
Rape This Bitch


Topic: RTB
Matt It was an average day during the summer before my senior year of high school.   The guys got together over at my house for some intense shooter game contest.   My parents had left for their anniversary vacation about two hours before.   The guys wore pumped about this because that meant party at Alex’s for a couple of days.   Alex would be me.   I am the future captain of our soccer team this coming January.   All the guys are on the team, so we are all in great physical shape.   When I say the guys I mean about 6 guys including me.   Their names are Jimmy, Nathan, Thomas, Rodrigo, Korey, and I.   was the smallest out of all of us, but he is our leading scorer.   He was what girls called cute, which meant not interested in your looks.   He was built like a stump, short, hard, and tough.   Nathan was the rugged handsome hick of our group, and knew it.   He had slept with more girls in our school than any of us.   Nathan was about 6 feet and Rodrigo I won’t bother mentioning because they leave before my tale gets Korey is just a tad shorter that Nathan, and is a bit of a prude.   am 6’3”, devilishly great looking, rock hard body, and eyes that can cut your spirit or melt your heart.

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    Enough about us let me get to the revolved around a girl who knew she was gorgeous, flaunted it, and gave you none of what she had to offer.   In other words, she was a huge cock tease.   Her name was Ashley, and she was my girlfriend.   I have been trying to get into her pants since the day we meet, but to no avail I had only gotten to first base.   Ashley was 5’4”, had long flowing red hair, a models face, piercing emerald eyes, slender button nose, rosé cheeks, plump ruby red lips, cute little elf like ears, slim neck, small body size, later confirmed 34 C perky tits, perfect tone for a girls belly, slender waist, nice proportional hips, a juicy heart shaped ass, smooth silk legs, and a pretty feet that are small.  

My tale begins at about 10 AM.

“Yo Alex!” shouted Korey from the play room.   I was in the kitchen getting some snacks and drinks.
“Yeah?”  I asked shouting.
“Let’s raid the liquor cabinet!?”
“Not tonight, I need to confirm that my parents actually went to where they were going. ”
“Come on man?”  Korey asked pleadingly.
“Look Korey, I can’t do any of that until I know that they are truly gone. ”
“Alright, then how about tomorrow evening?”

“Tomorrow is more likely. ”  I finally got everything together and went in for my turn.   As I entered the room I was mauled by 5 hungry and thirsty guys.

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    “Her you go guys, I said sarcastically. ”  I received thanks from all of them.

“Hey Alex, how about you call that sweet ass girlfriend of yours over for some good eye candy for me?” asked Nathan.

“You fucking pervert, but I’m up for it.   How about I get her to bring over Stacy and Carolyn?”

“Hell Yeah,” came a cheer from the group.   I called Ashley and told her to bring Stacy and Carolyn so she isn’t the only girl.   It would take them about an hour to get ready and come over.  
“What time is it dude?” Jimmy asked Korey
“Time for you to get a fucking watch dip shit.   Ha, anyways it’s 12:02pm,” said Korey.
“Nate go get the beers for tonight,” ordered Jimmy.
“Shit I totally forgot.   I gotta go back to my uncle’s and get them.   It’s gonna take me about an hour and a half to get back.    Hey Jimmy you up for a drive, I need someone to shoot the shit with for this trip?”

“Hell, just means I get to start drinking first.   I’m game,” said Jimmy.

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    Jimmy and Nate have been friends since elementary school, so normal where one is the other shortly follows.   So that jumped into Nate’s big ass truck and headed to get the keg of beer from his uncle’s shop.   His uncle was cool with it, just as long as we drink where we were staying.
Rodrigo and Thomas were talking about going to see the new Star Wars movie when the doorbell rang.   Korey leaped to his feet and ran to the door.   “I’ve got it guys,” he said.   He opened the door and greeted the girls.   “Hello ladies.   What can I do for you today?”

“You can let us in out of this heat is what you can do first,” said Ashley very condescendingly.   “Now where is Alex?” she asked sharply as she made her way into the entrance hall of our house.
“I’m right here Ash,” I said as I made my way to greet our guest.
“Alex!”  Ashley exclaimed as she threw her arms around my neck and jumped into my arms.   A complete 180 personality trip from the way she treated Korey.   Korey was African-American and the only friend that Ashley hated.   I think she was subconsciously racist.

