
Drive Thru and Carry Out


As I waited under the awning at the curb for the Valet to bring my car I was aware that someone was approaching me. As I turned I saw the young man in the crisp new suit and sexy wife approach me. He held out his hand and said "Mr. Parsons sir, the guy in there told me what you did for me. I want to thank you, I just got a promotion today and wanted to celebrate here" I said "It's okay kid, Enjoy yourselves and by the way if anyone gives you a hassle about being in the Private Dining Room tell Jimmy the door guy and he will take care of it". "Thank you sir, Have a nice evening sir" he said to me as he reached out his hand to shake mine and give me his Business card. After he went in I looked at the card before I put it away. It read Jim Thomas, Regional Supervisor for Lotta Burger, The best in town". Hmmmm I thought, I could stop for a burger and go to the house. So I left the Club and headed across town. I stopped at a convenience store and got a 12 pack of beer. I tried to be friendly with the fat cow behind the counter but she was in no mood to be friendly , perhaps she was fantasizing about grazing in a field of doughnuts, whatever it was I paid for the beer and went to the Escalade. "I must be fucking crazy" I said out loud while laughing. "Beer, Burgers and Hitting on fat chicks, this must be Hell. " I drove and I drank. My mood lightened after the third beer and I turned into the Lotta Burger near my house.

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   As I looked over the menu I saw a small hand written mote "Speaker Is Broken, Order at the window". I decided what I wanted and pulled up to the window. After I stopped and put the car in Park I turned and looked to my left. There in front of me was the perfect, round, tight ass of an obviously teenage girl clad in white cotton panties. She was bent over getting something off the floor with her ass straight up in the air and her short skirt rising above it. At this moment I flashed back to High School and a dweeb named Rodney. Rodney was a piece of work but his claim to fame was that he would approach every girl he met and say "Wanna Fuck?" His idea of foreplay was to say "Hi, I'm Rodney, Wanna Fuck?" Most all the time he got slapped silly but he did get laid before any of us, and more often. Perhaps it was worth a try or perhaps it was the beer talking but I said, "I'll take that". She stood up fast then and said "What?" Keeping my cool I said, "I'll take some of that pussy of yours and a #3 combo with cheese and a Coke". As I waited for her to reply I quickly observer her assets. She was a brunette about my height of 5'8" or so with smooth olive skin and firm ample breasts straining to burst open that Polyester smock she wore. She smirked and said, "We're outta Coke, can I get you a Diet Coke". I chuckled and said "Sure". I was sure that she was going to give me the order and then tell be I was a pervert but I did not care, After all I did not have a chance in Hell of getting her I thought to myself. She called out my order to the cook in the back then she got the Diet Coke and brought it to the window.

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   I was thinking that she had decided to ignore the "I want your pussy" remark but she had not. As she leaned forward to serve the drink she said, " So you want my pussy huh old timer?" staying in character I said, "Yep!" She smiled and blushed at the same time. I think she thought I would back off in embarrassment but now she was the one embarrassed. At this moment I realized that Rodney was a fucking genius. "What makes you think you could have me" she asked still leaning out the window at me with those great tits of hers dangling in front of me. "Because you want to be had" I snarled to her, "Otherwise why would you go around with your pretty ass up in the air and your cleavage showing to strangers?" She laughed and walked away slowly towards the cook's window and disappeared. I heard what sounded like an argument and then she came back towards the window and said "That will be $4. 49 please. I gave her a five and then when she brought the change she said, "Please pull around and wait for your order". It was that at this point that I decided that it had been worth a try but that like Rodney most of the time you strike out. About a minute after I pulled up she came out of the drive-thru door and I watched her approach in the rear view window. As she approached I began to get hard thinking of her and the fantasy scenario I had played out with her. At this point I was surprised when she crossed over behind the car and opened the passenger side door and got in. "Here's your order sir" she said as she placed the bag on her lap and sat back in the leather seat and spread her legs. I said, "Mmmmmmmm nice and warm I take it", "How about he Burger and fries?" She laughed and we drove off.

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   As we drove she opened the bag and got out a burger for me and one for herself. We ate them on the way to the house. I had still not asked her name or if she was serious. But she did not protest as we entered the Gated Community and drove past the guard, "Good evening Mr. P" he said as we drove by. "Goodnight Tommy" I said and drove on to the corner where I turned onto my street. I pulled down the visor and clicked the door opener when I neared my house. I turned into the driveway and parked in the Garage. As the garage door closed behind us I turned to her and said "I'm going in, are you coming?". She nodded and as I got out I threw the burger wrappers in the trash and reached into the back seat for the rest of the 12 pack of beer. "Can I have a beer?" she asked as we entered the kitchen. "Are you old enough?" I said grinning at her already knowing the answer. "No, but I'm old enough to fuck and I like to drink when I fuck". I smiled and gave her a beer. I put the rest of them in the fridge and closed it.

