
meeting master


I also learned that my mother was this man’s old girlfriend and that he gave her to my father to look after,  over the years he had carried on using her in any sexual way he wanted. for all the years I been alive my mother had been his and whoever he choose her to go with, a sex toy to be played with for as long as they wanted to use her, so all the time when I was growing up and thought my mother was off on business trips, she was really being used as nothing more than a whore, slut, all these revelations was mind numbing to me to try and carry on in any normal way of life was now nonexistent All I knew was that my life has been one big lie and it was only going to get worse, if it wasn’t for the fact that against all the odds that I felt I could love this man who had turned my life upside down . In the last year I had only seen him twice, the first meeting was very short ,cold with no feelings, it was when he walked into our family home demanding payment, ordering my father to get me ready for my new life with him, at the time I didn’t understand what he meant, even now a year on and was still finding it hard to except what is happening to me.
The last year had been one long lesson of learning in what my father called being a good wife, and all what that entailed ,I was learning how to keep the house and myself immaculate at all time of the day and night , sometime my father would inspect the house early hours of the morning and if there was anything out of place then I was to be waken and punished , at first, the punishment was me lying on my parents bed and being smacked as I was always naked when at home and night time was no exception. I soon got use to the feel of his hand on my naked skin, he wouldn’t tell me how many smacks I was to receive, he would just carry on until either the cheeks of my arse was red sore, or the tears from my eyes convinced him that I had has enough. As the months pasted the punishment got more stern, sometimes he would use his belt other times, a whip or flogger for these he would cuff my hands being above my head and my legs would be spread and attached to the legs of his bed , while I was still fourteen he only ever made contact with my back, legs, arms I was always held face down ever allowed to look him in the face as he carried out my punishments each and everyday he found some reason to punish me beside the obligatory ten that I got as part of my lessons on becoming a good wife.
All that was to change on my fiftieth birthday, and my second meeting with the man who was to become my husband, as I stepped in through the front door and was just about to start to undress as I was not allowed to wear any clothes from the I first stepped back into my home , I could hear people talking as this was the first time that we had visitors at our home in the last year I wasn’t sure what to do, and as I didn’t know who our visitor was I made my way up the stairs still fully clothed, I was three steps from the top when my father asked me what I was doing, as I turned to answer him, I stopped mid sentence as Jeff that’s my husband name, as Jeff was stood next to him, my father calmly asked me to come back downstairs and join them, I knew I was in trouble from the expression on my fathers face, what I didn’t know was how much trouble. As I walked pass them to enter the room I could feel Jeff staring, his eyes felt like hot irons boring into me. I glanced up at him and just from his presents I started to blush, I could feel my face start to burn, I began to fidget, I felt uncomfortable being so near to him, I looked pleadingly at my mother, but she just gave a weak smile and lowered her head to which I copied.
I stood in silence head bowed waiting for my father to talk, to my surprised it was Jeff that started off the conversation. It was like I wasn’t even in the room as he spoke about me, reprimanding my mother at such a sloppy job she was doing in my training, that by now I should at least be accustom to being naked no matter who was about, my mother opened her moth to speak but before any words came out, she was on the floor with one swift move he had struck my mother and knocked her to the ground. I stared at my father waiting for some protest to come from him, when I realised there was to be none, without thinking I rushed to my mother trying to help her up, I was screaming at this man to leave my mother alone even after nearly a year of being beaten by my own father the shock of watching some stranger hit my mother was too much. I was crying and screaming at the same begging my father to help me get her up while screaming at Jeff to leave her alone, I screamed at him to fuck off that he was a monster, yelling at my dad to phone the police to get this animal removed from our house, all this time my mother was pushing me away sobbing that she was ok that she had lost her balance, that he hadn’t really hurt her. I could see the swelling coming up on her face but still my father didn’t move. With all the strength I could muster I ran towards Jeff ready to hit out. I have never been a fighter and I was amazed by my own anger towards Jeff, but I wanted to hurt him as he had just hurt my mother, but all he did was laugh, even before I had got within feet of him he had hold of my arms restraining me.

