
From Female to Shemale


This all happend the summer when I had my 19th birthday. It started with myboyfriend: -Ooh yeah. . . You feal tighter every time! -I do? -I'MCUMMING!!! I felt his 5" dick hitting deep in me while cumming. I wasn't veryimpressed by his preformance. We had been fucking for 4 months, but he stillhadn't made me cum. It was frustrating, always having to pull out my dildo afterhe had left! Anyways. . . He was lying in my bed next to me, breathing slowly. Iasked him if I really was tighter, but he wasn't shure how to respond: -It'sprobably just me, but you are feeling kinda tighter. . . This made me askmyself a lot of questions. Wasn't I required to use more lube before using thedildo than earlier? Yes.

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   Hadn't my boyfriends dick felt bigger lately? Yes. Wierd. . .

Later that week, after another conversation with my boyfriendabout me getting thighter, I went to a friend of my father who was working atthe hospital. First he did a regular check on me before he asked what that"thing" I had mentioned earlier was. I explained as best as I could withoutmaking him (or myself) too uncomfortable. He didn't have an answer or solution,but he gave me a thing that could measure my lenght and width when streched outto the max. He told me to call him if something wasn't as it shoult be. I walkedright home and tried it. It was actually making me really hot! Especially thethought about a doctor giving me a free toy! I measured myself after lubing itup, and wrote the numbers on a paper. Now it was just to wait. . . One weekafter the first measuring I measured myself again.

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   I slid the wet pole up mypussy, and looked at the numbers on the side. I've never been freaked out asmuch as right then. The numbers was halfed. My vagina was shrinking! I jumped onthe phone and called my doctor, but the receptionist on the other end said thathe was away on a one week holiday. I put the phone down and looked at myself. Tears was dripping down from my red eyes. By the time he got back my prettylittle pussy would be less than an inch deep. The days that came was justa blur for me. I didn't habe sex, I didn't talk to anybody in person (I lived bymy self in a little apartment) and I didn't measure myself again. Not untilSaturday evening. It was my birthday, but I hadn't celebrated it in any otherway than getting drunk. I looked down on my pussy, and saw that only my outervaginal lips where left. It wasn't hard to see that I would have as much successputting anything in there, as winning the paralympics. I wasn't frightent, justdisguised by myself. I was no longer a woman.

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  After that day I dind'tlook down there in several days. The only thing on my mind now was to move onwithout any sexual life. Boy was I wrong!

Three weeks after my pussydissapeard I dared to look down there again. The sight was definetly not whath Iwas expecting. Where I thought it would be a flat surface, a penis had emerged. I was so overwelmed by this that I almost fainted. I sat down on my bed andlooked at it. I almost felt like I do when I see a newborn baby. It was thatfeeling of watch something you had created. I slowly stroke the penis and feltit getting hard. I wasn't shure how much to expect. I had seen the penises onshemales before, and they often times never even got hard. But that wasn't aproblem I had, thats for sure! My penis was growing and growing and when itstopped, I thought I've never seen a penis this big! I got my ruler from thedesk and measured the length. 8. 5"! That wasnt just big.

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   That was huge! It was3,5" longer than my boyfriend's. -This isnt 't happening, I thought to myself. But it certanly was. The next day I was thinking of who I should tell. Ihad alredy broke up with my boyfriend. I didn't tell him whath happend, onlythat something happend, and I couldn't see how we could still be together. Myfirst thought was to call my doctor, but he would probably make a big deal outof the whole situation, so I didn't call him. Just when I started thinkingagain, my dad called. I hesitated for two seconds, but I came to the solutionthat he would think it's okay. I picked up the phone: -Good morning darling!I'm sorry for not calling you earlier, but I've been. . . -Dad, I need to seeyou! Correction: you need to se me! -Is something wrong honey? -I'll be atyour house in half an hour! I put the phone down slowly. Suddenly I wasn't sosure about telling him, but there was no way out now. Half an hour laterI parked my car outside my dad's house.

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   I was wearing extremely tight leathertights, a top that was one size too small and high heels. And no bra. Why I waswearing this, I don't know. It just felt right. I rang the bell, and ten secondslater my dad stood in the door with a concerned expression on his face. -Iseverything all right, dear? he asked me while stepping aside, and letting mein. -No it isn't, and yes it it, I said as I walked into his kitchen. Itactually looked nice, considering the absence of women for the past threeyears. -Dad, I got a penis. The look on my dads face was probably one ofthe looks you would call priceless, but I wasn't in the right mood. Slowly hisface turned a little red as he blushed. -I'm not sure exactly. . . -DAD, IHAVE A FUCKING PENIS! I screamed before I started to cry.

