
A Taste Of Candy


Meanwhile leaning into the window and snickering is his little neighbor Candy. She is a very precocious child of 11 with dark hair and eyes to match. At this moment she is mesmerized by the site of her handsome neighbor stroking his cock that seems so huge to her. She is now glad she did not scare him like she first intended. She wondered why he was doing that thing with his penis. But glad he was distracted because it is her first real look at a mans thing. Moaning a bit louder Chris catches a shadow above his head. Whhaaaa da fuuuu? He thinks right before he blows his load into the palm of his hand. Leaning in more Candy wants to see what has come out of his penis. When the horror of horror happens she tumbles right in. “Ow, Oh my butt that hurts. ” Scrambling to jump back on the window sill saying she is sorry it was a accident. She feels a hand gripping her arm and the words freeze given in a commanding tone. “And just where the hell do you think you are going? What the hell do you think you are doing you nasty little spy. Well I will teach you to sneak around spying on people. I am sick of your lurking about my windows.

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   Now turn around and take a look at what you were so dying to see girl because I am in a foul mood and you are going to get it if you tell anyone what you saw. ” Turning slowly all the while pulling on her arm to be freed Candy then faces her neighbor with a full blush on her cheeks. “Let me go or I will tell. I said I was sorry I did not mean to look. I was looking for my ball. ” You were looking for a ball alright, Chris replied, but not the kind you are talking of. And I don’t think you will be telling a soul because you are the dirty little spy. Why I ought to spank your little spoiled ass is what I should do. ”Indignant at the last comment, Candy shouted at him while yanking hard on her arm once again. “ You would not dare. I want to leave so let me go. I will tell everyone I saw you playing with your thing you just wait and see if I don’t. ”Knowing there was no way he was going to let her leave and spread that around he yanked her by her arm kicking and screaming to the bed. Throwing her down he then raises back up to shut the windows and the curtains. Wishing to god he did that in the first place so he would not be in this damn mess.

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  Throwing her over his knee he yanks her pants down in the back and starts to whip her little tender bubble butt. Whack after whack he spanks her drowning out her tears and pleas for him to stop. “Oh Chris please, I wont tell, please stop, it hurts. I will be good I swear I wont say anything if you would just stop. ”Squirming in his lap as he stops, he then realizes he has seen his first up close female ass. “Be still damn it, or I will start again, and this time I wont stop. ” His cock is hard against her belly and it is really starting to throb once again. He gives her one last whack the hardest of all to show he means business. Crying hard she stills her body in hopes that he will come to his senses. Chris then looks down to see her red bottom and worries he may have been a bit hard on the little girl. His hand resting upon her little cheeks can feel the heat radiating from her sore little butt. Also he once again notices how cute her bottom is, puffed out nicely, a dancers butt. “ Well shit Candy, what do you expect me to do after you are threatening that you will tell everyone. This is something guys do not talk of and it is private. You pissed me off and I am sorry I whipped you as hard as I did.

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   But you gotta understand how would you feel if I peeked in on you and saw you doing something and said I was going to tell everyone?”Raising up a bit trying to stand on shaky legs she begins to understand his views on the subject. Her bottom is really sore and she just can not pull her pants up yet. “I am sorry Chris it is my fault. I was just curious and wanting to see what you were up to. ”Looking over to the TV screen she notices two girls cramming a dildo into each other. “ Oh what are they doing Chris?” “Ah shit I forgot to turn that off. Never mind it is really something you just could not understand. ” “Oh what cause I am small? I understand more then you think. Those two women are gay and they are having sex. Ha I can tell by your face I am right. ”“Never mind them Candy I am going to make sure you little ass does not feel the need to tell on me later. ”So if you want to leave then I suggest that you pull off those little clothes of yours and join me in the buff. That way if you tell on me I will be able to tell on you as well little girl. ”“Oh no way. You are crazy if you think I am taking my clothes off.


  ”With that said he reached out and jerked her pants down to her knees. The fight was on. She scratched kicked and pleaded to no avail till nothing was left covering her little body. Not worried that she was going anywhere he shut himself in the bathroom and hid the clothes up above the medicine cabinet all the while thinking hmm the afternoon has turned out not too bad after all. Entering the room once again he is excited over the fact the he will see his first pussy. Disappointment hit immediately when he realizes she is hiding under the covers. “Okay I have about had it with you little girl. What I think I am going to do is give your clothes back and march you over to your parents house and tell them what a dirty little girl they have. But first I think I may have one more go at that little bottom of yours. Now make up your mind now. Either come out or I shall see to it that they know all about this little escapade of yours. ”With that said Candy eases from underneath the covers. Tears streaming down her little face. And hands covering her small pussy. Shame has blossomed in her cheeks staining it red for him to see.

