. Pull off the road and get in the back seat with us. She wants it bad and she's not going to let go of your dick till she gets it in her. ” Dot pulled Maggie back into the seat. There was a lot of groping and humping the back seat till I came to the Wright's Lake turn-off and got off the main highway. The road is a narrow two-lane affair with turnouts every few miles and mostly deserted at night. I stopped at an entrance to a campground and turned the engine off. It was very, very dark and quiet in that mountain forest. We could see campfires. Before I joined the girls in the back seat I moved both front seats forward and folded the backrests forward too. I got in on one side and immediately Maggie found my cock and went down on me.


   Right about then, dark as it was, I noticed that Maggie's clothing was gone except a camisole top and nothing else and it was pushed up to her armpits. Dot was the opposite; her breasts were bare but she still had her skirt on. It also was bunched up around her waist. I managed to get down to my tee-shirt and there I was with Maggie's head in my lap, her mouth wet and warm around my shaft, twisting and sucking. Dot leaned my way and we kissed passionately.

Muttering into my mouth, "Is she good? Does she suck good, honey?” That was a question I've heard my wife ask me numerous times when we shared one of her conquests.

“Yeah, baby. She can definitely suck cock!” Dot's hands were all over Maggie and at one point she held my cock at the base while Maggie hummed and moaned on it.

Dot said, “She has a lot of experience,” then to Maggie, “Isn't that right babe, you've sucked a lot of cock?”

Maggie pulled her mouth off my cock and stroked it with both hands, saying, “Oh, yeah. I've s-sucked plenty b-but until you I've never eaten pussy, and eating you in the backseat of Ted's car is about the hottest sex I've ever had, honestly. So, can I fuck him now, Dot? I really need to fuck him now. I haven't been laid since before last week with you. I've been saving myself for this and I really need to have him in me, please!”

Dot replied, “Sit on him sweetheart, face the front and sit on him,” We fumbled around till Maggie settled on my lap and guided me into her wet hole as I massaged her gorgeous ass.

“Ohhhhh, awh, awh, fuck, that's good, Dot! It's so good!” Maggie's hips rose and fell slowly, languorously, grinding down into my pelvis. I lay back against one end of the seat with Maggie's back to me and on top.

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   She put her left foot on top the console between the front seats and Dot knelt on the floor between Maggie's legs. Still holding her ass in both of my hands I enjoyed a slow fuck up into Maggie and I felt my wife's hands on my cock where it entered her. Then I felt my wife's mouth there too. Dot's tongue lapped around my cock at Maggie's labia, then on my cock where it went in. Maggie's talk, her moaning and my wife's sucking grew louder and louder.

“You guys are so hot! I knew it would be hot! I've never been so horny!” Maggie continued with a string of babble all the while. “I've been waiting for this all week. I've been wanting to play with myself, but I wanted to save it so I would be super horny for this. ” She couldn't stop talking. “And I am. . . s-sooo fucking horny! I've never been fucked and had my pussy licked at the same time! It's so g-good, Dot! We should have d-gone this a long time ago. FUCK!” I did a little grunting and groaning myself as I felt my load charging up into Maggie's cunt. I came closer and closer to my orgasm, but I held back.

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   Dot pulled my cock out of Maggie and I felt it hit the back of her throat. I couldn't hold it. My cock, coming out of a hot pussy and then immediately engulfed by my wife's mouth was too much. I spurted, she swallowed twice and poked it back into Maggie just as she said, “Put it back, Dot! I'm not finished yet!” Dot loves to eat pussy when my cock is in it too and we gave Maggie an orgasm like she'd never had before. I was still diamond hard and I slapped Maggie's ass with my pelvis. Maggie screamed, groaned, jerked and humped, Dot's mouth never left her cunt and my cock.

“Yeeeaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh. FUCK! I’m c-cummmmmming!” After massaging Maggie's freshly fucked pussy and sucking the last of Maggie's juices from my cock, Dot fell back into the seat and propped her spread legs up on the front seat.

“Come on baby, it's my turn. Eat me!” Maggie quickly scrambled to the floor between Dot's legs and opened her mouth on my wife's pussy.

“Do y-you want me to eat you, Dot? Huh, baby? You w-want some tongue?” Dot held Maggie's head, pulling it to her and she twisted and turned it around on her. I lay back, lit a smoke and watched Maggie make my wife squirm. I leaned over and kissed Dot on the mouth and then while I sucked on her nipples I slid my hand down her stomach to her mound till I felt Maggie's mouth on my wife's pussy. She sucked at my fingers as I lingered there.

Maggie slurped.

