
My New Neighbors - 1


I have been living in a condo for the last several months. I divorced my wife of several years when it became apparent that she was in the marriage in an attempt to get her hands on some property that I owned before we were married. The two-bedroom condo I live in is the end unit, and my next door neighbors moved out two months ago. The unit remained vacant until just a few days ago when someone moved in while I was away for a day. When I pulled into my driveway, I saw a young lady who couldn’t have been any more than in her late teens come to her door, wearing a bikini bra and shorts.
“Hi! I guess we’re neighbors. My name is Bill. ”
“My name is Terri. We moved in just yesterday. ”
“Sorry I wasn’t here to help. I was out of town for a while. ”
Then someone I guessed was Terri’s sister showed up in the door, wearing only her bikini. There had to be only a few years between the two.
“Hey, Mom, where’s the…oh, hi!”
‘Mom?’ I asked myself. If the younger one is in her teens, then her mother had to be in her 30s at least. What a pair of beauties! Terri was a strawberry blonde, 5’5”, with a 34B-24-35 figure, and dark blue eyes.

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“Bill, this is Jennifer, my daughter” said Terri.
“And how old are you, Jennifer?” I asked. “13” she replied. Jennifer was already striking in her own right, with a 32A-22-32 figure, 5’1” tall, strawberry blonde, just like her mother, and with the same blue eyes. She wore a bikini, just like Terri, but no shorts to cover up the bottoms.
“Well, nice to meet you, Jennifer” I said. She thanked me, got the suntan lotion from her mother, and darted back inside.
“No offense, but I thought you two were sisters” I said to Terri.
“None taken. It happens all the time” said Terri. I couldn’t believe my luck, having two beautiful females living next door to me. “Well, I have more work to do inside, so I’ll have to leave you now. I hope we can get together sometime, and get to know each other a little better. ”
“Same here, Terri. I guess I’ll see you later.


“OK” she replied, and went back inside.
I kept seeing Terri as the days went on, and we became friends immediately. It was not only a visual pleasure to be with them, but they were nice people to boot. About 4 weeks after they had moved in, Terri asked me if I would like to have dinner with them.
“Nothing fancy, just burgers, corn on the cob, salad. ”
“That sounds great!” I said. “What can I bring to the table, though?”
“Well, I promised Jennifer that I would let her have a little wine to celebrate our new home, once we got moved in. If you could bring that with you, I would appreciate it. ”
“Consider it done, Terri” I said. “Now, when will this occur?”
“How about Sunday at 6:00? Just let yourself in--we’ll leave the door open. ”
I walked into their tastefully decorated condo, and immediately saw Jennifer at the stove. “Hi, Bill. Just put the wine on the table. I’ve got the salads and corn ready, and Mom is still at the grill on the deck. She won’t be long.

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  ” Jennifer was dressed in a pair of shorts with a hole in the back showing some skin. Either she was not wearing any panties, or had on a skimpy thong. Her shirt was an oversized button-down, unbuttoned to the third button. She had a nice, golden tan.
And on cue, Terri came in the door with a plateful of burgers. “I hope you like yours well done, because the flame cooked them a little faster than I would have liked. ” Terri was dressed in a similar shirt to Jennifer’s, but her shorts were in a little better shape than her daughter’s. Terri’s shirt was unbuttoned to the second button when she came in, but one more came undone at some point.
“Well done is fine. The wine is on the table. Are we ready to eat, ‘cause I’m about to starve. ”
Dinner was wonderful, and the company was great. After dinner, we all cleaned up and moved to the living room. Jennifer was drinking right along with us, but Terri told her she needed to slow down. We talked about our failed marriages, our respective jobs (she was an accountant, I a photographer), and anything else that came to mind.

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Jennifer seemed curious about my field, and began asking questions. “Just what do you take pictures of, Bill?”
“Mostly portrait photography, Jennifer. Weddings, family portraits, just about anything that a subject would want. And sometimes, mainly for my own enjoyment, I just take pictures of nature. ”
“Do you do nude photographs?” she asked.
“JENNIFER!” admonished Terri. “You’re getting a little nosy, aren’t you?”
“It’s OK, Terri” I said. “I love talking about my work. Yes, Jennifer, I do some nude photographs. ”
“Who asks for those?” Jennifer prodded.
“Sometimes, a spouse will want that as a surprise for an anniversary or birthday. Sometimes, it is children, though always under the watchful eye of the parent. It varies quite a bit. ”
“Is it completely nude, or just partly?”
“That depends on what the person wants.
Terri intervened.