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   He wrapped his armsaround me and whispered: -That's alright, dear. May I see it? I nodded andstood up. I dont't know why I was doing this, but my body reacted by itself. Ipulled my tights and panties down. My dad got onto his knees and took a goodlook at it. -Can I see it erected? he asked. I nodded again and startedslowly to stroke it. It went faster this time, and soon it was fully erect. -Oh boy! That's a big one. Just wait right here while daddy goes to getsomething. I heard his footsteps as he disappeard behind me. At first,nothing of this made sense to me. But suddenly something in my brain said"click", and I was able to think straight again. He was going to fuck me! But itdidn't make me angry. Maybe this was what I've always wanted.

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   Maybe this is whyI dressed up like this. -No, I whispered to myself. If anyone should getfucked here, is should be him!I heard him come down the stairs now, but Ihad a plan. -Can I go to the bathroom, daddy? -Yes, of course, dear! Iwent up the stairs he just went down, and walked slowly into the bathroom. Ilooked at the sink, and there I saw it! Daddy's viagra! It said only to take ahalf pill, but I took two. Instantly my dick started to grow. It felt fansastic!I looked around to see if I could measure it before I went down again. I found awierd looking ruler, but it worked. 10"! That should be enough. I walked downthe stairs and into the kitchen. There I saw my dad rubbing his meat slowly withhis eyes closed. If I were to guess, he was around 6". I walked over to him,silent as a cat. When I was behind him, I whispered into his ear: -I want tofuck you. He looked up stared right into my eyes.

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  -Shit honey, you scaredme! -Just bend over slowly. . . Of some reason, he did as he were told, butwhen I opened the bottle of lube he brought down earlier, he spunaround. -Please honey. I don't want this! The look on his face made mefeel bad. It was pure, uncoverd fear. I slowly put the lube down and turnedaround. The kitchen table was filled with papers, so I took them away and leanedover it. -Stick it in, daddy. -But, but, but. . . -Just do it! Hedidn't hesitate any longer, and slammed it into me. I screamed, but not in pain.

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  I mean, I have tried anal before, but this was completely different. Is was justas tight as before, but not as dry. Somehow it was lubed, just like my pussywould be. And it felt much better than before! Like somone had taken the nervesfrom my pussy to my ass!My dad was fucking me slowly, but I was tired ofhesitating men. -FUCK ME HARDER AND FASTER!!! He stepped the tempo up. Iwas now breathing heavily as his cock switched between filling me up and barelybe inside. I hoped he would go even faster, but didn't dare to say it. I wasn'table to speak, just breathe and screame. As if he read my mind, he went evenfaster, and yelled: -I'm cumming, honey! I opened my mouth and started toscream, because I was close too. But suddenly he stopped. I felt something deepinside my ass, and guessed it was his cum. He was now sitting in a chair,breathing heavily. I looked at him, but didn't say anything. Instead, I wrote asmall message on a piece of paper: -It was good and everything, but I needsomeone who is willing to both take and give. Besides, your cock is to small,and you didn't make me cum.

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The next day I woke up late. Ididn'g have much to do until the evening, so I just sat in my bed stroking mydick and thinking of who would be the best sex partner. The answer was of coursesomeone like myself. A shemale. Not a male-in-female-clothes kinda deal, but awoman (or two!) with a dick. I also realized that I hadn't cummed with my cockyet! I wanted it to be as good as possible when it was my first time, so Iturned on the TV in front of my bed and layed down, still stroking my dick. After about half an hour of stroking dick while watching the pizza boy fuck twohot teens, I felt something. It was like a volcano ready to erupt. I strokedfaster and faster and suddenly it exploded. The sensation was amazing, but themassive amount of cum stunned me. It was much more than I've ever seen in anyporn movie. I dried my sheets up and went to sleep again. I just woke up, butafter I came, it felt like I had been working out all day. Later thatnight I decided to go out to find someone to hang out with.


   I was tired of myold friends, so I was going to a club I've never been to before. Before I left Ihad to decide which clothes I should use. I chose some black, superthin latextights that gripped nicely around my legs. Since I didn't have any mensunderwhere, I decided to go without anything covering my dick. On the top ichose a matching black latex top and a leather jacket that stopped a fewcentimetres under my boobs. I locked the front door and walked towards my car,but stopped halfway. Driving my MC would be much more fun!When I arrivedat the club, I was stopped by the guard. He asked to check me back at hisoffice. I got the hint and walked behind him around a corner and in a door. WhenI got in, I stripped my latex pants down and revealed my 10" monster: -Bringit! I said to him. He laid me down with my boobs against his working desk. Then he took his cock (7" I would guess) out and approached my ass. His cockwhere thicker than my dad's, and felt fantastic when it was pushed up mygloryhole. When he had his whole cock inside, I screamed: -FUCK ME SENSLESS,YOU BASTARD!!! Encoruaged by my screaming he sped up and soon he was poundingme harder than anyone had ever fucked me before. While he was doing this, I wasbegging, crying, moaning and screaming, but he never got me to orgasm.