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   Her head bobbed up and down and she lapped at it loudly as she also massaged Dot's breasts. Then she stopped, “I can't believe how much I love eating your pussy, Dot!” She went down again. Looking up again, she said laughing, “I'm going to start eating pussy more often, Dot. I mean, its just been you, but I think I'll pay more attention from now on. I can think of a couple of women I'd like to eat now!” The girl was getting nasty and having fun doing it. As Dot enjoyed Maggie's tongue she stroked my tumescent cock.

Dot panted, “H-how about Virginia? She's interested in p-pussy too. . . now. Oh, that's g-good! You t-think you could go down on Virginia?"

“Oooooh! Does that mean I get to do Hank too? That would be nice too. How about, maybe, I can have you all over to my house one night to party. ”

Dot pulled Maggie’s head back down, “Will you shut up and eat! I need you to make me cum, baby. ” As she neared her orgasm, Dot told Maggie, “Virginia's l-little sister just moved into town. I've always wanted to do her.

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   We'll get her to come too. I'd like to get her to cum too. Dot surprised me when she said, “And Jeanine. How about your sister Jeanine? That would be a great party!” I was getting hard again watching Maggie drive my wife to the edge of orgasm. So I knelt on the seat and moved in close so she could suck my cock.

“Mmmm, uh-hummm!” Maggie muttered without risking further chastisement if she stopped sucking on my wife's quivering cunt. But without losing contact with my wife's cunt she muttered, “That's a l-lot of p-pussy!”

So it was there in the middle of the night on a dark mountain road to Lake Tahoe that my wife and Maggie decided to arrange a little a swing party involving both Virginia and Maggie's sisters, Hank, Virginia's husband and me. But, I'm getting ahead of myself.

We sat in the backseat of my car till my heart rate resembled something normal. After putting my pants back on I got back behind the wheel and made my way back to the main highway. The girls finished off the last of the wine as they made plans and continued playing with each other. They talked mostly about Virginia and her sister. Kathy was a new arrival to California from Minnesota. Dot was sure that Virgina was game for a fun night and it wouldn't take much to talk her sister into it too. Kathy was forty-something and free from any marital ties.

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   She was in California looking for a new nursing job. She had visited the area and her sister many times and had in fact fucked one of Hank's brothers on a wild weekend. So we were confident she would appreciate a good party. She was trim, blond and in my opinion, very, very fuck-able. I danced with her as often as I could at Virginia and Hank's wedding reception and she did a little muff grinding on my leg which gave me all sorts of ideas, but that's as far as it got; for the time being. Maggie's sister as I have previously described was always ready for a good fucking and I was getting hard again listening to the girls talk about how Dot would do her with Maggie's toys. I heard Dot say, “I'd like to see you do the double dildo thing with Jeanine. ” I was really getting off on the possibility of seeing Maggie do a private encore performance with her sister.

I heard Maggie's husky voice ask Dot, “Do you w-want to see me and Jeanine fuck? Humm? I'll show you how we did it, but you have to help me warm her up first. ” I heard my wife catch her breath. Dot said they kissed and fingered each other while they talked till we arrived at Harvey's Tahoe and I let the valet take the car. It didn't take me long to check in, the women waited nearby holding hands and looking like they'd been fucking in the back seat of my New Yorker. In the elevator Dot and I pinned Maggie between us. My wife leaned against the wall and pulled Maggie back into her. With her arms around Maggie's waist her hands roamed over her clothes between Maggie's breasts and down to her mound.

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   Maggie being very short stood on her tip-toes and I held her ass in both hands lifting her slightly so we could tongue wrestle. I felt Dot's pelvis grind against the back of my hands. Maggie held my cock through my pants while my wife's hands then reached under our friend's skirt and rubbed her inner thighs up to her naked cunt. We entered the room and Maggie went into the bathroom. I heard her flush the John and turn the shower on. I turned the tube on looking for a good porno to watch while Dot called room service. Dot held her hand over the receiver and told me to get in the shower with Maggie.

I walked into the bathroom and dropped my clothes on top of Maggie's pile. She smiled at me as I joined her and I immediately wrapped my arms around her narrow waist and pulled her to me. My cock, already at attention, poked her belly. Cupping her ass in my hands I lifted her and my cock slipped up into her labia and then she slid down my pole. I was fucking her standing up against the shower wall when Dot joined us. It was a tight squeeze but we managed to repeat the scene in the elevator except this time we were naked, wet, and I had my dick in Maggie till my wife said, “Save it for the bed, let's go. I want you to fuck her, honey. I'll help you.

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We piled onto one of the beds and with Maggie on her back I knelt between her legs and she wrapped them around my waist saying quietly, almost whispering, “Fuck me, babe. Fuck me good. ” I slid my hands under her ass lifting her up on my thighs while my cock and I remained fully upright. Dot wrapped her fingers around my cock. She moved my dick-head in small circles on Maggie's warm, moist labia till I felt the hollow at her opening. I didn't hesitate and pulled her hips into me shoving my cock in till it hit the stop. I pulled her into me and fucked her in long slow strokes. Dot's mouth and fingers were an added stimulus as she pinched Maggie's cunt lips around my cock and licked and sucked at her clit and my cock as it slid by her chin. Maggie's mouth produced a continuous flow of obscenities and deep guttural sounds.