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   “OK, Jennifer, that’s enough for the third degree. Let’s change the subject. ”
But Jennifer persevered. “Just one more question, please? Could you show me how to take pictures, Bill?”
“Terri, I was planning to go for some nature shots tomorrow. If it’s OK with you, I could take you two along for the ride. ”
“Thanks, but I have an interview tomorrow with a prospective client. But if you want to watch Jennifer for me, that would take a load off my mind. ”
“Sounds like the timing is perfect” I replied. “What time?”
“I have to leave about 10:00. Any time before then is fine. ”
“I’ll be here then. How does is sound to you, Jennifer?” I heard some sort of a response, but I think she had about passed out by then.
Terri said “Bill, I think we need to put her to bed. Would you mind carrying her for me? She’s gotten just a little too big for me to lift. ”
So I put her arms around my neck, and I lifted her 90 pound frame, and carried her to her bedroom.

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   Terri turned the light on, and I laid Jennifer on her back. Of course, I noticed that her shirt was open and her boobs were hanging out. But once I laid her down, I closed her shirt as much as possible. Terri got a blanket for her, and I thought I noticed a little smile from her. Then lights off, and we headed back into the living room.
Terri snuggled up next to me on the couch, and began rubbing my chest. “That was nice in there, covering Jennifer up like you did. A lot of men would have just left her exposed. That says a lot for you. ”
“Don’t think anything about it. I wouldn’t want to be exposed like that if asleep, and I didn’t think Jennifer wanted that either. ”
“Well, thanks, just the same. It scored major points with me. ” Then she began rubbing my chest with her right hand. She then grabbed my left hand and inserted it into her shirt, already partially unbuttoned, and put it on her right boob.

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   I began rubbing her tit and moved to stroking and pulling her nipple, then moved my hand to her other boob and giving it the same treatment. She began to go “OOOOOHH” as I got more and more aggressive with her nipples, and her own excitement increased.
She noticed my excitement also, and moved her hand to my crotch, stroking my cock through my shorts. My 7” dick grew to its fullest under the guidance of her hand. Terri began stroking my cock up and down through the material, making me increasingly excited. I reached my own hand to the crotch of her shorts, stroking her pussy. I noticed a wet spot was beginning to form there, and was about ready to go for her zipper, when we heard a noise.
“MOM, I think I’m going to be sick!” And then Jennifer threw up all over her clothes and bed. Terri and I came rushing to her room, and Terri said “Bill, I’m going to need some help here. Take her to the bathroom to get cleaned up, while I take care of the rest of this mess. ” Then Terri took Jennifer’s shirt and shorts off (no undies to fool with), and I helped her naked daughter across the hall. I started the bath water, while she just sat on the toilet, only partially aware of what was going on. Then I put her in the tub, got a handful of liquid soap, and began cleaning her.
I started on her neck and chest, ‘cleaning’ her boobs and nipples thoroughly. I could feel her boobs getting firmer as her nipples grew to their maximum.

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   Then I moved down to her tummy, and on to her legs. When finished there, I stood her back up and cleaned off her ass, then her beautiful blonde pussy. I paid special attention to the lips, running my finger between them a few times, causing a slow moan from her. I then concentrated on the outer lips and the hair on her mons before I sat her down again and reached for a towel. Terri had just entered the bathroom at that point, and slipped a pair of undies on her. I picked her up once more, and carried her to her fresh bed.
“Let’s not dress her any further, Bill, in case she gets sick again later on. I don‘t want to clean clothes twice in one night. ”
“Whatever you think’s best, Terri. But she should have a blanket so that she won’t get cold tonight” I advised.
We then retreated back to the living room. Terri said “Thank you so much for your help. I couldn’t have done it without you. ”
“That’s quite all right. I just hope Jennifer’s not too embarrassed at having given me a peep show tonight.