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   Picking up a small towel he commands her to come to him. Walking slowly over to him her heart pounds in her chest. She now knows exactly what he was talking of earlier. Chris takes the towel and wipes her tears away. Kissing little trails down her face tickling her till a small giggle comes forth from her startling her, as well as him. “Now see? This is not so bad is it? Now move those sweet hands of yours and let me see my first little woman. ”Feeling calmer her hands come away. Her head is down and she is a perfect little sweet cherub so innocent and hot at the same time. He begins to feel desire course through him once again. His penis grows even harder as she stares a hole through his crotch as he does hers. He can not believe his eyes as he stares at the wonder of her puffy little pussy not a hair to be seen. So sexy this little nymphet is. She has raised mounds on her chest not much, but the beginnings of a chest is there. Her nipples poking out tell him she is affected by his nudity as well. “Chris, why does it grow so much? Is it has hard as it looks?” “Would you like to feel it?”Candy pauses a moment and responds with, “Promise not to tell if I do?”“ Honey you can do anything you want and no I will not tell nor will you.

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  ”Reaching out she pokes a finger at his cock. Seeming to have a life of its own it jumps and she giggles again. He then says here and takes her hand and shows her how to stroke him up and down. Not unlike the two are now doing to a man on the screen. She is enthralled of his hardness yet the smooth skin is so soft. Sliding her hand up and down she copies what she sees the women do and moves a bit faster. “Oh Candy that feels so good. You sure you have not given a hand job before?”Nodding a no seeming to be speechless she then leans down as the women are now doing and licks the head. The tastes is slightly salty but not bad to her she thinks. “Oh god Candy, please suck it into your mouth. Suck my cock baby you will be the first please you have to finish what you started. ”She falters for a few seconds before she takes his cock as far as she can into her mouth. Feeling him shake and hearing his groans she begins to suck faster as his hands grasp her head moving her up and down. His tempo increases faster and deeper. Fearing that she will choke she tries to pull back.

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   He is lost in the feelings of her mouth and pumps even deeper into her hot little throat. She tries to pull away but cant and she feels as if she can not breathe as his cock seems to grow even bigger filling her throat and mouth full. He is lost as he thrust faster and faster. “Oh god Candy, my baby I going to cum soon. ”His thighs tighten and the muscles in his body clench as wave after wave of hot sticky cum shoots down her throat gagging her to the point of nearly puking. He thrusts grow slower. And he tells her to suck it all down not to waste a drop. She slurps on his cock a few more times then runs to the bathroom to get a drink. Feeling sick inside she knows she is bad for doing that. She has heard talk of what she just done and knows that good girls just do not do that sort of thing. With shaky legs she sets on the toilette and pees. Crying softly she dries herself and walks back into the room. “Ah Candy honey, please come here. I am sorry I was a bit rough but you were so good it was really hard to keep control. I bet you just have never cum so it is hard to explain.

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  ”Candy walks over and crawls onto his lap as he wraps his arms around her and tells her he loves her. The words she needs to hear. Because if he loves her that makes her not such a bad little girl she feels in her heart. He then runs his hands up and down her back relaxing her even more. She feels so safe in his arms as his hands slowly trail down to her bottom as well. “MMM She murmurs that feels so good. ”“Just relax little one I would like to give you a nice little massage. Just don’t get scared I do know what I am doing. ”He then stands and lays her on her stomach on the bed. She is facing towards the tv and sees that all three on there are now back at work moaning and groaning once again. He lifts he and places a pillow underneath her tummy that causes her bottom to be raised up in the air. Feeling relaxed she feels his hands trace up and down the crack of her butt. Once again soft sighs escape her lips. “Chris I feel so strange. ”“Shhh baby girl, you will love what will come later.

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  ”She feels her cheeks spread a bit further apart and a finger running up and down her small little puckered hole. It tickles her on the inside in ways she has never felt. He gently eases the tip of his finger in and out slowly fucking her ass . Hearing her soft moans he leans down and traces down her crack with his tongue. He replaces his finger with his tongue and hears her gasp even louder. “Oh, God Chris don’t stop what you are doing, it feels so good. ”Fucking in and out of her ass with his tongue he slides his fingers forward to his much awaited gift. Her pussy is so wet and hot he slides up and down the slit and mound with ease. Feeling her tense as he teases her more with his tongue in her as he is feeling his first pussy. “Lay still now we are just getting to the good part for you baby. Do you trust me?”“Yes Chris oh please it feels so good. I don’t know what it is you are doing but please don’t stop. ”He gently turns her over and spreads her legs as wide as they can go. The sight freezes him she is such a little dark beauty. Her tan lines prominent all over save for the panty region tells him his little baby tans with her top off already.

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   Pulling her puffy little lips apart her clitty pops into view instantly. Oh god he is so turned on once again. Running his fingers over her clit she jumps and gasps as he feels her up and down spreading her juices all over. Not able to tease her much more he starts at the bottom of her pussy and licks his way up. The moans that reach his ears tell him of the joy she feels. Placing his mouth over her entire pussy he slurps most of her juices away as she gasps his name out over and over. Sipping her virgin juices he knows he will never taste any so sweet again. Her hips raise up and down as he starts to suck her little clit. Pumping into his face in unison to the licks and sucks he is giving. “Oh, oh, oh, Chris. Please I think I may pee soon. ”Ignoring her pleas he knows what will come soon and he is pretty sure it will not be urine. He then fucks her hot little hole with his tongue only to slurp his way back up to her clit. He is having to hold her legs she is squirming so much. When he feels her little clit swell, he sucks the whole of her pussy in again as juice squirts out as she screams.