Dot said to me, “Stop a second. . . pull back. ” Maggie, panting heavily, “W-what? Don't stop h-him now! It's so g-good!” It was a marvelous scene watching Dot bend down to suck on her nipples with her arm stretched down to Maggie's pussy and my cock. I watched my cock slide in and out of her cunt and my wife's hand all over both of us.

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   Dot took her index and middle finger and along the top of my dick she inserted them into Maggie's cunt. They went in nicely, “Ok. . . now, fuck her slowly. ” I had a great hard-on and her pussy was warm and wet; it clenched around cock and Dot's fingers. I pushed and pulled; long slow strokes almost out then back in, reaching for her womb. My cock, Dot's fingers massaging her G-spot, thumb working the clit and sucking on a nipple drove Maggie wild. I'm sure the adjoining room heard it all. “Aaaahhhh FUCK! Oh, Dot! I want to cummm! No! No! I don't want to c-cum yet! It's so good! It's sooo f-fucking good! I d-don't want to cum yet! Oh fuck! I'm cummmmmmming! Oh FUCK, I'm c-cumnming, Dot!” I came too. My dick quivered inside her and I held it all the way in as far as I could past my wife's fingers. My hips jerked, and I shot my load into her. It took me a couple of minutes to stop the involuntary jerk and twitch following my orgasm. Then I dropped on back onto the bed, both women went for my cock. My hips bounced on the bed as they licked and sucked at it.

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   They held their mouths together kissing, with my cock between their lips. I was still twitching and jerking. In a few minutes they seemed to be more interested in each other and they quickly fell into a tight 69. I rolled over and lit a joint. I wondered why I had even considered a porno when the scene with my wife and her friend eating each other right next to me was much better. My hands felt around on their bodies everywhere I could reach. I felt Maggie's cunt and my wife's tongue on my fingers. I felt Dot's pussy and Maggie's mouth there too. I cuddled up spoon fashion behind my wife and inserted myself into her past Maggie's mouth, then into Maggie's mouth. And back again. Eventually, I dropped out limp and passed out on the other bed.

I woke in the morning to find them in a steamy shower close together, pawing and moaning under a layer of foamy soap. Dot told me later that, “Last night we played with each other till we fell asleep. ” Dot usually has her first orgasm of the day before she gets out of bed in the morning. Maggie did it for her that morning.

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We did the regular thing we do in Nevada. We had a great breakfast, walked around the casinos and gambled, went back to the room after lunch and fucked, gambled some more, went to a dinner show then back to the room to watch a porn flick and fuck.

A few weeks later on another hot summer night we all gathered at Rudy's Hideaway again. By that time the coming event had been discussed all around and we all knew what was planned for the evening. Maggie and her sister Janine, Hank and Virginia and her sister Kathy, Dot and me. The anticipation had everyone pretty excited. Virginia, in so many words, told Hank that it was open season on Kathy and anybody else at the party. Laughing, Maggie said, “To coin a phrase, what happens at Maggie's, stays at Maggie's, no "holes" barred!”

Later at Maggie's house, Hank sat in the big easy chair with a scantily clad Virginia across his lap watching the girls, Maggie and Kathy, on the couch getting acquainted. The conversation was about first bisexual experiences as Maggie and Kathy explored each other tentatively. I could tell Hank was anxious to get it on with Kathy but she was busy. He worshiped Virginia but they had been married almost ten years and he was ready for some new pussy, especially if it meant he could finally fuck his sister-in-law. He enthusiastically agreed to the party. But he remembered fucking Virginia's best friend before he and Virginia married. He told Virginia on their wedding night. After Dot and Virginia became lovers Hank took it in stride mostly because he had no choice since he had to get off the hook with his wife and because he wanted to fuck my wife again.



In the bedroom Janine and Dot were getting acquainted too. They looked like naked wrestlers on their sides with Dot holding Jeanine in a head lock between her legs and moaning in response to Jeanine's oral ministrations. Dot looked up at me and smiled painfully as I approached. I sat on the edge of the bed and stroked my hard-on and I let my other hand roam freely over their luscious writhing bodies. I had known Maggie's sister Jeanine for several years but never dreamed I would ever see her naked with my wife like this and I wanted to fuck her too.

When Maggie called and asked her sister if she was interested in a swing party she told Jeanine that it was supposed to be a girls only party, but Hank and I would be there. Janine had such a severe case of anticipation that she called her sister every day during the weeks preceding the party to find out if it was still on and why can't they move it up a week. The girl, according to Maggie, was anxious to say the least.