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“I don’t think she’ll remember it at all, to be honest. Now, I think I’m going to have to turn in--I’m beat. But I hope we can pick up where we left off tonight, and soon. In fact, Jennifer and I were going to have a sunbathing time Saturday morning, and I’d love for you to join us. ”
“That is a date. Just let me know if I can bring anything. ”
“I think we’re OK on supplies for now. Now don’t forget tomorrow. ”
“I’ll be here, don’t worry. Thanks for a wonderful evening, Terri. Good night. ”
“G’night, Bill” she returned.
I walked to my condo, wondering what we’re getting started here. I had about sworn off women after my wife, but now I began to wonder if I was being too quick to judge…
Next morning, I arrived at their condo at 9:45. Jennifer greeted me at the door wrapped in a towel, and said “Hi, Bill! Come on in!” Then she turned around, and the towel dropped off her body.

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   I had a great view of her ass as she walked away from me, and turned down the hall to her room.
“Terri?” I called.
“Right here, Bill” she replied. “I was just trying to decide what to wear. ” She then came out of the bathroom, naked as a jaybird. “Oh, I hope you don’t mind--Jennifer and I don’t have much use for clothes in the house. ”
‘MIND??!!’ I thought to myself. ‘Two naked beauties walking around in front of me, and I should mind?’ Then I brought myself back to my senses, and said “No, do whatever you need to get ready. I’ll just wait for Jennifer in the living room. ”
Terri fretted around for several more minutes, before she came out (fully dressed) and asked how she looked. “If you really want to knock them dead, don’t wear those silly clothes. But if you have to, those look wonderful on you. ”
“Thanks” Terri said. “You’re sweet. But I have to leave now.


   See you around 2:00?”
“Sounds fine” I replied.
Then Terri was off. I was just beginning to wonder about Jennifer, when she called me into her room. “Should I wear these shorts or these?” I found it hard to reply, since she didn’t have a stitch on yet. I looked at those sexy boobs, slowly down to her sparse pussy hair, and further down her long slender legs. “Bill, did you hear me?”
“I’m sorry, Jennifer. I’m not used to looking at a naked angel. ” She blushed at the compliment. “Wear the ones in your left hand. ” And she immediately pulled them over her legs and ass, then pulled her tank-top shirt over her head. The midriff portion had been cut off, leaving her slim tummy exposed. No undies today.
We headed to a remote region of the county, parked the car, got a couple of cameras, and headed off into the woods. I knew where a small lake was located in a clearing, and we hiked the 15 minutes it took to get there. The temperature was already in the 90s, and we were both soaked with sweat by the time we arrived at the lake.

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   When Jennifer saw the water, she squealed in glee, removed her shoes, and ran full speed into the water, soaking herself. Since she was wearing a white shirt, I could see her boobs and erect nipples clearly through the wet material. I was trying to conceal my growing erection, but was only marginally successful.
When she finally started to wade toward the shore, I snapped some photos of her. She was a beautiful subject, and I couldn’t wait to see the developed pictures. “Let’s get started on how to use a camera” she said excitedly. I showed her what she needed to know to get started, and she seemed to be a natural. She even climbed into a tree to get a better view of a bird’s nest. I got a great view up the leg of her shorts, and several free looks at her pussy. I had my own camera, and started taking pictures myself. After a little while of this, we were both dripping with sweat again, so we both decided to take a dip in the water. She went fully under again, but when she came up for air, she had stripped her shirt off. Her erect nipples were the crowning touch to her upper body. After 15 minutes of playing in the water, we had to leave. I was out first, and took several more pictures of her exiting the water sans shirt.


When she got to the shore, she put her shoes on, then pulled her shorts off. “I want to hike back to the car naked” she informed me. I noticed for the first time that she didn’t have any tan lines anywhere. “C’mon, join me, Bill. ” With an invitation like that, I didn’t really have any choice, did I?
We both hiked nude (except for shoes) all the way back to my car, but I had to get her to dress before we were out in the open again. On the way back home, Jennifer kept pulling her shirt off, but had to cover up occasionally when another car approached. We got home with about 5 minutes to spare before her mother got home also. Terri thanked me profusely, but I told her the pleasure was mine. I developed all the pictures that evening, and decided to show them to Terri when I went sunbathing at her house this Saturday. Saturday rolled around, and I arrived at their condo at about 10:00. Jennifer answered the door in a tiny bikini, leaving little to the imagination. “Hi, Bill! Mom’s out in the back yard already. Go ahead and I’ll be out in a sec. ”
I went to the back, and found Terri spreading an old king-size bedspread out, easily enough for three sunbathers. Plenty of cold drinks were handy, plus tanning lotion.