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    “I missed you!”
“We saw each other last night,” I stated, “For our parents anniversary dinner. ”
“I know, but I missed doing this,” and she gave me a big kiss.   I loved her sweet juicy lips.   They were like tasting honey for the first time.   She was wearing a hot pink strapless halter top, the pearl necklace and earrings I had given her for her birthday, a white miniskirt, and white flats on her feet.   She always dressed to impress.   Luckily she is so beautiful that she wears hardly any make-up at all.
“Hey Korey!” came to big smiles from Stacy and Carolyn as they hugged him both at the same time.   Stacy and Carolyn were twins.   Very cute blondes, later confirmed fake blondes, but that is another story.   They also leave this story early.   Anyways, the girls loved Korey because he made them feel like queens.   Korey was a real smoothie with those two.
“Hello to the prettiest girls in the room.   How are my two favorite ladies today?”
“Just fine now,” they both said.

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    “Where are the rest of the boys?”
“Well, Jimmy and Nate went to Nate’s uncles to fetch the keg for tonight,” Korey told the girls.   “But I’m here and so are Rodrigo and Thomas. ”
We all made our way back to the game room.   A couple of hours went by and Jimmy and Nate still had not made it back yet.   At 6:00pm Rodrigo and Thomas had talked Stacy and Carolyn into going to see the new Star Wars movie.   Ashley told them to go and have fun, because she wanted to be with her man tonight.   They left at 6:15 for the 6:45 showing.   At 6:30 Jimmy and Nate finally arrived with the keg, and a cooler full of fruit.
Ashley stayed in the house while Korey and I went to help.
“What the fuck took you guys so long?” I asked.
“My uncle wanted us to do some work at his shop before we could leave.   He said it would pay him back for him getting the alcohol,” said Nate.
“Hey dude, what’s with the fruit,” asked Korey.
“Nate’s uncle told us that he soaked them in what he called trash can punch.   All types of liquor have soaked into the fruit.

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    So if no girls want to drink we just get them to eat these, and voila!  Instant panty dropper,” said Jimmy.
“Awesome, maybe now I can get Ashley off her high horse,” I said.   “Hopefully she’ll want some.   Bring it in through the side to where we can load it into the refrigerator without her seeing. ”  We brought everything in and I got a tray and filled it full with the fruit.   We put the rest in the cooler, iced the keg, tapped it, and began the party.
I ran to the game room where I had left Ashley playing a game.   “Hey, are you hungry?” I asked her.
“Yes, I am starving,” she exclaimed.
“Well we’re going to order Chinese, but I have some fruit to tide you over until it arrives,” I stated.
“That would be wonderful sweetie. ”
“Coming right up. ”  I ran back and got the tray.   They guys were already doing keg stands when I got there.   I took the tray back to Ashley.

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    “Here you go baby. ”
“Thank you so much Alex. ”  She took the watermelon slice and devoured it quickly.   “This tastes funny Alex. ”
“It’s because I cut them up before you guys got here this afternoon.   The juices have probably mixed together. ”  I told her hoping she would believe me.
“Well, it does taste very good just not what I was expecting,” she said.   It worked; I couldn’t believe she was actually eating them.   I decided to turn some music on that we could dance to.   I found some high pump techno music and before I realized she had eaten half of the tray of fruit.   “Alex, I feel kind of weird.   I’m all warm and tingly inside.   Hey I like this kind of music.   It reminds me of the clubs in Miami.

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She slowly started dancing to the beat, swaying her hips and torso.   I got in behind her started dancing with her.   She reached her arms up to my head, looked up at me, smiled, wrapped her hands around my neck, and pulled me to give me a kiss.  But this kiss was different from the others.   It had passion, desire, lust.   I ran the back of my hands from her elbow down to her sides.   Our tongues intertwined with one another.   I took my right arm and wrapped it around her waist and pulled her bottom into me, while my left hand traced its way up her belly and towards her left boob.   I cupped the bottom of the tit and engulfed it giving a nice gentle squeeze.
“MMmm!” came a muffled cry as Ashley reached down and took my hand away from her boob and breaking our kiss.   She spun around and said, “No sir.   You know the rules. No hanky panky until we are married. ”
“Come on Ash you got me pitching a tent here,” I said and she looked down to where I was pointing saw the huge outline of my cock in my pants half way down my thigh.   She slowly started to move her hand toward it, eyes wide with excitement.