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   Aren't you going to drink" she asked. " I have Scotch in the bar in Den. " "Mmmmmmmm she purred, let's see the Den then". I led her down the hall to the double glass French doors that marked the entrance to my domain. As she entered she was amazed at the setup. When the trouble started with the ex Bitch I had remodeled a section of the ground floor as a private Suite for myself. It had a Bedroom, Bathroom, Exercise Room and Kitchenette but the crown jewel was my Den. Across from the glass doors was a full wall of floor to ceiling glass that overlooked the town's skyline from the ridge the community was built on. It was setup for anything I needed. A Pool Table, Some Video Slot Machines from a friend in Vegas, furniture for entertaining and a Computer Cove/Office. It had served me well as my ex and I worked out how much it would cost to eradicate that tumor out of my life. For over a year we had only had hall sex with other, We would see each other in the hall and say "Fuck You!". I went to the bar, got ice and poured myself a Scotch. I then went to stand by the girl who was peering out the window at her town and slid an arm around her. I took the beer and from her hand and placed it on the tray next to my drink and turned her firm body and embraced her with a kiss and stroked her ass.

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   She responded like a pro and we were soon groping each other's clothes off. I quickly freed her tits from the polyester prison they were bound in and slipped her skirt down her legs and onto her feet. She kicked them away and slipped out of the shoes leaving her in only a bra and panties that were beginning to show a hint of wetness. I was staring at her taking it all in when I felt her sliding a hand to brush away my shirt and it was at this moment that I felt a twinge of shame. I thought of how she would react when my now ample gut and hips were exposed to her. I cursed myself for letting that exercise equipment collect dust but at this moment I did not care much I hoped that she would not either. She freed my pants and as they slid down she tugged at the boxers I was wearing. She giggled as they slid down. I was apprehensive about what the giggle was about but as soon as she began to lick the head of my growing member I was sure it was okay. I was still kicking off my shoes as she took my dick into her mouth for the first time. As much as I wanted her to blow me I wanted to enter that pussy more. I was thinking of the way it looked fully clothed and inviting to him as she was bent over at the drive-thru when this madness started. He gently pushed her head away and said to her as she looked up at him "I really do want that ass!" she giggled and moved away. She grabbed a stool from in front of a wingback chair that was in front of the window and placed the stool in front of the window. She then bent over facing the window and placed her hands on the stool to brace her.

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   Then she spread her legs and raised her ass a little exposing her tight shaven cunt to me. I also saw that she had her clit pierced. Although I had never seen this live before it was a turn on and I positioned my erection against her and slid the tip in. At this point I said to her "Oh by the was my name is Sam what's yours?" "Sandy she said as I slid my intensely hard cock into her steaming young pussy. I thought to my self that I did not ever remember one as warm and tight even in my youth. I moved into her with slow deep strokes and then the phone rang. I looked over and it was my private line, the one that had only one person had, Beth. I was pissed at the interruption but the booze and the pussy made me do a weird thing. I Said, "Answer phone". Sandy said "What?" and Beth said "Sam are you there?"At this point I was so glad that I had tat voice activated speakerphone installed for when I wanted to roam around the room and think while I talked. Sandy said, "Who's that?" and Beth said "Sam what's going on?", I said "Sandy this is Beth my Assistant, Beth this is Sandy the teenager I am fucking right now". I was amazed at by bluntness and asked Beth" What do you want?". She stammered and said, " I was calling to tell you what happened to Ruth". "Oh yeah, Ruth who stood me up" I said, what about her?" Beth said "She got sick" "Yeah right" I sneered into the speaker phone as I continued to pound into Sandy's cunt which was by now emitting audible slurping sounds and she was moaning. "She was probably tired of trying to dress that lard ass of her's and decided to eat a Pizza instead of seeing me".

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   "Sam, What's gotten into you, you are never this mean". Beth was right, I was never this rude but then I thought and told her "It's what I've gotten into, A sweet, tight strangers pussy who does not tease or let me down". "You tell her baby" Sandy snarled to me "Fuck me Sam!" Beth was shocked, sensing this i laid it on thicker, "Beth, you know, I wanted this to be you. " "Yeah right she snarled, "I have been turning down your invitations for a year. " "That's the point" I said, "I met this girl an hour ago and I did not even know her name until I entered her pussy, I now know that I am through wasting my time with over the hill poon like you and your horny friend Shamu. " "Good one Sam" grunted Sandy as we continued to fuck and humiliate Beth. Sandy then did something incredible she said to Beth "What are you wearing?" Beth stammered into the phone "What am I wearing, why do you want to know?" "I want to know what kind of panties you are soiling while fingering yourself listening to us fuck!" "Well I never. . . " Beth started but Sandy interrupted and said, "Don't lie to me Bitch". Beth then said, " I am wearing a dress and no panties". "What happened to the panties?" Sandy asked. Beth admitted "I slid them down". I was going wild. "She got you" I said, "Yes Sam, she got me, I am finger fucking myself, Is that what you wanted to hear?" At this point Sandy said "Hey babe, Where are you?", "About 2 miles away" said Beth.

