
Lust and Obsession


The girl straddled me and sat down on my lap to face me. She wrapped her arms around my neck and smiled provocatively at me, while looking me in the eyes with her big brown ones. “Do you want to get into a little trouble?” She asked me in a soft whisper, leaning close to my ear. I chuckled at her double entendre in the use of her name. She smiled brightly at me, knowing I had gotten her little joke. “I can see where that wouldn’t be hard to do with you. ” I replied in a lame attempt at being flirtatious. She just looked at me for a moment, and I realized in a backhanded way I had just called her easy. I began blushing as I stammered an explanation at my comment. The woman laughed at me and pinched my cheeks. “You embarrass easily. I like that. ” Trouble noted with a mischievous grinTrouble climbed off my lap and pulled a chair up to the table next to me, “What’s your name?” She asked sitting close to my side. “Jason. ” I replied while barely being able to take my eyes off her body. “Well Jason, can I talk you into buying me a drink?” She asked sweetly, all the while staring at me in an intense and unnerving way.

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  “Sure, I’d like that. ” I answered while motioning for a waitress. I spent the rest of the night talking and drinking with this enigmatic woman, and by the time I left I knew I’d be coming back to see her. My friends teased me about being hooked, and warned me that all these girls wanted was my money, but there was something about this intriguing woman. This was completely not like myself. I had always played things safe, never walked on the seedier side of life. Even though I’m in my mid-twenties, I actually had only a little experience with woman, and what I had, had been fairly ordinary. Even so, here I was making my third visit to the bar where Trouble danced at. I had decided this time I was going to ask her out on a date. Just as the night was winding down and I had the help of a few drinks under my belt, I finally worked up the courage to ask her out. It took me a minute to finally stammer out a clumsy invitation to dinner, but somehow I managed. “I make it a policy not to date customers, but I might make an exception with you. You aren’t the typical kind of guy we see in here everyday. ” Trouble told me with a smile. I could feel the warmth in my face that signaled I was blushing again.

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   I tried my best to hide it, and I could hear Trouble softly laughing. “See, I like that sweetie. ” She said, softly pinching my cheeks again. She got up from the table and headed for the bar. Coming back I could see she had a pen and piece of paper in hand. Sitting back down at the table, She wrote something down, folded the paper up and slid it over to me. “There is my phone number. Give me a call tomorrow if you want. ” She said, then standing up and kissing me on the cheek she headed for the dressing rooms. I looked at the slip of paper she had handed me, and there was her number. At the bottom was a little message. “See you again soon, luv Megan. ” Under that was a P. S. saying Megan was her real name but keep that to myself.

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  The next day I called, and we set up a date. I was on cloud nine. I drove to her home, a modest apartment she shared with one of her fellow dancers. Megan answered the door when I pushed her buzzer, and what I saw before me took my breath away. There she stood in high heels, wearing a flowery summer dress that clung to her curves. She wasn’t wearing a bra, and her nipples poked at the thin material over them. I could hear their siren’s call beckoning my eyes to see them. “You look great. ” I said weakly. “Thanks. So do you. ” Megan answered favoring me with a beautiful smile. She stepped out of the door way, pulling her door shut behind her. Then she reached out and took my arm, sidling up close to me. The touch of her hand on my arm sent a bolt of electricity through me.

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   We walked to my car, where I opened the door for her, and enjoyed the sight of her dress clinging to her heart shaped ass as she moved. All the time I drove to the theater where we had decided to see a movie, I had a hard time focusing on the road. Megan’s little tits pushing at her dress kept trying to claim my attention. I was trying not to make it obvious. It didn’t work. Finally with a giggle Megan leaned close to me and I could feel her lips brush against my ear. “I’m not wearing any panties either. ” I heard her whisper in my ear softly, with a voice that held many promises. I felt a shiver run through my body at her words and Megan gave in to another giggle. All through out the rest of the drive, during the movie, and even dinner later; Megan found a way to constantly be touching me. On my arm, shoulder, or my leg, there was hardly a moment I wasn’t aware of her hand on me. It was driving me crazy. I suspect that was the effect she was wanting. After dinner, we decided to go to a night club for a couple of drinks. Megan also mentioned dancing, at which I cringed.

