
Maria is initiated part 1


I am married to an eastern European woman, we live in eastern Europe.
Not long ago my wife and I were driving back from our home we have in a small village to our main home in the city.
As usual I was going too fast and as usual I got stopped by the police.
I wasn't too worried by this, it has happened so many times it doesn't worry me anymore. All I had to do was pass over some cash and we would be on our way again.
I got the usual amount of money ready to give to the police.
The guy that had flagged me down approached my car, I lowered the window, he told me to get out of the car.
When I was out of the car he asked me for my documents, you must always carry all the cars documents and your documents.
I put my hand into my bum bag to take them out and give them to him but they were not there, I suddenly remembered that my wife, Maria, had taken them because she had to pay the insurance and road tax, she hadn’t given them back to me.
I told them to wait a moment and went back to my car.
I explained to Maria what had happened, she was very worried, she said that I would be taken to the police station and kept there overnight.
Although I speak the language enough to get by I cant speak it well enough for situations like the one we were now in.
Maria said that she would talk to them, she got out of the car and walked towards them.
I could see that they liked what they saw.
She had on a black open lacy top, which had thin pieces of material going over her shoulders, it was cut low enough to expose a fair amount of cleavage, it was also see through enough for her tits to be seen, although she doesn't usually wear it in public she was wearing it because I liked it and had asked her to, she had always said that she would be raped if she wore it in public and I wasn’t there.
She was also wearing a black pleated mini skirt, it came to about ten centimetres below her cunt and flounced about as she walked, something else she doesn't usually wear in public, again I had asked her to wear it for me.

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   I loved it when guys fucked her with their eyes.
To finish off she had on a pair of black very high heels.
The guys ogled her as she walked towards them.
She started talking to them, I could understand that she was offering them money but they were not interested.
She opened her bag to show them the money, I noticed that she had two of her vibrators in her bag, the cops noticed too, This went on for more than five minutes, they still were not interested.
Maria took me to one side and said it was no good they were going to arrest me.
She said there wasn’t anything else she could think of to offer them.
I thought for a minut,suddenly I realised that the perfect opportunity was presenting itself,I said that the only thing I could think of was to offer them something that they couldn’t refuse, she asked what.
I hesitated again for a moment and then said that she could offer herself to them.
She didnt say anything for a few seconds and then asked if I was serious.
I said of course I was, I reminded me that she had already agreed to being fucked by guys other than me ,now was the perfect opportunity to kill two birds with one stone. I said that I hoped that after agreeing to fuck other men after all my months of badgering her she wasn’t going to change her mind now the perfect opportunity was presenting itself I hoped she was prepared to do so.
She thought about what I had said and then smiled and said ok if I was really serious she would do it,but she didnt want me to get upset or jealous if she liked it.
I had brought up the subject of her fucking other men again in the car on Friday as we were travelling to the country house, and was surprised when she said ok she would do it, normally she would answer that she would think about it, which I took as meaning no. She had promised that she would look for someone as soon as we got back home, I said only one, she asked me how many guys I wanted her to fuck , I said at least two, she didn’t answer for a moment or so then she had said ok at least two ,,,,,,,to begin, I asked her what she meant by to begin, she said who knows she might like it and decide that she wanted to be fucked by more.

