
Dick in Jane - Ch9 - Put the Romans To Shame


Please first read "Dick in Jane - Ch1-8"

The next morning John left Gwen to sleep in while he started making breakfast for the crew. The first couple to join him was Jane and Dan. John suggested "Dan, if Jane has not warn you out go wake up Gwen and shower together. Please make love to her but no hard fucking. Try to reinforce the loving calm passions she experienced yesterday".

Dan smiled and headed off to wake up Gwen. Jane asked "Well I assume you had some success with Gwen"? John nodded yes and beckoned Jane to his side. He gave her a lovers kiss while caressing her body. He said "I would like you to sleep with me for the rest of the week".

This man could always excite Jane and she whispered in his ear "Always my love". Just then they heard a giggle and the shower started. Soon Mary and Bill arrived leaning into each other with Bill's hand obviously caressing a firm tushy.

Jane said "Looks like you two had fun". Mary looked shyly at the floor while Bill said "She is such a sexy women, no cousin could ask for more". Mary wrapped her arms around his neck and gave him a long passionate kiss. It looked like sleeping arrangements had been satisfactorily settled for the rest of the week.

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During breakfast John suggested that the couples share some quality time then they would go out to a movie. This would give them time to rest up for a wild evening. He kept the exact details secret which heightened the energy in the room. John always seemed to have great ideas.

The only arguing was over which movie to see. Jane settled it when she said "Guys you must know that a Chick-Flick always puts a women in the mood". The brothers laughed and said OK. Soon the couples went to their favorite love nest to enjoy each other.

Right after lunch John told everyone to get their butts into the car or they would be late for the movie. Jane took the front seat while the twins needed to sit on Bill and Dan laps.

On the way each brother was fingering his girl's pussy. Jane said "Well now look what you made me do, my panties are wet". Mary said "There is an easy cure for that" as she pulled her's off with the other girls following suit. It quickly became another ride with arousing smells, sights and sounds much to everyone's delight.

When they arrived at the theater and found a secluded parking spot.


   Jane said "Girls I think there is just enough time". Gwen and Mary giggled then all three girls quickly unzipping their boy's flies pulling out dicks and started licking, sucking and bobby their heads spurred on by the pleasuring sounds of three grateful brothers.

Bill and John had come so everyone ended up watching Gwen sucking Dan. Dan had not cum only because Gwen was determined to tease him to a harder orgasm. Mary eventually said "Gwen stop showing off make the poor man cum". Gwen looked at Dan's face and said "Danny boy come for your little cousin" then applied a swirling tongue and more rapid shaft suck.

Dan said "OH MY GOD!" and then came hard. Gwen swallowed then said "I think I still need more practise. Will you help me Danny"? They all laughed and Gwen was so proud of herself especially when John gave her a wink and squeezed her shoulder.

The boys got themselves decent enough to be in public and the teens ventured out to see their movie. As this was the early show there was no line ups and they walked right in. This was a modern theatre with the type of seats were the arms could be raised to make it easier for couples to snuggle.

The afternoon was great because the movie made them laugh plus there was a great deal of fondling going on. Is was a good thing that the place was not packed as more than once one of the teens moaned, oohed or aaahed a little too loud.

During the ride home the boys kept the girls at a simmer with their experienced fingers.

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   Well all except Jane who John made come. She chided him with "You know way too much about your sister's weaknesses".

When they pulled into the drive John reminded the girls not to forget their panties as that would surely destroy any future fun they hoped to have.

John got out the barbecue to cook hamburgs and hot dogs. All the teens pitched in to prepare supper. After they had finished supper Mary asked "John, I cannot wait any longer what are we doing this evening".

John said "Mary I thought Gwen was the impatient one"? Gwen beamed at John and Dan's pulling her closer. He went on to say "Well I think we should have a theme game. The theme will be an ancient Roman orgy. Each girl will get a male slave that she can use anyway she wishes including commanding him to pleasure another women. According to tradition the orgy will be videoed".

There were happy faces across the board so John went on to say "The guys can only dress in a short wrapped towel but the girls get to invent their own costumes as long as lube or massage oils will not ruin the costume. On more thing the guys must wear condoms". Jane protested saying "Why now"?

John shook his head and said "This is for your own good. Think it through, once a guy cums it will take a bit before he can get it up again but he can always eat pussy.

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   I for one do not want to eat a pussy that my brothers has creamed. Is oral stimulation important to you or not"?

The five teens praised John's foresight. The girls ran off to create their costumes and to talk among themselves hoping to get ideas how to have fun with their evening slaves. The brothers did the supper clean up. Then prepared the "Orgy room" with a plastic sheet and two cameras on tripods.

Bill yelled out to the girls asking how much longer they expected to be. Mary said at least another fifteen minutes. Dan returned with three short towels, while John brought the a whole lot of condoms in a bowl then went to heat up the massage oil.