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   "So here's the deal, finish yourself off and get here, we will be waiting for you!" With this I said, "Phone off!" and the line went dead. Sandy and I started to fuck furiously and within seconds she was screaming in sweet rapture and I shot a load into her. As we separated Sandy stood up and picked up the Scotch from the tray and downed it in two fast swallows. "Make me another lover, and let Beth in when she gets here, I'm going to the bathroom. I was in shock but did not want this to end. Within 5 minutes Tommy buzzed in and told me "A woman named Beth was at the gate, Was it okay to let her in?" I knew he was confused since he had seen me arrive with Sandy and said, "It's okay, she's my Assistant". Seconds later I opened the garage for her from the remote control panel on the desk and waited for her arrival. I was not sure what Sandy was up to, If Beth was for her or me but I was not going to rock the boat after all she had the pussy and that put her in control. Sandy strolled out of the bathroom still naked as a newborn and crossed the room and got the drink I made for her. I noticed that she still had my sperm running down her legs and asked if she needed to freshen up. "Nope" she said as she sat back and relaxed on the couch facing the big window. Spreading her long legs so that when Beth arrived and entered she would get an eyeful. Not being as forward I went to the bathroom, peed and them wiped off our sex juices. As I returned with a towel wrapped around my waist Beth arrived. She glared at the reflection that Sandy cast in the picture window.

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   "That's nice" she said with a clearly snippy attitude. "I came here to give you a piece of my mind. " Sandy shot back at her "The only piece we want from you is a piece of that old ass of yours and If you have a complaint take it up with me. " I sat in a chair and let her go. Beth went to Sandy and was apparently going to give her that piece of her mind but instead just stood there staring at Sandy finger fucking herself using my come to lubricate the strokes across her pierced clit. Sandy lifted a finger to the air with come dripping from it and asked Beth "Do you want this?"Beth nodded and sandy said "Then get down on your knees and clean Sam's cum out of me". Beth dove in and as Sandy started to undress her and motioned for me to come over and help. I was over in a flash ass could only marvel at the change in Beth. She was mauling this young cunt with her tongue and she seemed to be damn good at it too. She and Sandy spread on the couch and licked each other until I saw Beth's bigger butt cheeks thrust harder and knew she was getting her cookies delivered. Sandy moved her face and winked at me pointing at Beth's ass. I got the message and as she quivered from the tongue thrashing of a teen I entered her from behind. It was not hard to do since she was as loose as I had suspected. Driving my dick into her was like throwing a hot dog down a hallway. He now knew he had not missed a thing when she had turned him down.

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  Sandy was aware of how it was going and slid out from under Beth and got behind me. I was going thought the motions out of revenge but I really did not care if I fucked this useless cave or not. Somehow Beth was getting off and I felt cheated until the second after Beth came and Sandy drove her index finger up my ass straight to my enlarged prostate. Two strokes later I involuntarily came into the Grand Canyon. Beth moved at me s few more times then fell away. I thought to myself that I was glad that was over. Beth said "Oh Sam. I knew you wanted me but I could not give myself to you and work for you too". I said, "I understand". My biggest fear was that now would she want more, I sure hoped not. "Sam. Thanks but now I have to quit!" "Are you sure?" I asked, "Yes" she replied. I told her that I understood and walked her to the door and she turned and asked Sandy for her number, Sandy gave it to her and Beth left. Now I was scared. As I returned Sandy said "Sorry, I thought that was what you wanted" "It was until it happened" I said then we both laughed.


   She said, "Wanna go again", I said. "Sure if I can!". We tried but after an hour of her coaxing and us "69 ing" but it was no use so we showered and dressed. It was after 12 and we were playing pool when I realized that she was young and probably needed to call someone and tell them where she was. I mentioned this and she said that she needed to call her brother Jim. She dialed and said "Jim, this is Sandy, did I interrupt you?". She waited for his reply and she obviously had interrupted him "Good, you can fuck her while I talk, I quit the Lotta Burger. You can keep that job I found a new one. I will be home tomorrow if I can, Now go back to fucking Cassie, cya!". I took this to mean that she was staying. Later as we turned in I asked her, "Do you really want Beth" She shook her head no and said, "I gave her a wrong number, you should change your private one too" and then we laughed. The next day after a Lunch Meeting I returned to the office and was greeted by my new Assistant. "Hi Mr. J" she said as she greeted me. "Your 3:00 wants to reschedule and I got your table reserved at the Club for Dinner, Your private number has been changed, the locks have been changed, here are the keys, The Gym is expecting you at 4:30 and I got you a Prescription for Viagra from a Doctor I Know".

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  "Thanks Sandy". Keep up the good work. --The End--.
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