
Dawning Love


Note: This story is completely fiction. If incest offends you, do not read. Feedback is appreciated, e mail me at: pasego05@hotmail. com
   Dawn ran upstairs to her room and slammed the door. Sometimes her daddy was just so unfair! She had really wanted to got the prom, but wasn't allowed to go out with boys until she was 18, and her father thought of prom as a date. At 16, Dawn was bemoaning that she had to spend the next two years saying no to every boy who took an interest in her.
   Prom night came and Dawn was up in her room sulking. Her dad came in and looked at her, feeling both affection and anger for his little girl.
   "Honey, I have to go to the office and do some paperwork, I won't be home until later, around 10:30. "
   Dawn nodded and looked back at her magazine. Jack sighed and headed downstairs. Who knew it would be this hard to raise a teenager by himself. There wasn't a day that went by that Jack wished his wife was here. She died in a hit and run 10 years ago, leaving Jack to take care of their six year old daughter. It had been easy enough then, but now Dawn was in the throes of her teenage years, and Jack couldn't wait for her to calm down a little.
   After her daddy left Dawn got on the phone with her friend Amber.

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   Both soothed each other about not getting to go to the dance, and Amber invited Dawn to come over. She quickly agreed and ran the few blocks to Amber's house. They ate pizza, talked, and watched a movie. Several hours later Dawn looked up at the clock and saw it was 11:30.
   "Oh God, my dad doesn't know I’m out and he's probably home by now. I have to go!"
   Dawn ran full speed to her house and cursed when she saw her dad's car in the driveway. Quietly she opened the door, but it was no use. Her father was sitting on the couch, waiting for her.
   He stood up and faced her. "Dawn, when I tell you you can't do something, I mean it. I can't believe you would disobey me. "
   "I didn't go to the prom, Daddy!" Dawn cried, "I just went over to Amber's house for dinner and a movie!"
   "Don't lie to me! I know you were at the prom with that boy who invited you. You've probably been letting him do dirty things to you!"
   Dawn looked horrified. "Daddy! I can't believe you said that! I wasn't at the prom, look! I'm not even wearing a dress. "
   Jack sneered at her "Oh, that's cute.

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   I'm sure you changed at Amber's house. That makes you a liar and a slut!"
   Suddenly he grabbed Dawn's arm and dragged her to the couch. "You were a bad girl and bad girls need to be punished. "
   He sat on the couch and pulled her over his lap. Before Dawn knew what was happening he had delivered the first blow.
   "OUCH!" Dawn cried as her daddy delivered hard smacks to her ass. She hadn't been spanked since she was four, and was humiliated that her father would do this. She hadn't done anything! About ten strokes into her punishment Dawn felt something hard begin to poke into her belly. That wasn't what she thought it was, was it?
   Finally Jack stopped. He looked down at his daughter's jean clad ass and said, "You let him have you, didn't you Dawn? You let that boy hump you!"
   He flipped her over and pulled down her jeans and panties. Dawn was sobbing now, trying to cover her exposed mound from her father. He grabbed her arms with one hand and pinned them behind her head. He reached down with his free hand and cupped her pussy. Dawn flinched at his touch. Suddenly he rammed his middle finger up her tight hole, and she screamed in surprise and pain.

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   Jack was in for a bigger shock though when his finger came in contact with her hymen. His little girl had been telling the truth.
   Slowly he withdrew his finger. "Oh Dawn Baby, Daddy's so sorry. I should have believed you. How can you ever forgive me?" Jack hung his head in shame as his little girls sobs turned to sniffles and hiccups. Quickly she pulled up her panties and jeans, then ran upstairs to her room. Jack went to bed but didn't get any sleep. What was wrong with him? He had brutally punished his daughter and had been horny as hell while doing it. Part of it was probably from not having sex in about two years, but part of him really pined for his daughter. She was so young and virile, and as she had proved tonight, innocent. Finally Jack drifted into a troubled sleep.
   Dawn was in her room thinking similar thoughts. Her daddy had been mean, harsh, and scary downstairs. He had accused of things that were not only untrue, but inappropriate.

