
New Uncle Submissive Aunt Part 4


And just liked that, my world was changed. I went from looking at Kathy ad an Aunt, to looking at her as a sex object. And even at that age, I realized rather quickly what was going on. Todd was perverted and Kathy was a victim to this. All at the same time, I was capatilizing from the situation so I didn't mind one bit. Sometimes my concious would step in, bit with what guilt I had, it never stopped me.

Our Friday nights were a regular thing. One time I went over there after school on Friday, and Todd was in a real shitty mood and told me to go home. I was devastated, I thought it was over and I moped around for a couple of days before he called and apologized. More than once, Kathy was sick, and a few times they just had stuff going on. But the fact is that probably 85% of the Friday evenings in those 2 years, I was playing with Kathy.

Think of when you first go to someone's house, a friend or a relative. At first you are super mannered, you don't ask for a drink or just walk around snooping. Then after you've been going there a while, you mellow out and make yourself at home. When I first started going to Kathy's place (before all this fun started), that's the way I was, but as my Friday night stays started, I made myself at home. Well, when she first sucked my dick, it's like it all started over again.

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  The first few times were awkward and then I grew to be comfortable with it.

I guess the biggest downside to this story, for me anyway, is that I lost all concentration on anything else. All I could think about is the "next time" I get to play with Kathy. And I got super comfortable with Todd's game. He liked to hear me tell her what to do, then he got his kicks from etching her not hesitate to do it. I learned to get it quick, I need to speak up.

I remember thinking about this all through the school day on Friday, and I showed up at their house with a wholenew set of balls. I remember ringing the doorbell with confidence, lol. Kathy opened the door and her usual embarrased self said " come on in", as she looked away from me. I stepped in and took my shoes off and sat my backpack down. She was still in her work attire, and looking sexy in a white blouse, untucked from her black pants. I hurried behind her and felt her ass, right in the middle and she kept walking slowly. She said quietly " Todd will be back in a few, he went to the store. "I didn't say anything, I just followed her until she stopped at the kitchen counter, where I felt her ass with both hands. She just rested her hands on the counter anddidn't say a word as I felt her ass, and moved my hands to her hips and pressed my crotch against it.

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After a minutes of feeling her all over, she leaned her head over, so I pushed her hair awayand licked her neck as I tried to undo her pants,but it had some wierd button on it that I couldn't get undone. she didn't help,but didn't seem to mind me licking and sucking her neck, so I moved up and put my hands on her tits, and kept sucking her neck. I was so incredibly hard that I know she felt it. something special was about to happen, when I heard the garage door open, it spooked me a little and I went to the living room and sat down, and Kathy acted as if nothinghad happened.

Todd walked in with some groceries and a whole new case of Corona. He said "we were runninglow on beer buddy,I couldn't let that happen," and we both laughed. He brought us both one and sat down and he flipped the tv on. Kathy was still in the kitchen, going through mail, or at leat it looked like she was. Dave said " so how's it going?"I quietly said " I've been horny all week". He laughed hysterically, I laughed too but I was just being honest. He watched tv for a minute,and I thought he was ignoring what I said, when he looked over at her in the kitchen, then to me and said " she's all your's, she's there waiting for you. "So now I'm nervous agaim, but I got the nerve to get up, I finished off my first Corona and opened the fridge for another, while eyeballing Kathy. I came back and sat down and said " I want to lick her. "He said " oh you do?And smiled. He said " Where do you want to lick her?"I said " her pussy and all over.

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  "Todd smirked as he turned and said " honey, take those clothes off and get in here. "

I heard her throw down, kind of angrily, a stack of mail and she walked into the living room taking off her blouse. This is the first harsh words I hear Todd say to her, he said " do you have a fucking problem woman?"To which she quietly said " no". She got right in front of me, now taking of her pants, she pulled them and her panties off at the same time, leaving her with a white bra on and black nylon socks. She just stood there looking at Todd kind of shitty. It didn't matter, I was so hard that I didn't care. Todd motioned for her to sit down, which she did, right between us and I started feeling her tits and pussy right away.

I moved myself into the floor and just tried my best to stick my tongue in her pussy,the first I'd ever tasted. It didn't seem to do much for her, she spread her legs apart as far as she could and sat there as I tried my best. She put her hands down and spread her lips apart, and punted toward a knot above the hole, and said " lick it here". So I did, and that's when I learned how it's done. I was as hard as a stone and figured out different ways to get a reaction from her. When I did good, she held my head firmly. This went on for a long time, and Todd never said anything.

Finally I heard her say, " Do you want me to suck it?"To which I said " yes.

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  "We switched spots, and ofcourse a minute later, I filled her mouth with cum.

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