
Even In The Best Families 6: Who Needs A Goblet of Fire?


    Shelley and her mother were still giggling insanely when they returned to the master-bedroom, the upside most likely of some girl to girl interaction in the bathroom. One would have to acknowledge the recuperative powers of the modern female however - neither looked like they had been called on to exert themselves much beyond loading up the dishwasher. Quite incredible what a comb and the slightest re-application of make-up can achieve. As they approached the bed, Greg winked at his friend, angling a glance behind him as he did so. Ian was no dummy!
   "What are you doing Greg?" Tracey gasped in surprise as her husband grabbed her around the waist and pushed her face forwards onto the bed covers. Whatever it was he had planned to do to her, she just knew she was going to like it!
    "Hey!" was all Shelley could enunciate, before she found herself spreadeagled face-down besides her mother. The men were doing something with their wrists - tying them together by the feel of it.
    "I think we're in trouble darling," Tracey grinned at her daughter, her mind already in hyperdrive as to the possibilities here. She never got to utter anything further as the duct-tape then sealed her airways.
    "I'd say that puts us in the box seat Ian," Greg muttered to his friend, turning his wife over on to her back. Taking in her fully vulnerable aspect, he permitted himself a light fondle of her breasts. Her helpless wriggling merely added grist to the mill. He glanced across at his sexy little daughter. "Don't be shy Ian," he inclined his head towards the struggling teenager, "Do whatever you want my friend. "
     Shelley's expression was priceless as her captor's hand lowered itself to her breasts and began taking liberties with the girlish mounds. The tape of course was precluding the possibility of her verbally challenging her predicament.

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   For a while both men amused themselves with fondling those hot curves as their owners gasped and writhed in embarrassed restraint. At Greg's suggestion they swapped partners and Greg took the greatest delight in the fact that his daughter's nipples were hardening rapidly beneath her school blouse. Ian of course had long made a similar discovery inside the bra of the young woman prostrate in front of him. It wasn't so much erections they were experiencing as testosteronic anarchy.
    "I have to fuck her," Ian announced to no-one in particular, pushing Tracey's dress up as he spoke and exposing her hot little briefs.
    "I'm with you son," said Greg going one step further and literally ripping his daughter's panties down, exposing her naughtiest of hair-lines to the localised viewing public. Not five seconds later and he had more than six inches of adventurous penile tissue working its illicit but fun way up Shelley's slippery little dual carriageway.
    Ian saw little reason not to follow suit, and Tracey's subsequent muffled cries of pleasure would suggest he was definitely exceeding the speed limit on the southern freeway.
    "God, that is soo hot!" Ian muttered mid-thrust, as he observed Greg fucking his tied-up daughter to the edge of reason. Again, images of young Lucy flooded his subconscious. They weren't images of her sitting at her desk doing her homework either, let it be stated.
    From Greg's perspective - seeing his wife hog-tied, gagged and her panties down around one ankle with his best-friend's cock giving her a cervical massage, was not detrimental to his cause either.
    "Fuck her Ian, make her come," was about the best advice he could give.
     He should talk!
     Even as Shelley quivered in orgasmic release, Tracey was taken to the periphery of the biggest cum she had ever dreamed of. Both, at that instant, were procreative females on heat - desperate to fulfil their biological destiny.