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   Yet, when she came upstairs and flopped on her bed, her fingers had stolen down to her pussy and she was shocked to find herself extremely wet. More wet than she had ever been during masturbation.
   Slowly Dawn started to finger her clit, rubbing the hard bud in circles and using her other hand to cup one small breast. She came hard, thinking of her father's finger in her tiny cunt, and in that moment she made a decision. If she couldn't date boys until she was eighteen, then she would date her daddy. Surely he would like that better than the inexperienced jocks that pounded into girls for five seconds, blew their loads, then broke up with them the next day. She wanted someone to love her, and her daddy was the perfect choice.
   Quietly she slipped out of bed and walked nude to her father's room. She went to her sleeping daddy and looked down at his troubled face.
   Oh Daddy, she thought, I know you only wanted to protect me.
   Dawn pulled down the covers and jumped a little when she realized her father was naked. She saw what she had come for and looked at it wide eyed. Her daddy's penis was so huge, how was she going to put that inside her? Tentatively she reached out and grasped Jack's limp penis. She started to rub it slowly, and was amazed to feel it grow harder in her hand. She had thought it was big, but now it was huge and she felt a trickle of doubt.

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   She shook it off and continued to pump her hand up and down her daddy's stiff cock.
   Jack was moaning softly, enjoying what he thought must be a dream. How else could their be small hands going up and down his turgid nine inches, except in a some fantasy? As the warm fingers trailed up to smear the drop of precum on his throbbing head, Jack slowly opened his eyes. “Jesus!” He shot up in bed and Dawn pulled back, startled. “What the hell do you think you’re doing?” He looked at his underage daughter in disbelief. Surely she wasn’t really there, and this was some sick fantasy he had made for himself.
          Dawn was gathering her courage and she finally looked into her father’s eyes. “You were wrong Daddy. I didn’t go to the prom, and I definitely didn’t have sex with any boys. ” Jack nodded quickly. “I know sweetie, I know. And I’m really sorry to have punished you for no reason but” Dawn cut him off. “But when you were spanking me Daddy, I could feel your hard penis against my belly. At first I was scared, but now I know what I want. She stepped closer and grasped his still proud erection.

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   “I want you Daddy. You’re right; I don’t want my first time to be with somebody who won’t really care for me. I know that you’ll be gentle, and I know you want me that way too. ” She looked at him confidently, daring him with her eyes to deny what she’d said. Jack could only shake his head mutely. “We just can’t baby girl. You know that that’s wrong. Daddies don’t make love to their daughters. I love you sweetie, and you are a very pretty girl, but we can’t do that. ”
          Dawn stroked his cock a few times and whispered sweetly, “But no one has to know Daddy. You won’t tell anybody, and of course I won’t tell, so we would be safe. ” She looked at him from under her eyelashes. Jack was staring at his daughter’s nude body. In his previous shock he had missed the fact that she didn’t have a piece of clothing on, but now he took the chance to admire her young body. Her breasts were small but budding, he knew that they would be as big as her mother’s by the time she was twenty.

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   His eyes traveled down to her sweet snatch. She had a few wisps of golden hair, and he could see juice shining on her soft pussy lips. It was the obvious moisture there that finally melted his resolve. “Oh baby girl,” he whispered hoarsely, “You really want this, don’t you?” Dawn nodded and her father pulled her close, kissing her softly as his hand found its way to her small nipples. He pinched one and rolled it between thumb and finger. Dawn whimpered and wrapped her hand tighter around his aching cock. Her small hands couldn’t quite close around its girth, and the smooth strength of it made her shiver with need.
Dawn looked into her father’s eyes and blushed. “Daddy, I heard some girls at school talking once. They said something about boys using their mouths on a girl’s down there. Do you think you…?” she trailed off. Jack thought he had died and went to heaven. “Honey, I would like nothing more than to eat out your sweet pussy. ” He rolled her on her back and scooted her to the edge of the bed. Dropping to his knees he put Dawn’s legs over his shoulders and looked at her golden opening.