I left my wife and Jeanine curious to see what the others were doing. I walked into the living room to find the room lights turned down low. The girls on the couch were doing a torrid 69 and I could see Hank fingering his wife and she stroked his prick as they watched. Virginia motioned to me so I walked up to the side of the easy chair. She clasped my cock and pulled it into her mouth. Hank had seen his wife suck me off before so this was nothing new to him. He liked to watch me fuck his wife, plus he was getting off on the girls on the couch.

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   Virginia stroked him with one hand while she sucked on my cock. He talked to her, “Suck him good, Ginny, suck his cock. Yeah, that's it, baby. . . suck it. ”

Virginia, slightly annoyed, backed off my cock and said to Hank, “Go see what Dot and Jeanine are doing. ” I knew Virginia wanted to fuck. She always showed such pleasure when we fucked and that always made for a great love session with her every time. Hank pulled his fingers out of his wife and I took his place after he got up. He walked over to the couch to stroke and watch the girls, but he knew not to intercede unless invited. Virginia sat on my cock facing away with both feet on the floor, her outstretched arms supporting her on both sides of the easy chair. I held my hard-on as her labia came in contact with my cock head. Her warm pussy slowly enveloped me. Hank was ignored at the couch so he walked off toward the bedroom to try his luck there.

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   Virginia, doing push ups, raised and lowered her ass impaling herself at will as I played with her clit from underneath. I saw Kathy pause to watch us fucking. She licked her lips and smiled at me before turning her mouth back to Maggie's cunt. Maggie was too busy eating Kathy to pay much attention to anything else in the room.

Dot said that she saw Hank come into the room with a huge hard-on so she asked Jeanine,” Is it Ok with you if Hank joins us?”

Jeanine replied, “Oh hell, yes! I love pussy, but I'm not doing without cock if it's available; and that looks like a nice one. ” She added, “And I want to fuck your husband too. ”

Dot told her, “I wouldn't deprive a girl of all the cock she can handle, but you know what we said; it's a girl's party so you also have an obligation tonight with the girls and I want to see you do the double-dildo with your sister too.

“Did she tell you about that?” Whereupon she began to talk about her times with Maggie and her other sisters too.

Hank meanwhile sat back against the headboard and Dot leaned against him so he was able to fondle her breasts as she handled his cock and listened to Jeanine. Jeanine's head rested on Dot's inner thigh, her fingers diddling Dot whose other leg draped over Jeanine's waist.

Jeanine had moved in with Maggie when they were both between boyfriends. Maggie, living alone again, came home unexpectedly one afternoon and found Jeanine on her knees in her guest bedroom, head buried in the pillows sliding one end of a double dildo in and out her cunt. Maggie watched in the doorway for several minutes until Jeanine saw her. Jeanine said, that she rolled over on her back and saw Maggie standing in the doorway with her hand in her pants. Mimicking her ex boyfriend in jest she held the exposed end of the dildo in her hand and shook it at Maggie and said to her, “You want some of this baby?” To her surprise, Maggie said yes and climbed into bed with her.

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“I want the other end of that, Ok sis? Just let m-me get it in me. ”

Jeanine said, “She dropped her slacks and panties and climbed on top of me. Then she put the other end in her and we fucked for an hour and a half that way. It was great. ” Jeanine put her mouth back to Dot's cunt and sucked and lapped a little more before continuing her tale. “We were both very horny; my hands were all over her, and vice versa. I really felt like eating her pussy, but after all, she is my sister. ” According to Jeanine she had taken several women lovers early in her twenties. The sisters were very close and from an early age masturbation was a common occurrence, mutual many times but they didn't touch, “Because,” she said, “that would be incest, oh my!”

As they grew older it was not uncommon for a for them to enjoy a porno and masturbate together. “Oh yeah, we were always together at one of our places, drinking beer and smoking pot and once in a while we'd watch a porno to get off, but we never touched each other. We always acted like that would be too gross, but secretly I really wanted to. ” She added, laughing, “And I am going to get that double dildo between me and someone tonight!”

All this time Virginia and I were on the big easy chair fucking and watching the girls on the living room sofa. I held her ass in my hands and watched as her cunt devoure my cock. I enjoyed how her pussy lips stretch over my cock and then disappear as I pushed them back in. She really took an interest in the girls.

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“Look at them, Ted. They're really g-getting into it. Oh gawd, your cock so g-good. ”

I asked her, “Are you ready to get some of that?”

Virginia leaned back onto me, turned her face and said panting, “I w-want to f-fuck with you again tonight, baby. You’re a wonderful lover. But let me go over there and p-play with the girls. I've never had any other woman but your wife. I'm really hot for Maggie and tonight’s the night. ” She leaned forward and placed her feet on the floor and pushed herself off my wet, stiff hard-on. I watched as she walked across to the sofa and knelt on the floor and kissed Maggie, face up in the 69, on the mouth. Virginia reached between them to fondle Maggie's breasts. I heard her ask Maggie, “Is my sister good?”