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   When hewas done he said that I could go right in and enjoy myself, but I had to watchout for any dealers or pimps in there. I walked into the club and wassupprised by how dark it was. The first room I got into was just a hallway withtwo doors in the other end. The one to the left said MALE, and the one to theright said FEMALE. I wasn't sure witch one to take, because none of the saidanything about SHEMALE. I opened the FEMALE door first. The room was filled withmen watching women dancing on these small stages. I walked over to one of themen who looked like a big badass, and started a convesation. It turned out hewas gay, but curios on the female body. I invited him to a private lesson in oneof the "private rooms". I knew that they were filled with small cameraes, but Ididn't care. When we got in I asked if he did it up the ass, and he said he hadtried it a couple of times, but when he saw my monsterous cock he hesitated. Ileft him there and decided to go into the MALE room.

In the MALE roomthere were male dancers and female watchers. No other males.

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   I walked to one ofthe stages, but felt kinda akward, because I had a dick. I felt a hand on myshoulder, and a beautiful girl started talking to me. I couldn't exactly tellwhat she said because my brain was in slow mode. I had probably just falled inlove!-Do you feal alright? You look kinda pale. -I'm fine thanks. Whoare you? -Oh, I'm just one of the regulars. I thought I should say hello,'cause I've never seen you here before. Her lips were moving in a way thatmede me want to kiss them and her eyes was making me dizzy. -Are you sure youfeel alright? Here, let's find you somewhere to lay down. She took my arm andwalked with me into one of the private rooms. There she helped me down on one ofthe beds. When she let go off me I felt like I was never going to se her again,so I pulled her down on top of me and kissed her passionately. My emotions wererunning wild as I kissed her, and she started to kiss me back. Soon clothesstarted flying as we kissed. Finally we were both naked, and the expression onher face told me that 10" of awesome is just what she needed now.

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   I lied down onthe bed and she climbed on top of me. At first she was just grinding against it,but then I felt the inside of her pussy on the tip of my cock. She slowlylowered herself down until she was filled completely. She was suprisingly deep,about 9". It would have been perfect if the Viagra wasn't still affecting mycock. She lifted herself up again and repeated it, a little bit faster thistime. Soon she was sliding up and down at a moderat, but still perfect, tempo. It was a completely new feeling for me. Instead of the rough pounding up my assit was a slow, comforting type of sex. More like making love. The thought ofanyone cumming didn't reach any of our minds. After about half an hourshe stepped the tempo up a bit, clearly wanting a good ending. It was probablyjust as much in her mind to make me cum, than to make herself cum. Just when Istarted to wonder what's in her mind, she lifted herself of my cock. She walkedslowly over to closet that was hidden behind some curtains, and came back with ascary looking strap-on.

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   It was pretty long, and it was covered with small dots. Besides, when she turned it on, it started spinning around slowly. She put iton, and moaned a bit. Maybe it had a vibrator as well. Then she walked over tome: -You ready? I just nodded. She took my legs over her sholders and moved the strap-on towards my awaiting gloryhole. But then, she hesitated. Shelooked at something behind me, and nodded. Two things happend: someoneblindfolded me, and my whole body was lifted up by several hands. I started topanick, but calmed down when some familiar lips kissed me softly. Then I wasplaced in this constuction that heldt me from my arms, legs and lower back. Ifirst wondered if I had become the main item in an orgy, but didn't care. I wasopen for anything. I felt something touching my ass again. I firstguessed it was the tip of the strap-on, but it was warmer and softer.

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   I felt itstarted to penetrate my ass at the same time as I felt something else touchingmy cock. It was no doubt that someone slid their ass down on my cock while acock penetrated my own. When they both had gotten as far as they could, twoplastic things forced my tits together. And somehow a person slid his well lubedcock between them, but stopped moving when he was in position. The next thingwasn't any suprise. A cock (the biggest so far) was put in my mouth, and slid asfar back as possible without deepthroating me. It may sound strange, but it wasvery natural. The feeling of beeing filled up had reached my brain, and it feltamazing. Then, like on a signal, everything started to move. The cocks moved inand out in the exact same tempo, and the ass covering my own cock, did as well. This brought me over the top instantly, and in the followingI-don't-know-how-long every thrust got faster, stronger and deeper, and everythrust gave me a new orgasm. This went on for a long time, but it seemed likenone of them was going to cum. When I thought i couldn't take it anymore, theypulled out. All the cocks and the ass disappeard, and was replaced by emptyness. I felt kinda lonely for a split second, but then I heard the sound of small feetwalking over the floor.