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    "Jesus Christ," Greg whimpered. . . . that was unreal! Ian couldn't respond, being close to needing a defibrillator himself.
    So much more was to pass that evening but the reader's interest is best served perhaps by a look at the bigger picture. Let us just say that such moving violations as had already been perpetrated upon the hapless duo were magnified yet further, as a result of their being stripped and tied back to back allowing both to be raped concurrently. Free of the duct tape for now, the girls' cries of sensual pleasure were heightened by the fact both could feel each other's penetration by virtue of their bottoms being in close proximity, and thereby transmitting the force of each thrust.
    At the point the men could indulge themselves no further, Tracey and her daughter had each to masturbate the other before being encouraged to take a somewhat open shower together, where rules were passed-up in favor of spontaneous innovation. Amazing what two majorly aroused females can conjure up when left to their own devices.
    It was to be two weeks before Ian, his wife Lena and daughter Lucy were ushered in to the Richardson's hallway. Given that she and Tracey were barely two years apart and with both sharing an interest in psychology, it is small wonder that they hit it off from the start - chatting away like old friends at the kitchen workbench.
    Even as he cast his first glance at Lucy, Greg could well understand Ian's incestuous leanings towards his daughter. Possessed of a young body that seemed to bridge effortlessly the gap between childhood and adolescence, her breasts, whilst still mere "bumps," as her father had correctly described them, exerted a physical appeal that he just knew was going to have to be appeased at some stage.
    A cute little honey-blonde, even in that puffy child's dress, something lurked there unseen, that was anything but child.

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   "Was she in fact aware of this?" he wondered. As for Lena, Greg decided on sight that if the opportunity ever arose to get into her panties - he wouldn't be taking his time about it!
    Lucy and Shelley seemed to "click" also and within seconds the two girls were headed up to Shell's bedroom for an extended session on the computer.
    "Guess we may as well have a drink," said Greg to his business partner, "We don't seem to be needed here. "
     Dinner was a strained affair - if you knew what you were looking for. Furtive glances between Greg and Tracey. . . . Shelley giggling every time Ian spoke to her more or less. A couple of times Lena seemed perplexed at the young girl's familiarity with her husband but passed it off as normal teenage flirtatiousness. Only sweet little Lucy seemed completely oblivious to it all, fully unaware of the frequency of Greg's glances in her direction - not to mention her own father's!
     Sitting between his own daughter and Shelley, a sudden burst of giggling drew everyone's attention. Probably as well none of them knew the cause - Ian's concealed hand now flush in the center of the teenage girl's lap and pressing down hard on her pussy.
    "That's naughty," she whispered to him seconds later. How he wanted to be naughtier!
     Aware that Ian must have taken some indecent liberty with their little girl Greg and Tracey simply smiled at one another. Quite forgetting present company momentarily, Greg allowed himself a quick fondle of his wife's right breast.

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     Noticed only by Lena, who almost dropped her rib-roast in silent shock - her expression was one of utter disbelief.
    "What's wrong hun?" Ian asked, upon seeing his wife not a little flushed and having no idea what he'd missed.
    "Oh. . . n-n-nothing Ian," she managed to get out. "Piece of meat went down the wrong way that's all!"
     The remainder of the evening was played out uneventfully. Shelley's level of flirting did seem kinda prominent to Lena but there again, Greg and Tracey appeared to be paying her daughter very close attention too. There was something there she just couldn't put her finger on.
    "Did you see what he did to his wife at the dinner table?" Lena asked her husband after they had packed Lucy off to bed? Genuinely surprised by the question, Ian shook his head. . . . "Did to her??"
    "He groped her Ian?" Ian's mind swiftly recalled the wondrous nature of such physical activities. .

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  . . "Yeah?" he answered. "I didn't see and anyway - they're married. . . what's the problem?"
   "C'mon Ian. . . groping your wife in front of young children?. . . . their own daughter? Our nine-year old Lucy?"
     "You sure you saw right hun?" Ian grinned, besides how do you know the kids saw anything?"
     "Well, I don't," she replied. .

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  . "It just shocked me I guess!"
     "So how did you feel about seeing him do that honeybunch?" Ian teased her.
     "Well, it was disgusting Ian. . . and at the dinner table too. " she added.
     "You didn't find it the least bit sexy darling?" he said slipping his hand up beneath her nightdress.
     "Hardly," she said.
      It was the best sex they'd had in years!
     Before Lucy went to sleep that night she thought about Shelley. . . how excited she had felt in places she knew it wasn't polite to talk about, when the girl had suddenly kissed her on the lips in passing while they were playing Tomb Raider. She liked Mr Richardson too - he had gone out of his way to talk to her and show interest in her school and stuff. It was a funny feeling she had and she wasn't at all sure what it all meant.