Maggie moaned and said, “Y-yes she is. I want b-both of you, Ginny. B-both sisters; oh gawd, oh gawd! That is so hot!”

Virginia suggested that Maggie and her sister should hook up in the bedroom with her and Kathy for an all sister orgy. Maggie asked her, “What about Dot? We can't leave her out.

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“Oh we won't, she can have the men for a while. Then one of us will trade places with her. We can tag team, keep the men in one bedroom with one of us, or two of us, while the other girls have a pussy party in the other!”

Kathy pulled her mouth from Maggie's cunt and said to her sister, “Ooooh, that sounds like fun games! Let's go get Jeanine. “But,” she said, “I want to tag Dot first. I really need to get laid and it'll be the first time I fuck my brother-in-law. . . Ted so I’m gonna be busy tonight.

“Virginia moved closer to her sister, head still between Maggie's knees, and kissed her on the mouth, “There may be another first, sissy. ”

Kathy kissed her sister back,”Oh fuck, Ginny! You mean if I accidentally lick your pussy, you won't be freaked out?” I couldn't help but laugh with them. The girls stood up and Kathy stepped over to where I sat stroking myself. “Don't get up yet,” she said to me, “I want a taste of this,” as she knelt and wrapped her hand around my cock. “It's been months since I've had a good hard dick in my hand,” she said. She lowered her head and quickly covered my helmet with her mouth and sucked. .

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  . hard. Virginia and Maggie stood close by and looked all the while joined at the hips. Kathy stood up, turned her back to me and reaching down between her legs inserted my cock up against her labia. Imitating her sister, she braced herself with a hand on each arm of the easy chair then lowered herself, slid down my cock. “Oh! Oh! God that's soooo good!” She humped my cock slowly savoring the long strokes.

When was the last time, Kathy,” I asked.

"Let's see," she said, "I divorced my husband two years ago. We got together occasionally after that just to fuck, but the last time was two months ago when we said our goodbyes and I came out here to California. I've been too busy trying to find a job to pay too much attention to my sex life; except for my fingers of course. I also had a couple of friends after my divorce, a married couple. ”

“You like married pussy,” I asked her.

“Oh, yeah, she continued, “I knew this nurse where I worked and we became good friends. ”

“Friends like my wife and your sister?” I asked her.

"Just like Ginny and Dot.

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   We had some good threesomes and I really liked eating pussy after that. ” She told me that this was a female nurse she got friendly with during their night shift and it became a regular thing that developed into a threesome with the husband.

“Your cock feels so g-good, babe. I want to c-cum. Just a quick cum before I join the girls. I want you to cum in me!”

When Maggie heard that she stood in front of Kathy facing her so that Kathy wrapped her arms around Maggie's waist and held her face to Maggie's breasts. Maggie cheered her on.

“Get it baby! Get it!” Kathy hugged Maggie as she rose and fell on my cock. Kathy sucked on Maggie's tits and her hand went down to Maggie's pussy. Virginia meanwhile leaned on my chest and watched her sister's cunt swallow my cock then she reached down to encircle it with her thumb and index finger as Kathy continued to impale herself slowly.

Virginia kissed me on the mouth then said, “Isn't this hot, Ted?”

Maggie added, “I thought I had the hottest fuck of my life in the back seat with Ted and Dot the night we drove to Tahoe, but this is just too fucking good!”

Virginia said to Maggie, “Dot and I spent a couple of nights up there too, but just me and her, no guys. It was my first time with her. ”

Maggie took Virginia by the hand, saying, “On the couch tonight Kathy was my second. Come on Ginny, you're gonna be my third pussy; let's go get some. ”

Kathy stopped fucking.

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   “Wait for me!” She got up off my dick and quickly leaned over to suck her juices off my super-sensitive cock making me jerk involuntarily. “See you in the bedroom, Ted. ” Again I resorted to stroking my cock and watched these three beauties walk back to the bedroom area of the house. I followed quickly anxious to see what my wife was doing. As I followed down the hallway I watched them disappear into an unoccupied bedroom and I walked into the other to find Hank flat on his back with Jeanine on top of him face up. His cock was sliding in and out of her. Dot was doing her favorite thing; eating cock and pussy. Dot's busy hands and tongue were massaging their genitals as they ground into each other.

Dot looked up at me and said, “Want some of this, honey?” I lay on the bed and leaned in close to my wife to kiss her mouth, wet with fuck juices and then turned my face to suck on Jeanine's cunt lips. I couldn't help but lick Hank's cock as it slid past my chin just below her clit. Dot pulled it out of Jeanine, sucked it hard for a minute and held it against my lips. I opened my mouth and sucked it in to the back of my throat and then pulled back and sucked his helmet; hard. It was hot and turgid in my mouth. I could feel his hardness with my tongue as he continued to hump involuntarily. He didn't know whose mouth his cock was in, but my chin stubble might have given him a clue, he didn't care.