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   Finally he leaned forward and licked up her slit, scooping up as much juice as her could with his long tongue. Dawn moaned loudly and arched her back towards her father’s mouth. Her hands found her breasts and she began to knead them with brutal intensity. Jack teased his daughter for awhile by licking everywhere but her pulsing clit. He would lap her pussy lips, pausing once and a while to stick his long tongue into her small hole, then kiss and nip her thighs while she shrieked and bucked her hips. Finally he gave into Dawn’s pleas and latched his teeth and lips onto her clit. He sucked hard, nibbling the small button and blowing air through his teeth. It took about fifteen seconds of this for Dawn to explode in a fierce orgasm. She grabbed her Daddy’s head and shoved it into her cunt, screaming muddled nonsense as she writhed. Jack continued to suck and lap at her sweet juices, renewing the waves of her orgasm with every touch of his talented tongue. Finally she collapsed on the bed and looked hazily at her father. “I never knew it could be like that,” she panted, and Jack smiled at her.
“Just wait for the main event!” he said brightly, and scooted up the bed so he was lying on top of her. He could feel the sheen of sweat on her body causing a sweet friction as he rubbed himself against her. Reluctantly he sat up and opened the drawer in his bedside table, pulling out a condom.

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   He ripped open the package and rolled it down his length. Jack positioned himself at his daughter’s small entrance and looked into her eyes. “Are you sure you want to do this Dawn? Once it happens, we cant’ go back. You’re only a virgin once, and this whole thing is illegal. I just want to know that you’re sure. ” Dawn looked up at him with pure love and complete trust. “I’m sure I’m sure,” she whispered softly.
 Still Jack paused, “This is going to hurt for awhile, honey. Then it will feel good. ” Dawn nodded and closed her eyes. “Just be careful Daddy. Go slow. ” Jack nodded and rubbed the tip of his penis against her pussy, lubricating it with her juices. Dawn moaned softly and wrapped her arms around her Daddy’s back. Jack took this as acceptance and started to slowly push his swollen cock into the tight hole.

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   Finally the head popped in with a squelch and he paused as Dawn gasped. “It’s so big Daddy!” He held himself there for several seconds, allowing his daughter to grow accustomed to the invasion. When he felt her relax a little, he continued to push. He had gotten about three inches in when his head hit her hymen. He drew back a little and warned “This is it baby. ” He pushed himself in with a sharp thrust, quickly popping Dawn’s cherry. ” Dawn squealed in pain and tears leaked out the corners of her eyes. Jack could feel a trickle of blood leaking from her tight hole and rested on his elbows for what seemed like a long time. Eventually Dawn wiggled a little and wrapped her legs around her Daddy’s ass. “Okay, it’s better now. ”
Jack didn’t need a second invitation. He pulled out of his little girl and thrust sharply back in. He began to hump her wildly, grunting with effort and lust. Dawn did her best to meat his thrusts, her head thrown back and her eyes wide open, staring at the ceiling. No wonder her daddy hadn’t wanted her to go out with guys.


   If she had known sex could be this good she would have started fucking boys long ago. It seemed her entire body was connected to that little nubbin of flesh in her pussy. She could feel her orgasm building in her stomach, spreading through her like forest fire. Jack changed his angle a little, and his rigid penis brushed her oh so sensitive g-spot. Dawn screamed so loud her Daddy stopped for a minute; sure he had hurt her badly. When he saw the pure ecstasy on her face he realized that she was coming hard. Hell bent on his own release, Jack began pounding relentlessly, fucking his virgin daughter much harder than he had ever fucked his late wife. His screams rivaled his daughter’s as he went over the edge, and he collapsed on her shuddering form, his jism leaking out of the condom and into her depths. It was this thought that ripped a strangled cry from his throat, and he quickly pulled out of his daughter’s gaping hole.
“What’s the matter Daddy?” Dawn asked, genuinely concerned. Jack looked down in horror at his sated daughter. “Some cum went into you!” he gasped out. “Oh sweetie, what if you end up pregnant?” Dawn yawned and reached up to lazily tweak her father’s tiny nipples. “That’s okay Daddy, we’re gonna move anyways. ” Jack looked confused.

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   “Move? Honey, what are you talking about?”
“I want to be your girl forever Daddy. I want to marry you and have your children. We can move somewhere no one will know us, and start a new life together. I know you have enough money for us to live comfortably. We’ll get someone to forge a new birth certificate for me, and we’ll move to Mexico. I always wanted to live somewhere with a beach. ”
Jack looked down at his daughter in disbelief. She wasn’t thinking clearly; there was no way they could pull something like that off. Well, actually… he thought long and hard and concluded that it actually wouldn’t be that hard. Mexico was perfect, and he was wealthy enough to support them for quite awhile. He looked down at his sweet girl, love blossoming for her in a completely different way. Yes, he would stay with his daughter forever. She would be his Little Girl, his wife, his Dawn.
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