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   I hadn’t done much dancing and was afraid of looking like a total ass. It turned out better than I had hoped for, Megan was more than happy to settle for a few slow dances, and I was passable at that. It was starting to get late, and I had to work the next day, but I didn’t care. Around midnight Megan finally suggested maybe it was time to leave. I was reluctant to go, as I didn’t want the night to end. During the drive back to her apartment we continued talking, and Megan told me stories of things she had seen in the bar where she danced, and in others where she had worked also. She had some outrageous stories. Getting back to Megan’s apartment, I parked my car but didn’t turn off the engine. “I had a great time. ” Megan said, turning in her seat to face me. “I did too. ” I answered, my eyes still transfixed on her body. Megan then leaned in close to me, “I’ve been thinking about whether I want you as a lover, or just as a friend. ”I was stunned by her bluntness on the subject. All I could do was gawk at her.

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   Megan unbuckled her seat belt and reached out for my hand. “Walk me to my apartment. ” Megan whispered seductively into my ear. My whole being felt numb as I shut off the car engine. I got out and opened Megan’s door for her. Taking her hand I followed as she led me to her apartment. Once inside, she led me straight to her bedroom. The whole thing had a dream-like quality for me. Megan closed the bedroom door behind us. Then turning to me, she wrapped her arms around my neck. My stomach fluttered when I looked into her eyes as she drew her face closer to mine. My lips waited in anticipation for the touch of her lips. Megan pressed her mouth to mine and our tongues found each other. We kissed deeply and passionately . I slid my hands over her body, feeling every inch of her small frame I could reach.

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  Megan stepped back from me a few step and looking me in the eye she reached up and slid the straps of her dress off her shoulders. Her dress fell in a heap at her feet. I caught my breath at the sight of her naked body standing before me, softly illuminated by the dim lighting in her room. She had A sized breasts at best, prky hard nipples that were pointing at me, nice round hips and a small rectangular patch of hair nestled just below her flat stomach. “I can’t make any promises on tomorrow. ” Megan softly told me. “I haven’t asked for any. ” I answered. I still had the vague feeling that I was in a dream I would wake up from, and that this couldn’t really be happening to me. Gracefully Megan stepped backwards to her bed, watching me the whole time. She laid down on it and beckoned for me to join her. My whole body felt numb as I climbed onto her bed next to her. My mouth found hers again and she kissed me with a deep hunger. I let my hands slide over her silky skin, feeling the softness and warmth of her body. My cock was straining against the confines of my jeans, and an ache was building in me.

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   My fingers found their way to her nipples as we probed each others wanting mouths with our tongues. Megan responded to the touch of my fingers by pressing her chest closer. I ran my finger tips over and around her hard nipples, slowly caressing and playing with them. I had never desired anything or anyone as much as I desired Megan at this moment in time. I had all I could do to slow myself down, and not savagely tear into her. The carnal lust building in me was like nothing I had experienced before. Slowly I slid a hand lower. Down over her tummy, past her pelvis and through her soft patch of pubic hair. Megan shifted her legs a little feeling my probing hand venturing closer to her glorious mound. I cupped her in the palm of my hand and felt the heat coming from within her against my skin. I began massaging her labia, my fingers lightly touching. Gathering moistness was coating the palm of my hand. Megan moaned softly against my mouth and kissed me harder. I slipped a finger between the lips of her warm, moist pussy and into the nether regions of her womanhood. The feeling of her velvety inner skin felt exotic to my touch.

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   Slowly I began exploring the dark insides rubbing my finger around her. Megan moaned more and pushed her hips tighter against my hand. Lowering my head, I ran my tongue around one of her hard nipples. Megan sucked in her breath as I settled my mouth over it and began sucking. I was slowly working my finger around in her wet pussy, while rubbing my thumb over the nub of her clit. Her nipple was nestled gently between my teeth as I flicked my tongue quickly over it. I slid another finger inside of her and wiggled them around, rubbing then against her. Megan began moving her hips up and down, sliding her pussy on my fingers buried within. I could hear her moaning louder and harder as her pussy stroked my fingers. I moved my mouth to her other breast and began sucking on it. Megan reached down and took a hold of my hand, urging me to move my fingers faster. I was eager to please, so I slid them in and out with speed and urgency. I could hear her breathing coming out in pants, her chest was heaving up and down. “Ohhh yessss! I’m going to cummmm!” Megan exclaimed between moans. I started sucking on her nipple harder and moving my fingers in her faster.