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   Dot leaned close so we could both envelope his cock between our mouths. Jeanine worked her fingers frantically over her abandoned clit. Then we traded. Dot sucked his cock and I ate at Jeanine's pussy. Then we traded again. All the time Dot steadily stroked my hard-on and I fingered her, like a bowling ball; two fingers in her pussy, my thumb in her anus. We were all breathing hard and headed over the edge when Kathy came into the room.

“Ok, ladies, let's not forget we have a girls only party in the next room and your turn with the men is up!” My wife and Jeanine both groaned as they disengaged.

Kathy continued, “I've got a lot of cock to catch up on and I'm going to fuck my brother-in-law too!” Hank and I both moved in close to her as she lay back on the bed waiting with her knees up and spread. “Come on guys, give it to me!”

Dot and Jeanine loitered by the bed and voiced a little encouragement. ‘You guys fuck her good, honey. She needs it bad,” Dot said. My wife was drunk with lust. Jeanine, both arms wrapped around my wife's waist, sucked on a tit as she watched Kathy on the bed rub her pussy with both hands while she waited for me and Hank. Hank moved in between Kathy's legs and lifted them to his shoulders.

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   She lifted her ass and he, cock in hand, slipped it up between her labia. I moved my face close to her cunt so I could lick at her clit as he fucked her. This gave me the opportunity to wrap my fingers around Hank's cock as he thrust in and out. It felt thick and hard in my fingers and I squeezed it as it entered her. I knew I was going to pull it out and suck her juices off it. Kathy was able to handle my cock but I wanted to put it in her mouth so I straddled her so I could 69 her. Hank lowered her legs from his shoulders and down so they rested on his thighs. I sucked at her clitoris and his cock slid past my nose. Then we flipped her over on her knees and I entered her from behind and she sucked Hank's cock. I held her buttocks as I watched my cock slid into her between her cunt lips. I pulled it out completely and she hummed her disappointment into Hank's cock. I held myself and rubbed her asshole with my cock head.

"Ohhh! Fuck! Yes! Fuck my ass Ted!” Pleasantly surprised by her enthusiasm I placed my helmet firmly on her pucker hole and leaned forward slightly. I couldn't get in too far so I backed off then pushed forward again firmly holding my cock at her pucker ring. “More, T-ted.


   It's Ok, just t-take it slow, baby, take it slow” I pushed and backed off, four or five times till I could get my cock head in past her sphincter. “Oh, fuck, yess!” Slowly, I was able to work it in about half way with a slightly faster pace. “Oh, oh. That's it right there! Don't g-go in any further b-but fuck me, fuck me. ” She stroked Hank's cock as she directed her ass fucking then said to him, “Hank, honey. Get underneath me so I can sit on this. ” Hank slid down feet first between her legs and mine. She lowered her hips and stretched her legs back as I covered her without removing my cock from her ass. I felt Hank's cock through the thin membrane separating both passages. Hank was on his back with Kathy's tits mashing into his chest and her tongue halfway down his throat. I felt my orgasm getting harder and harder to hold back. Kathy was moaning, groaning and screaming from the fucking she was getting. Hank looked like he was ready too. I guess Kathy's time was up cause Maggie walked in just in time to witness Kathy penetrated in both holes and cumming loudly. Maggie knelt on the bed next to me and slid her hand down Kathy's ass-crack to my cock.

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   I pulled back so she could wrap her fingers around it.

She squeezed it hard and said to, “Don't cum yet. Virginia wants to see you in the other room. ” Kathy, still on top of Hank, was gyrating slowing on his cock.

She turned her head back to see and asked Maggie, “Do I have to go now?”

"No, sweetheart, you stay here with me and Hank. We're gonna have some more fun. As I made my way off the bed, I saw Maggie bend over to massage Kathy's buttocks then leaned in and buried her face in the other woman's ass where Hank's throbbing cock slid slowly in and out her cunt.

I entered the other bedroom with my cock bouncing against my belly. My wife sat back against the headboard, a cigarette in one hand and a cocktail in the other, blowing smoke rings. Jeanine's head rested on Dot's thigh, legs dangling over the edge of the bed. Virginia knelt on the carpet between Jeanine's legs with a mouthful of shaved pussy. Her head twisted from side to side.

“That's a nice one you've got there sweetheart. ” We could hear Kathy screaming. “Sounds like you and Hank did a job on her,”Dot laughed.