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   “Hi, Terri” I said when she looked up.
“Oh, hi, Bill. You’ve arrived just in time. I need someone to apply suntan lotion to my back and shoulders for me. ” She squirted some onto the palm of my hand, and I began rubbing it in as Jennifer arrived. Terri then undid her top, letting her boobs fall free, and Jennifer followed suit. “As I said before, we don’t care much about showing our bodies to each other, and since you’ve seen both of us in some degree of nudity, you can be included in that close group. I hope you don’t mind…”
“What man would mind seeing the two of you half-naked?” I asked. I continued applying the lotion to her back, then Terri rolled over onto her back, exposing her boobs to me completely.
“Would you do my front, too?” she asked. Not being one to refuse a pretty lady, I started on her shoulders, worked my down to her boobs, and lingered on her erect nipples for a while. “Jennifer, do you have something to tell Bill?”
“Oh yeah, thanks Mom. I almost forgot. Bill, I understand that I owe you some thanks for cleaning me up last weekend when I got sick, so thank you for that. ”
“I was happy I was there to help you and your mother.

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   I just hope you’re not too embarrassed at me seeing you naked. For most girls, they would rather die than be seen nude by a male. ” “Oh, that. We aren’t too worried about nudity in our home. I just wish I hadn’t been sick, but otherwise, I’m not at all concerned about that. ” Then she looked at Terri and said “Mom, can I now?” Apparently they had talked about something that I wasn’t in on.
“I suppose it’s OK, Jennifer. Go ahead. ”
Then Jennifer untied the strings on her bikini bottoms, saying to me “I prefer an all over tan. Since you have already seen me naked, I didn’t think it would be a problem…”
“No, no problem at all” I replied. Then Terri lifted her ass, and slid her bottoms off as well, and I thought I had died and gone to heaven. Two nude females, each as beautiful as the other, lying on either side of me, and not even caring that I could see their nakedness!
Then Jennifer chimed in. “What about you, Bill?” “Now Jennifer” her mother interrupted. “We said there would no pressure on Bill, remember?”
“Don’t worry, Terri. I was just waiting for the OK from you before I disrobed.

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  ” And with that, I slid my trunks over my ass and down my legs, exposing my white midsection to the sun for the first time.
Terri said “Please continue with the suntan lotion, Bill. We do have all-over tans, but can still get burned if we’re not real careful. ” I continued applying the lotion then, starting on her feet, and working my way slowly up her legs. Then I concentrated on her pussy area. I applied lotion on her outer lips, and on her mons (where her hairs had been neatly trimmed). Then I gave her lips a little extra attention again, which caused a quick inhalation of breath. I applied a little pressure then, and my finger slipped between those beautiful pussy lips (which had also been trimmed), and she inhaled sharply again, then said “AAAAHHHH” as an orgasm hit her. I could see her female juices flowing out of her cunt. Then Jennifer said “Bill, can you do the same for me?” With a wink from Terri, I started on Jennifer’s back, working my way down to her ass. Just like with her mother, I paid a little more attention to her ass, before moving down her left leg and then down to her foot. I then switched to her right foot, and moved slowly up her leg, making sure I got her inner thighs, and ‘accidentally’ brushing against her pussy lips a few times. Jennifer then flipped over, and I started on her shoulders, moved around her tits down to her tummy, but not touching her tits at first. When Jennifer noticed this, she moved my hands to her boobs, and I paid special attention to them then, massaging all around her nipples, then finally touching the already erect buds. Jennifer said “MMMMMM” when I finally reached her nipples, and she seemed to be enjoying herself.