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  Megan thrust her hips upwards and I felt her pussy tighten around my fingers. I felt warm fluid running over my hand as she became slippery wet. She grabbed my hand tighter and shoved my finger into herself deeply. “Ohhhhhh!” She moaned loudly as she gave into her orgasm. Megan collapsed back down on the bed. I kissed down from her breast to her to her stomach, stopping to slowly run my tongue around her belly button. I could taste the saltiness of the faint sheen of perspiration on her skin. Moving down lower still, Megan spread her legs for me and I crawled in between them. I slowly lowered my face to her and lightly ran my tongue up and down the length of her slit. I could smell her musky aroma mixed with the faint scent of baby powder. My cock was positively throbbing as I pressed my mouth tighter to her wet pussy. Slowly I ran my tongue up and down her lips tasting her salty sweetness. Megan shivered and moaned at the touch of my tongue. I felt the velvety texture against my tongue, the heat from her penetrating me. I parted her lips and slid my tongue in deeper, licking at the juices there.


   Megan was squirming around as my tongue explored every inch of her tasty pussy I could. I felt her reach down and push my head in tighter. “Mmmmm, lick my pussy baby. ” Megan panted at me as my tongue probed deeper. I started moving my mouth around her, my tongue licking in circles as I did. I was licking at all her wetness, lapping it up. I started sucking on her hot, wet pussy, drinking her in. My face was being smeared with her love juice. “Ohhhhh yessssss!” Megan moaned as she rubbed her pussy against me, “Suck that pussy hard!”My mouth was practically buried between her quivering lips as I lashed at her with my rough tongue. I was licking her all around, getting every drop, and every spot I could. My lips rubbed against her as I slid my face around. Megan was pushing her hips up and down, fucking my eager mouth. “Mmmmmm, harder!” She exclaimed between pants, “Faster baby, faster!”I was flicking my tongue all over inside her, pressing my face to her tighter. Her fluids slowly ran down my chin. I used my lips to brush over her clit as My tongue stroked her.

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   Megan was grinding her hot cunt against me faster and harder. I could hear her moans and I became even more excited listening to the sounds she made. My balls were aching, wanting relief. I was practically devouring her pussy, licking as fast and hard as I could. “Eat my pussy, suck it! I’m going to cummm!” Megan panted at me breathlessly. Megan thrust her hips up at me, pushing her cunt hard against my mouth. I felt her body tense and her pussy clench against my probing tongue. I sucked on her for all I was worth. “Ohhhhh babyyyy, I’m cummingggggg!” Megan cried out in ecstasy. I lapped at her flowing juices as she came in my waiting mouth. Her body quivering as her orgasm ran through her. She was shoving my face into her hard. Megan collapsed back onto the bed, breathing deeply. She reached for me almost frantically and pulled me up next to her. She reached down and grabbed my cock through my jeans.

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  “You still have clothes on? What a damn nuisance, get rid of them now. ” Megan said in her still breathless voice. We both began tearing at my clothes, pulling them off and tossing them aside. Soon my naked body was pressed tight against hers, our heat and perspiration mingling with each others. Kissing me hard, Megan rolled onto her back and pulled me on top of her. She reached down, took a hold of my stiff cock and guided it to the entrance of her snug hole. I pushed forward and my cock slid easily into her wet pussy. My cock was bathed in the heat from her cunt that had swallowed me up. Megan let out a moan as I shoved my cock deep inside of her. I had to wait a moment and relish the feeling of having her pussy wrapped around me. With my back arched and my hips thrust forward I shoved my cock in as far as I could. Megan pulled my face down to hers and kissed me deep and hard. Our tongues dancing and playing in each others mouths. With Megan’s arms wrapped tight around me I began grinding my hips against hers, rubbing my cock around inside of her. Megan moaned into my mouth as she wrapped her legs around me and wiggled underneath of me.

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  Closing my eyes I started sliding my cock in and out, moving in a slow luxurious rhythm. My hard cock, well lubricated by her glided against her snug confines. I used every inch my cock had to offer, pulling out to the head, then pushing back in to the hilt. I opened my eyes and looked down at her pretty face. I couldn’t believe I was really fucking this sexy woman as I looked at the expression of pleasure and lust she was wearing. Megan held me close and tight as my cock stroked her pussy in a slow dance of ecstasy. She had her arms and legs wrapped around me and clung on to me. “Mmmmmm, that feels so nice. ” Megan whispered into my ear. “Feels great. ” I murmured in response. Grabbing onto Megan I rolled us over so that she was now on top of me. Without hardly a pause in our rhythm she was sliding up and down the length of my stiff shaft. Her soft warm pussy caressed my hard cock as she moved. My hands found her hard nipples again as she hunched over me.