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“That’s right sweetheart…” came a call from the doorway.   It was Nate pitching his own tent with all Jimmy and Korey standing behind him.   “We heard the music and decided to come and check out the action.   Boy, there was some begins to some really good action going on, but as usual Ashley you ruin all the fun. ”  They all filed into the room and surrounded Ashley.
“I’m not that kind of girl. ” She stated with objections in her voice.
“Well it’s high time we make you into the kind of girl,” came a pronouncement from Korey.   He took a step toward her and she turned to flee into my arms for protection.
“Don’t let them hurt me Alex,” she begged and pleaded.   I put my arms around her and gave the guys a wink as she had her head buried into my chest.   I moved my hands to her shoulders and leaned her into the middle of us.   “Alex?”

“Sweetheart, I’ve waited 2 years for you to make love with me, but I now know that you won’t.  So the guys are here to help me make you and break you. ”  With tears in her eyes she reached to slap me but I caught her in mid swing.

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     As I held her hand tightly to wear it hurt I told her, “You can have it two ways, easy or hard.   Now easy, you do whatever we want.   Hard is us making you do whatever we want.   So what is it going to be baby?”  She hung her head tears streaming down her pretty face, and with a last ditch effort she swung up her free hand to slap me.   I caught her other hand and gripped her arms really tight pulling them above her head.   “As you wish,” I told her.   “Boys, rape this bitch. ”
At that moment Korey and Jimmy were on either side of Ashley, they both reached with one hand and groped her tits.
“Ah! Stop it you assholes,” she demanded.
“I’m sorry sweet cheeks, but you have no say in want we do now,” said Nate with a smile.   He came up behind her and put his hands on her hips.   He leaned in close and whispered into her ears. “I have been waiting to see that sweet ass of yours. ”  He slowly lowered his hands to the bottom of her white mini skirt.
“Please stop, I beg you.


    I don’t want to lose my virginity this way,” she pleaded.
“Too late bitch.   We’re gonna fuck you, and make you scream like a whore,” Korey said.   She began to cry and sob from the realization of her situation.   Nate had reached the bottom of her skirt and yanked it up revealing a satin white thong.

“Wow baby, that is one beautiful ass you have there,” reported Nate.   Nate kneeled down and started kissing her butt cheeks.   “I bet even ole Alex her hasn’t gotten even a whiff of your pussy. ”  Alex started rubbing her pussy from behind and through her thong.   He massaged and tickled her cunt.
While all this was going on I was still holding her wrists and I told her, “I care for deeply sweetie, but a man can only wait so long before her results to drastic measures.   This can all end if you just tell me you will let me fuck you. ”
“You’ll never get away with this.   I’m going to the cops and you all will go to jail,” she declared to us through tears.

“You think there’s hope for revenge and justices in all this don’t you?”  She held her head high with mascara running down her face.

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    I told her “You forget who our parents are darling.   My father is the lead judge on the bench in our town, Jimmy’s dad is the sheriff, Korey’s dad is DA, and Nate’s mom is the Mayor.   Your parents just own their own business.   Who do you think they are more likely to believe us, or you?  I think it more likely to be you since you falsely accused Mr. Dire of raping you 3 years ago.   They found him in no fault, because Korey’s dad was then at the time a defense lawyer.   He cross examined the lead witness, you Ashley, and brought out of you that he never raped you.   You had a major crush on him and when he turned away your advances you came up with the rape scenario. ”
She hung her head at the new realization that I was in fact correct in my knowledge of girl who cried wolf.   Korey and Jimmy were getting tired of waiting for my cue to expose her nakedness.   They both looked at each other and moved there hands to the bottom of Ashley’s pink halter top.   The guys worked their fingers underneath the tight skinned cloth and got a good grip on it.   With one yank upwards the top was pulled over her tits exposing her pink strapless bra (the type with major padding so nobody can tell if you’re cold or excited).   As they pulled the top over her head and up to where my hands were around her wrists, Korey reached his hand to the bra clasp in the back.

“Time to see your tits bitch,” Korey told her as her unfastened the clasp with a great deal of skill.