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   Without looking at me he ordered my father to fetch his restraints, within minutes I was cuffed with my hands behind my back. And a space bar between my legs so I was unable too kick out, even after this I was still shouting in protest, with a look of indifference on his face Jeff turned to me, holding my chin with his one hand , with his other he slapped me, hard, it stung instantly the burning that engulfed my face was unbearable tears came quickly to my eyes, as hard as I tried not to show him, I couldn’t stop them from flowing. I hated myself for being so weak as my tears turned to sobs. I hung my head low, not wanted him to watch me, I shook as I stood there after all I was just fifteen, all this was too much for me to handle, I felt so alone, scared, venerable. To have these feeling running through me while both my parents was in the same room as me, the two people who I always thought would keep me from harms way, even with my father beating me everyday in my heart I believe he wouldn’t allow anyone to bring harm to me, and yet it was Jeff that came to me, held me in his strong arms and soothed my tears away, the very man that has caused all my pain was the man that wanted to help take it away, he kissed me softly hushing me into silence. I had never in my short life felt the need to have that feeling of safety, I wanted him to hold me forever even though I was still cuffed I tried my best to push my body into his to feel his warmth, when I was still and calm again, he removed himself from me . As I felt the rush of air come between us as he moved I whimpered slightly, tilting my head up towards him he leaned down to kiss me so lightly on the lips, as he did he torn at my clothes ripping them off me saying that I was always to be naked.
Turning his attention once again to my mother who had stayed on her knees and had also composed herself enough to listen to him talking to her. As I was saying, he continued you have failed with your teaching of my new wife, from the display she has just shown she is no where near ready to be brought to me. My mother once again hung her head low, as he carried on talking about me, Jeff moved closer to my mother, my father stood silent just watching , then without warning he pulled her to her feet his voice changed to one that was fully in command. Looking at my father he ordered him to leave the room, after my father was gone he marched up to my mother looking at her , his tone was one of displeasure as he spoke to her , what are you waiting for you know what is to come to you for such poor teaching of my bride to be, my mother unable to look at Jeff pleading with him to have my father remove me also from the room, in a cruel manner Jeff ignored my mother pleads and without hesitation ripped her dress away from her. There she was stood in front of me, trying hard to cover herself up. Roughly he pulled at her bra and knickers, now my mother may have been almost 40 but she kept herself fit and even though her size c cup tits dropped a little they still looked firm to me, her stomach was a little bit flabby but she still had a small waist, her legs was her best featured being 5’ 10 they was slim and toned.
Again she begging Jeff to remove me from the room, still he ignored her pleas telling her that this will be a valued lesson that I need to learn , she hung her head she knew she was defeated knowing that he wasn’t going to change his mind. First he got her to spread her legs for him, he was getting annoyed at how slow she was responding to him commands , while he looked across to me to make sure I was watching the events enfold in front of me, he casually started to twist her nipples my eyes moved between Jeff’s hands and my mothers face as the look of pain spread across it, as he twisted harder then replacing his hands with his mouth he bit down hard on her nipple while his other hand forced its way into her cunt , without warning he pushed hard plunging his hand deeper into her , mother trying desperately to widen her legs to allow more room for his hand to bury itself into her cunt , her cunt seemed far to small for his whole hand to disappear into , her cries turning to screams , but while he worked his fist in and out each time going a little deeper into her cunt, it seemed to me that there was something shinny almost wet over his fingers it seemed to make the sliding go a little more smoothly,
and my mothers scream slowly turned to moans , not taking my eyes off her cunt as Jeff worked his fist fully into her almost lifting her off the ground as he rammed.

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   Unable to both bit her nipples and work his fist into my mother, he called my father back into the room getting him to attached what I thought looked like pretty little earrings onto her nipples but with the begging and pleading that my mother was doing I knew what ever they was they was only there to bring pain to her. Confused and very frightened, I watch in fascination to the reaction my mother seemed to go through as her ordeal carried on, at first I wasn’t to scream out at Jeff that he was hurting her, but now she seemed to be getting pleasure from what both Jeff and my father was doing to her, after fixing the nipple clamps to my mother nipple my father took his flogger to her as Jeff had her standing with his fist deep into her cunt, he was now trying to work something into her arse , he was using so much force the sweat pouring down my mothers body only made her look all the more beautiful to me, I was no longer worried about the pain she made be in, just watching Jeff fist fuck my mother as I father whipped her, this was the most wondrous act I had ever witnessed , days later I realised that was the first sexual act I had ever seen, having never watched a porn film or even a porn mag up until that point all I knew about sex was the childish chat I had had with school friends . And there I was watching my mother getting used like a doll, neither man have any thought for her feeling they just wanted to take from her their own gratification.
After what seemed to me to be an eternity my father threw his flogger to one side Jeff who still had his fist up her cunt with all this wet stuff running down over his wrist, as I found out later when talking to my mother that wetness was called cum, with one or two very deep plunges he ripped his fist out, I could hear the squelching sound of my mother cunt, my father still standing behind her bent her over unable to watch what he was doing I heard his zip being undone with some movement he rammed his cock into my mother, he didn’t seem to care at that point that I was there watching him fuck my mother as if she was some sort of object, pulling her head back by her hair with every thrust of his cock her moaning again began to grow with both a mix of pleasure and pain coming from her mouth, he leaned forward grabbing hold of her tit as they bounced about from the force.