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   Her cunt pumped up and down on my cock. Our moans combined in a symphony of pleasure. Megan started riding me faster and harder. She pumped her pussy up and down. Leaning down Megan pressed her mouth hard on mine. She was moving with much more urgency. I shifted my hands to her ass, just to keep her from bouncing completely off of me. “Mmmmmm, ahhhhhhh!” Megan moaned against me as I felt a flood of hot juices run down my cock. I felt Megan’s pussy clamping onto my cock as she came again on my cock in waves. Burying her face in the side of my neck she bit down on me. This aroused me even further. “Ahhhhhh, mmmmmmmm. ” Megan moaned through her clenched teeth. I rolled us over again so that I was once more on top and began thrusting my cock into her cunt furiously. “Ohhhhhhhhh!” She cried out loudly as My hard cock pounded her wet and quivering pussy.

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  “Fuck me hard babyyyyy!” She exclaimed, her voice full of lust and passion. I was ramming my cock into her hard, no longer trying to contain the animal lust I felt. I could hear our bodies slap together each time I thrust my swollen cock deep into her. We were covered in a fine sheen of sweat, our bodies intertwined. I could feel Megan dig her nails into my back, and once again she bit down on the top of my shoulder. “Ugh, ugh, ugh” I grunted as I stroked her pussy fast and hard. All self control I had, had been lost. We had devolved into a mass of primal lust and passion. Our love making no longer gentle, but furious and needful. Our bodies strived to extract every once of pleasure from the other. Her nails and teeth on me had let loose all that had been pent up inside of me. I unleashed a passion and desire on her I didn’t realize I was even capable of. My cock was slamming in and our furiously. Her pussy was dripping juices and she was bucking against me just as hard. I could feel my climax building in me and I wanted to savage her pussy with my demanding cock.

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   My hands balled into fists as I clenched at the sheets underneath of us. I shut my eyes tightly as to give the wave I was riding more of my attention. “Ohhhhh damnnnnnn Megannn!” I called out loudly to her. “Cummmmm in my pussy babyyyyyyy! I want to feel you deep in my pussy!” Megan answered between her clenched teeth. “Ohhhhhhh, I’m cumminggggggg!” I cried out as I shoved my cock deep and hard into her hot cunt, my seed exploding from within me. “Yesssssssssss, mmmmmmm! Your cum is so hot in me!” Megan exclaimed as I filled her pussy with my hot load. She grabbed onto me even harder as she answered my orgasm with yet another from herself. Every muscle in my body tensed as I felt myself cumming wave after wave inside of her. I held my throbbing cock deep inside of her, letting my seed flow into her. Finally I collapsed onto her. We were a sweating, heaving mass. Each of us slowly coming down from or ecstasy induced high. “Damn, it’s been a long time since I was fucked like that. ” Megan sighed. “I don’t think I ever have been.

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  ” I breathlessly admitted as I rolled off of her. “Are you spending the night?” Megan asked me quietly. “If you want me to. ” I answered. “No, I asked if you are going to. ” Megan answered me firmly. “Yes. ” I told her as I looked deep into her eyes. Megan led me to the bathroom where we showered together, washing off the sweat and sex juices that were smeared on both of us. We collapsed together in bed, and Megan kissed me good night before we both fell into a satiated sleep. Both of us were completely spent. That night I had an amazing dream. I felt a softness and warmth on my cock that caused it to grow hard, aching for release. I was feeling a pleasure that was incredible in my dream and I slowly started to wake in filled with sexual desire. As I slowly regained consciousness I was filled with the realization that I wasn’t dreaming.

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   My eyes slowly opened to the sight of Megan hunched over me, her hand gripping my hard cock and her mouth sliding up and down my shaft. “Mmmmmmmm!” I moaned as I realized she was waking me up to a wonderful blow job. Sensing I was fully awake now Megan started moving her mouth on me faster. Her lips were wrapped around my hard cock tightly. I could hear her slurping on my cock as her warm, wet mouth fucked me. She moved her hand up and down my shaft in time with her mouth. “Ohhhhhh baby!” I groaned in pleasure. Megan sucked hard on my cock, her tongue sliding around my swollen head. I had never had a woman give suck on my cock like this before, and the sensation was incredible. Almost on their own, my hips pushed upwards and Megan took more of my throbbing cock into her hungry mouth. My body was in knots as she licked and sucked on me fast and hard. Her lips stroking my shaft, her tongue causing waves of electricity through me as she rubbed it around. “Ohhhhhhh, Stop or I’m going to cummm!” I warned her, not thinking that she might actually want me to. “Mmmmmmm. ” Megan mumbles around a mouthful of my cock.