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    The pink bra sprang loose and fell to the floor.   A big gasp came from Ashley’s lips as the cool air in the house hit her nipples and sprang them to life.   Her beautiful milky white breasts were at attention, the small pink nipples were hard and protruding.   It was no wonder why she had a thick padded bra, because her nipples stood out a good 1/2 inch.   “Those are some fine ass tits you have whore. ”
Jimmy snagged her bra from the floor and grabbed one arm of Ashley’s from me, removed it from her top and put it behind her back.   Korey snagged the other arm from my grip and did the same.   I held the top while Korey and Jimmy tied her hands behind her back with her own bra, and then used her top to secure it.   She was now only half defenseless.   I say half because she tried to raise her knee up and knee me in the groin.   I blocked her knee with one hand and reached towards her nipples with other.   I pulled her right nipple into my thumb and forefinger and twisted hard.

“AAEE,” she cried out in pain. “Fuck you, you asshole. ”
“By all means please fuck me,” I told her.

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    I released my grip on her nipple and reached up with my other hand and cupped her left tit.   I massaged her tit for a few seconds pulling lightly on her nipple while I brought my mouth to the other one and sucked it into my mouth flicking the tip of her nipple with my tongue.   I reversed my holds and did the same thing.
“Dude’s I think she is loving this,” said Nate.   “Her crotch area is completely soaked from all the rubbing I’ve been doing down her.   Alex can I please taste that puss?”
“No bud, I get first dibs on everything we do to her.   But you can taste it from her thong. ”  I had noticed that her eyes were beginning to haze a bit.   “Nate, keep rubbing I think she is about to blow. ”  Nate feverishly rubbed her pussy through her pussy juice soaked thong.  

She started to shake and loose balance, threw her head back, moaned a few times, and said “Oh God please stopped and said, “What was that sweet cheeks?”
 “Oh God don’t you fucking stop now bastard,” she screamed!  At that Nate pushed on and continued his assault.   She buckled at the knees and hollered, “Yes, oooohhh god yes, oooh, ooh, oooooohhhh fuck yes. ”  At that moment she collapsed to her knees and sat back on her heels as Nate held her up right.
Nate took his hand smelled it and then licked it off from all her flowing juices.   “Works every fucking time, it’s a gift I tell you.

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  ”  He leaned in close to her ear and said, “How was it for you baby cause I’m still itchin for more. ”
“If you want me to give you that satisfaction, then you’ve come to the wrong place bub. ”
“Still defiant, huh,” I asked?  “Well I guess it’s on to Phase II boys. ”  The guys immediately stood her up, spun her around to where her back was towards me.   I unzipped the skirt and pulled it down to her feet.   I ran my hand over her bottom and gave a good squeeze.   “Such a great ass you have Ashley, but right now what I’m after is in between your legs. ”  I wrapped my fingers into the stings of her thong and ripped them pulling her thong away from her now exposed cunt.   I held up the thong and sniffed it fully into my nostrils.   The aroma of her pussy was so sweet.   I tossed the thong to Nate and said, “I want those back.   Now Jimmy and Korey, bend that bitch over. ”
I got down on my knees and watched them bend her over.   I put my hand up to her beautiful camel toe pussy, not ragged like those porn star pussies.   I rubbed it for a while to get some more juices flowing.

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    I stuck my middle finger into her snatch and plunged in and out of it.   She gasped, sighed and moaned for a moment.   Then I took it out and she gave a saddened cry.   She loved it.   I moved my hand up to rest it on her ass crack and stuck my thumb into her pussy.   I pumped it in and out of her pussy for awhile until she actually started to rock back onto it.   At this point I rubbed my soaked middle finger around her brown hole slowly probing up to the first knuckle and back out.
“What the fuck are you doing,” she asked? “That’s my butthole. ”
Nate grabbed her silky smooth hair and pulled her head up to look at him.   “Here’s what he’s doing sweetheart.   First he’s getting your pussy primed and ready for his cock, and at the same time he is getting your ass ready for his cock.   Now just shut the fuck up, and enjoy yourself. ”
With that I plunged my whole middle finger, last knuckle deep, into her ass.   She let out a nice gasp and tried to squeeze her ass together from further penetration.   I smacked her ass as hard as I could and told her, “If you don’t cooperate this will be much worse for you.

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  ”  She relaxed and I continued her double finger penetration.   I took my thumb out of her pussy and said, “Time to get a taste of the sweet nectar. Get the lube and the butt plug Nate. ”  I started eating her pussy by putting my mouth up to the entrance and sucking on her clit and flicking it with my tongue.   She moaned real sweetly and then buckled at the knees from the intense sensations.   As I continued licking her pussy my finger was still deep in her ass.   Nate came in with a bag and pulled the anal ease and butt plug out of it.   He set the bag in front of Ashley and showed her the pink bulb of the butt plug and the lubricant his uncle had purchased for us.   He spread the lubricant all over the plug and then poured some on her ass.   A look of shock and bewilderment was rolling through Ashley’s expression.