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   I moved down her tummy to her right leg, paying extra attention to her inner thigh, moving down to her foot, then moved up her left leg and back up to her pussy. Her legs were spread, and I could see that her inner lips had dropped between her outer lips, and a little wetness had formed on her pussy. In addition, her clit was beginning to swell and beg for attention.
Then Terri said “Our turn now, Bill. ” The timing was fortunate, since I’m not sure if I could have resisted going further than that with Jennifer. I laid on my chest, and they started at the shoulders, moving down and down, until they were both on my ass, giving me the same type of massage I had given them earlier. They moved almost in unison down my legs before the two of them rolled me over for an application on my front side. Again, they moved from top to bottom. “I’ve never had a four-handed massage before. This feels heavenly” I said to them. They moved down to my stomach, then a little lower, where the head of my cock was lying erect. They then moved down to my feet and worked slowly up to my crotch. “I think this cock needs some extra protection, Jennifer” I heard Terri say. “You get the balls real good, and I’ll concentrate on the shaft. ”
Jennifer did as she was told.

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   Terri said “Be careful, honey, because a man’s balls are very sensitive. Don’t squeeze very tightly, just rub over them. ”
“Mom, I thought the balls usually hung lower than Bill’s are now. ”
“You’re right” I told Jennifer. “But when a man is sexually excited, as I am both from seeing you two naked, and from having you touch me like you’re doing, the balls pull up toward the body” I explained. “And if your mother keeps rubbing the head of my cock like that, you’ll see a man come. ”
“Can you do that for me?!! Would you mind, Mom?” came her excited questions.
“I don’t mind if Bill doesn’t” replied Terri.
“Go right ahead” I said to her, and Terri increased the pressure on my cock head, and held my cock straight up. I could feel the cum rising in my cock. Jennifer kept rubbing my balls, increasing the inevitability of my impending cum. And then it happened: I started shooting what seemed like gallons of cum all over my cock, Terri’s hands, and my midsection. I even hit Terri and Jennifer with a few of the stronger jets.
“COOL!” was Jennifer’s reaction. “I’ve never seen that before.

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“I should hope not!” said Terri, in typical motherly fashion.
After I had finished shooting, Terri took a little of my cum on one finger, and brought it to Jennifer’s mouth, saying “Taste it--it won’t harm you, and you may just like it. ” Jennifer tentatively licked Terri’s finger, and said “That’s not bad! Can I have some more?” After I had finished shooting, Terri took a little of my cum on one finger, and brought it to Jennifer’s mouth, saying “Taste it--it won’t harm you, and you may just like it. ” Jennifer tentatively licked Terri’s finger, and said “That’s not bad! Can I have some more?”
The girls proceeded to clean me up with their tongues, while I recovered. “Now, Jennifer, I’ll show you how men do that same type of thing to women. ” I motioned for Terri to sit on my face, and I stuck my tongue deeply into her pussy. She was still excited, and her pussy was soaking wet. I licked every crevice I could reach, in and out, up and down, and her wetness began flowing out of her pussy. I moved up her slit to her clit, circled it with my tongue, then gave it a quick lick. I felt her stiffen a little, so I put a finger into her pussy, and began an in and out movement. I went back to her clit with my tongue, and licked it over and over again, until Terri began coming herself, saying “AAAAHHHH” as her juices began flowing like a river. I drank up what I could, but some flowed onto my face, and onto the blanket. I pulled my finger out of her cunt, and licked her juices off. Terri then climbed off me and stretched out to recover. “Now me, Mom! That looks like fun!” I looked over to Terri for approval, and she merely smiled.

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   I think she was excited by the idea of Jennifer having a male teach her about sex, even though there was no actual intercourse. I had Jennifer lie on her back and spread her knees as wide as she could. Her pussy was spread wide open, with her insides clearly visible, and clearly wet. Her nipples were erect already, and I reached up with one hand and began massaging them. With my other hand, I put one finger into her very wet pussy, and began moving it in and out. I took a long lick from bottom to top, then gave her clit a quick kiss. She jumped at that, saying “MMMM” when I did it, so I gave her clit another, slightly longer kiss, while I continued stroking my finger in and out of her cunt. Her next “MMMMMM” was a bit longer, and her juices began flowing more freely again. One more long suck on her clit, and her ass rose off the blanket, and she inhaled deeply with a “MMMMMMMMM” right after that, and her juices began flowing river-like. “OH GOD MOM, I THINK I’M COMINNNNGGGG!” I thought the whole condo complex was going to hear her then, but fortunately, everyone else had sense enough to be indoors then. Her juices were running out of her pussy, so I put my hands under her ass to try to suck up every last drop. When I slowly pulled my finger out of her hole, she came again, but with less intensity than before. I let her ass down, and began to lick her pussy juices off my hand, when her mother said “Why do you get all of her juices, Bill? Can’t I share?”
I let Terri lick her daughter’s juices off my finger and hand, and she said, “Not bad Jennifer, not bad at all. ” Jennifer just blushed.
I said to Terri “Looks like we’ve got three very sweaty people here.