I could feel Jeff staring at me but I was unable to take my eyes off my parents, the effect of watching them was taking hold of me without knowing why I started rocking with the movements my their fucking small moans was escaping from my mouth with my hands bound I couldn’t get to the burning feeling that was growing in my own cunt , sensing Jeff was behind me I leaned back into his body pushing my arse into his hard cock that I could feel under his jeans grinding my arse and not really knowing why the sensation was almost electric losing myself in the waves of pleasure, I closed my eyes hoping that it would help bring relief to this uncontrollable feeling I was having not being able to stand it any longer I found myself begging for it to stop, not knowing what it would take for the feeling to go away, but knowing I needed something to stop it, they I felt Jeff lower me back slightly bringing his leg up between my legs rubbing his knee up against my cunt and clit pushing enough pressure to bring me to my first climax with me dry humping his leg getting closer to cum, Jeff rolling my nipples in his fingers pulling on them I could feel the pain but I was so far gone in wanting to cum that it only added to my pleasure, with Jeff being well over 6’ and myself just over 5 he was able to lean over me and pulling my tit up he manage to get my nipple into his mouth pulling and biting on it harder, the closer I got to cumming . Opening my eyes again I would still see my father fucking my mother but his eyes was on me. He was watching me fuck on Jeff leg while he fucked my mother, with that tears started to roll down my face as my body started to jerk and tremble into its first orgasm, I felt ecstasy flow over me as I started to cum moaning louder as the wave hit me with what almost sounded like an animal I screamed out my first orgasm. Coming back down from my high , my eyes caught my fathers again but this time he stopped fucking my mother and walked around from her, for the first time in my life I saw a mans penis and it belonged to my father, it seemed huge to me it was standing out straight all wet and shinny just like Jeff’s fist had been, it bounced about while he walked in front of my mother , she opened her mouth and he rammed it into her turning his head to watch me watching them as he fucked her mouth there was a strange sort of pride in his face as he fucked her mouth, Jeff leaving me with my own thoughts as I watched my father hold my mothers head still as he shot his load time and time again down her throat, I watched her mouth to see if any came back out but it didn’t, she drank the whole lot.
Jeff stood by my side with his hand now firmly playing with my tits as he undid his zip, my eyes darted down to see his cock, it was bigger than my fathers and a bit thicker it looked so powerful, he took my hand and showed me how to rub it. He pushed me to my knees and ordered me to kiss it, not knowing what to do I kissed it like I would a mouth it tasted a bit salty as he rubbed some slimy stuff over my lips. I opened my mouth as I had watched my mother do to, when he stopped kneeling down in front of me he kissed me hard, full on my moth pushing his tongue into my mouth we kissed like that for a few minutes the whole time I was rubbing his cock, looking me in the eyes he told me I wasn’t ready yet and that I was to be a good girl and learn my lessons well, and he would be back to claim me when I had, the look of disappointment was evident on my face, he smiled at me, almost laughing he told me that it wouldn’t be long before he was fucking my cunt sore and I would be begging for him to stop, with tears in my eyes I just nodded at him. Leaving me kneeling he also walked to my mother, she was there whimpering as she was kneeling down for him he got on his knees and got mother to lick his cock wet then walking behind her, he pulled the dildo out of her arse and replaced it with his cock looking at the dildo that he had throw to the floor it was longer than Jeffs cock but it wasn’t as wide, after a few attempts of getting his cock my mothers arse he took it out and again got her to suck it lick it, it need more spit on it, with jeff’s cock aching to cum he didn’t mess about this time . He just grabbed her hips and rammed his cock in to stifle her cries father pushed the dildo that had been up her arse for the last 40 minutes back into her mouth , fucking her mouth with it until his own cock was hard again, he also threw the dilso away as he again fucked me moth as Jeff fucked her arse . father got so turned on watching her lick the dildo clean that he shot his load about the same time as Jeff did.
With both Jeff and my father spent and my mother almost sleeping where she lay, my arms was now hurting me from being tied behind my back for so long , Jeff cleaned himself up then came to me undoing the cuff he carried me up to my room putting in to my bed telling me to get some sleep, I had to know before he left, if I would be seeing him again soon.

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   He smiled at me and promised me it wouldn’t be too long before he would be here again and with that he walked out of my room.
Chapter two soon
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