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   And as for what Mr Richardson had done to his wife right in front of her - Gosh, it made her blush just thinking about it!
    "It was like you guessed she'd say," Ian replied, putting his drink down slowly on the bar. "She thought it was disgusting - and you know what? - I didn't even see you do anything!"
    "Thing is though Greg," he continued, almost smirking, Lena was so hot that night - although she won't admit it. "
    "What'd I tell you buddy?" Greg slapped his friend on the shoulders, "Don't be so sure about her. . . sounds like she just needs a little more er, 'exposure' I think is the word here," They both cracked up.
    "What did you think of Lucy?" Ian asked a few moments later.
    "I don't think you'd really want to know Ian" he replied. "Let's just say I can see why she jerks your chain. . . . wouldn't mind doing a little jerking of my own if you really want to know. "
    "She's hot isn't she?" Ian murmured.
    "Well I wouldn't knock back twenty minutes in the shower with her if that's what you mean," Greg sculled the contents of his glass.

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   Ian sighed with the resignation of one who's ultimate fantasy just slipped well beneath life's event horizon.
    "Remember, when you three come over next week Ian," Greg was continuing, "you gotta have a hot feel of Shelley's tits and make sure your wife sees you do it!"
     The evening ran smoothly enough. Lena helped serve up dinner, spending the first hour or so chatting animatedly with Tracey in the kitchen. Lucy went upstairs with Shelley and spent the greater part of that time wondering how long it was going to be until her breasts filled out like Shell's and she could wear a sexy little bra too? The men cornered the bar alcove and muttered general obscenities as to what each would like to do to the other's daughter if given free rein. Ian of course was well ahead on points in that discussion.
    "And I'll be honest Ian," Greg crooned into his third or fourth bourbon, "I wouldn't mind getting your wife's sexy little tits out either and having a suck or two. . . . . just between you and me. "
    "What about her panties?" Ian put in, "Anything in there interests you?"
    "You wanna believe it my friend, "Greg fired back. "Getting me hard as Hell just thinking about pulling those little suckers all the way down and fucking that pussy of hers. "
    Ian was almost sobered up by that one - the thought suddenly of seeing his wife being sexually molested, partially stripped, if not openly raped, was as exciting as the concept of his nine year old daughter spread and naked upstairs on his friend's bed. As for the wicked images doing the rounds of his wife nude and being fucked hard right in front of innocent little Lucy - it just didn't get any hotter!
    "Dinner's up guys," Tracey called out from the dining room.

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    Shelley openly flirted with Ian, getting him to pass her the condiments, giggling whenever his hand brushed against her arm even as far as leaning forward on the table sufficiently to allow him an eyeful of her hot little breasts, barely hidden as they were down that deeply scalloped top she had squeezed into. Naturally Lena was afforded much the same view and more than aware of the remarkably pretty girl's intent towards her husband, resolved to nip this in the bud, after all he appeared to be responding to her come-on's like a lovesick teenager. Still she had to admit the girl was a sexy little thing and there was no denying the fact that glancing at her breasts was actually arousing her own body in ways she dared not think about. Even Lucy's eyes - as big as saucers at this juncture, were straying to Shelley's top on a fairly regular basis. . . and then it happened.
     One moment Ian was saying something to the girl, the next second he clearly put a hand down her top and fondled her breast, causing her to giggle hard and to pull his hand out.
    "Ian," she cried out mortified "Are you crazy?" Then looking towards Shelley's parents muttered "I'm so sorry, I can't believe he did that?' Even Lucy was staring at her father, shocked senseless by what she had just seen. Lena was already getting to her feet.
    "Where are you going Lena?" Tracey asked, "There's no harm done - Ian didn't mean anything by it. . . Shelley's used to it, believe me?"
    "You mean he's done this before?" she cried, "Oh my God, I don't believe this. .