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   She began fucking me with her mouth faster and harder in response. I pushed my cock up and Megan sucked me in deeply, her hand still stroking me. Her other hand was massaging my balls. I couldn’t hold it any longer. “Ahhhhhhhhhhh!” I groaned as I felt my hot load explode into her waiting mouth and down her throat. Megan sucked on me hard and used her hand to milk every bit out of my throbbing cock. She expertly swallowed my cum as it flowed into her warm, wet mouth. She didn’t miss a drop. I collapsed back down with a heavy sigh. My body quivered and every nerve ending was alive. “I wanted my breakfast before you left. I hope you don’t mind. ” Megan said, looking up at me and giggling. “No, I didn’t mind at all!” I answered with a chuckle. After getting up and getting dressed we ran into Megan’s room mate, Shannon, whom I knew from the bar.

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   I kissed Megan good bye, but not before being embarrassed by Shannon as she admonished us to be more quiet next time, or she would come in and join us since we had woken her up anyway. The rest of the day my thoughts were bent on Megan. I knew I would have her again, and I knew I would do whatever it took to make her mine. She completely occupied my thoughts, and I knew that no matter the cost I would win her completely. The End…. . has a endless list of cuties and escort services in Mykonos!

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Escort Girls is here to offer high-quality dating services to any type of visitor. Whether you visit for business purposes, or simply for a city break, you will certainly need the hottest relax time and pleasure. Therefore, benefiting from this service for a spicy meeting is very recommended, especially if you are a single guy craving for have some naughty moments in the region.
In order to date the best beauties and make sure you will get the best moments, our escort platform will allow you tons of filtering options and customization options so that you can navigate for your favorite woman with ease. That way, you will have higher odds of seeing the right type of escort that can fulfill your dreams, without having to browse for her and lose very important time doing that. Do not forget, any of the listed dolls at Escort In Athens will be able to fulfill your desires no matter what. In fact, these escorts are eager and always aroused, always prepared to offer the best amount of desire and privacy so that you can feel great.

Rated as the best Escort Girls In Athens women you can think of!

We work hard to gather the hottest Athens Escort Girls chicks on our platform. We pick manually each and everyone so that we can make sure they meet the best standards. Therefore, we can guarantee that these ladies will make you feel perfect the moment they will pass your AirBNB room door. Not to mention that Greekescorts allows a wide search for all clients in a big number of regions from all over country. No matter where you will be located, be it in the finandical capital city or in other counties, you will always be able to hookup with the hottest ladies with just a number of quick clicks. The thusands of visits our app makes a week is best proof that these dolls are the naughtiest deal.

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How To Easily Hookup With Babes From Escorts Thess?

Whether you are looking for a date from Escort Girls Thessaloniki or Escort Girls, which are the most popular zones in this country, or a meetings in any of the other important cities that have this service available, you will probably needt to know the hottest tips on how to receive the best services and the best deals.
Escort Girls is here to offer high-quality dating services to any type of visitor. Whether you visit for business purposes, or simply for a city break, you will certainly need the hottest relax time and pleasure. Therefore, benefiting from this service for a spicy meeting is very recommended, especially if you are a single guy craving for have some naughty moments in the region.
In order to date the best beauties and make sure you will get the best moments, our escort platform will allow you tons of filtering options and customization options so that you can navigate for your favorite woman with ease. That way, you will have higher odds of seeing the right type of escort that can fulfill your dreams, without having to browse for her and lose very important time doing that. Do not forget, any of the listed dolls at Escort In Athens will be able to fulfill your desires no matter what. In fact, these escorts are eager and always aroused, always prepared to offer the best amount of desire and privacy so that you can feel great.

Rated as the best Escort Girls In Athens women you can think of!

We work hard to gather the hottest Athens Escort Girls chicks on our platform. We pick manually each and everyone so that we can make sure they meet the best standards. Therefore, we can guarantee that these ladies will make you feel perfect the moment they will pass your AirBNB room door. Not to mention that Greekescorts allows a wide search for all clients in a big number of regions from all over country. No matter where you will be located, be it in the finandical capital city or in other counties, you will always be able to hookup with the hottest ladies with just a number of quick clicks. The thusands of visits our app makes a week is best proof that these dolls are the naughtiest deal.