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   “She certainly is a screamer. ”

Virginia looked up from between Jeanine's legs and took one look at my boner. “I've got dibs on that! Come here Ted; next to her,” she said patting the bed next to Jeanine. I did just that and Virginia lifted herself slightly and leaned over Jeanine's thighs and leaned down to grasp and bring my cock into her mouth.

She hummed softly on my aching cock. I told her, “Ginny honey, I'm just about ready to shoot my load, I can hardly hold back. . . . ” She didn't let me finish.

"In my mouth!” She eagerly resumed her sucking.

Give it to her honey,” Dot said to me. “She's already had a few good orgasms with me and the girls. Come in her mouth baby! Give it to her!” All I needed was my wife's encouragement and I felt it coming down the chute fast. I exploded in her mouth.

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   I jerked involuntarily but she would not let me go till she got every drop. She never took her mouth off and she swallowed all of it, licking her lips finally.

“Thanks Ted. That was so good! I haven't had a mouthful tonight, and I was hoping I would get your first. ’ I assured her that it was my first cum. I was completely spent but I wasn't finished. Virginia climbed up my chest and placed her pussy right over my face. My tongue was still hard. Her cunt was slick, wet and warm as her labia rested briefly on my nose then slid down to my waiting mouth. I inhaled her aroma and opened my mouth to engulf her cuntlips. I felt Jeanine fumbling with my semi and she stuffed it in her mouth. I wasn't fully hard but it didn't take long for her to bring it to full attention. She straddled me behind Virginia and sat on my cock. I had one on my face and another on my newly rejuvenated cock. Jeanine's arms encircled Virginia and massaged her breasts all the time rubbing hers into Virginia's back.

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   Virginia turned her head and they kissed lovingly and enthusiastically.

I heard my wife, “I'd sure like to get into that but it looks pretty crowded!” She laughed then moaned as her fingers slipped into her own pussy. ”Fuck! I'm still so horny! Fuck him girls,” then calling out, “Maggie! Maggie! Get your ass back in here!” I strained to see her slip one end of Maggie's double dildo into her slowly gyrating pussy. Dot's left hand was still busy massaging her cunt around the dildo that she held in her left hand under her left leg. She slid it in slowly, moaning. “Oh fuck, Maggie where are you?” She pulled it out slowly rotating it as it came out, then pumping it in faster as she watched me and the girls fucking next to her on the bed. Close enough for Jeanine to reach out and grasp the exposed end of the dildo.

“Is it good, Dot? Ted's cock is good too. I love your husband's cock, babe. ” Virginia also reached over to hold the dildo too. Dot let go and let the girls fuck her.

“Oh fuck! Oh fuck!” That's when Maggie walked back into the bedroom.

“Did I hear you calling?” She quickly took in the scene on the bed. “Uh humm, I want the other end of that!” Maggie took the dildo out of Virginia and Jeanine's hands and clasped it firmly, “I'll handle this, girls. As she worked the dildo into my wife she leaned over her to suck in a nipple momentarily then kissed Dot full on the mouth.

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   I couldn't see too well from my point of view but I could hear them sucking and slurping as they kissed. Dot was in heaven watching us fuck and Maggie loving her up with her mouth and dildo.

“Fuck me, Maggie!” I heard Dot say. “Get on it and fuck me, sweetheart. ” Maggie obliged and scissored her legs with Dot and maneuvered the dildo into her pussy. It didn't take long for the dildo to disappear between them. They fucked frantically holding on to each others legs; racing toward a quick and loud orgasm. Trying to watch my wife with Maggie was difficult with both Virginia's hands holding my head to her cunt. I rubbed her clit with my nose as I tried to deep tongue her cunt. My cock was throbbing in Jeanine and she rode me hard, grinding down on my pelvis. She sat down hard on my pelvis to get the full length of it and held it there. From underneath Virginia I could stretch my arms and hold the back of Jeanine's knees to pull her to me. Sucking on Virginia's neck and holding her tightly around the waist, Jeanine jerked and twitched as her orgasm hit hard. The rest of us followed her one after the other.

We did this on a regular basis after that for a few years.

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   Then Maggie married again and moved away. Virginia and Hank remained friends. Virginia never fucked any other men but me and Hank, although she was alway eager for new married pussy. Kathy settled in the area and eventually moved in with Jeanine. They were always up for a good cum session whenever we visited. .
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Limassol is a shoreline city with a beautiful beach. It’s a mix of modernization and past. Hip restaurants in old town should be visited with a call girl. If you are a tourist, you’ll be happy to have a tour with a stunning barbie and visit local Limassol Old Town, and Aphrodite's Rock.If you wish to watch all professional photos of our awesome ladyloves, please, get an account. It’s free. Most of the hotties hide their face to keep confidentiality on the web. It proves that starlets are real and they are worried about reputation in society. will amaze you with their grace.