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   I said great, as long as she was sure, she said she was. I ask her why she had suddenly said she would do it, she replied because every time I had mentioned it over the months her cunt had juiced up,and she kept thinking about it all the time, especiallly when we were fucking,she imagined it was a stranger fucking her and she liked how it felt,so it must mean that she really wanted to do it.
I was so excited by the thought of her agreeing to fuck other guys that I kept on about it for the whole weekend, I even talked about it when we were in bed having sex, I asked her again how many guys she would fuck and she laughed and said at least five or six, I said what about a gangbang, she said ok she would set about arranging it as well as soon as we got back, I asked her if she was serious she said of course she was, now that she had decided to do it she wanted to do it as soon as possible, she said that she hadn’t stopped thinking about being fucked and gangbanged by different guys the whole weekend, this really excited me and I made her promise that she would set about it as soon as we got home, she said why not, she promised faithfully that she would arrange to be gangbanged as soon as we got back, I asked her how she would go about it, she must have already thought about it because straight away said that she would put an advert in a paper where we both knew they published adverts for prostitutes etc,etc I could tell that she was excited too by the thought of being fucked by so many guys.
We were even talking about it when I was stopped by the police, Maria had been telling me again that she wanted to begin as soon as we got home, she said that she would phone a couple of guys that are friends of ours and tell them to come over that night for an impromptu party she was giving, she said that her cunt was as horny as hell and already juiced up at the thought of being fucked by two guys, I said what would her cunt feel like if it knew that it was going to be gangbanged by five or six guys, she said why stop at only six, I was amazed by her change of mind and what she had said and asked her again if she was serious, she said why not, if she liked it why stop at only six.
I was really excited and said she had to be fucked by at least ten guys,she laughed and said ok that was what she would do for me.
Before we went back to the two cops, I told to her to let me control what to do, I said that I would know better what would interest them from a mans point of view, she agreed to do what I said, I was getting horny with the thought of what we were about to do. I thought that I would make her act outrageously as much for me as for the cops.
We went back to the cops and Maria started talking to them, I could see that they were interested, I asked what they were saying, she said that they wanted to see what was on offer, they said she was to go round to the other side of their car, away from the road, when we were there they told Maria they wanted to see her tits, I told her to pull her top up over her tits.
Smiling at them she pulled her top up, her nipples were erect,which usually meant she was excited,I could see that they liked what they saw, but I understood enough to know that they were still not sure what to do.
I told Maria to take off her top and give it to them, to indicate she was in their power, she did ,they were still unsure but more interested, I told her to play with her tits, Maria started I could tell she was enjoying it, next I told her to take off her skirt and give this to them too, she sexily removed her skirt ,she was wearing a very small see through g-string, her hairless cunt could be seen through it, the two guys stared at Maria’s cunt for a bit then they told her to turn round, when she had her back to them I told her not to stop now I told her to take her g-string off ,she took it off then turned slowly around to face them and gave her g-string to them.
They were definitely interested now.
I told her to go down onto her knees and beg them to fuck her instead of arresting me.
She went down onto her knees and started to beg them, I understood enough to know she was telling them that they could do what they liked to her, for as long as they liked, as long as they didn’t arrest me, she put her arms behind her and bowed her head in subjection.
I asked her if her cunt was juicing up, she said it was, I told her to tell the two guys to feel and smell her pants as proof that she was almost cumming thinking about them fucking her.
This did it they felt her pants and sniffed them, they said ok it was a deal, but if she didn’t perform to their satisfaction they would fuck her and then arrest me.

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They made certain that there wasn’t anyone coming and then made Maria stand up, they handcuffed her arms behind her and marched her naked to our car, they made her get in the back, then one of them came back to me and told me to follow them.
I picked up Maria's clothes which the guys had left on the road.
When I got to the car Maria had a smile on her lips and was sitting with her head tipped onto the back of the seat and with her legs wide open, she looked very relaxed, I asked if she was ok, she turned her head to me and said of course she was and told me not to be such a worrier, after all I was going to see her get what I had always wanted, she said that she wouldn’t let me down, she said that she was determined to let them fuck her all night if necessary, she had said all this loudly and in her language I knew she spoke like this for the benefit of the guy standing by the door.
We drove for about ten or fifteen minutes, then they suddenly pulled off of the road into a narrow track, they stopped their car just in the entrance off the track, one of the guys got out and came back to us, he told me to park across the entrance to stop anyone else driving down it, he also told me that I had to stay with the car
I was disappointed, I wanted to see Maria being fucked. I asked her if she was worried being on her own with the guys, she laughed and said not at all, it was going to be fun.
She said she was sorry I wouldnt see her fucked for the first time by a couple of guys,but I would see her being fucked later,I made her promise I would.
It was obvious that she was excited, I said ok I would stay there, she got out of the car, she looked fantastic handcuffed, naked and wearing her high heels, she almost ran to the police car, she was eager to begin
They drove off slowly, the track was very rutted so they couldn’t go fast, when they went round the first corner I got out of the car and ran after them, I was determined to watch Maria being fucked.
The car was a couple of hundred metres away and was just turning into a gap in the trees, I thought that I could probably run through the trees and get to where they were without being seen.
This is what I did, it took me a couple of minutes to get near them, they had chosen a good spot, there was no way any one could see or hear anything.
I could see that Maria was standing naked outside the car, the two cops were taking their clothes off, I very carefully crept nearer, until I was close enough to hear what they were saying. I hid behind a bush.
One of them asked Maria how she wanted to be fucked, she said as many times as possible and in everyway possible, but to start what about them fucking her over the boot of the car.
They made her bend over the boot still handcuffed, and straight away one of them started to fuck her . After several minutes his colleague said that it was his turn.
Next they spread a blanket on the floor and made her lay down on it.