“Damn Alex, you should have fucked this bitch a long time ago with an ass like that,” said Nate.   “Now sweetheart, my buddy here is going to put another finger in your ass.   I just wanted to warn you because it might be a little uncomfortable at first. ”  I used some of the lube dripping onto my hand and slow worked my pointer finger into her hole.
At that moment Ashley could have cared less of what was going in her ass.

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    My relentless assault on her cunt and clitoris was overwhelming her whole body.   A change was occurring deep inside of Ashley, one I had been praying would happen on its own.   She was becoming a slut, because she said, “If you even think about stopping I’ll fight you to the very end. ”  Ashley began grinding her pussy into my face.   Slow quiet moans began to become louder and higher in tone.   “OOOOHHH! Fuck me!”
I pulled away from her snatch and told her, “We intend to do just that,” and I returned to the task at hand.
While all this was going on I had managed to sink three finger into her ass.   With each finger I big gasp came from her, but I couldn’t tell if it was from my fingers or oral assault.   “Alex?” Nate asked.   “I think she is ready for this big pink bulb. ”  I removed my fingers from her asshole and watched the sphincter slowly return to its normal state.   Nate rubbed the head of the bulb up and down her ass crack giving it more lube and put the head to the entrance of her ass hole.   He slowly pushed and as he saw that there was no resistance plunged whole thing into her ass.   As sharp cry came from Ashley as she threw her head back.
“You bastard, that fucking hurt.

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“Shut up slut,” Korey chimed in grabbing her hair and making her look at him.   “If you think that hurt just wait to Alex gives it to you. ”
Jimmy said, “I think she’s ready for that big O in the sky. ” Jimmy was right because she pushed really hard against my face, and started screaming.
“Yes, yes, yes.   Oh God why does it, fuck… feel so goooood.   I’m almost there.   Please keep going, don’t stop.   Yes, Yes, YES, YEEESS, OOOHHH YEESS!” and with that Ashley sprayed my face with her cum.   It tasted so good.   I thought at first she had pissed on me, but Nate informed me that some girls are squirters.
Jimmy and Korey let her collapse to the floor where she layed there panting from her exhilaration.   I took my shirt off and told the guys to do the same.   I got in front of Ashley and had Jimmy move her up onto her knees.   Jimmy held her head in place.

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    I moved in real close about 4 inches from her face, unzipped my pants, tugged them down my hips and let my 10 inch cock spring out about half erect and slap Ashley across the face.   Ashley went to bite it and I smacked her across the face with my hand.   “Ashley, you will suck this cock of mine or I’ll just turn you over to the boys here and they’ll rape you proper.   Now open that fucking mouth and give me a blowjob. ”  She pursed her lips together, and shook her head.   I slapped her across the other side of her face and said “Fine, I’ll give you one more option.   We won’t fuck you in the ass if you suck all of our dicks. ”

With her head hung down and tears streaming off her face she said, “Ok. Just don’t put anything else in my ass. ”  With that I took my cock in one hand and pointed it toward her mouth.   She slowly opened her mouth and barely sucked on the head.
“Bitch, that’s not how you suck a cock,” said Nate.   “This is how you suck a cock. ” At that moment Nate pulled out a small dvd and put it in the player.   He pushed it to play and cued it to a scene where a mouth was deeply engulfing a good sized cock.

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    Nate let Ashley watch it awhile and then said “Now see if you can get that cock fully erect. ”  She slowly put more of it in her mouth but only about 3 inches.   I gave a nod to Jimmy and he pushed her head and shoved a few more inches down her throat.   She gagged and that allowed the rest of my cock down her throat.   Jimmy held her head down all the way to my balls.   She was turning red and he let her go as my cock plopped out of her mouth.

“Damn sweetheart that was good,” I told her as she gasped for air.   “Now get back on this thing. ”  Jimmy moved her into position again and I stuffed my cock into her mouth.   She started bobbing slowly on my cock but Jimmy made her head move back and forth almost the full length of my cock really fast.   I was afraid about cumming to soon so I pulled away.   “Now I’m going to fuck you properly.   Release her bonds boys. ”  As they finished removing the ties I stepped out of my pants and pushed her onto her back.
I kneeled down in front of her as Korey and Jimmy held her hands down for the moment.