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   Why don’t we get cleaned up, then we’ll decide what we want to do next? I think the blanket needs a little cleaning also. ” Everybody got a giggle out of that one.
We gathered everything up, and headed into the house for a while. When Jennifer asked who got the shower first, both Terri and I said “Nobody. ” Jennifer got a puzzled look on her face for a moment, then said “Oh, all at once, right?”
Terri said “That’s my girl--always quick to figure things out that are right in front of her. ”
Jennifer smiled then stuck her tongue out at Terri. We all headed to the bathroom then, and turned on the shower. The ladies started on me first, cleaning me all over, but paying special attention to my cock, ass, and surrounding areas. They took turns stroking my cock, and by the time they finished, I had a raging erection; I had to stop them or I would be coming in the next few seconds. Terri pinched the end of my cock, and my cum receded. “There are better places to do that than in the shower. ” I then returned the favor to the ladies. I cleaned their boobs quite well--they soon had the cleanest nipples ever known to man. I then moved down to their pussies, and rubbed a finger in between each set of pussy lips, not actually penetrating, just parting the lips. I had the pleasure of doing this to both at once.


   Just like me, both had to stop my stimulation at one point, or they would have cum on my hand, and apparently we all had plans for after lunch.
After we got out of the shower, we all took our time drying each other off. We left the bathroom without clothes on, since there were no secrets between us, and then enjoyed a nude lunch together.
After lunch, we just sat in their living room on the sectional sofa, listening to music. Terri was absent-mindedly fondling my cock, and it began to get hard with her stimulations. As my cock grew to its full size, I noticed Jennifer fondling herself. Terri and I sat in the middle section of the sofa, and Jennifer was on an end section, with one foot propped up on the back of the couch, and the other foot on the floor. This gave us both an unencumbered view of her pussy, and we could easily see her insides getting wet. When Terri noticed what Jennifer was doing, she took the hint and began diddling herself. She kept the stimulation up on my cock, but soon changed positions and began sucking my cock, sticking her ass toward Jennifer. Jennifer took that as a hint, and moved over to her mother’s rear end, and began sticking her fingers into her mother’s pussy, while still masturbating. Soon, Terri pulled away from Jennifer, in order to sit on my cock. She was already excited, and slid over my cock with ease. I began pumping in and out slowly at first, bringing the head of my cock nearly out of her pussy, then sliding back in all the way. I slowly increased the speed, and within two minutes, Terri took a deep breath and said “AAAAAAAHHHHH” as she had her orgasm.

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   I could feel my own orgasm coming, and said to Terri “Do you want me to cum in or out?”
Terri said breathlessly “In, out, I don’t care, as long as you do it soon!!” Then she said “AAAAAHHHH” once again as she had her second come. I began coming into her pussy then, and shot a few shots deeply, before withdrawing and shooting the rest on her chest and pussy hair. My cock was still stroking between her pussy lips, and Terri’s third “AAAAAAAHHHH” then came before she collapsed on my chest.
After she rolled off, Jennifer jumped on me with her mouth, and began licking Terri’s cum and mine off my cock. She then licked the cum off her mother’s pussy hair and lips, and my cock began to respond to that sexy sight. “Mom, can I fuck Bill now, please? You know I can’t get pregnant yet, so there’s no real danger to anybody. PLEASE?”
By then, I was completely rock hard again. Terri nodded her approval, and I said to Jennifer “Sit on the couch, with one leg over your mother’s leg, and one leg over the arm of the couch. ” This would get her pussy spread as wide as possible for my grand entrance. I could see that she was soaking wet already, so foreplay wasn’t needed. “Now this could hurt for a bit, once I break your hymen, but after then, tell me when you’re ready, and we’ll start fucking again. Ready?” Jennifer said “I couldn’t be more ready, Bill. Go ahead and start. ”
I put the head of my cock against the opening of her pussy, and slowly inserted it through her velvety, wet folds. I pulled almost all the way out, and repeated steps one and two again.