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She was made to put her legs up onto the guys shoulders and he started to fuck her, the other guy was fucking her mouth, I could hear her gagging.
Then they changed over, they asked if she was enjoying it, she laughed and said of course she was, and told them not to spoil it by cumming too quickly.
They progressed to fucking her arse and mouth at the same time.
I had heard her cum several times, she is a prolific cummer, then the guys took it in turns to cum in her cunt.
She begged them to fuck her again, but they said that they were exhausted , I thought that I had better be getting back to the car if they had finished, but before I could go I heard Maria say if they took the handcuffs of she would fuck herself with her vibrators for them.
The handcuffs were removed, she rubbed her wrists, then got up and went over to the car, she then lent in the car and emerged with a bottle of olive oil and both of her vibrators, and went back to the blanket.
She tipped some of the olive oil onto the lager of the two vibrators then knelt on the blanket with the it between her legs, then she slowly lowered herself onto it, it was one of her smaller ones, but it was still about thirty centimetres long, she got almost all of it into her cunt, then she started to work her cunt up and down it.
She lay on her back on the blanket and took hold of the vibrator with both hands and started to fuck her cunt hard, she was moaning and gasping as she did it, I new that she would cum very soon, she did, crying out loudly as she came.
I heard them tell her that they were going to fuck her with their truncheons. One guy made her put her legs onto his shoulders and took hold of the truncheon and started to work it into her cunt, she told him to tip oil onto the truncheon as he did it. He kept pushing it further and further into her cunt, she started screaming out that it was too long, I heard her beg him to stop, but he said either take it all or they would arrest me. After some minutes almost all of its thirty or more centimetres was in her cunt, and she was moaning.
Then the other guy said that he wanted to fuck her arse at the same time with his truncheon. She got the other guy to tip oil into her arse before he stuffed the other truncheon up it. She started screaming again as both of them fucked her with their truncheons
After several minutes of having her arse and cunt fucked by their truncheons she had gradually quietened down and was now making less noise, a sort of half moan and half whimper, I guessed that it was making the guys more excited, because they fucked her even harder.

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She started to cum and continued cumming for a long time, I knew that she was having a multiple orgasm.
When she had finished cumming the guys took the truncheons out of her arse and cunt, but before they could put them away they made Maria lick first one truncheon and then the other.
Maria was laying on the blanket exhausted, but by now both the guys cocks were hard again, first one and then the other straddled her and fucked her mouth.
To finish they both pissed on her, telling her to open her mouth wide and made her drink their piss.
I had never seen her behave in such a depraved way before, I liked it.
I knew it was time to leave and ran back through the trees to our car, I had been back a couple of minutes before they arrived.
The back door opened and Maria still naked, got out, they threw her bag out after her, she told them to wait a moment, she bent down and opened her bag then took out a pen and a piece of paper, I saw her write something on the paper, I guessed that it was her phone number, she leant inside the car and I heard her say anytime they wanted to do it again let her know. As they drove away she turned to me smiling, I noticed that she still had cum dribbling from the side of her mouth, I told her, she put her tongue out and licked it off.
I asked her if she was ok, she said she was.
I asked her if she had enjoyed it, she said she had.
I asked her if she would do it again, she smiled hugely and said of course, as soon as we got back she would phone some guys we know and arrange for them to come over. I thought she was joking, so I asked which guys, she didn’t answer, just smiled enigmatically.
To be continued
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