By the time the girls joined them the guys were naked except for towel wraps. As a surprise each girl wore flowers in her hair. Jane must have found an old bolt of cloth as they were all wearing very short togas with no panties that revealed the sides of their tits at every turn.

With cameras recording Jane took command saying "I think slave John needs to get slippery. On your knees slave". John did as he was told. Jane got behind him with a bottle of massage oil and started applying it all over her slave.

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Soon Gwen and Mary were doing the same. Once the slave's backs and fronts wore a glistening sheen of oil, Jane stood directly in front of John, lifted the helm of her toga and pulled his head into he pussy commanding "Make me cum hard slave and I will give you a reward".

The twins liked that idea and did the same with their slaves. The oohs and aahs, "just like that", "more slave more" echoed around the room like a skipping vinyl record.

Jane toppled first with a groan and a body shake that made her look like she was in the middle of an earth quake. Jane said panted "After my friends have come you will get your reward" and abruptly sat on the floor.

Mary and Gwen came almost at the same time pronouncing their climaxes with the screamer's volume they were now renowned. From her sitting position Jane asked "Mistress Gwen and Mistress Mary do your slaves deserve a reward"? In their state a weak "yes" was all that they could manage.

Jane said "OK slaves I command you to get on your backs in a row parallel with each other". As the slaves did as they were told, Jane said to the twins "Here is what I need you to do. We will each get to give a guy five shaft licks then 10 head bobs. When done move one dick to your left or move all around to the first dick as need be. When your guy cums you get to ride his face until pleasured. The reward is over after everyone has come".

Jane looked at Bill who had a dreamy expression and yelled "Slave Bill wipe that smile off your face or I will send you to the slave quarters and you will loose your reward".

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Bill's face went instantly placid. The girls got to their partners and went at it. The Mistresses took their time rewarding the rigid members eliciting moans and groans from the brothers which was music to the girl's ears.

After two lick, suck and switch cycles the girls were finishing at the same time. After four full rounds the guys were barely holding on when Dan cried out his immanent orgasm, cumming in Mary's mouth. She was soon sitting on his face yelling "eat me slave" and riding his tongue.

Gwen and Jane looked at each other and attacked the cock they at disregarding the rules. Gwen had Bill coming in a few minutes with Jane throating John to a loud roar as she he erupted.

Soon the other two were riding their slaves faces Mary's hair flying around as if she was rodeo bronc rider. By this time Gwen had screamed the end to her ride and was slumped over with her hands on the floor supporter her weight. She yelling "Stop slave my clit cannot take anymore"! Bill must not have heard as he kept on tongue teasing his beautiful Mistress.

Each Mistress came and the slaves would not stop until she came again. John finally pushed Jane off his face. Before the girls could recover he grabbed three condoms throwing one each to a brother. They each wrapped one on their reawakened members.

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The Mistresses were still unaware of what was going on when John pointed out a new partner for each brother and then yelled "Slave revolt"! The brothers moved quickly to a new partner pulling her into the doggy position and entered her unannounced.

Each girls was getting fucked with the boys listening to their pleasure sounds trying to find what stoke and angle pleased them the most. They even mixed some of the techniques they had tried with Gwen but never as brutal. The room echoed with a cacophony of teen pleasure sounds. A good fucking was had by all.

When there were three spent cocks and three satisfied pussies they were on the floor trying to catch their collective breath. After a while Jane said "Slaves feed us fruit and drink as your mistresses need their energy to come again". The slaves dragged their weary asses up to do Mistress Jane's bidding.

When they were back each carried a bowl over to their night partner. The couples fed each other the fruit and drink in new and sexy ways. Laughter and happiness was to be felt by the collective group as much as seen on their faces.

John asked "May your slave speak Mistress Jane"? Jane gave him permission. He continued "I suggest that each Mistress find a sexual position from the on-line Kama Sutra" and then use their slave to demonstrate that position". Jane replied "Good thinking slave. If you perform well I may promote you out of the slave quarters to sleep at my feet every night".


   John laughed "Thank you mistress"

The girls went to Jane's room to find an exciting position. After a good thirty minutes, time that the brothers desperately needed, they came down with a printed copy of the position they had chosen.

Each brother looked at their assignment. John rotating his page every which way with a puzzled look on his face cracking everybody up. Jane finally gave him a swat and said "Slave do not try my patience just my position".

Mary said "Slave Bill and I are first and we will perform 'The Coach'". She handed out the position's printed image. Bill sat on the floor with Mary sucking his cock until it was hard and then he handed her a condom. She removed it from the package put it in her mouth and slowly unrolled in down his shaft.

Jane, Dan and John held their breaths but they did not need to worry. Bill crossed his legs and Mary stood up straddling him. As she started to lower herself she stopped with her pussy in line his face and he gave her a warm slick lick or twelve getting her juices flowing.