    I told her to spread her legs and to my astonishment she opened them up.   I moved into a missionary position, rubbed the head of my cock up and down her slit, and placed the head at her entrance.   I look into her eyes and she sayed, “I have wanted to do this with you for a long time now, but I am a good girl from a prude family. ”
“You mean this prude family,” said Nate and he un-paused the film of the blowjob and the camera slowly panned away to reveal that the mouth was her mothers, and the cock was Alex’s.   With the thought entering her mind I pushed my cock into her hole every so slowly and as I got the head in I realized she was still a true virgin.   I hesitated and she began to flail from her distaste of the video.   So I pushed my cock into her until her hymen broke and I slowly put all ten inches into her tiny pussy.   She screamed and kicked and bucked and cursed me, but I continued.   I pulled out and back in and out and in and out and in.   Slowly at first but then I sped up the pace and she started to feel all of those lovely sensation from earlier.   She wrapped her legs around my back and started pumping back into me with each stroke in rythym.   I had the guy let her arms go and she wrapped them around my back pulling herself into my rock hard body.   Her softness felt so good and I took her intro my arms and fucked her rotten.   I finally came inside of her after she orgasmed 2 times.   After I had finished I looked into her eyes and saw the pain I had caused, but also the love she had for me.

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“I still love you, but it’s too late to turn back now.   I turned to the guys and said show her the rest of the tape.   Then have your way with her. ”  I got up and got a drink from Nate.   “Show her about her dad too. ”
“You’ve got it buddy, what about her ass?”
“I still get first dibs at fucking it, but wait until she has sucked you all. ”
With that the movie continued with her watching her mom take on all the future senior soccer team.   Nate switched out the discs and up flashed a cute little teenager in a cheerleading outfit.   She was Ashley’s rival in school, Melissa, probably the only other girl that stood a candle next to her.   The girl backed away and you could see that the camera was pointing at a bed in the middle of this girls room.   You heard the doorbell ring and the girl go running out of the room, and a few moments later in came the girl holding the hand of Ashley’s father.   “Oh God, not daddy,” she said.   The scene was as you would imagine.   Her father groping, sucking, licking, fondling this young girl.   He soon lost his clothing, she lost hers, they orally pleasured each other, he fucked her doggy style, and sprayed her face in the end with his cum.

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“Each one of these instances is real.   We set it up 3 months ago.   Both happening at the same time,” said Nate.   Nate turned to me and said, “Alex! Alex sweetheart!  Time to get up and see your parents off for their vacation. ”
“Alex, wake up,” came his mothers voice from outside of his door, “You need to get up to drive our car back from the airport. ”
Wow, what a dream.   Thank goodness.   I need to call Ashley.   “I’m getting up mom. ”
“Good, make sure we stop by and pick Ashley up, she told me she wanted to see us off today too. ”
“Alright mom, I’ll make sure she’s up. ”  I called Ashley up and made sure she was up, and as usual she was.   I hung up and got myself ready with a shower and fresh clothes.   We loaded everything up and took off for Ashley’s house.   Ashley was waiting outside for us.

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    She got in the car and kissed me on the cheek.
“Good morning handsome.   Hey Mr. and Mrs. Morikauski,” said Ashley.
“Hello Ashley.   Ready to go?”
“Yes ma’am. ”
“Alright, dad let’s go,” I said.
We got to the airport and saw my parents airplane fly off to New York and then to Europe.   As we got back into the car Ashley said, “You won’t believe the dream I had last night. ”
“I hade a pretty weird one as well,” I told her.
“Mine wasn’t so much weird as it was terrifying.   I dreamed that you and the guys raped me,” she said.   How weird that we would have the same dream.
“I had the same dream sweetheart.

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“You did,”  She said excitedly.   “What did you think about it?  Could you really do something like?”
“Ashley I love you, I could never do anything that horrific.   You know I would only go as far as you are ready to go.   I do want to make love with you, but am willing to wait for you. ”
“I am so in love with you right now.   I would like to ask you if you would want to see me with other men?”
“I don’t think I could deal with some other dude’s hands all over you,” I told her.
“I’ve got a huge surprise for you.   Head back to my house, I need to pick something up. ”
So I headed to her house.   We arrived and she jumped out of the car and ran to her car.   She opened the trunk and pulled out a suitcase and put it into the SUV I was driving.   “I hope you don’t mind but I told my parents that the girls and I were going on a road trip. ”
“So you want to…?”
“I’m going to stay with you silly.   Plus, I’ve got a good surprise for you,” she said giving me a sly expression.
To be continued…

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Exquisite escort girls from the best agencies in Malta!