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   I couldn't know for sure who it was until he started tolick my ass. It was a dog. A fucking dog! But damn, he could lick. His big,hard, disgusting tounge licked my ass hard, and I loved it! It was so muchbetter than a human tounge. But the joy ended too fast. Or so I thought. Suddenly two big dog paws landed on my tits, and the dog penis rammed andpenetrated my alredy overused ass. I could feel a slight difference from a humancock, but it wasn't too different. Exept the speed! The dog was blazing in andout like no tomorrow. I started to scream in joy (I had always been quite ascreamer), and no cock stuffed my mouth this time. In fact, between my screams Icould hear heavy breathing from many mouths, but not the typical manlybreathing. Could it really be? But I didn't get the time to think it throug,because the dog cummed in my ass, meanwhile a lot of human cocks shot theirmassive loads all over my tits and face. After the last drops of cum had landedon me and the dog had been taken away, my blindfold was taken off. Mysuspections where right. It wasn't a group of horny men that had been fuckingme, it was shemales.

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   Now, they were standing around me with their cocks in theirhands. None of them where anything but rock hard and ready for more. I had afeeling that this would be a long night.

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Πέρα από τις κορυφαίας ποιότητας υπηρεσίες συνοδού κατά τη διάρκειας της ημέρας, οι φανταστικές συνοδοί μας μπορούν σίγουρα να σας προσφέρουν ονειρεμένες υπηρεσίες συνοδού τη νύχτα, όταν είστε οι δυο σας.
Οι εκπληκτικές καλλονές από την προέρχονται από διαφορετικές τοποθεσίες. Επομένως, θα είστε σε θέση να βρείτε μωρά όπως παθιασμένες Λατίνες, σέξι Ασιάτισσες, βιτσιόζες Αμερικάνες, ερωτικές Ευρωπαίες, καυλιάρες Αφρικάνες, και πολλές περισσότερες που ανυπομονούν να σας δείξουν τα κρυφά χαρίσματά τους. Απλά πείτε μας τι ακριβώς προτιμάτε, όπως την ηλικία, τον σωματότυπο, την εθνικότητα, και εμείς θα αναλάβουμε όλα τα υπόλοιπα.
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If sex is your most important priority when it comes to surfing the escort services in birmingham, keep in mind that these models are classy and highly pretentious. They hate to be treated like those regular broads, they demand the privacy and they are highly experienced in keeping your secrets safe. Behave with them like a gentleman and they will treat you like a king. Experience true lust and hot moments with these models, but only if you behave. birmingham escort are only for the highly demanding guys, for those who understand what a real model can do in the sheets if properly treated and seduced.

What’s their experience?

Escort Bracknell dolls are more than experienced when it comes to offering intimate pleasures to classy men. They are true fuck goddesses in terms of adult activity, as well as elegant and educated babes when it comes to dating and spending time with. Either you adore blondes, brunettes, the busty ones or even the fattier ones, escort Bracknell is here to grant you with the best list of babes. Amazing global and British hotties ready to please you and make you feel perfect. Just give it a go and don’t forget to explore the generous offer of such amazing escorts.

Escort Girl Riyadh comes with an infinite number of adult escort girls, explore the whole list of advantages in case you are intending to travel to Escort Ksa.

How To Quickly Date Women From Jeddah Escorts? Whether you are looking for a hookup from or Escort In Jeddah, which are the most demaded zones in this country, or a meetings in any of the other important cities that have this service available, you will probably needt to know the best news on how to receive the best time and the best prices.
Escort In Saudi is here to provide top-quality dating services to any type of man. Whether you come here for work purposes, or simply for a short trip, you will more than surely need the hottest relaxation and intimate moments. For thios reason, accessing this service for a steamy meeting is highly recommended, especially if you are a single man craving for have some fun in the region.
In order to date the sexiest beauties and make sure you will get the best moments, our escort site will provide you plenty of filtering options and personalization tools so that you can explore for your favorite chick with ease. That way, you will have higher odds of finding the right type of escort that can fulfill your dreams, without having to browse for her and lose priceless time doing that. Do not forget, any of the listed women at Saudi Arabia Escort will be on duty to fulfill your whishes no matter what. In fact, these girls are happy and always lustful, always ready to serve the best quantity of desire and privacy so that you can feel mind blown.

Rated as the most desired Riyadh Eacort broads you can think of!

We work continuously to hire the hottest Jeddah Escort Service babes on our platform. We pick manually each and everyone so that we can be sure they meet the most rigurous standards. Therefore, we can guarantee that these hotties will make you feel perfect the minute they will walk down your AirBNB room door. Not to mention that Jeddah Escorts offers a massive search for all clients in a large number of cities everywhere in the country. Regardless where you will be located, be it in the biggest city city or in other regions, you will always be able to hookup with the hottest women with just a number of easy clicks. The millions of visits our app makes a year is best evidence that these chicks are the naughtiest deal.
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