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  . . . and you two don't mind?"
    "Well Lena, its really up to Shelley to mind isn't it?" Greg suggested, "And it doesn't look to me like she does particularly. '
     Shell and Ian were still seated at the table watching the conversation flow much like two fans of Roger Federer at the New York Open in Yonkers following a point during a critical tie-breaker.
     Lena looked at Tracey then back at Lucy and finally at her husband who was sitting their impassively.
    "Is everyone here crazy?" she asked.
    "Not crazy Lena - just friendly," he grinned, leaning across and kissing Tracey while availing himself of her right breast that he caressed softly.
     Lena's hand flew to her mouth. "Come on Ian, we'll talk about this later. I think we should take Lucy home. "
     The little girl looked disappointed. "Do we have to mom, I like it here with Shelley. " She walked around beside the girl's chair as she spoke. Shell gave her a cuddle.


    "Lighten up hun," Ian said suddenly, aware that they were probably at the point of no return and that he had nothing to lose but so much to gain. "You might even enjoy it. " Patting his knee, he turned to Shelley, "Come and sit on my lap sweetheart,"
     The color drained from Lena's features as she watched the young girl get up and sit on her husband's knee. Something in the act was so arousing she could neither define it or even bring herself to admit it. At the point the girl lowered her lips to those of her husband and began kissing him passionately, she had to hold on to the nearest chair for support.
    "Ian. . . . " her voice tapered off in unmitigated shock. Worse was to come. Without her friend for support, Lucy had sidled over to Greg's chair and was now holding his hand watching with acute interest as her father kissed the young girl. She definitely wanted to experience this and raised her pretty face to Greg's. At the point he kissed her lightly, Lena's expression was one of disbelieving horror.
    "Lucy," she cried out, "Stop that right now, c'mon we have to go home.

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    Given the sensations arcing through the pre-teen's body right then as Greg's lips continued to apply a world of new experiences to her own, she didn't even hear her mom's pleas. Instead, she allowed herself to be lifted up on to Greg's lap where she put her arms around his neck and allowed him full license to continue his passionate exchange.
    Opposite them, Ian was slipping his hand up beneath the teenager's skirt now and quite clearly. . . to judge by the girl's wriggling, applying pressure to some area of her anatomy that was causing both of them pleasure.
     Lena barely noticed Tracey crouching now beside her. Tears were beginning to trickle down her face.
    "This has been going on for a while hasn't it?" she said, barely above a whisper.
     Tracey put her arm around her shoulder.
     "Look Lena, three months ago - I would have been as shocked as you. I don't really remember how it all started. I know I was teasing Ian about how he was always looking at our daughter funny and I actually asked him if he ever thought about, well, you know. . .

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  touching her. Then a few nights later it just happened. No one planned anything. "
    "What?" Lena gasped, "Are you telling me your husband. . . and Shelley - like they do stuff together? That's incest!"
    "Well whatever it is - it happens Lena. A few weeks later your husband came over for dinner and things just got out of hand I guess. "
    "Are you saying that my husband has actually f-fucked your daughter? Oh My God. . . . . she's only fourteen isn't she?"
     "He's fucked me too Lena, if you really want to know," Tracey giggled. "But you can't blame him - I did kinda lead him on!"
     Lena however wasn't paying close attention at that moment, riveted as she was on what was happening in the far chair.