   When I pushed my cock back in a third time, I heard Jennifer go “MMMMMMM”, and I could tell she was getting near her orgasm. I pushed it in far enough this time to hit her hymen, and she suddenly froze. “I just hit your hymen, otherwise known as your cherry. I will break through it in a moment, and you will feel some pain for a while, but it will quickly go away, and we’ll start in and out motions again. ”
“OK, Bill, let’s do it!”
I pulled my cock out slowly again, almost to the point of her pussy releasing it, then slipped it back in again quickly. Her cherry held it up for a second, then tore, and my cock slipped further in.  Jennifer screamed aloud for a few seconds, then tears began rolling down her cheeks. Terri wiped the tears off, then said “Jennifer that is the only time there will be pain. When you feel like moving again, just let us know. ” I kept my cock buried in her virginal cunt--it felt like warm, slick velvet, and I could feel her juices cascading over my cock.
Shortly, Jennifer said “All right, I think I can move again. ” I started moving my cock in and out once more, and she began moving in time with my movements. Eventually, her movements and breathing became faster. She took in another breath, held it for a few seconds, then said “MMMMMMMM” to her first cock-induced orgasm. I started pumping faster and faster, and twisting her nipples, and her “MMMMMMMM” was heard once again.

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   I looked down and saw her sexy tummy contracting with her orgasms. Jessica then fell onto my chest, and I shot my load deep into her pussy. Her pussy dripped her juices, some blood, and my cum between her ass cheeks, and onto the couch cushion. “OOOHH GOD! That was s-o-o-o good! When can we do it again?” she asked, out of breath.
“It will have to be after my cock has a chance to recover” I replied. Then an idea hit me. “Terri, I have an idea. How about if I take some pictures of you two 69-ing each other? That is, if you’re both willing?”
They both thought about this for just a few seconds, then Terri said “OK, if Jennifer is willing also. ”
Jennifer said “Willing? I’ve been wanting to do this for a long time. And the pictures will show us how sexy we look, too. ”
“Then let’s get started!” I said. I got my camera out, arranged the lighting, and began shooting them both, starting with them feeling each other’s tits, then moving down to put their fingers in each other’s pussy. They both were making their particular noises, and you could hear their fingers making squishing noises in each other’s cunts. Then Terri moved Jennifer atop her, and they formed the sexiest 69 I have ever had the pleasure of seeing. Terri put a finger inside Jennifer’s pussy, and she emitted a “MMMMM” each time her mother’s finger went into her pussy.

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   Similarly, each time Jennifer put a finger into her mother’s pussy, you could hear an “AAAAHHH” from Terri. Terri then started sucking on Jennifer’s clit, and Jennifer began mashing her pussy onto Terri’s mouth. Then, “MMMMMMMM” was heard by all as Jennifer began coming into her mother’s mouth. Terri pulled her finger out and sucked almost all of it up, and then it was Jennifer’s turn. She put her mouth right on Terri’s clit, and lightly bit and sucked on it. Terri stiffened up, held her breath, and then said her typical “AAAAHHHH” as she came right into Jennifer’s mouth.
Jennifer was still too small to catch all of her mother’s juices, and they ran between Terri’s ass cheeks and onto the couch. I was thrilled to be able to catch all of the action. As they both laid down, I could easily see that their faces were soaking wet from each other’s cum. I then put the camera on a stand and timed the shots, so that I could lick the female cum off their faces. They tasted nearly the same, but with a slightly sweeter taste to Jennifer’s juices.
“When can we see the pictures, Bill?” asked the always-curious Jennifer. “I can’t wait. ”
“I’ll develop them tonight. I got great pictures of both of you sucking and coming.

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   I think you’ll be pleased. ”
Terri then said “I’m exhausted. I think it’s time to call it a day, Bill. But feel free to come over tomorrow morning as soon as you have the pictures. ”
“It’s a date!” I said before departing.

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