Mary continued her descent down onto his lap and he guided himself into his sexy cousin. She groaned as her butt came to rest between his crossed legs. With her feet on the floor behind him and her breasts forced onto his compliant tongue she started undulating by leveraging her arms around his neck and her pelvis pushing in, out, back, forth with the occasional wiggle.

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   Unseen was the constant change in grip her pussy walls would inflict on his sensitive dick.

Not all the oohs and aahs came from the two demonstrators. The way those two moved transcended sight until the voyeurs were projected into their coupling.

It was a long slow comfortable screw and thoroughly enjoyed by the pair of teens. Gwen mouthed to Dan "Tonight and pointed at them", making Dan smiled and nodded. After a while Dan said "Come with me Mary" and they soon shuddered in unison ending their erotic dance.

It took the two sometime to become untangled. After a while Gwen spoke up and said "Tonight my lover and I will perform 'The Compass'" and she handed out the picture.

Dan got on his knees and Gwen started a hands free lick of his dick. It did not take much as he was already turned on by the last erotic performance. She was handed an unpackaged condom and rolled it onto his phallus.

In a quick move Gwen turned around and laid on her stomach between Dan's legs. Dan hovered over her as she raised her tushy just enough to expose her puffy pussy lips. She spread her knees a bit to make his entry easier.

As he pushed into her she put her knees together tightening her love canal and pointed her toes at the ceiling as Dan began the slow thrusts she had so thoroughly fallen in love with.



Gwen moved her tushy up and down meeting Dan's steady rhythm. It was obvious to all these two were meant for each other. Gasps, moans and grunts emanated from the coupling cousins. As they lost themselves in the sensation derived from the mutual motion.

As this position had made Gwen's love canal tighter then her natural youth would have otherwise been. The two did not last as long as the previous pairing but the stimulation was better so Gwen and Dan had explosive orgasms.

He did not slip out right away leaning over her back as she turned her face so their tongues could tangle. Just before he pulled out he said "Gwen you are a wonder thank you so much", she shed a tear as her feelings were so strong for the young man-cousin.

The couples rested in anticipation of the remaining pairing and the most experienced lovers. Soon John and Jane stood up facing each other kissing and caressing with passion felt by all.

They finally stopped with Jane saying "My brother and I will perform the 'The Chapel'. Jane arched right over with hands flat on the ground. John went to his knees put his hands on her tushy cheeks and muff dived. He knew her inclinations so well that soon came. Bill handed him a condom which he quickly put on.



Jane guided by John's hands lowered her butt until her pussy was lined up with his cock which found purchase as he entered her slippery love hole. Jane raised her legs off the ground and wrapped them around him pulling John deep into her body.

He thrust, she clenched, rotated and undulated her pelvis. Once again the experienced incestuous couple blazed with the sensations that coursed through their bodies reinforcing their mutual love.

The alpha male made sure his sister lover came twice with tits jiggle, head swaying, hair dancing orgasms. Her pleasure cries echoed throughout the room. Then John became urgent gripping her hips pulling her even closer rubbing her pelvis up and down constantly change the angle of his cock and rubbing her clit hard across his skin.

The sweat poured from both of them when John commanded "Jane come with your big brother" and they both shuddered with Jane lifting herself to wrap arms around John's neck pressing their torsos together.

Still impaling Jane, John sat down on his haunches locked into a lovers kiss that neither ever wanted to end. Mary said "Wow"! Which seemed to sum it up for all the incestuous voyeurs.

For some reason the brother's and sister's special bond seemed to change the evenings mood. Without a word the cameras were turned off and each couples drifted away to spend the rest of the night with their very close relative.

The week continued changing from fuck fest to couples loving and back until the inevitable day that their parents were due to return. Sadness mixed with amazing memories kept them all off balance. They made sure that their happy house of incest was returned to its prior state.

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The parents returned regaling their cruise experience and how much fun it had been. Eventually Mom asked the teens what they had been up to and were told the usual uninformative "Ah we hung out, watched TV and went to the movies. It was cool for all of us to be together the whole week".

The next morning the six teens helped to pack the car for the long drive home. The mood was no doubt subdued and the good bye kisses strictly cousinly.

The twins did not say much during the journey watching the scenery flash by which emphasizing how far from their cousins they lived. Eventually Mom turned around from the front seat and asked if they really liked their cousins? Mary said "Yes of course"!

Mom continued "Well your Father and I were going to wait until we got home but your Uncle has told us of an excellent opportunity at his work. If your Dad gets the job we will be moving close to your Aunt and Uncle.

They told us of a house that is up for sale a block over from them. If all goes as planned the move would happen soon enough for you to start the semester in a their school. What do you think? Do you mind too much leaving your friends?"

Gwen and Mary could barely hide their excitement with Gwen saying "As long as we have our cousins around. What can go wrong"? The rest of the trip left them all with anticipation of major changes in their lives.
"I will be moving on to other stories so if anyone wants to add more chapters be my guest" - writethis69.

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