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   Ian, having pushed the teenage girl's skirt up to her hips, had fully exposed a pair of hot little white cotton panties which he was in the process of rubbing the length of her quite clearly defined young pussy.
     Despite her shock and if the truth be known - embarrassment, Lena felt a surge of arousal in and around her genital area and had to discipline herself against slipping a hand into her own panties, as she watched open-mouthed, her husband's continued sexual assault of the vulnerable girl on his lap.
     So taken up was she with the nearside drama, she failed to notice her own young daughter's reaction to the unfolding scenario. Still being kissed by Greg, Lucy could barely comprehend what was happening. All she knew is that the man kissing her was making her feel hotter by the minute and watching the other girl get her pussy rubbed like that was making her imagine what it would be like to have her father do the same thing to her one night. She could feel her own panties getting wet at the thought and she was momentarily ashamed. All sorts of funny feelings in fact, were running through her body - especially between her legs.
     Ian was having no trouble with his gear-changes. That skimpy little top, now resident on the carpet beside her skirt, was joined by the skimpiest little bra Lena had ever seen - certainly nothing her mother would ever have approved of she recalled momentarily. She watched almost clinically now, as her husband began squeezing and rubbing the girls bare breasts with indecent haste, still kissing her passionately. Perched on Ian in just her cotton panties now Lena was half hoping she would get to see him actually having intercourse with the girl right there on his lap. She wasn't even thinking of Lucy. Her right hand, fully with a mind of its own apparently, was slowly inching its way beneath her dress with a very specific destination in mind.
     Greg on the other hand, was definitely thinking of Lucy. Wanting more than anything to fondle those clearly defined little 'speed humps" beneath her dress, he had the most splendid of occasional views down her top.

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   Whilst nothing in essence was visible - just the onset of her embryonic cleavage was driving him to utter distraction. Although her mother appeared to have slumped to the floor in abject denial of what was happening in the room - he wasn't so sure what the outcome might be if he took that next step and actually sexually assaulted the little girl. Lucy he figured though, was more than ready!
     Seeing Shelley almost stripped now and having her sexy little breasts mauled by her father just a few paces away, was doing things to Lucy. Things that she had never imagined could be "done" to her. Even without the benefit of hardly any sexual education her body, she could sense, was responding to the visuals and lowering her sense of right from wrong. She wanted to feel what Shelley must be feeling. Taking a hold of Greg's hand - she lowered it to her lap - dead center!
     Talk about winning the lottery! Greg began to tentatively depress the area, and was rewarded by a few wriggles and sighs from the girl. She even broke of from kissing him to look up and smile with what in an older girl might be interpreted as lascivious intent.
     A sudden gasp from across the room indicated Lena's gaze had locked on to this new development.
    "No Lucy," she called out pulling her hands free from her panties and starting to get up. Right then, she felt Tracey put her arm around her waist. "She'll be fine Lena, just let go," she whispered before slipping her own hand up between the woman's legs, and caressing lightly the front of Lena's wet panties.
    "Oh my God Tracey - what are you doing," she almost whimpered. "I c-cant, let you. .

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  . . . " she trailed off as Tracey began fingering her pussy through the wetness. "I c-c-cant. . . . . . . "
     She found herself back on the floor and unable to resist. Having this woman caress her so intimately was the hottest thing she had ever known. She closed her eyes and pulled the other woman closer.
     With all the refs off the field, the game was under way for real!
     Poor little Lucy.

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   Despite the waves of pleasure flowing through her as her dad's friend began rubbing her puffy little swellings and pulling her suddenly hard nipples, just below the neckline of her dress, the sight of her mother with another lady's hand rubbing her panties softly as she sat on the floor over there - just about fried all imminent awareness. She didn't know what to think or how to react to this bizarre situation.
     Looking over to her friend Shelley for help wasn't of any great use either - not when she could see her father was now pulling her panties down and that Shell would be completely naked any second.
     Ian couldn't take much more himself. "Can I fuck you Shelley?" he whispered. She didn't answer - simply swivelling her bottom on his lap and having turned to face him, spread her legs either side of his hips. Holding her firmly around the waist he glanced downwards - he didn't even need ask her to unzip him.
     As he sank his cock up to the hilt in the girl's intriguing wetness, Lena stared, as if watching a re-run of one of the better 'Dynasty' episodes. Everything was externalising itself - the woman's fingers in her pussy that had her shivering in pleasure, watching her husband fucking that underage girl senseless on his lap, seeing this middle-aged man playing with her own nine-year old daughter's tits as he kissed her, while slipping a hand up beneath her bottom she noted.
     This had to be a segment of "America's Funniest Home Videos. "
     What wasn't so funny was hearing Lucy suddenly break off from her passionate embrace with this man and ask clear as day.
     "Will you fuck me too please?"

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