Malta is a Southern European country where you can find many cheerful escort girls. This island is a popular tourist destination with a nice climate, numerous recreational areas, and architectural monuments. You'll be glad to be accompanied by a glamorous totty while visiting Mdina Old City, and St. John's Co-Cathedral. Our website of call girls in Malta needs your attention. When gentlemen are searching for hot models that can cheer them up and serve to the full, they use our online service. See the long list of the most impressive escort girls in this place and choose one. One of them can pleasure you tonight. Isn't it fantastic? Everything is real. Malta escorts will show you the amazing joy! Slim-shaped nymphos with breathtaking body shapes and dazzling faces are ready for entertainment. See their profiles to book the best one. Age, pubic hair, and contact information are all you need. You will be glad to meet one of them or all of them in turns. These cuties are so close to you. Let one of them know that you are interested in a date. If your hurt tells that you need to date one of these libidinous lookers, you better listen to it. escort malta girls gives you a possibility to change your life and meet honeys that cannot be forgotten.

The high-class escort services in Malta on one site

Malta escort services provide you with all information about talented chicks. These data is useful when a client is searching for such crazy fun like BDSM, pissing or some other fetishes. Realize all your dreams thanks to Malta escort agencies. It is not easy to pick an appropriate sexual partner in real life but this online service gives you amazing opportunity. Attractive, intelligent, and ambitious barbies cannot wait to please you and have unforgettable fun together. If you desire to get served by two escort models at once, we will find two goddesses who work in a team. New ladyloves and new tours appear on the website every day. Attractive cuties are ready to date you and give all priceless pleasures. Males use escort services very less. Most of them think that it's too much for them. This is not true. If you want to have marvelous dollfaces close to you, this dream should become true. Most of all escort models of Malta do their work perfectly. You can experience it if you come to this wonderful country. All useful data is website

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Cheap Escorts In Szczecin - Ultimate Implementation of Your Kinkiest Desires

Use the incredible opportunity to discover the impressive, breathtaking and completely unforgettable joys of sex together with beautiful ladies from Escort Girls In Szczecin.

Interesting Info and Background of Escort Szczecin

Szczecin is a city in Poland a relatively not big population. The major attractions in this small and delightful city include main square, accompanied by sophisticated townhouses and modern-design fountains, alongside with the Gothic style buildings and monuments. Moreover, once you visit Szczecin Escorts, do not forget to check out its parks and local architecture as well as gorgeous nature. No doubt, Szczecin is clearly attractive and interesting Polish city to visit. However, your experience will be incomplete, unless you pay a visit to Escort Szczecin.

List of Services Offered at Escort Szczecin Escort Girl

Although Szczecin itself may seem like an innocent place, however you will discover a totally different situation, once you check out Escort Service Szczecin My word, this site is soaked with lust and can offer diversified ways for absolutely any man to implement his nastiest desires and dirtiest plans. Fortunately, we have sexy models from all over the globe to aid in turning all that lechery in reality. You are welcome to come and check out their resumes in order to select the hottest and most charming slut just for you. Long experience and many years of successful performance in escort market have enabled Szczecin Independent Escort with confidence in ability to meet clients’ demands. Hence, go ahead and enjoy stunning handjobs, marvellous oral sex, unforgettable classic escort, lustful anal sessions, wild gang-bang action, BDSM and many more. Feel free to select the most comfortable payment method and do not worry about your privacy or security, because our team of professionals has done its best in order to deliver complete security and utmost comfort to each and every customer of Best Escort Szczecin. Hence, don’t be shy to demonstrate the nasty side of yourself and receive that long-awaited and absolutely unforgettable sexual satisfaction together with charming babes from Escort Poland

Trans escorts Athens - People who do not conform to the gender assigned to them at birth are referred to as transgender escorts, or shemales.

Athens, the capital city of Greece, is well-known for its extensive history as well as its lively culture. Athens is also home to a society that is diverse and inclusive, welcoming individuals of all different genders, orientations, and origins. There is a thriving community of escort shemales, often known as Transsexual (TS) escorts, inside this multifaceted culture.