  OH god oh god oh god all over she feels the thrills hit her from the bottom of her toes on up. She feels the wetness that is shooting from her as her body quakes and trembles. Lights dance across her vision as she cums over and over again in waves. Slurping the last of her juices while his baby tries to ride those delicious waves. He raises up and grins thinking to himself so young so sweet what a hot fucking little lay. Easing his finger into her hole he tests the tightness knowing the barrier would be there. He sticks his finger in a bit further to see what her reaction will be. Not caring at the moment one way or the other. He had to be the first. He wanted her cherry. “Chris I think we should stop. I know what we did was fun but I am scared to go all the way. ”No response from him. “Chris can you hear me? Please just stop”His answer was to shove his tongue as far up her little pussy as it would go causing her to gasp once again. The feelings boiling in her belly.

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   Slurping and sucking as if he lost control has sent her straight to the edge once again. Only this time he replaced his finger with his tongue and shoved it in fast and hard causing her pain. Screaming and trying to raise up off the pillows she tried to roll away. He clamped his arms around her legs once more removing the finger and sucks her clit hard. “Oh Chris, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh that feels good but I want to stop. You are scaring me”With wild eyes he raise upon her and was between her legs before she could stop him. “Oh god nooooooo please not this way Chris please noooooo”Her cries fell on deaf ears as he leaned forward and began to rub his cock up and down her small pussy. Getting it slick and making her even wetter against her will. Sweat dripping off of him he look into her eyes filled with fear and desire and began to push forward with his cock out of control. Only knowing he had to get in, he had to feel her stretched around his cock or burst from the heat in his groin. “Chris please stop it. You are hurting me this is not fun pleaseeee. ”As tears fell from her eyes she felt him pushing harder. Her little lips stretching to accommodate his hot hard cock. A pop then intense pain like no other as he broke through her barrier.

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   She could hear a scream like a tea kettle inside her head not knowing at first it was her own voice. Pushing against her he felt more give after he broke her hymen and the blood lubricated her. He finally felt his pubes rest against her mound so he stopped for a moment to rest. Looking up he sees her eyes red from crying. “Oh Candy I am so sorry I just could not help myself. I love you so much. God you feel so good. Please don’t hate me. ”With that said he begins to move in and out. Slowly so her little body will not tear. He is drunk with the joy of feeling himself in a pussy for the first time. Her little flower has wrapped around him so tight squeezing him with its own contractions. A bit faster he moves feeling her juices spreading hotter and thicker. Pumping faster and faster till he can not control his self any longer. He begins to fuck her with wild abandon.

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   The friction creates a heat within her, lighting a small fire in her pussy. She feels herself feeling bits of pleasure within the sea of pain. Raising up to his strokes and pulling him to her he then gives her that first kiss. Rocking faster and faster his seed begins to fill her little pussy till it over flows as he screams her name once more. Raising off of her he realizes that the pleasure was more his then hers. Laying beside her he starts to finger her little pussy making sure to brush against her little hard clit. She is dripping full of both of their juices. That is when he feels her little body quake once again. Watching her he sees her shiver from the tip of her toes up to the top of her head. Her eyes have rolled back as juice squirts out, her little pussy grasping his fingers. Oh how loudly she screams in her pleasure. “Oh Chrisssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss. How wonderful this feels. ”Not saying a word he carries her to the bathroom stepping into the shower he turns on the water. Paying close attention to make sure it is not too hot for her baby soft skin.


   He then stands her up and washes her gently making sure to clean all traces of cum away. After washing himself he grabs a towel wrapping her up in it. He then grabs her clothes and dresses her then himself. “Honey I agree it was the most wonderful thing that has ever happened in my life. If you tell you know I will go to jail forever. This has to be our little secret. I will love you forever I know that now. We can have our fun and I think I will be in much better control the next time. I am so very sorry I did hurt you. But that part is over now and you will never hurt like that again. ”“Okay Chris I love you too. Please just don’t be so rough with me again. ”“Okay baby girl you have yourself a deal. Now give me a hug and run straight home. No more windows and I mean it.

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   You are my baby girl now. ”Grinning and raising up Candy gave him a peck on his cheek disappearing through that fateful window she fell through. Hearing a slight giggle Chris turned to see his sister peeking out of the closet. Setting on the bed. The only thought that came to his mind was Oh shit now what am I going to do? Like i have said once before this is for purely entertainment value. I am not a great writer either but I do hope you enjoy the story mistakes do happen with me. lol Maybe more often then not. Also i do not condone violence or rape this is a purely for a fantasy. Nothing more. .
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