Find bewitching cuties in the high-class escort services of Limassol

Escort agencies of Limassol is exactly what you need to spend the happiest day of your life. There are special features to find the best chicks faster on our site. Choose the type of hair, and ethnicity. It will save your time. Insatiable misses are waiting for your message. Don’t leave them alone. Everyone needs love and woman’s attention. You can get it now, just contact us.This site gives you all necessary information about escorts in Limassol. The finest bimbos upload here their sexy photos and detailed information. You’ll find here an appropriate travel partner or a lover for sure. All these chicks cannot wait to date you and make all your dreams come true. Nothing else matters when a nympho in sexy underwear undresses in front of you. Forget about all problems and call an escort girl because you need it. Add this website to favorites to return here later for the high-class dolls of this area. Are you ready to have fun? This online agency can help you choose a chick who will cheer you up! Here is a long list of all escort agencies in Limassol. Get the information, admire the professional photos, check the number of call girls and how many of them are verified by our site. It will help you to choose one. Follow the link now and have a wonderful time!

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London Bareback Escorts and ways to see amazing ladies!
When in London, either for a office trip or for a small vacation, always note that, beside the huge number of interesting things a single lad could do in this metropolis, there are hundreds of escorts set to meet you. Make sure you surf the offer of oriental escorts London beauties from our data base, and get intimate with a real woman who knows just what you crave.
London is a big area, with amazing locals to visit, intriguing culture and diversity, and also gorgeous escort ladies. If you desire to improve your trip in this marvelous city, you will definitely need a guide through the big list of escort girls London. This will help you make the best solution if you intend to meet a beautiful lady from our offer

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What to expect from them?

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What to expect from them?

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Escorts Athens comes with an infinite number of adult escort ladies, see the complete list of benefits in case you are intending to travel to this country. Check the best methods to meet hot women at Escortnews Greece., In Your Benefit, For Unique Intimate Moments

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In order to meet with the best broads and make sure you will get the best service, our escort site will give you a lot of of filtering options and customization options so that you can explore for your favorite woman with ease. That way, you will have bigger chances of seeing the right type of girl that can fulfill your fantasies, without having to browse for her and lose very important time doing that. Do not forget, any of the listed women at Escort Greece will be able to fulfill your whishes no matter what. In fact, these girls are excited and always aroused, always prepared to offer the exact quantity of lust and privacy so that you can feel perfect.

Rated as the hottest Athensescort babes you can think of!

We work around the clock to gather the best Escort Girl Thessaloniki chicks on our site. We carefully select each and everyone so that we can make positive they meet the best standards. In conclusion, we can guarantee that these ladies will make you feel perfect the second they will walk down your Hotel room door. Not to mention that Escort Girls Greece provides a wide search for all visitors in a large number of cities everywhere in the country. Regardless where you will be located, be it in the capital city or in other cities, you will always be able to date the hottest babes with just a few simple clicks. The millions of visits our app makes a month is most accurate evidence that these dolls are the best deal.

Escorts Athens comes with an infinite number of adult escort ladies, see the complete list of benefits in case you are intending to travel to this country. Check the best methods to meet hot women at Escortnews Greece., In Your Benefit, For Unique Intimate Moments

How To Easily Meet Babes From Escort Thesaloniki?

Whether you are craving a meeting from Escorts In Athens or Escort Girls Greece, which are the most popular locations in this country, or a date in any of the other important cities that have this service available, you will probably needt to know the hottest news on how to enjoy the best intimate moments and the best offers.
Greek Escort Girls is here to give ultra-quality dating services to any type of man. Whether you travel for work purposes, or simply for a city break, you will more than surely need the most valuable relax time and pleasure. For thios reason, using this service for a steamy date is highly recommended, especially if you are a single dude craving for have some intimate experiences in the region.
In order to meet with the best broads and make sure you will get the best service, our escort site will give you a lot of of filtering options and customization options so that you can explore for your favorite woman with ease. That way, you will have bigger chances of seeing the right type of girl that can fulfill your fantasies, without having to browse for her and lose very important time doing that. Do not forget, any of the listed women at Escort Greece will be able to fulfill your whishes no matter what. In fact, these girls are excited and always aroused, always prepared to offer the exact quantity of lust and privacy so that you can feel perfect.

Rated as the hottest Athensescort babes you can think of!

We work around the clock to gather the best Escort Girl Thessaloniki chicks on our site. We carefully select each and everyone so that we can make positive they meet the best standards. In conclusion, we can guarantee that these ladies will make you feel perfect the second they will walk down your Hotel room door. Not to mention that Escort Girls Greece provides a wide search for all visitors in a large number of cities everywhere in the country. Regardless where you will be located, be it in the capital city or in other cities, you will always be able to date the hottest babes with just a few simple clicks. The millions of visits our app makes a month is most accurate evidence that these dolls are the best deal.