The word "shemale" is frequently used in the adult entertainment business to refer to trans women or other persons who were assigned male at birth but have decided to present as female. Another common usage of the term "shemale" is to refer to those who were assigned female at birth but choose to exhibit as male. This phrase, on the other hand, is progressively being phased out in favour of terminology that is more polite, such as "transsexual" or "transgender." It is widely held that this term is insulting and disparaging in many different contexts.

In Athens, customers who are looking for one-of-a-kind and individualised encounters can take advantage of the professional companionship services provided by transsexual escorts. These escorts are not only physically stunning but also emotionally sophisticated, which enables them to provide companionship that extends beyond the sexual aspect of the relationship. They typically have a high degree of education and cultural awareness, and they have a profound comprehension of the psychology of the human mind. This endows them with the ability to connect with their customers on a more profound level.
Escort Shemales Athens

The TS escort scene in Athens is just as diversified as the city it's located in. These escorts come from a variety of different origins, and as a result, each one has a story and set of experiences that are entirely their own. Some of them are native Athenians who were born and raised in the city, while others are transplants from other countries who have made the decision to call Athens their permanent residence. In spite of the fact that they come from a variety of different places, the escorts all have the same objective in mind, which is to provide their customers lifelong memories.

The legislation in Athens protects the rights and well-being of TS escorts and ensures their safety. The city has a liberal stance on the practise of sex work and acknowledges it as an acceptable kind of employment. As a result of this, TS escorts in Athens are eligible for the same legal protections and privileges as any other worker in the city. They are allowed to promote their services, negotiate their charges, and operate in locations that are safe and secure.

It is important to note that the TS escort scene in Athens is not only about sexual activity. Many customers seek the companionship of TS escorts for a variety of reasons, including craving the company of a beautiful and interesting person, exploring their sexuality, and seeking emotional support. Other clients just prefer the companionship of an attractive and intriguing individual. These escorts provide their customers a protected and accepting environment in which they may explore their imaginations and communicate their wants and needs.

The TS escort scene in Athens is, in a nutshell, a reflection of the city's variety and inclusiveness. It is a society that honours uniqueness and the right to express oneself freely, and it offers escorts and clients alike a setting that is secure and encouraging. There is something for everyone in the Athens TS escort scene, whether you're looking for a friend, some emotional support, or an encounter you'll never forget.

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Escort in Batumi - Having sex with girls in Batumi goes well beyond the confines of the bedroom

Batumi, the capital of Georgia's Autonomous Republic of Adjara and located on the Black Sea coast, is famous for its exciting nightlife, breathtaking architecture, and attractive escort females. The city's reputation as the "Las Vegas of the Black Sea" has made it a popular destination for travellers in search of excitement and relaxation. This essay will explore the attractions of Batumi, including the attractiveness of Escort girls Batumi, the variety of activities available, and the charm of the city's nightlife and tourism.

Batumi escort females have a remarkable beauty that comes from a combination of Eastern European and Asian traits. There is more to their beauty than just their glowing complexion, bright eyes, and thick locks of hair. These ladies are the epitome of refinement and grace, making them ideal company for every occasion from formal affairs to business dinners to a romantic stroll around the city.

Escort girls in Batumi
Escort females in Batumi are well-known for more than just their stunning good looks; they also possess remarkable brains, charm, and charisma. They are great to talk to because of their extensive education, fluency in several languages, and breadth of knowledge. One of the reasons they are so sought after by refined guys is that they can carry on stimulating talks over a wide range of topics.
Batumi Escorts
Escort females in Batumi provide more than just a sexual encounter. It's also about bonding with one another, finding humour in one another, and having a good time together. All it takes is one encounter with one of these women to realise that they are masters of the seductive arts. They pay close attention to their relationships and always go out of their way to make them happy and fulfilled.

Escort girls in Batumi
Batumi's nightlife is just as vibrant and varied as the city itself. From traditional Georgian restaurants with live music and dance performances to opulent casinos and hip nightclubs, Tbilisi has something for everyone. At night, when the neon lights are reflected off the Black Sea and music fills the air, the city really comes to life.

Experiences galore await visitors to Batumi. From sleek high-rises to historic brick homes, the city's architecture is a feast for the eyes. If you're a nature lover, you ought to check out the Batumi Botanical Garden, which is one of the largest in the world. If you're looking to unwind, the city's beaches are the place to go, while the vibrant markets and shops are where you can get a taste of the local culture and food.
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